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Los mineros salieron de la mina

remontando sus ruinas venideras,

fajaron su salud con estampidos
y, elaborando su funcin mental
cerraron con sus voces
el socavn, en forma de sntoma profundo.
Era de ver sus polvos corrosivos!
Era de or sus xidos de altura!
Cuas de boca, yunques de boca, aparatos de boca (Es formidable!)
El orden de sus tmulos,
sus inducciones plsticas, sus respuestas corales,
agolpronse al pie de gneos percances
y airente amarillura conocieron los trstidos y tristes,
del metal que se acaba, del metaloide plido y pequeo.
Craneados de labor,
y calzados de cuero de vizcacha,
calzados de senderos infinitos,
y los ojos de fsico llorar,
creadores de la profundidad,
saben, a cielo intermitente de escalera,
bajar mirando para arriba,
saben subir mirando para abajo.
Loor al antiguo juego de su naturaleza,
a sus insomnes rganos, a su saliva rstica!
Temple, filo y punta, a sus pestaas!
Crezcan la yerba, el liquen y la rana en sus adverbios!
Felpa de hierro a sus nupciales sbanas!
Mujeres hasta abajo, sus mujeres!
Mucha felicidad para los suyos!
Son algo portentoso, los mineros
remontando sus ruinas venideras,
elaborando su funcin mental
y abriendo con sus voces
el socavn, en forma de sntoma profundo!
Loor a su naturaleza amarillenta,
a su linterna mgica,
a sus cubos y rombos, a sus percances plsticos,
a sus ojazos de seis nervios pticos
y a sus hijos que juegan en la iglesia
y a sus tcitos padres infantiles!
Salud, oh creadores de la profundidad! (Es formidable.)

Cesar Vallejo

Social sciences are very controversial disciplines and they were been criticized since their
beginnings. The big issue comes from the strict methodology of all sciences. In this essay Im
going to talk about the issues of qualitative methods against the problematic close up to
reality raised by quantitative methods.
First and most important, scientific method is a construction of imagination and the proximity to
reality from imagination is up to how less wrong we construct our thoughts in spite of the
limits of our senses to get some verifiable true knowledge of the laws of physic, by example.
The greatest benefit in quantitative sciences is that the method starts when a human had
experimented with his study object getting results, knew as hypothesis, so he can make
conclusions that get their thoughts to an accurate significant structure. Those sciences as physic,
chemistry or maths, are known as hard sciences.
Sciences that aren`t able to perform experiments on reality are also known as soft sciences
and they come from philosophy. One disadvantage from those disciplines, like sociology or
anthropology, even history, is that they got a singular object of study, they study thoughts
starting from thoughts.
The problem is that thoughts are not facts, also an historical or a social occurrence are
consequences of thoughts. Another drawback is that an object needs to be confirm as an only
true, a concept, but, qualitative knowledge also bring concepts from reality to our thoughts. This
way of understand reality is often necessary to conceptualize some facts from reality, like
religion, politic, war, identity, etc. But, how do we confirm those concepts veracity if we aren`t
allow by our senses to do researches or experiments in this side of reality? In some cases
statistics allow humans to get conclusions of people behave, and they also can get to predict a
happening. But its still been very difficult to get to understand people thoughts, especially when
somebody values something thats seems to be ok for others, but is wrong for him. The
differences on thoughts, feelings and customers are determinant facts when we try to understand
cultures or societies, and they come problematic through the veracity of the scientific method
due to qualitative methods can`t approximate to reality as well as quantitative methods. All in
all, considering this world current problems, the argument between positivism and empirism
started by ancient philosophers seems to stay unfinished.
New views over reality, influenced by old and new authors, had improve new methods to view
reality and also to view critically the points of view of each time and space authors. New
experiences over old studies has evolve to a new concept-logical era were concepts over reality,
as sthetic, are explaining old and new phenomenological society issues.
Interdisciplinary studies are getting to new objectives, as neurologic science or semiology.
Etic discursive matters are singular facts under the characteristics of globalization. Discourses
are concepts not to describe but to interact and to be part of the complex relations systems
between humans groups. Politic antagonisms brings the human condition of conflict to a
societal recoil that made impossible the continuity of politic relations between groups. Violence
is the language of discourses when they havent become to a politic development. Ethic is an
elemental language that comes from primitive voices, the instincts of surviving that structures
cultures behaviours. When an etic discourse hit another, moral settle limits of treats between
antagonisms. This moral values and cosmologic concepts are opposite to hegemonic tendencies
but, its by hegemonies forces contradictions that ethics had always exist. When two or more
hegemonies co-exist, is necessary to improve politic concepts, as laws for example, but time
changes thought spaces and with them , the human been and their singular forms and concepts

