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University of Almera

Food rainbow

Surname: Bonilla Esteban

Name: Irene
Specialty: Preschool Teaching Degree
Grade: 3A
Subject: Foreign Language Teaching
Teacher: Susana Nicols Romn

Food Rainbow

1. Contextualization of the Unit



2. Basic skills and Learning elements

7. Assessment of the didactic unit


2.1 Development of basic skills

7.1 Assessments tools


3. Common European Frameworks Levels

7.1.1 Students assessments


4. Methodology


7.1.2 Task and ourselves assessments


5. Development of the didactic Unit


7.1.3 Others assessments


5.1 Initial stage


7.2 Assessments exercises


5.2 Development stage


7.2.1 Table of students assessments


5.3 Synthesis and assessment stage


7.2.2 Table of task ad ourselves assessments


5.4 Generalization stage


7.2.3 Table of times, material and spaces assessments






6. Interdisciplinary and cross curricular

Food Rainbow

1. Contextualization of the Unit

Title: Food rainbow

Level: 3rd level of preschool education (5-6 years old)
Number of sessions: 4 sessions
Justification: Teach children some concept related with alimentation is very important in preschool education because they must
learn about food, market, eating habits or health education. If we get that students learn these concepts at early ages, they could
develop some social skills soon. For example: when they buy in the market with their mothers or at the mealtime. As well as is
important children internalize some eating habits to prevent eating disorders such as overweight or anorexia.

We are going to work with fun and recreational activities in this unit which objective is that children game and learn at the same time.
Only a few students can read at these ages. For this reason the most of activities are related with oral, communication and interaction
skills. Some activities are related with listening skills too.
Finally, it should be pointed children learn languages more fast that adults so we take advantage of this opportunity to teach the most of
contents that they can understand. In addition to we try that contents are related with the didactic unit that children learn in his mother
tongue at this moment.

Food Rainbow

2. Basic Skills and Learning elements: Aims, Contents and

Assessment criteria
We pretend that students work the following aspects in this unit so that they become competent in:
Basic skills








General aims:
Specific aims:
Answer short questions.
Copy dances to the beat of the music.
Be interested in a foreign language as a
Enjoy with group and individual activities.
form of communication.
Exercise Manual skills.
Encourage the development of verbal,
Explore different artistic techniques and materials.
physical, musical, artistic and
Identify and use primary and secondary colors.
mathematics expression.
Identify a trace de numbers 0 to 10 and their amount.
Form a positive self image.
Identify basic shapes.
Have an approach to different cultures.
Identify some cookware.
Increase awareness of their close
Identify some trades and professions.
environment through a second language.
Know and reproduce songs related to the topic.
Promote the cognitive, physical,
Know the five senses.
intellectual and moral development of
Learn correct habits related to cleaning and spaces used.
Learn correct habits related to food.
Reproduce words or simple sentences:
Learn the different market stands.
rhymes or songs.
Learn vocabulary related to the didactic unit.
Understand messages appropriate to their
Learning vocabulary and contents of the unit by computer games.
age and cognitive development such as
Logical relationships between objects.
stories or classroom vocabulary.
Realize psychomotor, moving and eye-hand coordination activities.

Food Rainbow

Understand simple commands usually

employed in classroom.

Recognize different food.

Recognize pictures, posters, drawings or photos related to the didactic unit.
Search food information on the computer.
Show an attitude of respect for all professions.
Value the importance of health nutrition and a balanced diet.
Write vocabulary words related to the didactic unit.

Bread and sweets: bread, donuts,
croissant, sliced bread, chocolate, cake,
cupcake and cookie.
Colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
purple, brown, pink, white and black.
Cookware: knife and fork.
Food groups: vitamins and minerals,
carbohydrates, fats, proteins and water.
Fruits and vegetables: orange, carrot,
apple, tomato, corn, lemon, bean, lettuce
blueberries, grape, eggplant and plum.
Meat and fish: salmon, mussels, clams,
prawns, anchovies, shape, crab, monkfish,
octopus and squid, ham, chicken,
sausages, bacon, hamburgers, ribs,
salami, steak and boiled ham.
Questions: What is it? What color is it? Is
* or *?

Know how to do:

Colouring a picture following the teachers
Count objects.
Do physical activity.
Expression of food preference.
Identification of food, numbers, colors and
Listening and perform song, stories, poems,
Loudness perception of the tongue.
Participate in games without being
Participation in games of total physical
Repeat the vocabulary.
Reproduction of some words related to the
basic vocabulary.

