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Propsito: el "para qu" en su vida que le da sentido, direccin, y energa.

l juntarme con esta persona, no me encontr con un muro de silencio y vaco. Al

contrario, una avalancha de verborrea inagotable. Se trataba de una descripcin profusa
de un montn de problemas y explicaciones de porqu todos esos problemas le
impedan ser feliz, trabajar, y avanzar.
Le dije que hicieramos el ejercicio de dejar los problemas de lado un rato, y que a
cambio nos concentrramos un rato en lo que l quera. La pregunta era sencila: "cul
es tu propsito?"
"No entiendo", me dijo.
"Para qu haces lo que haces?, qu quieres conseguir?".
"Mmm... ". Silencio al fin.
El estado emocional volva a la activacin inicial. Luego de un valle de
tranquilidad, dira paralizacin y perplejidad, volvi a la euforia, el nervio y
la activacin para hablar de sus problemas. Se me ocurri de que ante la
ausencia de propsito, los problemas ocupan su lugar. Y es
entendible: son prcticos, concretos, convencionales, por lo que es fcil
tener un discurso de ellos que compartir con otros, quienes refuerzan su
justificacin, ofrecen acciones que tomar y por lo tanto en qu "ocupar" el
tiempo, y ms de fondo an, nos toman nuestro estado de nimo basal,
nuestras emociones, y como si fuera poco, nos permiten evadir la pregunta:
"cul es mi propsito?", porque en muchos casos, tal vez como enfermedad
de nuestros tiempos, y como titula el libro de Erich Fromm, son muchos los
que tienen un tremendo miedo a la libertad.
emocionalmente los problemas tienen la capacidad de reemplazar al
propsito. Activacin. angusatia, ansiedad, foco, etc.

Sabemos que muchas veces los que ostentan cargos ms altos en las
organizaciones, no son los que invierten ms HH. Pero diria que siempre son
los que saben lo que hay que hacer, decir, con quien hablar, cundo, cmo,
cunto, a travs de qu, etc. Saben reconocer lo importante de lo accesorio,
cmo iniciar una reunin difcil, que informacin mostrar y cul esconder,
subir la voz, bajarla, y callar cuando corresponde. Estrategia pura.

Quedan llanzados otros posts al parecer:

1. Cada nivel.
2. Pecera versus ambiciones.
3. Ambiciones versus compromisos.
4. Aprendizaje individual versus social.
5. Amor y odio en la estrategia.
6. En este entendimiento; qu es laa delincuencia?
7. propongo acordar que el xito es relativo, y depender de lo que cada uno
considere xito. Para algunos ser plata en la cuenta corriente, para otros sern
los bienes que puede comprar, para otros pertencia a un grupo, para otros
desarrollo espiritual, para otros ayudar a los dems, etc.

8. cuando me dices, "influye la pecera o depende de la persona como se mueve en

ella", ests separando en parte, una cosa que para m es una sla. La manera de
moverse ya constituye tu pecera en s mismo. Ahora bien, dependiendo la pecera
es la amplitud y profundidad de posibilidades que se te abren. Las personas que
se mueven en la pecera del esfuerzo, no estn viendo que los pasos siguientes no
tienen que ver con levantarse ms temprano o trabajar ms horas, si no que con
hacer lo correcto, en el momento correcto, de la forma correcta. Podramos
decirle "pillera".
9. y tercero, creo que en las personas que podramos llamar exitosas, se mezclan
distintos elementos, personales y sociales que llevan a la persona a alcanzar su
xito. Ahora bien, si ser xitoso es el estereotipo gringo que muestra la tele:
dinero, poder, buena pinta, estatus, autos caros, viajes a europa y cosas por el
estilo, creo que se logra con mucho esfuerzo, bastante inteligencia, y muy
buenas redes sociales, o al menos habilidades sociales. La mayora de las veces
adems, muy buenos estudios.

Those who succeed and those who perpetually struggle THINK soooo differently.
For example,

When it's easy to stop momentum by making the excuse, "I don't know how to do that,"
successful people say, "It's my mission to go learn how." They make a to-do item on their
agenda to go learn the area they have a deficiency in.


When unsuccessful people quit by saying, "I don't have that...[enough resources, assets,
followers, etc]," successful people say, "Then it's my time to go build that." They
immediately start building the reality they desire. Not talking. Not waiting. Building.


When it's easy to say, "Well, I'm not like them... so talented, so natural, so skilled, so
lucky," then that's the time they say, "It's my time to grow into my best self, to become the
person who would deserve to succeed like that." They focus on personal development not
excuses. They create a learning plan, they forge new habits, they get to work on their
character and discipline.

