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Our Profile's.


The 1st Customer Choice Company

AG strives to be " 1st Customer Choice Company To achieve this, we will constantly work to
be a reliable partner who adds real value to the businesses of our customers. The ultimate goal
for AG is to achieve consistent business growth and profitability. We are accomplishing this by
developing lasting partnerships with our suppliers, taking advantage of the latest technological
advance and being a good corporate citizen.
AG berniat untuk menjadi 1st Customer Choice Company Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut,
kami senantiasa bekerja keras untuk menjadi mitra terpercaya yang mampu memberikan
manfaat nyata bagi usaha pelanggan kami. Tujuan utama AG adalah untuk mencapai
pertumbuhan dan profitabilitas usaha yang konsisten.
Untuk itu kami berupaya mewujudkannya dengan meningkatkan kemitraan berkelanjutan
dengan para pemasok kami, memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi, dan menjadi warga komunitas
dunia usaha yang baik.

Ag Entering Next Level

About Us

Workshop Repair Service

Fabrication Service

Equipment List
Safety, Health & Environment(SHE)

Ag Entering Next Level


To be the world-class provider

of Equipment, Repair and
Maintenance solutions
Menjadi penyedia jasa & Barang
dengan kualitas kelas dunia

To set up an entity that creates worthwhile

and challenging job opportunities to as many
Indonesians as possible, while incorporating the
following values:

(financial, intellectual,brand identity) and
reinvestment of capital into the business, and

Core Values Ethical Always maintain and
practice high level of business ethics on every
aspect that we do. World-Class Consistently
aiming for world-class standard practices and
continuously bringing best practices and
attracting international talents to Indonesia.

Membangun perusahaan yang mampu

menciptakan lapangan kerja berkualitas bagi
sebanyak mungkin rakyat Indonesia, dengan
mengusung nilai-nilai berikut ini


intelektual dan citra perusahaan yang konsisten
serta melakukan investasi kembali ke dalam
bisnis yang dijalankan, dan

tinggi dalam aktivitas bisnis.
Berpegang pada Etika Selalu berpegang teguh
pada standar etika bisnis yang tinggi dalam
setiap aktivitas.
Bertaraf Internasional Konsisten dalam
mencapai standar kelas dunia, serta
memperkenalkan dan membawa standar
praktek dan talenta internasional terbaik ke
Gigih Terus-menerus menerapkan standar
internal yang tinggi dalam setiap aktivitas usaha
sehingga memotivasi karyawan untuk berupaya
keras dalam memberikan kepuasan kepada
stakeholder utama.

Proaktif Senantiasa mengupayakan

Demanding In every business that we do, we constantly peningkatan operasional sesempurna mungkin
set a high level of internal expectations that will motivate melalui penerapan filosofi dan metodologi
our employees to go the extra mile in satisfying the key
Saling Menghormati Membangun hubungan
Proactive Constantly seeking to improve operations for berdasarkan prinsip saling menghormati
near perfection level by adopting the 6Sigma philosophy diantara sesama rekan kerja, pelanggan,
and methodology.
prinsipal dan masyarakat industri.
Respectful Continuously maintain high level
Pengembangan Karyawan Senantiasa mencari
of respect among fellow employees, customers, suppliers peluang bagi peningkatan keterampilan dan
and marketplace.
kemajuan karir karyawan.

Ag Entering Next Level

Strategic Thrust

grow the business profitably.

Market Segments

The Customer First Choice
Company by adding real value
to their business

our suppliers We are their first
and only choice

atas modal dan menumbuhkan
usaha yang menguntungkan

pasar strategis

The First Customer Choice Company
di mata pelanggan dengan
memberikan nilai tambah bagi
bisnis pelanggan

dengan prinsipal dimana kami
merupakan pilihan terbaik

organisasi dan sumber daya manusia

usaha yang bertanggung jawab

and organization

Ag Entering Next Level

Its all about commitment to

providing extensive services and
improving competitiveness, yet
positioning ourselves for longterm growth

Ag Entering

Its embedded
in our corporate
culture that we
continuously bring
greater value
to our customers
and employees.

