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Channel 4
26 minutes
Voiceover narration student fact/statistic about fear with
Opening title fades in and out shallow depth of field
cutaways within.
Vox pop students what is scariest film?
Jack student interviewee fear of ghosts
Archive material linking to what jack has said
Vox pop more serious, common fears
Psychology teacher interviewee why students have these
common fears, irrational fears, fears about college.
Someone with a common fear eg. Spiders/clowns interview
Establishing shot of college
Interview of college fears
Cutaway of people talking/working in college
Short voiceover narration All students have fears
surrounding college... relates to what the previous
interviewee(s) discussed and relates to the subsequent vox
pop about college.
Vox pop about college fears/worries
Cutaway of psychology department
Psychology student interview
Interviewee with fear relating to what the psychology
student discussed therefore will confirm her theories about
student fears.
Cutaway of psychology plague
Psychology teacher interview dreams (how they work)
and childhood fears
Student interviewee talking about childhood fear
Cutaway of person in Ghostface mask during the previously
mentioned interview (5 seconds) and after (5 seconds)
Student talking about dream/nightmare
Voiceover narration about nightmares, statistics on
nightmares amongst students, what they are and how often
they have them on average.
Student A talking about nightmare
Student B talking about nightmare
Cutaway of person in mask/something relating to one of the
nightmares/dreams previously mentioned
Interview with Spooky World Employee - what it is like as
working at Spooky World, enjoy it? Any fears of his own?
Cutaway of college grounds

15 seconds
30 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
5 seconds
15 seconds
50 seconds
10 seconds
4 seconds
25 seconds
5 seconds
10 seconds

15 seconds
5 seconds
20 seconds
10 seconds

2 seconds
30 seconds
30 seconds
10 seconds
10 seconds
15 seconds

10 seconds
10 seconds
5 seconds
20 seconds
5 seconds

Interview with Spooky World Employee anything about

college that scares him? Whats scarier Spooky World or
college/uni and why?
Voiceover narration clarifying previous point and relating it
back to student fears
Psychology teacher interview Spooky World
Vox pop asking students about Spooky World do they enjoy
it? What scares them about Spooky World?
Interview with Spooky World Employee why he thinks
students enjoy it? How does Spooky World make money off
of student fears? Why he thinks it is scary? Where do the
fears come from?
Psychology student interview why students go to Spooky
World? Do you think they enjoy being scared?
Biology teacher how the brain works, what goes through
peoples minds when they are scared? How they think
dreams work?
Cutaways of diagrams (brain etc) during previous interview
Narration introducing stranger, weirder phobias
Psychology teacher interview why people/students have
weirder fears like fear of caterpillars or birds, irrational
Interview with someone with fear of caterpillars.
Cutaway of caterpillar, bugs
Interview with someone who is scared of birds and flying
Cutaway of image of birds
Biology teacher how they think students cope with fears
Psychology teacher how they think students cope with
Psychology student how she thinks that students cope
with fears, how she copes with her own
Cutaway of students happy, chatting, natural
Ask all previous interviewees how they are coping with
their fears? Jack
Someone with common fear of spiders/clowns
Someone with nightmare
Voiceover narration about how it is normal for student to
have these fears, it is common, narration will confirm what
interviewees have said
Cutaway of Ghostface

20 seconds

10 seconds
20 seconds
40 seconds
50 seconds

30 seconds
60 seconds

5 seconds
10 seconds
30 seconds

20 seconds
5 seconds
20 seconds
5 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
40 seconds
10 seconds
20 seconds


5 seconds

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