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PAA DARAJ SHIL DJADATAAT The Scroll of Eyes Ss OS 1.6. MALAcIn Kosina york Se (Boay Tuespay, June 26,1945 A.D, 1y TARORADL.GUNA WESC AFRICA -Surll Levine) , “The TRAngaucter” e Paa Safan Mahyataat Shil Paa Munzul Nazdur: Amun Nub Reakh Ptal Paa Hanutu:(Djedi) The Sacred Papyrus of the Incarnated One “Overseer” Amun Nub Reakh Ptah (Melchizedek) Bi Paa Rananaat Shil RE: Anun wu Atum wu Atun wu Amun. By Way of the names of RE “Sun”: Anun and Atum “Self- sufficient” and Atun “Unique One” and Amun “Hidden One” Paa Daraj Shil Djadataat = The Scroll of Eyes The Beautiful Words 1122. Image of the Beast 1. The true laws of natural nature and nature’s codes for all living things are the same, and are in some way interwoven together in this liquid world, be it breath or air, wind, cloud or perspiration. Moistness links all things in the seas or on the land. 2, It’s the denseness or density of existence; it’s all HO, water, steam, mist, vapor, perspiration, as each sweats or perspires. 3. You all still live under some form of liquid mist called air and out of and into the body as breath and perspiration. 4, All things are in all and thereby form one big network called that natural manifestation of all living things within existence. 5. As things materialize or incarnate or grow, 6. The true matrices of existence, 7. And thinks as a mind or motivator and activator in all things as Pait manifest as RE and is said Paa Kathur A' RE “The Most High RE” oan Thso4d © 4e 8. br &HEL Paa Pait “The All”. 9. The Supreme who grew Supreme Beings and kissed them with Melanin, as of Melaninite, the great high explosive power of life, the Melaninite offspring of Paa RE “the sun” or as their own Bible recounts it in Psalm 84:11: “For the YHWH Eloheem is a Shemesh “Sun” and shield. The YHWH will give grace and glory. No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.” It says there YHWH 117 is a sun, Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #8122 W?2W Shemesh’ Chaldean to Hebrew to Arabic (stshamsu. The physical sun, 10.The sun is the true source of life on this planet Earth. Without the sun, all that lives will die. The sun is also the highest brightness in the Heavenly sky. The light of the Heaven and Earth. 11.Also called the saviour in their Bible records as Malachi 4:2, states: “But unto you that fear my name shall the SHEMESH “SUN” of righteousness ARISE with healing in his wings..." ‘And that is recorded all over ancient Egipt as the sun disk with wings. Nine Mind. Or how they put in their New Testament St. John 1:4 “ in him was life and the life was the light Online Bible Strong’s Greek #5457 of man” (@@¢ Phos, Foce Phao “to shine or make manifest, by rays” Online Bible Strong’s Greek #5316, 5346 “luminousness fire light”. So they relate it to incarnation. 12.The supreme power of life in this solar system, the sun. Sri Figure 2: The Sun 13.To become the Supreme Being, of course is nature in general at work. Negroids or Africans are the Supreme Being; absolute natural nature. The first race that the sun grew. 14.Parents of all other human beings from the beginning of time. All others are your products; you are their God. 15.There is no escaping the fact that life is now captive to the living dead. And is oppressed by the living dead and their ghost spirit forces the dead. 16.Now all the other children or Ab-originals, sub-races help the ‘Caucasoid to keep god captive by control of their divine mind. By placing their image of themselves as God in Negroids’ minds and have them to worship them and their image. 17.Although other darker skinned races are not the same as you ‘Negroids, the only dark skinned people with hair, “Man”. 18.Other darker people or man’s kind, in general are opposite to Caucasoids as well. But not the extreme opposite of Caucasoids. 19.And that means less friction and suffering for the other dark-skinned races of ab-originals. 20.It’s the lamb and the goat, laws of nature at work. The other factor that makes Negroids unique from all others is they, like the lamb, have woolly hair while all others like the goat have straight fur. Theirs is not nappy, wooly, kinky, but rather theirs is thin, straight, flat. : Negroid with Nappy, Wooly, Kinky Hair Figure 4: Caucasoid and Mongoloid with Flat, Straight fur Figure : Dark-skinned Sub-race with Goat Fur 21.And sadly, most dark-skinned goat fur-headed people chose to worship the image of the beast as recorded in their Bible Revelation 13:15: Revelation 13:15 “And he that had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” 22.So they drew, molded, and painted the image of the beast as their image of God, Angels, Jesus, Mary, all their religious figures in Mosesism, Jesusism and Muhammadism in pictures, statues, T.V., cinema, or their words. 23.And by so doing gave life to what did not exist, created many religious cinemas so their gods, lords, angels, prophets can actually speak. 24.S0 now they gave life and speech to a false image of God, Jesus, angels, Mary even Muhammad and the companions. And if another race doesn’t accept their image of themselves they attack them. If it’s a group of people they say they’re a cult, making it ok to kill them. If 5 it’s another religion they become evil. And so they can kill them. This is what Caueasoids do to all others who don’t wish to worship their image. 