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N479 Leadership Management Shadowing Activity Form

Name: Aimee Apedjinou Sam, Date of Activity: 24/10/2016 Faculty name: Mary OConnell
Who did you shadow (add their credentials too)?
Lindsay Williams, BSN, CMSRN, CNL(c), Patient Care Coordinator at Southern Arizona VA
Health Care System.

Role of this leader and where do they practice? (Be specific)

The role of the leader that I shadowed is to coordinate the patients care, follow up the admissions
processes, discharges, and maintenance of the equipments. She is in charge of the education of
the staff, in charge of the immunization of the staff for the units (CDU, 3 East Med Surg unit).
She is practicing in acute setting covering two units: CDU and 3 East Medical Surgical Unit and
had six years of experience as medical surgical nurse. She is cooperating as part of an
interprofessional team by communicating, planning, and implementing care directly with other
healthcare professionals including physicians, pharmacists, social workers, clinical nurse
specialists and nurse practitioners. Some of her duties is to facilitate transfer of patients between
different units and advocate for the patients and the health professional team. She is working
closely with bed control to see for admission, transfer, and discharge of patients. When
unexpected incidents occurred at the bedside such as falls of the patients, she is responsible to
talk to the patient family and presents excuses. Besides that, she is doing the evaluation of
pressure ulcer prevention and management with the vanod skin assessment sheets and follow up
the administration of heparin and other medication at high risk. This allowed her to measure the
quality practice on patients care outcomes.

Discuss the benefit and value of this experience to you (Be specific).
This experience was benefit for me because it allowed me to see the role of the clinical leader
nurse, her daily schedule, and duties in the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System
(SAVAHCS). It was a value for me to see the interaction between the CNL with staff, patients,
and familys members and to know if I will likely to do it in the future or not. I also learned that
the clinical leader advocates for patient and for staff. In addition, she provides education to the
staff and investigate to know the education and training to give the staff to be more competent.
She did not have her license as CNL, but she is working on it and has the expectations as
required the license CNL.

Would you recommend this specific shadowing experience in the future; why or why not?
(Describe why or why not)
Yes, I will recommend this specific shadowing experience in the future because it was a good
experience learning for me as student nurse and to figure out if I am interested to do this training
later to be a part of my education and what are the requirement to be a clinical leader. In
addition, the clinical leader nurse is a leader in healthcare delivery across all setting and
contribute to improve patients outcomes by using evidence based practices.

Business card obtained/attached? Signature on validation of clinical hours form obtained? yes

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