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The National Interest

Number 86 • Nov./Dec. 2006

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The No-Win Zone
An After-Action Report from Lebanon
Daniel Byman & Steven Simon
i i

ebanon held the atten- of the conflict, militarily it was forced to
tion of the world for weeks stand by helplessly during the crisis.
after a successful Hizballah Nor do other parties come off look-
kidnapping operation on July 12, 2006, ing good. The United States emerged
led Israel to pummel the country in a sus- looking both cruel and ineffective in
tained air campaign and a limited ground Muslim eyes. European states engaged
offensive. Almost all observers agreed the in typical hand-waving during the war
clash had enormous implications—for- and in even more typical bickering over
mer House Speaker Newt Gingrich even who would do what in a post-clash peace-
claimed the conflict was “World War keeping operation, even though this at
III.” But unlike other wars, the winners best looks like a fig leaf. Iran and Syria,
and losers were not clear when the dust Hizballah’s patrons, did better, but even
settled. they may eventually find the results a
Pundits were quick to proclaim Hiz- mixed blessing.
ballah the winner, but Hizballah’s leader

Hassan Nasrallah openly admitted that efore we can assess the re-
the raid was a strategic mistake. Other sults of the war, it is important
analysts point to Israel’s degradation of to be clear on several points.
Hizballah’s long-range missile capabili- Reports that Iran prodded Hizballah to
ties, but Israelis take small comfort in attack to divert attention from the Ira-
this, knowing their own performance nian nuclear program seem to be false:
was flawed both militarily and political- The dispute over the Iranian program
ly. Lebanon itself suffered horribly, and has been going on for years with no end
though its fledgling democratic govern- in sight, and Hizballah had tried other
ment survived and became a major player operations in the past as well.
in the diplomacy that led to the ending Similarly, the claim that this con-
flict was a proxy war initiated by Iran to
Daniel Byman is the director of the Center for test whether a foe like the United States
Peace and Security Studies in the Edmund A. (using Israel as the stand-in) could be
Walsh School of Foreign Service at George- defeated by an opponent that would fight
town University and a non-resident senior hard and be willing to take casualties ig-
fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East nores the fact that far more important
Policy at the Brookings Institution. Steven in Tehran’s calculations are the success-
Simon is Hasib J. Sabbagh Senior Fellow for es that various fighters in Iraq have had
Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on For- against the United States. Iran did not
eign Relations. need to launch a war in Lebanon for a

The National Interest—Nov./Dec. 2006 55

reminder that Washington is vulnerable major precipitant of the Lebanese civil
to terrorists and guerrillas. war. Convinced (correctly) that their gov-
Finally, there should be no mistake ernment could not protect them, all of
that Hizballah suffered serious losses. Lebanon’s communal factions began to
Though exact figures are hard to come arm and organize to defend themselves, a
by, the Israeli Defense Forces (idf) claim spiral that led to civil war. We may see a
to have killed about 500 of Hizballah’s return to this logic in postwar Lebanon.
most trained fighters. Many of those who The war also hurt the “March 14”
remain were at least pushed—more or alliance of anti-Syrian leaders who after
less—out of the area south of the Litani, the “Cedar Revolution” have schemed
at least temporarily. Air strikes and in- against Damascus and its Lebanese allies
fantry sweeps probably eliminated about like Hizballah in order to re-establish the
half of the longer-range rockets that were independence of the state. This position
not expended, as well as a large number was always uneasy. The anti-Syrian foes
of launchers. Hizballah’s elaborate infra- were divided amongst themselves, and
structure in south Lebanon was disrupt- they recognized that they could not gov-
ed, and many of its facilities in the Beirut ern Lebanon without incorporating pro-
suburbs were razed. By the time Hizbal- Syrian factions, particularly Hizballah,
lah was pushing for a cease-fire, which into the government. One of Hizballah’s
winners do not normally do, its fighters successes is that it painted the anti-Syr-
were trapped in a box between the Israeli ian voices as pro-Israeli; the charges of
border, a blockaded coast, blown bridges Hizballah’s critics that Hizballah precipi-
and roads leading north, and a large idf tated the war and that it did so at Syria’s
force in Marjayoun, poised to march up behest were quickly drowned out by cries
the Beka to the east. Both Hassan Nasral- of anger as the war went on. Pro-Syr-
lah and Mahmoud Koumati, the second ian politicians, long on the defensive, are
in command of Hizballah’s political arm, now emboldened.
have told interviewers that Hizballah was There is some hope, but only some.
completely surprised by the ferocity of The Lebanese government did survive,
Israel’s response to the raid. Nasrallah, in while many observers feared its complete
a rare confessional moment, claimed that collapse. Also, Prime Minister Siniora
if he had known the Israelis were going emerged as a skilled operator, becoming
to react so violently, he would not have the key interlocutor for Lebanon with the
ordered the kidnapping. international community. Nevertheless,
today, the Lebanese government’s bar-