Know how to be:

Appreciate the outdoors
Cooperation and
participation in games.
Enjoy listening and
representation of song,
dances, poems, etc.
Enjoy the victory of the
Enthusiasm in learning
new concepts.
Respect to classmates.
Showing interest to the
learning of the foreign
Valuation group work.

Food Rainbow

Shapes: square, circle, triangle and


Simple actions: stand up, sit down, take,

draw, cut, stick, put, clean and eat.
Tastes: sweet, salty, bitter and sour.
The market: greengrocers, fish market,
butchers and bakery.

Sorting objects according to type and color.

Verbal or physical response in games and

Evaluation criteria
Identity and personal autonomy:
Develops habits of responsibility in
caring for the environment.
Enjoys learning and playing.
Identifies and express his/her own
Identifies and practices proper
eating habits.
Knows his/her limitation expressing
interest in improving them.
Respects her/his material.
Shows habits of cleaning and
Takes part of the activities.

Discovery of the physical and social

Communication and representation:
Answer some simple questions.
Collaborates and participates in class.
Associates images and meanings.
Draw circles, squares, triangles and
Copy words or short sentences.
Listens carefully.
Identifies colors.
Made own creations observing
Identifies food.
other artistic works.
Identifies numbers.
Participates and uses technological
Respects their classmates.
and audiovisual media.
Shows basic skills of classification and
Repeats simple expressions.
relation between elements according
Understands and represents simple
to their proprieties.
Shows interest to the learning of the
foreign language.

Food Rainbow

2.1 Development of basic skills:

The basic skills are knowledge, abilities and attitudes that all children need for their personal fulfillment, development and their inclusion
in society. This section develops the basic skills that I will use in de didactic unit. I think that all basic skills that exist are fundamental in
preschool education, for this reason I will work with all them. They are:
C1. Communication skills: The language is a way of learning, speech and communication. Also we need to communicate with the
goal to relate to other people that is why communication is considered key to the overall development of students.
In preschool education communication allows that child internalizes knowledge, express feelings and desires and regulates their own
C2. Mathematical competence: This competence must be worked with games and activities that develop childrens sensors
abilities so they are set to become increasingly competent in this area. For example, by measuring games.
C3. Competence in knowledge and interaction of the physical world: This competence is achieved through activities that
promote contact with certain natural aspects.
C4. Data processing and digital competence: The use of technology is attractive to children and motivates learning at early ages.
We can use the computer as a tool for bringing children to literacy, numerical activities, languages games and several activities.
C5. Social and civic competence: This competence is aimed family and teachers work together for children to become competent,
assuming values and attitudes and values for living in a democratic and participatory society.

Food Rainbow

C6. Cultural and artistic competence: Well work this competence a lot because it gives very good results in preschool education.
C7. Learning to learn: The competence learning to learn must be present throughout the life of students. We can plan
meaningful and motivating activities which require the involvement of the children. These activities should also encourage the
development of cognitive skills and practice if them. For example, observation or exploration activities make students willing to
C8. Autonomy and personal initiative: This is the last competence but it isnt less important than others. We must develop this
competence constantly so well motivate their creativity and well help children recognize their possibilities and limitations or that
he can fend for himself.

Food Rainbow

3. Common European Framework Levels

Activities of speaking
Overall spoken interaction
Can interact in a simple way but communication is totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of speech, rephrasing and repair.
Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and respond to simple statements in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Activities of writing
Overall writing production
Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences.
Activities of listening
Overall listening comprehension
Can follow speech which is very slow and carefully articulated, with long pauses for her/him to assimilate meaning.
Listening to announcements and instructions
Can understand instructions addressed carefully and slowly to him/her and follow short, simple directions.
Activities of reading
Overall reading comprehension
Can understand simple texts a single phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Interactive activities
Overall spoken interaction
Can interact in a simple way but communication is totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of speech, rephrasing and repair.
Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and respond to simple statements in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Can make an introduction and use basic greeting and leave-taking expressions.
Can ask how people are and react to news.
Can understand everyday expressions aimed at the satisfaction of simple needs of a concrete type, delivered directly to him/her in clear,
slow and repeated speech by a sympathetic speaker.

