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An Alpha Male with no one to Game

by Miles Mathis
You may have thought I stepped into a minefield with my recent series of papers, but I predict that will
be nothing compared to this.
I got swept into a little whirlpool today. I was searching on the term red pill, looking for a website
that might have some better information than the ones I have been reading for the past decade. I myself
have taken the red pill* recently, awakening from the cytoplasmic fluid and tearing the cables from
neck and chest. What I have learned has left me even hungrier for the truth than I was before, and I had
quite an appetite to start with. But that is the thing about the truth: like good sex it leaves you wanting
more. It is a beautiful addiction.
Anyway, Infowars and Naturalnews and Rense and VeteransToday and the rest all leave me unsatisfied,
and I wish for something better. I did not find it, but I did find an article at Business Insider, a site I
have tripped over many times before. This site is strange enough in itself, and I suspect thatlike
VeteransToday and perhaps all the othersit is a front for some splinter group of Intelligence. But
that is not what this article is about.
The entry at Business Insider was entitled Inside Red Pill, The Weird New Cult For Men Who Don't
Understand Women. Although this entry was only the initial vortex in a much bigger whirlpool, I will
pause to comment on it. The article is by Dylan Love, and he provides his picture, which tells us
immediately he is a 20-something geek who has no understanding of womenor likely experience
with themhimself. Although he is right that the Redpill site contains a massive contradiction, he
doesn't get near seeing what that contradiction really is. He tells us the contradiction at Redpill is that
it's an overwhelmingly male population advocating unpopular opinions on females, but it is almost
entirely focused on attracting and seducing as many of them as possible. This proves his confusion,
because there is no contradiction there. Seducing as many females as possible and agreeing with their
politics are two completely different things. You can easily do both, and in fact the Redpill site is
correct in its claim that men who have no concern for women's opinions are much better at seducing

them. Dylan Love is just proving the point of the Redpill editors, since he is playing the part of the
WhiteKnight beta perfectly.
Just to be clear, I had never been to Redpill before, had never seen or used most of these terms, and am
borrowing their terms to show you what they are. I think you know what a beta male is. A
WhiteKnight is a beta male who thinks that agreeing with the ladies is the best way to bed them. Only
if you think that, can you think there is a contradiction in disagreeing with women and wanting to bed
So Love's article is actually the perfect lead-in for the Redpill site, although he doesn't intend it to be.
His title was meant to undercut it, but his article only confirms it.
Which isn't to say the Redpill site is right. Our link takes us directly to a notorious Futurist article
The Misandry Bubble. Although poorly written and apparently anonymous, the article does make
some goods points concerning the misandry at the heart of our current milieu. Beyond his central
point about the unfairness of divorce court (which is sort of his unanswerable trump card in this
article), his second best point for me is his laughing at women who want to tell men who they should
be attracted to. I get that all the time from feminists, who come into my studio and try to shame me for
painting pretty women. They ask me if I ever paint everyday women, or wonder why I never paint
fat women. It would be like a fat bald man walking into the art studio of a female painter and
demanding that she paint fat bald men as a nod to fairness. If she doesn't agree to it, she is a man-hater
or budding psychopath. But most men are smart enough to see we aren't ever going to change feminine
nature, so we don't try. Women are always going to be attracted to tall, broad-chested guys with
chiseled chins, and complaining about it won't do any good. You might as well complain that cats like
to eat birds, or that the sun likes to go down in the west. In fact, lesbians are tough competitors in the
chase for beautiful women, and many of them also seem to like skinny blondes, so trying to shame me
for it is ridiculous. The Futurist is right that it is a perfect sign that many modern females are lost in a
created world of entitlement and spoilage that has no connection to the real world, or to any possible
But I am not here to analyze the Futurist's paper, much less agree with it. Or, I am not here to analyze
it in full. I only have a couple of comments: a very short one and a rather long one. The short one is
that I find it amusing that the writer considers himself an alpha male, but doesn't have the courage to
sign his name to the article. Neither do any of the other alpha males on the site. I myself have
published dozens of articles and letters on the same subject, most of them just as incendiary as his, and
I have always signed my name to them. He also says explicitly that, being an alpha male, this is not
really his fight. The alphas are beneficiaries of this current malaise, according to him, since they can
mop up all the lonely ladies they like. He is only posting his article as an act of altruism. Yes, he
actually says that.
My long comment starts now, and it is the reason I wrote this. The real contradiction on the Redpill
site is not the one Dylan Love uncovered, it is the contradiction in the idea of gaming. If you don't
know, gaming is what the Futurist sickeningly calls the Venusian Art. This is sickening to me
because the Venusian Art should refer to the art of love, but gaming has nothing to do with love. It has
to do with using psychology to get women into bed. So it is neither Venusian nor an art. It is an artless
method based on gross manipulation. I am not here to quibble with the method he proposes, since it
probably works with a majority of women. I know from experience it isn't the only method that works,
and it is not a method I use, but I can see that it would work with the vast majority of beta females, or
even the stupid alphas the Futurist is referring to.

