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Topic 1: Learning by doing or through books

Some people believe the best way to learn anything is learning by doing. Others would
rather learn through books and from teachers. Think of learning a new language. Which
way do you think is a better way to learn a language?

Task: Support your opinions.

Thesis Statement: Many language teachers agreed that two best way to learn a new
language are through books, attend an language center, find a language teacher or
learning by doing through conversion classed, communicate with native speakers, etc.
But no one knows for sure which one is better.
Topic Sentences:
i. It is true that being thrust into an environment in which it is spoken. By being
force to use the language to communicate needs, people can pick up the basics
surprising quick. Native speakers can help student expand vocabulary, improve
pronunciation and learn how to use words and idioms correctly.
ii. There is a fact that most American doesnt speak English very well, even after
living there for 20 years or more. The example reveals the truth that living in
foreign countries does not make you speak the countrys language very well. The
reason simply because you are not forced to learn good grammar, good
pronunciation or a large vocabulary because you can do quite well without those
things in everyday life.
iii. Learning a new language through books and from teachers establish a strong
foundation for students. A good teacher helps them to learn language in a correct
way, using good grammar and fix the mistakes. Some students are even able to
learn language through self teaching, they buy books in bookstore or via Internet,
and they tried to practice by their own. But sometimes, learning through that way
lack of critics to help students improve their skill.

Full essay
Many language teachers agreed that two best way to learn a new language are through
books, attend an language center, find a language teacher or learning by doing through
conversion classed, communicate with native speakers, etc. But no one knows for sure
which one is better
A lot of people think the best way to learn a new language is force to use it, you are
learning by doing. Therefore, they immerse themselves, they find to speak with native
speakers, or even go to foreign countries to learn that countrys language.
It is true that thrust into an environment where are forced to use language in
communicate needs, people pick up the basics surprising quick. Native speakers can help
them expand vocabulary, pronunciation or use grammar and idiom correctly. Therefore,
learning by doing tend to have good accents than the others.
However, according to studies by experts, in fact, most American does not speak English
very well, even those who have lived for 20 years. The reason is simply because in
everyday life, you can communicate quite well without using good grammar or even
good pronunciation. That result means learning by doing have a big hole and seems not
be a good way to learn a language.
On the other hands, learning a language through books and from teachers can establish a
strong foundation to you. The teachers can teach you the basics things when use a
language, so you can learn language in a good and effective way. Furthermore, they can
fix your language mistakes and support you use grammar correctly. A good book is also a
good tool for your learning. But in almost students opinions, that method is lack of
critics or ambitions to improve their skill. So someone might loses their interest and give
up real quick.
In my opinion, there is no best way to learn anything, not only learning a language,
because everyone learns slightly differently. However, some methods appear to be more
effective than others. Hence you can first start learn through books and teachers. After
your skills are improved and you feel competent enough, you can try learning by doing.
The most important thing is remember, it may hard and waste times, but it is worth the

Topic 2: Moving capitals

In many part of the world and through history, governments have moved their capitals.
Why would they do this? What are the potential problems and benefits? Would you vote
for moving your capital?

Task: Support your opinions.

Thesis statements: It is true that moving capital may bring a good opportunity to
develop in a country; however, I myself do not want to move our current capital.
Topic sentences:
i. The governments have moved their capitals mostly because of economics and
strategic reasons.
ii. There might causes a lot of troubles, because it takes a lot of time, money and
iii. However, moving capital to a new location will bring a new opportunity to
develop a country.
iv. In my opinion, I myself dont support to move our current capital.

In 1712, Peter I of Russia moved his government from Moscow to Saint Petersburg to
give the Russian Empire a western orientation. The Ming Emperors of ancient China
moved their capital to more central Beijing from Nanjing as to better supervise the
borders with Mongols and Manchus. Throughout history, in many part of the world,
governments have moved their capital mostly because of economic or strategic reasons.
Moving the capital is a big decision and must be considered in prior years. Firstly, the
cost is a massive huge. A capital of a country is often the central of cultural, economics
and politics. Therefore, relocate capital also means relocate all the infrastructure,
economic industrial, head office, etc. Another thing is, this work may affect in life of
almost citizen and causes a lot of troubles.
On the other hand, a new location will bring a good opportunity for a country. In most
cases, the new location have geographically convenience allows growth and can respond
to challenges.
In my opinion, I support to move our current capital to a new place. Although we are
celebrating a great ceremony to commemorate a thousand year of Hanoi, the historical
advantages that led Hanoi becomes the capital no longer exist. According to the studies
of Harvard University in 2007, poor infrastructure, overpopulation, urbanization are
serious problems with Hanoi at that time. If Hanoi remains the capital, it will not only be
a burden to the whole nation but also a dead end to the city. Hence, I support government
should move the capital to a medium size in the Middle are of the country like Danang or
Hue, even Hochiminh city. Those cities have more geographical convenience that support
development, foreign trade, etc,

Topic 3: The 21st century

The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring? Use
examples and details in your answer.

