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Acidity of

Roll No. CS-72


History Of TEA
Types of TEA
Health benefits of TEA
Harmful effects of TEA
Contents of TEA
Experiment to find acidity of TEA


Botanical name:
Common name:
Parts used:
System effected:

Camellia sinensis
Green tea
Young leaves and leaf buds
Liver, heart

Stimulant, diuretic. Astringent

Tea is made from young leaves and buds of tea plant. Tea leaves are rich in
caffiene (an alkaloid). Besides caffiene, tea leaves contain tannic acid and
coloring matter, such as polyphenolic compounds. The relative amounts of these
substances are different in different varieties of tea leaves, i.e. why, their taste and
flavour are different.
The brownish colour of tea is due to the presence of polyphenolic compounds
and some inorganic ions like Mn2+, Fe3+ etc. Some simple experiments can be
carried out to study the components that are responsible for the variation in tea
flavour in various brands of tea

The History of Tea

Drinking tea plays such a central part in our lives, it is such a universal
phenomenon with millions of people the world over enjoying their tea on a daily
basis, that its hard to imagine a world without tea and yet while the Eastern
world has been using tea for more than 4500 years, for most of this time tea was
unknown in the Western world.
Tea was only introduced into the West a relatively recent 400 years ago.
Discovered in China, tea has exerted a profound influence on societies and
cultures throughout the world so that there are unique ceremonies in various
cultures and most parts of the world have social etiquettes concerning the
preparation and drinking of tea as well as social customs regarding how, when
and where to drink it

The Origin of the Word "Tea"

The Chinese originally called it Kia. As far as is know it was during the
course of the 6th century AD that the name evolved into "Cha". On its arrival in
the West it became T which is still the name for tea in many countries.

The Discovery of Tea

Legend has it that tea was discovered by the Chinese Emperor, Shen Nong, in
2737 B.C. The Emperor had a habit of boiling his drinking water. One day while
he was in his garden a few tea leaves fell by chance into his boiling water which
then gave off a rich, alluring aroma. The Emperor, upon drinking this brew,

discovered it to be refreshing and energizing. He immediately gave the

command that tea bushes to be planted in the gardens of his palace and declared
it gave one vigour of body, contentment of mind and determination of purpose.

Types of Tea
Anti Acidity Tea
Anti Acidity Tea is brewed from the leaf of Aspalathus linearis, a unique herb
with great healing powers. It is less astringent, completely caffeine-free, no
oxalic acid and doesn't contain tannins that may interfere with iron absorption.
However, it has a higher content of fluoride which might help to protect against
tooth decay. Besides, it is rich in a variety of minerals, including potassium,
copper, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and manganese. This tea is generally
beneficial to the digestive system & relaxes spasms. It has been used in the
treatment of vomiting, diarrhoea & other mild gastric symptoms. It has also been
shown to be of benefit in the treatment of a wide range of allergies especially
milk allergy, eczema, hay fever & asthma in infants. Anti-acidity tea helps to
excrete uric acid which causes gout & lower body acidity.

Anti Aging Herbal Tea

Anti-aging herbal tea is made of an herb which is indigenous to the Cedarburg
area of South Africa. Due to its widely publicized health benefits, anti aging
herbal tea has grown into a billion dollar export industry since the mid twentieth
century. The tea has no caffeine and only half the tannin of ordinary tea. Apart
from being refreshing to drink, in place of ordinary tea and coffee, it has the
advantage of containing minerals and powerful antioxidants. Having no oxalic
acid it also does not irritate the kidneys. This herbal tea controls aging,
hypertension /stress & blood pressure & cardiac problems. It also fights with
fatigue, joint pains, gastric & cough problems, chronic & acute diseases of males
and females and gives over all fitness, strength & potential to the body and mind.

It stimulates the release of growth hormones (as it decreases with age) in

pituitary gland which is responsible for all body functions and maintains youth
by keeping physical and mental health. It is useful in keeping normal sexual
drive and good relaxing sleep.