Ag Entering

Founders Message
For over 5 years now, AG has been part of the national development efforts in
Indonesia. The country has had some ups and downs over this time, but we have
never wavered in our commitment and dedication to all of our partners in the
mining, forestry, agricultural, construction and oil & gas industries.
Looking forward, we are truly excited at the opportunities and possibilities that
await us and our partners. In these times of renewed hopes for us all, AG will
continue to provide the products and services needed for the development and
growth of the country.
While we can be justifiably proud of what we have achieved, we promise never
to become complacent. We will do our utmost not to be easily satisfied and we
will continue offering the industrys best products and services. By constantly
exploring new ways to improve our services, AG will always be a step ahead of
the needs of our customers.
As The Customer Services Company and a world-class provider of Maintenance
& repair solutions, AG is a partner you can always rely on for the products and
services needed to get the job done.
Lebih dari 5 tahun sudah AG merupakan bagian dari upaya pembangunan
nasional di Indonesia. Melewati pasang surut perkembangan yang terjadi di
negeri ini, kami tetap teguh memegang komitmen dan dedikasi kepada seluruh
mitra kami di sektor pertambangan, kehutanan, pertanian, konstruksi, serta
minyak dan gas.
Kami memandang berbagai peluang dan kemungkinan di masa yang akan datang
dengan penuh optimisme.
Di era yang menjanjikan harapan baru ini, AG akan terus berkiprah memberikan
produk dan layanan yang dibutuhkan bagi pembangunan dan pertumbuhan
Di tengah prestasi yang telah berhasil dicapai, kami tidak akan berhenti
dan berpuas diri dalam memberikan produk dan layanan terbaik kepada
pelanggan. Dengan terus berinovasi dalam melayani, kami berupaya untuk selalu
selangkah lebih maju dalam mengantisipasi kebutuhan pelanggan kami.
Sebagai The Customer Services Company dan penyedia jasa peralatan
Maintenance & repair dengan kualitas kelas dunia, AG adalah mitra terpercaya
dalam menyediakan produk dan layanan yang dibutuhkan.

Ag Entering Next Level


AG is proud to offer products that are designed to work hard and built to last

Ag Entering Next Level

Ag Entering Next Level


Rollers, manufactured to the standards of the
trade, must offer the following prerequisites:
# be made in compliance with ISO STANDARDS
# employ materials and bearings quality
# possess effective bearings protections against
external agents
Manufactured from a hot rolled steel tube with
natural or pickled surface, de-beaded out and
inside. Types of steel include Fe360 (resistance to
tensile stress Rm min. 400 N/mm2), Fe410 (Rm
min. 460 N/mm2) or others, including those that
resist atmospheric and industrial corrosion. The
tubes, depending on their final uses, offer the
following characteristics:
# reduced external diameter and thickness
tolerances - good roundness
# high rectilineity
These are made from deep-drawn steel sheet
they are fastened by continuous electric weld.
These latter rollers offer exceptional strength and
resistance characteristics.

Made from drawn steel rod machined from normalized
hot rolled steel and calibrated in compliance with ISO
Conveyor Bracket & Roller
Rigid radial ball bearings manufactured by premier
world brands in compliance with ISO Reccomendations
(overall dimensions according to ISO R15-UNI 4259;
groove dimensions according to ISO R15).
Made of reinforced and shock-modified polyamide resin.
Seals, depending on the Series of roller in question,
consists of double or triple labyrinths with inner double
seals and super-strong polyamide resin protective shields
reinforced by glass microspheres. Axial protection in
given by a frontal seal ring made of rubber with flexible
lip heaving extremely low friction torque. Main and
counter deflectors are made from pressed steel sheet
subsequently treated by an electro-galvanizing process. A
proper reserve of lithium grease gives full-life lubrication
to the bearings and labyrinth seals.

