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All Italians are good cooks

Anyone who has a nonna knows that in Italian culture, cooking is king. Its the
glue of the family, the center of socializing, and the backbone of well being
Italian. You could say that about almost any culturefood, after all, is something
that plays a pivotal role in the lives of literally every person on Earth.
But a massive poll of about 27,000 people in 22 different countries by consumer
survey groupGfk has cemented it: Italians are the most passionate people about
food and cooking in the entire world.
How do you quantify something like that? By asking questions, naturally.
In the poll, 43 percent of Italians expressed their personal passion for food, as
opposed to just 26 percent of Brits and less than a quarter of French people (ironic,
considering that Americans37 percent of home fancy themselves foodiesoften
idolize the French as ambassadors of the gourmet). After Italy, South Africa,
Indonesia, and Mexico were the next-most food-obsessed societies

Every race, culture, country, religion and a community has a stereotype. It is a way
of oversimplifying groups of people. It is one of the easiest ways of establishing
identity. By conforming to a fixed or conventional image, the identity can be
recognized and understood. And, herein lies the problem. It's hard to be objective if
one doesn't reject stereotypes. So, it is better not to use any stereotype and pass
judgments only when you are familiar with others.

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