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In the Matter of
Janice Wolk Grenadier

Case No. 16-13028 BFK

Motion for Reconsideration due to Fraud on the Court

Due to Obstruction of Justice
By Judge Kenny and Trustee Thomas Gorman
That under 18 U.S.C 1, the Judicial Canons 1, 2 and 3 along with
Professional Code of Ethics Rules 8.1 - 8.5 - Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession

Comes now that Janice has asked for the recuse of Judge Kenny which he is ignoring. Judge Kenny needs to recuse or
to rule reasonable looking at all the facts and figures of this case.
That Janice has filed other Bankruptcy and stated very clearly to her from Trustee Gorman Everything you have
done is legal
That Trustee Gorman further stepped out of his box to make sure one person got a fair shot in court, but the
appearance when I asked for the DOJ to stay he may have been the reason he would not stay.
Further it was Trustee Gorman that stated you will be called in 30 minutes and then with the assistance of the Judge
court was held after 4:00 pm to insure secrecy. Further the Order reads I can not show how I can pay everything off
in 3 5 years. I have shown proof of ownership in several documents presented in this court and in the Adverse
Complaint filed.
The following Links et al will back me on everything that has happened:
JWG Links Video Update October 28, 2016
June 22, 2016 Janice Circuit Court of the City of Alexandria VA - exposing the corruption - Judge James
Clark states he and Carter Land were Trustee's on all of Burke and Herbert Loans for Friendship as he did
on June 8, 2016. That Judge Clark further stated no financial compensation from Burke and Herbert band
directly or indirectly. Which must mean the lawyer representing Burke & Herbert from his law firm would
have had to do it for free - "friendship" still illegal. Janice states this is a "Shame Hearing" - Judge Clark
States - "Not on this side" since when does Judge's take sides?
In May of 2016 learned that Judge Clark had a financial relationship - I contacted the FBI and here is the
conversation with the FBI that has ignored it:

These two videos show that I spoke with Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Brian Moran and showed him my Box
of evidence that
Janice Exposes the Corruption of the City of Alexandria
Nazi Virginia the place Terrorist's can Buy $$$$ Justice
Janice Wolk Grenadier asking / exposing Mark Warner for the 3rd time having the discussion
he lied.
DSCF0005 - Jailed so Senator Mark Warner could be Re-elected and
DSCF0039 Mark Warner Exposed as he Lies about what he knows - YouTube

These Videos are the tapes of Janice Wolk Grenadier Standing UP and speaking out at the City of
Alexandria Council Meeting

June 2016 COA Council Meeting

COA June 18,2016 Council Meeting exposing Judge James Clark

June 2016 Burke & Herbert Bank - Lying to me about the subpoena and that he had no idea I was to come
today after I had already had a conversation with another person there.

October 2016 City Council Meeting further exposing the corruption in the City of Alexandria
October 2016 - City of Alexandria Council Meeting - These two tapes show the Financial Questionable activity
The disclosure of the City Corruption in the finances - Private School $70,000 - for tennis courts - COA funded
$400,000 for tennis courts - the City Paid $1.6 Million
September 2016 City Council Meeting

Right with Crime - CSPAN Talking about the Corruption with Judges
CATO - Judge Merrick Garland

February 2016 - The $602,000 SCAM of the JIRC
DSCF0008 - The Mortgage Crisis - Eric Holder

Eric Holder and the SCAM on the American People
DSCF0042 City of Alexandria Council Meeting January 2016 - YouTube

DSCF0047 City of Alexandria City Council Meeting December 2015 - YouTube

DSCF0048 City of Alexandria Council Meeting November 2015 - YouTube

DSCF0050 City of Alexandria Council Meeting October 2015 - YouTube

DSCF0051 City of Alexandria Council Meeting September 2015 - YouTube

DSCF0055 City of Alexandria Council Meeting June 2015 - YouTube

DSCF0056 City of Alexandria Council Meeting May 2015 - YouTube City of Alexandria $602,000 Scam Council Meeting

Feb 2016 - Cato Question where to go for Help with Sydney Powell
Licensed to Lie - On July 25, 2014 Janice Wolk Grenadier asked "Where do you go for help when your
Due Process rights as an American Citizen are violated?" You will be shocked by the answer
We send young men and women into harms way to fight for rights that we no longer have as American
Citizens. It is very scary and until you are involved in a Slippery Slope of the Collusion and Corruption of
the Judicial System - it is difficult to understand.
The entire event can be heard at

