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Pee Prete et ae rFPetirr wer ow Lee ele eo) om ern | Craton PerRE Abnaa: Paa Nazdir: Amunnub.Reakh.Ptah Djedi Shil Paa Hanutu known to HE. Malachi Kobina York (Bom Tuesday, June 26, 1943 A.D. in Takoradi, Ghana West Africa- Still Living) "The Transmitter? Paa-Safun Mahyutaat Shil PAA Nazdir; Amun Nub-Reakh-Piah, PAA Hi ‘The Sacred Papyrus of: Amuanub-Reakh-Ptah (Djedi) Bi Paa Ren Shil RE: Atum wu Atun wu Amun wu Ann By the name of RE: Atum and Atus and Amu and Anus Pa Safur Shil Udjetu ‘The Scroll of Eyes Magen E-Motional Ene: Pa Nara Mada apyras:817 si . Electrons and other subatomic particles are not solid: they are clusters of Energy in Motion. . The charges. of electricity which explain certain attractions and repulsions relative to charged and magnetic fields. 3. Every particle within an Atom “Atum” moves in an orbit. Even ‘the proton in the Atom’s nucleus travels a very tight orbit which determines its apparent diameter. In addition to orbiting there is another important motion of all sub- atomic particles; it’s called Nutation from Nutate, Nod, Droop. 5. Nuwaupians, you must overstand Nutational motion because, it is the very key to the secrets of this universe you are in right now, 6. Every sub-atomic particle spins about its own internal axis, and Nutation refers to a wobble of the axis of rotation. Each particle in the physical universe experiences a Nutation period of precisely the exact same rate, . So, in fact cach sub-atomic particle of matter and each quantum: particle of electro-magnetic energy spins on its own axis just as this planet Ptah Nun “Earth” turns on its poles, and that all these axis wobble at one constant rate regardless of the energy or mass called it sum. 8. As in sum of a thing, “someching”; sum of its weight size of its particle. 9. It’s very important that you distinguish between spinning and orbiting although all particles spin. 10.Those particles which also travel in close orbits comprise matter where as energy particle travel in straight lines. 11.Energy can be changed into matter and vice versa. However, the Nutational rate of these particles never varies; 12. Nor is there any physical power in this universe which can alter the Nutational rate one bite. - ~ 13. Know this Nuwaupians, gravity and magnetism, which are in fact different manifestations of the same force, are inherent in the axial spin of Etheric particles. According to the Houghton Mifflin Dictionary, Gravity is defined as, “The natural force of attraction exérted by a celestial body, such as Earth, upon objects at or near its surface, tending ta draw them toward the center of the body or The natural force of attraction between any two massive bodies, which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.” Where as Magnetism is “The force exerted by a magnetic field.” IS Figure 2: Magnetism 14, See matter is essentially a concept of the Human being’s sense preceptors, which themselves are of the same matter. 15, This world and everything in it is composed of atoms. 16. Yet, atoms are only clusters of energy whose seeming solidity and integrity are due to the circular motions of their components 17. An atom is almost entirely empty space consisting of a central blob of whirling energy sheathed by the orbits of electrons. Figure 3: An Atom 18.The orbiting electrons describe a more or less spherical shell of energy: However don’t see in your mind’s eye that this shell makes the atom a hollow ball of some concreteness. 19. The emptiness in which the sub-atomic particles exist can be seen by the supposition that if the mucleus of an atom were enlarged to the size of RE “su”, you see, the shell, described by its electrons would be 24 times greater than the diameter of this solar system. faltite, a Per tS ut freien mercury Figure 4: Solar System 20. Think like this. A pound of iron, which seems quite solid and ponderable to Human beings is in fact really no more than an aggregation of swirls of energy separated by comparatively vast reaches of emptiness 21. Also the physical body of mortals this applies to as well 22. The cells which comprise the physical body’s tissues, nerves, and blood are of these same intangible swirls. 23. You see Nuwaupians Electromagnetic energy such as radio, heat, light and X-rays can be envisioned as traversing @4% ATE PAA-Akh “The Ether” in the form of bullets or clusters called Quantum particles. 24. And new Nuwaupians, this is A Akh “erher”. . The entire universe is permeated with a basic energy which is of a rarified concentration compared to the energy bundles which comprise atoms and Quantum particles. 