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+9.N9+h969 sO Be) =, Sa © o ee, ATS s <=. ere es Bo Daleiyg ay Natur Rigo oho bod oklNuwoupionuy ong oew ood Per RE. Ahnaa: Paa Nazdur: Amunnub.Reakh.Ptah Djedi Shil Paa Fanutu known to us as: TLE. Malachi Kobina York (Bom Tuesday, June 26, 1945 A.D. in Takoradi, Ghana West Africa- Still |_iving) “The Transmitter? Paa Safan Mahyataat Shil | Paa Nazdur: Amunnub Reakh Ptah Paa Hanut:(Djedi) The Sacred Papyrus of Amunnubi Reakh Ptah (Melchizedek) Bi Paa Raéunaat Shil RE: ‘Anun wu Atum wu Atun wu Amun By The names of RE Suns: Anun and Atum “Self-sufficent "and Atun “Unique One” and Amun “Hidden One” Paa Safar Shil Djadataat The Scroll of Eyes Af Pas Nafurmul Madataat The Beautiful Words 131 Mahyat #X Papyrus #5 ; The Celtics Race is all Caucasians no matter whether these days they live under religious names such as Jewish, Christians, Muslims, Satanists, Wicca, Druids or Frats, Knights of Columbus, Alhambra, Masonic, Shriner, Rosicrucian, Odd Fellows, Sufi Orders, Knights Templar, Kabalist, and so many others they use to shield their evil 6-Ether practices. Figure 1: Masonic Compass and Square Figure 2: Wicea Symbol Figure 5: Motto of Odd Fellows Figure 7: Rose and Cross Symbol of Rosicrueian 3 Figure 8: Knights Templar Symbol Figure 9: Knights Templar 2. And now you are watching his evil world finally after the 6,000 years allotted them; they are being betrayed by their own, their brothers see their true evil nature. ‘They are gathering the fruit of their labors. You behold they the Kefiu “Caananites”, the Irish, the Polish, the Scottish, the Welsh, and all the Celtic are the true haters and their own mixed brothers the Italians, the French, the Canadians, the Spaniards, the Russians, the Persians, the Indians, the Asians. I won’t say Arabs or Jews because those are not races or nationalities, they are really religious titles behind them you find hiding all other races. Yet, they are behind all world suffering, wars and hate. 3. They came into and upon books, scrolls, tablets of Nuwaupians and changed them, claimed them and deceived the whole world into war. The root of all the evils you see now and have seen over 6,000 years are those called Irish and Polish today, the true haters of all others. Be they Irish Jews, Irish Catholics, Irish Witches, Irish Warlocks, or Irish Muslims. They make it a point to mix in with all other cultures to take over. Step back outside and create division amongst them, create religions, sects, clubs, clans, klans, secret orders, organizations, courts, police stations, prisons, jails, schools. They are the master deceivers. 4, Look at who you see in power, look at names. Ask what is your true place of origin, not America, Britain, Canada, Australia, or South Africa. Where did your great, great, great grandmother come from, Ireland, Europe. It’s all Irish bull. 5. They are truly cursed and hate all others. And as for you the pure Black seed, he is very jealous of who and what you are and will spend millions to keep you sleep to the facts that you being the mothers and fathers of all civilizations. You are not civilized. You are the true civilizers, the Gods of the Planet Earth. You are who they worshipped. . Yet, they hate you for it. A “Love-Hate” relationship as many children have with their parents. It takes the same amount of emotion to do both love and hate. . Finally when they gather they will receive their punishment, instead of a reward. For you see in the cloning, breeding, and grafting, they lost their souls, They have no ¢4E Baa “Soul” or *K Akh “Etheric Being”. They are cut off. This is their last stop. No Bad “soul” no Akh “Etheric” only Kaa “Spirit or Self” and are restricted in motion, stiff, board. No true creativity, no free movement, they are rigid, no music in their souls, just noise, yelling, screaming, jumping around and playing loud noise year after year; no change, hollowing or whining from a stuffed nose, can’t breathe. ‘They suffer because they are cursed with Leprosy, neurosis, neurotic. He is truly notorious. He has no after life. This is his end. 8. Celtics are not limited to the Irish, which is who they are commonly identified with. The Irish people are broken up into many groups, one known group are the Celts, who are defined as Celt (Kelt, Selt) also Kelt (Kelt) and [French Celt Celte, Singular Of Celtes from Latin Celtae from Greek Keltoi, Meaning: “One of a Indo-European people originally of Central Europe and spreading to western Europe, The British Isles, And Southeast to Galatia during Pre-Roman times, especially a Briton or Gaul. A speaker of a modern Celtic Language or descendant of such a speaker, especially modern Gael Welshman, Cornishman or Breton.” 