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Tape Script for Review B

Untuk guru: Guru dapat memanfaatkan soal REVIEW berikut untuk mengukur tingkat kompetensi siswa.
Review unit ini terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu soal pilihan ganda (mencakup listening dan reading) dan soal
tertulis. Berikut teks yang dibaca guru pada Listening Section.
This dialog is for question 1.
: Mommy, where are you?
Mother : Im right here. Whats up?
: Mom, I got a job! Ive just got a call from the company that I was applied for!
Mother : Thats wonderful! Congratulations, then.
Question : What are the speakers talking about?
This dialog is for questions 2 and 3.
Girl : Done!
Boy : You look happy. Whats up?
Girl : I finally put the PC together!
Boy : Whats so hard about that? You only have to connect the monitor to the CPU, connect the power and turn
it on.
Girl : The UPS confused me. Ive never had one before.
Boy : Good for you then.
What are the speakers talking about?
How is the girls feeling?
This text is for questions 4 and 5.
Once upon a time there lived a father with his sons. However, they could not live in peace and harmony
since the sons were always fighting. The father had no luck trying to stop their arguments with words, so he
decided to teach them a lesson.
One day he told his sons to bring him a bunch of sticks. He took the sticks and gave them to his eldest
son and asked him to break them. The eldest son tried with all his strength, but was not able to do it. The other
sons tried and were also unsuccessful. The father then said, My sons, if you are of one mind and unite to assist
each other, you will be like these sticks together; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as
easily as a single stick.
Source: Achmad Doddy, Ahmad Sugeng, Effendi, Developing English Competencies for Grade X, Jakarta, Pusat Perbukuan
Depdiknas, 2008.

What is the story about?
What moral value can you learn from the story?

Mata Pelajaran


Bahasa Inggris

: X
Semester : 1 (satu)


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan


E. A father should give a good lesson for his


Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.


This is the end of the listening section.

Listening Section

1. A. Dialing someone.
Getting a new job.
Telling about good news.
Informing a new company.
Telling about a phone call.


This text is for questions 6 and 7.

Attention please,
It has just been found a watch in the school yard. The
watch is round with brown leather band. Its brand
name is Quartz and the numbers are typed in Roman.
For you who lost it, please contact Mr. Ardian in the
teachers office during the breaks.
Thank you.

2. A. Putting a personal computer together.

Connecting a computer to a printer.
Turning on a personal computer.
Buying a personal computer.
Fixing a broken computer.
3. A.

Confused. B.
Pleased. D.


4. A. A father and his sons who lived happily.

A father and his sons who
were often
C. The value of a bunch of sticks.
D. A good lesson for naughty sons.
E. A kind father and his good boys.
5. A.

Reading Section

What is the purpose of the text?

To announce a missing thing.
To tell how to get something.
To describe something.
To announce a found thing.
To advertise something.

7. These are the characteristics of the watch, except

the numbers are typed in Roman
its band is made of leather
it is a product of Quartz
it has a round shape
its color is brown

We may have different opinions.

As brotherhood, we should unite.
We all have rights to live peacefully.
A child should obey what his/her father says.

This text is for questions 8 and 9.

Have you already had the book entitled Words

and Their Usages? It belongs to the series of Enrich
Your Grammar. If you havent, youd better had it now.
Do you know why? This book attempts to educate the
readers on the appropriate use of English words and
phrases in various contexts. As you know, words are
the basic components of a language, and a proper
understanding of their functions and applications can
substantially enhance fluency.
One more thing, each chapter is followed by
exercises designed to test and enhance the readers

