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International Journal of Scientific Management and Development

Vol.2 (8), 353-363, August (2014)


Research Paper

A conceptual model of consumer behavior in online shopping, and evaluate it from the perspective
of online shoppers
Reza Minaee1*, Bahman Saeidipour2
1 Department of commercial management, Kermanshah branch Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran
2 Department of Educational Sciences, Payame Noor University, I. R. of IRAN
Available online at: www.IJSMD.Com
Received 28th March 2014, revised 10th April 2014, accepted 16th April 2014
The main objective of the present study, model of consumer behavior in online shopping is. E-commerce is one of the most
important IT-based businesses, and the main activities of Internet users. Its success requires the use of internet marketing methods
is that only a correct understanding of consumer behavior is possible. Purposes of this study, using approaches and marketing
theory Dobbins 3 Cutler, two minor target was set first, determine the components of effective and formulate the basic model of
consumer behavior, and second, to evaluate the model. Collect the required data through questionnaires, and then the face and
content validity, and are using email marketing, and online questionnaire was conducted.The statistical study of internet shoppers.
The number of respondents to the questionnaire, 599 people for its validity, calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient, 0.928 is.
Based on the findings, component of consumer behavior in online shopping include: 1- social networks, Internet 2- the marketing
mix, 3- Risk, 4 - perceived value, 5- System Electronic Commerce, 6-, and 7 compared with other methods of purchasesatisfaction. These components, together consumer behavior in online shopping, make up, and can eventually lead to the purchase
of continuity. The proposed model is based on these components, and the relationships between them are presented, and after
analyzing the data, the model obtained, confirmed its authenticity.
Keywords: Consumer Behavior, the online shopping, e-commerce, internet marketing, marketing, social networks.
1. Introduction
Consumer behavior and the factors influencing its formation,
including cultural, demographic factors, marketing, reference
groups, family, and environmental issues that have been
discussed more recently. Obviously, the study of consumer
behavior, a wide range of studies to be included. Marketing is
one of the main factors associated with consumer behavior,
because the purpose of responding to something that, from the
consumer's requirements, is in demand. " Companies fail, its
failure in taking advantage of marketing techniques, is derived
" (Roosta et al, 1996)."In a competitive world, today
companies are given customer focus and satisfaction, it is a
major factor in achieving competitive advantage for
organizations. Necessary to satisfy the customers, to satisfy all
its needs, and identify the precise demands, expectations,
intentions, capabilities and limitations, the purchase of goods "
(Salar., 2006). Successful companies depend on an
understanding of consumer behavior as a marketing plan will
be the foundation. "Having sufficient knowledge of consumer
behavior, a reliable guide to the marketing activities of
business organizations, and non -profit institutions are"
(Hawkins et al, 2006). Environmental factors also have an
impact on consumer behavior, including IT, and it is
characteristic of the Internet, which today has led to a
transformation in people's lives. Nearly 2 billion and 300
million Internet users, the total population of nearly 7 billion
humans currently exists, the year 2000 has been a growth of
528 %. The large number of users have been various reasons,
including because of the possibility that technology puts at its
disposal. IT not only affects existing businesses which create
new businesses, such as e-commerce is. " According to the
Center for Communication Policy, 48/9 percent of Internet
users purchase online, and this work, the use of email and the
Web, Internet, known as the third most popular activity is "
Correspondent Author : Reza Minaee1
Manuscript No: IJSMD-KINA-2014-205

(Gillaninia and Qanbarinejad, 2010). The Internet has led to

people quickly and cost
very little to get valuable
information, making it easy and less time to transmit large
numbers of people, and by the way, the behavior of influence.
Philip Kotler, the father of marketing, it's a sign that the
marketing age 3 knows where virtual media and social
networking makes communication more consumers, and the
impact they have on behavior. " Identifying customer needs,
identify market needs, and making use of marketing surveys
and market knowledge, of things that are, for the success of ecommerce, and enjoying the benefits that are essential and
play an important role in business further the interests of
customers and satisfying them is more "(Moosavi et al, 2006).
Success in e-commerce depends on other important factors,
such as trust. "Lack of trust, the main barriers to the success of
e- retailers, and major disincentive to engage customers in ecommerce" (Latifi and Momen Kashani, 2010). In addition,
"Marketing is the key to successful e-commerce. Without
marketing, the best products, without the profitability, quality
and service, no client will "(Mohammadi and Karimi
dehkordi, 2010). Consumer behavior also based on his
understanding of the risks and values are formed, and if he
achieved the desired value, the tendency is to take the
appropriate action. Hence, it is appropriate to e-commerce
systems, such as electronic banking is also available, should
be provided to allow for shopping. But the story of the
purchase will not stop, and discussion activities after the
purchase, it is also very important. Today, marketing is
focused on loyalty to the client, and guiding him toward
perpetuation of purchase, and maintain contact with the
organization, and it needs through customer satisfaction, be
done. On the above factors, several studies have been
conducted, including the marketing mix: Kalyanam &
Mclntyre (2002). Risk factors and trust: Suresh & Shashikala
(2011), Samadi & Yaghoob-Nejadi (2009), Latifi and Momen
Kashani (2010). The virtual social networks: Heindl &