Anti Cough Tea

This tea is made of an unique mixture of herbs having very good cough
formula and analgesic. It is known to exhibit health properties like:
Good as immune modulator for skin health
Protects from asthma, cough, leucorrhoea, chronic rheumatism and cancer,
Blood purifier
Herbs which are useful and used as ingredient in anti cough tea are amla, elaichi,
tulsi, vasaka, garlic and ginger.

Green Tea
Green tea is a "true" tea, meaning it is made solely with the green tea leaves
(Camellia sinesis), that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing.
Green tea originates from China and has become associated with many cultures
in Asia from Japan to the Middle East. Drinking green tea and herbal green tea is
reputed to be helpful in treating cancer, high cholesterol levels, rheumatoid
arthritis, cardiovascular disease, impaired immune function and infection . Other
traditional uses of herbal green tea include treating flatulence (gas), regulating
body temperature and blood sugar, promoting digestion, and improving mental
processes. It has been extensively studied in people, animals, and laboratory
Green tea is produced by steaming the leaves to destroy the enzymes that might
otherwise ferment the leaves. The leaves are then rolled either by hand or by
mechanical rollers, to bring out the juices in the leaves that are responsible for its
flavor. The rolled leaves are then fired to dry them. The entire process of rolling
and firing is repeated several times until the leaves are completely dry. The
process of producing green tea is very exacting because variation in the drying
time can result in fermentation of the leaves which spoils its flavour.

Herbal Tea
Herbal tea has been in use since a long period of time. It is also known as a
herbal infusion or tisane. Herbal tea is basically the mixing of dried fruit,
flower or herb in boiling water. It is natural, free of caffeine free. There is no
artificial colouring or flavours. A mixture of aromatic, carminative, sedative,
expectorant herbs, which have their own importance, it has lot of beneficial
effect on health, body and mind. It is gaining popularity due to its multi
effects. Herbs are used in their natural forms and these herbs are without any

chemical treatment. There is nothing like a cup of delicious herbal tea to

nourish and soothe the body and mind.

Lemongrass Tea
Lemon grass is also known as Cymbopogon citratus, and has certain therapeutic
properties and the reported benefits of using it internally, in the form of a herbal
tea (infusion) are reducing fevers, stomach cramps, flatulence and colic, easing
arthritic pain, general digestive aid . It is especially suited for digestive
problems in children. Lemon grass is commonly used in teas, soups, and curries.
It is also suitable for poultry, fish, and seafood. It is widely used as a herb in
Asian (particularly Vietnamese, Hmong, Khmer, Thai, Lao, Malaysian,
Indonesian, Philippine, Sri Lankan) and Caribbean cooking. It has a citrus
flavour and can be dried and powdered, or used fresh. Dried lemon grass leaves
to make a zesty, refreshing drink that is highly satisfying both hot and cold.

Moringa Green Tea

There is an old saying: "Moringa leaves prevent 300 diseases."
Moringa green tea set the free radicals, purifies blood, reduces stress of smokers
and alcohol drinkers. Indeed, induces No-Smoke temptation. Dead cells of the
skin are removed and improves glows and shine. It is highly beneficial for
pregnant women, lactating mothers and working women for its soothing powers.

Organic Tea
DR. John Weisburger, Director Emeritus, American Health Foundation tells
about organic tea that - Current research shows tea contains specific
antioxidants & health promoting ingredients. Lowering the risk of heart disease,
stroke & certain types of cancer link, pancreatic and prostrate." The greatest

organic tea benefit is the presence of polyphenol oxidase - an abundant supply

of antioxidants. They can be termed as the true elixir of life. The activity of
antioxidants in tea is more than that in over 21 fruits and vegetables. Tea
qualifies as organic only when environment-friendly techniques are used in its
production. Demand for organic tea, like other organic foods, has also been
growing rapidly.

Orthodox Tea
The top two leafs of each tea plant is the orthodox tea. It is said that these leaves
produce the best quality tea leaf and since even today, leaves are plucked by
hands, we ensure that we collect only these leaves to make our orthodox tree.
The demand for orthodox tea is rising worldwide even as India produces a
meagre 80 mkg of this tea annually out the total production of more than 900
mkg. Although Orthodox Tea is somewhat similar to Green Tea, it requires even
finer tea leaves than the latter. It is sold domestically through auction centres
and is exported in small quantities overseas.

