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HARMONIC MITIGATION TECHNIQUES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF POWER QUALITY OF ADJUSTABLE SPEED DRIVES (ASDs) Alex Domijan, Jr. Director E. Embriz-Santander Research Assistant Florida Power Affiliates & Power Electronics Consortium ‘Department of Electrical Engineering Universiy of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 Absract ~The prominence of the ac motor in industry has Tade it the target for numerous energy-saving schemes, ‘Approximately 76 percent of the electric energy being used in the US. is consumed by motors, which provide # large ‘market for ASDs, which in tum translates into a. large penetration level and thus more harmonics in the electic Lilly system. This paper provides information on some of the ‘latest harmonic miQigation "techniques for” the Improvement of power qually of adjustable speed drives, INTRODUCTION The fit section, Motor Drives, covers background {information about motor drives such as the most common drive methods, and: motor drive loads, The authors then provide an electronle motor drive clasfcation based on the motor ‘pe. Inchuded are ieuit configurations, a table of features of the main ASDs and ends with a list of benefits of ASDs. The next section, Harmonie Mitigation ‘Techniques, eviews briefly some of the harmonic etlects such as those listed by Rice and Arvillage, and. then Drovides an overview Of some mitigation techniques. as proposed ‘by Sasaki and Machida, Stratford, Arriaga, Frank & Liebse, Hammmond, and Paice & Spreadbury ‘among others. Finally, an itemized conclusion of relevant facts to this topic is given. 1, MOTOR DRIVES ‘What is a Motor Drive ? Tt looks like a simple question; however, it covers far ‘more than one might suspect. In'a general sense, we can say that a motor eve fs an apparatus that a)iransmits motion or that bjsupplies the motive forse to a motor in Such a way as to contol its speed. These controls may be wan ale alo a coir « microprocessor base "according to Greenberg (2, the most common drive methods are: 1) Mechanical drives, 2) Hydraulic deves, 3) Direct current drives, 4) Eddy: ‘current drives, ) Mulspeed and pole-amplitude modulated motors, and 6) Electronic adjustable speed drives (ASDs). ‘The block diagram of an ASD is illustrated in Fig. 1. ‘CH2853-0/90:0000-0096 $1.00 © 1990 IEEE Fig. 1. Simplified block diagram of an ASD rom these six types, the last one is becoming increasingly ‘preferred method thanks to the advances in Semiconductor technology [344{SI, and isthe ‘ype which wil be focused on herein Motor Drive Loads, ‘There are four dominant areas where adjustable speed rves are. being. used: pumps, sss, fans and blowers, and’ aif conditioning ‘units. According to. Dr. CCapehar {6}, from the 600 billion kwiy/y consumption of clectriciy, pumps consume 143 billion kwh/yr; that is 2256 ofthe total power consumed. Compressors take 88 billion ‘evh/y (149), fans and blowers consume 72 bilion kwh/yt (12%), ete. This wanslates into a lot of motors, which rouped all together consume 76% of total electric energy Hence there if large market for motor drives, FIG. 2. Motor Applications (billion kwh/yt) [61 6 Fig. 3 Main Motor Drive Classification Including Induction Motor ASDs Pumps, The use of drives in pumps can be divided into two primary areas: commercial and industial use. For fommercal use, they can be found where chilled water is needed, and for industrial use, ASDs are found in cooling towers, process water pumping, and water treatment pants, Karasik [7] gives an excellent classification of pumps as well as reference material in his Pump Handbook, ans, Use of drives in fans can also be divided into wo ‘primary areas: commercial and industrial. In the case. of fommercal use, they ean be found, for example, in variable fir volume systems, and alt Dandling equipment. For Industral use, drives are sed in induced draft fans, forced draft fae, boilers, exhaust hoods, process fans. For a summary ofthe relationship between load types and their applications, table 1 Mustrates several