International Journal of Scientific Management and Development


International Journal of Scientific Management and Development

Vol.2(8), 353-363,August (2014)
Vallappali (2010), Haron & Razzaque (2008). In Fallout: Kim
& Gupta (2009), Saeednia and Bani Asadi (2007). Online
consumer behavior: Christy (2003). About customer
satisfaction: Jamal and Naser (2002). About loyalty and
continued buying: Cox & Dale (2002). Most of these studies,
only some of the factors studied have also provided models,
including models Fallout Kim and Gupta (2009), models of
consumer behavior, Christy (2003), which have a more
comprehensive view of the subject. Internal studies, largely
limited to the study of one or more factors, such as the
marketing mix, or have a product like books, including studies
of race Gilani and Ghanbarinejad (2010), and models
Jafarpoor and Rahmaninejad (2008). The following items have
been told to be summarized. Consumer behavior in online
shopping, which is set out below, each can stand alone, are
examined. Therefore, the study can be considered in line with
the other modes, which have each corner of an issue cover.
This requires that, with the development of new technologies
such as the Internet, and the rapid changes in consumer
behavior, ongoing studies on consumer behavior done to allow
for the provision of their demands, properly created by the
Marketers. On the other hand, we also face this problem,
multiple processes affecting consumer behavior, should be
viewed as a comprehensive whole, to enable it to provide a
better understanding. These two problems, this research is
based Provided. Is an attempt to, in various stages of
implementation of this research, the innovative aspects to
consider? Not only due to the rapid changes in technology and
consumer habits and behavior, this innovative and new that
collect data for research, email marketing techniques, and get
information online from customers, experts and real scientists
online, use is taken. It is noted that, in the formulation of this
paper, the method used theorizing Dubin. According to the
above research on the topic of research, carried out can be
outlined as follows: Cox and Dale (2002), the main factors of
quality, design and use of the website began. They found that,
clarity of purpose, content, customer service, general
questions, customer relations, reliability, policies and
standards, to deliver information, products and services, fill
out the search form, communication and feedback Site Map
key factors in designing a business website requirements.
Jamal and Naser (2002), to assess customer satisfaction and
retail banking began. They found that the customer receives
the service, consent will; most likely, have to repeat your
purchase and the content will announce to the others, as if to
express discontent through advertising word of mouth, pass on
their negative experiences, and customers will be excluded
from the sum. Arnott & Bridgewater (2002), examines the role
of the Internet, and to engage in paid marketing. According to
the Internet environment, a new component to the marketing
mix, were introduced, these factors include price, product,
promotion, distribution and customer relationships. The
emphasis on customer relations, this article further, and other
hybrids, the normal components are mixed. Customer
relationships, including obtaining feedback from their online
services to customers, clients and community issues, and
customer relationship management systems. Mohammad (
2002), the results of his studies on the marketing mix, in the
book " Internet Marketing " was released. She components of
internet marketing, including interactive communication,
custom manufacturing, brand, distribution, customer
community, communication, price and product knows.
Cheung and Lee (2005), the asymmetric effect of website


attribute performance on customer satisfaction began. The

relationship between consumer satisfaction and quality
perception exists in our model is presented. The quality of its
review on the topic of information systems and services are
concentrated. Haron & Razzaque (2008) examined the impact
of participation in virtual communities on the Internet have a
tendency to purchase. They state that, virtual networks,
allowing consumers online are the ideas, opinions and
information about products and services, to share and
exchange. In this model, trust in online shopping is an
important factor in creating desire, which, in turn, can affect
socio -demographic factors, bond strength in relationships,
Join duration of the network and its interaction consistency
and social networks. Kim and Gupta (2009), to compare the
purchasing decision, the actual and potential clients tackle
shop. The model proposed by these two, price and perceived
risk are factors that affect the perceived value, and the desire
to make a purchase. Jeong and Lee (2010), to assess customer
satisfaction and loyalty appliances, the shopping began. They
are represented in the model, customer loyalty, satisfaction, he
will be directly affected. In other words, if the customer does
not achieve the required level of satisfaction among buyers is
considered loyal, and will do regular shopping. Managing
customer satisfaction, service quality is affected by that, he
has received. The quality of the model by including factors
such as tangibility, accountability, stability and continuity is to
have interaction. Heindl & Vallappali (2010), examines the
paid marketing through Facebook. He found that, although
other virtual networks such as my space also exist, but factors
such as number more than 500 million users on Facebook, it
owns more preferable, is to do business. The author argues
that, Facebook helps simply not interested in customers, and
through viral marketing and word of mouth, it expands. Also
possible to take advantage of advertising and its role, as has
been discussed. Finally, concludes that, in today's complex
world, the use of Facebook, a method very simple, cheap and
effective, to attract customers. Suresh & Shashikala (2011), to
identify the factors perceived risk in consumer attitudes
toward online shopping in India began. The studies on six
main factors of risk, as, monetary factors, behavior, language,
resources, social and psychological factors were concentrated,
and the impact of each factor on the internet purchases, has
been investigated. Finally, they concluded that the
development of online shopping, if possible, the risk perceived
by consumers decreases, and if this happens, the electronics
retailing in India, as an industry large and profitable ( for both
sides of the transaction ), will become. Saeednia and Bani
Asadi (2007), patterns of customer behavior in online
shopping, spoke. Based on this model, factors such as quality
of customer relationships, products and services, safety
perception and knowledge of the site, the impact of profits on
information and communication satisfaction, commitment to
the creation of the website, and will lead to purchase behavior.
Accordingly, purchase behavior, after the formation of beliefs
and attitudes, head knocks, and a more positive attitude, the
greater the likelihood of future purchases. Create a positive
attitude; can directly through advertising or word of mouth
marketing is needed. Khosravani and Jalali (2011), to identify
the factors affecting online shopping, and prioritize them
using fuzzy ANP began. In this study, the parameters
affecting online shopping, identify, and prioritize each were
identified. In their conceptual model, factors such as; product
features, purchase process, risk, procurement, customer