lthough there is a dis- gaining position vis-à-vis Hizballah is far
pute over whether Hizballah weaker. un resolutions that call for dis-
or Israel came out ahead, it arming Lebanese militias like Hizballah
is clear that Lebanon—both its people are thus even farther from fulfillment.
and its government—lost. The Lebanese In contrast, Damascus emerged as a
government suffered the ultimate indig- winner. Since the collapse of the Syrian-
nity for any regime: It was ignored. Once Israeli negotiations in 2000, Jerusalem
again it is clear to all factions in Leba- had simply ignored the al-Asad regime’s
non that their government cannot pro- political demands regarding the Golan
tect them from foreign threats or strong Heights and other disputes. Even more
domestic groups like Hizballah. In the worrisome for Damascus, the “Cedar
early 1970s, the impotence of the Leba- Revolution”, combined with French, U.S.
nese government in the face of Israe- and Arab pressure, forced Syria into a hu-
li-Palestinian clashes in Lebanon was a miliating military withdrawal from Leba-

56 The National Interest—Nov./Dec. 2006

non in April 2005. An unusually tough- tion in its early years. And, in contrast
minded un investigation into the death to a number of Arab states that criticized
of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hizballah at the onset of the conflict,
Hariri (who Syrian agents probably killed) Iran could once again point to its demon-
implicated the highest echelons of the strable record of support for anti-Israel
Syrian regime. Both at home and abroad, forces.
Bashir’s regime was in a corner. Because Hizballah’s defiance reflects
This picture has changed completely. well on Iran, the clerical regime is likely
Many of those displaced from the war to rearm Hizballah, helping it replace
fled to Damascus, increasing Syria’s lever- (and probably upgrade) the systems that
age and, as noted above, fewer Lebanese Israel destroyed. This rearming is almost
are now ready to challenge Syria. The impossible to stop, as Syria is likely to
Hariri investigation, which depends heav- covertly cooperate with this effort and
ily on cooperation from Lebanon, is dead Lebanon’s porous borders and tradition
for now. Lebanese are now cowed, rather of smuggling make a sustained interdic-
than emboldened, in their willingness to tion campaign difficult. Israeli leaders
confront Damascus. Syria has emerged as will fulminate against this rearming and
the only credible guarantor of Hizballah’s perhaps launch a daring commando raid
future good behavior there, and Israel to stop a particularly troubling weapons
has been reminded that it will not have system from entering Lebanon, but such
peace with Hizballah unless it has peace limited efforts will have at best a marginal
with Syria. Similarly, Syrian cooperation impact on Hizballah’s effort to resupply
is necessary to prevent Hizballah from and would be seen as reflecting a lack of
being rearmed, particularly with regard faith in unifil (which may be deserved).
to larger conventional systems. This dual Hizballah, of course, needs Iranian
role as Hizballah’s backer and Hizballah’s assistance to rebuild from the material
controller has long fit with Syrian for- losses it suffered. Nonetheless, the fight
eign policy. As Michael Doran contends, greatly enhanced Hizballah’s prestige
“Ever since the 1980s, Syria has played outside of Lebanon. Its capacity to rain
this game of being both the arsonist and missiles on targets as far south as Haifa
the fire department.”1 at the height of Israel’s ground incur-
The situation for Syria is not risk sion electrified Arabs on both sides of the
free. Should the conflict reignite, Israel Shi‘a-Sunni divide. Hizballah, once again,
might decide that it is more effective to showed it is the only Arab force that can
punish Hizballah’s sponsor rather than stand up to Israel militarily.
the weak Lebanese government. Syria Hizballah is even stronger in Leba-
must also worry that Hizballah, its long- non itself. Most Lebanese think that Hiz-
time ally and proxy, is becoming the ballah won the war. 2 The leadership’s
dominant partner in their relationship. ability to put massive aid from Iran to
There is no sign that Hizballah is going use as soon as the guns were silenced
to break with Syria, but Damascus in the confirmed its status as the only effective
past has always preferred to keep its prox- organization in Lebanon, in marked con-
ies dependent and vulnerable. trast to the Lebanese government (and

ran is basking in the reflected 1As quoted in John Burns, “Syria Turns Over a Top
glory of its Lebanese proxy. Iran Insurgent”, The New York Times, February 28,
has long seen Hizballah as a tri- 2005, pp. 1.
umph for the Islamic revolution, having 2 “Majority of Lebanese believe Hizbullah won

helped create and sustain the organiza- war”, The Daily Star, August 26, 2006.

