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About Meraki Therapy

We go through life mishearing and seeing and misunderstanding so that

the stories we tell ourselves add up Janet Malcolm
The aim of each session will be to help you hear the difference between what
your ego is telling you and your soul.
Our soul talks to us in many ways . In our sessions we will find out the different ways
your soul talks to you to create the life you are called for. These ways include the
physical health of your body (any dis-ease in your body is a manifestation of mental
thought patterns), the feelings in your heart and, but not limited to, thoughts you may
Everyone knows the answers within them. Meraki Therapy provides a safe space to
find out who you are. Once you understand and accept all of who you are you can
then start to create a life that is magical, a life that makes your heart sing.
I specifically do not use one technique as I believe we are beautifully layered like an
onion and as such need to potentially use a range of techniques. You are however at
the heart of the therapy and as such can choose to focus on any therapy that
resonates with you. This is after all the aim, to help you listen to your own inner
guidance system.

psychodynamic (psychoanalytic) psychotherapy
I believe that one explanation of who we are today, and the problems whether
mental, emotional or physical, are because of situations we experience and people
we meet. Some of these are pleasant but some may be unsettling to you. What we
then do is use various defense mechanisms to protect ourselves. In our sessions I
would encourage you to talk about whatever comes to mind when prompted with
various cues. This will help us uncover any unconscious thoughts or feeling that you
may not be aware of that will help us get to the bottom of whatever is troubling you or
blocking you from stepping into the fullness of your true potential.
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
I believe our behaviour is a reaction to our thoughts (cognition) which are controlled
by our ego. Cognition is any thought, perception or memory etc. CBT looks at the
cognitive aspects that triggers the behaviour. Once the trigger is identified we look at

how we can change the behaviours. There are many behavioural techniques that can
be looked at but in the end the technique that works best for you will not only be the
one you resonate with the most but the one you practice outside of the therapy
cognitive analytical therapy (CAT)
You will find when working with me that I use a variety of different techniques as I
believe treating a person is a holistic task. CAT does this by combining both
Psychodynamic as well as CBT techniques to aid self reflection and action.
interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)
I have always said that I am who I am because of the people I have met in my life.
People lift you up but their energy can also have a negative effect on you. In IPT we
look at how the people in your life have influenced you positively and then we look at
where you have been in a space to experience being pulled down by other peoples
energie. We look at where, when and why this happened and look at how we can
move on from this giving you the ability to become aware of when it happens again in
the future and how to move on in your own power.
humanistic therapies
I love the work of Abraham Hicks and the law of attraction. The theory of the law of
attraction talks about how the universe will bring whatever you think about; both
positive and negative. With this technique we identify where you could think more
positively about yourself and your life. The most exciting and powerful part of the
technique is the self-awareness that follows from this reflection and it is one of the
important stepping stones needed to create a life you love.
family and couple (systemic) therapy
I feel strongly that we were not created to be alone. We are happiest when we are
have meaningful relationships (friendships, intimate and family relationships). Feeling
the support of those around you in some cases is just what you need to move
through a difficult time. We look at how we can all work together to find the cause and
solution of the problem you are experiencing.

Heal Your Life Workshops

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life youve

imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be
Henry David Thoreau
Thousands of people worldwide have now found out how amazing these seminars
and workshops are which are based on the principles of You Can Heal Your Life
Heal, by Louise Hay.
The basic Heal Your Life philosophy is:

what we think about ourselves becomes true for us

everyone is responsible for everything in their lives the best and

the worst
every thought we think is creating our future
each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our

the thoughts we think and the words we speak create our

we can change the thoughts we think

Part of the challenge is that we give our power away by blaming the past, other
people, and difficult events for our frustration. When we learn to step outside the
world of blame we can then choose to create peace, harmony, and balance in our
minds and thats what we will find in our lives.
It is about YOU, the way you are, the key influences and events in your life that have
brought you to where you are now and the way you would like your life to be. The
process of healing your life begins with breaking through the layers of old
conditioning and beliefs about how you should lead your life, identifying any
problem areas and clearing out emotional clutter connected with them. There is no
magic or secret process. All that is required is a genuine desire to commit yourself
to change and a series of practical steps to make those changes happen. You can
also be assured that you will be taken through the entire process in a safe and
supportive environment.
The seminars and workshops I lead come in the following format:

Two day weekend workshops

One day workshops

Five and ten week study groups

Any of these programs can serve as stepping stones on your pathway of selfdiscovery. You will be gently and skillfully guided toward a realization of your own
power, inner wisdom and strengths, which will help you to achieve the life of joy,
happiness, prosperity and health you deserve.
Through these programs you will:

Learn to love yourself and others more fully and deeply

Release negative emotions that block your joy and creativity
Work with body, mind and spirit to transform your life
Understand your barriers to love
Get more of what you want from life
Gain new tools and ideas to assist you on your journey

By the end of the courses you will have a renewed appreciation and love for yourself
and others. You will also go home armed with spiritual and practical tools and
techniques that will help you respond to situations and circumstances in your life
more positively and lovingly.
Click on Meraki Therapy Meetup Group page for details of when and where the
workshops are. Alternatively feel free to email me if you have any further questions.

