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Election Issues

First of all I would like to state that no institution or business has the same rights as people. Google doesn't
have the right to violate individuals rights for example! Owning a corporation or a business doesn't give a
person the right to violate another individuals rights or law! Our rights are ours in private and in certain
situations have limits in public spaces! This is well established by more than a century of law.
It is our duty to be well informed and investigate the actions of our leaders. I will limit my analysis to the less
scrutinized republican platform. There are of course many more sources and links ... Newt Gingrich's
involvement in healthcare... And others... But I will try to limit myself to defending issues near and dear to me
as a patriot and military veteran.
Here are links to sources that analyze the extremist actions taken by politicians during this election.
Trump is connected to religious activists who preach hate and wish to be able to directly influence elections
and laws. He wishes to pass legislation that gives religious institutions further authority in politics.
So does title IX only apply to non-LGBT people? according to the religious right yes. I thought the
constitution protected all people. Regardless of their sex, hence the wording and use of "sex discrimination"
and no mention of gender identity. Title IX should apply everyone, no-ones sex should be used to
discriminate against them. Regardless of their presentation and identity. They should be consistently
respected for who they are and how they act and behave, not what another individual believes about them.
No one has the right to discriminate against people in public spaces based solely on a singular belief they
hold as an individual. For example, a woman who is undergoing chemo for breast cancer and who has
received a mastectomy, shouldn't be discriminated against because people believe they are trans, or queer,
or lesbian. If an effeminate man walks into the men's room, who are people to judge their manhood?
These bigots refuse to acknowledge the damage homophobia and transphobia causes. They refuse to
recognize the rights of honest hard working Americans to fair and equal treatment. They refuse to
acknowledge the prevalence transphobia has in our society. I was in the closet and didn't associate with the
other boys in school. I didn't express my needs or desires to transition out of fear. I silently conformed in
order to survive. I was beaten and abused and harassed for being sensitive, effeminate, and having a girly
body. I was accused of being gay and tormented because I was to afraid to stand up for myself. Teachers
openly allowed me to be bullied. I barely survived and graduated from a public school simply because of the
way I looked and my nature. I followed the rules and didn't even attempt to challenge anyone's perceptions
about gender identity. An education is a foundation of our country. It allows us to be self sufficient and well
informed. Despite this adversity I served 4 years in the army. Many people, both straight heterosexual and
LGBT have served and died for all of our freedoms and rights, for a chance to better ourselves and our
country. LGBT, but also importantly trans people are nurses, emts, cops, artists, teachers, mothers and
fathers. Heroes and Americans who just want to do good.

People like Pat McCrory ignore the evidence and statistics that trans people are real people, with real needs,
and mentally sane in their medical desire for transition.
He urges people to openly hunt us and discriminate against us, calling us sexual predators and aberrant,
We need our state to unite as one if were going to keep our children safe from all the sexual predators and
other aberrant behavior that is out there., he says. There's not one shred of genuine honest evidence that
supports his claims.
This wasn't an issue until these bigots decided to take advantage of fear mongering and the republican party
at the last month's of our election. Making a political issue out of a personal, private matters that are not the
religious rights to mandate on. Until this election federal, and state laws were more than sufficient to protect
everyone, including the expression, and beliefs of the religious, the supremacists, or the racists. The real
purpose of North Carolina's HB2 bill was to ban local municipalities from making their own rules. From
setting their own minimum wages, and their own workers rights. They aren't about giving states more power
and decreasing the involvement of the federal government. They are about blocking the rights of individuals
in favor of discriminatory practices by special groups. Making it harder for citizens to pursue justice for
discrimination. Forcing such cases into the federal courts where it can take years to decide on a personal
Apparently religious bigotry TRUMPS the integrity and life of a human being!
None of these preexisting guidelines or laws force private citizens to loose their religious freedom. They
protect people equally across federally supported institutions meant for everyone. No one is forcing private
schools, healthcare, churches, or individual families and people from being discriminatory.
These supremacists are trying to change the letter of the law to allow socially unacceptable transphobic and
homophobic interpretations of our basic rights the national level. They want their personal beliefs applied to
Health care is a specifically important issue. Which is subsidized by insurance, both private markets, and the
federal market. The federal health care market was designed as a conservative capitalist compromise to
allow a regulated market that respects our rights and civil liberties without creating and forcing universal
healthcare. The new federal markets are out competing old discriminatory private policies. The old
conservative companies refuse preexisting conditions and deny necessary medical care on discriminatory
terms. For example a victim of rape isn't permitted an abortion or day after drug. No one has the right to
violate the integrity of a woman's body for any reason. Women have rights to seek appropriate medical
treatment to avoid unnecessary suffering or death. Certain insurance companies provided through
businesses can still refusing medical treatment on the the grounds of a persons mental health. Those
business can fire people for seeking specific treatments such as birth control.
Trump, Mike Pence, Reed O'conner, Pat McCrory are nationalists and supremacists who have demonstrated
opposition to the fair and just application of the law to all citizens. They support homophobic, transphobic,
misogynist, and racist ideologies.
The republicans slander democrats for being proactively involved in working to make the world better, across
borders, trying to broker peace, and provide health reform to impoverished people who deserve better in this
world of abundance. The conservative right would like you to think your wealth is being stolen from you. But
they are part of the same establishment that exploits human rights all over the world. Hillary is willing to deal
with countries who while their governments violate human rights, an isolationist policy would just further
deteriorate the rights and freedoms of those citizens in those oppressed countries.
The republican party is deeply tied to fear mongering scare tactics designed to inflame and legitimize bigotry
and intolerance. Perhaps white supremacy isn't the right term. But we are quickly heading towards a dark
time where ill informed countrymen vote for the loudest tyrant. Rather then a worldly politician who wants to
serve their country, not just the agendas of their constituents. The republican candidates are the worst
possible scenario. Even if they only win this election and affect the rights LGBT people and woman share
with everyone, it would set a precedent and legitimize the removal of rights for potentially any group of
American citizens.
If you think my life experience, achievements, innate inborn identity is a fairytale, a lie. If you wish to ignore
my assessment, I have already lost. The greatest evil we face as a nation is succumbing to base fear and
paranoia propagated by evil, unchristian, unamerican, inhumane, bigots in the name of greed and power.