Read more at:
3 State Name
That the law is very clear: That Judge Clarks actions have turned back time. Giving me less rights then a slave. Taking
someone under Title 42 US Code 1994 and Title 18 US Code 1581(a): Whoever holds or returns any person to a condition of
PEONAGE, shall be fined under this title for imprisoned not more than 20 years or both. That on October 22, 2014 I was placed
in jail for failure to pay legal fees in 30 days which is a violation of my Thirteenth Amendment "Neither Slavery not involuntary
servitude, except as punishment for a crime where of the party shall have duly convicted, shall exist within the United States,
or any subject to their Jurisdiction". Furthermore the right by placing me "under" a state Peonage / Involuntary Servitude
violating the Fourth Amendment right by malicious prosecution, false imprisonment and unconstitutional arrest. This violation
of my Eight Amendment Right as to Excessive Bail which in this case constitutes "Restitution Bail" which further shows the
knowledgeable malicious intent to silence me till the election was over on November 4th. 2014. Bias, Retaliation and
Retribution to further line the Lawyers pockets by Judge Clark.
Further: The system is one where the Lawyers and Judges have set it up to protect each other and line each others pockets
with Cash.
December 2015 Defendant Janice Wolk Grenadier Stands up and speaks out against the Criminal Acts of Judge Nolan
Dawkins in Regard to his re-appointment - In front of the Courts of Justice in the Virginia Legislature Several other Victims
also stood up and spoke out about the criminal actions of other Virginia Judges Courts of Justice A group of Elected Officials /
Lawyers who practice in front of these Judges
The Professional Code of Responsibility of the Lawyers on the Courts of Justice Rule 8.4 Misconduct It is professional
misconduct for a lawyer to:

(a) violate or attempt to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or
do so through the acts of another;
(b) commit a criminal or deliberately wrongful act that reflects adversely on the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness
or fitness to practice law;
(c) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation which reflects adversely on the
lawyers fitness to practice law;
The Courts of Justice further GUARANTEES THE JUDGES against complaints being investigated by HAND
SELECTING THE JIRC ( The Judicial Inquiry and Review Committee where complaints are filed against Judges and
never investigated Read More at the $602,000. SCAM on the Virginia
Guaranteeing all Judges the ability to ignore the law and rule to protect their own and as Judge Clark stated very
clearly to his good friend Attorney Michael Weiser

The Appearance and the collusion is that all Judges in the State of Virginia have a Secret Handshake of You
Scratch my Back, I will line you pockets with WINS in the court room for your Clients Call me Buy me Lunch or
Dinner or what ever but, we will not turn on our own
So what about those young Men and Women who go off to war to fight for the Rights our Constitution Gives
Americans of Due Process?

Rico Information: Complaint: Complaint-October-17-2015
Documents the Back up the Claims:
This picture / email says it all:

That on Friday October 21, 2016 DOJ Joesph Guzinski stated very clearly his not investigating the criminal acts and
actions was his concern for his own life, the retaliation and retribution as well as when asked who is supervisor was
he stated The White House not the Department of Justice Or Loretta Lynch.
Outline FBI / DOJ corruption / Bankruptcy Cover Up and others

1. I have been reporting this corruption on a regular basis - I know how bad it is and how horrid I have been treated
and could never understand and I knew everyone was being paid off or afraid - but, I guess I never knew the extend 2. On October 11, 2016 - Thomas Gorman was at the table and insisted with this other women - that she had been
ripped off by her lawyer - that he was going to get the DOJ - Joesph Guzinski to investigate.
3. DOJ Mr. Guzinski came and interviewed her and Mr. Gorman