26. You will have a hard time trying to conceive of “basic energy” with the same overstanding associated with energy because the “basic” type had no motion and cannot impart force. 27. It is quiescent, passive, and imperceptible, it is the SSE Muat “Mother” of energy and matter. It is that from which all things are created. 28. And she is revealed to you by evidence existing in the wave phenomena of the propagation of GA+24 Nawur “light” and that in moods of vibrations of the 3 colours; blue, yellow, red which birth all others by this we know she is ¢ruh-@HEx Paa Pau’t “The Existence”. 29. This basic energy or AKH “Ether” imposes.a limit on the speed of Nawar “light”. 30. And it’s all within Dark Matter. So Space is not empty. ceo Figure S: Visible Dark Matter 31. She Keeps control over all. Otherwise you might expect a Quantum of Nawur “light” to achieve any speed depending on the amount of energy that could be exerted upon it 32. If space were truly empty or Nothingness. No-thing-Exist; then radiated energy would be able to travel at any rate in an infinite range of speeds instead of having an upper limit which has been named the speed of light 186,272 miles per second 33. All electromagnetic radiations travel at exactly the same maximum speed through space; whether it be low-energy radiation or high-energy radiation. 34, Now Nuwaupians are analogous to the way air is the carrier of sound vibrations, 35, The basic energy permeating of space is, it is a fluid carrier of Quantum particles; and what do they say of Akh “Ether” substance of fluid which fills all space, a colourless, volatile liquid used as an anesthetic, ethereal, light, airy, heavenly, and ethereality. 36. Note: E-Motions and ethic, ethical relating to or treating of mortals, ethically, ethics, science of mortal; moral principles rules of conduct, ethnic of a race, ethnography description of races of mortals; Ethos distinctive character, genius, ethical make-up and from whom the Mother to the child never from the Father. 37. It's Mother Nature PAA-Pau’t; she produces all the energy to keep the cell alive, Mother of All Living. 38. Woman, Female is God, Goddess; and she is from where Man, Male comes and predates Man. Exactly, this is the Best Kept Secret that is best to be made known now. 39, We live in her womb in liquid until we're re-born into air. Bolts are ether and of Quantum particles. 40. Particles of radiated energy must buck the speed barrier inherent in basic energy. 41. As particles comprising electro-magnetic radiation proceed through space, a chattering effect with wavelike pulses results, 42. The more energy a particle has, the greater is the frequency of its chatter; or that which make a sound which makes light, which makes things sum-up to something. 43. Where there is water, liquid, moistness or from Atum-Atom, we get ethGOo Tef-Nut “Water” and from her Shu “Air” from them you get Nut “Sky” and from het Geb “Earth” and of them mortals M4 Aset “Lillith”, Bhar A’sar “Abel”, Gero. “TP Nabt-Hat “Eve” and Sutukh 4OXSTT “Cain” and 744 Har “Seth” 44. Life from the living waters because these come from GOGrext Nunet and GOG Nun and Te Tx Hehet and TT Heh and TeFeX Keket and TT Kek and GS Niaut and GAS Niau or MAGGY- Amunet and 43SG Amun of the waters called RedeGS Khemenu “Ogdoads” Snake-Headed females and Frog-headed males of the deep. 45. So now, Nuwaupians, that you have a clear overstanding of the inanimate to animate physical world. 46.Let us talk about the phenomena of living things now in relativity simple terms, 47, As you know there are 7 abodes of existence spoken about and 2 which they dare not speak about making it 9 abodes in all, 48. We will begin with this known Universe. The material plane of things and physical plane of beings living. 49, Both are in fact one abode just vibrating on higher and lower rates. We call them @v4rhittx Per-aat “abodes, planes, realms”. 50, Now the physical abode is the lowest not in direction in state of ‘existence being the lowest of the (7) seven and it consists of sub- abode. 51, Each sub-divide into sub-abodes on and one and begins at Atoms ‘of matter and quanta of energy ordered by time. 52. The physical abode is referred to as the lowest abode because the nutational rate of its constituent atoms and quanta, has the slowest frequency of the 7 abodes, 53. This planet OMT GOG “Piah Nun” the GAdSahret Najumaat “stars” and the Nawur “light” you see are all of this lowest nutational rate. 54, Each of the 7 abodes of existence consists of atoms and quanta and each abode is differentiated from others by the nutational rate of the matter energy composing it. 55. Therefore, there are 7 nutational rates; one for each abode of existence, 56. They who ruled for 6,000 years; 6-Ether beings don't have any scientific instrument on this physical, material abode which can detect or measure the presence of the three higher abodes 7, 8 nor 9 ethers. 