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EDPY 401

Nov 2nd
Instructor: Dr. Heather Brown
Tayler Button, Luke Harrison, Holly Gallivan, Tegan Zelenka

Goals and Objectives Assignment

Student: Jasmine - Grade 11
Long Term Goal: Between January and June 2017, Jasmine will work towards handing-in
90% of her assignments fully completed and by the due date. Parents and teachers will support
Jasmine by focusing on improving her self-advocacy skills, specifically in asking for help, and
improving her effort level in assignments.
Specific: The focus is Jasmine's ability to hand-in completed assignments in a timely manner
within the classroom setting. Ultimately, the short-term goals will aid in developing skills needed
to accomplish this goal by the end of the year. .
Measureable: The teacher and Jasmine will work together by using a Record Keeping
Template. This will monitor the completion of each assignment and to keep track of which
assignments are still outstanding or incomplete. (How we can manage ADHD Behaviour, p. 3).
Attainable: By setting a daily schedule and routine, Jasmine will be able to keep track of her
assignments and when they are due. In addition, she will have time allotted to speak to her
teacher for clarification on assignments. This will prevent confusion when Jasmine is working on
the assignment individually and reduce the likely of her becoming overwhelmed and
subsequently disengaging from the assignment.
Relevant: By working towards getting her assignments completed and submitted, Jasmine will
improve her grades and engage more readily in the learning process. In addition, improving her
attitude towards academics can create positive work habits which will continue to benefit her
beyond the high school context.
Timely: Short-term objectives will be established that will include consistent goals that will
contribute to aiding Jasmine in reaching the long term goal by June 2017. These timelines are
detailed in the template below.


Jasmine is a student who has been identified with AD/HD, specifically within the
attention spectrum. Jasmine comes from a family of high achievers and has consistently
performed below average academically. Unfortunately, often times within this family dynamic
students like Jasmine experience this learned helplessness (ADDitude: Strategies and
Support for ADHD &LD) where they feel like they cant succeed due to persistent failure. As a
result, Jasmine feels that there is little purpose to attend class or actively engage in learning
activities. When Jasmine does attend, she does not ask for clarification regarding her
assignments or tasks which causes her to become overwhelmed. As a result, the
assignment/task later on becomes more difficult during individual work when help is not
available. The first STO involves increasing Jasmines class attendance to 21/25 days per
month. Attending classes regularly is an incremental step towards improving Jasmines
engagement and motivation within the learning process. Jasmines presence in the classroom
will help her gain more confidence and feel more comfortable asking for help. This is the critical
first step in becoming a self advocate: where Jasmine learns to take the initiative, prioritize and
develop positive work habits. Therefore, attending classes regularly will act as an incremental
step towards the second STO; accommodating Jasmine with strategies to ask for help and
clarification when needed. The third STO involves prioritizing tasks to achieve time related goals
and improve organization skills. This goal will hopefully increase Jasmine's performance
academically and her ability to hand-in assignments in a timely manner. As such, each STO
builds towards the long-term goal by the end of the year. Subsequently, by the end of the year
Jasmine will be attending class regularly; will be able to ask for help when she feels she needs
it; and prioritize when each assignment needs to be completed/worked-on. This engagement
will help her to connect how her attendance and her willingness to engage positively within the
classroom influences her academic performance. These objectives will combat effects of
learned helplessness and these small successes will build to the completion of her long-term
goal. Finally, regular communication with parents is vital to the achievement of the long term
goal because it positively reinforces their support and involvement in Jasmines learning needs.
Short Term Goal One:
- Starting in January, Jasmine will arrive on time for classes and attend 21/25 days
each month by February 2017.
Short Term Goal Two:
- Starting in February 2017, Jasmine will independently ask for help/clarification
whenever she requires it throughout the class. She will be required to clarify or check
in with her instructor at least once per class. This will continue until the end of the
school year.
Short Term Goal Three

- Starting in March 2017, Jasmine will learn prioritization skills and techniques to
achieve her time goals and increase her skills in organization. This will continue until the
end of the school year.

Group Members: Tayler Button, Luke Harrison, Holly Gallivan, Tegan Zelenka

Goals and Objectives Assignment Template

Case Study Student: Jasmine
Long Term Goal: Between January and June 2017 Jasmine will work towards handing-in
90% of her assignments fully completed and by the due date. Parents and teachers will
support Jasmine by focusing on improving her self-advocacy skills, specifically in asking for
help, and improving her effort level in assignments.
Need Addressed: Jasmine currently does not attend classes regularly and
in addition to this, she does not hand in all of her assignments . When
she does hand in the assignments, they are often incomplete.
Rationale: See above

Description of

Describe what
strategies or
interventions will be
implemented to support
the student in reaching
the objective?

