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La gra sali volando inmediatamente temiendo que el lobo cambiara de

parecer y se la comiera, en el camino de vuelta a su casa con su familia pens

que lobo tan desagradecido, si ni fuera por m quizs se habra quedado con el
hueso en la boca y quien sabe que le hubiera pasado en este momento.
Al llegar a la casa le dijo a su mama lo que le haba pasado, respondindole
ella: ests loca... como le ayudas al lobo, es el traicionero, no se debe confiar
en ellos.
La gra le contesto yo tuve que ayudarlo, no podra dejar al lobo con ese
La mama le dijo deberas dejar de ser tan amable con los animales peligrosos,
ya que ellos nunca cambiaran su manera de ser y en algn momento podran
La gra insisti en que el lobo debera cambiar su manera de comportarse con
los dems animales y no aislarlos. Pero le prometi que sera ms cuidadosa al
momento de escoger a quien ayudar.
The crane flew immediately fearing the wolf changed his mind and eat it on the way back
to his home with his family he thought "that wolf so ungrateful, if not out for me maybe
would have stayed with the bone in the mouth and who knows what would have happened
at this time. " Upon arriving home she told her mother what had happened, she answered
him: you're crazy ... as you help the wolf, is the treacherous, do not trust them. " Crane
answered him, "I had to help him, could not stop the wolf with that suffering." Mom said,
"should stop being so friendly with dangerous animals because they never change their
way of being and at some point could kill" Crane insisted that the wolf should change the
way they behave with other animals and not isolate them. But he promised to be more
careful when choosing who to help.

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