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Princpios cristos para crianas / Christian Principles for Kids

If God is keeping score and tallying up our points good and bad, were
simply not going to come out of it looking very good. Luckily, our God is a
loving God who wants to be close to us and show us the way to live
eternally with Him.

Se Deus estiver
nossos erros e
simplesmente no
vamos nos dar
muito bem.
Felizmente, nosso
Deus amoroso e
quer estar prximo
a ns, para que
possamos viver
eternamente com

The Bible tells us that God loves each of us fervently, even though He knows
all the wrong stuff we've done. His love is permanent, unconditional, and

A Bblia nos diz

que Deus nos
ama com muita
paixo, apesar de
estar totalmente
ciente de nossos
erros. Seu amor
incondicional e

God doesnt demand

perfection. He never thought
that we could be perfectif
He did, He wouldnt have
come to earth to die for us.
But He did, and He wants to
have a relationship with
each of us.

Deus no exige perfeio.

Jamais pensou que
poderamos ser perfeitos
ou no teria vindo terra
para morrer por ns. Quer ter
um relacionamento com
cada um de ns.

Nothing can ever separate us from Gods

love. Neither death nor life, neither angels
nor demons, neither our fears for today nor
our worries about tomorrownot even the
powers of hell can separate us from Gods
love. No power in the sky above or in the
earth belowindeed, nothing in all
creation will ever be able to separate us
from the love of God that is revealed in
Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39, NLT)

Nada pode nos separar do amor de Deus:

nem a morte, nem a vida; nem anjos, nem
foras espirituais; nem qualquer coisa do
presente, nem do futuro; nem qualquer
coisa que est acima de ns ou abaixo de
ns; nem poderes nem qualquer criatura
poder nos separar do amor que Deus tem
por ns em Cristo Jesus, nosso Senhor.
(Romanos 8:38-39)

Powerpoint by
Text courtesy of Activated magazine; used by permission. Art TFI.

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