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1 *
- Added TActvieBullet.Owner property (Read only)
- Added Script.OnUnhandledException
- Modified optimized bullet collisions
- Modified optimized object collisions
- Modified TPlayer.Alive, Admin, Human and Dummy properties to also check if pla
yer is active and return accordingly.
- Modified TActivePlayer.Deaths is now Read-Write
- Modified Script.OnHandledException to be a procedure instead of function
- Modified SC3 exception handler now unloads the script if exception is thrown
- Modifeid SC3 exception handler should output more meaningful messages, even wi
th debug mode off
- Modified removed the infamous explosive weapon hardcoded damage
- Modified removed infinite saw ammo
- Modified TPlayer.Kick, added Reason parameter
- Modified TPlayers.Add, added JoinType parameter
- Modified damage calculations to use hitbox modifiers now provided by WM file
- Modified WM file values are now not altered by soldat in any way
- Modified WM file now supports decimal values
- Modified Health and Vest are now stored as decimal values
- Modified TPlayer.Health type is now Single
- Modified TPlayer.OnDamage event now accepts Damage parameter as Single instead
of Integer, return type changed accordingly
- Fixed adminport was not synchronized with main thread
- Fixed issues with SC3 FileAPI sometimes not working properly
- Fixed Script.Unload() and Script.Recompile() either not working or crashing
- Fixed SC3 OnException message sometimes being empty
- Fixed SC3 OnKill provided WeaponID value instead of BulletID
- Fixed ForceWeapon sometimes didn't apply ammo
- Fixed PascalCompiler clearing defines defined by pascalscript (MSWINDOWS, LINU
- Fixed TPlayer.OnVoteKickStart crashing when vote started by the server due to
cheat detection
- Fixed bots using kill taunt on selfkill
- Fixed hitbox modifier values were not synchronized over the network
- Fixed SC3 script recompilation crashed the server when the new version had com
pile time errors.

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