examples. TABLE 1, Load types and applications (30) TWoAD TPES "APPLICATIONS ‘Contac. Hp rier General maine, tsa comers ining te spect fem epee apa od ee como si tinst mots st mu aecens womsser eee ror me oe Piease assed,” some exer on teem Sea net tte vole eatyopmnstion eed ne ero tie et me peraing ener, punch pee 7 Basically, an electronic motor drive is a device that controls the speed of a motor by varying the magnitude of fone of is controllable variables such as voltage, current, oF frequency. Of course, the technique used to vary the speed wil largely depend on the type of load the drive is going to have. For example, machines lke trans, rolling mills Daper mills, cranes, excavators, ete, can constitute a load ‘on the drive, and since these loads have some sort of s reasonable to make & ‘ype of motor: although thers are_ possible [8]. Motor drives can be clasifed, based on the type of motors, mainly in two categories: 1} D.C. Drives, and 2) ALC: Drives. From these two ype, the tser can find that each one of them branches out to even ‘more types a8 shown in Fi. 3. AC Drives, AC drives can be_ divided into induction motor ‘tives, and synchronous motor drives, They consist, mainly, ‘of six part 1) the rectifier of converter circuit, 2) the DC Tink, 3) the inverter circuit, 4) the control processing ‘dreutry, $) the control signals from the operator, and 6) the contol signals from the motor (cefer back to Fig. 1) ‘And since induction motors tend to dominate the market, Imanufacturers have come up with a great variety of drives {o satis the industrial as wel as the fesidental consumers ‘Thus, for induction motors, ASDs can be further divided to voltage source inverter (VSI) drives, current souroe inverter (ESI) drives, and pulse-width modulated (PWM) Grives. New advances in power electronics has allowed the ‘evelopment ofa great variety of ASDs, For instance, VSI ‘drives (oldest ype) can be divided into 2 main types: single phase drives, and three phase drives; CSI drives into modified, and chopper fed; and PWM drives, just to mention afew, into sine-weighted modulation, star moculation, sine ditrbued,sarase (9, neural point Glamped (NPC) (1), an sictraled cantar PWM Ti song oer DC Drives, DC drive controls can be divided into three ‘main clases: single phase, three phase, and chopper drives, ‘The fist two, according to Rashid (13} can be aeditonally fubdivided into: a) Halfwvave converter drives, b) Semiconductor drives, ) Fullconverter drives, and d) Dual- converter drives, For the chopper drives’ the possible control modes are the following”) Power (acceleration) ‘contro, b) Regenerative brake contol, ¢) Rheostatie brake ontrl and d) Combined regenerative and rheostatie brake ‘Circuit Configuration of the Main ASD, According to the 1987 ASD Directoy, published by EPRI [13], ASDs differ in the method of de to ac power Inversion and im control techniques, The main methods used to date are the following: 1. VSI. Voltage Souree Inverter 2 CSL. CurrentSouree Inverter 3. PWM, Pulse-Width-Modulated Inverter A simplified book diagram for these three main ypes of ASDs is shown below. bits OFS vsi feet ° PWM FIG. 4 Basie Cieuit Configurations for Main ASDs ‘As part of the ongoing research on moto drives at the ‘University of Florida, companies listed in the ASD Directory are being contacted for information about ASDs such a transfer functions, ighest-magnitude "harmonics, and harmonic mitigation techniques. For an example see table 2, which shows a compilation of several key ASD features, °6 TABLE 2. Sone Features of the main ASDS FEATURE WS or re Resifer device SCRE SCRE bo Diodes pr Sch bp Cis doce LC ter Ler 1 fer ener ee Teasers Ip SCRE bp Tran: ip Tm Sep (Gtx Sc bp To cml Pe, Vat Cn, Vata # oh Motors Many Sage Many Mosaic Independent of Power Factor Low 09s Law —‘High 0508 licens) Medion Law High otter ot tes Sale ats Lowmagniode 1p = id pone spcaton Ip = lo power aplinons Benes, ‘The main benefit trom ASDs Is thelr energy eiciency. Linach (14), in'a 1984 paper wrote, "In some cases, ASD ‘can reduce energy requirements by 30-50%," while minimizing wear and tear” This feature alone makes them very attractive to consumers. And this fet supported by ‘other papers {15}{18], Moreover, industry has begun to use ‘ASDs with great success (19]{27]. For example, Giesecke ‘and See [28} estimated for 1987 an ASD consumption level ‘of 150, 000 units. Furthermore, the 1987 ASD Director, lists 217,484 unis sold as of early. 