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1. Cules son tus pasatiempos?

Por qu te gustan?

What are your pastimes?

Why do you like them?

2. Qu haces normalmente por la tarde?

What do you usually do in the evening?

3. Adnde fuiste el sbado pasado?

Con quin?

4. Qu hiciste?

Qu tal lo pasaste?

Where did you go last Saturday?

What did you do?

Who with?

What was it like?

5. Dnde te gusta ir de compras? Por qu? Cul es tu tienda preferida? Qu se puede comprar all?
Where do you like going shopping?


6. Te dan dinero tus padres?

Do your parents give you money?

7. Qu has comprado recientemente?

What have you bought lately?

What is your favourite shop?

What can you buy there?

Cunto dinero recibes?

How much do you get?


8. Vas a ir de compras este fin de semana?
Are you going shopping this weekend

Adnde vas a ir?

Where to?

Con quin?
Who with?

9. Cmo vas a celebrar el fin de tus exmenes?

How are you going to celebrate the end of your exams?

1. Describe tu fin de semana ideal.
Describe your ideal weekend

Qu haras?

What would you do?

2. Cmo se puede mantener uno en forma?

How can one keep fit?

3.Qu piensas del fumar?

What do you think about smoking?

4. Te preocupa tu salud?
Does your health concern you?

Si te pones enfermo/a, qu debes hacer?

If you fall ill, what should you do?

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