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JA OF NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS . TECHNICAL NOTE No. 1269 Herotive METHOD FOR CALCULATING WING CHARACTERISTICS BY LIFTING-LINE THEORY USING NONLINEAR SECTION LIFT DATA By James G, Sivells and Robert H, Neely Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory Langley Field, Va, PROPEKTY 7 ENGINEERING LIBRARY IE Washington April 1947 NATICNAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 1269 METHOD FOR CALCULATING WING CHARACTERISTICS ‘BY LIFTING-LINE THEORY USING NONLINEAR SHOTION LIFT DATA By Jemes C. Sivells and Robert H. Neoly SUMMARY A uethod is presented for calculating wing characteristics by ifting—line theory using nonlinear section lift data. Material from various sources is combined with sone original work into the single complete method described. Multhopp's systema of miltipliers ere employed to ottain the induced angle of attack directly from the spenvise lift distribution. Equations ero developed for obteining these miltipliers for eny even nunber of spanwise stations, end values are tebulated for ten stations along the scmlepan for ssymetrical, symmetrical, and antisymmetricel lift distributions. In order to minimize the computing time and to illustrate the procedures involved, simplified computing forms containing detelled examples are given for syumetrical lift distributions. Similer forms for asymmetrical and antisymmetrical lift dietributions, although not shown, can be readily constructed in the seme manner as those given, The adaptation of the method for use with linear section lift data is also illustrated, “This edaptation hee been found to require less computing time than most existing methods. The wing characteristics calculated from general nonlinear section lift data have been found to agree mich closer with experinental data in the region of makimm lift coefficient then those calculated on the assumption of linear section lift curves. The calculations ere cubject to the limitations of 1ifting-line theory and should not be expected to give accurate results for wings of low aspect ratio and large émourits of sweep.’ “TrRODUCEION The lifting-line theory ia the best Imown and moet readily applied theory for obteining the spanwise lift distribution of a wing and the subsequent determination of the aerodynemic character— istics of tho wing from two-dimensionel airfoil date. The cheracter— istics so determined are in fairly close agreement with exyerimontal results for wings with small amounts of sweep and with moderate 2 WACA TW No. 1069 to high values of aspect ratio; for this reason, this theory has served as the basis for a lerge pert of present aeroneutical knowledge. ‘The hypothesis upon which the theary is based 1s that a Lifting wing can be roplaced by a lifting line and thet the incremental vortices shed along the span trail behind tke wing in straight lines in the direction of the free-stream velocity. The strength of these trailing vortices 1s proportional to the rate of change of the lift along the span. The trailing vortices induce a velocity normal to the direction of the free-stream velocity and to tho lifting line, Tho effective angle of attack of each section of the wing ie therefore different from the geometric angle of attack by the amount of the angle (called the induced angle of attack) whose tengent ie the ratio of the value of the induced velocity at the lifting line to the value of the free-stream velocity. Tho effective angle of attack is thus related to the Lift distribution through the induced angle of attack. In addition, the effective angle of attack is related to the section lift coefficient according to two-dimensional date for the airfoil sections incorporated in the wing. Both relationships met be similtencously satisfied in the calculation of the lift distribution of the wing. If the section 1ift curves are linear, these relationships may be expressed by a single equation which can be solved analytically. In general, however, the section lift curves are not linear, particulerly at high angles of attack, end analytical sclutions ere not feasible. ‘The mothod of calculating the spanyise lift @istribution using nonlineer section lift data thus becomes one of meking successive approximations of the lift distribution until one is found that simltencously satisfies the aforementioned, relationships. Such a method hes been used by Wieselsberger (reference 1) for the region of maximum 11ft coefficient and by Boshar (reference 2) for high-subsonic speeds, Both of these writers used Tani's system of miltipliers for obtaining the induced angle of attack et five stations along the semispan of the wing (reference 3). Teni, however, considered only the case of wings with symmetrical Lift distributions. Multhopp (reference 4), using a somewhat @ifferont mathematical treatment from that which Tent used, derived systens of mitipliers for eynmetrical, antieymotrical, and asymmetrical lift distributions for four, eight, end sixteen stations along the semispan. Multhopp's derivation, in slightly different form and nomenclature, is presented herein and tebles ere given for the miltipliers for ten stations along the semispan (tho ‘usual number of stations considered in many reports in the United States). NAGA TN No, 1269 3 For symmetricel distributions of wing chord