The No-Win Zone 57

the West), which has not provided relief from Gaza, followed by Hamas’s clear
to devastated areas and is torn by infight- victory in the Palestinian Authority elec-
ing on what to do next. The post-hostili- tions, ate away at the credibility of Ol-
ties phase has reinforced Hizballah’s posi- mert’s “Convergence” policy (his touchy-
tion among its core constituents as the feely moniker for Sharon’s “Severance”
party of courage, integrity and reliability, initiative, which in essence called for
and it still retains the initiative militarily. withdrawing from parts of the West Bank
Yet despite the largely positive results where few Jews lived while building up
from Hizballah’s defiance, Nasrallah and the security barrier around Israel proper
other leaders are likely to be cautious and the most populous settlements in
about another future round. There is the West Bank). The vulnerability of the
no appetite among Lebanese, Shi‘a in- Olmert government and the hollowness
cluded, for another month of devastating of its agenda accounted for the harsh
Israeli strikes. A large European force response to a Hizballah provocation that
that cannot be attacked without risking Ariel Sharon might have waved off, or
Hizballah’s larger diplomatic position is at least avoided committing his govern-
now between Hizballah fighters and the ment’s prestige to the fight by engag-
Israeli border. Hizballah, like every other ing in a less massive retaliation. Olmert,
faction in Lebanon, must also watch its however, was in no position to ride out a
back with regard to the al-Asad regime in small disgrace, especially after the killing
Syria. Iran’s commitment to Hizballah is and kidnapping initiated by Palestinian
unquestionable at this point—Tehran will militants in Gaza almost three weeks ear-
still at times try to rein in its proxy or use lier.
it for Iranian interests, but in general Iran And the military outcome was far
is strongly committed to the relationship. from stellar. Israel’s losses were consider-
Syria, however, has historically had an able, particularly given Israel’s ostensible
instrumental view of the organization. superiority to what is still, by comparison,
For now it serves Damascus’s interests a poorly armed guerrilla group. Israel lost
in Lebanon and against Israel to keep over one hundred soldiers, with almost
close to Hizballah—interests reinforced 1,000 wounded. Israeli officials seemed
by the additional domestic legitimacy that overconfident, and military leaders un-
Bashir’s regime gains from ties to Hizbal- derestimated Hizballah’s determination
lah. Nevertheless, it is always possible and skill, both of which are surprising
that Damascus would sacrifice Hizballah’s given the many times Hizballah fought
freedom of action on the altar of Syrian Israel to a standoff in skirmishes in the
self-interest. past.
Nasrallah miscalculated but turned The navy’s complacency and the com-
up trumps because Israel overplayed its mon problems of the Mossad and military
hand—the next time the cards may not intelligence left a Saar 5 destroyer at the
fall the same way. mercy of an Iranian C-802 cruise missile.
(Flawed targeting data exacted civilian

rime Minister Ehud Ol- casualties at Qana—again—that compli-
mert seized on the Hizballah cated the lives of politicians but had no
kidnapping as a way to demon- adverse effect on operations.) Hizballah’s
strate that he would be tough when Israel adroit use of anti-armor missiles not only
was threatened, but Israel’s poor showing against Merkava III tanks, but also to
left the government humiliated and reel- destroy improvised idf defensive posi-
ing politically. tions, was extremely effective and could
A steady drumbeat of missile launches not be countered in the short duration