9. The Celtic races are all Caucasians. The Caucasian comes from the physical curse of leprosy, known in their Bible as the Curse of Canaan. This curse was not on Negroids as historically taught. Canaan, a Negroid was born pale, as an albino; in other words with the curse of leprosy. He married women from Caucasoid tribes in the Caucasus Mountains, creating the Caucasian. 10.The Ashurie/Syriac (Arabic) word for albino is amhaq (>a!) which is 2 x from the root word mahaga (jas) and means "albino". According to the Taber's Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary: albino - an organism lacking normal pigmentation such as a person having abnormally pale skin very light hair, and lacking normal eye coloring. 5 albinism - is a hereditary condition in which an organism cannot produce pigment (color). Only individuals with two albino genes have this disorder. albinism - (Portugese from Latin albus, white). Absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eye, partial or total. Albinism is a hereditary condition in which an organism cannot produce pigment (color). is defined as: "a chronic infectious disease caused by a bacillus, mycobaterium leprae. which results in paralysis, ulceration, gangrene, and mutilation (cutting of limbs).” 11, Leprosy is also called Hansen's disease. 12, Canaan lacked pigmentation (no color) so his skin was pale and translucent (can be seen through). Canaan’s descendants had very straight, light hair as a result of leprosy. Canaan didn't have straight hair, he had wooly hair, his fourth son Amor was the father of the Amorites and his brother Jebus was father of the Jebusites. (Exodus 20:5). Figure 10: Canaan (2326-1660 BCE) son of Ham and Haliyma 13.The Ashuric/Syriac word for leprosy is abraas (al I) and come from the root word barasa (4a)3) which means "leprosy, a certain disease, well known, which is a whiteness;" According to the Bible, the Greek word for leprosy is lep'-rah (Aempa) and means, "leprosy, a most offensive, annoying, dangerous, cutaneous disease, the virus of which generally pervades the whole body, it is common in Egypt and the East “ (Matthew 6 8:3). The Aramie (Hebrew) word is tsaw-rah'-ath (TIY71S) and means "leprosy, in people, malignant skin disease" (Leviticus 13:2). Due to the lack of protein in their body, the follicles of the hair lie crosswise and the hairs emerge in a slanting direction from the surface of the skin. In other words, it literally flops! Figure 11: Albino a form of Leprosy (Notice the hair how it flops) Notice the word lep-rosy which has the root word “rose”, is symbolic of The War of Roses, a war that occurred in Europe in 1400 A.D. between the House of York and the House of Lancaster. The House of York has long used a white rose as its emblem, and The House of Lancaster became identified with a red rose. The wars began in 1455 A.D. with the Battle of Saint Albans, and ended in 1485 A.D. with the Battle of Bosworth Field. Figure 12: White Rose Figure 13: Red Rose “House of York” “House of Lancaster” 15. Because Canaan was an albino, he lacked normal eye coloring, which caused his eyes to weaken and become sensitive to direct and indirect sunlight. So Canaan took his sister/wife Salha (who was a Sumerian Nubian) and sought refuge in the mountains, where the light was dim. The cold climate of the mountains was also conductive to their leprous condition because it stopped the leprosy from spreading. Canaan's descendants were the original Caucasians. 16. Canaan had to leave from living amongst his family because he was scabby and white and everyone else was dark brown and smooth, people shunned and persecuted him, so he fled to the Caucasus Mountains (Caucasians or Caucus-Asians means "deteriorating Asians"). 