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Mariam Hassan Mohamad Abdulrahman H00257527

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Science (animal classifications and animals body coverings).
Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?

Making the classroom a student-centered one not a teacher-centered one.

Practicing of how to make students understand well.
Thinking of how to manage time, classroom, and students.
Practicing to be more confident and give a better lesson to students.
Grade Level:


Both levels of Kg

Science (animal
classifications and
animals body coverings)

Learning Outcomes (School code and words):

Students will:

In the carpet area and
different areas of the
Resources (what materials/equipment will you
and the students use? Be specific)

The internet
Printed words of amphibians, insects,
fish, mammals, reptiles, and birds.
Pictures of fur, feathers, and scales.
Three various activities (low, medium,
and high levels).
Needed materials and resources of the
three activities: Printed pictures of
animals to colour, wooden colours,
glue, coloured cotton, puzzle of an
animal (cat), and a variety of different
animals pictures
A bell

Identify three animal classifications

(mammals, reptiles, and birds).
Identify three types of body coverings of
animals (fur, scales, and feathers).
Classify animals into mammals, reptiles,
and birds.
Classify animals relying on their body

Preparation (what do you need to make or check

before class?)
Before the beginning of the class and before the
arrival of students, I will need to make sure that the
whole classroom is organized and that all my needed
materials and resources are ready and in the correct
specific places. I will check if the internet is working. It
is significant to feel relaxed before demonstrating a
lesson where knowing that everything is organized
leads to feeling relaxed and confident.
Key vocabulary


Mariam Hassan Mohamad Abdulrahman H00257527



Introduction (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group


Time: 15 min


To begin giving the actual lesson and engage pupils while being sat on the carpet of the
classroom, the teacher (I) will ask students if they have ever gone to a zoo, what animals they have
seen, what sizes the seen animals were in, what colours the seen animals had, and how animals
moved. Note that students will be reminded by the teacher to raise their hands quietly when
wanting to participate in sharing their adventures or experiences of animals with everyone as well
as listening carefully to others while they are talking. While students are talking, the teacher will
make eye-contact with them, show or express different facial expressions, and use her body
language to express her thoughts and ideas strongly. The other students who are listening to their
friends talking will also make eye-contact with their friends, show or express different facial
expressions, and use their bodies languages to express their thoughts and ideas strongly. After
ending the previous part of discussion, the teacher will say to students do you know that animals
can be classified into different categories depending on their features?. When students answer, the
teacher will say can anyone of you remind us with the words that are used to describe animal
classifications (types)?. If no one answers, the teacher will say it is okay, you will know about
them after few minutes. If students answer correctly, the teacher will say that is correct. Well
done!, and when students answer wrongly, the teacher will say not quite, but a nice try. Pupils
will be encouraged by the teacher to watch a short video about animals (their classifications (types)
and what body coverings they have). The teacher will talk while the video is played where the
video has written sentences, but it does not have a voice of someone reading them. This is the link
of the video:

Mariam Hassan Mohamad Abdulrahman H00257527

Active Engagement (group working with the teacher):

Time: 15 min


When the entire video is watched, the teacher will ask students to use their memories or brains
to remember what words of animal classifications they heard (animals can be classified into
what?). The teacher will help pupils in remembering if they face difficulties in remembering. The
teacher will hang the learned words of animal classifications on the white board of the classroom
(it means that the words are printed). Note that the words will have pictures of animals beside them
to allow students to remember and understand (it means that each word or name has a picture of an
animal next to it). The teacher will say to students we all need to remember three words (names)
of animal classifications which are mammals, birds, and reptiles. It is alright if you forget the other
words (amphibians, insects, and fish) because today we will only talk and learn about mammals,
birds, and reptiles. Alright?. The teacher will take away the words of amphibians, insects, and fish
and will keep the words of mammals, birds, and reptiles hanged on the white board of the
classroom. The teacher will ask pupils other questions of that if they remember what body covering
mammals have, what body covering reptiles have, and what body covering birds have. The teacher
will encourage pupils to think and remember, and if students face difficulties in remembering and
finding correct answers, the teacher will help them. Any time a name of the names of animal
coverings is said, the teacher will allow the students who have answered to choose between three
pictures that show what fur is, what feathers are, and what scales are in order to assess students
understanding and knowledge, extend pupils knowledge, and also to allow other students to
understand better. When a student who have answered chooses a picture of the three pictures, the
teacher will ask the rest of the students about their thoughts (if it is correct or not). Students will be
praised by the teacher (she will say words) and students (will clap). These are the pictures that will
be shown to students to choose from.

