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FPGA-Based DPWM for Digitally Controlled High-Frequency DC-DC

Gao Yanxia1, Guo Shuibao1, 2, Xu Yanping1, Lin-Shi Xuefang2, Allard Bruno2, IEEE Senior Member

School of Mechanical&Electronic Engineering and Automation, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China

E-mail:, {gaoyanxia, xuyanping }
Lab. AMPERE (CNRS UMR 5005)-INSA-Lyon, Villeurbanne Cedex France
E-mail: {xuefang.shi, bruno.allard}

AbstractDigital pulse-width modulator (DPWM) is known

as the critical module in digital controller application for
high-frequency switching mode power supply (SMPS). This
paper presents a new Hybrid DPWM architecture operating
at high frequency with high resolution. The proposed DPWM
takes advantage of the phase-shift function of Digital Clock
Manager (DCM) in FPGA, and combines a countercomparator with a digital dither block. To verify the
proposed DPWM, an 11-bit prototype DPWM is
implemented on a FPGA-based digitally controlled highfrequency buck converter. Experimental results with
constant switching frequency up to 2MHz validate the
functionality of the proposed DPWM. This hybrid
architecture can operate at high switching frequency while
reduce clock frequency so as to save power consumption.
KeywordsDPWM, DCM phase-shift, digital dither, SMPS,
FPGA implementation

Due to the numerous advantages including advanced
control strategy, low sensitivity to variations, simplicity to
use digital design tools and re-programmability to
different task, digital controller has become an attractive
candidate for high-performance switching mode power
supply (SMPS) in portable electronic applications [1-2],
where the high switching frequency is urgently required
so as to reduce passive component size to meet the system
miniaturization demand. Fig. 1 shows a diagram block of
digitally controlled buck converter.
In spite of so many apparent and potential benefits, some
issues still require considering in practical digital control
implementation, such as analog-to-digital converter
(ADC) sampling delay, quantization error and limited
resolution of output voltage, which are focused by many
power supply engineers. ADC resolution is becoming a
less important issue thanks to windowed ADC techniques
[3-5], whereas digital pulse-width modulator (DPWM)
brings a trade-off between the clock frequency and the
resolution. For example, for an N-bit DPWM at a
switching frequency fs, the conventional CounterComparator DPWM requires the clock frequency of 2Nfs.
When SMPS switches at high frequencies, the high
resolution of DPWM will result in very high clock
frequency that causes high power consumption and
implementation difficulty. Hence, one of the challenges
for digitally controlled high-frequency SMPS design is to
increase DPWM resolution while keeping the clock
frequency low.
Several alternative DPWM solutions which can operate at
switching frequencies from hundreds of kHz to 1MHz

Fig. 1: A diagram block of digitally controlled buck converter

have been presented, such as the hardware architectures:

Counter-Comparator DPWM [7], Delay-Line DPWM [3],
Segmented Delay-Line DPWM [8], Hybrid Delay-Line
DPWM [9], Ring-Oscillator DPWM [5], and the soft
methods: Digital dither DPWM [6] and Delta-Sigma (-)
DPWM [10]. Each of them has some advantages and
disadvantages. Counter-Comparator DPWM has excellent
linearity in the digital-to-time conversion, but a very high
clock frequency is needed. Delay-Line, Segmented DelayLine, Ring-Oscillator DPWM can be seen as similar type
structures that use a series of tight logic cells to obtain the
fine DPWM resolution while increase chip area. Hybrid
Delay-Line DPWM combines the counter-comparator
with the delay-line as a compromise between the high
clock frequency and the chip area. Digital dither and -
DPWM have been proved effective methods to design a
high-resolution DPWM in software way without
increasing chip area and power consumption. When
DPWM comes to implementation in FPGA-based system,
two attractive digital techniques, the Delay-Locked Loop
(DLL) [11-12] and the segmented DLL [13] have been
recently proposed to achieve DPWM. They utilize the
DLL phase-shift blocks in FPGA to reduce the clock
frequency. In these DPWM applications, the most
significant bits (MSBs) of PWM duty value are achieved
by the counter-comparator and the least significant bits
(LSBs) are realized by the DLL phase-shift block.
Based on the effective software method digital dither [6]
and the useful segmented DLL phase-shift technique [13],
this paper proposes a Hybrid DPWM, which takes
advantage of Digital Clock Manager (DCM) phase-shift in
FPGA, and combines a counter-comparator block with a
digital dither block. This Hybrid DPWM can get highresolution DPWM with a reduced clock frequency at high
switching frequency. The proposed 11-bit DPWM along
with a classical digital PID control law is verified on a
FPGA-based digitally controlled buck converter at the
switching frequency up to 2MHz.
The proposed DPWM design is described in section II,