meeting mighty quick and flew over to the field to eat

some corn.
Caw-n, caw-n, they cackled excitedly.
The old rooster woke up to their activities and
started to crow excitedly to the sleeping family. Wake
up, wake up, wake up!
The farmer and his wife just kept sleeping,
and the crows kept eating the corn.
Caw-n, caw-n, they called.
The crows are in the corn! The crows are in
the corn! The rooster cock-a-doodle-dooed with all his
The farmer kept snoring, and his wife just
rolled over and pulled the pillow over her head.
The rooster was frantic. He tried once more:
The crows are in the corn. Theyre pulling up the
The farmer and his wife kept right on sleeping.
And the crows kept right on eating.
The rooster quit crowing in disgust. Nothing
would wake the farmer and his wife.
The old turkey came strolling into the yard and
watched the proceedings. Finally, he said to the
rooster, The corns all ate up, all ate up, all ate up.
When the farmer and his wife finally rolled out
of bed, they found that the corn was all gone. That is
why in Georgia we say the crows are in the corn
when it is time to get up.

8. What is the purpose of exercises given in every

chapter of this book?
A. To show the basic components of
a language.
B. To show English words and phrases in
various contexts.
C. To give more understanding on the
functions of words.
D. To test and enhance the readers
E. To educate the readers on the appropriate
use of English words.
9. . . . by exercises designed to test and enhance
the readers comprehension. (Last sentence)
The word enhance can be best replaced by
A. narrow
B. master
C. change
D. understand
E. improve

Source: S. E. Schlosser, March 14, 2008 <http://www.american>

10. The following are TRUE about the setting of the

story, except ________.
it took place in a husbandry
it happened in the morning
it happened in Georgia
it took place in a corn field
it happened on Sunday

This text is for questions 10 to 13.

The Crows are in the Corn
It happened in Georgia not long ago that
a farmer and his wife decided to sleep late, like the
rich folk do. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, the
kind that brings all Gods creatures out to play. But not
these farm folk. No, they just slept and slept and slept.
The crows were gathered in a large oak tree,
having a big morning meeting. They noticed that there
was nobody stirring around the house, and that the
corn was ripe in the field. So they adjourned their

11. According to the text, the character of the farmer

and his wife is ________.
A. careless
B. patient
C. diligent
D. anxious
E. lazy
12. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE
according to the text?


The story took place in Georgia.

The corn had not been ready to harvest.
All the corn was eaten up by the crows.
The rooster tried to awaken the farmer and
his wife.
The saying the crows are in the corn
means it is time to wake up.

The princess was so beautiful that the angel too

fell in love with her. That made God sad and
instantly the angel was turned into a beautiful bird
which sang beautifully but everyone avoided the poor
The angel couldnt understand the reason for that
suffering. One day as the angel-bird perched on a big
tree standing on a hill in the middle of a field and
lamented its fate, four criminals came under the tree to
divide their loot. Then, they decided to send two of
them to buy some food and drink to have a feast. As
they were coming back from the city, the two criminals
decided to put poison in the food so they can divide
the loot of the other two criminals between
Coincidentally, the other two criminals decided to
kill the food bearing crooks and grab their loot too. So
they shot them. After that, they ate the food and drank
the wine and died in pain soon after that.
Thats when the angel understood the
consequences of improper, illegal desires. They
brought suffering, sorrow and death. God sent us to
this Earth to live by the law of this freedom.

13. So they adjourned their meeting mighty quick

. . . . (Paragraph 2)
What does the word adjourned mean?
A. Progressed.
B. Developed.
C. Postponed.
D. Arranged.
E. Continued.
For questions 14 and 15, choose the correct
words to complete the dialog.
Indra : Listen, Mr. Haryadi (14) ________ to my
house yesterday afternoon!
Vira : Mr. Haryadi, our PE teacher? How come?
Indra : Yes, he is. Well, he is my fathers best friend
in senior high school.
Vira : I see. So, what did you do then?
Indra : Nothing. At that time there was also Ramon.
We (15) ________ our math homework
together. So, Ramon and I only greeted him
and we moved from the living room.
14. A.
15. A.



was coming
will come
did B.
would do

Source: May 2, 2009 <>

16. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To tell past events.
B. To inform something to the readers.
C. To amuse or entertain the readers.
D. To describe a particular event.
E. To explain how something happened.