Ag Entering Next Level

Drum Pulley


Special manufacturing processes require special pulleys.

Whether the equipment is used in mining, chemical, waste
processing, or any other demanding application We has the
experience to solve your problem.

Impact Roller

Impact rollers

Impact rollers are used and positioned

corresponding to the load points, where the
lumps and the weight of material falling onto
the belt could in fact cause damage to it. To
limit the impact effect of the material onto
the rollers, the latter are covered with a series
of rubber rings of adequate thickness and
resistance. Impact rollers are under stress not
only from the load of the material, but also
from the dynamic forces as the load falls onto
the belt. The impact onto the belt, arising
from the free fall of material will be naturally
greater than in the case where the material is
deflected onto the belt by an inclined plate
For the correct dimensioning and the choice
of impact rollers in relation to the load check
.the characteristics of the base roller

AG workshops
We have the know-how to do the job right the first time, on time
AG understands that many customers prefer to focus on their core activities and
choose to subcontract their maintenance work, especially in periods of peak demand or
during emergency shutdowns. In response to the changing needs of our customers, we
have greatly expanded our network of specialty AG workshops to provide "turn-key"
maintenance solutions.
Our large and well trained permanent team of technical specialists ensures rapid
response and high quality workmanship. We can either do the work on-site or in our
AG workshops.
For example, we can handle individual work-pieces weighing up to 100 tons in our main
We have particular expertise in the following industries: Steel, Cement, Recycling, Oil
well drilling, Mining, Glass, Pulp and Paper, Automobile, Tool and Die, Dredging.

AG Workshops
Kami mengerti bagaimana cara mengerjakan dengan benar dan tepat waktu.
AG mengerti bahwa banyak pelanggan ingin fokus kebisnis utama mereka, dan memilih
sub kontraktor untuk menangani masalah perawatan, terutama pada waktu sibuk dan
selama keadaan darurat.
Untuk merespon kebutuhan ini, kami melakukan perubahan besar pada Bengkel kami
untuk menghasilkan solusi perawatan Tepat guna yang effisien.
Para Tehnisi berpengalaman yang spesialist siap memastikan hasil terbaik dalam waktu

Ag Entering Next Level

We are flexible, Onsite or in Our Workshops

Ag Entering Next Level

Repair, rebuild & wearface

Repair, rebuild & wearface

This is What we do best

Emergency repair
When an unforeseen emergency stops or limits your production, we have extensive experience to
repair your parts in the shortest possible delay.
Standard repairs
Cracks, breakage and wear can also cause leakages and losses of efficiency. In such instances, well
documented repair procedures can be applied in a planned intervention on your parts.
Rebuilding dimensions
Dimensional losses can cause vibration, noise and risk of damage to moving equipment. Our coating
technologies are used to rebuild your equipment to original dimensions.
Wearfacing applications
Preventive coating technology can be used to protect your parts from abrasion, erosion, corrosion,
cavitation and adhesive wear. Wearfaced parts offer significantly enhanced service lifetimes.
Special joining
Advances in metallurgical alloy development continuously offer improved performances and lifetime,
but frequently with corresponding difficulty to join these metals. Our extensive applications knowledge
can help you assemble these difficult to join materials.
Preventive coatings
Are frequently applied on large surfaces in order to protect them from combinations of corrosion,
erosion and abrasion.
Machine overhaul
Including rebuilding dimensional tolerances, assembly re-alignment, incorporation of wearfaced
surfaces and exchange of spare parts can be done in some of our specialized facilities.
Failure analysis
Development of the optimal application for your problems starts with the proper analysis of the wear
mechanisms involved.