How will the student

demonstrate that they
have met the objective?

Starting in January,
Jasmine will arrive
on time for classes
and attend 21/25
days each month
by February 2017

Non-Contingent Positive
Reinforcement- Be a
bucket filler! She is from a
family of high achievers so
her self-esteem is likely
low. Make her feel welcome
and wanted in order to get
her coming back

In conjunction to regular
teachers attendance, the
teacher will collaborate with
Jasmines parents to ensure
which absences are excused
and which are not.

Supporting Positive
Behaviour in Alberta
Schools: A Classroom
Approach (SPBAS:CA 2006,

Jasmine will use an

Attendance Improvement
Plan, as provided to her in the
school agenda; this may
include time for the work that
Jasmine has missed. In
addition, this could include:

Jasmine will complete selfassessment questionnaires

weekly. Through these forms,
she will identify why she
missed a particular class and
what steps could be taken to
remedy this situation.
School Bonding (classroom
jobs)- Jasmine will be given a
desirable classroom job like
putting up or creating seasonal
decorations which will appeal
to her creativity and recruit
emotional commitment to her

Starting in February
Jasmine will
independently ask for
whenever she
requires it throughout
the class. She will be
required to clarify or
check in with her
instructor at least once
per class continuing
for the rest of the
school year.

The teacher will create a

special work area adjacent to
the teacher's desk specifically
designed for one-to-one
instruction with teacher. This is
provide accessibility for
Jasmine to engage in asking
Create a colour-coated nonverbal cue card that can be
displayed on Jasmines desk to
accommodate her when she
requires assistance. This will
allow her to ask for help subtly
without feeling singled out.
Post in-class assignments
coupled with step-by-step
instructions in google docs in
order to review instruction
independently at home.

school term dates, non-school

periods, goals to improve the
students attendance including
a target for attendance,
nominated staff that can
support the student if they
need assistance, and their
locations, and the process to
be followed if the student is
absent. (Victoria State
Government: Education and
Jasmine will hand in SelfAssessment forms to the
teacher every Friday for a short
discussion about Jasmines
attendance during the week.
This discussion will involve
both what was positive about
her attendance and what could
be improved.

Teacher and Jasmine will

create spreadsheet in which
Jasmine can make a record of:
1) Frequency of selfadvocation such initiating
asking for help/clarification.
2) Quality of questioning skills
3) Reflect upon the occasions
she did not ask for assistance
when she clearly needed to.
During Jasmine and her
teachers weekly scheduled
meeting they discuss the
frequency of cue cards use
and what aspects could use
improvement in terms of asking
for clarification.
Jasmine will be provided a
teacher created checklist/rubric
for the google document to her
monitor progress throughout
the assignments. Each day the

teacher will review how

Jasmine is progressing in
completing her assignment.

Starting in March,
Jasmine will learn
prioritization skills and
techniques to achieve
her time goals and
increase her skills in
organization. This will
continue for the rest of
the school year.

The teacher will provide

regular reminders for Jasmine
to check her deadlines and to
organize tasks with the use of
her agenda.
When Jasmine meets her
deadlines, the teacher will
provide positive reinforcement
of desired behaviour with
verbal praise. Having a reward
system established for
goal/task achievement will
encourage Jasmine to stay
organized and on-task. Failure
to complete assignments by
the deadline will result in
appropriate consequences;
which will consist of mandatory
work periods during scheduled
free time hours.
(O Reagan, F.J. 2014 p. 20)

Jasmine will create daily

numbered to-do lists that will
demonstrate her capability to
plan deadlines. The number
values will indicate priorities
that will be subject to random
instructor review.
Jasmine will be required to
provide an agenda check as an
exit slip from class detailing her
progress in current
assignments and that she is
aware of due dates.
(SPBAS:CA , 2006 p. 26)

Reference List
Alberta Education. Learning and Teaching Resources Branch. (2006).Supporting Positive
Behaviour in Alberta Schools: A Classroom Approach. Edmonton, AB: Alberta Education.
Retrieved from:
O'Regan, F. J. (2014).Successfully Managing ADHD: A Handbook for SENCOs and Teachers.

London, UK: Routledge. Retrieved from:

Victoria State Government: Education and Training. (2013) Participation and Engagement.
Melbourne, Victoria: Australia. Retrived from:

ADDitude: Strategies and Support for ADHD & LD. How to stop Negative Thinking: Help for
Adults Battling Defeatism. (1998). New York, NY

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