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Table of Content
What They Dont Teach You in School . 3

My Story . 4

1st Habit: Visualization and Positive Affirmations . 6

2nd Habit: Meditate and Experience Music ... 11

3rd Habit: Change Your Attitude Towards Exercise and Nutrition . 14

4th Habit: Setting Goals ... 17

5th Habit: Do something that Scares You Everyday . 19

Conclusion ... 21

Resources .. 22

What They Dont Teach You in School

Go to school for 12 years of your life, then go to University/College for 4-8 years and get a
degree that will land you the job of your dreams, put a down payment on a house and spend
the next 20 years paying it off, and live happily ever after. Right? Absolutely right, maybe for
5% of us who actually do what they love in college/university. But a bizillion studies show that
majority of us are miserable in our jobs and unhappy with our lives. Forget these studies and
talk to strangers around you on a human level and see for yourself. Depression and anxiety
rates in schools have never been higher. Obesity and chronic diseases are at an all-time high.
Whats going on here? 2 things are contributing to this:

1) Lack of Self-Education. The education we receive in school and university is cool and
sometimes useful. However, the essence of educating you is essentially preparing you to
be an employee after you graduate. You are rarely taught about concepts that will not
be useful to increasing the bottom line of the company you will inevitably work for
when you graduate. You have the freedom to do literally whatever you want, but when
you are programmed to follow procedures and standardized rules all the time, do you
think it will even occur to you to exercise creativity and independent thinking that you
supposedly have the right to exercise? I know PLENTY of people whose self-esteem rises
and falls based on their grades.
Concepts such as financial independence and personal development are rarely ever
taught in school and so we are left with a society founded upon individuals who lack
self-esteem, self- belief, self-education and self-reliance. And we wonder why we are
riddled with so many physical, emotional, and psychological epidemics. You can put 11
players in a soccer field, but if each one of them is not confident is his own abilities and
strengths the team as a whole will suffer. Even if 10 players are fully confident in their
game, it takes one mistake from the 11th unconfident player and you could end up losing
the game as a result. Society works the same way, except we have a bunch of people
who feel inadequate about themselves running around looking for external solutions to
their problems instead of internal ones. The results are predictable, inevitable and
2) Lack of Physical Activity. You thought you were gonna read more philosophical shit eh?
Thats exactly my point. We always look for information now that we forget to actually
act upon this information. We live too much in our heads that we forgot about our
bodies. Most of us live sedentary lifestyles spent mostly sitting down in front of a
screen. We think we evolved beyond the need to move our asses around. Kids now

spend their time on their ipads and video games as opposed to playing outside. School
and university is all about sitting down and all-nighters, and most jobs now require you
to sit down infront of a computer screen. We are completely losing touch with the
power of our bodies. How often do you overthink stuff? How often do you doubt
yourself? How often do you feel like you are too much in your head? Do you have
endless number of aches in your body? Are you happy with the way you look, feel, and
perform? EXACTLY. When you lose touch with your body, you lose touch with your
emotions, and life without emotions and feelings is not living at all, its merely existing.
A confident person full of life and energy can be spotted from his BODY LANGUAGE. The
5 powerful habits that I will share with you in this short book all have to do with linking
the mind and the body together to help you bring LIFE and ENERGY back into your life.

My Story
My name is Saeed. Im young and reckless and maybe you shouldnt listen to me. I immigrated
to Canada on a banana boat when I was 13 years old. I remember sitting beside a cute girl in
the bus and she probably was asking me for my name and I kept saying no, no, no, yes. Those
were the only 2 words I knew in English at the time. This was a sensitive age to start a
completely new life, and so began my identity crisis for years to come.
I grew up in a conservative, religious environment so that shaped much of my identity as a kid.
Then I came to Canada and was exposed to new ideas and ways of living. Eventually I began
trying new things and adopting new ideas. My world was continuously clashing in a state of
chaos. I didnt know who I was or what to believe, and so began my journey of trying to find
myself in a world that is constantly whispering all sorts of things in my ears.
At some point I adopted an almost completely Western way of living. Now, Im not so sure
where I stand on the spectrum and frankly I dont give a shit because I realized something. No
matter where you are in this world, no matter what your background and beliefs are, no matter
your race and social status are, most of our individual problems are universal. These problems
although much more prominent in the developed World, they are catching up with the rest of
the world as we continue our global technological progress. I have met hundreds of people
from all over the world and found two things in common in the majority of the worlds
population: lack of self-reliance, and lack of healthy lifestyle.
I battled depression, low self-esteem and anxiety for many years. I think every single human
being experiences these things but we are too afraid of what other people will think of us
because we think we are alone in this. I think most of us live with low-self-esteem and fear for
majority of our life. I was lucky enough to find my way through and make it to the other side. I
met the right people and got the help I need, and from here on it only gets better.

