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Gfl D

(the LIGHT)

Th p0oplt ttat liutd in dortoMC*

MU a grtat light..."

Mtt. 4il6


filths FR!ft=rw NewBAILS
Field Address: 3-6 Kugo-cho, Yokosuka 238, Japan j8



Although much construction work was done on the church building during December,
it was beginning to look like we would not be able to use the auditorium for Christmas,
On December 22, this was the state of affairs - the church yard was piled with debri
from the old demolished sections. There were no lights, heat, toilets, or glass in the
front windows. The site resembled the aftermath of a killer typhoon.
If all Christians would work as hard as the carpenters and other workmen did over

the next two days, multitudes would be won for Christ. On December 23 alone, over 20
workmen converged on the building. These included the window man, 3 gas pipe
installers, the electrician, 2 roof men, 9 carpenters, 2 or 3 plumbers, and 2 men

to haul away debri. The plumbers installed a temporary toilet and workeduntil 8:00
P.M. in freezing rain to dig a trench and lay a sewage line to the main line beneath
the street.

After the last carpenter was sent off with a Christmas gift of American nuts and
a calendar, the next crew moved in. This group included some young men in the church
along with Mark and Dale. Their assignment was to clean-up and decorate for the next

day's Christmas programs. Mop, mop, mop and more mopping was in order, since it had
been raining all day. Several hours and numerous layers of mud and sawdust later, the
original floor was discovered. Since the church building has just asmall yard, the
carpenters had used the auditorium as their work area. The new folding chairs, which
had been stored under canvas outdoors, had to be moved inside along with a small organ

and some other furnishings. In addition, everything had to be washed. After attaining
some semblance of cleanliness, decorations were finally hastily hung here and there.

Bare light bulbs hung from an unfinished ceiling, the walls were gray plaster boards,
and most of the doorways were sealed off with plywood sheets,. . .but we were ready
for Christmas.

It was 3:00 A.M., Sunday, December 24.

For over two months the church service had been held at our house and Sunday School
was held outdoors. We were now happy to be back in the auditorium in spite of the rough

cast appearance. Sunday School and morning worship were held at the regular morning
hours. At 3:00 in the afternoon, the Sunday School presented a nice drama and had a
candle-service and party. In the evening was the main Christmas Eve Candle-service,
followed by a party. Nearly 40 were in attendance. Christmas Day is not usually a

holiday for the Japanese, which meant the carpenters were scheduling a full work day
for Monday. . .which meant everything had to be taken down and put away. Being so late
on a Sunday night, the city busses were not running regularly and several had diffi
culty getting home. So Dale drove 4 U.S. sailors to the Yokosuka Naval Base and then
some of the Japanese to their homes. After taking Peggy, Mark, Beth, Tim, and Billy
home, and several other trips hauling dirty plates, decorations, and the Christmas
tree, the day finally came to a close. The Christmas programs were over - all held
on one day. . .one big day! It was now the wee hours of Christmas morning.

Everyone in our family was too tuckered out to even hang stockings. The by now
- battered tree was just propped up in a corner. Santa just could not keep going. The

Christmas presents had to spend the night and all the next morning in the trunk of the

car. We just hit the sack and slept until noon.

Every Sunday since Christmas we have managed in one way or another to use the

church auditorium. Since the carpenters usually worked late on Saturday and began early
on Monday, it has been a chore getting the auditorium ready and then un-ready. This
past week, the congoleium-type floor was laid, the plaster work was finished, and most
painting was done. The electricity was hooked up yesterday and the doors are being
installed today. Hopefully, the toilets and other plumbing fixtures will be installed

by next week. By the time you receive this Hikari, we should already be living in the

second floor parsonage. It has been a long hard road, but the Lord has enabled us
to break through many barriers. We are learning tenacity and patience. THE DEDICATION


Depart Tokyo, Monday, May 21, 10:00 PM (on China Airlines)

Arrive Honolulu, May 21,

9:20 AM

(Due to free^topover, we will -v-i-svt Donnie and Charlotte Mins, former

missionaries to Japan, now doing church work in Hawaii)
Depart Honolulu, May 24
Arrive Los Angeles

8:00 PM

Depart Los Angeles, May 26

1:15 PM

(These times subject to change!)