Holistic Therapies
meridian psychotherapy
A great therapy which combines ancient healing practices and talking therapy,
otherwise known as psychotherapy. For years many people have believed good
health means a natural flow of energy within the body. If there is a block in one of the
meridians (lines of energy flow) in your body, we are likely to feel some dis-ease
within our body. We would look at different techniques to help release any blocks
(physical, mental or emotional) that are preventing you from feeling whole.

cellular reprogramming
I believe that all memories are stored in our body at a cellular level. Have you ever
heard of the term muscle memory? Muscles hold a fitness level or the ability to pick
up a physical activity after not having done it for weeks or years in some cases.
Based on this principle the body holds memories especially those related to
emotions, positive and negative. When using cellular reprogramming we use a
journal to aid us in reprogramming a belief system the ego holds about who we are.
angel card readings
I like to think of Angel Card Readings as spirits Psychotherapy. In Psychotherapy we
look for unconscious thoughts and feeling that may be a cause of a problem however
when doing an Angel Card Reading we ask our angels and spirit to help us see what
our soul would like us to know about where we are in our journey. This could be a
one off consultation or a wonderful support alongside our other sessions to guide us
to the truth your soul wants to uncover.



When I looked at the definition of stillness in the dictionary; calmness, hush,

inaction, noiselessness, peace, quietness, quietude, serenity, still and tranquility are
the words that stand out to me the most. The idea being in the space of chaos.
I often struggle with not reacting to what I perceive others are thinking about me in
any given moment. My mind starts spinning and I feel like there is chaos inside my
head. I start feeling judged, I start thinking that Im not good enough. This I believe is
ones ego. Its the voice inside your head that represents social expectations and
norms. Over your life you are influenced by society and your ego grows to believe
that this is the truth of who and what you should be as this is what others expect.
After really understanding this concept I had one of the most freeing realisations. I
realised that how others see me is NOT the truth of who I am. I was only able to feel
this by allowing myself the space to just listen. In this stillness one is able to hear the
voice of their soul. The soul is the voice inside of your head that comes from the true
worth of who you are. This is the connection we all have with our source, our guide,
our spirit. In the Christian faith you may call this voice the Holy Spirit or God in more

holistic circles you may call this your alignment with the Source of all and your
Spirits/Angels etc.
What ever you believe, the purpose of your soul is always the same. It is your the
purest guide you have to following your dreams and creating a life that you love. Ive
started listening to quiet music and sitting more on my own. Ive started just looking
at people and letting them talk. Ive started just listening to my own thoughts. Ive
started just observing Just observing and in that making a conscious effort to just
breath. And in that breath I know Im automatically connected to my soul to my

What makes Meraki different:

I work with what resonates with you I believe that the uniqueness

of each person is what makes them beautiful. This individuality is what

makes each person special. This is why I dont believe in using one
specific therapy technique but I believe in tailoring each therapy session
to suit the needs of each client.
It is fun to find out who we truly are One thing I am learning is to

stop being so hard on myself. One of the ways I am learning to do this

has been a result of me learning that the more I find out about who I
am, the more I am in appreciation of how special and unique I am. I
have started to enjoy this process of discovery. The more fun I have with
myself and my human side the more courage I have to step into
creating a life I love.
Peace and acceptance I work under the principle that everything is

exactly as it should be and you are exactly where you should be. All you
are and have been through has lead you to this exciting moment. It is to
embrace the past, learn its lessons so we can walk in peace in the
It is a shared active experience I am on this journey with you. We

actively work together in looking for ways to access all of who you are
and deal with what youre going through.
Flexibility Not only is life unpredictable but in todays society

working hours vary which is why my hours are flexible and as such can
work around you.
Copyright Meraki 2016

Are you tired of feeling not good enough?