4. On October 13, 2016 in court. I was 3rd on the docket, at or around 1.25 pm told I would be called by Mr.
Gorman in about or within 30 minutes
5. First in court was the non-contested arguments
6. Then Mr. Gorman calls a women's name I unfortunately, did not pay attention to the name - will need to figure it
out - DOJ - Mr. Guzinski goes up - he doesn't want anything to do with it. Mr. Gorman fights for the women - who
does not show up in court so losses by default - but, Mr. Gorman puts on fight to have it continued - to give it time to
be investigated - he fights with the Judge that she should be heard. He believes her and he thinks she was taken
advantage of.
7. I ask DOJ Mr. Guzinski to stay in the court, as I am to be heard in the next half hour. He agrees turns around to
stay - Mr. Gorman and the Judge had seen me do this and had looked me in the eye 8. I believe one of them signaled him not to stay - after he turned around and was on his way to sit - because he then
abruptly turned and said he couldn't. I then asked if he had a card.
9. I now am sure Mr. Guzinski was motioned for him not to stay by either Thomas Gorman or Judge Kenny
10. I was then left to be heard at the end. But, it wasn't just the end. The Judge took a break, it was to be 10
minutes, Thomas Gorman went running out of the court room - I believe and the appearance was to the Judge.
11. It was about a 20-minute break and the hearing started. The hearing was held after 4 pm - after court hours so no
one else could hear. The hearing was bulling to me and the ruling by the Judge was unreasonable with no questions
of substance asked of me. At the end I stood and ask for the Judge's recusal he refused.
12. I did get Exhibits into the record that show the TRUTH and the corruption. Shows the pattern and practice and
the criminal acts and actions.
13. I would learn after research that Judge Kenny went to the University of Richmond. the one common denominator
of all.
14. On Friday, October 14, 2016 I filed for the Judge to recuse and Thomas Gorman be removed I file Criminal
Claims sheets with back up against Judge Clark and Ilona Grenadier Heckman. I filed a Notice to be heard and was
I take a copy to the Department of Justice as well as other Documents to Mr. Guzinski
I then e-mail other information and request a meeting on Friday the 14th with Mr. Guzinski of the DOJ
Mr. Guzinski refuses the meeting saying he would read everything and then get back to me.
I continue sending Mr. Guzinski information / things
Now on Friday, October 21, I have evidence that is confusing and want to meet with him to show it to him,
it is time for a meeting and he is ignoring me. I stop by his office late in the afternoon. He YELLS at me.

That he is not going to meet with me and any information I have e-mail it to him. When I state "This is my
Life" in a very calm and professional manner he states - angry and all red faced yelling at me "NO - THIS IS
ABOUT MY LIFE - ME" I was extremely taken back. shocked - to me it was one more person saying I was
When I left the office since I had not recorded it - I sat down and wrote the whole thing out, that he was more
concerned about himself and how this would outcome him then me. That he was afraid of the Retaliation and
Retribution on him, then what I had been through. That he wasn't going to help me - because he most likely at
or around 50 was to afraid of loosing his pension - is what I wrote. That he didn't give a shit about me - he
was only concerned about himself and the retaliation and retribution against him was not worth doing the right
As you may or may not know I reached out to everyone 15. On Sunday night October 23, 2016 ( and now I am going to work back words with the evidence that shows the
collusion of Gov. McAuliffe and the DOJ / FBI.
16. The two articles released late on the 23rd show the collusion and the payoffs to the officials in the FBI - as
everyone knows Terry McAuliffe was the fund raiser and got Bill Clinton elected to the President. He was supposed
to be 1st choice for VP. The plan was he would run for Governor - and it was just a stepping stone - I have been
loud and standing up and speaking out a problem for all of them since 2010. That they couldn't control. As you can
see in the above links
17. Clinton Ally Aided Campaign of FBI Officials Wife WSJ $675,000.
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe is a Clinton goon and as corrupt as it gets. So it should be no surprise that McAuliffe
donated $467,500 to campaign of state senate campaign of the wife of an FBI official. You say why is this a big deal?
Because that senior FBI official is Andrew McCabe who oversaw the Hillary Clinton email probe. Commie Comeys
corruption is looking much more clear these days.

The political organization of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, an influential Democrat with longstanding ties to Bill
and Hillary Clinton, gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an official at the Federal Bureau of
Investigation who later helped oversee the investigation into Mrs. Clintons email use.
Campaign finance records show Mr. McAuliffes political-action committee donated $467,500 to the 2015 state
Senate campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe, who is married to Andrew McCabe, now the deputy director of the FBI.
The Virginia Democratic Party, over which Mr. McAuliffe exerts considerable control, donated an additional
$207,788 worth of support to Dr. McCabes campaign in the form of mailers, according to the records. That adds up
to slightly more than $675,000 to her candidacy from entities either directly under Mr. McAuliffes control or
strongly influenced by him. The figure represents more than a third of all the campaign funds Dr. McCabe raised in
the effort.