25. This is the race who created the image of the beast in a description in Revelation 9:7-8. You read in this verse in part “...and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold” that color, “gold”, is yellow or blond. Where do we find this in their Old Testament, Torah book? In Leviticus 13:30-32, speaking of the leper race it states and there be in it a yellow thin hair”, which is in fact blond straight fur. Also it’s repeated in Verse 32, “And there be in it no yellow hair...."" So you see a description of this gold crown or blond fur. Why do I say fur not hair with what they describe in Revelation 9:7 the faces of men; because hair does not fall like fur. So it was a human being, and this was long fur like a woman. Black women perm or straighten their hair to make it look like the fur of animals or what’s called long shoulder length as seen in their Bible 1 Corinthians Figure 6: Yellow Thin Hair So that photo of Jesus you see with shoulder length fur could not be how the real Jesus looked: Read: I Corinthians 11:14 “Doth not even nature itself teach you that if a MAN have long hair, it is a shame unto him?” That’s verse 14 so could Jesus as a man looked like that or the many photos of which they created the image of Jesus. Figure 7: Their Images of Jesus Verse 15 says: “But if a woman have long hair it is a glory to her {for her hair is given her for a covering” 7 So it’s clear. Of course they use hair, never fur, so I will show to you Nuwaupians how it’s animal fur, not Negroid hair nappy. To look at a lion the male you see it has fur. Not dread locks, but fur. 26.So Revelation 13:2 says: “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and a dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority?” So you see the lion description and a leopard; that’s takes us back to a sheep or a lamb, and goat. The sheep or lambs hair is woolly as Negroids’ and the goat or lion’s fur as Caucasoids’. ion, Goat, Caueasoid, Leopard with fur 8g Figure 10: Lamb and Negroid with Dredlocks 27.As their Jesus claims in their Bible Matthew 10:6 and Matthew 25:32-33. 28.Yet first let’s see what the real description of Jesus is, recorded in their own Bible: Revelation 1:14 “His head and his hairs were white like WOOL as white as snow.” So what kind of hair did this physical man, called the Lamb of God (St. John 1:29), have. It’s clear it says Jesus’ hair was like wool. Not fur. Wool is the hair of a sheep according to Webster’s Dictionary. 29.And many Negroid preachers and their Caucasoids leaders say it’s talking about the colour of the sheep. Yet never heard of the “black sheep of the family”, which is what Jesus was to the Jews. 30.Yet before Revelation’s description you had Daniel 7:9: “ I beheld till the thrones were cast down and the ancient of days did sit whose garment was white as snow. And the hair of his hair like the pure wool... So we see the snow reference was to his garments, yet the hair on his head was WOOL, nappy, kinky, wooly, like Negroids, Africans and none other but those who mixed with Africans. 31 Now let’s read in their Bible Matthew 25:41: “Then shall he (Jesus) say also unto them on the left_hand depart from me ye CURSED into everlasting FIRE prepared for the DEVIL and his ANGELS” ‘Who are these cursed of the left hand? Go back to Verse 32-33. It’s right there. He divided the sheep people from the goat people, putting the sheep race, wooly hair on the right hand, and putting the goat race, fur headed on the left hand. And it states they are cursed. Who are the cursed race in their Bible Genesis 9:25?: “ And he (Noah) said cursed be Canaan.. Now read Genesis 10:15-19 for the Canaanite race or tribes. Now read Genesis 24:3, 37, which states don’t mix with them and Genesis 28:1, again stating don’t mix your seed with them, also in Deuteronomy 7:1-6. 32.Why not? Leviticus 14:32-34, they have leprosy, which you can read in Chapter 13 of Leviticus a whole chapter of what happens to a person, they change from whichever race to leper white. Yellow thin fur spotted like a leopard, reddish, freckles; transformed by the anger of their god. As you read about Moses in (Exodus 4:6-7) and his sister Miriam in (Numbers 12:9-13). Figure 12: Caucasoids with freckles Figure 13: Leopard 33.So the curse on the goat people or race or Satan’s children or the devil’s seed (Deuteronomy 20:17-18) and they raise the goat image (Deuteronomy 24:8-9). Figure 14: Baphomet 12 ‘The Pentagon. Note how it is a pentagram shaped symbol. This is how they use the Pentagon to rule by blood shed Figure 16: Pentagram, a Satanic Symbol B Figure 17: How They Rule by Five Pillars or the Five Ps 34.And if you don’t worship their image, want to be like them, they want to kill you. 35.And many ab-originals or sub-races worship the image of the beast ‘goat race, Caucasoids, the Canaanite races, and their gods; they have now accepted Taynum Kha-u, the dragon man. And his angels Molock, (Amos 5:26) who is also Molech (Leviticus 18:1-30), Leviticus 20:1-16. These are their evil ways of life which they try to make all other accept, lust, luster, drunkenness, the way of evil. 36.However what you Negroids, that is true Nuwaupians who are Ontologist, scientists, really wish for all other darker skinned races ab-originals to know and follow is the facts, Wu-Nuwaupu. And to know the aim of the Caueasoids races is to subjugate all other races and reduce you all to the position of experiments and servants permanently; 37.So that the Caueasoid races can practice his mayhem and vampirism anywhere in the world on any people at any time it feels that it needs a scape/goat. Those who accept the goat races as their god, leader image are a scape/goat, child of Azazel (Leviticus 16:7-10) Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #5799 scapegoat. Revelation 13:2, he looks like a leopard, that’s spotted as a leper, Leviticus 13:2-4, leprosy. The Curse of the devil of Genesis 9:25, deceive the whole world with his lies, St John 8:44 and his false religions created from Celtic Wiccaism, Revelation 18:23 sorceries, mixing their diseased seed with all others to get in their very blood of life with his cursed seed, Revelation 18:9, Revelation 17:2-6, his females, Revelation 2:20-22. The father of all lies and deception world over, of all killings, rapes, stealing. He is a disease. And only wish is to spread his way of life to all others, 38.Make them his zombies, slaves, scapegoats. For his own well being and survival after his 6000 years is up. 39.Yet we 4m GrbIS49 Paa Nazduru wish other darker skinned races to know that they must get their own people liberated from vampirism of these Draconians and his children who kidnap many people each day. And feed to his flesh-eating, blood-drinking Molock angels of their gods %4?GO4EA9 Taynum:Kha-u. Figure 18: Vampires 15 40.Other sub races of dark skinned people must reject his way of life offered as wealth and good times, fun and care-freeness which are lies and not a true way of life, only created by them on the screens or books, an unreal lifestyle. 