17. What is the main idea of paragraph four?

A. The marriage of the princess with her lover.
B. The sufferings of the angel bird.
C. The angel birds confusion over his
D. The criminals tricks among each other.
E. The death of the four criminals.

was doing

are doing

This text is for questions 16 to 20.

The Angel of Desire
Once upon a time, in a happy kingdom was born
the most beautiful princess in the world. When she
grew up, she fell in love with a handsome young man
and they promised to marry each other. This couple
was so dear to God that an angel was sent to honor
their wedding.

18. What did God do to the angel after finding out

that the angel fell in love with the princess?
A. He sent the angel to the earth.
B. He turned the angel into a bird.
C. He imprisoned the angel.
D. He forbade the angel to come down to earth.
E. He blessed the angel to marry the princess.

Jawaban Review B

19. The following statements are true about the four

criminals, except ________.
A. they stopped under a tree to divide their loot
B. the two of them firstly bought food and drink
to have a feast
C. the two criminals were shot by the other two
criminals to death
D. the last two criminals died because of
poisonous water
E. all of them got nothing instead of death
20. That made God sad and instantly the angel was
turned into . . . . (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word refers to the fact that
A. people dislike the angel bird
B. the princess and her lover got married
C. the angel fell in love with the princess
D. God honored the princess wedding
E. the princess fell in love with a handsome
young man

Try to write your own simple story.

You may write it based on ones
experience or yours.


Pilihan Ganda


Listening Section


Percakapan tersebut antara ibu
dengan anak perempuannya. Dalam
percakapan itu, anak perempuan itu memberi
tahu ibunya bahwa ia baru saja mendapat
telepon yang menyatakan ia diterima kerja.
Jadi, percakapan itu tentang memperoleh
pekerjaan baru (getting a new job).


Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat
anak perempuan itu, yaitu I finally put the
PC together!, yang direspons anak laki-laki
itu dengan berkata, Whats so hard about
that? You only have to connect the monitor to
the CPU, connect the power and turn it on..
Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa topik yang
dibicarakan kedua pembicara adalah
merangkai seperangkat komputer.


Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat
yang diucapkan anak laki-laki itu kepada
anak perempuan, yaitu You look happy..
Jadi, perasaan anak perempuan itu sedang

senang. Kata pleased memiliki arti yang

sama dengan kata happy, yaitu senang.
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah; (A) artinya
bingung, (B) artinya cemas, (D) artinya
gugup, dan (E) artinya sedih.


Isi cerita tersebut dapat disimpulkan
dari pikiran utama teks yang terdapat di
kalimat awal teks, yaitu Once upon a time
there lived a father with his sons. However,
they could not live in peace and harmony
since the sons were always fighting.. Jadi,
dapat disimpulkan bahwa cerita itu tentang
seorang bapak dengan anak-anaknya yang
sering bertengkar (a father and his sons
who were often fighting).
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimatkalimat akhir teks (kalimat yang diucapkan
tokoh ayah), yaitu The father then said, My
sons, if you are of one mind and unite to
assist each other, you will be like these sticks
together; but if you are divided among
yourselves, you will be broken as easily as a
single stick... Dengan demikian, nilai moral
yang dapat kita petik adalah sebagai
saudara kita haruslah bersatu.