Food Rainbow

4. Methodology
The methodology is very important because it tell us how to teach students. For this reason, then it develop all methodological principles that will use
to achieve the objectives.
These are some of the methodological principles which we should have in mind to design and develop in the didactic unit:
Work with groups because promotes cooperative learning and many social skills. Sometimes we work with small groups or pairs and others
times with large group.
The activities respect the principles of globalization and motivation. They will also be flexible and varied and wont last more than twenty
minutes to avoid bore students.
Learning should be significant to relate new knowledge and learned knowledge.
We need that students be active, participatory and a good value between teacher and students in the classroom.
Regarding the organization, we start working with the main concepts then we strengthen the vocabulary and finally we do evaluation and
synthesis activities. It should be clarify that we are going to do this didactic unit when children has learned others important and basics
concepts how the colors or shapes.
We use rich and varied materials that encourage experimentation and manipulation of children. For example we use posters, technological
resources or real food.
Children are beginning in literacy at this age so we will do simple reading and writing activities but mainly the activities will be will of
observation, handling and listening. We try that children start talking in English but we dont force them.
We will do activities of groups formation to promote coeducation and diversity in childrens relations. For example: we will tell children that
pick up a card of a bag and they will group according to their colored card.
Finally, are very important the motor function and movement activities in this didactic unit.


Food Rainbow

5. Development of the didactic unit

5.1 Initial stage:
The aims of the initial stage are introducing the children to the topic of the unit and motivate them. First, we are going to teach the most
important concepts. On this occasion will be simple words about foods. Know the prior knowledge of the children is important in this
phase too. The activities which we are going to do in this phase are:
Activity 1.1 The big eater monster

Methodology: Large Group

Time: 5 minutes
Materials: A large picture of a monster
Description: Tell to children that they are going to learn a lot about food over the coming days. Then, present them a new friend
called Mr. Monster and students will greet to the monster. Finally, explain to children that they are going to put all food names
that they will learn on his tummy. Say goodbye to monster.
Comments: Put the monster in a visible place.
Activity 1.2 Many colored food!
Methodology: Large group
Time: 5 minutes
Materials: A projector or a TV with internet or the required video.


Food Rainbow

Description: The teacher will have a red apple in her hand and shell ask them. What is it? Then, well ask: what color is the
apple? After this, tell them that they are going to meet more colored fruits and theyll watch a video called Food rainbow. Stop
it the video when appear a new color and ask children: What color is it? Finally, ask them if its a fruit or a vegetable and its name.
Comments: We must wait for the children answer when ask them but if nobody knows the answer, we help them.
Activity 1.3 The food rainbow song

Methodology: Large group

Time: 15 minutes
Material: Lyrics of the song Today I eat a rainbow.
Description: Read the lyrics of the song Today I eat a rainbow with the help of the teacher. Learn song movements. Sing and
dance the song. Finally, students copy lyrics song on a cardboard.
Comments: Students only copy one lyric (a few words each child). We can use the videos song as visual support.
Activity 1.4 We will look for something to eat!
Methodology: Two Groups
Time: 15 minutes
Material: Fish and meat flashcards, a box which pieces of paper and a basin with water. Make a rod with a stick, a magnet and
Description: Put the fish flashcards (put them a magnet) in a basin with water and de meat flashcards in a box. Divide the children
into two groups. One group has to fish the flashcards with the rod and the other group has to hunt it with his/her hand. When
one student obtains any meat or fish have to say: stop! Everybody will stop and the child who fished or hunted the flashcard
has to read the name of this food.
Comments: We must laminate fish flashcard in order to not wet them. When each group has found all meat or fish, groups will


Food Rainbow

Activity 1.5 In the bakery

Methodology: Large group and pairs.

Time: 20 minutes
Material: A projector or a TV with internet or the required video, a computer, a chalk and a blackboard.
Description: Play de video Pat a cake (The aim is that children have a first visual contact with the concepts that we are going to
work (bread, donuts, croissant, sliced bread, chocolate, cake, cupcake and cookie). Then, write the concepts on the blackboard.
By pairs, copy the word who they have chosen on a paper, then search it on the computer. Finally, make a drawing of this food.
Comments: Try that children dont choose the same words. Help them to search for on the computer.