41.Yet people world over are drawn to the lie of streets paved in gold. The so called “American Dream”. Once they get there they see and receive nothing but hate, racism, abuse, more of his lies. 42.So other dark-skinned races need Wu-Nuwaupu as well to break the spell of ignorance over them too. 43.The hidden oppression of Caucasoids’ races, is very similar to how they mistreated the Africans they kidnapped, only the others came on their own to be abused. 44.So as you Nuwaupians are doing right now with Wu Nuwaupu they also must use and execute their own starting with a change in their mind at how they look at Africans. 45.They need a revolution of their mind in a similar manner as outlined in these Actual Facts, so they must be translated to all tongues and each dark-skinned race must apply this outformation in accordance with its own nature. 46.You all have been mixed in some way, shape, or form physically or mentally by the spirit of the beast. 47.Moreover the purpose of the resurrected Africans by nature is to oppress no one or no other races, but your natural goal is to help to liberate all others with yourselves and keep your races liberated as you help other dark-skinned people by right knowledge, correct outformation into information that they may be able to do the same. You maintain and advocate that every race should have its own culture, tongue, music, food, dress, its own territory where they can practice their own way of life respecting all others’ right to do the same, Mine your mind for the jewels of your souls. 48.Mind its own business. And be masters of their own destiny. 49.And each should do what is necessary to attain this goal which is material rights by nature’s laws and codes. 50. You have two descended races of groups one from Negroids, others from Caucasoids. Here are just some of the sheep and goats: Africans Europeans | ——) sub-races | Dravidian Germans Malay Norwegians Latino Anglos Italian Saxons Arabs Russians Brazilians Scottish Cubans Polish Hindustani Irish Mongolian Scandinavian Chinese Slavonic Japanese Swedish Koreans Turkish Mexicans Welsh Indians French Portuguese Austrians Puerto Ricans Dutch Madagascar Iceland Greeks Hungarian Persians Spaniards Ukr: So many others 7 Romanian So many others Many have mixed with these races, so one can become confused. And many use religion as a race or a place, such as Jewish is not a race Cuban is not a race, Egyptians today are not a race and Brazilians are not a race, Portuguese is not a race. Many races belong to these religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Many races live in Puerto Rico, so it can confuse you. So let the choices be their own; if they wish to worship the image of the leper and hate your image then you let them come down with him, (Revelation 9:19-21) they will go down and fade away with them no matter how dark their skin. 51. But as to their religions and way of life their own book states in Revelation 19:20: “And the beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles (Online Bible Greek Strong's #4592) onuetov semeion say-mi’-on signs, tokens, wonder, miracles from (Online Bible Greek Strong's #4591) sémaind, say-mah'-ce-no _from sema ‘a mark, signify, to indicate.’” So it’s not good miracles at all before him with which he deceived those that had received the mark of the beast and those that worshiped his image; they both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone (Revelation 13: 14-18). 52.S0 the beast man and his followers will go down together, and as Revelation 9:19-21 makes it so clear for them, that their powers are only in their mouth and their tails or those who follow behind them that they use to do their killings and evil deeds for them. These tails or followers are just like the serpents, living in his or their image. And the leaders of those that follow behind them or the heads of the lands do all the hurting for the devil race. 53.And those that mixed with them and become diseased with his many sexual diseases, such as H.LV., A.LD.S., or leprosy yet don’t die from them but still follow their life, or ways. They won’t return to their own original cultures, that is, repent for the works they did for the Caucasoid races. They did it with their own hand; work for them, kill for them, even their own. Yet they still worship the not one devil but it says devils plural. And his idols of gold or silver as you see in their temples and churches, all about money, wealth. Now Verse 21: “Neither repented they of their MURDERS (John 8:44) nor of their sorceries (Revelation 18:23) nor of their fornication (Revelation 17:1-6) nor of their thefis” 54,The evil race has deceived many world over with his image of god as himself. Put fear in people’s hearts of his heaven and hell’s fire, of fear of death and a torturing devil and his evil angels, of demons which are him. 55.He puts fear in your hearts of death. Then teaches that only by way of worshipping the god in his image will you overcome death and hell. I Corinthians 15: 51-57. That’s their image of their Lord Jesus Christ. 56.All part of his tricks to get people of other races to fear a Caucasian image of god and in so doing fear his whole race, love a Caucasian image of Mary mother of god, and in so doing love his women. And her images: is it true that blonds have more fun? Snow White and her 7 dwarves. Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow. Pushing their image of their races as images of good, god. And if you worship that image you will not get burnt black in the darkness of hell. 57.When they know and worship the Black Madonna and son, which comes from the true black-skinned image of the Egiptian Sapzdutu, Enneads or Nazduru: Shu-Tafnut Geb-Nut Asar-Aset-Sutukh-Nabt- Hat Figure 19: Black Madonna and Jesus (L) and Aset and Har (R) 19 Figure 20: Black Madonna and Jesus (L) Mary and Jesus (R) ‘And the birth of the son Har, was after Asar was dead. So Aset birthed Har without his father Asar who was the god of Saahu, Orion Star System and at his belt the three stars of 3 Wisemen and his holy mother Aset as Sapzdutu, Sirius star system the brightest star who is the morning star or Har as RE-Har Akhet the true Kaa or Karast which became Christ. 