Mariam Hassan Mohamad Abdulrahman H00257527

The teacher will encourage pupils to think of animals that have fur, feathers, and scales.
Students will participate, and if they do not raise their hands quietly, the teacher will not allow
them to talk. If students answer this question, be aware that students have understood what fur,
feathers, and scales are exactly. Whenever an answer is said, the teacher will write it (the answer or
name of an animal) in the internet to find a picture of it, and this is to allow students to understand
better and to stick the taken pieces of information in their brains wonderfully.
Due to achieving all the learning objectives of the lesson, students will be allowed to access as
they want to the areas of the classroom that have activities within them. There are 3 various
activities (low, medium, and high levels), and students are able to do anyone of them or more if
they decide to do so, but every area has a rule that sates the capacity of assimilation of students. So,
in every area, there is a limited number of children, and students will be reminded of that by the
teacher before going to complete the activities or play.
Independent Experience (small group activity 1):
Name of it: Animals have different colours.
What is it?
It is an amazing artistic activity that aims to allow students to use and develop their creativity
where it allows students to design pictures of animals by colouring them with different colours of
wooden colours and/or glowing coloured pieces of cotton to them. There are two pictures of
animals, that are found below, that students can choose from. The cotton allows students to
understand that the animals are mammals and have fur. Students work by themselves in this
activity which means that no one can guide them in what to design, how to design, and what to use
which enhances independency and creativity of children. An assistance might help students in
getting or putting glue.

Mariam Hassan Mohamad Abdulrahman H00257527

Independent Experience (small group activity 2):

Name of it: Lets know the animal.
What is it?
It is an interesting and a challenging activity that aims to allow students to use their brains
(cognitive part) to rearrange parts of a picture of an animal (puzzle) to get a full picture of the
animal. When students start or finish rearranging the parts of the animals picture, they can say the
animals name, which category it belongs to (its classification), and which body covering it has.
This full picture of the animal of a cat will be given to each students, so they can use it to allow the
puzzle to make sense (to do not feel like they are tested and that if they fail in rearranging the parts
of the picture, they are not useful).

Mariam Hassan Mohamad Abdulrahman H00257527

Independent Experience (small group activity 3):
Name of it: Animals belong to different categories and have different body coverings.
What is it:
It is a challenging and an interesting activity or game that asks students to use their brains
(cognitive part) to pay attention, focus, remember, and classify animals into three categories of
mammals, reptiles, and birds. Note that there are many animals to classify (their pictures are
printed) which makes the activity more challenging and interesting. This activity does bot only
remind students of animal classifications, but it also reminds them of that mammals have fur, birds
have feathers, and reptiles have scales where the category of mammals has a picture of fur next to
it, the category of reptiles has a picture of scales next to it, and the category of birds has a picture of
feathers next to it.
Explain how you are going to differentiate:
Students will be able to do any activity, one activity, two activities, or all the activities (this is
up to them and their speed) where there should be a closing time before the end of the class. The
closing time is short, so students will be able to play as much as they want to (the time of the
activity can be 15-18 minutes. It is possible that more 2 minutes be given to students). The ideas,
requirements, and used materials are different in each of the three activities which makes the
activities vary from each other. Note that if students are not done of the activities (their work is not
completed, and they want to complete it), they will be able to get back to complete the activities
during the day (at another time), so they feel satisfied.