to live and feel reality. Adversarism is a politic project that allows the possibility of a conflictive
form of social reality and is a way to balance conflict to make it comfortable.
Spaces get connected with time by perception. The one who is perceiving is something alive, in
our case, by organic mechanisms with animal senses. Praxis and adaptation are both sides of
instinct, this is how thoughts generate facts on reality. Expressions are something between
instinct and conscience, they`re unconscious but means something from reality and from space
by dialectic relations between their sensitive significant from reality. Connection between
humans and spaces and between humans and humans are radically different, instinct comes
from space with no time. Esthetic comes from space and from time. This human instinct, arts,
are a singular nature call from unconsciousness.
Myth toughness is the everything sense that comes from space- time to conscience. This sense
is the expansive character of absolute. As universe keep growing, a proportional sense of
everything is getting physically our thoughts on a constant following to our senses in relation
with space, thats the sense of time. We understand sense as perception but it is also a sense as a
meaning. This concept is easy to understand if we only try to feel gravitational forces acting on
reverse. Like if we are the centre of everything and all that come to us feels like the opposite, as
if everything comes from us to everything. That`s the act of giving meaning to space
constrictions, we dont notice this inversion because it comes from ourselves as an extension of
our singular own entirety. Time is a return but is also a constant return witch made us feel like
if everything could keep inside our minds, as if we were a derivation of space and time. We are
infinite and we are also infinites.
Conscience is memory and when memory gets founded in time, only then human expressions
starts to translate space constrictions to time adscriptions. This is how mythical thoughts has the
property of get conceptualized by the sense of absolute. Those are the primitive calls that starts
the sense of meaning, they allow senses to get conceptualized as discourses charged by organic
senses of correlatives meanings to space functions given in the sense of time by the expression
of forms, like moral or ethic. Those forms, that make sense to everything in space by organic
concepts of absolute senses, are cultures, the praxis of human adaptation.
Memory is the way that mythical thought get functional with reality, the way that absolute in
expansion get conscientious and structures how reality gets absorbed by conscience, the
organization of their meanings, and the weight of how they value some facts of their most
strong concepts to determine the human action and behave.
Mystic of conceiving reality is the only form that human understand his own issues, his specific
situation in a totality of human and societal relations that has a specific nature in the world of
globalization. Moral allows etic to speak up his own cosmologic language, this process has to be
a construction which involves a whole structural logic of think under the logic of values and
agreement between adversaries whom are getting rights and duty. In globalization, this dynamic
change because of colonialist matrixes. Elites around the world are engaged with imperialist
hegemonies of power, this is how modernity in their conceptions of citizenship, development
and privileges only allows minority to live under those parameters and excludes other realities
to reproduce their own happiness under their own methods.
The intensity of concepts of senses like happiness constitutes reality meanings in his whole
structures of significant. Myth is the way of understand reality without fake concepts as past,
present or future. Meaning of everything is a mythical way to reproduce expressions, acts and
behaves. Concepts as past or future are wrong interpretations of absolute concept from reality.
Absolute is an only sense, myth is how human beings found meaning from this sense