At some point, we must elevate and say, I must change and take charge in order to advance toward
my dreams.
I can't wait for circumstances to change.
I don't need permission.
It's time I challenge myself and bend reality to my will.
These thoughts can change your life.

I've spent a lot of time thinking, writing and speaking about mastering the mind.
So, let's talk about how your thoughts are generated. According to psychologists, we have two
systems of thought.

System 1 is our unconscious, immediate thoughts and impulses that arise automatically from the
body. If you had fears and challenges in the past, and a similar situation arises, your body generates
those fears and says, "We've been through this before. Stop what you're doing, don't take risks, let's
protect ourselves."
These thoughts are automatic, but they often are not helpful.
It's just your brain saying, "this is the easiest route we know."
The reality is that the brain loves to optimize itself. It doesn't like to have to do a lot of thinking. It just
likes to say, "What do we already know? How can we apply it to this situation and stay super safe?"
Many of us are dominated by System 1.
System 2 is the hallmark of a more mature, conscious enlightened person. It's the conscious
dashboard on our mind that regulates our ability to directly work, control, generate, and create our
own thoughts and behaviors in the moment, not relying too much on automatic responses.
The world's most successful people have tapped into this dashboard. Even when they have
automatic negative thoughts - and they certainly do -- they know how to discipline their mind to
transform them.
How do we develop positive automatic thoughts? I call the framework RWID, which stands for
Relative Weight of Importance and Duration.
People have negative recurring thoughts and feelings in their life because they are giving the
negative thoughts more attention than positive ones. In other words, the relative weight that they give
those repetitive thoughts is quite high.
The downside of this is clear: if you keep obsessing about negative things, your mind will be
conditioned to bring them up automatically.
But there is a bright side. We can use this same rule and apply it to our positive thoughts. Focus on
positive thoughts over a period of time, and they get sealed in the brain. After you've given relative
weight to these thoughts, the brain says, "that's easy,"and automatically thinks about those positive
How do you make this switch?
First, place awareness on your thoughts.
Then, redirect your negative thoughts to positive ones using visualization. Give your thoughts a
sensation, feeling the positive thoughts and outcomes in your body. Use repetition to encourage your
mind to engrain them into your mind. With focus, we you create an entirely new thought paradigm.
Every single person has unconscious thoughts. But most of us have extreme power to overtake
them. Even those with mental disorders can work with psychologists and therapists to re-condition
their mind by allowing them a different way of attaching meaning to past incidents and, ultimately, to
making healthier decisions in the Now.
No matter who you are or where you've been, you can use the power of the mind to direct itself into
positive orientations, to make healthier decisions, and to enact healthier behaviors. This is personal

I used to have an issue with "successful people."

"They" were people who lived on the nicer side of town from us.
I didn't understand them, because the truth is I didn't really know that any.
My parents were both successful in hundreds of ways - they were loving, kind, thoughtful, hard

We struggled with money, though.
And so, as I grew up, "successful people" were "other" people.
Later in my life, I realized that my bad definition and poor thinking about "success" was costing me
abundance (and relationships).
What I learned was what I wrote in The Motivation Manifesto:
We must be very careful. Believing, in any form, that all those who have success and power are
wicked, untrustworthy, hated -- and that we ourselves would become bad if we had the same
success and power -- is desperate, ignorant, and dangerous. These thoughts destroy our motivation
and progress in life.
First, those who hate successful people as a group often do so from spite, not cause, for hatred can
never have reason. Most who hate anyone, for that matter, usually do so out of ignorant prejudices
born of fearful beliefs, rather than from any real experience with those they hate. It is a curious fact
that those who hate successful people do not know many successful people.
Our beliefs about success and wealth determine what we will pursue in life, and so we must be
conscious. If we think success and power corrupt, our mind will not allow us to take action toward
those things and soon we will find ourselves trapped in a life of apathy and indifference. For how
could we ever be successful if we dislike the very idea of success? The man who believes the home
he is building may house the devil someday will soon put away his tools.
The world's successful people are more good and giving than most imagine. The higher we climb in
life, the more we realize just how hard everyone has worked to achieve anything.
We might all benefit from realizing that the majority of successful people were often plagued by
desperation, heartache, and poverty. Outside of the tiny few who have advanced in life without
exerting any real effort, most people of influence earned their own way by discipline, struggle, and
service. They broke the chains of their resentment against others and strove for their dreams,
knowing no one ultimately held them back but themselves. They recognized that poverty of
intelligence, morals, and courage was more crippling than lack of wealth could ever be, and so they
strengthened their mind and forged their character with hard work and noble pursuits.

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