15 min

The teacher will use a bell to make students understand that it is the time of tidying up. Students
should finish the part of tidying up in 2-4 minutes. The teacher will help students as well, so it is
sure that students finish tidying up within a maximum of 4 minutes.
The teacher will use a bell again to make students sat in their places (every students has a place
that he or she is familiar with). The teacher will begin asking students questions such as: was it fun
to talk about animals? what did you enjoy the most of learning about animals? will you tell your
family about what you have learned and the activities that you played?
The teacher will thank and praise the students for their whole used effort, attitudes, and
contributions, and by that, the session is totally finished.

Students understanding will be assessed by observations and their answers of certain asked questions.
Completing activities is another way of assessing students understanding.

Mariam Hassan Mohamad Abdulrahman H00257527

Select (S):
Identify a lesson and what standards are you addressing:
It is a scientific lesson about animal classifications and animals body coverings, and the main
standard that I have wanted to address is allowing children to do the whole work (thinking and
having a go in finding answers by themselves).
Describe (D):
Who is the lesson for? It is for children that are at the preschool stage.
What are you trying to achieve in your lesson? Allowing students to teach themselves that
animals can be classified into various categories, and each category share same features (i.e.
mammals have fur).
What will the students do? In general, students will need to do jobs that make them learn. The
jobs are games actually, and these jobs or games involve exploring, discovering, thinking,
collaborating with others, sharing, and moving around.

Mariam Hassan Mohamad Abdulrahman H00257527

Note that this whole activity promotes different multiple intelligences in little children who are at the
preschool stage. It also leads to being exceled in different types of intelligence due to giving children the
opportunity to do this activity (Multiple Intelligences Immersion, n.d.). Here is how it does that and in which
types of intelligence it does that:
- When little children:
1- get chances collaborate with others and talk or communicate verbally and non-verbally with others
(express their wants and needs), they develop Interpersonal Intelligence and Linguistic Intelligence
where acting with others, communicating with others, and speaking are key aspects of the both
mentioned types of intelligence. Verbal communication requires the usage of words to communicate,
whereas non-verbal communication requires the usage of no words (body language, eye contact,
facial expressions, posture, voice (tone, pace, pitch, and volume), appearance, and hand gestures)
(What is Communication?, n.d.).
2- imagine and visualize actively different topics such as being an artist (the first activity), they promote
Spatial Intelligence where children become able to think in three-dimensional terms.
3- use their fingers (fine motor skills) to hold and control objects such as glue and cotton, and use their
bodys muscles to move around to bring or get materials (gross motor skills), they promote BodilyKinesthetic Intelligence where this intelligence requires the usage of the body (its parts as well as
fine and gross motor skills).
4- observe details of things or subjects by using their senses, they promote the development of naturalist
As a result of exercising (doing the activity), childrens dominant intelligences become stronger, while
childrens weaker intelligences can be awakened.

Mariam Hassan Mohamad Abdulrahman H00257527

Cat Puzzle Game. (n.d.). Retrieved from Sheppard Software:
debem68. (2014, September 28). Early Science | Preschool Classroom Interactive Poster Idea |
Fur, Scales or Feathers. Retrieved from YouTube:
KidsMatter Early Childhood. (n.d.). Retrieved from Kids Matter:
Morin, A. (n.d.). Skill Development From Birth to Age 5. Retrieved from Understood:
Multiple Intelligences Immersion. (n.d.). Retrieved October 4, 2016, from Child First:
Schrage, A., & Schrage, J. (2016, July 5). Animal Classifications Amphibians, birds, Reptiles,
Mammals, insects, & fish. Retrieved from YouTube:
What is Communication? (n.d.). Retrieved from SKILLESYOUNEED:
White, D. (2015, September 11). Lesson Plan: Fur, Scales, and Feathers: Identifying Animals.
Retrieved from

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