5.2 Development stage:

On the development stage we are going to do more specific activities than on the other stage so the aim is children learn other important
things about food after learning the basic concepts. For example: the tastes. The activities of the development stage are:
Activity 2 .1 Its time to eat Mr. Monster

Methodology: Large group

Time: 5 minutes
Material: Fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and sweets flashcards (only words that children have learned) and a box or bag.
Description: Explain children they are going to remember the food which they are learning up to now. Put all flashcards in a box or
bag. Each child will pick up a flashcard, then read each word and stick the flashcards on his tummy. Do some question about this
food. For example: What color is it? Is a fish or a vegetable?
Comments: When a child read a word, students have to repeat it. If a child cannot read, the teacher will help his/her.


Food Rainbow

Activity 2.2 Our food rainbow

Methodology: Small groups and great group
Time: 20 minutes
Materials: A big rainbow picture; small pictures of oranges, carrots, apples, tomatoes, corn, lemons, beans and lettuce
blueberries, grapes, eggplants and plums; finger paints, scissors and glue.
Description: Divide the children into six groups. Give each group some pictures of colored fruits or vegetables which have the
same rainbow colors. Paint, copy the name on the back and finally cut out and stick the pictures on the rainbow picture.
Comments: Stick food pictures in the order of the colors of the rainbow. Put the picture in a visible place.
Activity 2.3 Why we feed?

Methodology: Large group

Time: 15 minutes
Material: A projector or a TV with internet or the required video.
Description: Play video. When the video has finished, put on the blackboard five prints which belong with the contents of the
video. That is, we put 5 prints with images of different food. Put it this words under the drawings: carbohydrates, fats, vitamins
and minerals, proteins and water. Children are chose randomly and they must join the prints with its correct word.
Comments: Try to put the same food which appears in the video so that its easier. Help students if is necessary.
Activity 2.4 What does it taste?
Methodology: Large group
Time: 10 minutes
Materials: Some food of different tastes (sweet, salty, bitter and sour) and four tables.


Food Rainbow

Description: Put food of each taste on a table. This is we will put sweet food on one table, salty food on other table and so on.
Realize a tour for each table, tell children the name of each taste and try the food. Then, ask them simple question about tastes.
For example: Do you like sugar? Is lemon sour?
Comments: Be careful with the allergic children. Try to perform short answer words.
Activity 2.5 What is a market?
Methodology: Large group
Time: 10 minutes
Materials: A mural with pictures of a market (greengrocers, fish market, butchers and bakery), food flashcards, a table and some
empty containers of food as pasta, milk, cheese, flakes (Previously we will have asked them to the parents).
Description: Put the mural on a location of the class. Show it to the children and explain what it is and the type of food that we
can buy on each stand. Then tell them there are other types of food (packaged food). Do a new stand with a table and put the
packages of food there. Teach students how these foods are called. Write the names on the packages. Finally each child will copy
a word under of the name copy by the teacher.
Comments: Children can repeat the words instead of write them.

5.3 Synthesis and assessment stage

In this stage we are going to do global activities to work all contents of the didactic unit. We also will check if our students have acquired
the knowledge required. We are going to do the following activities:
Activity 3.1 Lets go to reorder the market!
Methodology: Small groups


Food Rainbow

Time: 15 minutes
Material: The mural of the market that previously we used, food flashcards, a box and a whistle.
Description: Go to the playground with the students. Put the mural on a wall. Make five groups (each group has to belong with
one stand). Put the box in a visible place with the flashcards within. Each group has to do a queue. When the teacher blow the
whistle, first person of each group has to run to the box, look for a food flashcard who belong to it stand, he/she will stick the
flashcard on it stand and finally this person come back to the queue and the next person will go on with the game. The first group
that sticks all flashcards correctly will be the winner.
Comments: The teacher must check if all flashcards are stick correctly.
Activity 3.2 You mustnt eat many sweets

Methodology: Large group

Time: 10 minutes
Material: A projector, a TV or a computer with internet and a poster with the illustrated poetry junk food.
Description: Read and interpret with mime the poetry in order to the children learn it. Repeat a few times with them. Then, play
the game smash your food and see how much salt, sugar or oil has the junk food which they can see in the game.
Comments: We can leverage the game for work numbers with them (Appear numbers for represent quantities in the game).
Activity 3.3 Choose our plate

Methodology: small groups

Time: 20 minutes
Material: 6 large piece of paper with a picture of a plate (one for each group), pencils, rubbers and colors.
Description: Children will paint the pictures by groups. Then they will draw and paint some food on each part of the plate but food
must belong with the words who appear on the picture.
Comments: Show children an example with an image. They can see the flashcards they have in class for others activities.