57. They vibrate much faster and at a higher rate. That will destroy them. These are more refined more divine abodes of existence. 58. Now Nuwaupians you Negroids vibrate on all 9-ether abode at the same time as atoms and energy of one nutational rate are not in rapport as they were with those of a different nutational rate. 59. That is each race, those being root races, the oldest and fastest to vibrate is the Negroid followed by their many sub-races and last the root races of the Caucasoids and its many sub-races, which vibrate only up to 6-ether and the Mongoloids up to 7-ether; 60. While the originators, the Negroids cover all vibrations as the creators of all others from themselves up to 9 ether. 61. Inasmuch as the nerve composing the mortals 1 sense, which is touch which became 4 other senses in growth. 62. Light touches to see; particles touch by the air to smell; waves vibrate to touch the ear drum to hear and matter to touch the taste buds to taste. 63.Yet, all of them are contact with the nerves composing what mortals call their 5 senses, 64, While in fact that's only for the other two root races. While the Divine race of Goddess and Geds, not Demi-gods as the Mongoloids or demons as the Caucasoids. 65, The Negroids have higher senses; 4 higher to make up the 9 senses. All of atoms, while the mortals claim their 5 physical ‘senses and agree is all of atoms of the same nutational rate as those cof any other physical instrument. 66.Their § senses are also unable to perceive the higher abodes. 67. Yet, as you Nuwaupians vibrate now on this lower abode and use ‘only your 5 senses, there are certain inner powers inherent in you as the seeds of the Nazdiru is in your blood and by such you have Akh “Ether” and &€ Ba'a “Soul”and TEM Ka'a “Spirit” while the other mortals have only AIT Akh “Ether” and Kaa “Spirit” so that their mental powers are limited. 68. So you must drop your vibrating level down to theirs for them to come in and use your physical body on this abode and by you travel to higher abodes to enact their P4rfirw< Isfat “Evil” yet, you have to welcome them by accepting their ways and actions. Their lust, greed, E-motional attraction to their own kind which is all they can feel for. They only love kind and animal kind being they vibrate at same rate with all other animals and beasts; Kill to rule, kill to eat, kill for joy, kill for pleasure. Evil by his very nature and once you accept his 1-6 ether beings of “Spirit” Ka*a forces into your being, you have in fact lost your “Sou!” Ba’a and become one of them. 69. However, certain 4AIFSdochriee Sakhumaat “Powers” inherent in your mind can provide the means whereby the upper forces of $9 Khu “Qversou!” will pull you back above by chanting and prayer and devotion to that which is right to do. 70. And may even be seen, felt, experienced. 71. These intelligent 9-ether soul forces beings Etherians exist on all ‘9 abodes and the bodies of the persons who function on any given abode are composed of atoms of that respective nutational rate. 72. So they can be saved, redeemed, claimed by one with beings in the Upper and Lower worlds or abodes. This being is Paa Nadir: Amunub-Reakh-Ptah for you. 73. He Paa Nazdir: Amunub- Reakh-Ptah is a Nazdir in person. An incarnation into flesh to save you, to raise your vibration rates higher. 74. He can function on any abode. This is what these 6-etherie beings have been told by their lower forces of Wieea and why they have imprisoned him in such a high level to keep him from touching you and in so doing activate your higher senses. 75. Nuwaupian or Nuwaubians, a being such as this one, A being living on all the abodes at once enjoys the inherent mental ability to naturally discern all the abodes which are of lower nutational rate, than the abode on which he happens to incarnate in person in order to function. 76. Every mortal alive today consists of many beings or forces of ether from this material abode is just one of the known 7 abedes so you start: ane Colones, 17 Abode “- 26 35 s O (7) $3 yen 62 these four at o 71 J Birth 5 4 3 - 1 Diagram 1: 1, Abode of Physical 2. Abode of Life 3. Abode of Spirit 4. Abode of Mental So in fact you all consist of four bodies in one and each sub-divides into lower states of existence. As your physical body consists of different kinds of matter. Your water or liquids sub- in many; your flesh, tissue, your teeth, your bones. Each are of cells; yet, each vibrates at different rate of material for hardness. So also it is with life, it sub- divides by all that keeps you alive. 77.