58 The National Interest—Nov./Dec. 2006

of hostilities. This will raise questions dream party for most Israelis, but by de-
about budget cuts that deprived the idf fault it may reemerge to lead the country.
of larger numbers of the Merkava IV, a Israelis will not be the only ones to pay a
tank so heavily armored that Hizballah high price for the Lebanon war; Palestin-
fighters apparently did not bother to fire ians will share the pain, perhaps for years,
on them. The failure to insert the two di- if a less compromising Israeli government
visions deployed to northern Israel at the takes power.
outset of hostilities, and to rely instead on U.S. policy in the region also suffered
airpower, will also be heavily criticized, a serious setback. The Bush Administra-
but this was a political, not military, deci- tion stood by Israel as a matter of prin-
sion. ciple: Israel had been unjustly attacked by
The source of these problems lay terrorists, and it had a right to respond.
mostly in the focus of the idf on the in- Moreover, Lebanon was the “Western
tifada, which erupted just three months Front” of a momentous struggle with
after Israel’s 2000 withdrawal from Leba- Islamic extremism; this was an opportu-
non. Israel will have to rebalance these nity for rollback. Washington thus moved
security priorities and, in the process, slowly on a ceasefire resolution, hoping
divert resources from social services to that Israel would smash Hizballah.
the military. In a country where political The Bush Administration’s princi-
coalitions form on the basis of budgetary ples were right, but their implementa-
rewards, this will add to the coming po- tion hurt both U.S. and Israeli interests
litical volatility. in the region. Many Arabs believe that
What is the fate of Kadima after the Israel’s attack on Hizballah was done in
war? As a party without a raison d’être or part on Washington’s behest. The suf-
charismatic leader, Kadima’s prospects fering of the Lebanese was seen as some-
were already diminishing. As a party thing condoned (or, worse, encouraged)
perceived to have squandered an oppor- by Washington. Delays in getting a cease-
tunity to lay waste to Hizballah, rather fire compounded the impression that the
than Lebanon, its odds of surviving an United States cared little about the well-
electoral challenge are declining. The being of ordinary Muslims—especial-
premise of convergence, that withdraw- ly after watching graphic images of the
ing from territory will reduce the num- deaths of noncombatants from an Israeli
ber of attacks, is now widely questioned. military campaign.
And defenestrating the Labor leader and This perception proved particularly
Defense Minister Amir Peretz for the troubling for moderate U.S. allies in the
years of idf budget cutting that preceded Middle East. Showing a degree of public
his accession to the ministry will not be political courage they usually lack, fueled
enough to stave off elections within six perhaps by worries about Shi‘a asser-
to nine months. A resuscitated Likud will tiveness, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan
claim that Kadima’s policy of pre-emptive initially criticized Hizballah, implicitly
capitulation created the test that the par- endorsing Israel’s campaign. But as the
ty’s leadership failed to pass. High flyers violence wore on and the suffering of the
in Kadima, like Foreign Minister Tzipi Lebanese increased, these governments
Livni, will be invited back to Likud with feared popular criticism and backed away
a promise of a place on the electoral list. from Washington and towards the radi-
Barring a sudden reversal, Kadima will cals. Their willingness to defy the Arab
go to the polls as a spent force, and Israeli street and take a pro-U.S. stance on other
politics may revert to a polarized and par- issues is likely to diminish. Future U.S.
alyzed status quo ante. Likud is hardly the efforts to rally Arab regime support for

The No-Win Zone 59

U.S. initiatives in Iraq or to restart the have little control. Hizballah fighters re-
stalled peace process will be that much main in southern Lebanon and the border
harder. between Syria and Lebanon is open to the
transfer of weapons to Hizballah to re-

he clash also led Europe plenish its depleted inventories. For over
to re-engage in the Middle two decades before the latest fighting,
East. The humanitarian ca- Hizballah proved able to resist Israel and
tastrophe that Hizballah and Israel vis- even prosper, and no one thinks unifil
ited on Lebanon animated the European will be more skilled or more aggressive
press; the resulting public outrage forced than the Israelis were. The organization
reluctant and unprepared European gov- also retains some long-range missiles it
ernments to declare that this was the hour can fire over the heads of unifil troops
of Europe. Europe responded better than into northern Israel. Israel has corre-
it did when Jacques Poos made a similar sponding capacity to strike at its enemy.
declaration in 1992 and the eu was hu- The likelihood for renewed fighting,
miliated by the Serbs—but this is faint therefore, is high. Despite uncommonly
praise. This time there was no American tough rules of engagement, the odds are
power in the wings to offer oomph to the that capitals will not give commanders on
European force, and it could only come the ground authority to open fire when
in after the belligerents had agreed to a they should. The odds are only slightly
ceasefire. smaller that a panicked unit will fire when
The Italians were the first to offer a it shouldn’t. Either way, its peacekeeping
sizable number of troops, but the French, utility will quickly fade and the deploy-
who lost 58 peacekeepers in Beirut in ment will be seen in Europe as a massive
1983 to Hizballah (a near-simultaneous liability. If Europe cannot yet be put into
Hizballah attack killed 241 U.S. Marines the category of “loser”, it can fairly be la-
who were part of the same mission), were beled as out there, swinging in the breeze.
more reticent. For Chirac and his mili-