1986, EPR ina pamphlet cals, Applicaton of AC Ada Speed Dre (se her bene + ASDs improve system efficiency because they have no ‘moving parts, thus eliminating fiction chused. by ‘mechanical oF hydraulic speed control devices. * ASDs improve equipment ellability by permitting gentle startups and gradual slowdowns. This reduces ‘echanical-and thermal sires to equipment. during startup and shutdown of the motor, reduces wear and tear on equipment, saves on mainienance costs, and potentially extends equipment life. + ASDs enhance product quality and reduce product trast by providing for instant and automatic control of equipment speed. according, 10 changing production process requirements + ASDs reduce the noise level in many plants because they operate far more quiely than mechanical or hydraulic drives + ASDs save space because they are relatively small and compact. Since they are connected to the motor by abies, they need not be positioned near the equipment they control, and they do no require repositioning, of plant equipment or construction of new foundations in Fetrofit installations Eom all ofthese benef the one mot recorded in the erature i energy svgs: An example of such saving can beeen in able below. ad TABLE 3. Ex. of Energy Savings Using an ASD (30), FEATURE Discharge ASD with Damper motor Starter GoW) cote CControler (kW) 130 Required Power (KW) 11.60 1160 Losses (kW) 10 1060 ‘Total Draw (kW) Te 2340 System Eicieney 162% 496% Savings (KW) _ 4844 ‘Annual Savings @ 5,00 hrs, $0.06/kWh, $14,532.00 As an Be sen, mor de Hop Thi Sey bake aie Set ny SSL SFr ae ar My Tar ata, Sais te en a Be Sind mae fy oso pe he pee Sie iy Ada gctond Seth, Te, Boor nee ad Potential Eneray Savings Wit "Keptatin of ASD te Manctatrng Indo FIG. § Potential Savings Using ASDs [29] IL, HARMONIC MITIGATION TECHNIQUES FOR ASDs We are secng a great number of power-lecronis: ased apparatus on the marhet suchas line condones disable speed delves, uniteruptble power supplies Surge suppressor ete. and they are being promoted. by research craters [31], [32] a5 well as by private enterprise. However, by Iterature review, manufacturers of these coniols advertise the beneis of using these controls ut {hey rately inform the Users of thelr equipment that i aso produces tome ells. Furthermore, they do not usally fiver ‘any_ pe of harmonic miigation technique Tecause of the ertewrost for the consumer, and they {rvie information only when asked spectcaly about it Hence a costetfectve contol strategy is needed (0 suppress and hopefully eliminte te harmonic effects on the ysem. Some manufacturers contend that they Jo Indeed! mention or Ist some “ofthe effects, oF consequences. The fact is that when they talk about the fHleca they” are-lking about desirable effets us hazing, benefits they ‘have mentioned. previous efnitely'& good marketing strategy~but the effets the Uli indus and consumers are also concerned about are the undesirable effets, the harmonic ees Harmonic Effects, ‘From the papers reviewed) it has been found that there have been’ many ‘studies (33){34], about the harmonic effec on the individual elements of the power sytem, Such a5 inductors, capacitors, transformers, ac machines, ‘communications sjstems, telephones, computes, etc. And since motors account for 769p ofall electnc use and ASDs ‘ould eut motor electric use by around 20-30%, the use of ‘ASDs will continue to increase and s0 will the harmonic ‘content in the power grid. As of now, with an estimated £400,000 ASDs Online this translates into large market penetration level and thus more harmonics inthe electric uly sytem. Mohan {18} back in 1981, describes techniques for energy conservation in ae motor-driven systems, and