International Journal of Scientific Management and Development


International Journal of Scientific Management and Development

Vol.2(8), 353-363,August (2014)


characteristics, customer perception of buying, and

environmental factors and the effect on the two components of
"being useful "and" perceived reliability ", and the creation of
online consumers are willing to purchase, which ultimately
will lead to Internet shopping. In the meantime, the results
indicate that the risk of buying and purchase process, the most
important influencing factors on online shopping are. Gilani
and Qanbarinejad (2010), The Effect of Internet Marketing
Mix, the willingness to buy cosmetic, deal. In this study, the
effect of the marketing mix including product, price,
distribution, rather, tend to buy Web Design and Internet
Security, in the form of a conceptual model is investigated.
Although research on cosmetic - focused model that can be
used for other goods and services are also considered. Finally,
the study concludes that between internet marketing mix
variables, and willingness to buy online direct and significant
relationship exists.

5) The presence of e -commerce systems, and internet

shopping, what relationship there?
6) The perceived value, and shopping, what relationship there?
3. Methodology
The study, based on the application, and depending on the data
type descriptive survey, in which the conceptual model of
consumer behavior in online shopping, and evaluate it from
the perspective of online shoppers using correlation and
specifically, based on structural equation modeling, which
deals . Spearman correlation test, because the data of nonnormal distribution was used. And finally, for the detection of
optimization models, the software AMOS, a structural
equation model of relations among variables were of. To
check whether a particular model, in comparison with other
models of may be explained in terms of a set of the observed
data, as well as to result , the fitness values of soft Index
(NFI), comparative fit index (RFI), increasing the fitness
index (IFI) and the comparative fitness index (CFI), has been
used. The data in this study, including Internet shoppers,
2. Research questions
The main objective of this study provides a model of
these are the people, familiar enough with the process of
consumer behavior in online shopping is, and why questions,
buying from the internet, and preferably also had the
are discussed.
experience of online shopping. (It should be said that for the
First question: components of consumer behavior in online
components and model number of a hundred thousand emails,
shopping, what are they?
the actual buyers of the Internet, was sent across the country,
Second question: What can be the role model for consumer
that the number of valid responses received, the number is
behavior in online shopping has to offer?
599). Intelligence data to test the hypothesis that a Q is said of
To answer these questions (questions one and two), detailed
the questionnaire, based on 42 items produced, arranged and
questions are discussed below:
sent to online shoppers, the research methodology is based on
1) Between internet marketing mix and perceived value, what
field research. In the end, the content of this section should be
relationship there?
said that, structure, responding to questionnaires, responded to
2) The virtual social networks (Internet), and perceived value,
choose between a range of numbers one to ten, from very low
what relationship there?
to very high, so the data if possible, to become normal
3) The factors affecting the risk, and do the shopping, what
distribution. For validity, content validity and face are
relationship there?
adequate and appropriate. Because of three professors, who
4) Between customer satisfaction and continued shopping,
have been active on this issue, it has been found, to check the
what relationship there?
validity of this questionnaire, the method of calculating
Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used.
Table 1: Results Cronbach's alpha coefficients for each of the components
Number of questions
0.875 3-6-7-9-10-13-14-16-17-1814
Marketing Mix
0.839 22-24-25-26-27-28-29-30
Risk and trust
0.871 31-32-33-34
Social Networks
0.788 5-8-11-15-16-17-21-37
0.634 38-39
E-Commerce Systems
0.562 7-14-18-39
Compared with other methods of
General questions
Accordingly, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the entire 42- item questionnaire, the 0.928, which shows a high correlation with
each other's questions. The values obtained, it can be
normality of the variables, and then convert it, normally
concluded that the questionnaire used in this research
created regression models to test the hypotheses to be done.
credentials necessary to be.
A-1) to investigate the normality of variables:
4. Analysis of data
Before assumptions are necessary, to test the normality of the
To answer the first question and the second survey
variables. For this purpose, non-parametric, test Kolmogorovquestionnaire was used. Questions in the questionnaire for the
Smirnov use. In this test, the following hypotheses are
analysis of six questions related details (detailed questions 1 to
6), was used. Furthermore, the statistical analysis of the
questionnaire expressed. To this end, we first assessed the
With the above analysis, the following results are obtained:
International Journal of Scientific Management and Development