These people who preach hate don't want to share America with good people. They want to regress back to
the old days. Where only one select group had the power and authority to oppress or uphold the law. When
they talk about bringing law back to America, they talk about bringing law back to only the people who kneel
and conform to their moral, religious, and cultural authority. Leaders who would condemn an honorable
dutiful law abiding moral and humane person to live in fear for their lives, having to suffer at the hands of
those "better" than them, are indeed not really leaders at all.
Let me 're-iterate by leaving you this thought.
Just like in Maslows hierarchy of needs, people go through different stages of development. Once humans
get their basic needs met, they can go on to different levels of development. How you think and respond to
life, and how you relate to religion and politics depends on where you are in the stages.
All cultures and all people go through black and white, absolutistic thinking. People at absolutistic thinking
have two answers for every category and every question. You are either with us or against us. You are either
a patriot or you can go live in some other country. This level is based on following of rules and sacrifice of
personal wants for future reward. Evangelical versions of any religion, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, are at
absolutistic thinking.
Another level of human development is relativistic, world-centric thinking. People at this level may have
religious beliefs but they are not tied to black and white answers. Relativistic thinkers, when put in an MRI,
have their whole brain light up when asked questions, as they access data to answer. Absolutistic thinkers in
an MRI only have their flight or fight section light up for questions.
(You can see an example of this on one episode of Morgan Freemans Through the Wormhole. You can see
information on developmental stages of humans online also.)
This also applies to the reactions we see to social issues each day. Commenters online who attack victims of
brutality or defend an authority source who was in the wrong are doing so because they have absolutistic,
black and white thinking. They believe that if you are good, nothing bad will happen, and authorities are
always to be respected. So the person in the bad situation must have done something bad to deserve it. And
the authority figure must never be blamed."
You can read more thoughtful and thorough articles at:
The biased and unchallenged opinion of extremists that want to sway voters through fear and lies, spinning
out of proportion the democratic party are amoral. They stand on hate and biased speculation. They
generalize and accuse whole groups of people of maliciously attacking their rights, when it is they who are
making the attacks on other groups themselves. They allege criminality to detract from their own exploitation
of people for the sake of ego, control, power, dominance and selfish greed.
At least Hillary has the virtues of being active in trying to work within the global system and improve our
country for everyone. Enabling people to participate in society who otherwise would be wrongfully
condemned and defamed by angry zealots.
Many mainstream news sources urge criticism of Trumps smear campaign and his republican constituents
attack on liberty and the lives of Americans, some of whom are your family, and whom deserve to be a part
of society, rather than dismissed by attitudes that we don't matter, or deserve discrimination and punishment.

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