Ag Entering Next Level

On-site Services
We are flexible
Depending on your request, the job can be undertaken in our own facilities, as well as at your plant.
When your machinery is too large to be moved - for example, a large and expensive boiler, a vertical
roller mill, a large presses our AG Services maintenance experts will visit your premises to solve the
problem on-site.
We are also able to handle the repair of major parts, for example individual work-pieces weighing up to
100 tons, and have successfully completed the on-site repair of vertical roller mills and kiln tyres in the
cement industry, worldwide. Wearfacing projects like boiler coatings or large wearplate constructions
are also part of our everyday work.
Kami Flexible
Tergantung pada permintaan Anda, pekerjaan dapat dilakukan di fasilitas kami sendiri, serta di pabrik
Anda. Ketika mesin Anda terlalu besar untuk dipindahkan - misalnya, boiler, vertical roller mill, Mesin
Press - (contoh) Industry Keramik.
Tehnisi AG kami akan mengunjungi tempat Anda untuk memecahkan masalah di tempat.
Kami juga mampu menangani perbaikan bagian utama, misalnya pekerjaan-potongan yang beratnya

Wearfacing proyek seperti pelapis Cement Tyer

Ag Entering Next Level

Repair, rebuild & wearface

Custom Fabrication
Roller Hardsurfaced

On Site Repair
Rebuiding Dimension

Ag Entering Next Level

Repair, rebuild & wearface

Custom Fabrication
Impact Hardsurfaced

Custom Fabrication
Corrotion Resisstance Mixer

Rebuilding Dimension & Hardfacing

Ag Entering Next Level

Fabrication Reference

Ducting Fabrication & INSULATING WORK

Ag Entering Next Level


AG is proud to offer products that are designed to work hard and built to last

Ag Entering Next Level

Fabrication Reference
Fabrication & Installation Services
If you have installed a state-of-the-art system in your
facility it's ability to function at peak performance levels
is directly dependent on the quality, and frequency
of inspections and maintenance provided. At fire
equipment we are proud to offer our clients a variety
of programs to meet their needs. We also consult
and design custom programs for unusual or high
requirement environments.

Fire Fighting System Installation

We provides effective fire protection and
construction solutions for residential, commercial,
industrial and institutional buildings. We ensuring
complete safety and quality assurance in our fire
fighting systems. Our services of Fire Fighting
System Installation is provided as per our client's
specification & requirement.
We have specialised Fire Protection Engineers and
Consultants that could help in:
1. Analysing the kind of Fire Safety Arrangements
Required in your valuable premises.
2. Based on that, we
recommendation on how can you protect your
premises with the help of latest Fire Safety
3. Installation of Required Fire Safety Equipments
(We are Suppliers of all types of Latest Fire Safety
4. Demo/Training of how these Fire Safety
Equipments works.
5. Maintenance & Repair Service
6. Upgrade & Modification of your system

Ag Entering Next Level

Fabrication Reference

Our Services
Inspections (Quarterly and Yearly)
Complete Baghouse
Renovations and Retrofits
Bearing Vibration Analysis
System Flow Rate Balance Analysis
Structural Repairs
24 Hour Emergency Service
Rebuild and Replace Pulse Valves
Parts Fabrication
Although we are primarily a service company,
through our extensive contacts in the industry
we can locate or provide most OE replacement
parts. Dust Collector System.

Fabrication Reference

We are a full service fabrication and

manufacturing company located
in 1 place offering a wide range of
applications, from precision sheet
metal fabricating to heavy metal plate
up to one half inch thick.
Our sheet metal fabricators, welders,
and skillful craftsmen provide
the highest quality custom metal
products. If you have a special metal
fabrication design requirement please
contact us to help with your specialty
metal fabrication requirements.