International Journal of Scientific Management and Development

Vol.2(8), 353-363,August (2014)
Table 2: Overall results of test Kolmogorov - Smirnov, to check the normality of variables
Suppose approved
p-value (sig)



According to the results above, none of the variables studied,
the 0.05 = normal, not because of their p-value less than
0.05. Thus, in the regression model, the hypotheses 1 to 6, to
be followed by the conversion of normal.
A-2) to investigate the correlation between variables:
Because data collected in this questionnaire are not normal,
the Spearman correlation coefficient to assess the correlation
between variables can be used. Hypothesis of this test is as

Therefore, if the p-value is from 0.05 is less, causing the

rejection of H0 will assume, then, that the correlations for the
variables to be approved.
A. 3) review and analysis, analysis questions
The first research question is: Consumer behavior
To answer these questions, two things took place, according to
the theoretical background of the study, all factors in
Table 3: Results of Spearman correlation test

The text of the research hypothesis


The first question



The second



The third question



The fourth question



The Fifth Question



The sixth question



The marketing mix

Perceived value
Comparison with other
0.000 Electronic Systems
0.000 Buy
0.000 Satisfactory method
0.000 Continuing to buy
consumer behavior and shopping, were studied. Based on the
findings of the second chapter, the main activities were
divided into the following three categories:
A- Activity before shopping: Includes marketing mix (of
product, price, distribution, promotion, customer relations and
website), risk (personality factors, monetary, product,
distribution, security and privacy); online social network
(members of the social interactions and quality and technical
services, social networking), e -commerce systems are worth.
B- After purchasing activities including customer satisfaction
(product-related factors, factors related to the quality and
information systems, and factors related to after-sales
services), which can create loyalty, will lead to continued
C- When purchasing activities, including shopping is done. In
the case of each of these components, as described in Chapter
II was speaking.
The second steps, in order to answer these questions, six
questions raised are minor. Data from the questionnaire,
number one, for this purpose were collected and analyzed.
There is a significant level of 0.05 less; we conclude that,
among the variables statistically, there is no significant

Between internet marketing mix and perceived

value, whether there is a relationship
Virtual social networks (Internet), and
perceived value, what relationship there?
Among the factors affecting risk, and shopping,
what relationship there?
Between satisfaction and continued purchasing,
what relationship there?
The existence of e-commerce systems, and
internet shopping, what relationship there?
Between value perception and shopping, what
relationship there?

Results from Table 3 indicate that, at a significance level of

less than significant 0.05, so we can conclude that the
variables are statistically significant relationship exists.
According to the results of the above tests, the detailed
questions 1 to 6 is indicated, the components of Internet
shopping, as well as theoretical studies, and history was
marked study also included these factors: marketing mix, the
risk of online social networks, perceived value, e-commerce


system, compared to other methods, purchasing and customer

satisfaction. This can also be expressed as follows, if the
continued purchase of the output of the model is considered, it
is clear that, all other variables, in the order shown in the
above studies, together with associated, and the sum of the
components of online shopping, form. Above, and calculate
correlations of other, Spearman method, as shown in the
following table.

International Journal of Scientific Management and Development


International Journal of Scientific Management and Development

Vol.2(8), 353-363,August (2014)


Table4: Calculation of the effective correlation between variables in the model, the Spearman method.
The Soial
on with Perceived
Risk Network
to buy
e System
0.000 0.000
Second research question, is: What can be used to model
consumer behavior in online shopping has to offer? .
According to the findings of the second quarter, including
theoretical and research background, the main elements of
consumer behavior in online shopping, and the relationships
between them are identified. Relationships between variables,
as well as in response to detailed questions 1 to 6, were

Perceived vale

evaluated. After that, the original model of Figure 4 was

extracted. To achieve the final model, the results of detailed
questions 1 to 6 were used to confirm the relationship between
the components, and then using statistical methods, variables,
and application deployment into AMOS, the final model was

Figure 1: The basic model of consumer behavior in online shopping.

