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Tanya Gibson
March 10, 2015
Classroom Management Plan and First Day Script 4th grade

Arrival Procedure
1. Make sure to greet students with a smile.
2. Students will come in the room and put away belongings into appropriate
3. Students will go to their assigned seat and take out any homework or letters home
to parents and place then into folders at the end of each set of desks.
4. Take lunch count how many packed and how many will be eating hot lunch.
5. Attendance students will raise hand when their name is called.
6. Students will take out pencil and notebook to begin first class instruction.

Tardy Procedure
1. Student will come in classroom (quietly), take book bag and other items to place
in their cubical.
2. Student will grab clipboard at teachers desk to mark if packed or hot lunch.
3. Student will place tardy slip/sign in slip from office in tardy folder at teachers
4. Student will go to assigned desk and take out a pencil, notebook and textbook for
whatever subject that is being taught.

Absence Procedure
1. There is an absence folder that will be placed on each students desk with all the
information, worksheets, other items for date missed.

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2. Students will need to place absence sheet or doctors excuse into this folder with
all the paper work and homework that students will return the next day to the
3. The folder will be returned and placed in a hanging file labeled absence on
teachers desk.

Homework Procedure
1. At each desk pod, students will have a file folder holder and as students take their
assigned seats there are to grab the folder with their name on it and place any
homework assignments they have into the folder and then place the folders back
into the holder placed at the end of the desks on a shelf.

Procedure for Getting Students Attention

1. If the classroom is loud or students are not paying attention, I will say 1,2,3 eyes
on me or the teacher will say hocus pocus and the student will need to respond
with everybody focus and then tell the class what they need to work on (being
quieter, working homework or assignment, or to make sure they are reading the
correct books or passages.)
2. If this does not settle the classroom, I will walk to front of room and turn off
lights. This will let the students know they are to stop what they are doing and
look at me. From this point I will turn back on the lights and give orders to the

Procedure for Visitor in the Room

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1. If the visitor has been preapproved to come into the classroom and date has been
set, then students will be told about the visitor that is coming and what is expected
of them. Students will need to be on best behavior.
2. If the visitor comes unexpected then I will tell the students that we have a visitor
and they know what they are expected to do. Students will be told all of this at the
beginning of the year on what is expected of them and how they are to act when a
visitor comes into the room.
3. Everyone is to be respectful and considerate. If students are acting up and not
being respectful then there will be a verbal warning. If this does not work then the
student will be moved back to set with me or moved to an area where no one is
around him or her.

Procedure for Getting the Teachers Attention

1. Student will be required to raise their hand when they have a question or need
2. Students will also have a flip book at each set of desks that will have green,
yellow, and red laminated color cards that the students will be able to flip when
they need something. Green will represent everyone is ok, yellow is be have
questions, and red is mean need help now please.

Restroom Procedure
1. On task board that is located at the front of the room there will be a sign in and
out sheet for restroom passes. Beside sign in/out sheet there is a laminated boys

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card and a laminated girls card that has the teacher, class, and room number on the
backs of each one.
2. Students will need to raise hand to ask to use the restroom. Once student has been
granted permission then they will have to go and sign out of the restroom sheet
and grab the appropriate card to take with them to the restroom. Once the student
has return he or she will have to sign back in and hang the restroom card back up
on correct place.

Lining Up Procedure
1. Students will put up all items that they are working on, put up books, put pencils
in appropriate place, and make sure that desk area in clean.
2. Next, students will line up by the door by desk order. Desk order will be assigned
at the beginning o the year to ensure that students know which go first. Once the
first desk group has lined up then the next set will line up until all students are in
3. If students get in line before their assigned desk order then the whole group that
sets at the group of desks will be sent to the back of the line. This will ensure that
all students at the desk set get along and help each other.
4. Then the teacher will go to front of line and open door to allow students to start
out of room toward destination. The last student in line will shut the door and
make sure that the lights are turned off.

Hallway Procedure

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1. Students will be given the following procedure for going into the hall and walking
to our destination.
- Hands at your side
- All eyes forward
- Lips zipped
- Low speed
2. If students act up during walking through hall they will have walk beside the
teacher the remainder of the day.

