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Professional Learning Plan

AITSL Graduate

Actions to develop
My goals for this aspect

Indicators of success

Section 1: AITSL Graduate Standard

Standard three:

Short Term: By the end of SP3,

Complete a brief literature

Plan for and implement

I will have researched a range

review on the topic.

will be determined by my

effective teaching and

of strategies for involving

Create a table featuring the

ability to implement what I


parents/carers in their childrens

most used strategies.

have learned.

3.7 Strategies for involving


parents/carers in the
educative process.

Ask teachers on placement

In the long term, success

Success will additionally be

about their strategies.

determined by the

Ask teachers on placement

feedback given by parents,

three of the most suitable

to view or observe any

peers, and supervisors on

strategies and implemented

existing methods they have

my enacted methods.

them to connect better with

in place.

Long Term: I will have chosen

Standard five:

Short Term: By the end of SP3,

Research methods from the

Assess, provide

I will have researched a range


feedback and report on

of strategies for moderating and

student learning

Supervisors and
coordinators view the
enacted methods as

5.3 Assessment

making consistent judgements

moderation and its

on assessments.

application to support
consistent and comparable

Long Term: I will have chosen

judgements of student

the most suitable methods and


implemented them.

Consult with teachers on

Records compared with

placement about their

past records indicate



Trial one approach while on


Reflect on my ability to
execute them method and
its effectiveness.

Seek feedback from mentor

teacher as to the
effectiveness of my

5.4 Capacity to interpret

Short Term: By the end of SP3,

Research existing programs

student assessment data

I will have researched the most

from education websites.

data collection and analysis

to evaluate student

appropriate software/app/tool for

Consult with teachers on


learning and modify

collating and assessing student

placement about their

teaching practice.



analysed will be informing

Learn and reflect upon my

my practice with positive

mentor teachers approach.


Long Term: I will have a

program ready before starting
my final placement to collect

I will have implemented a

The data collected and

Supervisors and
coordinators view the

and analyse data the can be

enacted methods as

built upon for years to come.


Section2: BrITE Resilience Factors

Module "i": Wellbeing

Short Term:

Personal Wellbeing

Exercise daily while on

the gym each day after

by my ability to maintain

placement to alleviate stress


energy, remain at

Ride to the school on days

acceptable levels of stress,

when the weather is clear.

and generally feel well.

and have greater energy.

Long Term:

Do a one-hour session in

Success will be determined

Keep a journal reflecting on

To get in better shape than I am

my workouts and energy

currently in, returning to my


average weight of 90kg

Module "T": Taking

Short Term:


By the end of my placemen, I

answers to while on

in placement was

Ongoing professional

will have used every opportunity


productive in terms of


to learn from my mentor teacher

Continually reference my

professional learning.

List questions to seek

I will have felt that my time

and other teachers in the

development to the AITSL



my general professional

Join online teacher


Long Term:


I will feel confident about

My goal is, once working in a

Research courses and

That I understand that I will

school to seek every opportunity

programs that I can

always need to continue to

available to attend professional

complete in order to develop

learn and develop.

learning courses and


professional development

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