end engle of attack, the mitipliers for symmetrical lift distributions may be used with nonlinear or linear section lift curves. For esymotrical distributions of angle of attack, the multipliers for asymmetrical Lift distributions mst be used if nonlinear section 1ift curves are used, If an asymmetrical distribution of angle of attack can be ‘broken up into e symmetrical and an entisvmmoetrical distribution, the entisymmetrical part may be treated separately if the section Lift curves cen be assumed to be Linear. The purpose of the present paper is to combine the contributions of Multhopp and several other writers, together with some originel worl, into a single complete method of calowlating the lift distributions and force and moment characteristics of wings, using nonlinear section lift date. Simplified computing forms ere given for the celculation of symmetrical lift distributions end their use is illustrated by a detailed example, The adaptation of the method for use with linear section lift data is also illustrated. No forms are given for asymmetrical or entisynmetrical lift distributions dnasmich as such forms vould be very similar to those given, SYMBOLS s wing area > wing span ° chord at any section @ «oot chord. % tip chord mean geometric chord (s/b) fo fib/2 5 o meen aerodynamic chord (2 oF ay A aspect retio (b2/s) x coordinate parallel to root chord y coordinate perpendicular to plene of eymotry z coordinate perpendicular to root chord and parallel to plane of symmetry e or ACA TN Wo. 1269 troo-streen dguante reer (p12) Roynolts nusber (22 op Ye) mags density “ froo-stroan velocity coefficient of viscosity wing lift cosfficient (L/9S) section lift cooffictent (1/90) wing lift section lift wing drag cooffictent (D/as) » wing profile-drag coefficient wing induced—drag coefficient section profile-drag coefficient section induced~drag coefficient . wing dreg wing pitobing-moment coefficient (M/a8ct) section pitching-moment coefficient about section quarter chord point wing pitching monent wing rolling-ucuent coefficient ' (1/48) wing rolling moitont wing induced-yawing-mouent opeffioient wing profile-yawing-moment coefficient angle of attack of any section along the span referred ‘to ite chard line ACA TN Ne. 1269 eee g @ & é angle of attack of root section referred to its chard ‘Line angle of attack of root section referred to ite zero iift Line section induced engle of attack effective angle of attack of any section section angle of attack for two-iimensional airfoils angle of zero lift of any section engle of zero lift of root section wing angle of attack for zero lift geometric angle of twist of any section along the span (negative if washout) eerodynamic angle of twist of any section along the spen (negative if washout) geometric angle of twist of tip section aerodynamic engle of twist of tip section wing 1ift-ourve slope, per degree section lift-curve slope, per degree ‘Two-dimensionel 1ift—curve slope’ Eage-velocity factor coordinate (2y/b) coefficients in trigonometric series miltiplier for induced angle of attack (asymmetrical distributions) mitiplier for induced angle of attack (symmetrical distributions) mitiplier for indyoed angle of attack (entieymetrical distributions) 6 NACA TH Wo, 1269 . a miltiplier for lift, drag, and pitching-noment coefficients y (asyumetrical distributions) n, multiplier for lift, drag, end pitching-moment coefficients mS (eymmetrical distributions) o, multiplier for rolling- and yewing-moment coefficients (seymmotrical distributions) miltiplter for rolling-moment coefficient (antisymmetrical distributions) E edge-velocity factor (Ssmiperimeter span Subscripts max maxirmum velue al value for additional lift (Oy, = 1) > value for basic Lift (07, = 0) ; (ag) Tel¥e for constant value of sy, (4!) vate tor given value'ot &! THRORETICAL DEVELOPMENT OF MeTZOD Lift Distribution The mothods of Teni (reference 3) and Multhopp (reference 4) for determining the induced engle of attack are fundamentally the seme, differing only in the mathonatical treatment. The method prestated herein 1s esseutielly the same es that given by Multhopp, Tn the following derivation ‘the spanvise lift aietribution 18 expressed as the trigonometric series se “hs sin n9 a) , as in reference 5, where 6 4s defined. by the relation cos 0 = a, ‘Te may be noted that each coefficient A,, as used heroin, is equal NAGA TH No, 1269 1 to four times the corresponding coefficient in reference 5, Tho Induced angle of attack (1n degrees) at a point y, on the Lifting line is y= ay. w-7 ob re & ) ay a v-»/e ‘Thi integral (in different nomenclature) was given by Prendtl in reference 6, If equation (1) is substituted into equation (2) and ‘the variable 1s chenged fron y to 6, the induced angle of attack at the general point @ becomes, according to reference 5, 80. 4 = 4a sin 5a ae (3) ‘The problem of obtaining the induced angle of attack is thus reduced to one of determining the coefficients of the trigonometric serier, ‘The Lift distribution (equation (1)) may be approximated by a finite trigonometric series of r—1 terms whore, for subsequent usege, x 1s assumed to be even, ‘The values of = at the equally spaced points @ = = in the renge O< @ sin n my @ ny ° 0 where m=1, 2, 3,,.