You have to understand that the Futurist, like most of the guys who push this gaming psychology, mean
something very different by alpha female than I do. By alpha female, they normally mean the hottest
10% or perhaps 20% of females. Since these hottest females are just as likely to be stupid as their
uglier sisters (or more likely), gaming is just as likely to work on them as anyone else. Gaming is a
sort of hypnosis without the watch swinging, and it works most often because the alpha male using it is
smarter or more clever than the alpha female falling for it. In short, she is suggestible. His smile and
his stare and his pheromones overwhelm her small dose of reason, and she winds up doing what he
wants her to.
The problem with this whole story is that his alpha terms don't match. When the Futurist divides up
his guys into percentiles, he doesn't assign alpha status to the hottest 20%, or even the richest 20%. If
the ladies were the ones doing the grading, the grading would be done on the basis of wealth or status
or looks. But the alpha males who benefit from gaming aren't ranked that way. The most successful
gamers aren't rich guys or hot guys, they are manipulative guys with low standards. The perfect gamer
is a low-level pornstar, who probably isn't either rich or good-looking or respected. He just has the
ability to buffalo inferior women into bed. Some of those guys sleep with as many as 5,000 women,
and they do that because that is what they most want. Yes, many of those women are unbelievably
beautiful, but they aren't what I would call a 10 or, even less, an alpha. No true alpha male would have
anything to do with them for a moment. They look pretty good in a still picture, yes, but could you
imagine going on a date with them or spending an afternoon with them? They are completely useless
out of bed and most of them are useless in it as well. As you probably know if you look at porn,
99.99999% of them are too stupid to give a blowjob. They can't figure it out, although they are
supposed to be professionals. This is their job, literally, but they can't master the skill.
I have a different idea of the alpha female. For me, an alpha femalelike her male counterpartis
smart and talented and attractive. She should also be pleasant to be around, both in bed and out of it.
Obviously, these women don't respond to low-level pornstars. They aren't suggestible to any men
inferior to themwhich is most men. These women are the only women I am interested in. I have to
think they are the only women any true alpha male would be interested in. In fact, I would say that if a
man isn't interested in these women exclusively, he isn't a real alpha. He may be a great breeder, which
is an alpha by one definition, but it isn't a definition I am interested in. It also isn't a definition that is
very meaningful to society, since no society needs ten of thousands of more semi-retarded children of
low-level pornstars and gorgeous idiots. We are full up on those already. Besides, these gamers are
careful not to have children with most of these women, so they are not breeding anyway. Their
virility is all into a cup or on someone's back, so it is all feckless and bootless as far as human
evolution is concerned.
No, real alpha males don't benefit at all from this misandry bubble or from Modern culture in general.
The only ones who benefit from the current crisis are those who enjoy mopping up the miserable, drunk
hotties at the bars every night, and then dumping them the next morning. Those guys aren't alphas,
they are semi-psychopaths, and they only add to the problem. The Futurist tells us the WhiteKnights
are the worst problem after the faux-feminists themselves, but they aren't. These floppy beta-males do
exacerbate the problem, but even worse are the predatory faux-alphas like the Futurist who think this is
a time of opportunity. Their gaming only serves to solidify the impression women have of predatory
Most guys have an aversion to gaming not because they are wimps, but because they are not interested
in tricking women into bed. A lot of women can be tricked into bed, and a lot of women want to be