58.So the Caucasoids will give you anything to worship their image make preachers rich, make you “cinema stars” for them to use to create an image of you as niggas or sellouts of your own on T.V. Look at what Negroes do to get paid. 59.They will mix their seed with those of other races yet never accept them as of their race. 60.If you’re Indian and you have a child by one of the Caucasoids your child is Indian, If you’re Spanish, Mexican, Cuban and Latino and you have a child by one of the Caueasoid races they will still say your child is Latino; even if they have blond fur, blue eyes or green eyes, red fur. Still they don’t accept others into their races as one of them. 20 61.They can act like they accept you until they get upset then out right use people, or worse. 62.They only use you to get your blood to keep their diseases under control, or they would have long faded away mixing with only their own race of lepers. 63.Yet they want to choose which of their females are to mix. If they see you with one that they did not approve they will want to kill you. 64.Yet they want to have sex with all other races, their men with your women to take in their fluids and DNA, your genes, to mix in as Dracula does. Figure 21: Dracula 65.But you must welcome them into your world. As many countries do world over, as we did in Africa and Native Americans did in America, as the Aboriginals did in Australia, as they did in South America, South Africa. Once in, once trusted, they kill and take over 21 the wealth, the land, the women, and claim “J am a whatever”, and pretend to respect your culture. 66.But the Caucasoids’ races are not such by nature that will permit much of the races mixing as long as it fades him out of existence. 67.So he rules the mind and souls of others by religion or what’s known as spiritual, economic, and military powers. Wars, religious wars that bred today’s political wars to keep control of other races. 68.So the only hope that darker races will ever have is to be masters of your own destinies. Let him fade away, now that his 6000 year rule has ended in 2000 A.D. 69.This will help nature remove the remaining seeds of his helpers. Just by rejecting all he teaches and lies. 70.Their removal from world power has already begun and will continue by practicing the first law of nature which is SELF PRESERVATION; that’s not for your own self but your race. And this kind of self preservation has many GrbiO49 Nazduru and takes: many forms. 71.Yet many people of sub races and Negroes have been ruled from birth and before. He rules your seed for four generations, so at your birth, as the doctors in the hospitals, he controls your birth certificate. In schools he controls your graduation certificates. At marriage he controls your marriage certificate, at your death it’s him who issues your death certificate, to drive, to travel, to make money. He takes some of it as tax, he issues your Social Security Number. He is your teacher and even your preacher’s teacher. He gave you your translation of the Bible and Quraan, he told you who God is, who Allah is, who Jah is, who Jehovah is, who the devil is, who angels are, you name it and he named it. 72.1f you wish to learn a language other than American English or British English or Caribbean English who do you have to turn to? Him. He has all the language schools, books, tapes, dises. So he translates what each word should mean. 73.Like if you say to a Jew what is god in Yiddish or Hebrew they say Ha-shem, Adonai, El Shaddai, YHWH. That’s G-D or L-ORD. But is it not at all. Each one of them has different meaning, none the same, as the German word GOD from Gut, Ghutt, which simply means 2 “good”. If you ask a Greek what is God in Greek found in New Testament they say Theos which does not mean God it means “to place” and like the Hebrew O°7/78 Eloheem is used for both good and evil deities, but not the translation which also happens in the Latin Bible, ,, it is not God. So each will say God is this or that; also the Muslims if you ask them what is God in Arabic they say Allah, If you say what is Lord they say Rabb. And again in the Quraan, Allah is used as dual, plural and single and for both good and evil as well as idols. 74.So they also control translations which translates the meaning for you. When you read a translation all you see is what the translator wants you to see. Muslims created their own meaning for Arabic which in fact existed before their prophet 75.When they hear you and your children speaking Nuwaupie they ask where are you from in hopes that you will tell them which language or dialect you're speaking. 76.1f they don’t get it that way they ask what you are speaking. When you say Nuwaupic they say is that an African language? They need to know. If they’re in control of your tones, your colours as you sit and watch TV or a cinema, you're not thinking how the colours you see each have an effect on your brain, your mind, your emotions, feelings and moods. Just sitting and watching colours change before your eyes. And the sounds of their voices, the music they chose behind what you’re watching. All these are taking control of your subconscious mind. 77.Control your very mind’s eyes, what goes into your brain into the into the hippocampus part of your brain which controls the processing of all your creative thinking. Now think of the games your children play. He has all that. They move into your sub-conscious mind into your dreams where you process them as real. And by that, accept all he put there. What you see, what you hear, what you taste, what you smell, what you feel, he tries to control. So you must learn Nuwaupie to help break his hold on your mind. When they ask what language, you say Ancient Egiptian, thought dead by most but not by us, Nuwaupians. 