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Aerielle P.

Baudin (BSEd-1)
a. My views regarding the individuality of each candidate.

Jejomar Binay
He has the strength to run as a president because of his projects and money
but I have still doubts where did he get all his wealth if he is born in a low level. Where
did he got the villas, money, houses and more. His weakness is his case. Why the
government allowed Binay to run if he has still a pending case. I cant even realize how
can he run. Is it money? Well, anyway, karma will do.

Miriam Santiago
The truth is I also admire Miriam Santiago by her bravery and power. That is
her strength. She has a powerful mouth. That is the word I can describe her. She is
quick witted and also she can think fast as long as she can. But I do not require her for
running because of her health although physical body is not on the rule for running as
president. Im just worried for her case now.

Grace Poe
Well, for Grace Poe, her strength is her knowledgeable words. She has the
endowment to lead the country. She also has marking words. She knows how to
negotiate to other people even she is in the upper level. She acted like a normal person.
But as I can see, her weakness is her lack of experience in politics even she has the
knack to lead the country. What more vitality she can provide and prove to the country if
she had no experience.

Mar Roxas
I dont admire Mar Roxas but he has the strength to run for presidency
because of his marking words like no to corruption, no to drug addiction, and he
knows whats best for his country. His weaknesses are the majorities. More negative
thoughts were heard that slowly kills his personality and ability. And as far as I know, he
deceived wherein affects his personality. He has untrue spoken words.

Rodrigo Duterte
No weaknesses and yes, more on bravery. I admire his strong personality
when it comes to his confidence. He is pertaining to the drug users and development of
our country. He has the advantage to make our economy better. The criminals were his
enemies. Do not break the law or else, youre dead.

b. The candidate that I would vote for .

Rodrigo Duterte is my chosen candidate because of his strong appearance
and bravery. My views regarding to his platform, I think he has the strength to swallow
drug users about 3-6 months as he stated. He has also the aptness to kill criminals and
bring back the death penalty.

c. How politics shaped the history of the Philippines?

Politics is full of twists and turns that ultimately shaped the history of one's
country. In the case of our country, from Malolos republic up to the present time, we
have experienced different kinds of administration. These people in our government,
they are the ones responsible in making our country a better place to live. Our society

changes according to politics. Our culture is greatly affected by the laws being imposed
to us.
The different types of rulers as well as the kind of government they had and
will have, will speak about the status of our nation. As you can see, politics affect the
economy, education, health, and the entire society. So whatever consequences that the
politics gives us, whether good or bad, that will surely make an impact in the lives of the
Filipino people and will create a history of its own.

d. How does the long term process of change affect the Filipinos beliefs?
The Philippines being a third world country is experiencing a lot of struggles
and still being left behind by the neighboring Asian countries. Despite the advancement
of technology and the changes in the lifestyle of the modern Filipino people, still the
struggle is real.
The turtle like progress in the economy of the country, the broken promises
of the politicians, the never ending corruption in the government, the numerous records
of unsolved crimes, these make the people think of how long will they wait for any
changes and who will make these changes possible.
The people are now being wise on who to choose as a leader. They are now
thinking critically on what would be the characteristics of a future administrator. The
experience in the past and the long awaited changes, gave way to the awakening of the
people to guard their votes and to choose who they think will fit on the position.

2. Sociological Perspective (Microsociology)

I dont know who and what affects my life, when my mind is already on the
stage of being confused. But, at my age right now, I already know it. I include it from the
three paragraphs below. Just read it so you will know.

First is family. Without them, I am nothing. They are my inspiration, handrail

and strength to pursue my cloud castle and stand on my own feet. They are also the
reason why I can show the real me and learn to be proud of myself.
Second are friends. I consider them as my family or siblings. They didnt
consider me as others. They treated me, as well as I treated them. When they show up
into my life, my world was suddenly expanded and collapsed a little. I learned to wander
roam with them, go home late, but still I became often perk study. Friends, sometimes
has negative purpose in our lives, but its your decision if youll be influenced by them.
Last is education. When I was in elementary, I dont mind anything. I just
study and get high grades because I still have the determination to be in top ten. But
then, when I started highschool many adjustments happened. Settling of subjects,
grades, environment, teachers and classmates has a big contrast. Elementary is so
different compared in highschool. When it comes in differences, college life is the most
different. Here, youll experience studying until 3 am and getting lack of sleep about 2-4
hours. It all just happened because of many quizzes, handouts to study, assignments
and also thesis or paper works. Sometimes I cant even manage my time. I experienced
of not passing my paper works on time so I have to rush it. I may call it a nightmare but
in the end if you completed everything, it will be a relief. But all of this can give you a
good result in your life, you can stand by your own, think of your own and graduate by
your self-reliance.
Family, friends, and education are the three society factors that affect my life.
Different learning and experience, some are negative but it is more on positive. The
struggle is real while growing up. You should learn how to negotiate other people for you
to move comfortably. Exploring new things might be a great idea. By now, I just want to
leave this phrase for inspiration, Be yourself and prove that anything is possible.


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