17. Canaan went into the mountains because cold air was more favorable to the conditions of leprosy and dim light to the albinism in him. By dwelling in the mountains amongst the Horites, they acquired the name "Amorite " which literally means "Nation of Horites or Mountain Dwellers," coming from Amor who was the fourth son of Canaan in their Bible. Qur'aan 18:25 Persian Arabic Script Bde GE 2gdeS (4 | ghly (25) LAS 1 5313.3) WA 3 (AND) LABITHOO $:\ (THEY REMAINED) FEE «24 (WN) KAHFIHIM3¢i¢S. (THEIR CAVES) THALAA-THA a3 (THREE) “be ME-'ATIN (HUNDRED) SINEENA® (sss (YEARS) WA (9 (AND) AZ- DAADOO | 33)3.3\ (THEY ADD) TIS-'AA\@3. (NINE) And they remained in their caves three hundred '300' years and they add nine (9). Right Translation in Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) by: Dr. Malachi K. York Mistranslation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali 1938 A.D. "AND THEY (SONS OF CANAAN) REMAINED IN THEIR CAVES (AS APE MEN) THREE HUNDRED YEARS AND THEY ADD NINE. (25)" 18.Because the blood of an albino does not contain the necessary factors for clotting and reproduction, they must receive blood transfusions first at the time of birth and then regularly through their lives. This is why they came down from the Caucasus Mountains. Figure 14: Caucus Mountains Qur'aan 18:11 Pei Arabic script (11/53 Cake GSI 98 agi Le Wicd FADARABNAA 328 (SQ WE SEALED) 'ALAAA (s© (ON) AAZAA- NIHIM @63la\O (THEIR EARS) FEE 54 (IN) AL-KAHFI —S)\ (THE CAVE) SINEENA\ (is (YEARS) 'ADA-DAA '3S& (NUMBER) So We, Nazduru sealed up on their ears, in the cave 'al kahf a number of years. Right translation in Ashuric/Syriae (Arabic) by: Dr. Malachi K. York Mistranslation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali 1938 A.D. "SO WE SEALED UP ON THEIR EARS IN THE CAVE A NUMBER OF YEARS. (11)" 19.For 309 years, Canaan, his wives and their children along with their companions, dwelled in the caves practicing all sorts of vile acts, while no one knew that they even existed. They remained in the Caucasus Mountains until 4¢ RE sent Abraham to clean them up (Koran 18:12). This is why the so-called pale Jews (cursed Jebusites of Canaan and his wife Shingarah) called Abraham their father. 20.Canaan is "Mankind", by Adam’s calendar, the birth of Canaan is 1700 W.C. and by the Christians’ Calendar 4,000 B.C. Canaan's progeny time will expire in the year 6,000 A.C. by Adam’s calendar and also 2,000 A.D. according to the Christians’ calendar. You can count for yourself the time until the end of the reptilians’, Luciferians’ (the evil one’s) rule, which was over in the year 2,000 H.A. (Here After) and you will see that it also amounts to 6,000 years. . 21.Canaan of their Bible did not overstand why he was being rejected by his family. He was confused about being cursed with leprosy and he was shunned and persecuted. Because of their leprous nature, the descendants of Canaan descended to the level of animals, eating raw carcasses, walking on all fours and mingling freely with the animals. Qur’aan 18:13-14 Persian Arabic scrip’ (13)es5% BALES 55 Agi | pal Maks ce) (pall AALS alike Sati Jai YOU) NABA- ‘'4HUM a 6 (THEIR STORY) BE-AL-HAQQ Sly FACTS) INNA-HUM #3] (SURELY THEY) FITYATUN 438 (YOUTHS) AAMANOO \slal (THEY WERE FAITHFUL) BE- RABBIHIM 34333 (THEIR MASTER, SUSTAINER) WA 5 (AND) ZIDNAAHUM #5U335 (WE INCREASED THEM) HUDAA oh (GUIDANCE) WA 3 (AND) RABATNAA 4 (WE STRENGTHENED) 'ALAA s Pe) WT TD 1 8 SST TD DW TOT: ML Ms Owen yM-1 TI WNT Ov ene.n BUT LET AW-DAWM (ADAMITE "EARTHLING") WA (AND) BE- HAY-MAW (HUMAN BEAST, NON SPEAKING MAMMAL) BE QAW-SAW (COVERED) WITH SAQ (SACKCLOTH), WA (AND) QAW-RAW (CRY) KHEZ-QAW (MIGHTILY) TO ELOHEEM: YEA, LET THEM SHOOB (TURN) EESH (MALE LIVING BEING) FROM HIS RAH (DISAGREEABLE) DEH-REQ (BEHAVIOR), WA (AND) FROM THE KHAW-MAWCE (ACTION) THAT IS IN THEIR QAF (PALMS). But let all Adamites "earthlings" and Behaymaw "human beast- non speaking mammals" be covered with sackcloth, and cry lly to the Nazduru: Yea, let them turn male living beings from his disagreeable state of behavior, and from the action that of his hands. Right Translation in Aramic (Hebrew) by: Dr. Malachi K. York Mistranslation for King James 1611 A.D. 2 BUT LET MAN AND BEAST BE COVERED WITH SACKCLOTH, AND CRY MIGHTILY UNTO EL ELOH (ANU): YEA, LET THEM TURN EVERY ONE FROM HIS EVIL WAY, AND FROM THE VIOLENCE THAT IS IN THEIR HANDS.?" 23.The quote above says: "let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste anything: let them not feed nor drink water." This was a command from the heavens enjoining creatures both man and beast to fast. And both man and beast as well as herds and flock, was to refrain from eating and drinking. 