Arrive Columbus, Ohio, May 26 8:18 PM

We are planning to live in Dale's hometown, Circleville, Ohio. PLEASE BE IN PRAYER


About $500 is still needed for travel expense, We are really thankful for the
special gifts received so far.

News just came today that Yoshida-san's father, whom many of you were praying for,
passed away. Both Yoshida-san and his mother are having a difficult time. Please pray
for them.

We are rejoicing over the conversion of two more young adults. Miss Hiromi Ito,
18 yrs. old, and Mr. Jun Motohashi, also 18, confessed Christ last week. As soon as the
church baptistry is available, these two will be immersed into Christ. Mark was
instrumental in winning both.
In Christ,

Dale and Peggy Wilkinson



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MissION Services

P. 0, Box 177

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No. 1562

may ::1979


(fhe LIGHT)
The p^opl that livad in darhitaa
8<at a graat light.^."


Matt. 4tl6






APRIL, 1979




Dear friends,

In just about a month we will he hack in the U. S. A. There is so much to share and
report ahout this term of service in Japan. Much has heen accomplished, especially during
the past several months. The Lord has hlessed in wonderful ways. I'll only he ahle to
mention the hi-lights in"this HIKARI. We are looking forward to sharing with you personally

Miss Hiromi Ito was baptised into Christ in February. Hiromi-san has heen attending
church here in Yokosuka for the past l|- years. She is now in her first year of college,

training to become a kindergarten teacher. She has already begun to assist in Sunday
School. Hiromi-san has many triaJsahead since her parents had opposed her decision to
receive Christian baptism. Do keep her and the other new Christians in your prayers.

In February, the Yokosuka First Church of Christ building was 9^ completed and so
on February 25th, we moved from the rented house in Hirasaku to the second floor parson

age. What a job moving heavy appliances and things up the narrow, steep stairs, which
are so tjrpical here in Japan. Houses are rather small and the least amount of space
possible is allotted for the stairway. Naturally, when moving day came, it rained con
stantly. Andy Patton came from Tokyo to help. Not only were there personal household
items, but church furnishings and supplies as well. These had been stored at four dif
ferent locations. Getting everything back into the church building, reassembling desks,

tables, bookshelves, and cleaning was a mammoth task. We are still not done. March 18th
was scheduled for the Dedication Service. Two days before the Dedication Service, the
front concrete steps and block wall was finally completed.

March 18th was a glorious day. The rare apricot tree in the church yard was in
full bloom. Spring comes early here compared to Ohio. Missionary Harold Sims was the

main speaker. Andy Patton from Tokyo gave a report on the building construction and
Stanley Buttray who is now guiding the new camp development in Nagano Prefecture, gave

a history of the work in Yokosuka. Stanley was instrumental in starting the work here
in Yokosuka nearly 30 years ago. Each person in attendance was given a paper-back

Bible and a small box containing two dumpling-like^ confections called O-MAHNJOO. These
are filled with a very sweet paste made from red beans. Japanese custom is to give
a small momento and a light snack at events like this. One hundred boxes of O-MAHNJOO

had b66n ordered from the rice-cake store, but for one reason or another only about 40
people attended. I gave some of the extras to folks in the neighborhood and I assure
you, Billy and Tim had more than a box or two. Peg and I were afraid that they were
going to turn into "dumplin's" themselves.

Sunday before Easter, we showed the movie, "The Cross and the Switchblade." Paul
Pratt who works with the Sanobara Church of Christ in Isehara City came to help Kenseisan and me distribute leaflets to students at the busy coin game centers near the
church. Torrential rains and flood streets kept people from coming, but 25 were in

attendance. Of these, however, four indicated a desire to learn more about Christ and

one man, Mr. Eawana, expressed his desire to be baptised. This has been scheduled
for May 6, following a period of Bible study. Mr. Kawana is 24 years old.

Easter Sunday, Andy Fatten came from Tokyo to preach during the morning worship hour.
Brother Fatten is now coming to help at Yokosuka each Sunday and arfter we leave for the

U. S. in May, he and his wife Betty will live part-time in.Yokosuka and give special help
and guidance to the congregation here. Following morning worship, we enjoyed a really
nice Easter Sunday dinner of fried chicken and other goodies.