Do you know how to honour what you need?
Read the full article here.
Each person has a quality of being within them that is unique. What would the
experience of your world be like if you stopped criticising yourselves for not
conforming to the standards of society? Imagine if during your journey towards
embracing (honouring your inner goddess) you not only uncovered your feminine
power but you began to experience, live and relish the variety of aspects of the
women within you. I have always been very judgemental of the feminine expression
of myself. Part of the human journey is uncovering all the aspects of ourselves where
we put pressure on ourselves to be better.
The lesson here to is bring into our awareness that the more we criticise ourselves,
the less all the different parts of who we are want to come up and as a
consequence there is an emotional build up within that manifests as a feeling
of constant pressure that we arent good enough.
When we create a picture of the perfect women, a picture of what perfection looks
like and what we perceive ourselves to be and this isnt the way we want it to be, we
feel anxiety. This anxiety is a message from our soul. It is a silent whisper that
asks us to accept our inner beauty and change the way we see ourselves. When
we do this, we naturally create balance within. We dont need to put pressure on
ourselves. When we let go of this pressure and listen to the gentle flow of the
soul we begin to naturally align our self with our truth and begin to experience
a peace from within.
To honour your inner goddess means to embrace each of these 9 elements of
the feminine, step by step:
The mother of the child: When you are hurt how do you talk to yourself?
The daughter of a mother: Do you respect that you are doing the best that you
know how to?
The partner that is complete: Do you embrace the Ying and the Yang within
yourself. Do you allow other people to have control of your emotions, do you give
your power over to others or do you protect yourself from the energies of others and
always look within to make yourself feel complete?
The healer: Are you giving yourself the safe space to heal old hurts and pains? Are
you honouring your needs as they unfold?

The teacher: Are you telling yourself what to do or are you living by example? Are
you scolding yourself for not doing well enough or are you respecting the learning
process of your soul lessons?
The dancer: What steps are you taking in your life? Are you listening to the music
within your heart and following the rhythm of your heart beat or are you listening to
the drum of society?
The poet and writer: How are you creatively expressing yourself? What sets your
heart on fire? What makes your heart sing?
The listener: Are you listening to yourself and others from the critical mind, the
conditioned beliefs of society or are you listening from your core, your soul that knows
that the only truth there is love and that all else is a perception that has been created
by your beliefs.
The women of peace: Do you live in the awareness that you are not what others
Have fun uncovering, discovering and living the new aspects of who you are. Relish
the feeling that you dont need the validation of others to live the magic of the source
of your being. Discover how to embrace all the aspects of who you are today by
connecting with Meraki Therapy personally.
Personal Reading Melissa Freemantle, Alstar Quest
Read the full article here.



Do you feel devalued? Are you tired of

feeling not good enough? Are you scared to
express how you truly feel? Do you know
how to honour what you need? Do you know
what it means to be true to who you are?
Do you feel that others dont see your true

Each person has a quality of being within them that is

unique. What would the experience of your world be like if you stopped criticising
yourselves for not conforming to the standards of society? Imagine if during your
journey towards embracing (honouring your inner goddess) you not only
uncovered your feminine power but you began to experience, live and relish the
variety of aspects of the women within you. I have always been very judgemental of
the feminine expression of myself. Part of the human journey is uncovering all the
aspects of ourselves where we put pressure on ourselves to be better.
The lesson here to is bring into our awareness that the more we criticise ourselves,
the less all the different parts of who we are want to come up and as a
consequence there is an emotional build up within that manifests
as a feeling of constant pressure that we arent good enough.

Are you giving yourself the safe space to heal old hurts and
When we create a picture of the perfect women, a picture of what perfection looks
like and what we perceive ourselves to be and this isnt the way we want it to be, we
feel anxiety. This anxiety is a message from our soul. It is a silent whisper
that asks us to accept our inner beauty and change the way we see
ourselves. When we do this, we naturally create balance within. We dont need to
put pressure on ourselves. When we let go of this pressure and listen
to the gentle flow of the soul we begin to naturally align our self
with our truth and begin to experience a peace from within.
Look at people and situations as opportunities for you to seek within the ability to find
the live expression of your feminine identify. How do the experiences in your life
make you feel not good enough? To experience and live our true feminine identify
we need to uncover the different parts of the divine goddess within each of us. To
live in balance we need to honour all the aspects of our feminine expression.

To honour your inner goddess means to

embrace each of these 9 elements of the
feminine, step by step:
1. The mother of the child: When you are hurt how do you talk to yourself?
Do you criticise yourself, tell yourself to act in a way that is in accordance with how
society expects you to act or do you honour that which you need? How do you speak
to your inner child, with love and gentle encouragement or with self-criticism?