Slimming Tea
Slimming tea is known to help digest fatty foods. Made of natural herbs, such tea
increases metabolism and help to reduce your cholesterol levels. It suppresses the
appetite, detoxify, cleanse and rid the body of excess fat. Such tea does not cause
you diarrhoea, instead they treat obesity from the root. Such tea can also be used
for coronary heart diseases. It also reduces blood sugar levels. Consuming this
tea also reduces stretch marks and melts cellulite naturally. Overweight patients
suffering from a feeling of heaviness, fatigue, and body pain have also
experienced relief on consumption of this tea. Slim tea also helps clear up body

Health Benefits of Tea

The main advantage of tea lies in the fact that it is a completely natural
product, without any added flavorings, colors or preservatives. Likewise, when
drunk without adding any sugar, honey or milk, tea has no calories and
simultaneously serves as a crucial component for maintaining the balance of
body liquids.

Research into the Health Benefits of Tea

Tea leaves contain a high amount of polyphenols, which are a type of
antioxidant, and that regular consumption of about five cups of tea per
day contributes to keeping a high level of them in the bloodstream.
The antioxidants work to neutralize free radicals. The free radicals are
oxidizing molecules which naturally and harmlessly exist within the
human body. However, they accumulate as a result of physiological
processes such as metabolism, and are furthermore found in
environmental factors such as polluted air, poisonous waste and cigarette
Tea prevents the rise of homocysteine which is known to be an important
and significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, due to the content of
vitamin M in tea. The vitamin M, which is a B complex vitamin, assists in
preventing cancer and it also plays an important part in the health of the
nervous system, the eyes and other systems.
Tea leaves contain fluoride which helps strengthen bones and teeth and
fights cavities.
Tea believed to boost the bodys defenses

A green tea component helps kill leukemia cells

Drinking tea might delay Alzheimer's Disease
Tea may play a role as an AIDS fighter

Tea and Caffeine

Caffeine is a natural substance found in numerous plants. Its consumption helps
with metabolism, weight loss and vitality. The average amount of caffeine from
brewed tea leaves depends on the type of tea (black tea contains more caffeine
than green tea), the brewing duration, and the water temperature (the higher the
temperature- the greater the amount of caffeine drained from the leaves). A
healthy individual can consume up to about 350 mg of caffeine per day without
any concern.

Harmful Effects of Tea

Harmful effects of Caffeine
When taken before bedtime, caffeine can interfere with
getting to sleep or staying asleep. Exactly how caffeine
will affect an individual? And for how long, depends on
many factors,
The amount of caffeine ingested
Whether one is male or female
One's height and weight
One's age
Whether one is pregnant
Whether one smokes
Caffeine is converted by the liver into substances that are excreted in
the urine.
Some people are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than others.
With frequent use, tolerance towards many of the effects of caffeine
will develop.
At doses of 600 milligrams (about six cups of coffee) or more daily,
caffeine can cause nervousness, sweating, tenseness, upset stomach,
anxiety, and insomnia. It can also prevent clear thinking and increase
the side effects of certain medications. This level of caffeine intake
represents a significant health risk.
Caffeine can be mildly addictive. Even when moderate amounts of
caffeine are withdrawn for 18 to 24 hours, one may feel symptoms
such as headache, fatigue, irritability, depression, and poor
The symptoms peak within 24 to 48 hours and progressively
decrease over the course of a week. To minimize withdrawal
symptoms, experts recommend reducing caffeine intake

Harmful Effects of Drinking Excessive Tea

People drink tea to relax. A
sizzling cup is refreshing. Yet,
excessive tea is not advisable. It is
harmful to health. It slowly affects
the body systems. The habit of
drinking too much tea should be
Tea is prepared from leaves of shrub
belonging to camellia family. The
plant is a native of south East Asia.
The earliest record of its cultivation
comes from China in 4th century AD.
The chemical composition of tea leaves are as follows:
Moisture: 5 8%
Aromatic oils: 0.5%
Caffeine: 2.5 5%
Nitrogen: 4.75 5.5%
Soluble substances: 38 45%
Tannin: 7 14%
Minerals: 5 5.75%
The primary effects of tea are due to alkaloids, caffeine, tannin
and aromatic oils. It is not only composition of tea leaves that is
harmful but also the composition of infusion which is prepared
by boiling tea with water.
The harmful effects of drinking excessive tea in case of specific
diseases are as summed below:
Indigestion: Tea is said to slow down digestion. It impedes the
action of ptyalin, a digestive ferment of saliva which acts as cooked
starch. Tannin is responsible for inhibition of this condition. This
effect could however disappear once milk is added as milk