¥et, Nuwaupians as taught by $9-GO+4O$O Wu-Nuwaupu all interpenetrating and co-existing. All Atoms; all cells regardless of the variant nutational rates. 78. Are constructed in generally the same way. 79. And because atoms and cells are almost entirely empty space, and are separated from one another by relatively large distances. The four (4) bodies of a mortal simultaneously coincide in space. 80. The component atoms- cells respective to each body of ~—_—amatter completely without interference with one another. Diagram 2: 81.Yet, know this Nuwaupians: What happens all around you is also happening inside of you. The atmosphere and its many changes are your warnings of change; yet, lack of your own will-power to reject his system to serve. He who dictates your emotional energies, who implants his ways into your being until you live in his image after his likeness and slowly lose your soul and forever be cut off from the etherians. 82.You make the choice by the perpetual condition you choose to live by for self pleasures. 83. The natural laws of condition teaches you all that as long as the conditions are the same. The result will continue to be the same. 84. You must overstand that $hr APCS TT?, Paa Taynim- Khy, Paa-Tama’-hu only hates you because he knows these facts. 10 85. Translating full spectrum light into our being by nature GribhP4s< Nazdirt and the Paa Taynim-Khy, “Caucasoids” can't. 86.The Tama’-Hu realizes that they must lie, cheat, steal, kill and teach you to do these acts of ‘Phifirix Isfat to lose your Sakhumaat “Powers”. 87. To block your genetic powers they teach theirs how to see our own powers against us, lie after lie; deception after deception and false promise after false promise. 88. Now your bodies process Hthitix GOtAd Isfat Nuwar “Fire light” which depletes your cells powers and nutational rates. 89. And how does he work this white magic, Celtie Wicea by drama fear, E-motional energy. We are made to think we need things to be happy we are made to think we need a God in his image after we are dead. We are made to think we need his protection to live in peace. We are made to have faith not recognize fate, We are made ‘to believe what he says while we watch him lie to all others. We are made to accept what he says about our race while we listen to ‘him lie about all others, He puts fear in you when you are a baby. ‘That fear grows into trust in him as your saviour while he knows all along you are his God, his Allah, his Yahweh, his Lords and Master. Yet, out of false emotions you fear him. The weakest of all, human animals. So he hates you for not saving him after death. 90. His physical body is of the lowest nutational rate, Even lower than some animals, fowls, and reptiles. His physical body is what you ‘see; yet, beneath it is pure evil that you don’t see behind his smile. You see only what you are commonly aware of his many fake faces. He creates on TV in plays and the cinemas worldwide in novels, and mostly in religions which he tells you to have blind faith in. An unseen, un-confirmed, un-proven, deity or demi-God. In his own Image, deception that God is Good so he is good, God js light, white. Devil is dark, black; that’s his hate of you. Yet, this physical world and your body is subject to time, temperature, and the chemical equilibrium unique to this lower abode and its lowest nutational rates. 91, Only the material or physical abode is subject to time of rules of movement, only here is there a then, when, there, here, later, now, than, only on the physical/material abode you were first. He was second so he starts time not with a first “moment” but a second. He says it starts time with there. 60 seconds in one minute. What happened to the first before the second. He starts physical time with himself not you. The very first moment. 92. Why because he was not there. Even in his religious books of the Bible and Qur’aan. Note: he translates the statement to be in the beginning Eloheem or that Allah existed when, then, there, here to create. So the first second of creation is theirs not yours. You are the one at the first moment before the second. 2° who said whatever they claim. 93. So in fact, Nuwaupian time is a function of matter an action of thing without matter there would be no time. Time was born with things. Things are noticed by time, As you are bor at a time in time. Your own time zone, Yet, you existed the moment the sperm and the ovum touched. The 33 1/3 from your mother and the 33 1/3 from your father came together as 23 chromosomes from each to make the new 46 chromosomes or your 33 1/3 to become 100% you. Is not all these actions recorded in time and time recorded by these actions? 