2. The daughter of a mother: Do you respect that you are doing the best
that you know how to? Do you respect and honour the words of your own guidance
or do you question and disrespect who you are?
3. The partner that is complete: Do you embrace the Ying and the Yang
within yourself. Do you allow other people to have control of your emotions, do you
give your power over to others or do you protect yourself from the energies of others
and always look within to make yourself feel complete?
4. The healer:

Each person has a quality of being within them that

is unique.
Are you giving yourself the safe space to heal old hurts and pains? Are you
honouring your needs as they unfold? Are you putting a band aide on the problem or
are you allowing yourself the space to heal on a deeper level where true healing
takes place?
5. The teacher: Are you telling yourself what to do or are you living by
example? Are you scolding yourself for not doing well enough or are you respecting
the learning process of your soul lessons?
6. The dancer: What steps are you taking in your life? Are you listening to the
music within your heart and following the rhythm of your heart beat or are you
listening to the drum of society?
7. The poet and writer: How are you creatively expressing yourself? What
sets your heart on fire? What makes your heart sing?
8. The listener: Are you listening to yourself and others from the critical mind,
the conditioned beliefs of society or are you listening from your core, your soul that
knows that the only truth there is love and that all else is a perception that has been
created by your beliefs.
9. The women of peace: Do you live in the awareness that you are not what
others say? There is no insecurity. We dont find our security in the views of others
but in the belief that we have in ourselves, it is in this space that you experience inner
Have fun uncovering, discovering and living the new aspects of who you are. Relish
the feeling that you dont need the validation of others to live the magic of the source
of your being. Discover how to embrace all the aspects of who you are today by
connecting with Meraki Therapy personally.
Personal Reading Melissa Freemantle, Alstar Quest

Melissa Freemantle Life Coach & Healer

About us: I have trained under the Alstar Systems of Healing for 20 years and
Within that umbrella I have studied and apply the following practices which
Return the Love and Positive life Force and Divine Presence of the Soul to the
body and Life path of the Individual. Personal growth Healing and development as
the Aspirant of the Soul- in studying and living the ways of the Masters is the
method of guidance given. (mind body soul awareness)

The White Flame of the Tibetan assists deeply to relax the Lower mind and
awaken the Higher mind where clear conscious Self Realization begins by working
with the principles of the soul and self mastery -I refer to the guidance from A
course in Miracles and reference to all teachings of Alice Bailey ,the healing of the
Soul and Body as One. For That be the philosophy of the Alstar. I am devotee of
Sai Baba and work daily with the Tibetan Master of Service as an Aspirant to The
Holiness Dalia Lama.
Alstar Quest Holistic Healing Center
Melissa Freemantle


Skype: Melissa.freemantle
Phys: 122 Market Street Jukskei Park, Johannesburg North.
Melissa Freemantle Life Coach & Healer
About us: I have trained under the Alstar Systems of Healing for 20 years and
Within that umbrella I have studied and apply the following practices which
Return the Love and Positive life Force and Divine Presence of the Soul to the
body and Life path of the Individual. Personal growth Healing and development as
the Aspirant of the Soul- in studying and living the ways of the Masters is the
method of guidance given. (mind body soul awareness)

The White Flame of the Tibetan assists deeply to relax the Lower mind and
awaken the Higher mind where clear conscious Self Realization begins by working
with the principles of the soul and self mastery -I refer to the guidance from A
course in Miracles and reference to all teachings of Alice Bailey ,the healing of the
Soul and Body as One. For That be the philosophy of the Alstar. I am devotee of
Sai Baba and work daily with the Tibetan Master of Service as an Aspirant to The
Holiness Dalia Lama.
Alstar Quest Holistic Healing Center
Melissa Freemantle
Cell: 0826210134

Skype: Melissa.freemantle
Phys: 122 Market Street Jukskei Park, Johannesburg North.

Soul Readings and Counselling together with

DNA Body Therapies with Natural Remedies included

Tibetan breath Therapy

Chakra balancing and reading of All energy bodies; thus stress release

Spine alignment

Detoxing of emotional and mental clearing that is revealed by the DNA in

each treatment, thus releasing the causative aspects of all disease and

Relationship healing

Family support



Meditation skills and visualization in Life soul counselling ,guidance and


Prayers and atonements of blessings absent healing

Releasing patterns that no longer serve you by identifying the CAUSE

of Dis-ease and thus Designing A Full treatment program that would best
serve you to Heal, taking into consideration all medical history and current

Touch Therapies: very gentle soothing therapies that are aligned with
Organ balancing and re-growth of positive cells

Drawing Therapies


Alstar Coaching in the form of One on One sessions : physical address 122
Market street jukskei
park JHB north Alstar Holistic Healing Centre

Absent Healing by Email readings / sound Recordings : 0826210134

Skype readings/ counselling's : Melissa.freemantle

Training of the Higher Mind through the Tibetan Method of the Soul.

Melissa Freemantle and my master and teacher Lord Zwanski the Flame of Peace

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