+, r—1. Conversely, if the values of ss are known at each point the coefficients A, of the finite series may be found by harmonic analysis as 8S (2) eta nas 6) 8 NACA IN No. 1269 If equation (5) is substituted in equation (3), a double eumetion is obtained for the induced engle of attack es (6) = rey nein «) Fe. ein = wats (PL, # [ae a(0 geme-s] ‘Tf the induced angle of attack is to be determined at the same points @ et which the load distribution te know, that 4s, at the pointe o= Bt, then : 180 2 roe) (x= m)x “(ie + me : -S (42 Goa _ SED @ he 2 [coe n SABE cog n EX Pre (6) ma 7 Pn = —282__ Sn Joos a ME = BE cog n (EAM | (7) ier in 2, oe ? ‘Tt can be shown that, 1f cos # #2, gl Sa cos of = nel - 2 008 (r = 1) - (& ~ 1) cos rf - 2 (1 — cos f) NACA TN No. 1269 9 rt 6 = 0, @ numerical series is obtained Sas By use of these relationships in equation (7) it is found that, vhen kim is oad frie = —280___f gay far sin Bt] 1 — cos {e+e 1 — cos e=mle vhen kom = —or_ (8) Fae ain a end vien ktm is oven end k fm fake = 0 (80) For a symmetrical 1ift distribution 10 ), . (22) > > im Oye = Ging so thet the summation for a4, needs to be made only from Lto 2/2 20 NACA TH No. 1269 r/2 oy = » (22), >a (9) fel where, when ktm ie odd Amit = Pn + Prom (for m # 2/2) ic + m) a k ~ m)x 1 = —280__| cot “oot (208) eer sin Bt) sin Oct ale ein (eae Ak = Bie (for m= 2/2) -- 180 (10b) ar(ooe 28% + 2) when k=m Ante = Pte 180r = Bor (100) &n ein BE ° end yen kim 4s evenend kfm dae 2 0 (20a) For an antisymetrical lift distribution ),--@. NACA TN No. 1269 a and Oye 7 = Stnic In this case the cumation for ay, needs to be made only from 1 to (J - 2) since (¥ 2) = 0; then 7 iG he Ja x. za out Bam a where, when kim is odd Troe = Prac ~ Pramyie ~ 280 ee (2a) Qa | eine (ec + mx sine (=m)x ¥ ¥ when k= m, mic = Prac (120) 8r ein end vhen kim ts even end kfm (120) Te Multipliers cen thus be calculated so that the induced angle may be readily obteined by miltiplying the known values of °° dy the appropriate mltipliers and edding the resulting products. et) NACA TN No. 1269 ‘Tho miltipliers eve independent of the aspect ratio and taper ratio of the wing, Tebles I end II present values of pis 6M dak and Yes respectively, for r= 20, Similar tables for Bae end tym are given in references 7 and 8, otmectively, but no derivation is given therein. Tables for mes ue end Bora ere given in reference 4 for values of r= 8, 16, and 32. An inspection of tables I and II shows that positive values occur only on the diagonal from upper left to lower right and that almost hal? cf the valuos are equal to zero, The miltipliers Py and may be used with either nonlinear or linear section lift date whereas the mltipliers for yy, may be used only with linear section Let data. The method of determining the lift distribution becomes one of uocessive approximations. For a given geometric angle of attack, a distribution of ¢, 18 aesumed from which the load dictri— ‘bution ae is obtained. The induced angle of attack te then termined ‘by equation (6), (9), or (11) through the use of the - eppropriete mitipliers and subtracted from the geoetrie angle of attack to give the effective angle of attack at each spanwise station. From section deta for the appropriate airfoil section and, : local Reynolds muber, values of o7 ere reed which correspond to the effective angle of attack of each section, If these values of c, do not agree with those originally assumed, @ second ‘ assumption is mde for oc, and the process is repeated. Further assumptions are made until the assumed values of c, are in agreement with those obtained from the section date. Wing Characteristics Once the lift distribution of a wing has been determined, the mein part of the problem of calculeting tho wing oharacterictics ie completed. The induced—drag and induced~yawing-moment coofficients are entirely dependent upon the Lift distribution end it 1s assumed that the section profile~drag and pitching-monent cooffictents are the same functions of the lift coofficient at each section of the wing as those determined in two-dimensional teats. . ‘The celoulation of each of the wing coefficients involves spanwise integration of the distribution of @ particular . function Az |. This integration can be performed numerically through the use of additional sets of mltipliers which ere found in the following manner. NACA IN No. 1269 3 {B) = Hoos 9 > fears re ‘then | . X28) -[ (Sig, ein ne) ein 6 a0 =H Since the values of 42) sre determined at the pointe 9 = BE, Ay can be found ty hermontc enalysis as in equation (5) Therefore =. 22S 2(2) ay (23a) >» ®), where ub NACA TN No. 1269 Tf the distrfbution ie eymetrical, (2) . «(@), end, hn oom [ @@- where Ting = 2p Ts = Tm we 2 ¥ 2(%2), tus ax) ) ) on fa @F fe mis Tho moment of the distribution <2) can be found in @ eimtier manner. [0 @)-[Crem)nrmee ra = ons 22) 2a ZY *@), oF m=1 =) *@). a (ate) . NACA TN No. 1269 5 where = ain Bt om = Bp Oe If the distribution te antisymetrical, #(2) = - (2) > An 1b Arm (ake) vhere Velues Of figs Thgg? Gq? @04 Gyn ere given in table IIT for r= 20. Wing lift ooefficient.— The wing lift coefficient ie obtained by moans of @ spemvice integration of the lift distribution, o/2 ec, ay jb/2 1 eect ae) . 2 > \b/ a2 = or If the 1ift distribution is asymmetrical rel . o, = OL (22) (a5) 2, \o/a 16 NACA TN No. 1269 Ie the lift distribution 16 syumetrical /2 na >), "ne (a5) Iniuced—drag coeffiolent.