and its operation procedure is presented in section III.

Section IV shows the FPGA-implementation waveforms
of the proposed DPWM and illustrates the experimental
results of the proposed digital controller verified on a
FPGA-based discrete buck converter. The conclusion is
given in section V.
The proposed DPWM includes three blocks: 3-bit digital
dither block, 4-bit segmented DCM phase-shift block and
4-bit counter-comparator block. Fig. 2 shows the
schematic blocks of the proposed DPWM.

as shown in Table 1 where the 3-bit LSB acts as the line

index and the 3-bit counter value performs the row index.
The dither value will be added to the d[10:3] by an 8-bit
saturated adder, which generates a new duty ratio D[7:0].
As a result, the equivalent resolution of DPWM is
increased by 3 bits. For instance, when the 11-bit duty
ratio changes from 0.500244 to 0.503664 by 1-bit LSB
per switching cycle, the dither results over 23 switching
cycles are shown in Table 2, where the small duty ratio
error can be eliminated by SMPS filter. The obtained 8-bit
value D[7:0] will be sent to the hardware Core DPWM
(4-bit segmented DCM phase-shift and the 4-bit countercomparator) described below.

Fig. 3: A diagram block of 3-bit digital dither

Fig. 2: Proposed DPWM schematic block

1. 3-bit digital dither block

The basic principle of digital dither is detailed in [6]. It
consists to distribute the Ndith LSB of the duty ratio in a
pre-scheduled sequence and put the specific LSB effects
into hardware NDPWM MSB. The (NDPWM + Ndith) bits duty
ratio from control law will be modified in an average
distribution over 2Ndith switching periods, so that the
equivalent duty ratio is in the value between 2Ndith adjacent
quantized levels. By digital dither method, the Core
DPWM resolution NDPWM can be increased by Ndith bits up
to equivalent NDPWM +Ndith bits.
However, dither is not coming free. The longer bits the
dither is used, the higher output ripple increases. Thus,
this consideration puts a practical limit on the number of
dither bits that can be added to increase the resolution of
the DPWM. When the digital dither approach is applied to
the proposed 11-bit DPWM architecture, the bit number of
dither can be determined using those useful mathematical
analyses in [6]. The parameters of buck converter are:
C=22F, RESR =10m, L=4.7H, fs =2MHz, NDPWM = 11bit, NADC = 11-bit, NCore = 8-bit, and Vin =3.3V. According
to the determination for the bit number of dither [6], the
bit number of dither is limited Ndith <4.8234. Thus, the bit
number of dither can be adapted from 1 to 4 in this case.
Here, we use a 3-bit digital dither pattern in the 11-bit
hybrid DPWM.
In this digital dither approach, the 3-bit digital dither
architecture adopts a minimum-ripple dither pattern [6].
Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show the diagram block of 3-bit digital
dither and its minimum-ripple dither scheme respectively.
As shown in Fig. 4, where d1 and d2 are two adjacent
initial quantized levels with d1 = d2 + LSB. It can be seen
that when the duty ratio changes between d1 and d2 in a
dither sequence during every 23 switching periods, a
corresponding sub-bit level can be implemented by
averaging over 8 switching periods. According to Fig. 4, a
look-up table is used to store the 23 dither sequences. Each
sequence is 23-bit long. Therefore, a 23x23 table is shaped

