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Name of School: Kaong Elementary School

Grade level: Grade II

Name of the teacher: Joyce Ann May D. Bautista

Date: August 17, 2016

Duration (minutes/hours): 50 mins




Learning Area: English

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Organize the events in the story read.
Demonstrate ways on how they can show their humility.
Write a paragraph about their own experiences that is related to the story read.
Subject Matter
A. Lesson: Sequencing of events
B. Materials:
Pictures: With the aid of picture the students will be able to see clearly what is
being talked about. As well as, to cater the visual learners.
Book: It is for the story telling.
C. References:

Teachers Activity
Students Activity
A. Preparation
a. Daily Routine
A. Greetings
Good morning class
Good morning Maam
B. Prayer
Let us pray first
(One student will lead the prayer)
C. Checking of Attendance
Ms. Secretary, may I know who are the (The secretary will stand and tell who are the
absentees for today?
b. Review
Group Activity
Distribute pictures of jumbled sequence
of how a seed grow to each group.
How does a seed grow? Arrange the
pictures in the correct order to show
how a seed grows.

Very good! You still remember our

previous lesson. So now we can proceed.
c. Motivation
(Show picture of Tortoise and Hare)

Hare is like a rabbit and tortoise is like a turtle.

Describe the physical appearance of each.
Compare their ability to move.
Unlocking of Difficulties:
Hare-a fast animal that resembles a rabbit
Tortoise- a kind of turtle that lives on land
Meadow- a usually flat area of land that is
covered with tall grass
Mock- to laugh at or make fun of (someone
or something) especially by copying an action
or a way of behaving or speaking
Tease-to laugh at and criticize
B. Presentation
a. Lesson Proper
(Call a volunteers from the class to read
the story in a segmented way.)
Class, be ready to answer the questions

related to the story.

The Hare and the Tortoise
Once a hare was walking near a meadow at
the side of a hill. Suddenly he saw a tortoise
and mocked at him saying. Hurry up, you
slow coach! Dont you find life very dull
taking so long to cover a few yards? I could
have run to the other side of the hill now. The
tortoise felt teased and dared to a race. The race
was to be through road to fixed goal.
What is the title of the story?
Who was walking near the meadow
at the side of the hill?
What did he say to the tortoise?

The Hare and the Tortoise

Hurry up, you slow coach! Dont you find life
very dull taking so long to cover a few yards? I
could have run to the other side of the hill
Tortoise dared to a race with Hare.

What did the tortoise do after the

hare teased him?
Do you think the hare would accept
the dare of the tortoise?

The hare agreed laughingly. In a few

minutes he was away and out of sight. A
funny race it is! he said to himself, I am
already half-way through. But it is too cold;
why not have a nap in the warm sunshine?

He took a nap.

What did the Hare do after reaching the He may lose the race.
half way of the race?
What will happen if the hare continues to

The tortoise walked steadily on and on. In

a short time, he passed by the sleeping hare.


The tortoise walked steadily on and on.

What did the tortoise do after seeing the
sleeping hare?
Do you think the hare is still sleeping?

Do you think the hare finish the race?

The hare slept for longer than he had

intended. When he woke up at last, he looked
around in surprise and said to himself. Not
even a sigh of the poor tortoise anywhere so
far; I had better trot along and finish the race.

Who do you think wins the race?

The hare ran to the goal. He was amazed to see

all the animals cheering the tortoise that had
arrived just a minute earlier. How ashamed he
felt indeed!


Who won the race?

How did the tortoise win the race?

What did the hare and the tortoise does first

in the story read?
What happened at the end of the story?
What did the hare do after reaching half
way of the race?

Tortoise walked on and on while Hare was

The hare and the tortoise had a race.

The tortoise won the race.
The hare took a nap.
1. The hare and the tortoise had a race.
2. The hare took a nap.
3. The tortoise won the race.

Look at your answers, which happened first

in the story? Which comes next? Which
comes last? Are the events arranged from
first to last?
b. Generalization
Okay! It seems that you really
understand the story. Can somebody
What did we do with the important
events that happen in the story?
Which do you like, the hare or the
tortoise? Why?

We arrange the events from first to last/in the

order it happened in the story.
Tortoise, because he doesnt quit nor regret to
have race with Hare even he knows that Hare
can ran faster than him.
Do not be boastful, because can hurt others and
Ill never know what may happen.

What lesson does the story give us?


Group Activity:
(Count 1-3 for the Groupings)
Organize the pictures according to
which happened first, next, and last.

Individual Activity:
Write a paragraph about your own
experiences that is related to the story of
The Hare and the Tortoise.


A. Individual Activity:
Read the story carefully then organize the three important events in the order they
One morning, father and Carol decided to build a swing at the backyard.
Father started to build the swing while Carol assists his father. After an hour, the
swing was ready. Carol really enjoyed the swing ride.
Write numbers 1-3 in the blank.
_____ Carol enjoyed the swing ride.
_____ Father and Carol decided to build a swing in the backyard.
______After an hour, the swing.

Group Activity: Role play

Demonstrate the ways you how you can show your humility or being humble to
others in a given scenario. (The class will be group by counting 1-3)

Group 1
You win the contest, and your opponent cries.
Group 2
You lose the contest, but you want the prize.
Group 3
Youre the only that got the perfect score in your exam.



In your assignment notebook, list down the things you do before going to school in the
proper order.

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