Ferraro (Ihe EPRI Project Manager) on that report states that it is important to consider the impact of the harmonics on electric utility systems. Hence, the main disadvantage of ASDS is the generation of harmonics, and an excellent paper on the harmonic effects of “ASDs “and power Tectfiers on power system components is given by Rice FBS]. In this” paper, he covers. eight. power system ‘components: transformers, reactors, capacitors, cables, ‘switchgear, relaying, generators and motors. Other authors have also described harmonic effects, among them Areilaga (36), Dugan & MeGranaghan (37), Chu & Burns (38); Jost, Menzies, & Sachdev [39}, to mention a few. In table 4 is presented summary of some of the main harmonic effects on power system components, This table is adapted from [35}(99). ‘Table 4. Main harmonic effects on power system ‘components * (MAIN HARMONIC EFFECTS cents tem propria the ‘are of te Iga carat and he Square ofthe feqean, 2) eres lower oes, 3 Pouieresnane may oc beware (nductnce sa’ Sapte Captor, 1), Reatne per incomes due 10 harmonic Volages 2) Dice cr rae the sonal ea cai 3) Lie xpectancy decreas 2) Svichgar Relig Tee ‘eee Serf fort more cmpte dices encrts 1) Rote beating Ge rote syerono Geerates), 33) Minton “ot pain ot ‘Sclntingtrges whch vee trot! xctont (ike roo set and eng of roe ck Moors 1) Stor an rt 1° let wi incre de to Ti able adage fom [3599 Arilaga in his book Power Sytem Harmanice further describes harmonic effects on” consumer equipment, ‘communication eteuts, and power factor among others, See also [3){34] for additional information. Some Salutions, ‘Various solutions 10 minimize the effect or magnitude of harmonics have been proposed. In Table §, 4 partial summary of some of the latest harmonic ‘mitigation fechniques (HMTS) is presented. It includes four classical Papers. on this matter [36]{40}{42] and represents the ‘major tends in HMTS ‘One of the frst HMTs used was phase multiplication wliphasing. This method was used primarily by large users of static power coaverters (SPC) which wanted 10 minimize the nose induced in telephone lines (that shared the same right-of way with ac power lines) by the harmonic voltages associated with these converters. This method is fective to reduce low-order harmonies as long as there is 1 balanced Toad on each of the converters [3]. ‘A few yeats later, in 1971, Sasaki and Machida (41) Proposed a technique called Magnetic Flax Compensation ‘which consisted of cancellation of the harmonie magnetic flax in a transformer core by injecting-into the tertiary winding-amplifed harmonic curtens detected (through & CT) in the ‘of the. transformer. For perfect climination though, each of these currents had to induce the same amount of magnetormotive force, that ig they had to have the samme amplitude and phase with respect 10 the corresponding components in the transformer, One of the concerns about this technique was the magnification effect of low order harmonics (Bnd, 3d, & 4th) for which Sasaki suggested to detect and adjust them separately, The main advantage this method has is that it takes care of ‘uncharacteristic harmonics (Srd, 9th, ete) and that ite of 4 compact design Later, in 1974, Steeper and Stratford {s2] recommended: a) Phase Multiplication, which was one of the frst HMTs used in industry. A I2pulse unit wil {generate theoretically ony half the harmonic frequencies & pulse unit wil. This reduction can be seen irom the formula below (43) wet hh = order of harmonic = umber of pulses, kehQom ,= 1h 1, = ampl. of fundamental 1, = ampl of harm. current However in actualy, because of unbalances inthe system, there willbe some of those harmonies present inthe Power seid. b) Shunt Filters: Large SPC tnstallaons require Feactve power and an economical source was power ‘pacts which could ako act as shunt fers tuned for the Sh, Tih Tlth, and. th harmonics. However, they ‘tioned the reader that parallel resonance might osu therefor, 2 ‘Should take that fac into consideration. Then in 1880, Stratford 43), ina design for 4tpower cecit of & paper mil inorder to void paral