Fig. 4: A 3-bit digital dither minimum-ripple dither scheme

3-bit LSB
3-bit counter (row index)
(line index) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Table 1: 3-bit minimum-ripple dither look-up table

2. 4-bit segmented DCM phase-shift block

DCM is available in most FPGA devices. It can
implement a clock delay locked loop, a digital frequency
synthesizer and digital phase shifter. Here, DCM shifts the
clock phase optionally to delay the incoming clock by a
fraction of the clock period. For instance shown in Fig. 5,
the DCM divides the incoming clock FCLK (50% ratio)
into four equal clocks clk_0, clk_90, clk_180 and clk_270
respectively, then the four phase-shifted clocks can act as
an equivalent 22FCLK clock with a 4:1 multiplexer. Thus,
the clock for the DCM architecture can be reduced by 2 2
times for a fixed-resolution, or the resolution can be
increased by 2 bits for a fixed frequency. Since the
relationship between system clock FCLK, hardware DPWM
resolution NDPWM and switching frequency fs, can be
written as (1):

Table 2: State signals of 3-bit dither schema and duty ratio value over 2 switching cycles




desired duty ratio

dither value



Fig. 5: DCM four-phase-shift scheme

Then the required clock FDCM for the four-phase-shift

DCM module can be expressed as:
FDCM FCLK 2( N DCM 2) (2 N DPWM N DCM 2 ) f s (2)
where NDCM is the bit number of DPWM implemented by
four-phase-shift DCM module.




actual duty ratio


duty ratio error


180 and PX 270. The selected S1 acts as an equivalent

clock of four times (x4) the phase-shifted signals.
Similarly, duty ratio D[1:0] selects one of the four phaseshifted clock signals PY0, PY90, PY180 and PY270 for S2
which acts an equivalent clock of four times (x4) the
phase-shifted signals. Then the two selected signals are
operated in logic AND circuit to generate the final phaseshift signal SC which is 16 times (double x4) as high as the
incoming clock FCLK and will be sent to counter
comparator. The most attractive merit for this segmented
DCM phase-shift architecture is that the final output
signal Sc has 24 kinds of clock possibilities during each of
FCLK clock cycle, where S1 has 22 kinds of coarse phaseshift and S2 has 22 kinds of fine phase-shift. Thus, this
segmented DCM block can either increase 4-bit DPWM
resolution (for fixed fs) or increase the switching
frequency by 24 times (for fixed NDPWM). The operation
waveforms of the 4-bit segmented DCM phase-shift
module are shown in Fig. 7.

A segmented DCM phase-shift architecture which uses

two DCM phase-shift modules in series for digital clock
application was introduced in [13]. This segmented DCM
architecture is also employed as a 4-bit DPWM block of
high-frequency digital control in this paper. Because the
proposed DPWM includes a 4-bit counter comparator, the
hardware clock frequency is FCLK =24fs. According to (2),
the clock frequency FDCM for the segmented DCM module,
FDCM = FCLK 2 (4-2) = 26fs. The diagram block of the 4-bit
segmented DCM phase-shift architecture is shown in Fig.
6, where the input clock FCLK, propagates in zero delay
through the first DCM block, DCM-I in this case, and the
first phase shifted versions, PX0, PX 90, PX 180 and PX
270, are generated. The clock FDCM, four times as high as
the incoming clock FCLK, is operated at the second DCM
block, DCM-II, and further phase shifted signals of the
clock are produced, PY0, PY90, PY180 and PY270. As
observed from Fig. 6, the resolution is now increased by
16 times without increasing the whole system clock
frequency by 16 times.