— The section induced-dreg coefficient ie equal to the product of the section lift coefficient and the induced angle of attack in radiens, = “as 80 ‘The wing induced~drag coofficient is obtained by means of a spanwise integration of the section induced-dreg coefficient miltiplied by the locel chord; v/2 %, 3 SY 5/2 2 -$) Se) a For asyumetrical lift distributions mi oS (SE 0 2 For symmetrical lift distributions 2/2 &, “ze = (3 44), Tne (16>) NACA IN Wo. 1269 a Profilesdreg coefficient. The section profile-drag coefficient can be obtained from section data for the appropriate airfoil section and local Reynolds number. For each spenvise staticn the profile— drag coofficient is read at the section lift coofficient previously determined, The wing profile~drag cosfficient te then obtained dy means of a spanwise integration of the section profile-dreg coefficient mltipliea by the local chord: 2/2 &, = 3 Cay oy ofa 1 BY} oo, 84(2) 4 For asymmetrical lift distributions ee Thy (1 Te) 0D, (8) or for symmetrical lift distributions * . 2 Ci (acl), Ths (11) fet Pitching-momont cooffiotent.— The section pitching-monent cosfficient sbout its quarter-chord point can be obtained fron section data for the appropriate airfoil section and local Reynolds number. For each spanwise station the pitching-moment coefficient is read at the section lift coefficient previously determined and then traneferred to the wing reference point by the equation B NAGA SN No. 1269 Gm * Omg/t, ~ % [er 208 (ay ~ cH) + cay ain (a - 21)] -2 fou Bin (a, — a4) — ca, 008 (tg — «| (8) where x and % are measured from the wing reference point to the quarter-choré point of the section under consideration and upverd ani beckward forces and distencos are taken es positive. The section pitching-monent coefficient about its eeroiynamic center may be used instesd of on. ,, in which onse X end © aro measured to the section aerodynamic conter. The term ca, sin (ds — a4) may ueually be neglected, The ving pitching-moment Gcefficient is obtained by the sponvise integration 0/2 a, = l Om 08 ay |/2 a[e 2a Tet b . For asymmetrical lift distributions zh on = (Ss 9) te (198) Sy \ectn For symmetrical lift distributions r/e 02 oye ¥ (2) Tins (190) = Rolling-moment coefficient. The rolling-moment coefficient ie obtained by means ‘of a sparivise integration WACA TN No. 1269 For en entisymetricel Inducod-yewing-moment_coefPictent.— nonont cosfficient is due to the manent of the indnced~drag distribution Say - b/2 ea Ropecy, 8 eo” ~b/2 tf seme 4g) Site 2b > *)n eS The induoed-yewing- a (20a) (200) (21) 20 HAGA TH No. 1269 ‘Tho induocd-yewing-momont coefficient for an antisymetrical 1ift Gietribution is equal to zero and hes little meening inasmch as the 1ift coefficient 1s also zero. ‘The induced~yawing-monent coefficient is a function of the lift and rolling-monent coefficients end mist be found for asymmetrical lift distributions. Frofile-yaving-monont coefficient. The profile-yawing~ moment coefficient is due to the moment of the rrofile~drag Aistribution, v/2 Gat | eager ay ~/2 3[ £2@ ; > (a Sa0t (22) APPLICATION OF METHOD USING NONLINEAR SECTION LIFT DATA FOR SYMMETRICAL LIFT DISTRIBUTTONS The method described 1s applied herein to a wing, the gecmetric characteristics of vhich are given in teble IV. Only aymmetrical lift distributions are considered hereinefter inasmich as these are believed to be sufficient for illustrating the mothod of calouletion. The lift, profile-drag, and pitching-maxent cosffiotents for the various wing sections along the span were derived from unpublished airfoil data obtained in the Langley two-dimensional low-turbulence pressure tunnel. The original agrfoil data were cross~plotted ageinst Reynolds number and thickness ratio inasmch as both varied along the span of the wing. Semple curves are given in figures 1 and 2, From these plots the section cheracteristica et tho various spanwise stations were determined and plotted in the conventional manner. (See fig. 3.) The edge-velocity factar Ey derived in reference 9 far an elliptic wing, has been applied to the section angle of attack for each value of section lift coofficient as followa: NACA TW No. 1269 1 My = B (a5 - aq) * 25 IAft Distribution Computation of the lift distribution at an engle of attack of 3° is shown in table V. ‘This table 1s designed to be uscd where the mltiplication is done by means of a slide rule or simple calculating machine. Where calculating machines capable of performing eccumlative mltiplication are available, the spaces for the individual products in columns (6) to (15) may be omitted end the table made emaller. (See tables VIT and VIII.) The mechanics of computing are explained in the table; however, the method for approximating the lift coefficient distribution requires some explanation. Tho initially assumed lift—coefficient distribution (colum (3) of first division) can be taken ee the distribution given by the geoustric angles of attack but 1t is best determined by some simple method which will give a close approximation to the actual distribution, The initial dtetrtbution given in table V was approximated by =a 1.2 / " oa) A+18[2 where ¢y(q) is the lift coefficient read from the section curves for the geometric angles of attack. Thie equation weights the Lift aietribution according to the average of the chord distribution of ‘the wing under consideration end that of an ellipticel wing of the seme aspect ratio