Ag Entering Next Level

Silo Powder Tanks

Fabrication Reference

Ag Entering Next Level

Silo Powder Tanks

Equipment List
Welding Machinery

Machining Equipment

3 Aerowave 300A Tig D.R.O.

6 X 300 A Tig D.R.O.
1 Syncrowave 350A Tig D.R.O.
1 CP-300A Mig
4 452A Delta Weld
2 250A Mig D.R.O.
1 600A Idealarc
2 Cobramatic #1
1 Miller Spot Welder MPS-20
1 Spot Welder R45
2 L-Tec Plasma Cutter
2 Oven (Heat Treat Pre Heat)
1 Thermal Arc 350A Portable Welder W/
Dual Feeders
1 36 inch welding positioner
7 14 inch welding positioners
2-Plasma Cutting 350A

2 2 HP Bridgeport Mills D.R.O.

1 Yang ML-25A CNC Lathe
1 20' Cincinnati Lathe with Gap
1 6m Lathe
1 1m Lathe
2 2m Lathe
1 Surface Grinder
1 Surface Grinder
2 2 HP Wilton Drill Press
2 1/2 HP Rexon Drill Press
1 36 Welding Turntable
6 8 Welding Turntables
1 20 Disc Grinder
1 16 Cut-off Saw
7 6 x 12 Blanchard Ground Layout Tables
5 4 x 20 Blanchard Ground Layout Tables

Inspection Equipment
1 8 Romer CMM 6 Axis Arm
1 5 sq. x 18 Thk Surface Plate
1 Scherr Tumico Optical Comparator
5 (Sets) Gauge Blocks
2 (Sets) Gauge Pins to 1
2 3' Height Gauges
2 2' Height Gauges
2 (Sets) 12' Micrometer
1 13' Mitutoyo Height Master
Various Calipers to 80'
Various Misc., Indicators .0001 & Gauges
for Support Inspection

Support Equipment
3 3 Ton Overhead Cranes
1 3 ton Forklif
2 16 ft. Flatbed Truck
3 Grandmax Pickup
Fabricating Machinery
1 Pacific Brake 14 x 300 Ton with Back Gauge
1 100 Ton Power Brake
1 1/4 Power Shear
1 10 Gauge Power Shear
1 Tube and Pipe Roller
1 88 Ton Punch Press
1 90 Ton Hydraulic Press
1 30 Ton Hydraulic Press
1 Di Arco Tube Bender
2 Vertical Band Saw
1 Grob Vertical Band Saw
1 Doringer Cold Saw
1 Niagara Plate Bending Rolls

Ag Entering Next Level

Fabrication Reference

Cone & Hopper Fabrication.

Ag Entering Next Level

Health, Safety, and the Environment

Long-standing commitment
PT. Andalan Globalindo has a long-standing HSE commitment to the
highest standards for the health and safety of our employees, customers,
and contractors as well as to the protection of the environment in the
communities in which we live and work.
HSE Management System
The PT. Andalan Globalindo HSE Management System defines the
principles by which we conduct our operations worldwide.
Policy Statement, standards, and accountability
Management applies HSE policies and rigorous standards throughout the
Prioritizing performance improvements
PT. Andalan Globalindo captures its own performance data via QUEST, an
online system that provides immediate consolidation of HSE information.
Accessible by all employees, QUEST monitors reporting of HSE events
and Risk Identification Reports (RIRs), facilitates investigations and
records audits, manages remedial work plans (RWPs), shows improvement
suggestions, posts recognitions, tracks HSE training, and facilitates HSE
reports and data analysis.
Global Citizenship
As a business and a community of individuals PT. Andalan Globalindo
is connected to a number of global challenges. As the focus of our Global
Citizenship framework, we have chosen the six issues to which we make
the most significant contribution in the natural course of our activity. Four
of these issues are HSE related: minimizing the environmental impact of
our business operations, promoting driving safety, preventing malaria, and
raising awareness of HIV and AIDS.
Sharing Best Practices
PT. Andalan Globalindo has a long-standing commitment to share
best practices through HSE Technical Papers and other means, and is a
recognized industry leader in HSE performance.

Ag Entering Next Level

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