23 Diagram 1:Cross Section of Brain with Hippocampus 78.Look around you, he chose the shapes of buildings, what they are made of inside out. The sounds you hear on radio, the music you think you like, is what he allows to be played. The actors or actresses you see and say I like him or her, are because he let them have a part in his world, a movie cinema, or play that he approved of; not created. And he fears you using your own mind. 79.Sounds, lights are feelings under his control. And other sub-races follow right behind him, they depart from their own country and remove their own cultures for his dress, music, foods and what is beautiful to them, so their women have to try and look and sound like the Caueasoid woman or they feel they’re not beautiful. This is the spell that must be overcome. You see dreadlocks are still shoulder length hair like extensions, a way to have long flowing hair like their long flowing fur, still under the spell. And feel I don’t or won’t look beautiful without long, flowing, shoulder length locks. 80.Be proud of your hair, your African, woolly, nappy, kinky hair. Give them back their image too. 81.And don’t accept that these facts about race are racism. Racism begun in their Bible by their God, in Genesis 3:15, “And I ‘Lord God, YHWH Eloheem’ will put enmity Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew 24 #342 TDN ‘eybah ay-baw’ from Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #4340 2°X ‘ayab aw-yab’ “to hate, hostility, enemy, oppression” all the way to Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #347 3 ‘lyowb ee-yobe’ “hated” So read Genesis 3:15: “And I the Lord God will put hate between your seed Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #2233 erz zera‘ zeh’- rah from erz zara‘ zaw-tah’ “to sow, plant, conceive, seed, posterity, camally, child” to Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #2235 ‘offspring Figure 23: American Indian Women in Cultural Dress 25 Figure 25: East Indian Woman in Traditional Sari (L) and non-cultural Dress (R) 26 Now let’s look at it again from the Hebrew/Chaldean of Genesis 3:15: “And I the lord god will bring about hatred between you Nakhash Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #5175 WT) nachash naw-khawsh’ ‘a hissing creature, whispering one”, from Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #5172 ‘to whisper’” They use it for snake or serpent yet its root is in wisdom, wise one, magical rites, sorcery, omen, divination, incantation, bronze serpent. So in fact it’s not a creature or a devil, or an actual snake, it is action, rite, ritual which makes you call the one who does it nakhash, whisper, sneaky, (I Kings 20:33, Leviticus 19:26, 2 Kings 17:17, 21:6, 2 Corinthians 33:6, Deuteronomy 18:10) something used by human beings, mortals, not some snake or creature. In fact in Genesis 44:5 Joseph claims their YHWH Lord “Divineth” which is Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #5172, “whispers evil omens”. So it’s an action of a human person. So if we look again at Genesis 3:15: “And I the Lord God will bring about hatred between you this person who spoke eve in the garden's offspring. Children, seed and hher the women “eve” offspring, children, seed...” ‘That, according to their own Bible, and the Quraanic thinkers agree with this story. This is the very first racism. The first hatred between two people. And if you think that was still a snake in the garden, produce one reptile, snake or otherwise that can speak, talk as this person did with both Eve and God. Right there in Genesis Chapter 3 and even their god did not say what told you that you were naked Genesis 3:11 he said “who” not “what” told you that you were naked. 82.And if you still claim this was a snake as the devil then what does Revelation 13:18 says in part “....the beast: For it is the number of a man...” and what does 2 Thessalonians 2:3 say (in part) “....that Man of sin be revealed...” and Isaiah 14:12-17, and in Ezekiel 28:9- 27) 15 look what it says in that verse “...until iniquity Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #5766-5769 from #5765 NY ‘aval aw-val’ ‘morally wrong, deal unjustly, unrighteous”, from 9 ‘above, over, highest”. 83.So it’s clear in Chaldean Hebrew it’s talking about a person not a snake. And he was once an angel in the garden walking around there as their god walked around this garden (Genesis 3:8). And this garden was in Africa, Ethiopia (Genesis 2:10-13). So now re-read your own Bible and see what it says who created the first racism. Their own Lord God right there in Genesis 3:15, and all throughout their Bible it says don’t mix with those people, don’t marry that group or tribe of people; that’s racism. Separation of his own creations , Genesis 24:2- 3, 37,Genesis 28:1,6, Genesis 27:46, and Deuteronomy 7:1-3. That is the origin of worldwide racism, their own religious book the Bible and its child the Quraan. Not Nuwaupu. So don’t fall for that trick of, these people, Nuwaupians, are racist. Re-read all of this. 84.It’s about trying to live in peace with a race who only has in their nature from their God to hate all other races. 85.Now Nuwaupians look at this God or O° 28 Eloheem. According to the Chaldean and Hebrew it’s Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #430 from #410 PX would be ONE and o°75N Eloheem is more than one EL. Just as in Arabic you have all! or 4} or Allah or Mah one and STAalihat is more than one Hah. So you see that as the Torah has it in Genesis 1:1 it’s the Elohim a group of beings and then Genesis 2:4 it becomes one of them as YHWH Eloheem D°178 M7 or as they say the Lord God which is in fact a master of the Judges. As you see in Psalm 82:1 God Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #430 Eloheem standeth in congregation of the mighty of Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #410 not its EN EL, a God of Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #430 D'TON the Gods. It goes on to say HE judgeth among the GODS Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #430 as not the God or a God but Gods. And you see Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #410 as EL and as HE. Not them, or