and span. When the lift distributions at several angles of ettack are to be computed and after they have been obtained for two angles, the initial assumed 0; distribution for subsequent angles can be more accurately estimated in the following manner: Values of downwash angle are first estimated by extrapolating from values for the preceding wing angles, end then, for the resulting effective angles of attack, the lift coefficients are read from the section curves. Aa The Lift cosfficients in colum (18) of table V, read from section lift curves for the effective engles of atteok, will usually not check the assumed values for the first approximation. In order to select assumed values for subsequent approximations, the following simple method has been found to yield satisfactory results. An incremental value of lift coefficient 4c;,, is obtained according to the relation (numbers in parenthesis are colume in table V): 22 WACA IN Wo. 1269 (28) = 3)Jng + 3[(28) ~ (3)]m + (08) - (3)} nua x Ltn = where K has the following values at the spanwise stations ay 2 K 0 to 0.8910 8 to lo +9512, 11 to 13 29877 1A to 16 end [(28) ~ (3)]q 18 the atftorence betivoen tho check and assuned values for the ith spanwise station. ‘The incremental values so determined are added to the assumed values in order to obtain new assumed values to be used in the next approximation. This method has been found in practice to make the check end assumed values converge in about three approximations if the firet approximation is not too much in error. Wing Coefficients Computations of the wing lift, profile~drag, induced—dreg, and pitching-monent coefficients are shown in table VI. Since the Jeterel axis through the wing reference point contains the quarter— chord points of each section, the x ‘end z dietences in equation (18) are zero, and the pitching-uoment coefficient of the wing 1s determined solely by the velues of cy, APPLICATION OF MBYHOD USING LINEAR SECPION LIFT DATA FOR SYMMETRICAL LIFT DISTRIBUTIONS Although the method described herein was developed particularly for use with nonlinear section lift data, 1t 1s readily adaptable for use with linear section lift data with a resulting reduction in computing tims as compared with most existing methods. When the section lift curves can be assumed lineer, 1t 1s usually convenient to divide any symmetrical lift distribution (as in reference 10) NACA TW Wo. 1269 23 into two parts — the additional lift distribution due to angle of atteck changes end tho basic lift distribution due to aerodynamic ‘twist. The calculation of these lift distributions 1s illustrated in tables VII to X for the wing, the gronetric characteristics of which were given in table Iv. Tt should be noted that tebles VIT and VIII are essentially the samo as table V but ere designed primarily for use with caleuleting machines capable of performing eccumilative mlti— plication. If such machines are not available, these tebles may be constructed similar to table V to allow spaces for writing the individual products. Lift Characteristics Two ligt distributions are required for the determination of the additional acd basi lift Miatributions. The first one is obtained in teble VII for @ constant anglo of attack da, (c' » 0) end the socond ono in table VIII for tho anglo of attack distribution duo to the aerodynamic twist (deg = 0). ‘ho chock values of “En (colum (18)) are obtained by mlttplying the effective angle of attack ap, by 892, the final epprarinetions are entered in table IX es ( ena (222 (cag) (egt) ), @letribution te the additionel 1ift distribution Cag) corresponding to a wing Litt coofficient O1(qq.) determined in table IX through the use of the mitiplicre mms. It is usually convenient to use the edditionel 1irt atetribution 8° corresponding to a wing lift coofficient of unity. This distribution is found dy dividing the values of @ > Nea by. : (ca, (ang) me (S32) tiotctntion too oitonton of te nate 248 Aletribution and an additional lift distribution corresponding to 8 wing lift ccofficient Ses 1) @lso determined in table IX. ‘The asic lift distribution =e te thon determined by subtracting the 4e Sncegt) fm Legs)" additional lift distribution oh NACA TN No. 1269 Tnesmuch as the wing lift curve 1s assumed to be linear, it 1s defined by its slope and angle of attack for zero lift which are also found in table IX. The maximum wing lift coofficient 1s estimated according to the mothod of reference 10 which is illustrated in figure k, The meximm lift coefficient is considered to be the wing 1ift coefficient et which somo section of the wing becomes the firet to veach its maximm Lift, thet 18, or) + Oy or.) = Cte a: ‘This value of 0; is most conventently determined by finding the one me ninimm value of ae along: the span as illustrated in teble IX. ‘al - Tnduced-Drag Coefficient . The section inducsd~areg coefficient 1s equal to the product of the section 11ft coefficient and the induced angle of attack in radians, The lift distribution for any wing lift coefficient 1s eo . St918 one S28 = “al? oy, + i (23) ‘The corresponding induced angle of attack distribution may be written av my = oy Oy + Oty (24) The values of a4,, and o4, are determined in table X in the sane manner as “te end ope 4n teble IX, The induced-drag 7 distribution is therefore Saye oe oy . ob STS or . su ha? ge, San’, Magy > > > > NACA TH No. 