Reading Section


Teks tersebut berbentuk
pengumuman tentang sebuah jam tangan
yang ditemukan di halaman sekolah. Hal ini
sesuai dengan kalimat awal teks, yaitu It
has just been found a watch in a school
yard.. Jadi, tujuan teks tersebut adalah
untuk mengumumkan sesuatu yang
ditemukan (to announce a found thing).


yang lain salah karena sesuai dengan isi



Yang bukan ciri jam tangan itu adalah

(E) yang artinya jam tangan itu berwarna

coklat. Hal ini tidak sesuai dengan kalimat
The watch is round with brown leather
band. yang artinya Jam tangan itu bundar
dengan gelang jam dari kulit berwarna
coklat.. Jadi, yang berwarna coklat adalah
gelangnya, bukan jamnya. Pilihan jawaban


Tujuan adanya latihan yang diberikan
di tiap bab dalam buku ini adalah untuk
menguji dan meningkatkan pemahaman
pembaca. Hal ini sesuai dengan kalimat
dalam paragraf dua, yaitu One more thing,
each chapter is followed by exercises
designed to test and enhance the readers
comprehension. yang artinya Satu hal lagi,
setiap bab diikuti dengan latihan-latihan yang
dirancang untuk menguji dan meningkatkan
pemahaman pembaca..


Dalam konteks kalimat tersebut, kata
enhance berarti meningkatkan. Kata
tersebut dapat digantikan dengan kata
improve karena memiliki arti yang sama, yaitu
meningkatkan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
salah; (A) artinya mempersempit,
(B) artinya menguasai, (C) artinya
mengubah, dan (D) artinya memahami.


Pernyataan yang salah tentang latar
belakang (setting) cerita tersebut adalah
(A) yang artinya peristiwa itu terjadi di
peternakan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain benar
karena sesuai dengan isi teks. Pilihan
jawaban (B) dan (E) sesuai dengan kalimat
It was a beautiful Sunday morning, . . . .,
pilihan jawaban (C) sesuai dengan kalimat
awal teks It happened in Georgia
. . . ., dan pilihan jawaban (D) benar karena
cerita tersebut tentang burung gagak yang
ada di ladang jagung.


Cerita itu tentang burung-burung
gagak yang memakan semua jagung milik
petani karena ia dan istrinya terus-menerus
tidur meskipun ayam jantan terus berkokok
membangunkan mereka. Hal ini sesuai
dengan kalimat akhir paragraf satu It was a
beautiful Sunday morning, the kind that
brings all Gods creatures out to play. . . . No,
they just slept and slept and slept., paragraf
lima The farmer and his wife just kept
sleeping, . . . ., paragraf delapan The
farmer kept snoring, and his wife just rolled

adalah untuk menghibur pembaca (to amuse

or entertain the readers).

over and pulled the pillow over her head.,

serta paragraf sepuluh The farmer and his
wife kept right on sleeping.. Jadi, dapat
disimpulkan bahwa petani dan istrinya itu
memiliki sifat malas (malas bangun pagi).
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah; (A) artinya
ceroboh, (B) artinya sabar, (C) artinya rajin,
dan (D) artinya gelisah.


Pilihan jawaban ini, yang artinya
jagung itu belum siap dipanen, benar untuk
pernyataan yang salah. Pernyataan tersebut
tidak sesuai dengan kalimat kedua paragraf
dua, yaitu . . . and that the corn was ripe in
the field. yang artinya . . . dan jagung di
ladang itu sudah masak.. Karena sudah
masak, berarti jagung itu siap dipanen
(ready to harvest).
Kata adjourned dan postponed
memiliki arti yang sama, yaitu menunda atau
menangguhkan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
salah; (A) artinya maju/berkembang,
(B) artinya berkembang, (D) artinya
merancang, mengatur, dan (E) artinya


Kalimat soal berpola the simple past
tense karena menjelaskan peristiwa yang
telah berlalu, yang disimpulkan dari
keterangan waktu yesterday afternoon. Jadi,
kata kerja yang tepat melengkapi kalimat
soal berbentuk past, yaitu (A) came.


Kalimat soal menjelaskan peristiwa
yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu
lampau, yang disimpulkan dari keterangan
at the moment pada kalimat sebelumnya,
sehingga kalimat tersebut berpola the past
continuous tense. Jadi, kata kerja yang tepat
melengkapi kalimat soal adalah
(D) were doing karena subjek kalimat we.