Mr. McAuliffe and other state party leaders recruited Dr. McCabe to run, according to party officials. She lost the
election to incumbent Republican Dick Black.
19. In May of 2016 - Terry McAulliffe was going to be speaking in Alexandria - I decide to show up. My lucky day
- the news media for all stations was following him around like crazy. Not the sound, but, my picture as you can see
in this video was everywhere - you will notice the box and the picture. The box is the box of un-open evidence that I
have and the picture is of the Mark Stuart who was hired - under Judge Clark's direction to help him find me
incompetent. When the Alexandria Police were called - I was told the Commonwealth Attorney - Randy Sengel said
they were not allowed to take any police reports from me. Same YouTube as above:
You tube me and Terry McAuliffe You will see in this that I am showing him
my evidence and the picture - the media according to them had deleted all the verbal conversation of me and
him. This came from ABC
20 - The articles of the $120,000 from a Chinese business man and the other video that ABC gave me Youtube
The Articles - As you can see on
my Facebook page most of the links to this story are corrupt
21. BELOW is a link to the FBI one of the many conversations I have tried to have with them - I caught this one
agent off guard - she even gave her page # - but again she did not ever follow up with me - no matter how many emails etc - Unfortunately I was late to the record everything Above you will see a link to the FBI for 06-08-2016 with me very comely telling the investigator - what is happening. I also have the e-mails showing that I sent the
information in.
22. I start googling and doing outlines on all he players and learn the common ground is the University of Richmond
and The University of Richmond law School also known as TC Williams Law School. That in googling adjunct
professor you learn they make between $5,000 - $20,000. I have learned privately they make $35,000 - $50,000
23. I also learned that Judge Kent King or head of the Old Boys Network was the president of the school in 1987
24. Tim Kaine was an adjunct Professor for 6 years
25. James Comey was an Adjunct Professor, since being with the FBI speaks there regularly (Paid), has won awards
from the school which brings gifts, and then paid for commencement speech May of 2016.
o James Comey would then go on to do several interviews with the press that he had put several people
in jail for far less then the criminal actions of Hillary Clinton
o James Comey came to Richmond from NYC - where he worked with Loretta Lynch
o James Comey stated it was his job to give the information to the DOJ and there job to decide the
o James Comey after Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch on the tar mac became the spokes person for
stating "HRC did nothing wrong was just sloppy" in direct conflict of what he had said in the past
The above evidence I believe shows without a doubt the corruption and the purchase of the FBI / DOJ why we can not
get any help in our cases and have nowhere to go for help

26. We also don't want to forget about the cover-up of Michael Gardner and how our Virginia Legislature and the
FBI kept silent the removal of our Supreme Court Justice Cynthia Kinser as she let him out of jail so he could hire ah
Hitman to kill the girls.
27. Further in DC you don't want to forget about the removal of Judge Richard Roberts after RAPING a 16 year old
Victim the Judges have ignored his crimes and his retired with full pay and benefits
He was closely involved in the Cover-Up of my cases in the District of Columbia Federal Court - He was
retired with full benefits and we will all pay for his fun and freedom for the rest of his life.
That since September of 2007 I have been trying to get justice. Coming to Bankruptcy Court was forced, by the
actions to those that are doing everything they can to harm me and my girls.
That the collusion can not be ignored that everyone has been paid off Financially or for LOVE or FRIENSHIP
ignored the law, ignored the rules of the Supreme Court. That in every case I have been held to every date every rule
Relief Requested
Relief Requested: is to Move the Chapter 13 to a Chapter 11 if not going to be given the reasonable and the legal
time for the Adverse Complaint
That Judge Kenny recuse himself or do as required by law 18 U.S. C. 1 report all criminal activity and Thomas
Gorman be removed. That the Stay be put back into place while everything is being appealed.
That Judge Kenny DEMAND an investigation into the criminal activity that has been reported to him as an Officer of
the Court
Respectfully Submitted,
Janice Wolk Grenadier
15 W. Spring Street
Alexandria, VA 22301
Certificate of Service
Emailed to list, along with others a copy will go on October 27, 2016 to Trustee Thomas Gorman 300 North
Washington St,.Alexandria, VA 22314
Janice Wolk Grenadier

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