precipitates tannin. Tea also delays stomach digestion and could lead
to gas formation diarrhoea and constipation.
Kidney disorders: Experiments show that 5 cups of tea increases
the urine by 400 500% in people vulnerable to kidney related
ailments. This continued stimulation of kidneys by caffeine might
damage them. Tea could also promote kidney stone because of its
high concentration of oxalate.
Premenstrual syndrome: Drinking tea could aggravate symptoms
of premenstrual syndrome. According to a research conducted under
Dr Annette Rossignol, an associate professor of public health at
Oregon University, women in China who drank between 1 4 cups
of tea a day were twice as likely to have PMS then non tea drinkers.
Drinking 8 cups of tea increased the PMS occurrence 10 times.
Incontinence: Drinking too much tea could lead to incontinence or
frequent/urgent impulse to urinate. According to a recent study
conducted at St. Georges Hospital London, caffeine could exert
pressure on bladder by causing muscle surrounding it to contract
increasing the need to urinate.
The respiratory and cardiac muscles are also stimulated by caffeine
as coronary arteries get dilated resulting in the increase in the rate of
blood flow. The quickening of respiration lowers the level of carbon
dioxide and increases the heat production of body by 10 20%.

Contents of Tea
1.Tannic Acid

Tannic acid
Synonyms: Gallotannic acid, Gallotannin, Galloylglucose, Glycerite, Quebrach
o, Tannins
: C76H52O4 6
: 1701.22
Melting Point
: 218 C
Flash point
: 198 C
Water Solubility : 250 g/L (20 C)
Tannic acid has anti-bacterial, antienzymatic and astringent properties.
Tannic acid has constringing action upon
mucous tissues such as tongue and
inside of mouth. The ingestion of tannic
acid caused constipation and can be used
to treat diarrhoea (in the absence of fever
or inflammation). The anti-oxidant and
anti-mutagenic properties of tannic acid
are beneficial. Externally, tannic acid is
used to treat ulcers, toothache and


Facts about Tannic Acid:

Tannic acid is also used in many industrial applications. The best known is the
tanning of leather. Tannic is acid is sometimes used to clear wines. Tannic
acids reacts with proteins in wine to form insoluble complexes which sediment
or can be filtered.
Tannic acid is a polymer of Gallic acid molecules and glucose. It the example
there are 3 Gallic acid molecules, but normally there are about 8.


Aim: Compare the tannic acid content in the various samples of tea.
Materials Required Bunsen burner, tripod stand, wire gauge, beaker, funnel,
filter paper , chemical balance
The tannic acid present on the tea leaves is precipitated as
calcium tannate by treatment of aqueous solution of tea with Calcium
Carbonate. Calcium tannate is the hydrolysed with conc. H2SO4 and
recrystallized from water.
Things Required: 5gm of 3 different tea leaves.
Chemicals Used: Calcium Carbonate (CaSO4).
1. Weigh exactly 5gm of 1st sample of tea leaves.
2. Take 100ml of distilled water in a beaker.
3. Put tea leaves in above beaker and boil it for 10 minutes.
4. Filter above boiled solution using funnel and filter paper
in another beaker.
5. In filtrate add 2gms of CaCO3 and boil it.
6. Filter above boiled solution using funnel and filter paper
in another beaker. There will be a ppt. of Calcium tannate on
the filter paper.
7. Keep filter paper aside and let it dry.
8. Weigh the ppt. of tannic acid.
9. Repeat the above 1-8 steps for the other two samples.



taken(x gms)

obtained (y gms)

1. Red Label
2. Honey Gold
3. Taza Tea
The tea sample containing higher percentage of tannic acid
gives better flavour

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