Teks tersebut adalah naratif karena
berisi peristiwa imajinatif/khayalan atau cerita
dari orang-orang yang tersebar dari mulut ke
mulut. Dengan demikian, tujuan teks tersebut

17. E.

Paragraf empat menceritakan akhir dari

ketamakan para penjahat itu, yaitu mereka
semua mati. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang
benar adalah (E) yang artinya kematian
keempat penjahat itu. Pilihan jawaban
(A) gagasan utama paragraf satu,
(B) gagasan utama paragraf dua, sedangkan
(C) dan (D) terdapat di paragraf tiga.


Pilihan jawaban ini benar berdasarkan
kalimat akhir paragraf dua, yaitu The
princess was so beautiful that the angel too
fell in love with her. That made God sad and
instantly the angel was turned into
a beautiful bird . . . . yang artinya Putri itu
sangat cantik sehingga malaikat itu pun jatuh
cinta kepadanya. Itu membuat Dewa sedih
dan seketika malaikat itu diubah menjadi
seekor burung yang cantik . . . .. Pilihan
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai
dengan isi teks.


Pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah
pernyataan yang salah, yaitu (D) yang artinya
dua orang penjahat terakhir mati karena air
yang beracun. Pernyataan ini salah karena
mereka mati akibat makanan yang
sebelumnya diracun oleh kedua penjahat
lainnya, kalimat akhir paragraf tiga . . . the
two criminals decided to put poison in the
food . . . ., dan mereka minum anggur bukan
air, kalimat terakhir paragraf empat After that
they ate the food and drank the wine and
died . . . .. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
karena sesuai dengan isi teks; (A) sesuai
dengan kalimat . . . four criminals came
under the tree to divide their loot. (paragraf
tiga), (B) sesuai dengan kalimat Then, they
decided to send two of them to buy some
food and drink to have a feast. (paragraf
tiga), (C) sesuai dengan kalimat So, they
shot them. (paragraf empat), dan (E) benar
karena keempat penjahat itu semuanya mati.


Kata that merujuk pada pernyataan
yang disebutkan dalam kalimat sebelumnya,

yaitu The princess was so beautiful that the

angel too fell in love with her. yang artinya
Putri itu sangat cantik sehingga malaikat itu
pun jatuh cinta kepadanya.. Jadi, kata that
merujuk pada malaikat yang jatuh cinta
kepada putri itu (the angel fell in love with the
princess). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.


Contoh jawaban:
The Idle Boy
There was a little boy. He was not a big boy
for if he had been a big boy, I suppose he would have
been wiser; but this was a little boy, not higher than
the table, and his papa and mamma sent him to
It was a very pleasant morning; the sun
shone, and the birds sung on the trees. Now this little
boy did not much love his book for he was but a silly
little boy, as I told you; and he had a great mind to
play instead of going to school. And, he saw a bee
flying about, first upon one flower, and then upon
another; so he said, Pretty bee! Will you come and
play with me?
But the bee said, No, I must not be idle; I
must go and gather honey.
Then the little boy met a cat, and he said,
Cat, will you play with me? But the cat said, No, I
must not be idle; I am going to catch a mouse so that
it wont eat my masters lunch. I must make haste and
catch it.
Next, the little boy went by a hayrick, and he
saw a bird pulling some hay out of the hayrick, and he
said, Bird, will you come and play with me?
But the bird said, No, I must not be idle; I
must get some hay to build my nest with, and some
moss and some wool. So the bird flew away.

Then the little boy saw a horse, and he said,

Horse, will you play with me?
But the horse said, No, I must not be idle;
I must go and plough, or else there will be no corn to
make bread of.
At last, the little boy thought with himself,
What! Is nobody idle? If thats so, little boys must not
be idle neither. So he made haste, went to school,
and learned his lesson very well, and the teacher said
he was a good boy.
Adapted from: February 20, 2010 <>


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