Feggy specially baked two

lovely angel food cakes but only one was enjoyed. "Y'>urs truly," in all good intention,
pulled it from the oven too soon, just trying to help. With a "puff," it went from
about 8 inches to 2. In the afternoon, ^5 children and a few mpthers came to the special
children's program. The Resurrection story was told and various games were played along
with a thrilling egg hunt in a nearby empty lot. Next Lord's Day, several of the child
ren returned to enroll in Siinday School.

It is very difficult to build Sunday School

attendance in Japan and so we have special programs about 4 times a year to recruit new
students and to meet parants. Actually this was our annual "back-to-school" party and
the start of the new Sunday School year. It co-incided with Easter this year. Schools
in Japan begin in the spring-time instead of the fall.
The church building construction has been completed and the major spring church

programs have come and gone. Now we are devoting our attention to getting prepared for
furlough. This means digging out the things we just finished putting away. Decisions
"must be made as to wHat~td^ pack and sbnd"'b3re3qreTisive parcBi--past7--whatr-to dispose-ofi
and what to carry in suitcases. There seem to be a hundred things to do. Of course
the work of the ministry must go. There are sermons and lessons to prepare each week

in Japanese and a busy counseling schedule with both U. S. sailors and Japanese young
people, not to mention the office work.
Our flight itinerary is as follows:

May 21 (Monday)

Leave Tokyo

(China Airlines)

Arrive Honolulu


F. M.

9:20 A. M.
12:00 Noon

May 2^

Leave Honolulu

8:00 F. M.

May 26 (Sat.)

Arrive Los Angeles

Leave Los Angeles
Arrive Columbus, Ohio

8:18 F. M.


F. M.

While in Honolulu, we will be visiting Donnie and Charlotte Mings, former mission
aries to Japan. In Los Angeles, we will stay for 2 nights at the Holiday Inn near

Disneyland. During the past 4 years, our family had little opportunity for fun trips
together, so for a change we are taking a little vacation prior to a bxisy summer.

We will be living in my home-town, Circleville, Ohio, a first for Feg and the kids.
My sister June, has located a rather large house for rent, just a few blocks from
where Mom Wilkinson lives. Mark, Beth, Tim, and Billy will have a chance to get to
know their"TLrandffiffr~aunts, uncles, and cousins. Unfortunatelyi-their Grandpa-Wilkinson

passed away about a year ago. As soon as we are settled, we will be able to visit with
you. We are looking forward to seeing all of you again.
/ 7 ^'
Love, In Christ,


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Permit No. 1562

Editorial Dept.

Mission Services

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131 Edison Avenue


Circleville, Ohio 43113

October 10, 1979

Dear friends,

The end of August we drove to Oklahoma to visit former missionary co-wor

kers, Milton and Barbara Jones. The Jones' were forced to return to the U. S.

a couple of years ago due to Eric's leukemia. We enjoyed seeing them again.
Eric, who is five years old now, is still in "remission," but been through
much suffering. The week we were there, he was doing fairly well and so our
Tim and Billy were tickled to play with him again. Eric often has painful
side-effects from the chemical treatments. Please continue to pray for him.
Milton was recuperating from gall-bladder surgery, but was getting along fine,
On our way home to Ohio, we stopped by Dr. Norma Sneed's medical clinic
in Checotah, Oklahoma, for our own medical examinations. Everyone seems to
be A-OK. Thanks to Dr. Sneed and all at the clinic for spending so much time
with us on the busiest day of the week! Son, Mark, is over his bout with mononucleosis, but still tires easily and must take it easy. We praise the Lord
for providing funds for the hospital bill! We signed up for a Prudential
hospital insurance policy which took effect the same day Mark was admitted to
the hospital. All of the hospital bill of over $700 and part of the doctor
bill was paid. Some call us "lucky," but we know that the Lord provides,
not "chance."

Only other health problems seems to be dental. Beth had been needing
orthodontic care for years, but we either didn't have enough money or else
we were in the process of moving from America to Japan or vice versa. Ken
Helm's adult Sunday School class of the Mason (Ohio) Church of Christ has
saved nearly $900 to help out and now that we are in the States for a while,
we have arranged for the work to begin. Treatment will last for 24 months
and cost about $1,300.
Besides Beth, Mark, Peggy, and I need teeth filled.
I am supposed to have three wisdom teeth extracted also. Triple ouch!!!
Billy has to have a front tooth extracted. He fell a couple of years back
and then again recently, and it has become abscessed. Tim is free of cavi
ties, but will probably need braces later on.
Mark, Beth, Tim, and Billy are all in school now and love it. Quite a
change from having to be a home every day for the past 3 years. Their cor
respondence program doesn't line up with what is offered in public schools,
so there was a question as to what grade of school they would be in. This
was especially critical for Mark who is a senior this year.