94, Now as you exist on the first abode or the material or physical abode know that it sub-divides also. - 2 2s 4 5 6 1234567 Spirit E! or Ether H! or Hydrogen Diagram 3: 12 Beings from the lower sub-abodes of the first abode which are specters, ghouls, lost-spirits, demons, ghost, trapped-spirits of all three races can get inside of you, if you open up to them and they will walk into your body and take control of you without you ever feeling them. Some stay inside of you, while others move on. 95. They can make you do things you would never have done on your own: They make you lust, lie, steal, drink, smoke, over-eat, and even kill. Once they have abused you they depart, for you to suffer their works for life and can give over your soul to feed the evil forces. 96. They make you worship the flesh and the pleasures of the flesh the things of the material world and all it offers with no regard for the short time you spent in the body, to the everlasting existence of your soul in the higher abodes. 97. Death is the gateway to forever. 98. Birth is the gateway to limited time. The second you were bor was in fact your (2) birth, only the birth of your flesh body. Not your soul, which always lived. 99, The first breath you took lit the inner flame of fire in your solar plexus. It is the same as when you light a fire to a torch. As you breathe it’s the air that keeps the fire burning so you have heat in ‘your body. Yet, like all things lit in time, you burn out or you are killed and another puts out your inner fire or you die. That is something put something on your inner fire or and it goes out. 100, Once your inner solar plexus flame goes out, you stop breathing or feeding the fire. It needs air to burn. Once this stops you are dead. The body begins to cool with no more fuel to feed ‘the fire. 101. The body dries, the flesh rots and time stops for the “you” which you named at birth, Your Then to The End. 102. Yet, if there was more to the you than feeding your flesh, ‘blood, lustful pleasures, then and only then is there no end. You are received by those you trusted. 103. Raised to higher abodes. Unlike Tama’-hu this is their end. ‘Their end is here, not there. 104. And then there is the second abode. It as well sub-divided into sub-abodes. The abode of force of life. This next higher abode and see them as really one above the other. For they are not. They are states of existence as air and light in the same room. Or as you look at liquid in one of its states, water and know that environment change can change it to ice, snow, and steam. That you by your senses can see this does not mean that liquid can’t have other higher forms to change into or come from as moist or others you don’t know yet exist. Figure 8: Snow Figure 9: Steam 105. So this second abode of existence, which is the ether abode or plane exist. 106. And is the motion of things alive, breath, and shape and form the life in all that lives the vital matter which causes shape and determines form of fish, and tree, fin and leaf. 107. And your physical body yet as all other things a part of matter there is change as the physical body is constantly breaking down and re-building as your blood cells a form of renewing called growth itself with the chemicals provided in your environment. 108, The air you breathe, the water you drink, the foods you eat and how you alier them for your pleasure or taste by choice, 109. If not, the vital body would maintain its pattern or shape and size so that all looks the same at all stages of age, which is again time at work on physical or material things. 110, On this etheric abode Nuwaupians are also the energy which sustains the spark of life, which sparks light, the inner sun or solar 14 plexus in you all when the right liquids and solids mix to form a gas inside the body and this newly formed chemical gas ignites and the fire of life is created in each being. 111. If these gases are not controlled and grow much too much inside the lungs and the spark is ignited you have what’s called spontaneous combustion. 112. Yet, if just the right balance is released at just the right moment ‘you have life and as fire does it consume as you breathe and take in air laced with particles of matter to fuel the fire inside. 113. The vital body is within the seed of every growing thing and as the vital body grows so does the physical body, be it plant, animal ‘or mortals. 114, The vital body is responsible for many of the phenomena presently ascribed to the genes even monsters who from this abode lower sub-abodes can raise themselves up without form: 118. Yet, with etheric force or ghost, spirit working with the gas and take shape and form into what they vibrate as. 116. Ifevil, it may incarnate as a demon in one of the many shapes and form created in the minds of evil Caucasians. 