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Neuerer 1

Gabriella Neuerer
Professor Tyler
ENG 1201 Online
18 November 2016
Annotated Bibliography
The Consolations of Pornography: Is Porn Wrong or a Force for Good? TVF International.
Films Media Group, 2015.
Peter Tatchell is a human rights activist and founder of the Peter Tatchell Foundation. In
a film he speaks on the topic of pornography, another media for sex that teens can easily access.
He believes pornography has many downsides, but there are some important benefits to it.
Benefits include a form of education, using porn as a fulfilling outlet and it can also be very
empowering. Tatchell also brings up some very good points related to sexual education. Porn can
serve as a tool to learn, but because there is much degrading, harmful, and misleading porn,
teenagers should not be learning from those. Porn needs to be included as part of sexual
education, so teens can learn what is wrong and right. The topic being addressed in schools is
also a good way to help reduce the continuation of harmful porn being created in the future.

DiGenio, Natasha. "Censorship and Authority in Sex Education." American Educational History
Journal 43.1/2 (2016): 225-240. Education Research Complete. Web. 16 Oct. 2016.
Natasha DiGenio discusses three court cases from the 1970s in America about sex
education. At the time there was a movement, or sexual revolution so education was being
pushed to be taught in schools. However, there were those that opposed this movement, as

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DiGenio analyzes in the instances of three court cases. Two of the cases are Mercer v. Michigan
State Board of Education (1973), and Unitarian Church West v. McConnell (1972). In the first
case, a teacher, Alexander R. Mercer, fought for the right to teach his students about birth
control, but ultimately lost. In the second case it was the church trying to educate teenagers
about sex, until District Attorney McConnell decided they were violating Wisconsins obscenity
law. Judge John W. Reynolds decided that the District Attorney could not pursue a case that
violated freedom of speech. This case is important to show that we are still having the same
issues and arguments today that we were in the 70s.

Erlanger, Steven. "U.N. Guide for Sex Ed Generates Opposition." The New York Times. The
New York Times, 02 Sept. 2009. Web. 29 Oct. 2016.
This article is a good comparison to the 1970 court cases. 2009 Unesco, a branch of the
UN tried to create international sex education guidelines and were met with a lot of resistance.
For example, Michelle Turner, founder of Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum said, Im
really concerned about what they want to teach 5- to 8-year-olds, and I have concerns about their
position on abortion and the way they want to present it to youth. Even today there are efforts
being made to tech children more and sooner, and it is being met with the same resistance it was
in the 1970s. I really like this idea of parallelism and how difficult it is to change peoples minds,
even when the numbers support a change to sexual education being needed.

Friedman, David p, et al. Lifetime Health. Austin, Texas: A Harcourt Education Company, 2004.
This is the health text book from my own high school. Our textbook explains there is a

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specific formula for a healthy relationship which is as follows; initial attraction, friendship, close
friendship, deep friendship then lifelong love (Friedman, Stine, Whalen 457). This is a nice idea,
however not quite relevant to the world. Relationships start and grow in many different ways.
The whole topic of what sex is, is actually almost completely avoided. Most students dont
remember when they learned what sex is, but it wasnt in a classroom. By the time students have
their first health class, it is assumed everyone knows how it happens. If students were taught
what sex was from adults at a younger age, there probably would be more clarity.
Gardner, Emily A. "Abstinence-Only Sex Education: College Students Evaluations and
Responses." American Journal Of Sexuality Education 10.2 (2015): 125-139. Education
Research Complete. Web. 16 Oct. 2016.
This document contains interviews conducted with college students who had
experienced abstinence-only education in a public school. The students spoke about how
virginity was presented as the best, and only option, and what you should aim for. One girl
shared how when she went through sex education, she had already had sex and it felt her feeling
like the freak in the class and completely confused. This is not something school should ever
make a student feel. I also experienced abstinence-only education. I think it is important to
include in the paper personal accounts of this form of sexual education. It is back up my own
experiences with it.
Kann, Laura PhD, et al. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance United States, 2013. Morbidity
and Mortality Weekly Report, 2014. Vol. 63 1546-0738 (2013): 1-168. Web. 29 Oct.
In 2013, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention surveyed high school students

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and found that 47% of students had engaged in sexual intercourse, 34% had had sexual
intercourse during the previous 3 months, and, of these, 41% did not use a condom the last time
they had sex (Kann et al 1). That data shows that abstinence-only is not deterring teens from sex;
it is only failing to teach them how to do so safely. Safe sex is challenging to learn about,
especially when children are taught there is no safe sex other than abstinence.
"NAEA - National Abstinence Education Association." - About Us. N.p., 2007-2015. Web. 30
Oct. 2016.
The National Abstinence Education Association, or NAEA is an organization that
supports abstinence only education in schools. Their objectives are important to include in the
paper. None of the objectives were written towards teens, rather all about studying and
interpreting teens behaviors. I think this says a lot about the ultimate goals of those pushing
abstinence only education, and the goals arent necessarily centered on those receiving the
education. It is important to put this in the paper to show the other side of the argument and the
flaws in it.

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