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Las fbricas de coches a electricidad emiten una mayor cantidad de desechos

txicos comparados con las fbricas de autos convencionales. En muchos casos,

los vehculos elctricos todava pueden resultar ventajosos desde el punto de vista
ambiental. Pero para poder resolver dichos problemas hay que hacer grandes
mejoras en los procesos de electricidad es a partir de lignito, carbn o combustin
con aceite.

Cul es la solucin?

Mejorar la etapa de produccin para poder contrarrestar los efectos que produce la
construccin de dichos automviles, puesto que mejorando la infraestructura y
permitiendo este tipo de vehculos nicamente donde cuenten con otros medios
para producir electricidad.

For example: the use of the production of batteries and electrical engines needs
the use of a great quantity of toxic materials as the nickel, aluminium and copper,
of there than that the impact for acidificacin is very much bigger. In view of the
high level of environmental impact of the electrical cars in his phase of production
these vehicles manage to contaminate more inclusive before going out to the sale.
But in zones in which the fuels result as the principal source of energy, the
electrical cars do not offer benefits but one possesses the type of necessary
energy, and eventually this produces a slightly favorable effect for the environment.
The fact turns out to be slightly counter-productive that of that there improves itself
the production of this type of vehicles in countries that his way to produce
electricity i

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