117. The imagination becomes the actual image; image-nation, into image or form. 118. There are no real monsters only those created in the mind’s eye ‘of evil people and their fears, which take on form and then can be seen as a monster. 119. Yet, the gas, mist, fog does exist as one of the liquid forms of ether. 120. Reaching down from 6-ethers sub-abodes and climate change caused by emotion change or fear which in turn is a mood change and opens a way for lower etheric beings to ascend into ghost, spirit, specter then int ghoul, monster and become the living dead and feed many on the adrenalin in the blood. 121. A secretion of those glands, which work with your kidneys; the pair of organs which secretes the liquid called urine which they are attracted to. Such as your blood, urine, semen. Your liquids. 122. And they work by your fears, fright, terror, dread, alarm, a very unpleasant E-Motion caused by coming evil or danger. 123. They feed off of these emotional energies of your stress, and srief. 124, All these affect your genes and your body and mind and weaken your vital body, which also regulates all your glands and healing process after wounds or sickness or disease. 125, Nuwaupians we have walked through the 1“ abode which is the Material Plane of Atoms and Physical Abode of Cells which are in fact both one as energy forces. 126, And dis-embodied etherie gas “ghost” travel where they are welcomed. 127. The gates of each abode must be opened to them and this is done as a higher existing being thinks, feels, desires, wishes, longs for, asks for, requests, and wants; and desirous, desirable, desirability is all hopes, that is expectation of something desired, ‘optimistic and optimism is belief, which is belie first part of believe. 128. Faith, which makes one a believer, believing in what is not confirmed, as in God, Allah, Jah, Lord, Spirit Deity, Dios, spooks, which are ghost, unseen beings, and is in fact false hopes; the root of religions in the world today. 129. Vapor exists, gas exists, steam exists, and clouds exist. These forms have been confirmed. 130, Now spirit is essential character or even liquid gotten by distillation, That form is known yet mysteriously or mystery is obscure or secret, un-explainable event or thing. 131, Once you know that ghost is gas, spirit is fog, and as in steam which can be felt as warm which triggers a reaction on the physical the same as spirit as ghost specter is felt mentally and you enact a reaction called being filled with the Holy Ghost or spirit; 132. Or you hear a religious song gospel and the music the voice and the words combined make you react be it religious, R&B, rock, blues, jazz, mambo, waltz, country western, chanting, reciting holy books of words or tones that sound touches your ear drum, which touches your nerves which are clusters of fibers conveying feelings, impulses to motion to cause E-Motional reactions. 133. Nuwaupians it’s all E-Motional energies at work. Where that which is unreal meshes with that which is real. 134. As in a ghost or spirit looks like vapor, mist, fog, steam, or transparent beings. 135. You are in fact relating what you know exists, gas with belief ghost. One is real so you in the “ism” religions as belief. 16 136. All this happens on the first and second abode linked to the third abode of ethereal beings many from lower vibrational rates that you bring into your being by belief, faith, desire, hopes, lusts, greed. 137. In fact these emotions cause your countenance to lower and as they recorded evil beings wait at the gate, that is of lower abodes to ride your ether cord and enter your body and take control 138, And only facts, truth, reality which is Wu-Nuwaupu for you. It's your own defense, your psychic self-defense is only found in Nuwaupu where you break away from his lies, deceptions, false hopes, beliefs, faith, images that work your imagination and creates false hopes, wants, wishes, desires, which transforms you into a wanted, 139, And to get what you think you want. You do almost anything he ask of you or shows you to the point that you give up you very “soul” BA’ A which seals the higher abodes from you and all your own ancestors can’t reach you to help you; 140. and know that no higher beings as for blood, flesh, smoke, and alcohol. 