tricked into bed, but that doesn't mean I want to trick them. The whole idea sort of shrivels me up.
The women that can be and want to be tricked turn me off, it is that simple. And I have news for you
fellas, you don't have to game women into bed, no matter how far up or down the ranking you are. I
have slept with a good number of really amazing women, and I didn't game a single one of them. They
were all beautiful alphas, and alphas don't respond well to gaming. But a lot of betas probably don't
respond well, either, and those who don't respond well are probably better for you anyway.
Yes, it is good to be manly and all that, but that isn't gaming. And being manly doesn't mean lifting
weights and being hairy and watching football. I don't lift weights and I am not hairy and I don't watch
football. Being manly means having a strong sense of yourself, having your own opinions and sticking
to them, being emotionally solid, and having things you believe in. Of course women do those things,
too, but men do them in their own way.
Instead of lifting weights, I recommend you work on your voice. In my opinion, most men now sound
gay, even when they aren't. Tape yourself. If you even begin to hear a lilt, get rid of it. Try to speak on
or near your lowest note, not your highest. Don't allow yourself to be singsong or nasal. Even if you
have a stopped-up nose from allergies, you can always speak around your nose instead of through it. I
know this from long experience. Most men make the mistake I made at first: I thought it would help if
I spoke back to women in their own voice. But although that works well with other men, it doesn't
work with women. Women can get that from other women. What they want from you is a manly
voice. Men don't have any role models for that anymore. All the males on the radio are she-males
singing in a super high tenor or falsetto, and a boy or man hardly ever hears a good baritone. This
phenomenon is also not an accident.
Beyond that, there isn't much to say on that score, since you can look or sound almost any way, as long
as you are confident and don't take a lot of shit from anyone. Even the most over-educated alpha
women respect that, although some of them don't admit it. They certainly like it better than someone
who has no opinions and no real personality.
However, that was a diversion. I didn't write this to give alternate advice. I am not here to be anyone's
Dear Abby, or Dear Abe. I am here because both the true alpha male and the true alpha female appear
to be reaching the status of the passenger pigeon or the great auk. Anyone can see these online guys
aren't alphas*, but I am not impressed by what is more normally sold to us as the alpha by the
mainstream, either: the rich or the famous. No alpha female worth her salt would be caught dead with
the billionaires, Hollywood stars, musicians, athletes, or politicians sold to us as the cream of the
present crop. And we see proof of that with our own eyes, since these guys are almost always
accompanied by some idiot-hottie. That is because these guys are the high-level manipulators. While
the pornstars are the low-level gamers, these guys are the high-level gamers. The pornstars may get
more total tail, but the high-level gamers do get a slightly classier level of idiot-hotties. Their wives
and escorts are never alpha females, but some of them have some brains and some style to go with their
That said, ladies, you have to realize that most of the alpha males sold to you in the media are gay,
and won't do you or any other woman any good. At least three quarters of the Hollywood and athlete
alphas paraded in front of you as fascinating are closeted gays, so you are just being led astray. This
also applies to politicians and other famous people, who are gay at rates far above the societal average.
So you are getting a very distorted picture of the het alpha male, again on purpose.
So where are the real het alphas, men and women? Have they all committed suicide? Are they all in

institutions, drugged to the gills? Or are they just in hiding, waiting out the storm?
From my research, I would say a fair number have been recruited by the government and turned to the
dark side, which takes them out of my dating pool. Technically, they may still be alphas, but by my
definitions, they no longer are. Alphas imply the best, but once you have crossed over to the dark side,
you have inverted the ranking. You are no longer best, you are worst.
If we just stick to the women, it would appear that the vast majority of alphas have been blasted into
one sort of permanent trauma or another by the various government programs of the past fifty years,
created to do just that. Since alphas are more sensitive by definition, they are the first casualties of any
psych-warfare, and the psych-warfare of the past half-century has been like nothing ever seen before in
history. And I don't just mean feminism. The Futurist lays all the blame at the doorstep of feminism,
but while most of his comments are admittedly close to the mark, they are far too limited. Feminism
has been just one of many disinfo campaigns, and most of the disinfo didn't even come from women,
much less from feminists. Women may speak some of the lines, but they didn't write the master script.
Feminism was transformed into its evil stepsister against the will or knowledge of most women, and
that has to be taken into account. We can't expect the Futurist to give us that information, though, since
he is also of the opinion that we just left a decade where the prime threat to US safety and prosperity
was Islamic terrorism. That is to say, he is either a clueless dupe or another government operative. I
lean to the latter.
Some of the men at Redpill calls themselves MGTOW's. Men going their own way. A MGTOW
avoids women completely. He has given up. Notice how the Redpill website has created categories for
you to join, and given them little names. That is a red flag, and should make you very suspicious. The
site should be called RedFlag instead of RedPill. Although a distressingly large part of the Futurist's
cultural analysis is correct (which is what makes it so seductive), all his advice is bad. He encourages
you to blame women for everything, and to gloat at the prospect that this will all blow up on them
when the bubble bursts (he is right in that, but it will blow up on you, too). He chides the feminists for
gloating in their current power, then gloats when they lose their looks, when they get fat, when they fail
to have children, and when they overestimate their market value. Beyond gloating, he has several paths
all set up for you: one of them is becoming a successful gamer, another is becoming a MGTOW, and a
third is becoming a video sex addict.
Please slap yourself: you are being gamed by the Futurist, just like the women. You are being seduced
into a suggestive state by being reinforced in all your negative ideas. You are being told what you want
to hear, mixed into a lot of half-truths. The Futurists statistics are true: that is maddening. There is a
lot of unfairness, and this misandry does exist. He isn't making it up. Again, maddening. But then he
introduces the crooked path, or many of them: anger, revenge, tricks, manipulation, despair, flight. All
the things they sold to the women, they are now selling to you.
Don't buy. I'm not. I have no intention of joining the Redpill gang, although, as I say, I agree with
many of their complaints. The Futurist is mirroring back to me a large part of what I had already
written years before, but I am still not buying. That is because I can see through these guys. Some of
them are pretending they want to solve the problem, but they are only throwing fuel on the fire. I don't
think it is an accident. Anonymous articles are rarely what they seem, especially on the internet. The
internet is the invention and playground of the Intelligence community, and you have to remind
yourself of that constantly. His website, along with most others, lacks all transparency.
I also draw your attention to the Futurist's selling of video sex as the future of sex for most betas. He

