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Sharon Meroni

One West Surrey Lane

Barrington Hills, IL 60010
Hotline: 331-901-1182
October 19, 2016
RE: Nursing Home Voting Investigation and FOIA
Attention to the Election Authority and the FOIA Officer:
Defend the Vote is an Illinois based non-for-profit organization with the mission to empower citizens to protect elections. Our
mission includes serving as a reliable research-based news source about voter vulnerabilities and voter fraud especially but not
exclusively, in Illinois.
News of election fraud are everywhere and the concerns of the citizenry that their vote is legally administered and counted is a
fundamental concern for voters across Illinois. Therefore, we request you respond to these requests as soon as possible. If you
are unable to answer a portion of the FOIA, please provide the remainder of the request and inform us of anything that you cannot
comply with to allow us to modify our FOIA.
Defend the Vote is conducting voter integrity and election security investigations in every voting district in Illinois. Our objective is
to assure that federal and state election laws are properly followed and that security protocols set up to protect the vote are in
place and in use.
Defend the Vote will utilize a variety of methods in this investigation. These methods include FOIA, poll watchers, audit related
scoring, and reviewing data. We will report this information through our public website,
We understand that election jurisdictions are very busy right now, and greatly appreciate your efforts.
FOIA 1: Nursing Homes:
Please send a list of all nursing homes that registered for nursing home voting for the 2016 General Election. Please include in
that list:
Name, address, and contact information for all participating nursing homes in your election jurisdiction.
Date and time when nursing home voting is scheduled at each location.
Number of voters that applied to vote at each nursing home voting site so far.
Number of voters who applied to vote and who voted at each nursing home voting site in 2012.
Names, addresses, and legal commission status of all election judges administering the nursing home
vote and the location(s) each election judge will serve at. Include their voting record from the 2016 Primary.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Warm regards,
Sharon Meroni
Executive Director
This communication is part of the public domain - According to 5 ILCS 140/2 in
relation to this FOIA Defend the Vote is an Illinois non-for-profit organization
seeking information for the purpose of writing news and fo r public research and

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