Dismissal Procedure
1. Students will be asked to put all items on desk that they are working on. Making
sure that everything is put in its rightful place.
2. Students will then be allowed to go get their book bags by desk group. Once
students have book bags then they will put anything that needs to go home with
them, books for homework, notes home and any other items that need to make it
3. As students finish getting everything ready to go home they will set quietly until
allowed to line up. Same rules for lining up apply.
4. All students and the teacher will then leave heading for buses and parent pick up.

Bullying Procedures for Student as Victim and as Bystander

1. If youre being bullied at school, report it to the teacher or bus driver of the
location that the bullying is happening in or tell your parents. This is not tattling
or snitching, its asking for help to a serious problem! Student may tell in a

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discreet way for example, writing the teacher a note to let her know what is going
2. Try not to show anger or fear bullies like to see if they can upset you.
3. Calmly tell the bully to stop and then walk away.
4. Continue to check in with the adult you reported the incident to.
5. DO NOT fight back!!!! This makes you a bully, too!!!
Classroom Rules/Disciplines
1. Students will be read the following:

Rule # 1 Listen when someone else is talking]

Rule # 2 Follow directions

Rule # 3 Treat everyone the way you want to be treated.

Rule # 4 Take care of our school and classroom.

2. When students break the rules these following rules are set in place:

Take a break

You break it, you fix it.

Logical consequence

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Loss of privileges

Philosophy of Education

Teaching is not only making sure a student has the knowledge to master the
curriculum but also making that experience fun and enjoyable. When teachers can walk
away with the peace of knowing they have made a difference in a childs life or helped
with a struggle then the accomplishment and sacrifices were well worth it.
As I went through my many years of schooling, there were several teachers who
made a significant difference in my life and helped me make the decision to become a
teacher. I loved going to school and had a wonderful experience but this was made
possible by the wonderful teachers I had as a child. In high school my yearbook teacher,
Mrs. Bowling, was the main reason for my decision to pursue this career. She always
made students feel they were worth her time and effort regardless of the type of student
they were. She is the reason I strived for my goals and dreams in high school. My
family were big supporters of my decisions in life and were always there to tell me that I
was doing great and could do whatever I put my mind to if I worked hard enough. Even
though my family told me this all the time, it meant so much more coming from a teacher
who encouraged me to do my best. I do not remember anyone speaking poorly of her or
ever hating one of her classes.
One other teacher who has been a very big inspiration in my life and helping me
choose my course of action in the teaching program has been one of my college
professors, Dr. Ferguson. She is one of these teachers that makes the classroom fun but

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also knows how to make each lesson educational. There has never been a time that I
have not walked away from her without learning something or feeling good about my
decision to become a teacher. She is such an inspiration to me. I really hope many years
from now when I look back on my life as a teacher I hope she will be proud of me.
I feel that a great teacher has the ability to show the students something they can
use in their lives at any moment. Teachers also need to teach students citizenship, to be
compassionate, and respectful to everyone. I want to be a role model to my students and
hope that when my students look at me and my life they can see that with hard work you
can do anything you want or be exactly where they love being.
Every student that enters the classroom should feel smart, unique, and deserves a
teacher that will do anything to show them they are all students and can be the very best
they can be no matter how they learn. A teacher should be able to adapt to the students in
his or her classroom and be able to teacher each student the subject at hand so that the
students all gain the knowledge they need. A great teacher will lay his or her life on the
line to keep their students safe from whatever circumstance that may arise.
Students who have a learning disability or some form of physical disability which
hinders them from learning, a teacher will make sure those children feel accepted and
learn just as much as the other students in the classroom. They will not let any bullying
or aggressiveness toward a student be accepted. He or she will make sure students
understand the meaning of diversity and that we are all equal and just as beautiful as the
next student. One of my favorite saying that I remember always hearing is always treat
others the way you would want to be treated.