Fig. 7: Operation waveforms of the 4-bit segmented DCM


Fig. 6: A diagram block of 4-bit segmented DCM phase-shift

Using two multiplexers to select the corresponding shifted

clock signals, the whole block realizes D[3:0], which is
the 4 LSBs of DPWM duty D[7:0] from digital dither
block. Depending on duty ratio D[3:2], S1 can be derived
from the four phase-shifted clock signals PX0, PX 90, PX

3. 4-bit counter-comparator block

Counter-comparator is one simple method to achieve
digital-to-time conversion in DPWM. This architecture
uses a cycling counter and a comparator, setting a set-reset
(SR) latch high when the counter value is zero and low
when the counter reaches the control duty ratio d. This
scheme has the advantage of a simple structure and an
excellent linearity in the digital-to-time conversion.

According to (1), it needs 2 Nfs clock to achieve an N-bit

DPWM at switching frequency fs. However, when it
operates at the high frequency fs, it falls into the drawback
of very high power consumption. Thus, the countercomparator is generally used as the solution for few-bit
MSBs inside DPWM architectures.
Linking to the digital dither block and segmented DCM
phase-shift block above, a 4-bit counter-comparator block
shown in Fig. 8 is used here. It includes a 4-bit counter, a
4-bit comparator and a FDP (D Flip-Flop with
Asynchronous Preset). D[7:4] and SC respectively come
from previous digital dither block and segmented DCM
phase-shift block. For example, when D[7:4]=1010
and D[3:0]=1011, the operation waveforms of this 4bit counter comparator block are shown in Fig. 9.

Fig. 8: 4-bit counter-comparator block linked to digital dither

block and segmented DCM block

frequency of fs = 2MHz, FCLK is merely 32MHz and FDCM

is 128MHz while under the same condition the FCLK will
be required 29 MHz, 210 MHz and 28 MHz by methods of
digital dither [6], DLL phase-shift [11] and segmented
DCM phase-shift [13] respectively. Hence, the proposed
DPWM can dramatically alleviate the clock requirement
at high switching frequency to achieve low power
An example is employed to explain the operation
procedure: Supposing that the duty ratio from the control
algorithm is d[01010101010] and the 3-bit counter value
in digital dither block is 010. According to Table 1,
when the 1-bit dither value is 1, which will be added to
d[10:4] by a saturated adder resulting in a new duty
D[01010110]. The D[7:4] = 0101 is implemented by
the 4-bit counter-comparator, D[3:2]=01 is used to
select phase-shifted clock PX90 for S1, and D[1:0] = 10
is set to select phase-shifted clock PY180 for S2. Through
the logic AND operation of S1 and S2, the final phaseshifted signal Sc is obtained and sent to FDP to change
PWM signal. The waveforms of the example operation are
shown in Fig. 11.
The implementation of the proposed 11-bit Hybrid
DPWM is performed on the Xilinx Virtex-II Pro
XC2VP30 FPGA. It has 8 DCM modules and high speed
of signal process capability (up to 400MHz inside FPGA
and 200MHz for interface I/Os signal transfer). The
proposed 11-bit DPWM operating at fs=2MHz requires
clock FCLK =32MHz (FDCM =128MHz inside DCM).
Compared with the maximum speed of signal process,
FDCM and FCLK in this DPWM are very low.
Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 are the simulations results of DCM
phase-shift block.

Fig. 9: Operation waveforms of the 4-bit counter-comparator


Taking a combination of three blocks described above:
digital dither block, DCM phase-shift block and counter
comparator, the completed DPWM architecture can be
figured in Fig. 10.
In the FPGA implementation, the 11-bit DPWM signal
with 2MHz switching frequency is realized by the
proposed Hybrid DPWM architecture. Among the 11-bit
DPWM, 3-bit are implemented by digital dither (Ndith=3),
4-bit are achieved by segmented DCM phase-shift block
(NDCM = 4), and 4-bit are generated by counter-comparator
(NDPWM = 4). According to (1) and (2), respectively, the
system external clock is FCLK = 24fs and the clock inside
FPGA is FDCM = 22FCLK = 26fs. With the switching