1269 25 where Stag? _ ten? en (26) D bo 57.3 Saar . Sten? Sy, Ma? ton (en b db 57.3 bd 57.3 ext cage om My i b b 573 ‘The celoulaticn of each of these induced—dreg distributions te Allustrated in table X together with the numerical integration of each distribution to obtain the wing induced—drag coefficient. Profile-Drag and Pitching-Moment Coefficients The profile-dreg and pitching-mouent coeffictente for the wing depend directly upon the section date and therefore their calculation is the sens whether linear or nonlinear section litt date ere used. For the linoar case the section lift coefficient is % = er, Gt Oy for eny wing coefficient Oy. By use of this value for o, the profile-dreg and pitching-monent coofficients are found as in table VI. DISCUSSION The characteristics of three wings with symmetrical lift distributions have been calculated by use of both nonlinear and linear section litt data end are presented in figure 5 together with experinentel results. These data wore taken from reference 11. The lift curves calculated by use of nonlinear section lift date are in close agreement with the experimental results over the entire range of lift coofficients whereas those calculated by use of lincar section lift date ere in agreement only over the linoar portions of the curves as would bo oxpected. 26 WACA TN No. 1269 Tt mst be remenbered thet the methods presented are subject to the limitations of lifting-line theory upon which the methods are based; therefore, the close agreenient shown in figure 5 should not be expected for wings of low aspect ratio or lerge eweep. ‘The use of the edge-velocity factor more or less compensates for some of the effects of aspect retio and, in fact, appears to over compensate at the larger values of aspect ratio as shown in figure 5. Additional comparisons of calculated and experimental dete ere given in reference 11 for wings with synmetrical lift distributions, but very little comparable data are availeble for wings vith asymmetrical lift distributions. . Such data are very desitable in order to determine the reliability with which calculated date may be used to prodict experimental wing characteristics. Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory National advisory Comittee: for Aeronautics Langley Field, Ve. December 20, 1946 NACA IN Wo. 1269 ar 10, ne ‘PEFERENCES Wieselsberger, C.: On the Distribution of Lift across the ‘Span near and beyond the Stall. Jour. Aero. Sci., vol. hy no. 9, duly 1937, pp. 363-365. Boehar, John: The Determination of Span Load Distribution at, High Speeds byes tect f Fiat Speed WindTunnel Secticn Date. WADA AOR No. Tent, Itiro: A Simple Method of Calculating the Induced Yelccity of a Monoplano Wing. Rep. No. 111 (rot TH 3)s Aero. Res. Inet., Tokyo Imperial Univ., Avg. 1934. Multhoup, E.: Die Berechnung der Auftriebsvertetlung von Tregfligein, Iuftfahrtforschung BA 15, Wr. 4, April 6, 1938, pp. 153-169. Glavert, H.: The Elonente of Aerofoil and Atrscrew Theory. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1927. eoitl, L.t Applications of Modern Bydrodynetitcs to Aeronautics. RAGA Rep, Wo. 116, 1921. Munk, Mex M.: Calculetion of Spen Lift Distribution (Part 2). Aero, Digest, vol. 48, no. 3, Feb. 1, 1945, p. Bi. Munk, Max M.: Calculation of Span Lift Distribution (Part 3). Aero, Digest, vol. 48, no. 5, Merch 1, 1945, p. 98. Jones, Robert T.: Correction of the Lifting-4ine Theory for ‘the Wefect of the Chord. NACA TN No. 817, 1942. Anderson, Raymond F.: Determination of the Characteristics of Tapered Wings. NACA Rep. No. 572, 1936. Neely, Robert H., Bollech, Thomas V., Westriok, Gertrude C., and Graham, Robert R.: Experimental and Calculated Characteristics of Several NACA 4l—Series Wings with Aspect Ratios 8, 10, and 12 and Taper Ratios 2.5 and 3.5. NACA TW No- 1270, 1947- ‘TELE Xe= INDUCED-ANOIZ-OP-ATTACK MULTIPLIERS gy FOR ASYIGIETRICAT, LIP DISTRIBUTION” feu Ss CE), on] @ [ose | cass] -0.8910 | -0.8090 [-o.7071 | 0.5078 Foo [ose | O I s 18 w 6 5 Ub 1 i 10 19 | 915-652] -166.985] 0 | -r.019 | © =o | 0 ~o.tgé [0 70.850 | 0 [o.serr ae | -329.659| hes.sasfaretig | [tas | 0 [ants [0 [-om | 0 |?) om w | 0 _ | -260.336| s15.s12 | -96757 | 0 1.03 | 0 =1.920 | 0 = 89 | 3 | 6910 | -26.37h o [-225.246 | 245.69) [-81.067 o 6.680 o -L9TT o 4 | 8090 5] 0 | -a-ceo] 0 | -mt-seh foes [rinse | 0 | -6am | o | 206 [5 | gon Uy o 712.60, o 81.592 | 177-054 f6-755 o ~6.228 o 6 | 5878 3 o 56166 o 10.126 °o 71.296 160.762 | ~60.725, oO ~6.192 | 7 | -hskO wz] 2958] 0 wh.cez [0 ~8.596 | 0 [64.817 | 250.611 |-s8-sah, ° 8 | +3090 i o 92.242 o 5652 o =7 60K, ° 60.768 |th5.025 | 57-812 | 9 | «256k o fio [usa] 0 [=i | 0 | 2.865 0 (58-355 [als.ass [a0 [ 0 sail 9 | 0 aap] _e [ane] o =o | 0 | 57.2 | -3090| 8 | 80] 0 =a |e | aais | -6208 | 0 | 32 | --3090 “uno. 7] 0 =e) 0 =00 | 0 “Ee | 0 |-sase | a5 -asho ~5i78| 6 3 =o |) | ae o | 20s [of asf -s8r8 +7071) 5 o = 1368 o wel o = 60h, 0 = +981 0 2.026 35 | =-7071 weno | seep 0 aa [0 a =.903 | 0 | 36-0090 |e =aap eo | as |e | a] 0 ° a) mle] ame] 0 za fe =a [oe [=a | o | -s8 | 0 | 38 ]-mn ~se77{ 2 | 0 =.060[ 0 x08 [8 =o | 0 =a [2 | =| 29 [=r a 2 5 i 5 [_& 7 @ 3 2 ele 29877, +951) 8920 8090 sT071 +878 | h5ho __ 77090 12564 ° a “varus of i yatusa of ft top to be sod with values of m at left eide, at bottoe to be us a with values of a at right side. NATIONAL ADvisoRY COMMITTEE FON AROMATICS 6021 “ON NL VOVNL 82 ‘TELE I1-- INDUCED-ANGEE-OP-APTACK MULTIPLIERS Aq POR SYMMETRICAL LIFT DISTRIBUTIONS AND Yc POR ANTISYWRTRICAL LIP DiseRIBUTTONS ah WOUTPLIERS hy a Blo [easm [ono | oumo | o.sre | oom [o.t09o | o.oo | oss | 04 2 3 3 7 é 3 i 3 2 > 0 | 10 | ans.259 | 58.553 | 0 | -6.950 o_ | 2.065 o_ | 804 o | =e onasay [9 [-an5.