instinctively on space and consciously in memory, all this under laws of logic. The way to
project this senses structured by logic is by ethical discourses and they are the meaning of
human acts and behaves, also they are the facts that involves the logic of historical occurrences,
a mythology. Historical conscience is memory, and is an important fact on human groups
constitution, memory is the politic structure of society. Myth is conflict it selves bring it to
reason and symbols, this is the ethical logic and his conscientious form is moral, a primitive
culture institution.
God is not only a substitution for absolute sense, is itself an obstruction for thoughts to make the
constant praxis of mythologize reality to get concepts from senses, as esthetic.
Cosmologies are examples of how mythical thought works between reality and human behave.
Belonging sense words when means, thoughts and etic are functional to the logic of how
memory has been constructed and give conscientious of the position of our senses in absolute.
Our acts in society are discursive.
Discourses are ethical, this is the connection, by praxis, of thoughts with space significant.
Politic isn`t as a formal institution as modern society conceive it, I think this organic
connection, as the concept of democracy, is better conceived as a technocracy but with very
wrong ways to manage power. Politic is a discourse that comes from esthetic, from moral and
etic as the praxis of society. In globalization, political homogeneity makes impossible the
religious mythical praxis in concern with the complex territorial cultural constructions. The way
to keep politics renovated is to maintain religion and rituals under the notions of esthetic
avoiding leaving politic to a logic of repression and domination by power under powerless and
no by an understanding of respect constructed as a societal structure of relations. Politic must
still as a cultural institution, the real sense of politic is as an ontology that understand reality
with different praxis in each territory case, the sense of culture as the sense of absolute in
function with identity is over the concept of modernity as a parameter of expressions and
behaviours to interact with others logical senses out of the singular subject conscience and point
of view. Who understand praxis of science as a constant methodical access to reality, understand
that cultural constructions are the same, the way how thoughts understand their access to reality
as a parameter of their own actions. Culture is the science of understand whats true or false in a
certain time named conflict, just the two concepts that science arent allow to get in social
sciences, the ones who try to understand with viability the meaning of cultures and societies
needs to understand cultures forms to get to know societies functional constrictions.
One sense to get to understand pluriverse concepts is the sense of contact with an unknown and
different human been, because the sense of absolute gets un-functional and got the need to
understand others concepts under their own logic over the other logic, moral and etic . Absolute
sense is a power that control us, as you can see, is the beginning of connections that make us
understand sense of time as a meaning. The most obvious probe is language.
What its a value in modernity and why aren`t those sense of meanings compatible with other
spaces esthetical concepts? Homogeneity is the sense of modernity, happiness as an citizenship
urban cosmology isn`t a goal for people whom lived the periphery ontology, and then appears a
middle class, for example, the illusionary travel of a worker to an employee who has no options
for increase their living quality. What it means citizenship or participation in a society witch
has no politic representatives? Peripheries are societies involved in a structure of coloniality and
domination. It`s very simple, their space doesnt belong to them, they dont have a discourse
coming from space adscriptions of identity, they live under patters of ontological domination.

We have to make a division between peripheries cultures, postmodern expressions and

Peripheries are not places on earth or in human space, peripheries are specific ontological
episteme developments as cultural patterns of significant behave. Peripheries are also in
different spaces, as we call rural or traditional, but is an opposition on urban or modern
societies. Rural or traditional type of periphery is far for societys centres, but that doesnt mean
that peripheries were not constricted inside centres too. By the way, hegemonic is a periphery
too, what we call imposture.
When we talk about society as a total structure, we found that hegemonies are peripheries but
they work as attractants centres because they have a concentration of power. Understand power
as capacity of develop a will, a certain class or group will. Those are impostures because of their
non-space sense structure of meanings. Their only dialectic with reality is through the praxis of
domination by keeping relations between humans without a sense of time adscriptions and
mythological thoughts, they keep relations by force of violence and corruption, thats why we
understand those behaves as anti-values, they arent ethical or moral. When those kind of
behave appears, as empty expressions, there come moral and ethical responses to un-cultural or
un-functional forms of praxis inside organic structure of fake societal agreements.
Post modernism is how expressions caught their meaning from an opposition to imposture, this
is when discourses get a singular structure of identity meanings, culture as a no-space meaning
but as a specific space meaning, the meaning of globalization cultural forces and the sense to
live inside or outside the frontiers between physic hegemony and peripheries, cities.
Identity, the domination of space and time, needs to reproduce characters of inclusion or
marginal space, exclusion and poverty will generate issues or social phenomena on the societal
construct. Finally, peripheries far from centres, far from time and space of hegemony, a total
new space, a total new epistemology, the sense of politic knew as a cultural institution. Politic in
this sense, in globalization and under the terms, patterns and matrixes of coloniality of power,
are apistemicidal. This fact of cultural behave has their own forms, as in centres peripheries we
found social classes, in coloniality of power we got ethnic differences. The cultural adscriptions
of myth getting their own sense of meaning.