24. You must see from this second verse "but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and ery mightily unto god. LET THEM TURN EVERYONE FROM HIS EVIL WAY, AND FROM THE VIOLENCE THAT PLAGUES US. YEA, SO THAT WE PERISH NOT." This proclamation was addressed and mentioned only to man and beast, not the herds nor flocks, and the domestic animals. For man and beast were to put on sackcloth and both man and beast were to cry mightily unto ¢4rh_ A7X*S4 Eh. 25.This is a very important point. For it implies that man and beast must cry unto The Most High and that they should pray and they should dress. Another fact: There is no beast on OMTAHOG Ptah-Nun “Earth” that needs to dress, and no other creature in Ptah-Nun “Earth” save man, that can speak in order to pray. The point being made is, the original Nubian was there residing besides a beast man. And we know that Jonah was sent to Nineveh (Babylon) the city of the pale race. The beasts who speak and dress are the sons of Canaan. 26.Now re-read Jonah 3:7-9 and see if they are not saying that a beast was dressed in sackcloth, the way the caveman was seen to have dressed. Animals do not fast or pray because they cannot speak. Figure 15: Caveman wearing Sackcloth 13 27.Now there are many forms of leprosy that are not openly accepted as such by the medical profession today. These forms are encountered every day and occurs among Nubians also because our ancestors are guilty of mixing with the cursed Kefiu “Canaanites”. Among these are Psoriasis, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Seborrhea, Dermatitis (Dandruff), Eczema, Ringworms, Chicken Pox, Impetigo, Nasal Disorders, Bone Disorders, etc., and more recently AIDS, Herpes, and Lyme disease (Leviticus 13:20). Figure 16: Plague of Leprosy 28.Canaan was not the first white man on the planet earth, there was a race of pale skinned people on the planet earth before Canaan and they were the Flugelrods. Their original names were the Halaabeans, or Hulub, to distinguish themselves from the Caucasians. Thus, the Flugelrods, Halaabeans are of eight thousand four hundred years ago. Whereas the Kefiu “Canaanite” are from six thousand years ago. 29.The Flugelrods were grafted from a man named Yaaquwb 8,400 years ago. Yaquwb, who was born a hydrocephalic, meaning he had the head twice the size of his tribe members, the Dunaakial and the Teros. Because of it, by no fault of his own, he got much attention. When he grew up many referred to him as the "big head scientist". Yaaquwb was scorned and mocked thus he wanted to get revenge on his people. So he wanted to create this new being to destroy his own people and himself. 30.Therefore, Yaaquub made the Flugelrods by genetic splicing called grafting to show forth his power and his wisdom, declaring himself the Tighteous, he could make people genetically and mentally weak, to give them the power to rule. Then he intended to eliminate them to show and prove that he is god; always was and always will be. Yet he died at age one hundred and fifty, and never saw the completion of his creation. 14, Leviticus 13:20 Modern Hebrew Script qo Jenn: TV=T-19 Bw TN Ta IDET TNT TTT PTO: OT MPIS-YI9 7 ND: THEN THE KO-HANE (PRIEST) WILL RAW-AW (SEE) THE NEH- GAW (PLAGUE): AND, HIN-NAY (BEHOLD), KEE (BECAUSE) IT BE IN MAR-EH (SIGHT) AW-MOQE (DEEPER) MIN (THAN) THE ORE (SKIN); IN IT A TSAW-OBE (YELLOW, BLOND) DAQ (THIN, STRAIGHT) SAY-AWR (HAIR); THEN THE KO-HANE (PRIEST) SHALL PRONOUNCE HIM TAW-MAY (UNCLEAN): IT IS A NEH- THEQ (DRY SCALL), EVEN A TSAW-RAH-ATH (LEPROSY, INFECTIOUS DISEASES) UPON THE ROSHE (HEAD) O (OR) ZAW- QAWN (BEARD). Then Kohane the priest will look on the plague: and, behold, because it is seen deeper than the upper skin; and in it there is blond (yellow) straight (thin) hair; then Kohane the priest will publically pronounce him unclean; it is a dry and scally form of infectious disease leprosy, that is seen on head and in his beard. Right Translation in Aramic (Hebrew) by: Dr. Malachi K. York Mistranslation for King James 1611 A.D.: "AND IF, WHEN THE PRIEST, SEETH IT, BEHOLD, IT BE IN SIGHT LOWER THAN THE SKIN, AND THE HAIR THEREOF BE TURNED WHITE; THE PRIEST SHALL PRONOUNCE HIM UNCLEAN: IT IS A PLAGUE OF LEPROSY BROKEN OUT OF THE BOIL". Leviticus 13:29, 30 Modern Hebrew Script PTD IN DNAS BID: TTD TON IN ON 29 NDOT STS We 13:1 Ten PID TNT TIT: DIA-NS [TTD TINA: 30 17 [PTT IN ONT: DIS NIT Prd IDET ns THEN THE KO-HANE (PRIEST) WILL RAW-AW (SEE) THE NEH- GAW (PLAGUE): AND, HIN-NAY (BEHOLD), KEE (BECAUSE) IT BE IN MAR-EH (SIGHT) AW-MOQE (DEEPER) MIN (THAN) THE ORE (SKIN); IN IT A TSAW-OBE (YELLOW, BLOND) DAQ (THIN, STRAIGHT) SAY-AWR (HAIR); THEN. THE KO-HANE (PRIEST) 15 SHALL PRONOUNCE HIM TAW-MAY (UNCLEAN): IT IS A NEH- THEQ (DRY SCALL), EVEN A TSAW-RAH-ATH (LEPROSY, INFECTIOUS