A-4) research model
1- Issue a detailed examination of this question, the following
models were examined:
Marketing Mix

Estimated by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between

these two variables is equal to 0.485., this correlation is a
positive value, which confirms the positive correlation

Social Networks

Estimated by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between

these two variables is equal to 0.0290., this correlation is a
positive value, which confirms the positive correlation

Perceived value

between these two variables, and its value at 0.05 =, is

significant because the p-value of less than 0.05.
2 - Two-part question: In these questions, the following
models were examined:
Perceived value

between these two variables, and its value at 0.05=, is

significant because the p-value of less than 0.05.

International Journal of Scientific Management and Development



International Journal of Scientific Management and Development

Vol.2(8), 353-363,August (2014)
3 - Minor Question number three: In this question, the
Perceived value

Estimated by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between

these two variables is equal -0.258. This correlation is a
negative value, which confirms the negative correlation
Customer Satisfaction

Spearman correlation coefficients were estimated between

these two variables is equal to 0.522. This correlation is a
positive value, which confirms the positive correlation

following models were examined:

Factors influencing the

between these two variables, and its value at = 0.05 is

significant because the p-value of less than 0.05.
4 - Minor question number four: In this question, the
following models were examined:
Continuing to

5 - Minor Question Number Five: In this question, the

following models were examined:

between these two variables, and its value at = 0.05 is

significant because the p-value of less than 0.05
E-commerce system

Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was estimated,

between these two variables is equal to 0.145. This correlation
is a positive value, which confirms the positive correlation


between these two variables and their values, the level =

0.05 is significant because the p-value of less than 0.05.
6 - Minor Question number six: In this question, the following
models were examined:


Spearmans rank correlation coefficient was estimated,

between these two variables is equal to 0.297., this correlation
is a positive
value, which confirms the positive correlation between these
two variables, and its value at = 0.05 is significant, since the
p-value of less than 0.05.
Tip: Check the detailed questions 1 to 6 show the relationships
between the components of the model, and to what extent
there is a correlation. This relationship is maintained in the
final model.
A.5) into variables, and normality tests are:
According to test results Kolmogorov - Smirnov, in Table 1,
none of the variables studied, the 0.05 = normal, not because
of all the p-value of less than 0.05. Thus, in the regression
models, the study of detailed questions 1 to 6 should be
looking to change them, which is normal. For this reason, the
following transformation of variables to consider:

Perceived value

Y6=(((Electronic Systems) )
Y7=(((Perceived Value) )
Y8=((.1*((Buy) ))
Y9=((.4*((Continuig to buy))+5) )
In the above equations, the order of , making first-order
difference is that for a sequence {x1, x2, xn}, the function is
defined as follows:({x_1,..,x_n})={x_2-x_1,,x_n-x_(n-1)}
Difference -making causes, rather than to examine variables,
let's examine the changes in these variables. With this view,
back when the dependent variable changes by changing the
independent variable to be analyzed, it changed its dependent
variable is also dependent on review and interpretation is,
thus, making a difference, can be variables instead of your
review (which was normal), to study the changes (which is
normal), payment. Thus, the interpretations of the model
variables (continuous, shopping, etc.) are established for the
modified variables Y1, Y2, etc., will also be established.
However, using Kolmogorov- Smirnov, normal variables Y1,

Table 5: The overall results of the test Kolmogorov - Smirnov tested for normality conversions
p-value (sig)
0.347 The marketing mix
0.058 Risk
0.229 Network
0.202 Perceived value
0.104 Comparison with other methods
0.06 Electronic Systems
0.911 Buy
0.295 Satisfactory method
0.056 Continuing to buy
International Journal of Scientific Management and Development




International Journal of Scientific Management and Development

Vol.2(8), 353-363,August (2014)
The results in Table 4, are presented. The results of this table,
it can be seen, all variables in the 0.05= normal, because the pvalue for all of them, more than 0.05. Thus, in the regression
model, the hypotheses, the transformation of Y1, Y9 use.

A.6) and path analysis model, based on statistical data

After identifying the components and the relationships
between them, and turn it, turn it statistical model. For this
purpose, we used AMOS software. The following model,
Figure 2, which is part of the basic model, we can analyze:

Table 6: Characteristics of the studied variables

Characteristics measured
Continuous quantitative
Continuous quantitative
Continuous quantitative
Continuous quantitative
Continuous quantitative
Continuous quantitative
Continuous quantitative
Continuous quantitative
Continuous quantitative

The variables in the



The marketing mix
Perceived value
Comparison with other methods
Electronic Systems
Satisfactory method
Continuing to buy

Figure 2: The basic model of

Then, to evaluate the appropriateness of this model, we
AMOS software. The Amos path analysis model, show that
there is a linear relationship, as shown by the arrows are
unidirectional. Numbers written on one side of the line of
regression coefficients are estimated by Amos. For example,
the number on the arrow between the variables Y1 and Y7 is

the regression coefficient expressing the relationship between

these variables, which is equivalent to 0.12, is, and Y7 number
written on the top rectangle represents the variance this
variable. The order of the variables e1, error terms, which
introduce the model, using AMOS, should be considered.