Tim and Billy

were more fluent in Japanese than in English and had special communication
problems. The Lord led us to a church operated school near Circleville which
was using exactly the same material which our kids had been studying in Japan,
and so now they have a continuity of studies for a while. The school is very
sympathetic to Tim and Bill's needs and are giving them special attention.

I also decided to return to school and am studying full-time at the Cincinnati

Christian Seminary. This semester I am taking theology courses. History of the
Restoration Movement, and Life and Ministry of the Apostle Paul. Later, I hope
to become better trained in counseling. This additional training will help me to be
a more effective missionary. We live about 100 miles from Cincinnati, so I spend
lots of time and gasoline in traveling. Tuition and fees for the first semester are

$550, plus books. Also, funds will be needed for the second semester.
preciate any help you can give towards this need!

We will ap

The trees are all dressed up in autumn colors. It sure is a treat to kick
through the leaves, something we rarely did in Tokyo and Yokosuka. The climate
there is warmer than Ohio, and many trees have leaves year-round. The mountains
and northern rural areas are gorgeous in the fall, but since we were living in the
city, we are now more accustomed to asphalt, utility wires, and neon lights. There

are few large trees and almost no grassy yards. Even though it has rained a lot
this year in Ohio, we are enjoying the trees, leaves, and squirrels scurrying around
storing up for winter. l-Jhether we enjoy the winter remains to be seen. It rarely
snows in Yokosuka or get below freezing for that matter.


toward completion of the Faith Land Bible Camp in central Japan. Groundbreaking
ceremony for the Main Camp building was on June 23. The camp will be an all-year
round facility, suitable for camps, seminars, retreats, etc, and will be a great
blessing for Japanese Christians.
Brother Stan says that they need help in se
curing bedding. He writes, "We will need twin fitted and flat sheets and blue


Keep the package small and valued under $15.00." If you can help,

please send these packages to:

Stanley Buttray - c/o Andrew Patton

3-7-8 Higashi-Nakano

Nakano-ku, Tokyo, Japan 164

Thank you for being so kind, understanding, and generous in prayer and support.
Having no secular job income, missionaries on furlough need continual financial
support - for the continuing work on the foreign field, for mission operating
expenses, for our housing expenses here in the U. S., salary, and other needs.
Furlough is not a long vacation, but a special and at times difficult aspect of
missionary work. We need to spend time with supporting churches, raise additional
support, continue our education, and meet a wide variety of personal and family
needs. Thank you for understanding this and for continuing your help. We appreciate
"ITTT rm 1 1 1 1 iTiTi iTiT 1 1 1 H i 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 rnTTl 1 1 rn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iT1 1 n 1 1 1

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Cincinnati, Ohio
Permit no.

Editorial Dept.

Mission Services

P. 0. Box 177

Kempton, in




'^-^4/ 2 /c




December 20, 1979

Dear friends,
In just a few days, 1979 will come to a close.


It is Christmas Time

Yesterday, Peg and I were thinking back over Christmases past.

We first arrived in Japan, in November, 1970.

Since that time we have

lived in twelve different houses in seven different communities, ranging in

size from 500 to 12 million.

No two Christmases were alike.

This Christ

mas is also different, because for once I (Dale), anyway, really get to be
home for the holidays. Circleville, Ohio, is where I was born and reared.
Many changes have taken place over the years, but it is still ol' "Round-

town" to me. We live in a large house just three blocks from my Mom and
brother Stanley. Circleville is the first town I ever moved to where I
automatically knew all the streets, alleys, and shortcuts. I've never told

you about all the times I tried to get unlost in Japan. The daily Tokyo
rush hour is worse than any holiday hustle and bustle that America has ever

Two years ago in Yokosuka, Peg roasted four turkeys and fixed all the
trimmings for a "tawkey deenaw pa-tee, " as the Japanese pronounce it. The
old church building was so drafty and everyone so late, that it all tasted
like Banquet's TV Dinners - not yet thawed. Part of the problem was the
end of year traffic and me. The streets of Yokosuka were jammed with homebound commuters and shoppers - all preparing for the big Japanese holiday
of New Year's. Christmas, for the Japanese, is just a little warm-up time
for New Year's, during which the most of the stores close for almost an
entire week.