éey | ans.ce5_|-67.298 o | -10.158 ° | kao ° 539, ° m0 | 8] 0 | -6ndoe fiso.en [-erast o | 3.56 o | e368 0 | 3.768 no | tT) zou | o ent fréo.rer | -7e-br2 0 __| -10.926 0 | 5m ° wee | 6[ 0 | 820 @_(6s.803 | xrr-osh _|-€2.085 0 eam oa won| 5 | hon [0 ara |__| -neis_ [eon [91-965 o {17.388 | 0 6090 | 4 {9 | -2-880 ° 0 [-ateios | aus -éah [225.597 0 [36.655 oe |S 2 za] e “rs [0 396.562 | 35.512 [60.598 _[ 0 | 95a 2 1.062 ° 72.016 ° 1-599 ° -122.880 | 465.555 [529.976 wert] a | ous | 8 =. | 6 ~risn_[ 0 “7085 0 freraoks [pi5.65r MOURIPLTIRS gy ou FE) a Sr ° [509 | 0 | -1-6m% ° [20% |e so | 8 wae [ise | ely | 0 _| tat ° | 3076 0 | ait Co 0 | ws | eon [-ro.x20 | 0 | 9326 (onan e-em | men ae | & sae [0 65.666 [77.0 _|-80.705 a | er | 707. 5 ° =5eLi0 o ~70.535 [ecoti _|-97 08h o 6 o Boe ET a |e —ease_[ 0 | boctotfas.o Paaas 0 [aba |S Ce ae 3° | ets | 0 poesia | sis.si2 foals [0 om fe =o] 6 “567 o [tar o paetag | hess aot er | 2 ° =35 | © 0 | -6.950 0 Heese [oi5.6sn NATIONAL ADVISORY CoM FoR AON 82 692T “ON NL VOVN NACA TN No, 1269 x TABLE III.- WING-COEFFICIENT MULTIPLIERS - na +9877 [ 29 | s9511_| 28 | 8910 17 #03066 7201589 204616 7.01867 +0555 7.01964 06354. 01867 +06998 301589 +074,70 301154. 207757 -.00607 07854. 0.0785k ° °O +07757 015515 +00607 | 0.0121). 207470 214939 201154 | 02308 .06998 #13996 201589 | .03177 206354 12708 01867 | 03735 05554 11107 | ~—.0196 | .03927 209233 +01867 | .03735 07131 #01589 | .03177 O85 201154 | 02308 | +0257 +00607 | .01214 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS ‘TABLE IV - GEOMETRIC Teper ‘atio ,¢,/0, 25 Aapect rato VA®t 10.05 Spon jb ft 15.00 feo.S 30 7 22 Roo! chord eft : eon chord, en TH Moo cetodjnamic chord, ©, ———2=592— CHARACTERISTICS Root section Tip. section Geometric tist,€, Aerodynamic. twist, Edge. velocity factor, Wing Reyoolds number, R OF EXAMPLE” wing. Aig, » 480 fe |e [ete fe Le fee | LS not 2 _|0.200 | 4.70 [3.0000 |o.1429 [2.435 ..932_|0.0969|0.01385| 0 0 o ovee4 | 195 | u.26 | .90621 22295 13,300 [1.586 | 19751 sor2éa} .0690| -.2h | -0.255| 3° | 298 | 5.93 | .eu6! ar6h |2.269 b.2ge | 0978! .orasa| wasa7| 153 |--.526] 4840] 190 | 5.u2 | .7276 rob [2.022 | cos! .o1023| 206] -.87 | Aho Seve | aya | 3.oh | 6473 .929_| .809_| .0992| 00917] 43652 |-1.27 | 1.235 ToT! | 4162 | 2.70 | 5757 826 | .6ho | .0999| .o0822]_.913}-1.72 | -1,670| #090 | iso | e.ue | sins 739 | .512 | .1007| .oo7ho}_.6288|-2,20 | ~2.138 8810 | 39 | 2.8 | u654 668 | WB | .r0rk| .oo67il .7658|-2.68 | -2.60h| S| 129 | 2.02 | .n295] 626 | 356 | .10201 .o0625| .p8621-3.20 | -3,025| 8077 | 325 | aah | 5062 439 | 281 | .2022] .ookyel .06981-3.39 | -3,297| Foe opered wings wth stroight-inn elements from root to. construction tip aoe (m AF (ant aE (Alter_values of ¢7¢, naar tip #0 alow for rounding) (use voive of ¢/, before rounding tie) NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS 1s 692T ‘ON NL VOVN NACA TN No, 1269 82 TABLE E.- eALCULATION OF Toads) fa) [Oey | tee Ts oe HTT glefale [se Au Foote) alata pean eft) OLE ay [sore POLE sar LIFT olsrRipurion FoR_szuxme wi |S ia ieee Sour farie7| “8 |-eSre antes copnoring lo, portharas éacte clunn umber court uae TABLE YL.-GALCULATION OF WING GOEFFIGIENTS FOR __EBXAMPIE wing.‘ {A= 10.05; a,__4.00 ] wo fe |e | w |» w | im | | or | a 2) meen i | st e el cae Ga 2 * “Ims— |erotex) ay (sta) Le eet, creer] (re (8) scien oe aa 2 _| 007654 | 0.0710] 2.55 | 0.1101] 0.497 | 0-0077]1-N35 | 0.0120] -0.082 | 1.932 | -0.156 oises | 58s | .o67o] 2.12 | .0750| 517] .0078]1.300 | 0102] ~.081| 1.586 | -.128 3090 | 4939 | .0608] .92 | -0553| -522| .0076]1.169 | .0089| -.081| 1.282 | -.20), 4840 | 13906 | .0537| -74 | -0597| «516 | .0076]1.0h4 | .0079| -.082| 2.022 | -.08h 5878 | 12708 | 0463] .60 woe] +500} .0076) 20071] ~.085| 809 | -.069 -7071 {wer 0394] 59 +0232} .h79] 0076) 20063] -.090| .640] -.058 2090 | peas} 0326] 62 | 0202] us| 0076 0056] ~.092] .512 | -.oh7 90 | O7131 | 0256] .70 20179] »385 1076} 0051) =.092} 428] ~.038 95it 04854] .0183} .99 10181] .299] .0076] 616 +007] -.092| «356 | -.033 9077 | oe4s7] 0096] 1.37 [ ori] 224] .oo7a] 39 | 0035] -o92] 8a | -.016 Axfe)s (3i]= 0-490 Cy * A af2)x (51]/57.3* 0.0078 Coys zfex (ofr 0.0077. O,* [2x cele __-0.08h “Numbers appearing in ‘parentheses dencie column numbers. NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS ct 692 “ON NL VOVN TABLEYIL “CALCULATION OF LIFT DISTRIBUTION FOR —euwem ___ WING) =o" Ta sae easy ns Efe 1 Tea Paes pe % 4040 910 | 9511 kar-1 Jaye rasan | Tasun [1432391 6.580 =1a08 tes feases {oom | o_f8e 0 ire leila a | 0 eter tai —| ama a | ma_[ 12304) sae sx —| | aes |_| aat_[_2 68008 Tors T tes aes [tes ana__| =4081 © besns | se oom | aa =708| Lae | ane | me | at ‘oes | = 1888 ° om ree [ian [0 _| ose o__[ “2018 Lo | | es | ae ox_|-0.080| 0_| -o020 0 tee as Tou 3230 |-50533] 0 | -a900 irre Lvesea [sony -er238| 0 Tei [oe | | 2000 exo _[4s0e|asit_|-67157 Vem [amas ge | apn 3 ssa0) ciasea| 0 [-629i7 [rears a8 |_| ae_| §[ sor “ax |_0 [9320] 0 _|-e8003 sates [wn _|-aom| Efron cn_|-a0m[ 0 [-tam| 0 o_|irseet ot Ie me | eam | som_| 