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This paper attempts to study the role of Generation Y in expressing their

problems, engaging the government through the media especially the social
media, and in deciding and voicing their views in the ballot box during the 2008
and 2013 general elections. Generation Y has utilized the social media after the
traditional media, like the print and broadcasting media, give them limited space
for them to engage with the government and the oppositions Therefore, a survey
had been conducted in studying the perception of Generation Y towards media
and political participation. This research was able to gather 1,029 respondents
from the age 15 till 25 years old. In overall, the findings show that this
generation was a little bit sceptical on the new media but they believe
that the new media can be the best tool for the youth to engage more
with the government. Therefore, it is clear that the result of the survey
election is in line with the importance of social media and Generation Y
in dominating the public sphere in Malaysia.

Shiratuddin, N., Sani, M., Hassan, S., Ahmad, M., Khalid, K., & Ahmad, N. (2016).
Penyertaan politik generasi y dan sosial media di Malaysia. Jurnal Komunikasi:
Malaysian Journal of Communication, 32(1), 125-143.
Pengintegrasian Teknologi Web 2.0 dalam Mencapai Pembelajaran Bermakna
Analisa Hamdan, Rosseni Din, Siti Zuraida Abdul Manaf, Nor Syazwani Mat Salleh,
Intan Farahana Kamsin, Helmi Norman, Nor Mohamad Ismail, Ahmad Syukri
Mohamad Zaid
The education system in Malaysia is constantly changing in terms of the use of
technology in teaching and learning process (T&L). Many studies have been
conducted to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the technologies in the
classroom. However, lack of studies have been made to identify students'
perceptions of the integration of Web 2.0 approaches in achieving meaningful
learning. The objective of this study was to identify the perception of the
students feeling, technologies strengths, weaknesses, challenges and
suggestions while using Web 2.0 technologies in order to achieve meaningful
learning. Semi-structured interview protocol was used and the study was carried
out through the interaction on Twitter towards 13 undergraduate students of
Teaching English as a Second Language. The study found that the
integration of technology in the classroom will increase student interest
in using Web 2.0 technologies. Besides, result shows that there were
several advantages and disadvantages of Web 2.0 technology
integration in T&L process. This study aims to help teachers and the
implementer of I-MeT model to make improvements in T&L process
based on the challenges and suggestions provided by the respondents
through their perceptions. Further research was suggested to be done in
finding out lecturers perception based on integration of Web 2.0 technologies to
achieve meaningful learning.


*Jamilah Man, Yahya Don & Siti Noor Ismail
Pusat Pengajian Pendidikan & Bahasa Moden
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Transformational leadership practices among school leaders are importance in
achieving the country towards making Malaysia a developed country to achieve
Vision 2020. Efforts to increase leadership was introduced in Malaysia Education
Blueprint 2013-2025. This study was conducted to determine the relationship
between Transformational leadership and teachers quality among teachers of
generation 'Y' in Maktab Rendah Sains MARA, North Zone, Peninsular Malaysia.
This study used a cross sectional survey method using a standardized
questionnaire. The instrument used was the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire
(MLQ) developed by Bass and Avolio in 1995 to measure the practice of
leadership. While the quality of teachers was measured by using Model
Establishment of Quality Teachers formed by Azizah Sarkowi in 2012. The
findings showed that there was a significant positive relationship
between transformational leadership and school leaders with the
quality of teachers. Therefore, it is recommended that transformational
leadership dimensions can be applied to the principal in every school to
ensure that school leadership is at its best, in line with the National
Education Blueprint 2013-2025.
Keywords: Transformational leadership, teachers quality, generation 'Y'
International Journal of the Malay World and Civilisation (Iman) 3(2), 2015: 43 - 51
Elemen Motivasi Intrinsik dalam Model Pembangunan Diri Remaja dari Perspektif
Kajian terhadap Motivasi Alihan Pelajar (MAP) di Kuala Lumpur
Elements of Intrinsic Motivation in An Adolescent Self Development Model from
An Islamic Perspective:
A Study on Motivasi Alihan Pelajar (MAP) in Kuala Lumpur
Nur Shahidah Paad, Yusmini Yusoff & Norrodzoh Siren
Remaja adalah generasi penting kepada masa depan negara. Oleh itu, negara
amat memerlukan remaja yangmembangun secara holistik dari segenap aspek,

spiritual, emosi, intelek, sosial dan fizikal. Namun, perubahan zamanpada

era globalisasi kini menjadi cabaran kepada proses pembangunan tersebut.
Motivasi adalah elemen yang amatpenting dalam usaha membangunkan diri
remaja di samping mengekang masalah sosial. Hakikatnya, motivasi
didapatisemakin merosot pada usia remaja. Justeru, suntikan motivasi menerusi
program motivasi bermodul adalah amatpenting. Dengan menggunakan metode
analisis kandungan secara holistik, kertas ini cuba mengupas elemen motivasi
intrinsik dari perspektif Islam yang digunakan di dalam modul Motivasi Alihan
Pelajar (MAP). Berdasarkan analisis, Modul Motivasi Alihan Pelajar
pembangunan diri dalam perspektif Islam seperti yang tersebut.
Paradigma yang digunakan di dalam modul ini boleh menjadi rujukan
kepada semua pihak yang bertanggungjawab untuk membentuk
pembangunan diri remaja yang lebih sempurna.
Kata kunci: Motivasi; perspektif Islam; pembangunan diri; remaja dan modul
Motivasi Alihan Pelajar

S14. Pada pendapat anda, apakah faktor utama bagi menghalang

penyelewengan, salah guna kuasa dan rasuah di organisasi (pilih satu jawapan
Menghebahkan keputusan oleh pihak pengurusan berkaitan prestasi dan
tindakan tatatertib terhadap pegawai dan staf
Meningkatkan latihan pengurusan sumber manusia kepada pegawai dan staf
yang mengurus sumber manusia
Meningkatkan iltizam/komitmen ketua organisasi dalam usaha membanteras
Kriteria yang jelas dan telus dalam membuat keputusan
Mewujudkan sistem pengurusan sumber manusia yang jelas dan telus

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