Figure 3: The basic model is statistical.

That is, the model can be seen, the regression coefficient of
is the dependent variable. After that, the marketing mix, a
the variable Y3 (independent variable), and (dependent
factor of 0.12, and the risk factor of 0.07 are. In the following
variable) Y7 0.84, which indicates that these variables have a
output, AMOS, we describe the model. The following table
greater impact on the estimated, and explain the performance
displays the regression coefficients estimated by Amos
Table 7: Basic curve by regression coefficients
Regression equation

Estimates of regression coefficients


International Journal of Scientific Management and Development




International Journal of Scientific Management and Development

Vol.2(8), 353-363,August (2014)
For this model, when the two statistics levels, equal to 34.150,
3 degrees of freedom and a significance level equal to 0.000.
Since the significance level is less than 0.05, we conclude that

the fitted regression model, the independent variables and the

dependent variables is significant. Amos outputs, in
considering the appropriateness of the model are as follows:

Table 8: Output of the appropriateness of the primary statistical model

In this table, the variables RFI, AGFI, GFI NFI, IFI, the
numbers are large, they point to the model, the RMSEA
statistic of the 0.05is lower, and then the model is an
acceptable model. General model: the basic model by





identifying and using the results of the general model and the
extracted data, are as follows. General model of path analysis
is as follows:

Figure 4: Final model statistics.

As in Figure 4, can be seen, social networks, with a regression
coefficient of 0.69, the risk factor of 0.17 and the marketing
mix, a factor of 0.16, the factors affecting perceived value,
make up . These factors also correlate with each other. The
correlation coefficient between the marketing mix, and risks
0.23, which shows how a mixed rate, the higher the price, the
risk to the product will be higher. The correlation coefficient
between risk and social networks, -0.13 and -0.02 is the mix of
marketing and social networking, which reflects the negative
impact on one another. As much advice as members of social

networks, is more positive about the product, the risk

associated with the product will be less. Perceived value, ecommerce systems, and compared with other methods of
purchase, the regression coefficients, 0.68, 0.51 and 0.36, the
highest level of effectiveness, the components are done
shopping. Internet shopping, with a regression coefficient of
0.45, the satisfaction, and satisfaction with the factor 0.52, the
continuity of their purchase, and so the model of consumer
behavior, are completed.In the following output, AMOS, we

Table 9: Statistical regression coefficients of the final model

Regression equation
Table 9, the regression coefficients estimated by Amos
displays. For this model, when the two statistics levels, equal
to 39.133, and 5 degrees of freedom, and significance level
equal to 0.000. Since the significance level is less than 0.05,
we conclude that the fitted regression model, the independent
variables and the dependent variables is significant.



The second column of the output, the estimated regression

coefficient between the two variables shows. And the last
column, the significant coefficients in the regression
relationship between the two variables shows that the
coefficients on the surface are significant. Amos output, in
considering the appropriateness of the model is as follows.

Table 10: Output of the appropriateness of the statistical model

In this table, the variables RFI, AGFI, GFI, NFI, IFI numbers
value of 0.05 is lower, and then the model is an excellent
are large, they point to the model, the statistics of RMSEA, a
International Journal of Scientific Management and Development


International Journal of Scientific Management and Development

Vol.2(8), 353-363,August (2014)
According to the results of theoretical and research
background, as well as statistical data analysis, and testing
detailed questions, the final model was obtained, which, as
noted above, it can be a model gave an excellent evaluation.
5. Conclusion
New technologies and culminating in information technology,
various aspects of human life, have changed. Technology
growth rate is very high, and every day, we are witnessing the
emergence of a new and innovative system, which quickly
takes the place of the previous examples, and their effects on
the leaves. Maybe the Internet, can be a very prominent IT
knew that his rise rapidly in various fields, has led to the
transformation. Today, many businesses based on IT and
Internet networks established, and are growing rapidly, and
every day the number of these businesses is increasing. Buy or
sell, or trade via the Internet, one of the most important
businesses that, due to information technology, is formed.
Statistics indicate increasing electronic commerce, and
activists in this area requires appropriate management and
marketing methods, it is because e- commerce is very different
than traditional methods, and the need specific management
tools, is. E-marketing, perhaps the appropriate response to this
growing need, but it should be noted that any marketing plan
should be based on the study of consumer behavior to take
place, to be successful. The secret to success in the new world
of business, a detailed understanding of consumer behavior,
the consumer needs to be aware of in order to achieve correct
and effective marketing plan, and asked him to demand, in
order to meet organizational goals. Consumer behavior is also
influenced by many factors, internal and external, is located.
Information technology, consumer behavior is influenced
through various means, including easy access appropriate
information she may have. Social networks based on the
Internet makes communication more people, regardless of
when and where the boundaries are. All this makes to
consumer behavior, very different than it is something that we
saw in the past. Consumer due to the communication and
other features through the IT business, and today operates a
smarter, more powerful, and consumer behavior is that
organizations will be affected. Given the above, the main
objective of this research is to study consumer behavior in
online shopping, and providing a model for it. To this end,
three fundamental questions arise: 1 - components of
consumer behavior patterns, which are in shopping? 2- What
can be the role model for consumer behavior in online
shopping has to offer? 3 - Does the proposed model, from the
perspective of population, is appropriate?
To answer the first two questions, the review of the theoretical
and research background, the six examination component
(detailed questions 1 to 6) was introduced, based on a
questionnaire with 42 items, preparation of data of the
population, including online real buyers were collected. Based
on studies done on the theoretical foundations and related
studies, as well as inventory data, initial mining model, and
then based on statistical data, modeling was performed. Then,
each of the questions, we examined separately.
My first question is this: is the component model of
consumer behavior in online shopping which there is."
To answer this question, according to theoretical principles
and research background model components include: 1 - the
marketing mix, 2 - Risk Factors, 3 - social networks, Internet,
4 - Perceived value, 5 - e-commerce systems and 5 - customer