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I had the pleasure of observing a preschool classroom and each student
understood at such a young age to be respectful, courteous, and to treat everyone the
same. The teacher of this classroom was wonderful and really made sure that each
student had the same experiences. After observing her class I really feel I want to teach
the younger students because it is during the first few years of school that the students
really learn respect and how to treat each other.
All children can learn but learning is more than absorbing facts it is acquiring
understanding. Learning is a skill and for students to have the willingness to learn is their
choice. But as educators if we show children they are special, have a choice, and have
the potential to make good choices, then they learn. I hope to become an amazing teacher
like the ones who have meant so much to me. As the famous Dr. Seuss put it, You have
brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you
choose. Students will choose the correct direction with the guidance of a great teacher.

Letter of Introduction To Students

Dear Parents:

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Tanya Gibson and I am very excited to
welcome your child to 4th grade! This year we will be working on a number of different
things and I will need your help also. Student will be given work folders to bring home

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each night with all the appropriate material needed for their homework and this folder
will need to be returned the next school day. I will need a parent to sign the homework
sheet that the student completed and understood the assignment. If there are any concerns
or your child does not comprehend the assignment please write a comment on the
homework sheet to let me know what I need to work the student.
Here are some of the main objectives for this years class:

Math understanding numbers and the meaning of operations; identify shapes and

English understand and use appropriate essential reading components,

understand the writing process, and be able to give a speech.

Science be able to classify living and non-living, natural and man-made, and

identify how the parts of a system interact.

Geography identifying geographical items and finding on the map each students

Each student needs to have the following materials for class if possible by August 29,
1016. If you cannot get these items before the deadline please let me know and I will do
my best to help with getting these for the student.

Writing paper
Crayons, pencils, and erasers
Stick glue
4 folders
Pencil box, to keep crayons, pencils, and erasers in.

There are several upcoming events that our class will be attending. If you would like to
attend any of these with the students please feel free. I will be sending home reminders of
these events along with permission slips.

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Class field trip to Bluefield Arts and Science Center

September 20, 2016

Play at the Chuck Mathena Center

TBA; most likely early

October 20, 2016 at 10:30
Dec. 19, 2016 at 10:00
May 21, 2016

Thanksgiving Brunch
Winter Celebration
Field Day

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by email or phone. I also
welcome appointments to meet in person. You can contact me at 304-555-12234 or
Tanya Gibson
4th Grade Teacher

Letter of Introduction to Students

Welcome Back To School!!

Hello! My name is Ms. Gibson and I am very excited to have you in my class this
year. Our classroom number is 105. We are going to have a lot of fun learning in 4th grade
this year! I want to learn all about each and every one of you and hope that you all learn
about me also. So, let me tell you a few things about myself.
I have been teaching 4th grade for two years and I absolutely love it. Here are a
few of my favorite things:

Favorite color is purple.

Favorite food is Mexican
Favorite vacation sport is the beach

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Favorite hobby is reading

Favorite ice cream is anything peanut butter

I have a one sister who is 5 years younger than me and I have one niece that is 2
years old. I love dogs but do not have any. I cant wait to spend the next learning and
growing with each of you.


Ms. Gibson

Seating Assignment Method

At the beginning of year I will have all students name and put them in seating based on
last name going to A to Z. This will be the easiest way to assign students to seats. If there
does not work depending on who gets along the seating assignment will be changed
accordingly. The students will be placed into groups of four, these will their partners
through the year.

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First Day Script

Day 1 Bellringer
First day of class, after getting everyone in the classroom and their seats then will have a
welcome packet on their desk that will contain: emergency contact information to take
home to parents to fill out and bring back to the teacher, letter of introduction to students,
letter of introduction to parent with contact information, index card to write down
students name, date of birth, information about family, arrival and pick up information,
and lastly a copy of the rules for the classroom.

Items to be Accomplished Before First Day of School


Classroom completely cleaned and organized.

Theme of classroom, decorations, etc. bought and decorated.
Desks placed into groups, shelving center set up at each desk group
Bulletin boards and door decorated first week of school.

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All lessons plans for the first month organized and ready for easy

Rules and consequences posted.
Student welcome packets made.
List of items needed for classroom.

How the Teacher will Greet Students

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