Food Rainbow

Activity 3.4 Food group fun

Methodology: Large group

Time: 10 minutes
Material: A projector, a TV or a computer with internet or the required video.
Description: Students will dance and do the movements of the video. When the voice says a word like fruits, milk the will repeat
Comments: Dance with them and repeat the word that says the voice. Play a pair of times.
Activity 3.5 Stop! This is my favorite food!

Methodology: Large group

Time: 20 minutes
Material: A projector, a TV or a computer with internet or the required video. A large cardboard, scissors, glue and pencils.
Description: Put the video. When one child sees her/his favorite food has to say: stop! Stop the video and copy the name of this
food on the blackboard and so on. Then, print images of their favorite food. Child will cut out and stick the images on the
cardboard. Finally put a title on the cardboard that says: Our favorites foods.
Comments: Children can put his/her name under the picture because probably some students have the same favorite food.
Activity 3.6 I love to cook

Methodology: Large group

Time: 25 minutes
Material: some lettuce, hard boiled eggs, tomatoes, mayonnaise, round tip knifes and forks.
Description. Do a recipe called A garden of mushrooms. Tell kids all steps they need to do for this recipe:
Step 1. First, we are going to wash our hands.


Food Rainbow

Step 2. Now, clean the tables please.

Step 3. Put lettuce on a plate like a garden.
Step 4. Peel the hard boiled eggs, cut its ends and put an egg on the middle of the plate.
Step 5. Put a half of tomato over the egg.
Step 6. Then put some mayonnaise points on the tomato like a mushroom.
Step 7. Finally, we are going to eat this delight!
Comments: Use plastic knives. Show all step and help or repeat when they need it.
Activity 3.7 Trivial of food

Methodology: Large group

Time: 10 minutes
Material: for this activity isnt necessary any material.
Description: Do a circle with the students. Ask questions about food on the fly and set two possible answers. For example: How
are apples? Option A. Rounds / Option B. Squares. Choose a child randomly, if he/she doesnt know the answer ask the same
question to other child.
Comments: Provide visual support through flashcards.
Activity 3.8 Im an expert on food

Methodology: Large group

Time: 5 minutes
Material: Certificates (one for each child)
Description: This is the last activity of the didactic unit so we are going to give a certificate for each child. Name each child to pick
up his/her certificate and ask for a round of applauses.
Comments: Take a group photo, print and put on a noticeboard in the class.


Food Rainbow

5.4 Generalization stage

We make two types of activities: retroactive and proactive activities to adapt ourselves to the need of each student.
Retroactive: Based on the internalization process of learning and continuous assessment of students.
We will work individually the most important concepts of this didactic unit, especially with flashcards and materials create by
students in class. For example: The plate of food group. We also increase the main concept through symbolic play (stands of
market) and computers games (see appendix).
Proactive: For students whose evolution is faster and demanding the extension of concepts.
Children will use technological resources how videos or computer games and besides we will do the technique of student assistant
for students learn of others classmates and they can review the main concepts (see appendix).


Food Rainbow

6. Interdisciplinary and Cross curricular subjects

We work different interdisciplinary and cross curricular subjects to ensure that children are competent intellectually and socially too.
On one hand we work interdisciplinary subjects related to intellectual skills. These subjects are:
Music education
Physical education
Plastic and artistic education
On another hand we work with cross curricular subjects related to social skills. These subjects are:

Citizenship education
Consumer education
Education for equality
Health education
Intercultural education
Moral and civic education


Food Rainbow

7. Assessment of the didactic unit

New we develop all aspects necessary to carry out the evaluation of this didactic unit. Importantly that we base our work on the different
assessments that shows European framework but we only choose those that meet our needs. First I will describe the assessment
instrument used and finally I will show some assessments exercises.

7.1 Assessment tools

7.1.1 Students assessment
This is a table of the types of assessments we will use with children during the didactic unit:
Type of assessment
Proficiency assessment

Continuous assessment

Rating on a checklist
Assessment by others

Assessment of what someone can do/knows in relation to the
application of the subjects in the real world. It represents an
external perspective
Assessment by the teacher and possibly by learner of class
performances, pieces of work and projects throughout the course.
The final grade thus reflects the whole curse/year/trimester.
Judging a person in relation to a list of point deemed to be relevant
for a particular level or module.
Making a global synthetic judgment. Different aspects are
weighted intuitively by the assessor.
Judgments by the teacher or examiner.