satisfaction extracted and then evaluated using detailed

questions 1 to 6.
1. One minor issue is the question of whether between
internet marketing mix, and the perceived value of what
relationship there."
2. Question number two is part of the virtual social networks
(Internet), and perceived value, what relationship is there."
3. Trivial question number three is simply that: Among the
factors affecting the risk and do the shopping, what
relationship is there."
4. Trivial question number four is simply that: between
customer satisfaction and continued shopping, what
relationship is there."
5. Trivial question number five, is the fact that the existence
of e -commerce systems, and internet shopping, what
relationship is there."
6. Trivial question number six, is the fact that " the perceived
value, and shopping, what relationship is there."
Findings from the first to the sixth hypothesis, suggests that
respectively between internet marketing mix and perceived
value ; between virtual social networks (Internet), and the
perceived value, the factors affecting the risk, and do the
shopping, the buying customer satisfaction and continuity, the
existence of e-commerce systems, and internet shopping, and
the perceived value, and Internet shopping, according to the
significance level ( 0.000, 0.000; 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000),
and the level of acceptable error (0.05) and 0.95 have a
meaningful relationship with both requirements. The
hypothesis H1, indicating that there is a connection, it is
Based on these findings, the main component of the consumer
behavior in online shopping has been established.
Second research question: is: What can be used to model
consumer behavior in online shopping has to offer? .
Since the construction of any model, identifying its
components, and the relationships that are established between
the components is possible, therefore, part of the answer, it
must be part of the 6 questions (detailed questions 1 to 6) this
frame. On this question, in addition to the components of the
model were identified relationships, it was shown that the
expression of differentiation are:
1 - Number One minor question, based on the statistical
results shown in Table 3, Spearman correlation coefficient
between two variables, perceived value, and Marketing Mix
equal to 0.485, which indicates a significant statistical
relationship between the two components.
2 - Two -part question, based on the statistical results shown
in Table 3, Spearman correlation coefficient between two
variables, perceived value, and online social networks, equal
to 0.290, which is shown represents a significant statistical
relationship between the two components.
3 - Minor question number three, based on the statistical
results shown in Table 3, Spearman correlation coefficient
between two variables, perceived value, and factors affecting
risk is equal -0.258, which represents significant relationship
between these two components.
4 - Minor Question Number Four, based on the statistical
results shown in Table 3, Spearman correlation coefficient
between the two variables of customer satisfaction and
continued shopping, equal to 0.522, which indicates a
significant relationship between it has two components.
5 - Trivial question number five, based on the statistical
results, shown in Table 3, Spearman correlation coefficient

