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If a negative number is divided by a positive number, which of the following must

be the quotient?
The product of three negative number
The product of x and y where x<0 and y0.
If x,y and z are integers and x and y are both even, which of the following could be
an odd integer?
If (y2 + 5)^7 is even, which of the following must be odd?
If x/y gives a remainder of 0 and z/y gives a remainder of 5, what is the remainder
of xz/y.
Which of the following could be a product of two prime numbers?
Which of the following can be a product of an even prime number and odd prime

a4 b3
1 4
a b

Which of the following is equivalent to [16a4b6]1/2?

Evaluate: y=4[(52n+1)-10(52n-1)]/2(52n).
If 8x=3, what is the value of 83x+1?
Solve for y if 8X=2Y+2 and 163X-Y=4Y.
It is estimated that t years from now, the population of a certain place will be
P(t)= 20/(2+3e-0.06t) Million. How many years from now will the population increase
by 80% of the current population?

log x 145=5 , find log x.

If logarithm of x to the base 3 diminished by the logarithm of 5 to the base 3 is
equal to 2, which of the following gives the value of x?
The logarithm of the quotient of two numbers is 0.4771212547 while the logarithm
of their product is 3.2730012721. Determine the logarithm of the sum of two
Given that

5 log a y2 log a ( x+ 5 )=3 log a y +2 log a x . Which of the following is correct?

Which of the following gives the expansion of (x/5-5/2) 2

Determine the ninth term of the expansion of (2x-1/x) 10.

The 5th term of the expansion of the binomial (z^2 + 1/z)^m is kz^8 where k is the
numerical coefficient. Determine the value of k.
Find the sum of the exponents of the expansion of (3y-1)^12.
Determine the sum of the numerical coefficients of the expansion of the binomial
Find the numerical coefficients of the term involving x^3yz^2 in the expansion
Factor the equation: m^2 am 3m + 3a
Factorize x^3 + 3x^2 x 3
Simplify: (x^2y^3+xy^2)/(xy).
Which of the following is a factor of x3 -11x +6?
Determine the coefficient of x^2 if 2x^5 -13x^4 +23x^3 x^2-14x -3 is divided by
2x^2 -5x -3.
If (x^2 + 9x + 14)/ (x^2 -49) is divided by ( 3x +6)/(x^2 + x 56), the quotient is:
Without dividing out, find the remainder when 2x^2 -3x +4 is divided by (x-2).
When the expression ax^4 + bx^3 + cx^2 + 5x -8 is divided by (x+1), the
remainder is -4, when it is divided by (x-2) the remainder is 26, one of its factor is
(x-1). What is the remainder when it is divided by (x+2)?
Describe the roots of the equation 7x^2 -6x +12=0.
Which of the following gives the sum of the roots of the equation 5x^2 10x +
Given the quadratic equation 2x^2 hx + 4x + 5h=0, what must be the value of h
so that the sum of the roots is 2?
The sum and the product of the roots of 2x^2 + ax + 2bx + ab are 11/2 and -20,
where a and b are integers. Determine the value of a.
Ian and Fernie attempt to solve a problem that reduces to a quadratic equation. Ian
made a mistake in the constant term and gives 8 and 2 as roots. Fernie made a
mistake in the coefficient of the first degree term and gives -9 and -1 for the roots.
What is the correct quadratic equation?
What is the sum of the possible values of x from the equation (x+2(2x+3))-3=0?

What are the numerators of the partial fraction of (5x-1)/(x^2+x-2)?

Find B if (x+7)/(x^2-7x+10)=A/(x-2) + B/(x-5).
What is the value of E in the following equation?

2 x +3 x + 7 x +10 x+ 10
Bx +C Dx+ E
+ 2
x1 x +3 ( x 2+ 3)2
( x1 ) ( x + 3)
Which of the following gives the mean proportional of 4 and 36.
Given that y:x=x:16, find x if y=5x.
N varies as the square root of k and inversely as m. When k=4, m=2 and N=100.
Determine the value of N if k=36 and m=5.
Charles law states that for a given mass of gas at constant pressure the volume is
directly proportional to its thermodynamics temperature. A gas occupies a volume
of 2.25 liters at 300 K. Determine the temperature when the volume is 2.625 liters.
Parameters S and T are always directly proportional to the value of R. When R is
0.75, S= 0.85. When T =421, S=357. If T=180, what is the value of R?
The average of 90 real numbers is 70. When two numbers are removed namely 28
and 68, find the new average.
If 58 is added to the sum of n numbers, the average will decrease by 63. If the
average of the given n numbers is 877, what is the value of n?
The average of A and B is 50 and the average of B and C is 80. Find C A.
A salesman gets P10,000 commission on a sale of a certain item. This amount
raised his average commission by P1,500. If his new average commission is P4,000,
how many sales did he make?
Let a and b be ranges of numbers in a number line such that -1a5 and
6b10. If a is shifted 6 units to the right and b is shifted 2 units to the right,
how many common units will the shifted a and b share?
If ab is positive and cde is negative, which of the following must be true?
Solve the value of x in the inequality 7x+2 < x-6
Solve for x in the quantity (x+21)/(x-10)-2