fetonance, used a series resonant. cieuit. With the combination of a tuning reactor and a capacitor bank, his {iter ‘ot only “sueesshilly absorbed the. Sth harmonic crent generated by an SPC, but i ako absorbed 67%, Ste and 59% ofthe Th, 11th, and 13th harmon currents respectively Hence, f power factor improvement along With harmonie redicton i of concer harmon filters Provide good. solution. Arilga’ in his. book 36), Proposed various types of filers tuned, single tuned, Souble tuned, automatically tined. damped, and bandpast fers However, appcation of iter i expensive He then endorses Harmonie Injection, «scheme orginally proposed ty Bird [40 in 1969, in which tripln harmonic currents afe injected tothe recanguar waveform produced by the converter The main advantage: the stem impedances fot part of the design rteria He also endorses the Magnetic Flex Compensation method. ‘Table 5. Harmonie Mitigation Techniques Date Author(s Mathoa(e) Features Sep 7 Souk Main (6) Magee Fl Gompou Conpucr ana (oc. 74 Seper& Siford 3] 1) Phase Mabipiction, & 2) Shut Fier, Compute silaion. Jan 8 Sear Toning Resort + Cap. Bae foe» poner at of 4 paper 6 sig cop Ba Deed sis Alga 1) Vata Types of Fer, 2) Mag Fak Dred in it bok Power Stn a Qoepecadae 3 Harmak Mcie* Rommcs M86 Pak Le 1) rm cre deve to te decd wih eid renee ea ey e oleae fe ‘densities, 2) Minimize SCR Bate oy se nd em 3) Gis te etme 8) Rebar lost ange retard Sep. 86 Hammond (65) Seton Meta Pahe Wrmse Ineo aes mpd sve Sep 86 Lado (4) Seis Inductor ¢ High Fas Harmonic Fier Designed for sarge tescrch stabshnent (05, $7 Fier & Hof [a7) Tree Phase Power Line Coton Computer simaation + Takeda, keds, a Aatte Fier + Pave Per Insta t Cob Stet Coin Japan ‘Tomiae | = satan 9) Sic VAR Conpensor with GTO: Computer simul + ide Oba [5] Mireur ised Odometer Contol Computer simulation. i a(S Asie Per Fier wth Injection «PWM Compa simulion. Fok 8 Moran, Ziogas & Joos A Power Factor Compenatr and Harmonie Rests confmed exerinetaly is Serre ‘ing Fan Vinge Se (0s. $4 Enh Zigas, & Lindy Programmed PWM Techsigns Rests vered experimentally on 9 SEVA is} Uborsory M6 and 36 ibverer + ims, Slo Tatahai Acie Power Fler PWM Current Source Contol _arategy 6 cotirmed wi is Comener"S UC Fer ‘periment Kohat tal (5 [PWM Converter with Sele Indus Compensators were manfacred mn el Thos tend (Choc, Wale & Pak [6] PWM + Active Powe Fikes Comput simulation, Pong Akg Nabe [ST] PWM 4 Passe LC Fier Ress bined experinest Wilbams & Hot (S8] Power Line Candionr: « GTO Thor Computer sialatin. Bilge PW Socks, Hummel & Series Resonant Hermie Trae + High Intaed on an allelic ght msting feet (31 Pa Fer fone es Pale & Srey [60] Malic Traore Ile 08 S10 ¥paysem i FL Mu 8 Kelley & Yadshy [61] Nearloite Oupu Fiter Instr Competr sittin Kamel & Onmeyr [6%] Parl Operon Techsigns of MOS Resuhsconfimed experimentally Inverter Se Using lterpbase Reactors. 11986, Frank and Luebke [44], gave itemized recommendations to reduce some of the harmonic effect, see table 5. One of them was to require iron core devies to be designed with moderate fox densies, The rationale behind te recommendation i tat a te fr emt increases, the magnitude of the “harmonic produced increases. See Fig 6 Mice * [Rem arom — Fig. 6 Percent of Harmonic vs Flux Densities in a 456 sion steel core transformer [63] ene raslormes ate uid in the ASD, oe with i density iron core wil improve the power qual of the dive. Another recommendation they makes 19 Teduce the phase angle retard: the resson being thal asthe phase. angle increases, s0\ does the magnitede of the Farmonics tn the same year, Hammond 43] desged and installed a 2d-order high-pass pave fer to rece the distortion caused bythe harmon crrent injection of fot [ASDs The reasons behind that design were simphcy And ‘0 tuning ofthe component waa required. The design was Bie to reduce the dtoron factor below Ave percent a Specited by the IEEE Standard 19 (04) Nevertheless he Gltons “in some installations i might be proferred ose 4° smal ter to provide ‘lean bus for sesive Tow ower equipment” rather than large harmoni fers for Ii power aplcaion