Finally, the simulation for the complete 11-bit proposed

FPGA-based DPWM is shown in Fig. 14, which has a
duty ratio D[7:0]=10000011.
To experimentally verify the proposed DPWM in digitally
controlled SMPS, a discrete buck converter with 3.0V
input and 1.5V output voltage is fabricated. The filter
elements of buck converter are: L = 4.7H, C = 22F,
load R = 5, and a classical PID control algorithm [14] is
employed to regulate the output voltage. The closed-loop
dynamics is set to a classical second-order system with a
resonant frequency of 20 times the open-loop pulsation,
and a damping ratio is set = 0.7. External clock fCLK =
32MHz is used on the Virtex-II Pro XC2VP30 board. The
voltage feedback is performed by a 10-bit A/D converter
AD9203. The diagram block for the digitally controlled
buck converter system is shown in Fig. 15. The
parameters of the digital controller are given in Table 3.

Fig. 10: Proposed 11-bit FPGA-based DPWM with 3-bit digital dither block, 4-bit segmented DCM phase-shift block and 4-bit countercomparator block

Fig. 11: Waveforms of example operation in proposed 11-bit DPWM

Fig. 12: DCM four-phase-shift simulation waveforms

Fig. 13: 4-bit segmented DCM phase-shift simulation waveforms

Fig. 14: 11-bit proposed DPWM simulation waveforms


Table 3: Parameters of the digital controller

Switching power converter
Step down
Digital control algorithm
linear control
Switching frequency
Proposed hybrid DWPM
Counter comparator resolution
Digital dither resolution
DCM phase-shift resolution
DPWM counter frequency

Fig. 17: High-side PWM signal and output voltage in steadystate with PID control

Fig. 15: Diagram block of digitally controlled buck converter

Fig. 16 shows the PWM signal and output voltage

waveforms when the proposed DPWM operates at 2MHz
in open-loop with duty ratio 50%.
The proposed DPWM is also applied with the PID control
law. When it operates in steady-state, the output voltage
and the high-side PWM signal (Pmos) is shown in Fig. 17.
When the load R varies from 0.3A to 0.5A (i.e. R from 5
to 3), the output voltage transient response is figured in
Fig. 18, and the dynamic PWM signal is shown in Fig. 19.
From the view of spectrums of PWM gate signals and
voltage, the performance of Hybrid DPWM is quite
satisfying. Although the PID control does not offer a high
dynamic performance (i.e. the duty ratio d is not optimal),
the proposed DPWM faithfully address the digital-to-time
conversion in dynamic state (shown in Fig. 19). Other
advanced control scheme with better performances can be
used in the digital controller. Whatever the paper
addresses specifically the implementation and the
performances of the DPWM block required with any
digital controller.

Fig. 18: Output voltage dynamic response when the load varies
from 5 to 3 (the load current from 0.3A to 0.5A) in PID

Fig. 19: PWM signal in dynamic state with PID control


Fig. 16: DPWM operating at 2MHz in open-loop with duty 50%

This paper presents a fully synthesizable 11-bit Hybrid

DPWM combined of a 4-bit DCM phase-shift block, a 4bit counter-comparator block and a 3-bit digital dither
block. The most attractive advantage of the proposed
DPWM is the fully synthesizable DCM resource available
in most FPGA devices, which makes the proposed DPWM
particularly suitable for FPGA-based digital controllers in
high frequency application. Instead of 211fs, the proposed
11-bit DPWM architecture only requires 24fs clock to

implement, which dramatically reduces the power

consumption. Based on a Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA
board, the proposed DPWM along with a digital PID
control law has been experimentally verified on a discrete
buck converter operating up to 2MHz.
This paper and its related research are partly supported by
grants from Power Electronics Science Education
Development Program of Delta Environmental &
Education Foundation (Project No.DERO2007014). The
authors would like to explain acknowledgement for the
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