DISEASES) UPON THE ROSHE (HEAD) O (OR) ZAW- QAWN (BEARD). IF A EESH (MALE LIVING BEING) OR ISH-SHAW (FEMALE LIVING BEING) HAVE A NEH-GAH (PLAGUE) UPON THE ROSHE (HEAD) OR THE ZAW-QAWN (BEARD); And when a male living being or female living being has a plague on the head or on the beard, then Kohane the priest will look on the plague: and, behold, because it is seen deeper than the upper skin; and in it there is blond (yellow) straight (thin) hair; then kohane the priest will publically pronounce him unclean a dry and scally form of infectious disease leprosy, that is seen on head and in his beard. Right Translation in Aramie (Hebrew) by: Dr. Malachi K. York Mistranslation for King James 1611 A.D. "IF A MAN OR WOMAN HAVE A PLAGUE UPON THE HEAD OR THE BEARD; THEN THE PRIEST SHALL SEE THE PLAGUE: AND BEHOLD, IF IT BE IN SIGHT DEEPER THAN THE SKIN; AND THERE BE IN IT A YELLOW THIN HAIR; THEN THE PRIEST SHALL PRONOUNCE HIM UNCLEAN: IT IS A DRY SCALL, EVEN A LEPROSY UPON THE HEAD OR BEARD. 31.The Canaanites, who are the Celtics, hide under many religious names such as Jewish, Christians, Muslims, Satanists, Wicca, Druids or Frats, Knights of Columbus, Alhambra, Masonic, Shriner, Rosicrucians, Odd Fellows, Sufi Orders, Knights Templar, Kabalist. 32.All of this confusion is based on religion. In fact, you cannot name a conflict in the world that does not involve religion. All of this confusion was done purposely through all of the secret societies by way of the Luciferians. You can see all of these secret societies are in some way affiliated or associated with Freemasonry. The Lodge gave birth to all the other religions from Rosicrucian to the Mormons, to the Jehovah Witness and to the all the Secret Societies. They all have the same rituals and the same practice. (Refer to Actual Fact #16, Birth of Religions). 33.The Odd Fellows are another fraternal order, founded by Masons but not a branch of Masonry itself. In 17th century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and of Pursuing projects for the benefit of all mankind. Those who belonged to such an organization were called "Odd Fellows." Odd Fellows are also known as 16 "The Three Link Fraternity" which stands for Friendship, Love and Truth. 34.The Vatican today also has their mystical order referred to as the Knight of Columbus and Alhambra for their Moorish Chapter. The Cabala is considered the Secret knowledge hidden in codes within the old testament called the Order of Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18). 35.The saviour of their Bible belongs to this order. Melchizedek was a non- Hebrew and non-Christian ruler of Palestine, before the birth of the Torah which birthed the Old Testament, the New Testament and Quraan, he was called “King of Salaam”. In the Islamic World, the Order of Melchizedek became the highest order of Sufism called “The Order of Al Khidr” The Khalwath. Other religions plagiarized their mystical order and can be found in other texts and writings. Judaism is the literal interpretation of it. This is a technique you can see in all religions. The Cabala “Kabala” is the esoteric that is a well selected record for privileged membership only that is the understream of what is called Judaism Miysticisms, which bred the Masonic brotherhood and its Moorish chapter “The Shriners” the Israelites obtained while in captivity in Babylon, who themselves were initiates in the Egiptian mysteries. Figure 17: The Vatican 36.Celtics are the ones who planned and organized Religions from Wicca (Read Actual Fact 9: The Destroyer, Actual Fact #14 The Procession Change 2012 A.D, Actual Fact# 17 Emotional Energy). 37.They split up and took on names to make you think they are not one and the same race of people. C@hGOGE Janunu “Caucasoids”, Europeans, TrethttS Kefiu “Canaanites”, x4?G94 THO Taynum Kha-u. Don't 7 be fooled by fake created cultures or nationalities or countries. They are all one and the same with different colour eyes, different colour fur and even skin hues, but the very same 6-Ether spirit ghost forces rule all of their actions. 