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The Second Reflection

There is not in any doubt of this argument: the mistakes are the best tools
for learning.. This lesson was the biggest disaster that encountered to me
during this training practicum. This trail may look as failing, but to me, it is
another starting point where I return stronger than before.
Zoo animal was an English lesson, where I decided to teach my section about
zoo animals (S section). It was not a planning mistake. No, I followed the
school curriculum and constructed my lesson on it. In fact, the day where my
MCT came and when I thought this lesson was their first day ever in this unit.
The first day, time to learn about the zoo also the various animals that have.
I planned to create a lesson based on exploring zoo animals visually and
auditory. Visually in the first part of the PowerPoint and aurally in the second
part, which is the main activity. I planned for providing for the children the
opportunity to identify the zoo animals by using listening and cognitive skills.
Regardless of the technology error, sounds game could be best education
game in exploring the zoo animals. As it was their first period, first day and
their first time to take this theme, I decided to make an introduction for it
including this activity addition the independent activities. Besides the extra
worksheet in case, the pupils finished early.
Because of unexpected
technology error part of lesson ruined. I decided to put a timer to help me in
managing the children in the independent activities and organized it, but it
did not work. Furthermore, my classroom was hyperactive, which led to
another disadvantage in implementing my lesson. Although I taught them in
the first week, read stories, they behaved appropriately. The purpose of my
lesson is to explore, learn about zoo animals in education game, simple
method. You can return to my lesson plan as evidence also reference.
Post lesson, I found that my strong points were: introducing myself to the
class, illustrating the rules, managing and reminding them with roles
(hyperactive class may reflect weak managing but my effort in managing
was recognizable by MST and obvious.). Additional choosing a visual lesson
that suits learning styles of most the pupils. Whereas the weakness was in
choosing and depending on the technology in teaching, the unclear
justification for the independent activities, including to teaching centered in
explaining the differentiation activities, the low voice also the shortage of
transitions. (I planned to use various strategies such as the bomb timer but
the majority of them based on technology.)
In the end, I concluded the entire lesson was not suitable for my pupils.
Despite, it was they first brick in this new unit. The children were able to
achieve the learning objective so easily. So, I must create and plan an
advance lesson that is suitable and challenging to their comprehensive
abilities. Addition, this lesson was damage to me. What I learned is to create

plan B and do not trust on technology. In case, the children were hyperactive
like this day; I need to make the do exercise to release the extra energy.
Using color cards to divided the children into the differentiation activities and
using a bell to return their attention.
To sum up, although it was a nightmare, this lesson encourages to be a
better person in teaching.

The documentary:

The average level


The advanced level


The low-level activity.

The extra activity.

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