Living coloniality is like a myth over a myth, a structure no allowed to parameter their own
limits. To have constructed a reality after this reality exist its to leave societies on a wrong
constriction of connected behaves without significant meaning for values from external systems
on ethic and distribution for example.

Adversarysm as a political substance of heterogeneity is a possibility starting from de-colonial
thought and the real sense of moral values in ethic structures of politic and society.
First of all, lets understand the meaning of political relations and values in societal structures.
Values arent concepts like good or evil, what is right or wrong. Values are facts getting their
functional form from dialectic relations between humans and space, and then , between humans
and space with other humans, their mythical conception of reality and their absolute sense of
time. For example, in illicit traffic of something, human groups need a structure of relations as
confident or loyalty. Those are values even their performing facts and actions that could been
understood as brittle behaviours. But there`s no such dualism as good and evil, societal reality is
conflict and values are the way how relations are conceive by dialectic dynamics of senses and
concepts round a discursive form of identity. Besides dualistic conceptions of values, there`s the
mythic logical structure of human adaptation to space, the absolute sense of time.
Idea of nation its a mythical conception of reality that comes from the space meaning
structure of modernity: a specific sense of absolute and time. State, nation, representativeness
and citizenship are long term collective wills that comes from the moment before globalization.
Modernity, and the way that it has involve all political and societal terms in to discourses as
democracy and civil rights, involves a whole structure of relations, that is to say, values
constricted by ethics which has constructed a hegemonic cultural process called globalization,
which have a paradox: is a homogenous process in a heterogeneous reality.
Idea of nation is a conscious structure of discourses thats guides human action and history facts
by the unconscious calls of moral. When an ideological structure of meanings gets in to a
hegemonic discourse, as the idea of nation, empty space of unconscious turns in to the base of
all meanings, thats modernity as a sense of absolute, unconsciousness turns of culture senses of
society, instinctive moral praxis as an identity.
Moral is what people things its right for a singular action or though. Etic is if people is going to
be happy or sad, bad or right about the relations and agreements with other groups or societies.
Ethic allows dialectic between human groups but its also a point of view of how politic stay
under limits of moral, and as a matter of facts, ethic is going to decide what kind of politics are
going to be develop on societal relations, the moral structure of ethic and cultural changes,
politics, the ideological pattern of society, culture of modernity, etc.
Idea of nation as a discourse has created moral as a culture, the middle class culture, a moral of
class. Representativeness as a dynamic of socialist modern society is a structure that comes
from space and time as a diachronic sense of absolute, history. History as a diachronic sense of
absolute is just mythic thought making ontologies on social psychology. Identity do individuals
taking senses from discourses. Discourses are social logics that get their means from values,
moral and ethic, and those terms are characteristics of mythic logical constructions of reality
starting from senses like good or evil in a specific absolute context.
Politic is the way how groups demands articulate each others in the sense of significant
meanings coming from the dialectic between human and space , and then , between groups of
humans, that is, a real structure of duties, rights and rules over reality out of peripheries, a real
heterogenic hegemony. Hegemony is not a force that attracts everything, hegemony in modern
societies is a common sense of space and time, a mythological sense of absolute that comes
from the way of living understanding facts as work and capital as an agreement under intern

