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Name: _______________________________________

Period: ________

Extinct Zoo
Driving Question: Can we and should we bring back extinct animals to
create a zoo?

Project Overview:
A zoo is coming to the city of Novato. This zoo is unlike any other zoo, it will
be comprised of species that were once extinct. The Governor of California,
Jerry Brown, has seen the work that scientists are doing to clone extinct
species and excited about the progress in the genetics field. He has decided
that he wants to ask the citizens of Novato, whether this is something that
they would like to have in their city. Novato would be the first city in the
world to have an extinct zoo and could become a hotspot and bring people
from all over the world to visit. In this project, you will identify whether this
would benefit the city and if we can bring back species from millions of years
ago. Your team will investigate the capabilities, technology and desire to
bring a zoo to this town. You will present your findings to your classmates
and to the school. In the process, you will learn about DNA, mutations,
cloning and how time are a factor. In any big decision to a community,
politicians must bring these topics to the people and let them vote. With the
election fast approaching, each one of your will cast a vote deciding your
viewpoint on whether you want this zoo in Novato or not. An important part
of voting is assembling facts to strengthen your views. You will create
pamphlets to express the information you have collected and your views on
the topic. You will then be given the opportunity to share your pamphlet and
look at others to solidify what you will vote.

You and your team will create:
One essential written component, which will be worked on by your
teammates to persuade others on your viewpoints. You will research
evidence that supports your standpoint and views on whether a zoo should
be created or not. Your written component is based on your findings.
Pamphlet, poster, website, comic strip, magazine article, or other idea which
would need to get an OK from the teacher.

Project Tasks:

Identify extinct species and pick one to focus on as a team. Regardless, of your
viewpoint you need to pick a specific species that supports the evidence you have
Can we bring that species back from extinction? Why or why not?
Information about cloning, DNA, mutations, stem cells, survival.
The following components need to be on your written product:
Can we bring back extinct species? (Do we have the ability?)
Should we bring extinct species? (What are your morals?)
What is the species you want to introduce to the zoo?
How is the zoo is going to impact (environment, economy)

The best written products will be shared with our school

administration, will it be yours?????

Make a formal presentation to the class and guest panel members.

Individual: individual project tasks, quizzes, labs, classwork, collaboration points
based on the rubric; verbal presentation.
Team: Team project tasks, final pamphlet assessed according to a rubric.

Presentation Day Details

You must wear professional clothes (think about what you might wear if you went
to a summer job interview collared shirts, tops without logos, well fitted clothing,
etc. No blue jeans, shorts, or t-shirts. Wear comfortable shoes!)
Prepare a 3-5 minute presentation with your team to persuade audience to bring an
extinct zoo to Novato.
Each person in your group must speak for an equal amount of time.

Assessment Standards
Next Generation Science Standards
MS-LS3-1. Develop/model to describe structural changes to genes (mutations)
located on chromosomes may affect proteins and can have either harmful,
beneficial or neutral effects.
MS-LS4-5. Synthesize information about the technologies that have changed the
way humans influence the inheritance of desired traits in organisms.

21st Century Skills

Collaborate in teams and as a class

Communicate effectively (listening, speaking, reading and writing).
Think Critically to address and solve problems
Design product using creativity

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