Anyway, it took me over an hour to drive about 3 miles from

our house to the church building with all the goodies. After the last pump
kin pie was brought in. Peg asked apprehensively (you guessed it), "Where are
the turkeys?" Sometimes, I'm not much help when it comes to church dinners.
Last Christmas, the Yokosuka church building was still under construc

tion, so we decided not to have a "tawkey deena pa-tee." The carpenters

promised that we could use the auditorium for one day, although it would
be far from done. We scheduled all sorts of programs for Christmas Eve,
which was on Sunday. For several months we had been holding services at
our house and Sunday School was mostly outdoors. Our goal was to resume
meetings in the church building by Christmas.

All day, on the 23rd, an

army of carpenters, plumbers, etc. worked until late in the evening, fixing
temporary doors, windows, and plumbing. After the last worker went home,
Kensei-san, Yoshida-san, Tadai-san, Mark, and some others, worked until the

middle of the night sweeping sawdust, mopping, and decorating. On Sunday,

we had Sunday School, church service, an afternoon program for neighborhood
children, and evening candle-service, and a following party until midnight.
Before we went home for the night, we had to remove all decorations and fur
niture and replace the carpenter's tools and materials. They wanted to
work on Christmas Day, while we wanted to sleep.

The Pattons, who are now in Yokosuka, write that there will be a children's
program on December 22, and a church dinner and candle service on the 23rd.

New Year's Eve and Christmas Day should be rather casual in Yokosuka this
year. During New Year's, The Yokosuka Christians plan to meet each day for
a week for Bible readings, in addition to the New Year's Day worship service.
The Pattons think it is doubtful that the U. S. Navy ships will be in port
for Christmas and New Year's this season, because of the Iran crisis.


suka is the home port for the U.S.S. Midway and other escort vessels.
Bill Owens, a fire control technician aboard the U.S.S. Parsons, wrote
to us last week. Bill was baptised in Yokosuka about Ih years ago and always
came to church when his ship was in port. His ship recently visited Australia,
enroute to the Indian Ocean.

Bill wrote, "I was able to find a Church of

Christ to go to, and had some really good fellowship there.** Also, they
visited the Seychelles (an island group) and was able to fellowship with a
missionary family from Ireland. Bill wrote, "It seems like whatever country
we go to the Lord has always blessed us with fellowship."

Bill and another

Christian sailor. Rick, are trying to develop a Christian fellowship on board

the Parsons to" encourage spiritual growth, but some of the Christian men have
fallen away, others lack interest and see no need for fellowship times.
Rick visited the Yokosuka First Church of Christ last New Year's and went

with us to the famous Kamakura Buddhist temple to hand out tracts.

Bill said

in his letter, that Rick has been corresponding with other missionaries, and
has decided to return to Japan as a missionary as soon as his hitch in the
Navy is up. Bill and Rick need our prayers as they witness for Christ on
their ship and as they travel from port to port. Bill wrote, "So we ask for
your prayers for all the brothers on the ship that they may be strengthened

in the Lord Jesus Christ. And also that we will be a witness as a group, as
well as individuals to the men on this ship that they too may come to know
such a gift of God which is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Christmas is a special time for all Christians. Not just for the Japan
ese, who live in a non-believing Buddhist culture, or for Christian sailors
at sea, or for missionaries, away from their homeland. Every Christian has
a wonderful opportunity to share with the world a gift from God. For a few
short days at least, the world seems to pause and asks of us, "Show us some

thing good and true!" What could be better or truer than the "gift of God
which is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.?"

Peg, Mark, Beth, Tim, Billy, and I, together with the Board of Trustees

of the Japanese Christian Services, thank you


giving and praying

so that we can share the Gospel with the Japanese and also with American
servicemen, who are stationed in Japan. We wish you a very happy Christmas
and New Year!

For all the Wilkinsons,



Ronald C. Riddle, Forwarding Agent

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Cincinnati, Ohio
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Mission Services
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