they. Now read Psalm 83:1: “Keep not thou silence, O God Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #430 Eloheem Gods hold not thy peace. And be not still O God Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #410 God.” 28 So it’s clear that in the Bible and Quraan it’s not speaking about only one God, but one of the many Gods. And they are given their choice of which one will or should be their one EL or Allah, not them as o'TtSN Eloheem or 44/1 Aalihaat. Yet they try to make you choose the one they chose for you. Now let’s look back at Genesis 1:1, you see Eloheem, in Genesis 2:4 you see YHWH Elohiim and in Genesis 3:1 you get both the Lord God and just God or YHWH of the Eloheem or Eloheem “Gods” then Genesis 4:1 you see only YHWH the Lord. Then in Genesis 4:25 God or Gods onto Genesis 4:26 they say then, or after the birth of Enos, men began to call upon the name of the Lord Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #3068 7177” YHWH, Yahweh, Jahovah which also is shortened in the Bible to Jah or Yah in Psalms 68:4 with Eloheem. So most people who read the Bible and Quraan who follow those religions of Abrahamism Mosesism, Jesusism, Muhammadism can’t read the original language or dialects of their own scriptures. They have no idea all this is going on behind their mistranslations of their Bible and Quraan. 86.S0 when you read Genesis I it’s speaking about a group of Gods, then by Genesis 2, because Genesis 1:2 states the spirit of the Eloheem separated and came down to Earth from Heaven Genesis 1:2 in part: “And the Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #7307 Ruakh ‘soul, spitit of God’ Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #430 judges, gods’, moved upon the face of the waters” 87.So one of the Eloheem or an El in spiritual form or soul came down to do a job, and when you get to Genesis 2:4 you get a name of this El. He is called the Lord Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #3068 which means “living one” 777” YHWH from Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #1961 7°71 Hayah “exist, living”, so he became alive, incarnated. And it’s from Online Bible Strong’s Hebrew #2416 TT Khay alive, living and you find this confirmed in Genesis 2:7 for man becoming a living spirit. Yet in dust or flesh and blood. So one of those Eloheem or an EL incamated to Earth and became named YHWH or Jah, an El of the Eloheem called YHWH of the Eloheem and Allah or Hah of the Aalihaat. Same beings or gods. You just chose one of them and have no other than the one you chose to be your one God or one Allah. That is all. And some were good and 29 others of them evil according to their own books you will find “don’t worship those other Eloheems or Aalihaat”, that is “don’t worship other Els or Allahs, only one YHWH or Rabb”. Now let’s look back at the one in Genesis 3 who is speaking to Eve, Nakhash and Adam. But that is not all who he spoke with, as you read on. 88.Once Nakhash, called the serpent in Genesis 3:1, finished showing Eve how this one of the Eloheem “Gods” lied to her Genesis 3:2-3 89.And how Adam and Eve became equal to this God (Genesis 3:5), that is transform into Eloheem, a God. Like the Eloheem of Genesis 1:1, a mortal can become an Eloheem “God”. Read Exodus 7:1 or Psalm 82:1-7 and St. John 10:34-35. Yes you can. 90.And the Eloheem knew this fact and tried to lie to keep it from Adam and Eve. 91.And once they did betake and become Eloheem, this EL, one of the Eloheem, was afraid, fear. Read Genesis 3:22, it’s a YHWH of the Eloheem. Note what this EL has to say: “And the Lord God said behold the man (Adam/Eve) is become as one of US” Now what did that just say? It.said that the Lord God speaking to others he calls us, saying look, the human being is now just like one of us 92. Is not that exactly what Nakhash said to Eve in Genesis 3:5? Yes it is. 93.So this Jah, YHWH of the Eloheem this one El feared the mortals becoming his and their equal. That’s what their Bible says and Muslims accept the Bible as one of their Holy Books so in this case this one God would be their one god Allah. One and the same. 94,He goes on to say in Genesis 3:22 “ know good and evil...."" Next he feared they could live forever like Eloheem. That is what it says. Now read Genesis 3:24 and as you see just which group of Eloheem this EL belongs to. Was it Serapheem or Cherubeem? It says right there that this EL of the Eloheem said become as one of us, that means he is included with this group which is stated right there in Genesis 3:24: 30 “So he drove out the man and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims Online Bible Hebrew #3742 D'217> Ker-rubeem or cherub as one.” So this El was one of the Eloheem which were in heaven. Both the good ones and evil ones (Ezekiel 28:13-15), yes one and the same. ‘What did he not want? He did not want them to know there were good angels, Sarapheem, and evil angels Cherubeem. And he was of the evil angels who were cast out of heaven (Revelation 12: 7-13), one and the same (John 8:44). 95, Now it should be clear that there was more than one God in Genesis ‘One or the Quraan and you ask asked to accept one as your God or Lord who is most cases was the wrong choice it’s the evil one he says his name is El Shaddai "TWN if you open up the box that the Jews have on their head for prayer you will see they worship El-Shaddai. And right in Exodus 6:2-3 it states or he states to Moses: “2, And god Online Bible Hebrew #430 Eloheem spake unto Moses and said unto him, I am the YHWH. 3. and I appeared Online Bible Hebrew#7200 TIN7 rawah to be seen physically to see, appear, behold” So he says to Moses I’m the one who appeared to Abraham (Genesis 17:1). It says right there this is El Shaddai or Online Bible Hebrew #410 EL and Online Bible Hebrew #7706 Shaddai, one and the same who appeared to him physically, ate with him, had two others with him called angels and (Genesis 18:1-33) he came down in human form. And ate what, “flesh”, then sent his two angels to kill the people of Sodom (Genesis 19:1-29) 96. So who in fact are the Jews, Christians, and Muslims worshipping? An