International Journal of Scientific Management and Development


International Journal of Scientific Management and Development

Vol.2(8), 353-363,August (2014)
between the two variables e-commerce systems, and the
purchase is equal to 0.145, which indicates a significant
relationship difference between the two components.
6 - Minor question number six, based on the statistical results
shown in Table 3, Spearman correlation coefficient between
two variables, perceived value, and purchase is equal to 0.297,
which indicates a significant relationship between the two
According to the above results, the relationships between
model elements are specified. Also, studies have been done on
the theoretical foundations and related research, led to the
initial model, the figure was 1. This model was analyzed by
AMOS software, to obtain the final model options.
To build a statistical model, the estimated parameters were
used or converted. First, Figure 2, as the basic model, we
analyze the route. Thus resulting as basic statistical graphs in
Figure 3 was presented. This model is based on regression
results in Table 7, relationships between variables, the model
is identified. The coefficients of the model shows that the
networks by a factor of 0.84, the greatest impact on the
perceived value, and then the marketing mix, a factor of 0.12,
and the risk factor of 0.07 is located. Who statistic levels both for the model 34/150, the degrees of freedom equal to the
significance level of 3 or P-Value is equal to 0.000 of the
show, the 0.05 =, regression equation model, significant it is.
In addition, the output of software AMOS, in Table 8, shows
that, on the occasion of a great model, because it RMSA equal
to 0.032 is.
After obtaining these results, the second part of the model, ie,
Figure 4 was analyzed. Table 9, the results of the regression
coefficient, the model suggests. Based on the model, the value
of the confluence of three mix, risks and social networks,
which have regression coefficients, 0.16, 0.17, 0.69, they are
supposed to be. Highest impact on the perceived value, the
social network, and then ventures and hybrids are located. The
factors affecting the value are correlated with each other.
Thus, a positive correlation between mixed and risks, and the
risks and networks, and integration into the social network, the
correlation coefficient is negative, meaning that the effects of
these images together. Perceived value with regression
coefficient 0.68, the electronic trading system, with a
regression coefficient of 0.51, and comparison shopping, by a
factor of 0.36, respectively, have the greatest impact on
Internet shopping. Internet shopping, the following regression
model with 0.45, the satisfaction and the components of the
regression coefficients, 0.52, the continuity affect our
purchase. These components and the relationships model of
consumer behavior, statistics of the amount of makeup... Who
- Two for the Model 39.133, equal to 5 degrees of freedom,
and significance level or P-Value, the with 0.000, which
indicates the level of 0.05 =a, regression equation model is
significant. In addition, the output of software Amos Table 10,
shows that, on the occasion of a great model, because it
RMSA equal to 0.044 is.
Thus, as noted above, the proposed model can be used as an
excellent model for consumer behavior in online shopping has
to offer, why not just based on theory and past research, it is
plausible that, Statistical findings also confirmed it considers
A-1) to discuss and interpret the findings
The main objective of this research is to extract and model of
consumer behavior in online shopping, and based on studies
on theoretical principles, and background research were, first,


first proposed - Figure 1 -, were extracted, and the data

analysis, and statistical analysis of the proposed model,
finally, the original model - figure 4 -, respectively. In this
episode, the final model, and alignment or lack thereof with
other research, will tell stories. Internet shopping is one of the
models by Kim and Gupta (2009), is presented, in this model,
the role of the price, which is a component of the marketing
mix, the shopping was mentioned. In the final model,
according to studies, online marketing mix factors, entirely
located in the model. On the content of such Web sites, and
information security, according to research by Cox and Dale
(2002), is emphasized. Arnott & Bridgewater (2002),
customer relations, as well as mixed factors were introduced,
the final model, were considered, but the lack of attention to
their issues, website or social networking online, in the final
model, a more complete discussion is presented. Mohammad.
(2002), as well as the online marketing mix, reading, and take
on a role alongside other components, note that, in the final
model, Brand Marketing Review, 3, and the value is in the
heart. Haron & Razzaque (2008), about the impact of virtual
communities on the internet shopping has been studied. The
final model of the effect of the existence of social networks is
consistent with this study, but the impact of these networks,
the trust and the willingness to buy, have presented, but in the
final model, the network social influence on the initial impact,
which in turn can create a desire to purchase. Heindl &
Vallappali (2010), as well as the role of Facebook as a social
network internet marketing has been noted, but the final model
of social networks, and its effect on measures of perceived
value. Risk factors, has been the subject of numerous studies,
which together have many similarities, including Samadi &
Yaghoob-Nejadi (2009), the impact on the willingness to buy
risky, are examined, and their components, are all considered
in the final model. Was in, including the monetary factors.
Social factors mentioned in the above model, we impact of
online social networks, the deployment risk, because online
shoppers, the greater the influence of the network, and the
Internet community. Value in the model of Kim and Gupta
(2009) and Suresh & Shashikala model (2011) is presented.
Moreover, the final model was considered and emphasized,
while the overall look of the model 3 also had marketing and
the issues raised by Kotler (2006), the customer, and the value
of the willingness to buy him the model is located. Another
difference in the final model, as it does with the perceived
value, the above models have been proposed, there is the
expected value and role, previous experience and imagery in
its pathogenesis. Many models, including models of Kim and
Gupta (2009), Model Saeednia and Bani Asadi (2007), Model
Gilani and Ghanbarinejad (2010) model, Khosravani and Jalali
(2011), only to purchase the reviewed have been, since
consumer behavior is the process of purchase, the final model,
a more complete picture of consumer behavior shows, and in
this sense, the model Christy (2002), better alignment, because
both models, activities before, during and after shopping there.
Activities after the purchase, the consumer evaluation, and the
process begin with the purchase and received the product, and
subject satisfaction, are involved. Chang and Lee (2005),
satisfaction in e-commerce, affects the quality of information,
systems, and services they know that this issue has been
considered in our model, in addition, the product and after
sales service, as well as factors in satisfaction, is added to the
final model. Jamal and Naser (2002), expressed the
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