logic of societal agents behaviours. The way that hegemony grows is when some groups
impose their own demands to everybody demands.
Peripheries are now the reality and centres are a singular sense of space and time under the logic
of a common sense of homogeneity called modernity, the one that hasnt represent a social
structure but is also a societal structure with his own values and behaves. Heterogeneity is how
societies construct their adversarism, so exclusion and poverty are consequences of the societal
imposture of hegemonies wills.
So, centres are matrixes of power allowed to control peripheries mythic senses, different or
opposite episteme, and thats the real force of homogeneity. But, is how agreements get to
political structures how societies are constantly constructing of their own mythic senses of
position in the world. In globalization, according to coloniality of power, periphery identities
arent allow to feel the necessary belonging to space to get functional meanings of time and
Has the idea of nation in Peru a possible logic to be constructed starting from social
agreements and representativeness? Are demands of all societies structuring politics and
societal facts? How relations between worker classes are connected under historic process over
the idea of nation? How far in history do we need to understand the constitution of societies
and cultures before the globalization process?
Abstract terms and concepts as the ones getting used in this essay aren`t other different
reductionist and simplistic perception of absolute. Concepts are meetings between meetings, the
meaning of relationship of facts on reality.
Myth-logics arent also abstracts terms, they are senses coming from space as primitive calls of
needs and witches that are necessary for adaptation to be functional with time. Mythical though
significant structures and the adscription of meanings still been the unconscious call for
discourses in modern cultures specific patterns of power, their constrictions brings singular
symbols to their particular adscription of meanings from their own relations between humans
with human, in postmodern, or between humans and space, in the case of ethnicity. Theres also
a third form of relations, the imposture, the relations between humans and coloniality of power.
Theres a paradox that prevent homogenous societal constructions to get structure by
hegemonies understood as space centres. Common notions as class or nation constitutes identity
as a dialectic dynamic between reality senses and the absolute conception, the mythical
perception of time. When demands of centres grows, the space means of other societal
structures goes weaken, they demands arent functional with their reality and they often gets
notions like territorialism, and also when their cultural references to their space are cultural
constrictions based on institutional meanings as religions, they get fundamental.
Peripheries live on epistemological frontiers. The cognitional limits comes from the kind of
living quality, they get exclude from centre benefits, they grown on frontiers of one fake reality,
they also suffer the incapacity to construct a social reality; peripheries take position in an only
hegemonic structure of power translate on politic relations between human groups. Society In
the moment of hegemony gets a delay cause of their unbalanced patterns of societal
constrictions, specifics discourses are against each other and they need to get a logical
agreement, thats the logic of adversarism, but in domination there come notions as happiness,
poverty or marginalism which generate difference and identity of otherness.
Scope of hegemony isnt functional when space gets the notion of territory. For subjectivity,
theres no meaning for territory concept, theres an only space when humans get their belonging
sense of absolute. When societies structures belongs to different cultures whom significant

structure of meaning arent been reproduced because of hegemonies influence, their absolute
sense of time on reality aren`t able to structure a functional discourse with reality.
If theres no myth they arent any sense on dialectic with space. Thats the difference and the
paradox between discourses and cultures, there are the same but they had a different meaning in
hegemony than in peripheries. Modernity as the sense of globalization covers domination in the
specific form of coloniality of power. Periphery is the way how cultural differences are getting
weakened, they arent able to construct their own structures of reality, theres no way that
hegemony comes homogenous. There appears another form of myth on globalization, the
identity sense of otherness. The paradox dont do nothing but show us how globalization sense
of homogeneity arent functional with their societal and political forms, cause they are putting
their demands over demands of other realities and absolute time senses. Mythical thought of
absolute adscript concepts starting from dialectic between space and human senses, those
constrictions are expression and behaviours and how they generate facts on reality; we can also
understand how history gets engaged with memory and with culture, by identity and discourses.
Politic as a continuum from ethic is the natural state of culture, the discursive form of thought
comes from the identity and both comes from culture. Society is a constriction performed by
adscriptions of cultural behaviour between groups thats understand each other in terms and
around specific patters of power relations. Concepts like adversarism or even socialism are
benchmarked dynamics constructing reality starting from cultural methods of ethical
adaptations: discourses. A human state of heterogeneity must understand otherness as a conflict
without enemies, a constricted notion of equality.
In the case of my country, conflict is still representing an unfinished societal mess; in our
history, in our societal structure, in our space and in our time. Our conventional history learned
in our conventional education has delayed citizens to misunderstand facts and causes of societal
reality. Globalization changes in Peru hasn`t had occurred as in other societies.
Coloniality patterns, under the growing of popular vindictive reforms, has had brutal methods to
get peripheral epistemologies under control and they had bring language of fear and violence to
a secret structure that have kidnaped the power of agreement between adversaries. Coloniality
of power has put periphery epistemologies as enemies on reality, implanting a total organism of
domination through different discursive patterns.
To bring something new and well known for common sense of inter-subjectivity , represented
by media samplers, as TV or internet, lets take the fact of societal deserve to problems as
sexuality and gender, a societal phenomenon between modernity discourses and post modernity
identities. Cultural behaves are a complex structure of human nature and dialectic relations
between senses and space, the absolute expansive idea that we understand as time.
Individualism and utilitarianism had create a totally new mythical sense of reality starting from
the way how values are getting to be interpreted and how people understand they rights as their
position on absolute sense of time, and how discursive issues are able to fight against politic
issues. World out of hegemony is the pure and massive reality, cities are like bunkers of
unnatural space and time hold on power. Hegemony isnt fake, it exist when a will is impose by
force. This will or demands of one social class are organizing reality to control discourses on a
broad scale that manage power by systems, patterns or matrixes allowing local elites to control
intern forces of space owners. Coloniality of power isnt a simple abstraction, its a concept that
explain specific globalization societal nature.
What`s the meaning of myth to scientific language? Definitely, something conceptually
limited, and worst, misunderstood for common sense. How etic discourses and sciences are

