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Answers to Questions Forum:

1. How many learning environments are there in the platform?

R /: The platform has six learning environments
2. Where is the student manual?
R /: The student manual is located on the main page, in the environment and guide e
3. Name three rights of students and three student responsibilities set forth in this manual.
(In Spanish)
Derechos del estudiante:
Ser evaluado acorde con los referentes institucionales y recibir oportunamente la
realimentacin de los resultados obtenidos.
Ejercer Libremente Los Derechos de Asociacin, Participacin y Expresin Que
propicien el Bienestar Comn.
Expresar y discutir las ideas dentro del orden y el respeto a las personas, a la
institucin y a las opiniones ajenas.
Responsabilidades de los estudiantes
Conocer y Cumplir con lo dispuesto en los Estatutos, Reglamentos y Dems
normativa de la Universidad.
Preservar, cuidar y mantener en buen estado los recursos, bienes y la
infraestructura fsica y tecnolgica de la universidad.
Participar activamente en los procesos de autoevaluacin institucional y de
programas acadmicos.
4. What learning environment contains study guides?
R /: Learning guides are in the collaborative learning environment.
5. Where have to upload your final work for this activity?
R /: The final work must load monitoring and evaluation environment.
6. What is the main purpose of initial information environment?
R /: There are initial agreements of the course that will guide our learning process as well
as the general forum, news and forum agenda.
7. What is your group number and the number of participants that has your group?
R /: My group is number 858 and has 6 participants including tutor

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