3000) | [sen E80) satis | se asa ase FR, sao] as vane _| ries | sa esse} 951 a ls eas | at | |_[eer a8. else Las 2 Iva [ a faerie | ree [sts eed] et lese[r ava_| ae ica} at] sem | Heel | oom rox —lases | sen os ja [esna | om on ara | sien cam wanes |r| ame | er] | $1 wooot “en, a rn ee | 32] a im | en [ae] En mn sa sox. | owes Laas | ser a Inala [mts Conte Le Fest omured se e92T “ON NL VOVN TABLEMIIL- CALCULATION OF LIFT DISTRIBUTION FOR — sama WING, agr0- oer Tar 4 ay Sep ps y is6a_| 3080 _|-4s<0 | 5076 2 Fsasss|_o _|-6as0_0 A jasoes|-67298| 0 | 70168 3000) [-saeoe [isasi 0 40 (0 _|-60si7 iea761|-Tea send ee | =ax20| 0 pes |i7rane 80m o_[-asre} 0 [nies gg 692T “ON NL VOWN TABLE IK - CALCULATION OF LINEAR LIFT CHARACTERISTICS FOR —EKAWPLE wing.” SS ‘Numbers obpedring in parenthesas donate com numbers, ‘COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS [as AT Chg eR ee ] w 42) 43) (4) (5) (6) Ww (3) (9) Wo) ay ie) ay © oy, ICemax °n Ae paver lag PA flag) ag S | FY] to | | Se fine frosscxam |S) Aap) |tebiomm [A xOyef| (5)=C6) leroe rer | 49/2] 1/t@) | Garay [aT o Jo07854 | 0.3202 [0.1323 |-0,0029|-0.0105|0.0076 fo.1429 10.926 |o.0: 2.421_[h.477 uses | 15615 | 057 | .1269 | -.00h0| -20100|_.0060| .1295 | .980 | .oh6 2.418 h-hoo | 3000 | 14939 | ooa | e218 | -.00671 -.0003] .0036 | 2264 |1.025 As40_| 13996 | 90! .1079 | -,0077| = .0085| .0008 | .10L0 sera. | s2708 | 0933 .o97h | -.0096] - .0077| -.0019 | 0925 sTo7!_| wo? | ,o722| .0867 | ~.0121] - .0068] -.0043 | .0823, 2090 | o9es3 | _.0652| .0759 | -.o12a| - .0060] -.0062| .0735 80 | 07131 | 053k | 0641 | -.0120] - 9053) os_| 04084 | ous] cou93| -sorahl -soosa 9877 | 02487 | 92: 0279 | -.0963| - .0022| [-.00h liz 12-361 | SUaggith 2h2)« (3h 0.855 Oyeiy* Armfedx (sk __=0,079 _ «+ Say) 0.0853 Aagtueo) * SHE + _0.95 _ oreo ake rae (a) eee y(L+0) * Br, + Gogy.eo)* 2495 — NATIONAL ADVISORY 692T “ON NL VOVNT TABLE X.- CALCULATION OF INDUCED — DRAG COEFFICIENT FOR EXAMPLE _ wing [2-20.05 + Cuda 0-835 reg ~0.079 él wo |e |i |me | iw | we | om | oo | io wor an tc) a pore Piao | Aim [Aen |aeeg] Me oat eae seu Ponos fove,y [Fone Facey | (51-(6) |revo tg) [oir | tarate) faerie) (rats? ° 0.07854 | 2.060 0.405 | 0.1525 10.0076 | 0.3273 | 0,072 | 0.0032 | oissa | .15518_| 3 602 7_| .1269| 0060} .2hu2 | ors | -oorn | 3099 | 4939 | 1.577 | 1.655 uo | .2281! 0036 | .2952 | 022 0005, 4540 | 13996 | 3,203 | 2ahhs 2019 _| .1079| 0008 | .15s9 | 90% 0. sa7e_| 12708 | 1,362 =.097 | .097k|-.0019 | _.1559 | -.0121 | .o002 ron | wor | 1.238 j=.215 | .0867 0009 e090 _| 09233 | 2,92 j= oh08 20759 2002 aso _| 0713! | aan =.630_| 0642 005 | 04854 | 5,99 | =1.029 | _.0h93 067 se77_| 02457 | y myo | .o279l-.00)2 | 1622 | -.0645 | onto ce {tate e? + Ne + Axteyu2) ante eames 87.3 87.3 = 020322 ¢%.___0,0005 + 0.0005 “hwembersoppeoring In parentheses denote colnn numbers. ug 69ZT ‘ON NL VOVN: 16 1 a2 val — | | | be eT wt 0200 ' 24 er fet 0150 t tH tt | | 4, 0100 =e = a EI ‘oot ot SS score = 0060 x 2 3 bh 5 6 TB gH : () brag, a = a Be 6 ee 2 (e) Pstobtng-eoment, seroma, ne cover to oenaics (ay uate. ms riution of sherectartation of WACK U2k alefotl with Reyoolés maior, (ShatIar Fiotead’ sor aeah tniaanese ration) 6927 "ON NL VOWN. TSE 004 te 7 o 2 14 I 18 20 22 24 | % oa |e () Drag. ft 2 + ie 704 G 2 2 14 16 18 20 22 24 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Ye Ve fe nATIONAL aDsORY ‘comers Fx azouics EGE, jalan Sah Pana lta roe RAMstar nue vtenbosaig We elth sialon. ™ 23h 698T “ON NL VOVN views or Setlon sbumesteriaties of gx wags eo cosh ase, ouse , O98, oc, out, cute, ows outrr 16 Teioaot Cots SUM ABMS SUitob Somat Saat autoasé Sumaot ut TIERoe behest pat pw inca Sligo “4 ea ae ee. NE 12 1+ Z 10] H “if 6 # ae f a ++ | 2 + o 4 - pt “4 @ 2 6 2 0) 0 0 0 oO) Oo @ (oy arte 69ZT “ON NL VOVN Bg “SRE ash, ove, ose, came, onm, oli, cane, osm, ost gout Lutot Sout Saba SNe Sout Saat tapmt Seat Sut Feo cays ono cam oak Aaa aay a PEE | ZH it ag ‘3h ‘igure Jo> omartonne 69ZT “ON NL VON 692T “ON NL VOYN Erte (ihe Teta Be Oe cam, ee some a, va prereset sae’ phew pat OS iN \ (2 A ECHRELRE 10 7 COA N a . + = é OQ + 4 “cH 2 T 0 - T i “4 08 eae 0G G0 kg mr ren “rey () Pitouingommnt, ‘Pines f.- Omatutea. 26 “SE Fig. 4 NACA.TN No, 1269 NATIONAL ADVISORY ‘COMMITTEE Fon AERONAUTICS ~ "0 4 2 3 4 5 6° 7 8 9 10 "”, Pigure h.- Betimation of Ogg, for example wing. (Cina, estimated to be 1.37%) 16) 14) }— catewated (sontiseer) © oO ontouteted ( Linear ) cxtoutated Chita) NATIONAL ADWSORY COTE Foe sEMNTICS [ttt i “0 02 04 06 08 10 12 4 #4 0 4 8 & * (a) d= 0h, Be 380,000, root section NACA WALG, tip section MACA 4hI2~ Pigurs 5. Ad and caloslated abaractortation of three sings of taper ratio 2.5 S20"adon [ffsories atetali sections 1 16 a 682T “ON NL VOVN Bg SRL 16; TJ a 14 es i h A a 40} | sapertmenta It sperinntan AY | camaaingtomtimer) | oieaae 4 }—Caloulated ( linear ) ieee i f ‘ian y i 4 4} | 2 : oO H | t ‘ato nna : comer an} —| el [ Z| — J O 02 04 06 08 10 12 JS4 4 o 4 a ee 1 a ow o & om (0) £e 20.05, 5,490,000, r00t aaotion uAck Ui20, tip svotéon macs lin2. Pigare 5-- continued, qs ‘3h 6921 ‘ON NL VOVN 14 perinatal TK 8927 “ON NL VOVN oeteatate’ (nostioesr) | catouiate ( ttnoar 2 \ 1] oO i ini z cone Foe aT O 02 04 06 08 JO 12 14 4.0 (e) A= 22.06, m= 2,070,000, root section wack Mal, tip section wick MLZ. Figire 5. concluded. 2g “BRE

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