38.The Celtic Germanic Jews are considered the head and chosen by their Ghouls or Eloheem, Gods or Gad; God to Guard them if they offer Blood, Death, killings as a sacrifice of many kinds of Blood offerings in their Torah Book, Leviticus Chapters 1-5 and 7-9. Also their Bible includes that Humans killed and offered on request of their God, Lord and in the case of Abram and his son in Genesis 22:2. Abram was then called Abraham be it an attempt or not the fact that it stated... “dnd offer him there for a burnt offering" Online Bible Strong’s #5930 where you see o-law Gb) from Chaldean root meaning “ascend, burnt offering (sacrifice), go up to.” you put flesh in fire that is a barbecue, because as it states in Genesis Chapter 8:20-21, cooking flesh in the open air for one reason, to cat it. Also, as in 2 Kings 6:28-29, Deuteronomy 28:53-57, Leviticus 26:29; Their Gods, Lords, by which ever names you call them, would ask them to kill for him, to cook animals or Human animals and they even like the smell of them cooking. Truth is Truth. Figure 18: Kabbalistic Tree of Life 39. The so-called chosen people from their Torah or Holy Book; you got the Gospel Books of the Christians and the Qur’aan of the Muslims following the same laws. Each claim they did not come to change the laws of Torah as it states in Matthew 5:17-19. These are the Gods of the Kefiu “Canaanites”, Celtic, Caucasian Race. To this day, these people do practices after their Gods who had sex with their women and mixed in and started to eat flesh. As they do to this very day of animals in the open and Humans behind closed doors. 40. Because the Jews have at least one thousand years as Kefiu “Canaanites” with Universal knowledge, culture, and know-how over other Caucasians and thereby the Celtic Jews are richer, wiser, more observing and more deceptive than their brothers, other Caucasians. 41. When Leviathan producing God, Ghostized Kefiu “Canaanites” or lost spirits trapped on the Physical realm as Ghost, Spooks, Ghouls, Evil 6-Ether Sprit Forces that act like God to them and their Celtie Christian Brother taking on spirit forms to look like their images of Jesus, Mary, Saints, Angels. They can take on and form or transfigure, shape-shift, and these people think they are actually being visited by Holy Ghost who used their bodies to feed off. From them they walked into other races, who became weak by faith, belief, hope, wishes, and rituals. Such as the Phoenicians, the Dravidians of India, even the Orientals of China, Korea and Japan and their sub-races. 42. Each group of people speaking their own tongue eventually renamed the God, Lord, Gods, Lords into their own tongue and altered the culture to their own. Everything took over the rulership and finished up as each own religion, but behind it is the same God or 6-Ether Spirit Force. 43. Nowadays, we see the many man-made things altered and increased by the Celtics. Their race converted to original Hebrewism, which was Negroids mixing and it became a Caucasoid way of life. The same with original Christians who were in Egipt as was Jesus. His mother and father later taken over by the invading Romans, Greeks who by that later time had become Caucasians; and with the original Islam of Muhammad, who himself and his family bloodline were killed, and then chased out of Arabia. Then, this conversion spread to Turkey and other Caucasians who each added their local customs, dress, music, rituals and tongue; and from each came what you see today as the many sub-groups or sects of religion, the world over. Figure 20: Dravidian Women from India 20 Figure 22: Chinese Women 21 Figure 23: Korean Woman 44.We see how it happened with our own eyes like from pure Islam of Muhammad’s family of Negroids, to create Sunni and Shi’ite Sects from the Ahmadiyya sect in India, the Moorish-American in America then to Nation of Islam in America to a sub-group called 5%ers. Then many sub- groups each take on their own brand of teaching but rooted back to the same force of belief, the same use of name Allah. Figure 24: Ahmadiyya Mosque of India DD} 45. This is how it happened and still is happening today. Men step up and take parts of an established system or religion and form their own sect, group or teachings. Most don’t even know that no matter whether they say Allah, Jah, Yashu’a, Eloheem or others; it’s back to the same 6-Ether forces. 