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Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc.

Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Founder
Study Group #11 Toomey Abbott Towers Chapel

Study Group #25 South West Community Center


Published June 21, 2015 for Moorish American News (
Rachel Dolezals exposure, and her subsequent declaration of racial self-identification coined as
Transracial is compelling American society to examine the Race construct with a level of brutal
honesty that arguably has never been applied to the topic. The concept of Race is a part of the very
fabric of the United States of America, playing a large part in determining social norms, which in turn
greatly influence social classification, education, wealth distribution, policing, criminal justice, etc.
But how sound is this concept?
In 1950, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) issued a
statement asserting that all humans belong to the same species and that race is not a biological reality
but a myth. This was a summary of the findings of an international panel of anthropologists, geneticists,
sociologists, and psychologists. In its Response to OMB Federal Directive 15: Race and Ethnic Standards
for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting, the American Anthropological Association in 1997
stated that during the past 50 years, race has been scientifically proven to not be a real, natural
phenomenon. More specific, social categories such as ethnicity and ethnic group are more salient
for scientific purposes and have fewer of the negative, racist connotations for which the concept of race
was developed:
OMB Directive 15, Census and common sense treat race and ethnicity as properties of an individual,
ignoring the extent to which both are defined by the individuals relation to the society at large.

Consider, for example, the way that racial and ethnic identity supposedly predict a range of social
outcomes. The typical correlation is that by virtue of being a member of a particular racial or ethnic
group, imprisonment, poor health, poverty, and academic failure are more likely. Such an interpretation,
while perhaps statistically robust, is structurally and substantively incomplete because it is not the
individuals association with a particular racial or ethnic group that predicts these various outcomes but
the attribution of that relationship by others that underlies these outcomes. For instance, a person is not
more likely to be denied a mortgage because he or she is black (or Hispanic or Chinese), but because
another person believes that he or she is black (or Hispanic or Chinese) and ascribes particular behaviors
with that racial or ethnic category.
The American Anthropological Associations report is clear: Race is a non-scientific, sociopolitical
construct that was created as a prerequisite for the concept of Racism.
Racism properly defined is a social system that provides for manifestation of racial superiority/inferiority
in all areas of said society. Absolutely prerequisite to the social system of Racism as it exists presently is
the color code system of Race. German anthropologist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1840),
being one of the first to explore the study of mankind as an aspect of Natural History, divided the human
species into five racial groups in 1779:

The Caucasian or White race

The Mongolian or Yellow race (East and Central Asians)

The Malayan or Brown race (Southeast Asian and Pacific Islanders)

The American or Red race (American Indians)

The Ethiopian or Black race (sub-Saharan Africans)

Blumenbach propagated the degenerative hypothesis of racial origins; that the Original Humans (ie,
Adam and Eve) were Caucasian/white and that the other races developed as a result of
environmentally-induced degeneration.
French aristocrat and author Arthur de Gobineau (1816-1882) is considered the father of modern Racial
Demography, and is credited for developing the Aryan Master Race theory in his book An Essay on the
Inequality of the Human Races. His literary work is considered among the first examples of scientific
racism. A diplomat for the second French Empire, Gobineau believed that race created culture, and that

the distinctions among the three races of black, yellow and white were natural barriers, and that
race mixing would lead to disaster. Gobineau believed that only the white race descended from Adam
and Eve, and that the other races did not share a common ancestry with them. Gobineau believed the
white race was superior to the other races in the creation of civilized culture and maintenance of
ordered government. He believed European civilization represented the most successful of the
progression of ancient civilizations and held the most superior attributes capable for continued survival.
His primary thesis was that European civilization flowed from Greece to Rome, and Germanic to
contemporary. He thought this corresponded to the ancient Indo-European culture, also known as
Aryan, which included groups classified by language, for example the Celts, Slavs and the Germans. Of
course much Gobineaus ideology was eagerly adopted by the Nazis.
Racism is a social system, and as a system it is faceless, thus largely intangible, yet it impinges on reality
in a phenomenological way, because its intangibility, coupled with all racial groups (in this case black
and white) buying into it, renders it quite capable of setting real events into motion. Integral to the
function of Race/Racism is the perpetual and automated racial superiority/inferiority machine; in this
country this is most readily seen in the presumed criminalization of black men. It is this
institutionalized presumption that directly influences the fact that individualized instances of black
criminality are almost always treated as a blanket indictment on the entire racial group, while when the
opposite occurs it is always seen as the exception, with the added suggestion that the perpetrator was
disturbed, on psychotropic meds, or was abused/traumatized in his childhood. Thus the system of
Race/Racism, to be perpetuated, must reinforce the psychoanalytic of the systems inferior racial group
(black) while avoiding at all costs a psychoanalysis of the systems superior racial group (white). The
reason Euro/Anglo-American society-at-large must avoid any honest conversation on the system of
Race/Racism because such a conversation constitutes a psychoanalyzing of the systems superior racial
group, which would lead to a collapse of the system itself.
But again, for the system to operate properly, all involved must play their role, hence those that
subscribe to either/all racial groupings in the system naturally acquire the nature, quality and character
of the label of that racial grouping. The component of Critical Race Theory that relates to this mutuality
is Interest Convergence, where members of the white racial group only support the racial
advancement of members of the black racial group only when it also promotes the self-interests of the
white racial group, and will not support any policies, ideas, etc., that may threaten the superiority