evil El, a bad angel, a Cherubeem, a liar, a killer which they call their own GOD. Or the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 97.Once you re-read the Bible and Quraan you see that this one God they chose as you read in Exodus 20:3 and his nature is revealed Exodus 20:5 so there is more than one. El Shaddai “TW 8 in Hebrew is the asu4lI Al Shadiyd same word. They give different meanings and know that the Caucasoids of each religion are the leaders of others of other races who accept the Jerusalem religions and 31 Jerusalem was originally in the Land of Canaan, Kadmon or Jebusites’ land. They know who and what they are leading you to worship, one blood-lusting flesh eating God or Allah, Yahweh, Jah. During Sues Time Map 1: Map of Land of Canaan with Arrow Pointing to Jerusalem 98.All this is to say truth is truth, In Wu-Nuwaupu we have to redeem our own people from this evil and help those of darker skin races if they will listen. Many give their life to Caucasoids and will do anything for them just as some Negroes do. 99,Unfortunately with all this said, not only among Negroes but many others world over, even in Africa, Caucasoids had a system of body and mind control in the form of religion that opens them up for walk- ins. Evil angels come into their bodies they call it being saved, or receiving the sprit or Holy Ghost yet they don’t explain why in Acts 2:2-3 why this rushing wind is called “mighty” Shaddai "7 and why is it of FIRE. Matthew 5:22, James 3:6 speaks for itself, this is heli’s fire. And your family member becomes possessed of one of the 32 ghost of Cherubeem, evil angels. Look at how a person acts in a church once they claim to be filled with the Holy Ghost and look at how a person acts who is possessed in Voodoo or Yoruba or Santeria or Satanism, one and the same actions. Figure 26: The Voodoo Spirit Gede Possesses a Woman and Dances with the Drummers. Figure 27: Possession in Ceremony in Benin, West Africa 100. So it will be very hard to make them see their religion is not what they think after being possessed all their physical lives. 33 101. The Caucasoids have used Wicca or sorceries, witchcraft in the form of religion. They will fight you, call you names, yet don’t give up, take your time, truth will prevail. 102. Individual races and nations have been targeted for conversion to their religions to take their souls. Then once there they take over the government, schools, wealth, and you see people start to disappear, go gone, never to be seen again just up and gone. Not at all. These are flesh and blood sacrifices and offerings to their blood-lusting deity, deities. 103. So many sub-races will reject Negroids and cater to Caucasoids’ whims and wills for more economic or military handouts that keep them as pawns of Caucasoids’ interests. They live for and by Caucasoids and will hate you, and for them to prove to Caucasoids that they love them they will call you names and try and act just like Caucasoids not knowing they are being used to get into their original lands for souls, flesh, blood, wealth. Figure 28: Wiccan Ceremony 34 104. They give their lives over to another who they can never be. It’s called selling yourself out. 105. The Caucasoids’ races had the whole world of darker-skinned people on their worldwide welfare rolls called CARE or Red Cross “Bloody Cross” This is one of the first steps in. KZ, ey care’ am°aSs 106. The sooner dark-skinned peoples wake up and break this evil spell and overstand Wu-Nuwaupu that is the only way to true independence and real progress in self creativeness the better off all will be. 107. Darker-skinned people world over must awaken and realize although it they are not as heavily oppressed, suppressed and repressed as the African they still have a long way to go to be master of their own destiny 108, Return and give back all the Caueasoids taught you. They lie. Give back their images of their God. Their way of life, their religions all of them. That will break the spell of spookism. 109. Even in most races the lighter-skinned members always abuse the darker skinned of their own land. As you see in Indian and Latin American culture, in Asia, with Arabs, in the Caribbean, all over the world, lighter-skinned of darker races take the lead and become the Preachers, Ministers, Imaams, Rabi, Cohen; the leader of the group or band, always, but that is arranged by the Caucasoids. He will use lighter-skinned Negroes, Latinos, Indians to enslave the darker. He uses religions like Islam and Muslims in Africa to help enslave the darker skinned Africans, And this is still going on today. Count the dark-skinned Negro actors and female actresses and singers, not rappers; that’s okay because of how they are classed. Look around the world and world leaders in lands that are of black-skinned people with light skinned rulers today. This must stop. 35 110. The Caucasian first sent their harlots, their jezebels into a land, they mix their seed to breed half-breeds but because they’re not accepted as Caucasoids no matter how light or if their hair becomes fur. Not accepted. They seek out others to mix with, they say “I want a man with good hair” that meant straight or curly and light eyes, meant hazel eyes and/or a redbone woman. You see all the stars today use redbones in their videos making the next generation of girls who are dark- skinned with wooly hair and dark eyes want perms, bleach, contacts, and light makeup to look like the harlot or queen who rides this beast. So they put on T.V. and in cinemas Africa as a bad place. Make us look bad in their media. To make you not want to go home or proud to be African, your own dress, image. It’s all a evil plot. Figure 31: "Redbone" Mixed Race Singer Faith Evans 36 111. They tried to erase all dark-skinned people on the planet yet it can not be done. So now they are trying to bring the standards of living up of light-skinned Negroes world over so they can blend in with them; trying to make their lips bigger, their butts bigger, curl their hair, play parts with black stars. To try again but its too late for them their 6000 years is over. 666 man