sins to eg an intalaon sre not tv Lbrook 6] also wed a highpass harmonic fer Ingever, headed a series indctor whieh proved he folowing benefits: reduction of highequency harmonics, coniol of the. thystor fdr. daring ‘commutation, end ‘notch depth reduction. One of the concern with this design Ws the cost of the energy loses Sn the high-pass restr, With “tis. fact taken into consideration Ladbrook recommended values as small ax posible for the inductor and capacitor, which was achieved by dvding the capactor bank into seaions “each. with i ‘own indacton, and connecting the resistor in the highest frequen secon: During the 1987 Industry Applications Society (IAS) Conference, five papers were presented on the topic of HMTs [47/451], In the frst one, Fisher and Hott [47] introduced the design of a 3-phase power tine conditioner (PLC) for harmonic compensation as well as for power factor correction. The PLC ean be connected in paralel with a power clectronic load suchas an ASD. The Drincipey the authors say, is that "the PLC supplies the harmonic current the load requires, so that the power souee wil ony supply the fendamental in-phase valage 02 The PLC is made up of a switching bridge with four Aiyristors, an inductor and 2. capacitor. The authors indicated thatthe resalts of the computer simulations for the operation of the PLC were not as good as expected: ower, hey planned to continue thelr esearch obtain ter results ‘Takeda, Tkeda, and Tominaga [48] introduced a filter which unlike preceding papers that presented either active or passive filers, combined an active filter and a pasive fier. The design is such that the active filter (2 900 EVA ‘unit absorbs low-order harmonie eurents (< 11th), and the passive Alter (8 6600 KVA unit) complements the design by Absorbing higher ones(> 11th), Thie HMI was put ractical use for absorbing the harmonie currents generated by two 2800kW eycloconverter units at the Cuba Steel Co. in Japan. Theit active fiter consisted of five sets of ‘wansistor inverters connected in series with each other by ‘means of a phase transformer. ‘Their measured data Showed a good agreement ‘relative to. their “computer simulation “The installation at the plant has been suceessflly operating since Nov. 1986. I appears that this method is quite suitable for cycloconverter applications; however, the authors do not make any comments 2510 the applicability of this technique to ASDs. Shashani [49] wes GTOs in a static VAR compensator in his method 10 reduce harmonics. In ths way he eliminates the need for expensive fiters found on conventional VAR compensators which use SCRS. Shashan's computer algorithm converges easily when used for the elimination of a few harmonics; however, if a greater umber of harmonics ‘needs to be eliminated, ‘another “computer algorithm has to be used to provide the initial gueses in ‘Shashan's method. At that time, one of the disadvantages Of tis technique was the unavailability of GTOs rated over 2500 Vand 1000 A. Fortunately, this has changed; Hickok land Wickiser [3] report available power ratings for GTO tives of up 10 6900 V and for a'range of $00 © 12000 horse-power, Ichida and Ohashi [SO], present a harmonic reduction (Cather than elimination) technique that is comparable {0 those used in cosine-wvave control cjeloconverer systems. Their method seems to provide better results than the ones given by previous technigues introduced four years earlier by'one of the authors, Iehida ‘Kim [51] presents an active power filter that reduces the magnitude of harmonics by means ofthe injection of PWM frrents made up of the sine and cosine terms of & ‘compensating current. Hence, the active filter coasists of ‘wo modules: one eliminates harmonics with sine terms, and the other one eliminate harmonics with cosine terms. ‘The harmonics may be of arbitrary magnitude and phase. Moreover, this technique also reduces the reactor current inthe ASD. ‘At the 1988 Applied Power Electronics (APEC) Conference, Moran [52] presented a power factor compensator and harmonic suppressor system that uses a firseorder low-pass