46. There are two kinds of ether — 9-Ether and 6 Ether in human form. 9-Ether, Negroid, produced 6-Ether, Caucasians and 6-Ether produced ghost; death. Nine Ether is the combination of all existing gases of nature, conscious and conscience gases. Six Ether is death and ghost is the last stage of it, which means ghost is the apex or highest point of Six-Ether. Ghost is conscious gases that have no sun 4v “RE”. Nine Ether becomes Six Ether through time and age (death). Six Ether becomes ghost through time and age. Six Ether (Albinos) is Nine Ether (Nuwaupians) in death, and ghost is the death of 6 ether. After the death of 6 Ether, 9 Ether resurrects again. Six Ether is the moon, and Nine Ether is the sun. Hence, 6 Ether is adverse to 9 Ether just as death is adverse to life. (Refer to Actual Fact #13, Nuwaupians Ontologist of Time). Six Ether forces are the forces of the religions and gods of Six Ether beings, forces of mental, physical, emotional death and destruction of the Tetht¥S Kefiu “Caananite”, x4?G84 *? Taynum Kha “Human Beast, 04GOGS Janunu “Caucasoids”, Celtics. 47. Most of these religions you see today were created by Celtics and passed on down so long ago most don’t even know they are worshiping flesh eating, blood drinking forces which kill and order killing as you see today in their rituals and wars who kill for their God, and eat blood- filled cooked animal flesh as they did. 48. All these existed from times immemorial, but like the evolutionary forces changed much of original religions and creations, God’s creation, the Caucasian race creation from a graftation. “Who created their God?” is often asked; yet, never answered and is right in their own Gospels or New Testament Book of Revelation Chapter 3:14 “...These things saith THE AMEN “Amen-Ra” who to the Egiptians was H29G-4 Amun-RE or Paa Amun “The Faithful and True Witness, the beginning of The Creation of God.” The Greek, Thehos or Roman, Dios was used when they translated this book. 49.So much was altered from what was recorded originally by Ghost and its posterity. You see to have a ghost, a physical person must die. That’s the law of Nature. So they birthed God in order to kill him to have power over their Ghost, Spirit God. This is what they did over and over right down to Jesus Christ. 50. The death of God who also had a physical mother. The death of death or killing the dead. By that I mean, if he was a spirit before he was born of 23 many and spirits are ghost or specter, spirit; what does their own English Dictionary say is the meaning of ghost: “spirit, dead person appearing again” So that is the dead or spirit be it Holy or unholy comes to life or born of Mary. Then according to them they kill him. Death, dead-born-live-killed dead or the death of death, the killing of the killed or killing of God. 51. What does all this mean? That these people the Celtics wanted to have all power be higher than God. So they birth him then kill him. So they killed god, What Ego. As you read in their Bible, Ezekiel Chapter 28. These 6- Ether spirit forces represent death, killing to transform all into Ghost as they wait for them to give them hell and torment them once out of their bodies. 6- Ether is Ghost, ghouls, demons, rulers of the last 6,000 year moon cycle and its posterity the Celtic Caucasian Race, and now marks the end of the Evolution of the Pale race. The. very last stage in Human Evolution bleached out by Leprosy. (Read Actual Fact #6 Wu-Nuwaupu, Actual Fact 8, The Quadity, Actual Fact 15 Interrogate to Integrate Ingredient). 52. There is no other stage of Evolution after Ghost and the Caucasian Race. Therefore, after the cycle of Ghost, evolution reverses, meaning the Revolutionary cycle takes over the next sun cycle then the Negroid Race is on its way back toward the mount of bliss and security. Step one is to step away from trusting them in anyway and in anything.’ Give them back all that they passed on to you. Every last thing. Return it to them. Once they see you no longer believe in them, their Gods, their religions, their way of life; they will out of fear fade away. 53. Only as Nuwaupians, Napatans and it’s Nuwaupu which informs you that knowledge is knowing, to know is knowledge as factual is having facts, not belief, faith, hopes, unconfirmed, unproven and facts have an effect on the being if the facts are about them. As faith and belief has an effect on a person if they can’t prove it is or relates to themselves, it becomes mind and effect their mental state and who they respect or obey, fear, trust, accept. 54, If you show a Negroid child a picture of a Caucasoid man and say this is Jesus your God, your saviour, who died for you, all for you. This has an effect on that Negroid child’s mental state. How he sees himself and others as in the Caucasian race as his God and only means of salvation. His saviour; he has no reason to respect his own race and kind. Not even his own father and mother being if Jesus is shown to him as Caucasians then his mother must also be Caucasian, the Holy Blessed Mother of God; that is Racism. 