status of the white racial group. Conversely, members of the black racial group support the racial
advancement of members of the white racial group only when it supports the self-interests of the
black racial group, avoiding supporting any policies, ideas, etc., that may threaten the inferiority status
of the black racial group.
Is this as incredulous as it sounds?
It is very easy to see the advantages of being a member of the systems superior racial group, but there
are advantages attributed to being a member of the inferior racial group that its members have grown
to, or been conditioned to, appreciate, enjoy, and protect. The general enjoyment is that of a social,
economic and political non-responsibility, and the limited liability that comes with it. So while the
systems white racial group depends upon and exploits the presumed criminality of the systems
black racial group, the black racial group depends upon and exploits a presumed social, economic
and political helplessness, thus enjoying freedom from the responsibilities that a collective engagement
in such affairs demands. Both conditions are now considered normal in American life, and thus both
racial groups have skin to lose (pardon the pun) in any serious discussion of the issue of Race, and
therefore at present, neither the systems superior racial group or the systems inferior racial group
deem it pertinent to seriously discuss.
Rachel Dolezals example illustrates simultaneously the fluidity of Race and the permanence of Racism,
as the ability to successfully self-identify along racial lines belongs exclusively to the superior racial
group. Racism does not allow for the inferior racial group to self-identify as the superior racial group;
a member of the black racial group cannot become a member of the white racial group.
In laymans term the color-code categorization system of Race is a myth, yet our belief in this myth
allows for Racism to exist. The color-code classification of Race was constructed specifically to facilitate
the very real system of Racism/White Supremacy. To put it quite bluntly, if you subscribe to the colorcode classification of Race, whether you identify as/labeled as a member of the superior racial group
within the system (white) or the inferior racial group (black), you are supporting, advocating, and
perpetuating the system of Racism. If you identify as White you are a White Supremacist. If you
identify as Black, you are a White Supremacist.

Identity walks hand-in-hand with Purpose. Where there is an absence of Identity you will also find an
absence of Purpose. If the people labeled by the myth of Race as black are not in fact black (or
negro, or colored, or Ethiopian, or the culturally-ambiguous African-American), then what are
they? How are they to be identified?
Civilized people all over the world are primarily identified by national descent, not race. During the time
of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, the entire Northwest and West coastal area of continental Africa was
controlled by the Moroccan Empire. Thus, regardless of tribal or ethnic affiliation, the people in America
now labeled negro, black, colored, Ethiopian, African-American, etc., are descendants of
Moroccans and born in America, or Moorish Americans. The first man to return the knowledge of
National Identity to the American-born descendants of Moroccans was Prophet Noble Drew Ali, the
founder of the Moorish Divine National Movement via the religious and civic organization called the
Moorish Science Temple of America, and through this strategy confounded the language undergirding
racialized exclusions. Prophet Drew Ali taught his followers that the racial labels of negro, black, colored
or Ethiopian are totally inappropriate for any part of the human family; a man cannot be negro, black,
colored or Ethiopian. Noble Drew Ali did forward a racial categorization, but one that is much more
scientifically sound; he taught that there is but one race-the Human Race, yet subdivided into Asiatic
and European. He instructed that the time has come that every nation must worship under its own vine
and fig tree, and every tongue must claim its own. He taught that through proclaiming Nationality the
members of the black racial group would then return to the respectable state of honoring their
forefathers in name and principle, and also answer up to the constitutional qualifications for the
enjoyment of full citizenship. Prophet Drew Ali forwarded a view of the black racial group in America
as both deserving of and entitled to American citizenship and privileged by an ancient and proud
heritage. Holding these twin poles in a productive tension, he constructed a space between assimilation
and separation.
Prophet Drew Ali brought and taught all these things in 1928, and his message is not only as fresh today
as it was then, but given the recent events in American society, his message is even more vital today
than it was then; it is Prophetic.

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