Solve the inequality: (2x+3)/(x+3)13/8

Which of the following gives the solution to the inequality x^2-12 > 8-x?
(2x+1)^2 > 9
The rth term of the sequences 3,8,15n^2 +2n is 224, find r.
The kth term of a sequence is 5k-4. Find the sum of all terms from k=5 to k=15
What is the 5th term of a sequence whose sum is defined as (2^(2n-1)+2n)/2?
What is the missing number of the sequence 23,5,_,-31 ?
The fourth and the eleventh term of an arithmetic progression are 10.5 and 28
respectively. Determine the 49th term.
Find the sum of all the numbers between 5 and 250 which are exactly divisible by 4.
There are nine arithmetic means between 4 and 74. What is the sum of all terms
from 4th to 13th?
How many terms of the progression 7,14,21 .. must be in order that their sum will
be 21021?
The fifth term of an arithmetic progression is 6 and the tenth is 26. Determine the
sum from the third to the ninth term.
A contractor has agreed to pay a penalty if he uses more than a specified length of
time to finish a certain job. The penalty for excess time is P1000 for the first day
and, thereafter, P200 more of each day than for the preceding day. If he pays a total
penalty of P162,000, how many excess days did he finished the work?
Engineer Cruz started walking from point O at uniform speed of 6 kph. After 2 hours,
Engineer Fernandez started walking from the same point O and walked 4 km in the
first hour, 5 km in the second hour, and so on, increasing 1 km each hour.How many
hours after Engr. Cruz left point O will they be together?
To build a dam, 60 men must work 72 days. If all 60 men are employed at the rest
but the number working Is decreased by 5 men at the end of each 12-day period,
how long will it take to complete the dam?
In the recent Bosnia conflict, the NATO forces captured 6,400 soldiers. The provision
on hand will last for 216 meals while feeding 3meals a day. The provision lasted 9
more days because of daily deaths. At an average, how many died per day?
The second and the fifth term of a harmonic progression are 2/13 and 1/14
respectively. Determine the seventh term.

The 3rd term of a geometric progression is 256 and the 7 th term is 1048576. Find the
5th term.
In a geometric progression the 5th term is 9 times the 3rd term and the sum of the 6th
and 7th term is 1944. Determine the sum of the 4th to 10th terms inclusive.
100 grams of a radioactive substance disintegrates at a rate of 3% per annum. How
much of the substance is left after 11 years?
A vacuum pump removes one-fifth of the air in a container with each stroke. How
many strokes are required to remove at least 79% of the air?
In a benefit show, a number of wealthy men agreed that the first one to arrive pay
P100 to enter and each later arrival would pay half more as much as the preceding
man. The total amount collected from all of them was approximately P997377. How
many wealthy men paid?
A pendulum is being brought to rest by air resistance. Each swing of both the bob is
98% as long as the previous swing. IF the total distance traveled by the bob, after
being released for the first swing, is 2400 inches, how long it had traveled for the
first three swings?
A hire tool firm finds that their net return from hiring tools is decreased by 4% per
annum. If their net gain on a certain tool this year is P 25,000, find the possible total
of all future profits from this tool (assuming the tool lasts forever).
What is the harmonic mean of two numbers having a geometric mean of 12 and
arithmetic mean of 48?
The sum of three numbers in arithmetical progression is 48. If 3 is added to the first
number, 2 to the second, and 4 to the third, the new numbers are in geometrical
progression. What is the third number?
Pauls hat are four more than Peters hat and one-half that of James hat. If the total
number of hats is 24, how many hats does James have?
A working man plans to retire when he is exactly 60 years of age. His current age is
thrice his sons age. His daughter is three years younger than his son. Three years
ago, the sum of their ages was 63. How many more years he has to work before he
Six years ago, Pedro was five time as old as Juan. In five years, Pedro will be three
times as old as Juan. What is the present age of Juan?
The sum of the parents ages is twice the sum of their childrens ages. Five years
ago, the sum of the parents ages is four times the sum of their childrens ages. In
fifteen years, the sum of the parents ages will be equal to the sum of their
childrens ages. How many children were in the family?

Weng can do a certain job in 12 hours. Sarah can do the same job in 6 hours. If they
both work together from the start, how long can they do the job?
Inlet pipes A and B can fill a tank in 6 hours. The rate of pipe A is twice that of pipe
B. Find the time of pipe B to fill the tank alone.
A reservoir can be filled by an inlet pipe in 24 hours and emptied by an outlet pipe
in 28 hours. The foreman starts to fill the reservoir, but he forgets to close the outlet
pipe. Six hours later he remembers and close the outlet. How long does it take
altogether to fill the reservoir?

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