filter (LPF) at the source side, 3 second-order LPF at the load side, and a PWM VSI which Provides an optimized waveform’ switching. pattern that finimizes the generation of harmonics, This design assumes a) ideal fter components and switching elements, 'b) balanced conditions inthe system, and c) a linear load, Henee, when the bread-board seale-down unit was tested under unbalanee conditions or nor linear loads, harmonics were generated To thi fa the autor recommended the ‘se ofan appropriate capacitance value forthe attenuation ff such harmonics, Their experimental results showed agreement with the computer simulation; however, 0 ‘umerieal data that measures harmonic reduction’ was provided. FFor the 1988 IAS conference, seven HMT papers were presented, two more than the year before. The first si Techniques (three came from Japan) used PWM as part of, their mitigation. scheme. Inthe rst one, Enjet (53) Drovides an evaluation of several PWM techniques. 10 climinate ‘harmonics for single-phase and. threesphase inverters. Guidelines to choose the appropriate technique for each application area are also. presented. They recommended two schemes for ac motor drives: single line- ‘orine PWM for single-phase drives, and three-phase line- torneutral for 3phase drives Hayashi, Sato and Takahashi (S4) introduced an active power filer which consisted of a PWM current source ‘converter and three LC filters. This scheme uses feedback loops of the compensating. input currents and. their derivatives. Their experimental breadboard model (with a ‘carrier frequency of 7 Kilz) sccesfully reduced the magnitude of up-to-the-19th harmonic of the input current to les than 256 of the fundamental current. Furthermore, {het harmonic content was reduced from 29% 08. is technique appears to be a very promising HMT for This technique appe ry promising Kohata [SS], introduces design that uses a PWM converter with static induction thyristors to. reduce harmonics. In this scheme, the compensating current is feedhack-controlled through the PWM. converter, whose average and maximum switching frequency is 5 kHz and 20 kits tespectvely, in such a way as to obtain harmonic reduction of less than 3% of the fundamental Moreover, ‘one of their full-scale models yielded a 98% power factor ‘These results appear to be quite satisfactory for harmonic and reactive power compensation, ignoring of course the cost, which Kohata acknowledges as expensive. “Another method that uses an active filter with PWM as an HMT is by Choe, Wallace, and Park [56], Theie fiter consists primarily of a current-fed inverter and a de source. ‘The former controls the ditection and magnitude of the compensating current which is injected into the a¢ side of, 3 PWM inverterinduction drive. This technique adapts Bire's (41 idea of harmonic injetion along with Kim's ($1) decomposition of the eurent into sine and cosine terms to detect, modulate (into a PWM switching patter), and inject an ac current back into the ac side of the inverter. Another method is by Peng, Akagi, and Nabse (57). It uses PWM as part of the mitigation technique along with 4 passive filter. Tis is a novel teehnigue inthe sense that the converter (a small VA unit which was connected in series with the ac, source, through three CTs) provides an active impedance that satisfies two important eonitions: 8) the higher the source impedance is, the smaller the size of the passive filter will be, and. b) the smaller the source 103 Impedance is the smaller the voltage drop on it willbe ‘The passive filter consisted of three 3-branch LC ers: ‘one was a highpass filler and the other two were tuned to the Sth and’ 7th harmonic. The experimental frequency spectra appears to show almost total elimination of the Tarmonie components of the current souree. The authors ‘ow plan to investigate the transient characteristics of their Droposed method. Wiliams and Hott (58) present an HMT comprised of « PLC that uses a GTO thyrisior bridge whose switching ‘waveform is determined by PWM. This method uses

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