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Sunday, September 11, 2016 - Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost.

For every Sunday of the year, the official

United Church of Christ calendar lists
recommended Scripture readings. On
Sunday, September 11th they include
1 Timothy 1:12-17.
The apostle Paul never forgot his past,
his sin and who delivered him from all
that he used to be. He believed he was
forgiven and did not allow memories of
his past behavior to paralyze him.

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength to do his work. He
considered me trustworthy and appointed me to serve him,13 even though I used
to blaspheme the name of Christ. In my insolence, I persecuted his people. But
God had mercy on me because I did it in ignorance and unbelief. 14 Oh, how
generous and gracious our Lord was! He filled me with the faith and love that
come from Christ Jesus.

This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: Christ Jesus came
into the world to save sinners and I am the worst of them all. 16 But God had
mercy on me so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of his great
patience with even the worst sinners. Then others will realize that they, too, can
believe in him and receive eternal life. 17 All honor and glory to God forever and
ever! He is the eternal King, the unseen one who never dies; he alone is God.

Paraments and altar linens remain GREEN.

symbolizes the renewal of vegetation and generally of living
things and the promise of new life.

Pastor Bill Krens September 4th

Morning Sermon:



Now on YouTube. If you click on the picture to
your left you will be taken to the website.

A Peek at the Sunday Sermon

Pastor Bill and Sue are on a one-week vacation. Ron Hinrichs will be filling the pulpit on
Sunday, September 11th. His sermon title is: Our Choice, Life or Death. He will
reading from James 3:3-8 and other passages from the Old and New Testament.
Please give Ron and his family a warm, DCC welcome!

Blogging Away! Pastor Kren has been

keeping a blog about ministry and Life
at Dearborn Congregational. If you are
interested in what makes Pastor Bill
Pastor Bill, why not visit his blog and
read a few of his articles? Just click on
the picture to the left!

If you havent why not Like Us on

Facebook? Just click on the signs
to the right you will be transported
to the Dearborn Congregational
Facebook Page! Maybe you like to
tweet? You can follow Pastor Kren
on Twitter: @william_kren.

The Dearborn Congregational Church Choir

is back in action!
Old members, new members, friends and
anyone who is just curious join us at 9:00
a.m. for Choir Rehearsal on Sunday,
September 11th!

Update On Our Parking Lot Pledge Drive

The total amount raised for
the Parking Lot Pledge Drive,
through Sunday, August 28th
(the final day of the campaign)
is $8,210.00. A big Thank
You to all who helped in
funding this project. Our goal
was to raise $10,000 and
while we fell short what has
been raised is of tremendous
help in repairing the parking
The contractor will begin work in mid-September. As soon as we
have the exact date work begins, we will pass it on. Again, a most
sincere thank you for your generous support!

Pastor Kren on Vacation

Ron Hinrichs is the Community Pastor in Training at
Forecast For Life Church in Southgate. Ron and his wife
Leah are passionate about ministering and sharing Gods
great grace. He preaches regularly at his home church.
On Sunday September 11, 2016, Ron will be filling the
pulpit for Rev. Kren. Pastor Bill and Sue will be on a oneweek vacation. Please give Ron and his family a warm,
Dearborn Congregational welcome!

Adult Bible Fellowship

On Tuesday, September 20, 2016, at
7:00 p.m. Pastor Kren will host an Adult
Congregatioal Church. This will be a
seven (7) week study on the spiritual
journey of the Apostle Peter.

Why Peter? I believe, in many ways, Pete

was an every day, kind of person. He was
a fisherman. He knew how to make a
living with his hands. He knew what it was
like to work hard, but the results were not
always successful.
In other ways, this disciple of Jesus was a
unique individual. His personality was
headstrong. These traits allowed him to
be a strong leader in the early years of the
The fact that Jesus chose Peter to be one
of the very first disciples, and that he later
became one of the most significant leaders
in the Early Church, is a reminder that we
dont have to hold degrees in order to be
acceptable to the Lord.
We dont have to be successful in business for the Lord to call us to be partners in
ministry. And we dont have to do and say all the right things to be regarded as His
If, on your spiritual journey, you are interested in a Bible study that will be both
informative and practical, why not join the DCC Adult Bible Fellowship? You may bring
your own Bible, note taking is encouraged, and Christian fellowship is mandatory!

No sign-up sheets.
No etched-in-stone commitments.
Absolutely no finals!
Just a relaxing hour of Christian fellowship and Bible study.

Rummage Sale! Rummage Sale!

The Annual Womens Fellowship Church Rummage and Bake Sale is Friday,
October 7, 9:00 AM 5:00 PM and Saturday, October 8, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (or
when we are Sold Out!).
If you have items to donate now is the time to drop them off
at the Church. Phone ahead (313-271-8552) and we will help
you unload!
Dont forget the Bake Sale! There will be a table with
goodies in the Mayflower Room. Your home made, home
baked offering will be greatly appreciated! Remember to
label all baked goods with a detailed description of
ingredients. If you have a suggested price, this will help the
volunteers. Any questions? See Teresa Curless!

Prayer Requests
Edith Schwartz. Recovering from hip surgery.
Tom Brown Family. Toms father passed away on August 9, 2016. His mother is
recovering from surgery she is in serious condition.
Marilyn Beardsley. Continuing medical concerns.
Gordon Grozdanoff. Serious medical problems. Gordon has been moved from
Oakwood Commons and is now home and receiving care.
Pat Stacho. Continuing medical concerns. Also, prayers for the family of Rick Stacho.
Wayne Boyd. Wayne is now at home and receiving hospice care. Please keep praying!
Shirley Fedraw. Adjusting to her new caregiving facility. Medical concerns.
Suzanne Van Ranst. Medical concerns.
Pauline Gourlay. Medical concerns.
A complete list of prayer requests is also printed in the Sunday bulletin. If you have a
special request please phone the Church Office: 313-271-8552. You can also phone
Pastor Kren at 313-344-9808.

Roy E. Brown Memorial Service

Roy E. Brown, father of Tom Brown, passed away on
August 9, 2016. The family is holding a Memorial Service
on Saturday, September 10, 2016 at Martenson Funeral
Home, 3200 West Rd., Trenton, MI.
The Gathering at the Trenton Chapel of the Martenson
Funeral Home is from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. The
Memorial Service is at 11:00 AM.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Alzheimer's Association, may be made

payable to Dorothy Brown to be used for stem cell therapy for Roy's daughter who has
MS or to St. John United Church of Christ.

Our Neighbors in Need Mission Offering begins this week, through October 2, 2016.
The annual offering supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the US.
The 2016 theme is This we believe and connects the issue of child hunger to the
work that UCC congregations are doing in serving their community. Prayerfully
consider how you can support the Neighbors in Need Special Offering.

We are collecting school supplies for the Vista

Maria Charter School and will deliver them next
week! Please bring in your donations no later
than Monday, September 12!

Sue and I will be on vacation next week and in our thoughts and prayers.
With Blessings,

Pastor Bill

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