55. Now if you try to alter this indoctrination to teach, this Negroid, that Jesus is Negroid, he or she hears you and may even want to accept this. However, it’s too late because when he was shown the picture or statue or many 24 crosses with the image of a Caucasian as God, Son of God, son of Mary Mother of God, it’s burnt into that child’s subconscious mind affecting his mental state, forever. You cannot erase or replace the first and lasting impression or image. Once it’s there it’s there. 56. It becomes a form of protection for the Caucasian race. If a child sees their own God of another race and that God of another race is their god and saviour they will not hurt that race or let others hurt that race. They will kill for them, fight wars for them, protect what is theirs as police, deputies, lawyers, prosecutors, guards, FBI, and CIA. You name it they will die for them. Why? Because they don’t realize they worship that whole race and will try to look like them, talk like them, walk like them, dress like them, think like them; to become them. Why? 57. Because their Bible they were given opens with God created man in his or their image. It changed from one God in Heaven to this God coming down to Earth in Genesis 1:1 and later it changed from one God or I to let “Us” and “We” to include that whole race. So Negroids are under a spell. That is the spell of Leviathan. Negroids world over are under, which makes them accept Jewishism, Christism, and Islamism and protect its leaders, fight for its religious doctrines and who is the God behind them, the Ghost, spirit force made flesh as Caucasians. 58. Right Information, Right Knowledge, and facts are power, mental power. Right Knowledge about self and kind is correct information needed for the mental and physical state of being and of course, facts can be thought, spoken, shown, drawn, painted or written. Facts, confirmation is the best information needed by all about self and images play a great part in that. 59. Wisdom or Right Wisdom is knowledge over time making one wise on how and when to use the knowledge. And understanding is to hold up over you the Knowledge and Wisdom. You’re under-beneath something standing tall. Understanding putting you in receipt of the knowledge, you're holding it up. Now you need to Over-Stand or Stand over what you are upholding, 60. You have to represent the facts, which mean you no longer just Under- Stand; but now you Over-Stand. Under is down and Over is Above: Information and Outformation. The Greater One’s Mental power is the Greater One’s responsibility. You Understand information and Overstand outformation, knowledge. Figure 25: Logos of CLA Figure 26: Logos of FBI . At this time, most of our brain power that’s left is being used to support and maintain the Celtic Caucasian power “Isfat” His structure and system by lust and sex, greed for wealth becoming sex-less reduction of our Nine Ether sex forces, down to his Six Ether desires drained of our bodily fluids. . One example is most Negroes give their bodies to the lust of the system set up by Caucasians as you see, and also for future in college, if you make it that far in their Shoel “Hell” or school. . As students, graduates and professions use what they know to keep the Caucasian in power and domination over themselves and their own kind by simply looking for and being contented with a mere job in the Caucasians’ power structure and that helps to perpetuate the barbaric system, instead of using what they know to build or rebuild Africa. Something of their own by helping develop, or redevelop our homeland. Africa. . Build our own as mm GAPO4: AEOOCSe 4ymk ONT mdOG 4c, ori OAGSx: XvA'Y Paa Nazdur: Amunnub Reakh Ptah Amun RE, Paa Hanut: Djedi, has repeatedly done with his own kind, you, right here in America to prepare you to retum to Africa. The Black community we should work to make our own into lucrative economic structures run by, owned by wooly-haired Nuwaupian people. Students and graduates of other races do this to a much greater degree than our own. Their diligent reading and diligent study of this @4T?e% Mahyat “Papyrus” called Gar héuhisG SATA Paa Safan Mahyataat or The Sacred Papyrus, th YPuhO4 341 OXcrhFrx Paa Safur Shil 26 Udjataat “The Scroll of Eyes”, part of which you are holding and reading Figure 27: Map of Africa 65. These are mh GrihiO4

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