141. And now we move on from Material Abode the Abode of Force ‘the vital Abode or KA’A “Spirit” abode linked to the personality of each person onto the forth or Mental Abode, the abode of 644 “Kei'b-0S Paa Khaibetu, what many call Angelic beings; 142. or the Astral Abode the Notational Frequency of its component atoms and no cells, 143. Yet, is of the third Abode of existence and it as well has sub- abodes, each of the lower abodes sub-divide. me GATEWAY stavtoren \ > 4 4<— or 5 3 ame 6 2 7 1 E w In THE ANE ftheric Hydrogen ——«EFFECTONMIND Diagram 4: 144. This is the last stage of physical existence as you know it. This is the Abode mortals uses after what's called death of the physical body. 145, The #6'A BA'A “Soul” starts at this level. Linked to or corresponds to what many think is spirit not all physical beings have $G'h BA’A “Soul”, 146. yet, they all have TE'A KAA “Spirit” linked to AF AKH “Ether” even animals and beast. 147. All living beings have KA’A “Spirit” and AKH “Ether” now plants have another form of KA’A “Spirit” than mortals; 148. yet, they also have AKH “Ether; yet, not all living beings has BA’A “Soul” only the root race Negroids has all three KA’A “Spirit”, BA’A “Soul” and AKH “Ether” and the sun’s “RE” rays translate into energy of higher forms in them only. 149. For the sun is attracted to darker colours and repels lighter colours and life, power, energy comes to the physical body by the ‘sun’s rays and its interaction with melanin and serotonin. 150. And only Melaninite children, the Golden Ones, Nuwaupians, have that link to RE “sun”. 151. The Caucasians hide from the sun or it will kill their bodies. They have no BA’A “Soul” and no link to above only the lower abodes. 152. Once they die, they either stay on this abode as dis-embodied ghost, haunting places as evil spirits or they descend to lower abodes and become ghouls, demons, as the devil. 133. The fourth higher abode is often called the Abode of Nawur “Light” Heaven to religious persons. 154. The Abode of Godhood, place of bliss, Heavenly Abode of the Divine. 133. Then they link above with below and it then becomes Paradise, a Garden of Eden, a place of perfect Earth. 136. And then translates it as a Spiritual Abode of Cause. Yet, if you ask them, “how high is Heaven?” They can’t tell you. Just as if you ask, “how low is Hell?” They don’t know; only that Hell is the Abode of original fire and Heaven of spirits. 157. Nuwaupians, know that the Forth or Mental Abode is the Highest, A physical being can think on a reservoir of Mental which feeds each mind to become my own thoughts or mine. 158. Yet, all thoughts and thinking comes from the reservoir of mental nothing new under the RE “sun”. The Abode of Tone by that is meant sound form light or the 8 notes or octaves of Paa Khemenu or The Ogdoad. 1. Nunet 5. Keket 2. Nun 6. Kek 3. Hehet 7. Niuat (Amunet) 4. Heh 8. Niau (Amun) Amun, Amon, Amen, Ameen, Aum as in Om or Omen; a happening Omni “All” Omnipotence, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omniscience, Omnivorous, Omnibus, where sound becomes light and things manifest, inearnate, materialize 159. As sound of Music makes you feel, makes you move, makes you wish to sing or respond or resound, resonant, re-spawn or respond to vibrations of sound, 160. Sound shapes into words, words into expression, statements, stories of life and the living all from things sent down from the mental into a person’s own mind. 161. Such is E-Motional energy. Sound that which is heard and sound solid: of good judgment, soundly, sounding an act of sounding an ascertained depth. 162. Depth is deepness: Degree of deepness, deep place, abyss. 163. All things are linked to the first 4 Abodes and interacting by vibrations of light and sound. 164. And of gas and ghost. 165. And of spirit and mist. 166. And of soul and mood. 167. And of ether and liquid 168. And of You and I, E-Mational Energies. st ra E = a wT + z < wn Na} 6 3 = “a a = 5 Mi a é i = omy + = wn Questions 1, What is an Atom? 2. Are electrons solid? 3. What is the difference gravity and magnetism? 4, What is Dark Matter? 5, Ifa nucleus of an atom was enlarged to the size of RE “sun” how much larger would the solar system be? 6. What is the speed of light? 7. How many abodes of existence are there? 8. The more energy a particle has the greater the what? 21 9, What does the natural laws of condition teach you? 10.How can you loose your BA’A. “Soul”? 11.List Pa Khemenu “The Ogdoads”. 12, What happens when your inner solar plexus flame burns out? 13. What abode do thoughts come from? 14, What abode is the highest? 15. What is E-Motional energies at work? 16.Explain what is meant by E-Motional energy? : E d : E ; : | am a Nuwaupian. Paa Nazdiru by eter SRE NC ne ene) my voice | raise, In only one devoted am |, from the day | accepted Wu-Nuwaupu, until the day | dic. ] am a Nuwaupian thats what | am. Only folate} CeO Nuwaupians, ule) mother, Le) De ee ee oe a) daughter, my friends. ey Nuwaupian eet aoa pessoa me (esto palo

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