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Verbs with infinitives ending in -ir form a second group of regular verbs in French,
often called second conjugation verbs.

Second group verbs always end with "-ir" as their infinitive. For example:

Choisir (to choose)

Finir (to finish, to end)
Russir (to succeed)

To conjugate ir verbs in the present tense, drop the -ir from the infinitive and
add the second conjugation present tense endings : -is, -is, -it, -issons, -issez,













Second group verbs are called "verbes en -issons" since their ending is
always issons in the first person plural (Ex. Nous finissons).

Choisir (to choose)


To choose

Je chois is

I choose

Tu chois is

You choose

Il/elle chois it

He/she chooses

Nous chois issons We choose

Vous chois issez

You choose

Ils/elles chois

They choose

Nota : " Choisis " and " choisit" should be pronounced exactly the same: do NOT pronounce
the final "s" or "t".

Russir (to succeed)


To succeed

Je russ is

I succeed

Tu russ is

You succeed

Il/elle russ it

He/she succeeds

Nous russ issons We succeed

Vous russ issez

You succeed

Ils/elles russ

They succeed

Nota : " Russis " and " russit" should be pronounced exactly the same: do NOT
pronounce the final "s" or "t".


A very limited group of verbs with infinitives ending in -ir are irregular, that
is, they do not follow the pattern of regular -ir verbs like finir.


Verbs like ouvrir or dcouvrir are conjugated instead like regular -er

Ouvrir (to open)


Nous ouvrons

Tu ouvres

Vous ouvrez

Il/elle ouvre

Ils/elles ouvrent

Dcouvrir (to discover)

Je dcouvre

Nous dcouvrons

Tu dcouvres

Vous dcouvrez

Il/elle dcouvre

Ils/elles dcouvrent

Verbs conjugated like ouvrir include:


Couvrir : To cover
Offrir : To offer, to give (a gift)
Souffrir : To suffer

2) The verbs dormir, partir and sortir are irregular in the present tense,
that is, they are not conjugated like regular -ir verbs.

Dormir (to sleep)

Je dors

Nous dormons

Tu dors

Vous dormez

Il/elle dort

Ils/elles dorment

Partir (to leave)

Je pars

Nous partons

Tu pars

Vous partez

Il/elle part

Ils/elles partent

Sortir (to exit, to go out)

Je sors

Nous sortons

Tu sors

Vous sortez

Il/elle sort

Ils/elles sortent

Agir : To act

Avertir : To warn

Btir : To build

Choisir : To choose

tablir : To establish

Finir : To finish

Grandir : To grow (up)

Grossir : To gain weight, to get fat

Gurir : To cure, to heal, to recover

Maigrir : To lose weight, to get thin

Nourrir : To feed, to nourish

Obir : To obey

Punir : To punish

Rflchir : To think, to reflect

Remplir : To fill

Runr : To get together, assemble

Russir : To succeed

Vieillir : To grow old

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