Task: Support your opinions

Thesis statement: I expect 21st century will bring a huge step to human life.
Topic sentences:
i. First of all, the development in medicine will bring a new hope to cure fatal
disease such as cancer or even AIDS and extend human life span.
ii. Secondly, the transportation between places will be faster and more convenient.
We can even travel to outer space.
iii. The communication all over the world will become easier.
iv. Lastly, the bad affects of the new century like overpopulation, global warming,

Man, throughout the history, have taken a huge step from the day when he lives in dark
cold caves to these days when he can build and live in enormous sky crapper building.
Today is June 18, 2010. We are currently living in the first decade of 21st century. What
changes we expect this new century will bring?
First of all, it is the development of medicine. Medical investors may find the way to cure
fatal disease such as cancer, or even AIDS. We can enjoy the best healthcare services.
Therefore, human life swan will be extended and we can have more time to life with our
beloved people.
Secondly, I think the transportation in the new century will be speed up. We will move
from place to place faster and more convenient than. The most amazing things is travel
outer space. According to studies, the scientists have discovered that the Mars have
similar conditions as the Earth for human life. Someday, the imagination of living in
another planet outside the Earth will become a real thing.
Another thing I mention is the communication all over the world. With the spread of
Internet and globalization nowadays, it is no doubt that in about after thirty or forty years,
without leaving our chair, we can go shopping around, talk with our friends or even study
in schools.
Lastly, the new century not only bring to us great and good things. The bad affects of the
development will be more serious over the time. For instance, the global warming, our
planet is hotter and hotter. From the mid of 19th century, the temperature have increased
0.5 degrees Celsius. It sound not so high, but the different between our time and the Ice
Age is only 6 degrees. Global warming may causes a lot of disaster like hurricane,
tsunami, etc. If we do not do anything, 21st can be a dead end to human life.
To sum up, I am sure that amazing changes will come up in new century as well as
unwelcome changes. Everything is hard to predict. The most important thing is what we
do today will affect in life of us tomorrow.

Topic 4: Advertising
Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy thing we really dont need. Others
say that advertisements tell us about the new products and may improve our lives. Which
viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Task: Support your opinions
Thesis statement
Topic sentences

Topic 5: A gift to a child

A gift (such as a camera, a soccer ball, or an animal) can contribute to a child
development. What gift did you give to help childs develop? Why? Use reasons and
specific examples to support your choices.

Task: Support your opinions

Thesis statement:
Topic sentences:


Use the following excerpt from a business textbook to answer the question that follow.

The Americans with Disabilities Act

On July 26, 1990, President Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into
laws. One of the principle aims of the ADA is to extend the civil rights to protection
provided to groups based on the race, color, national origin, sex and religion to the more
than 43 million American citizens with disabilities. The protection provided the ADA
aims to increase the wage rate and the employment rate of disabled individuals by
eliminating employer discrimination.
Definitions of the ADAs Terms
Title I of the ADA prohibits employers from discrimination against qualified individuals
with disabilities. It requires covered employers to provide reasonable accommodation to
the known mental or physical limitation of qualified person with a disability, unless doing
so would create an undue hardship on the employer. The meaning of the basic terms used
to define Title I of the ADA are discussed below.

The term employer in the ADA refers to private employers, employment agencies, state
and local governments, and labor organization. Covered employers do not include the
United State government, a corporation wholly owned by the United States, r a Native
American Tribe.
Discrimination includes limiting, segregating, or classifying a job applicant or employee
in a way that adversely affects his or her opportunities or status based on the persons
disability. The ADA specifically covers job application procedures, hiring, advancement,
and discharge procedures; compensation and benefit packages; and job training.

A person with a disability is defined is the ADA as an individual who meets one of the
following criteria: (1) has a physical or mental impairment, which may be apparent or
hidden, that substantially limits one or more of the individuals major life activities, such
as walking, seeing, speaking, or the ability to perform manual task; (2) has a record of
such an impairment, such as a recovery from mental illness; or (3) is regarded as having
such an impairment. An impairment does not include physical characteristics;
predisposition or illness; personality traits that are not the result of a psychological
disorder; environmental, cultural, or educational disadvantages; or advanced age.
1. Assume you come across the following essay on a business exam. What task does
each question required you to do?
a. What is the ADA? Who is covered by the ADA? Who is not?
ADA is the abbreviation of Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA cover life of
about 43 million Americans with disabilities.
b. What does the term disability mean in the ADA? Give an example of who
does and does not qualify as a person with a disability.
According to the definitions attached, a person with a disability is an individual who
meets one of the following criteria: have a physical or mental impairment (apparent or
hidden), has a record of such an impairment, is regarded as having such an impairment.
For example, a person who has physical characteristics is not considering as an ADA.
c. What are some aims of the ADA? What kinds of processes does the ADA
The ADA aims to increase the wage rate, the employment rate of disabled of individuals
by eliminating employer discrimination.
2. Choose one of the essay question in 1 above. Then, use the information in the
excerpt to sketch a quick outline of what you night include in your response.
3. Write a thesis statement of each of the following essay questions. Refer to the
excerpt of the business textbook in the last practice set if you need to.
a. What is the ADA? Who is covered by the ADA? Who is not?
b. What does the term disability mean in the ADA? Give an example of who
does and does not qualify as a person with a disability.
c. What are some aims of the ADA? What kinds of processes does the ADA

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