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Manoplas 1d4+3

El primero magebane , el segundo cazador terrestre +1d6 extra cada uno

1 guerrero d10, 3 swasbuckler d10 (+int a los golpes), 2 de mago d4, 5 de
abujarante d10, ignore speel failure (d10) 10%, 4 de knight phantom (d10) .
Level mago
Combat casting, agregar conjuro, knowledge devotion, almacenar conjuro,
mejorar necromancia (+2 dificultad), nivel mago mejorado +3, weapon focus,
critico mejoraoh.
CA: +1 (swashbucler) +4 (armadura mago) + 9 (escudo) + 9 (armadura de
cactus, golpearme hace 1d6), +2 armadura penca +2 da un total de 37 AC +
DEX = 42
Ts 20/14/ 13
HP: 152
AB: 26/21/16

31/26/22 34/29/26

Dao combo: 10+ 1d6+ 2d6 (si es mgico), +12 si es terrestre +2d6
19+1+7+5= 32= + 3, +4 si sale entre 5-10, +5 11 en adelante
Str: 16 Dex: 18 Con: 18, Int: 24, wis: 8 Carisma: 14
Conjuros: 0 -6 1-7 2-7 3-7 4-7 5-6 6-5 7-3
2: ceguera
3: vampiric touch 7 d6
4: enervation -1d4 level,
5to: spiritalwall (1d10 tocar, TS o no cruza)
Heartfreeze: You encase the heart of the target creature in a block of ice.
The target becomes immediately exhausted and dies in 1d3+2 rounds.
The subject is entitled to a Fortitude saving throw to survive the attack.
If the target succeeds on the save, it instead takes 5d8 points of cold damage
and is not exhausted.
7: muerte, insanity

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