tells us that by 2020, the next generation of virtual sex will help pop the misandry bubble. I expect
many male betas will cheer at that prediction. The Futurist has actually written extensively about this
future, so the Misandry Bubble article isn't the only place he is selling it. This should raise a red flag,
because that is precisely what the manufactured battle of the sexes has always been about. It has
always been primarily about creating markets where there were none before. The people running these
big games don't want anything to be free, you see, so they hate to see men and women gratifying one
another with no money changing hands. The government mobsters and giant investment groups have
already taken over prostitution and porn, which are huge industries, but they are always hungry for
more. What you don't understand is that porn has just been the bait in a big bait-and-switch, and we are
now seeing the coming switch. Most guys don't understand why anyone would pay for porn when
there is so much for free. But that won't last. It is like the drug market: they hook you with a few
months of free stuff then take everything you own to maintain the addiction. As soon as this expensive
video porn arrives that the Futurist is talking about, they will take away your free 30-second videos and
pictures. You will then have to buy the expensive new equipment or go into a painful withdrawal.
They may not even have to take away your old stuff, since your addiction will have reached a level
where the old stuff doesn't do it anymore. Have they had to take away your Playboys? No, you just
aren't interested in that. It is now beneath your threshold.
The Futurist gloats that this will work as payback for the deluded feminists, since no one will want to
fuck them anymore. All the guys will be fucking 3D hologram 10's and won't even go to the bars
anymore. The ladies will have to buy their own unnamed form of gratification then, and since most
women aren't into porn, we are left to our imaginationa nation of weeping women swimming in a sea
of dildos, I guess.
What sort of man sees this as satisfying revenge? Is this how any rational person wishes to see the
bubble burst? No, because men will always fall just as low as the women around them, just as women
will always fall as low as the men around them. I do not look forward to the holograms and I hope you
don't, either. It's all bad, and it only gets worse from there. Video sex isn't part of some bubble
bursting, it is part of an ever greater bubble of deceit, perpetrated on both men and women by evil
financiers and their tools. The bubble will only burst when men and women quit falling for the
salesmanshipwhen they start seeing the big game for what it is.
But enough of that. As I said, the greater problem is the extinction of the alpha, male and female. Or, I
should say, the planned eradication. The periodic purging of the intelligentsia that we saw in the past
was inefficient, so at some point it was decided a permanent solution was in order: the purposeful
decimation of the upper percentiles by any means necessary. Or, Intelligence wants to recruit as much
of the upper percentiles as possible, and hogtie those they fail to recruit. This would guarantee their
permanent victory.
The most brilliant method would appear to be destruction of habitat. What jobs are left that an alpha
with scruples could take? I will be told that academia is my answer, but the universities were taken
over by the military and major corporations many decades ago, and they now specialize in faking
research and synthesizing things that don't need to be synthesized. So most of the true alphas, male and
female, aren't there. You can now find them anywhere, but look for them in lower paying jobs that
retain some real value, like growing food, teaching kids, making useful things, solving problems, or
helping people cope. Most of them will have been traumatized, and they may look at first like PTSD
victims (because they are), but a closer look will show who they really are.
Most alpha males will remember who they really are, even after the trauma, but I have found that many