of sin will not nor ever win. 112. So by using that same prescription as just described in this papyrus for you Negroids, other darker races can liberate themselves and be free. 113. Of course each race’s application of nature’s laws and way will be in each race’s own nature, as it’s most effective this way. They will not listen to you for their love of them. 114. In other words the solutions to world problems for Negroids is the solution for other races also against the number of common enemy called the Caucasoid races. The Caucasoid races Killed off most of the original Afrieans who migrated to Europe long before the Caucasoid was grafted from their masters who tried to civilize the Caucasoid, which cannot be done no matter how long. This was 6000 years ago, the others Negroids ran to return to Africa. Many had half-breed children who stayed in Africa now saying they are everything but Africans. They claim, we are: Egyptian Arab or Turks Libyans Tunisians Algerians Moroccans and others, but they don’t like to be called Africans the same way light-skinned Negroes will not call themselves Afriean. They say ‘Afro-American, African-American. You name anything but what they are, AFRICAN, not accepted by Europeans as one of them. So when they returned to Africa’s Egipt, many were mixed seeds, 115. Others moved around the globe and stole whole continents and took over up until less than 500 years ago. And now up to b they tried to take over the Middle East which is your Islamic Arab’s war with Christian and Jewish Caucasoids : 116. They had no intentions of stopping until they kill off most sub-races of darker people on earth and steal all the lands for the planet and establish a permanent world under themselves, one world order, called 37 the New World Order. For the whole Caucasoid race, they are all Hitlers. 117. Yet it did not work, their time ended and now they are slowly fading away, out of world respect, out of world wealth, out of world power. Cannot rule. 118. The year 2000 A.D. was in fact 6000 A.D. the end of their rule. Can they be reformed? No. We tried. Their women will start to leave their men for other darker races of men. 119. The Caucasoid race was able to conquer and control people and nations anywhere in the world. ‘Map 2: Map of Europe 38 120, But they could not defeat and destroy the laws of nature based on circles of life and cycles of time when a species time it up it must go. ‘And they're the last on the human chain and must be the first to go. That is the law of nature their time is up; then will follow one after the other of the sub-races who are their tail, or follow them. 121. They also will fade away. Therefore, these factors and forces are your way. And you were first so you will be the last to stand when all other races fade away if they don’t choose to start to respect nature and her Supreme Race, the children of the sun, Melanin-ite children, Africans. All Africans are one race regardless of where in Africa we live today or what we call ourselves. We are the Supreme Beings. The God and Creator of all others. The first and the last. King of Kings. Ruler of Rulers. Figure 33: Modern Day Libyans Figure 34: Modern Day Tunisians Figure 35: Modern Day Algerians 39 we Figure 36: Modern Day Moroccans 122. Now all we have to do is retum to Wu-Nuwaupu and practice our true way of life Nuwaupu and be Nuwaupians. Speak Nuwaupic. This does mean not forget our tribal way or natures. Not at all. Be whatever but be Nuwaupian, that is who you are, not what you became. We must all adhere to the divine codes. The circles and cycles of Natural Nature. We must return to our divine state as Gods not mere men. OVERSTANDING OF lean UNDERSTANDING Without Beginning and Without Ending 40 nv S a Questions What is the Paa Paut “The All”? . What is Melanin? . Why is the Sun the supreme power in this Solar System? |. Why are Negroids the Supreme Beings? . What is the difference between Negroids and the dark-skinned Sub-races? |. How did worship of the Image of the Beast get instilled? 4 7. How was life given to the false image of God, Jesus and other religious figures? 8. Why couldn’t the picture of Jesus you see with shoulder length fur be his true image? 9. How was Jesus the black sheep of the Jews? 10.Who is the sheep race? 11.Who is the goat race? 12.What are the differences between the sheep race and the goat race? 42 13. What is the aim of the Caucasoid races for all other races? 14. Why do Caucasians need a scape goat? 15.What is a scapegoat? 16.What do Paa Nazduru want other darker skinned races to know? 17.What is the reality of the American Dream? 18. What is the purpose of the resurrected Africans by nature? 19.What does it mean to mine your mind for the jewels of your souls? 43 20.What will happen to beast man and his followers according to their Bible? 21.What is the origin of the Black Madonna? 22.What are images the Caucasian uses to get people of other races to fear a Caucasian image of God? 23. Why do Caucasoids have a need to rule the minds and souls of others? 24.What is the importance of tones and colours? 25,What is the hippocampus? 44 26.What is the very first racism that is in their Bible? 27.Why will sub-races reject Negroids and cater to Caucasoids? 28.Which God are Jews, Christians, and Muslims worshipping? aes een eee 29.How do Caucasoids attempt to use light-skinned and/or half breed Negroids as a part of their plot? Ql ee ieninistn nna ROME BE alsin Ree ACs eee a 30.Who will be the last race standing? 45 ; E} : : 2 FOE ROTA See Tense peer = oe a THE INCARNATE OVERSEER: AMUN NUE RE AKH PTAH SOCOM PCRS Seer Cr ee eee eet iitatsen er aer PO ary ert SC cee ea enmr ant srere steel eee eR ree oe ie eae coe FROM THE DAY 1 ACCEPTED WU-NUWAUPU ed CS SC RECT SCE T ELON) See kee Pine cats eee ee ar ee ee LAMA NUWAUPIAN THAT IS WHAT IAM. Cee eae Cree ate entrar en eras Oa RRC CECT isco rae ase aa CAS ee eee ee Saori ta ena stata vee tery ta aueas ites ‘LC azol il De ea ee ce a coed Pease eee ee ene ee SAR cosy erat ren ter eet ee Rey ANUKI NUWAUPIAN-UN, MEENU BADUA LIVYAY ARHUR

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