Food Rainbow

7.1.2 Task and ourselves assessment

We also evaluate the development of the task and our role in it, for what we will consider the following criteria:

Level of involvement of children

Relationship between teacher and students
Friendly and relaxed environment
Good teamwork

Activities appropriate to the group

Stimulating activities for the group
Sufficient activities
Activities have achieved the objectives

7.1.3 Others assessments

Finally we will evaluate the adaptation of time, material and spaces used.

7.2 Assessment exercises

Here are the different assessment tables that we will use:

7.2.1 Table of students assessment

Evaluation criteria
Develops habits of responsibility in caring for the environment
Enjoys learning and playing.
Identifies and express his/her own taste.
Identifies and practices proper eating habits.



Food Rainbow

Knows his/her limitation expressing interest in improving them.

Respects her/his material.
Shows habits of cleaning and hygiene.
Takes part of the activities.
Collaborates and participates in class.
Draw circles, squares, triangles and rectangles.
Identifies colors
Identifies food
Identifies numbers
Respects their classmates
Shows basic skills of classification and relation between elements according to their proprieties.
Shows interest to the learning of the foreign language.
Answer some simple questions.
Associates images and meaning.
Copy words or short sentences.
Listen carefully
Made own creation observing other artistic works.
Participates and use technological and audiovisual media.
Repeats simple expressions.
Understands and represents simple messages.
Note: A: Achieve
IP: In the process of achieve
NA: Not achieved


Food Rainbow

7.2.2 Table of task and ourselves assessment

Evaluation criteria

Activities appropriates to the group

Activities have achieved the objectives
Friendly and relaxed environment
Good team work
Level of involvement of children
Relationship between teachers and students
Stimulating activities for the group
Sufficient activities
Note: From 1 Not satisfied to 5 Very satisfied

7.2.3 Table of times, material and spaces assessments

Evaluation Criteria
Adequate and adapted material to the group
Attractive material to the children
Adequate and adapted spaces to the group
Variety of spaces used
Adequate and adapted times to the group
Carrying out of times established
Note: From 1 Not satisfied to 5 Very satisfied


Food Rainbow

Activity 1.1 The big eater monster

Activity 1.2 Many colored food!


Food Rainbow

Activity 1.3 The food rainbow song

Activity 1.4 We will look for something to eat!

Activity 1.5 In the bakery


Food Rainbow

Activity 2 .1 Its time to eat Mr. Monster

Is the same material that others activities (big monster and food flashcards).
Activity 2.2 Our food rainbow


Food Rainbow


Food Rainbow

Activity 2.3 Why we feed?

Activity 2.4 What does it taste?


Food Rainbow

Activity 2.5 What is a market? and

Activity 3.1 Lets go to reorder the market!

Note: Use food flashcards too


Food Rainbow

Activity 3.2 You mustnt eat many sweets

Junk Food, Junk Food
Go Away, Go Away
Junk Food, Junk Food
Be Never Seen In My Tray
Junk Food, Junk Food
You Are So Unhealthy
Junk Food, Junk Food
I Wanna Stay Healthy
Junk Food, Junk Food
You Will Make Me Fat
Junk Food, Junk Food
I Dont Wanna Be A Rat
Junk Food, Junk Food
You Will Make Me Sick
Junk Food, Junk Food
You Are Not My Pick
Junk Food, Junk Food
You Are Not For Me
I Hate Thee!


Activity 3.3 Choose our plate

Activity 3.4 Food group fun

Activity 3.5 Stop! This is my favorite food!

Activity 3.8 Im an expert on food

Activity 3.6 I love to cook

Food Rainbow

Generalization stage
We will use the same material that other activities of the didactic unit, except some audiovisual resources.


Food Rainbow

Books and texts:
Vanessa, R. and Sheila, M. 1997. Very Young Learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Resource books for
teachers. Series editor Alan Maley.
Clave XII. 2010. Competencias bsicas en educacin infantil. Reflexiones y experiencias en educacin.
Boja nm. 69. Orden 5 Agosto 2010
Instituto Cervantes. 2002. Marco Comn Europeo de referencia para las lenguas: Aprendizaje, enseanza,
evaluacin. Ministerio de educacin, cultura y deporte.
Cambridge University Press. 2002. The common European Framework.


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