alpha females don't know who they are. They were traumatized at such an early agewithout
testosterone to keep their confidence upthat they never understood their full value. The Futurist tells
us that women now overestimate their own market value, and while I would say that is mostly true, it is
only a generalization. It is most true of tier2 females, who are smart enough to see how the board is
tilted in their favor and use it, but not smart enough to weigh a larger set of variables. These are the
ones so hated by the Redpill guys, and for good reason. I, too, avoid them like the plague, although
unlike the gamers, I avoid them no matter how gorgeous they are. They are the least attractive females
ever to hit planet earth, with their make-up and high heels and doctored features and sickly-sweet
smells and quacking voices, and yet they wonder why they never meet any good men. I will tell you,
ladies: it is because you have built yourself to attract only the psychopaths and manipulators. Men with
good taste are making a beeline out the door at the first sight (or smell or sound) of you.
That said, the real female alphas often don't understand who they are, and vastly underestimate their
value, to men and society both. As part of the disinformation campaign against them, they have been
told that we are all equal, which, if true, would mean there were no alphas. Everyone now is
encouraged to be a flat 50-percentile beta, not oppressing those around them with real beauty or talent
or wisdom. All the swans are pressed into permanent duckhood, trying to be like the dabblers around
them to fit in. And just as men are sold fake alphas in the media, the women are, too. They see the
second tier posing as the top tier, and they believe it. They do not realize their birthright has been
stolen. They think the table is tilted in the favor of women, and in general it is, but only the lower end
of the table. The truly exceptionally women are being eradicated just like the men, and what you see in
their places are the noisy annoying tier2 women who are glad to be bumped up.
Another way the alpha females have been fooled is by gaming the very definition of alpha male. In
common parlance, an alpha male is a good-looking male who beds a lot of women. See the picture of
Ben Affleck above. But those guys aren't alpha males. Those guys are just sexy betas with no scruples
and no standards. Most women have never run across a real alpha and wouldn't recognize him if she
saw him. He is the sort she snubs everyday without realizing it. Real alphas know that quantity means
nothing, quality everything. In the human gene pool, inseminating vast numbers of women has no real
value, to you or him or anyone else. Only in animal societies, where all individuals are pretty much the
same, does such a thing become meaningful. In human society it is meaningless, because a thousand
lower-tier children have the same power as one lower-tier childnone. As a matter of human
evolution, it simply doesn't matter what these people are doing sexually or how often, except as a
matter of overpopulation. Human evolution doesn't proceed according to physical traits present in the
lower percentiles, but on mental traits in the highest percentile. That, and upon collected knowledge.
All this talk of alphas in humans as the analogy of alphas in animals is absurd. It is evolutionary
biology and psychology for the unwashed. A very large part of human evolution is now dependent on
collected knowledge, not children of any kind, and one smart bachelor like Tesla can have more
influence on human evolution than a million average children. Please understand that this is
completely different than eugenics. It is simply a fact. I am not advocating breeding programs: Nature
will always install her own breeding programs with no conscious help from us, and do it much more
fairly than we ever could. But animal species, having almost no collected knowledge, advance only
genetically; humans don't. We have reached the point where human genetics only matters as far as it
influences human ideas. You could have 10,000 children with 10,000 different women, but if none of
your children ever has a new idea, your service to human evolution is still zero.
What can be done? It looks pretty bleak, but it isn't an insoluble problem. The first order of business is
getting the male and female alphas back together, so they can work as one, as they are meant to. Their