getting homogeneity to an epistemological sense of absolute? Its sad how concepts as myth or
sthetic arent well defined on discourses of politicking makers language. And even saddest if
the answer for all those questions are coloniality patterns of power. Economic power elites
control democracy to keep a discursive system of domination that also allows economic control.
The adversarism between social classes still been the materialism dialectic interpretation of
society, the worker class and his revolutionary discourse, the socialist ideology.
Technocracy and liberalism are interconnection means that havent notice the hermetic or
walled character of discursive centres in front of peripheral discourses, generating notorious
frontiers, in work distribution for example, and all conflict facts that involves characters of life,
as exploitation, and now a days, the rapture of space itself, that is defended by natural instinct of
human been, their culture and their ethnic identity. Human conceive his space starting from
myths and they defend their absolute concept of time by symbolic sthetic language. Starting
from corporal expressions, getting to art praxis, culture institutions are also facts as facts in
selves when conflicts starts as a consequence of an historical memory.
Ideal thoughts are very complex things, is necessary to fight to preserve them, no for impose
them. Ideals are sacrifices, no whims.
Societal tissue isnt outside us, structures are inside thoughts, as common concepts between
human groups, as moral or ideologies, the ones that constrict acts and occurrences on social
reality, from memory to history, from identity to discourses and from though to facts.
Discourses emerge as facts when they get forces from circumstances and they can only being
guide by absolute senses of mythical reality, an ideology.
By understanding subjectivity mechanism well understand social sthetic determinism, and
finally, the existence of a logic to get societal constrictions to social structures, the meaning,
form and function of institutions starting from sthetic as a determining fact. By institutions,
culture get connected with society out of human thoughts, thats the evolution of identity
changing their discourses through mythical senses getting to religion and politics ideological
constructions and the way those get preserved by art expressions, understanding writing
language as an art and also understanding art in his sense of praxis. Societal tissue is the whole
universe of significant and their dialectic changes by space time, they are the structure of
meanings where subjectivity and institutions holds. This universe is an specific and primitive
language that gets meanings from a physic common space that allows existence of subjectivity,
Hegemony and heterogeneity still have a homogeneous sense of facts, its still been a paradox:
the physic organic union between societies but their discursive and ideological dysfunctional
natural sense. This is why society is a semiotic living organism, a construction of meanings
under their positions and weights in a hegemonic systemic structure of contradictions.
Subjectivity is constricted by myth at the time that construct it, but subjectivity has more
components which comes from social reality. Personal occurrences occurs because historical
moment allows it, memory gets constructed under a singular significance of history. Judgement
isnt a clear logic, theres always the owners and the strangers.
Suffering, evil, destiny, god and nature are concepts that has create an immanent conscience
shared between human groups and their sense of meaning and forms are functional to different
sthetic logics. Subjectivity is a static absolute sense, the moment when human take a look on his
own conscience, the moment when myth is getting constructed by the sense of time and the
logic of meanings.

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