tary advisors, the force size and rules of etermining the true
engagement stipulated by unscr 1701 winners of the fighting be-
would put too many soldiers in too much tween Israel and Hizballah
of an exposed and unstable situation. may take years, as the lessons are chewed,
Once again, peacekeepers would be at swallowed and digested by all the parties.
the mercy of local warring factions. The Yet while the jury is out, some interim
pressure to act decisively and effectually conclusions are appropriate for Israel, the
in a Middle East crisis, however, proved United States and other powers confront-
irresistible. Chirac reversed himself and ing strong terrorist movements.
the French increased their troop con- One obvious lesson concerns the dan-
centration by a factor of ten, including ger of power vacuums. A major triumph
a Leclerc tank company and a 155 mm of the Bush Administration was to oust
artillery unit. This in turn shook the Ger- Syria from Lebanon; a major failure was
mans out of isolation, resulting in Angela to put nothing in its place. When the
Merkel’s decision to send Germany to United States coerces oppressive occu-
patrol the Lebanese coast. piers like Syria or helps topple brutal
Whether or not the overall unifil-2 regimes, it must have a plan to build up a
troop level reaches the level envisaged by new government in its place. In Lebanon,
the Security Council, European govern- and in Iraq and the Palestinian territories,
ments will have assumed security respon- the destruction of a bad regime has led to
sibility for a situation over which they its replacement by radicals.

60 The National Interest—Nov./Dec. 2006

A second lesson is that powerful to convince itself and its followers that its
states, even if they are rogues, cannot game was worth the candle. For now its
simply be ignored. Syria, Iran and other leaders appear sober about their losses,
regional powers have sharp claws. They but the Arab world has a way of turning
can back terrorist movements, sow un- marginal victories and even limited defeats
rest in neighboring countries, stir up the into brilliant triumphs.
“street” in the Muslim world and oth- Similarly, Israel is for now focusing
erwise make life difficult for U.S. allies. on the negative. Israelis seem to forget
Simply ignoring these states is not an op- that Hizballah did not anticipate this
tion. Indeed, diplomacy is also necessary fight and thus may wrongly conclude that
if we are to coerce or punish them more Hizballah cannot be deterred, when the
effectively. history of the last 15 years at least sug-
Finally, Lebanon proved the need gests that Hizballah is highly sensitive
for an information strategy when fight- to regional conditions and to the scale
ing terrorist and guerrilla groups. Israel of any Israeli response. From the Israeli
seemed blithely unconcerned about how withdrawal from south Lebanon in 2000
its military operations were being por- until this war, Hizballah had largely com-
trayed. The disastrous strike on Qana plied with the tacit rules of the road in
is one example, but more broadly the terms of how far it could provoke Israel.
images of the suffering of the Lebanese Its infractions were designed to burnish
people were not effectively countered by the party’s reputation as the defender of
a concerted Israeli message that placed Lebanese sovereignty, to help the Pales-
responsibility on Hizballah. As a result, tinians wage their own struggle, and to
the surprising sympathy Israel initially humiliate Israel, without forcing a mas-
received from Europe and several Arab sive response. The comments of Nasral-
states dissipated over time. lah and other senior Hizballah leaders
What remains unclear is wheth- indicate that they thought the kidnap-
er Israel’s unrelenting use of firepower, ping operation fell into this category of
combined with its willingness to inflict provocation. Whether these tacit rules
civilian casualties, could boost the coun- of engagement are still in operation re-
try’s deterrence against attacks both in mains unclear, as either or both sides may
Lebanon and in the region. This was a conclude that the latest round of fighting
game of chicken in which Israel threw its rendered them irrelevant.
steering wheel out the window—and no The Lebanon war, in the end, showed
other state was prepared to intervene on that sometimes in the Middle East, there
Hizballah’s behalf. are no good options. Israel’s use of force
But the long-term lessons on deter- against Hizballah was bound to be incon-
rence will be heavily guided by perceptions clusive given Hizballah’s ability simply to
and misperceptions. Already Palestinians survive the onslaught and then transform
are “learning” that stalwart defenders can a bad situation on the ground into a stir-
vanquish Israel, conveniently ignoring that ring propaganda victory. Yet, to downplay
Israel’s intelligence against the Palestin- the provocation would only invite re-
ians is far superior than against Hizballah newed attacks. The curse of Middle East-
and that the Palestinian groups are a pale ern politics now is that these no-win situ-
shadow of their Lebanese heroes when it ations are increasingly the norm rather
comes to tactical skill. Hizballah is trying than the exception. n

The No-Win Zone 61

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