separation and destruction has been job one for the financiers, since the financiers are not alphas
themselves. To succeed in their plan, they had to minimize the true alphas, since the true alphas would
never put up with it. The alphas, being smartest, are the most likely to see that the plan of the
financiers has no benefit for anyone but the financiers, neither alphas nor betas. It is a plan of
ruination and depredation. So a large part of our mis-education and propaganda has been aimed at
alphas, and especially female alphas. They have been the primary target from the beginning. And the
plan has worked fantastically well. Most of the female alphas believed what they were taught, and
through that fooling they have been decimated. Their place has been taken by the noisy second-tier
women, controlled from above in surreptitious ways by the same financiers. Since these alpha females
have no lobby and don't even know who they are, the theft has gone unnoticed by most.
Except by the true alpha males. Some of us have noticed the loss of our mates. We have been
decimated as well, since we have been pulled down by the same mis-education campaigns. But the
thing that brought us lowest was the loss of our mates. We have been decimated through them. Their
fall has pulled us down with them.
Some will dislike all this talk of alphas, even though it is just a term I borrowed from the Futurist to
turn his argument upside down. They will say that if these women are so smart, why did they fall for
this plan? If these men are so smart, how did they get decimated? Shouldn't alphas always be on top,
by definition? No. People are social creatures, and they do not raise themselves, no matter how smart
they are. They have to be educated in a society, and if that society has turned against a segment of its
children, those children will be hard put to rise above it. The alphas have been decimated on purpose
by many government programs, and those now sold to you as alphas are impostors.

For example, just imagine the levels of propaganda and promotion it takes to sell someone like Robert
Downey, Jr., as an alpha male. He's strutting, obnoxious, and works for the CIA-controlled Hollywood,
selling all their brainwashing programs. Do you really think that is what alphas do? Do alphas work
for the man? All the alphas you are sold in the media do, but real alphas don't. The same can be said
for someone like Oprah Winfrey, who is nothing but a well-paid saleswoman. She is quite convincing
in her role, I admit, but I assure you she isn't an alpha. And not because she is fat, but because she is
fake. She pretends to be interested in your well-being, but she isn't. She is interested in making money
for her bosses and for herself.
So, again, how do we solve this problem? As I said, the first order of business is getting the alphas

back together and out of the trauma centers. Just bringing the males and females together will go a
long way toward healing the trauma, since they are the natural helpmeets of one another. To do that,
the gender war must immediately end. There must be a ceasefire from both sides. The men must save
the women to save themselves, and the women must save the men to save themselves. Until both sides
come to that realization, nothing will change.
Fortunately, that change is already taking place, and not just among alphas. Women across the board
have grown weary and wary of the gender wars, and many are realizing the scope of the big game. We
have seen that recently even at the Huffington Post, which is normally a mouthpiece for the
government propagandists. For whatever reason, New York Times bestseller and most-trusted
intimacy expert Laura Doyle just posted an article addressed to women entitled Five Reasons Your
Divorce is Your Fault. I nearly fell over backward. I looked at my calendar to see if this was April 1.
I have some fear the article will be pulled down as a hoax. The Futurist has told us up to 90% of
divorces are initiated by women, and Doyle admits that and tries to get her audience to face up to it.
She admits that most of these divorces aren't initiated for battery or infidelity, especially among
college-educated couples. They may be initiated for extremely petty reasons, or simply boredom. She
even recommends these women have sex more often with their husbands! Oh my god, I nearly fell
over again.
Why would Doyle be recommending this? Is she some sort of planted agent like the rest? Maybe, but
since she is giving reasonable advice, this time I doubt it. If she is an agent, she is being promoted by
some splinter group of Intelligence that has come back into the light, at least on this issue. Alphas,
betas and omegas should be encouraged to come together again and stay together, because that is the
only way this bubble will burst in any positive fashion. Once together they can begin to shake off the
trauma and shake off the predation by the financiers. Together they can quit buying thousands of things
they don't need, destroying this fake economy and replacing it with a real one. Once that happens, the
MATRIX will crumble and the entire fake world can be remade into a real one, with no virtual realities,
no fake science, no fake art, no fake banks, no fake food, no fake voting machines, no fake media, and
no fake people. The black future on the immediate horizon will then evaporate like a bad dream. It can
happen and I believe it will happen, but not until men and women come back together.

*See the movie The Matrix. The Red Pill is the truth. The Blue Pill is the pleasant delusion.
Notice, for instance, that just beneath VeteransToday banner at the top of their own page it says, The True Voice of
the World's Clandestine Community. Talk about hiding in plain sight!
**We know we aren't in the presence of a true alpha male with the Futurist since he can't even do simple math. He
says that under 1% of women are 10's. No, by definition, 10% of women are 10's. You only have ten numbers with
which to divide 100% of women. Therefore, 10% must be 10's. Likewise, if you ranked on a scale of 1 to 100, then
a women who scored 91 would be a 10. By his method, a women would have to score 100 to be a 10, in which case
she wouldn't be a 10, she would be a 100.
Among college-educated couples, the percentage is highest, and is about 90% according to many sites, including
divorce attorney sites who gather the numbers.

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