I graduated as a Chemical Engineer through a combination of luck and uhmmm, you know
copying stuff from other people. I HATE chemical engineering. I worked in the field for a year,
and my life couldnt have been more miserable. I sat down 9 hours every day infront of a
computer screen doing things that were of absolutely no interest to me. I turned my back on
my degree despite the fierce opposition of my parents and close friends and never looked back.
Now Im living my passion of training in martial arts, weight lifting, and motivating people to get
better through training their mind and body. This decision took BALLS because it stood against
everything I was told growing up, and I had very few people believing in me but here Im.
I wanna share some of the practical things that continue to help me overcome my fears and
encourage me to take bold courageous action inside and outside the gym. These concepts
require you to combine your mind and body into an unstoppable force capable of great deeds
inside and outside the gym. I want to become Fears Worst Enemy and I hope through this
short book I can also contribute to you becoming Fears Worst Enemy.
I developed what I like to call 5 Powerful Habits to Dominate Life Inside and Outside The
Gym These 5 habits have been known and practiced for thousands of years but you never
learn about them in school because that will cause you to become a more self-reliant person
and companies and other authoritative institutions dont like that. If you have never been
exposed to these ideas before you need to be very open-minded while reading and applying the
concepts because most of it goes against everything you ever learned or have been
brainwashed to believe.
Im a practical guy so Im gonna be giving you shitload of practical things to try out. Reading the
book would be a waste of your time if you are not willing to try these things and experiment
with them and as with anything, add your own twist to it. We are all UNIQUE and POWERFUL,
so take these concepts and do whatever the fuck you want with them. For each concept I will
give an example to use them inside the gym, and one example outside the gym. Without
further blabbering, the 5 habits are as follow:

Visualization and Positive Affirmations

Meditate and Experience Music
Change Your Attitude Towards Exercise and Nutrition
Setting Goals
Do something That Scares You Everyday

1st Habit: Visualization and Positive Affirmations

This concept has completely revolutionized me from the inside out. You are born into this world
and given your identity by people and events that happen in your life that you havent chosen
to be part of. For example, let say you have been abused in your childhood by your parents or
been bullied by other kids. These fears and anxieties that you carry from these experiences
become your identity. You are not really guilty of these things, they just happen and now you
develop a personality based on these experiences. If you were overweight when you were a kid,
there is a decent chance that you will be overweight when you grow up because being
overweight becomes part of your identity and your own perceived self-image. In fact a statistic
shows that 60% of kids who were obese remain so in their adulthood. It goes to show you that
old habits die hard.

The problem is, we think that once we have developed an identity, we cannot change that and
we are doomed to be the person that we are right now. Im gonna use myself as an example.
Growing up I was not good with girls. That continued throughout high school and into
university. It was becoming a real problem for me as I became very convinced that Im doomed
when it comes to the opposite sex. I saw myself as someone who is bad with women and

guess what, your own thoughts about yourself will manifest themselves to others. So by default
I gave out the message to women that Im not good with them. Also, I was self-conscious about
the way I talked to people. I always felt that I have to impress people and gain their approval
which made me less expressive and basically most of my interactions with people were fake. I
was unhappy with my program in university and just plain depressed and miserable.

Then I stumbled upon this idea that Your Mind Achieves What It Perceives. I started reading
books that were saying that you can create your own reality and become who you want to be. I
was confused as shit after all I was that guy who was bad with women and couldnt speak his
mind and didnt have the balls to try new things right? How else could I change that, after all it
was my identity. Is it really possible that you can reinvent yourself and become a completely
new person? This sure was nonsense and seemed next to impossible!!

The idea that you can change yourself and reinvent your personality, your thoughts, and rewire
your brain was hard for me to digest because I was conditioned to follow certain paths in life
that didnt embrace change and creativity. I couldnt believe that I can change, I couldnt
believe in other possibilities for myself. I was very realistic. Who am I to dare to dream? Who
am I to challenge the established ways of living and dare to think of possibilities? Im nothing
but an average guy who has no power over himself and just bows down to his circumstances.
Thats what I kept thinking.

Until I started practising what is commonly known as Visualization and Positive Affirmations.
You see, this shit you wont be taught in school or told by your parents, but maaaaan did it
change my life and turned it upside down.

Every great thing that anyone has ever done starts with a thought. We didnt just magically
get to the moon. Someone has thought at some point hey it would be really cool to go to the
moon and people around probably laughed at him. It was too unrealistic and just a fools
dream but what do you know, we eventually got to the moon.

Thoughts are very very powerful. Everything you see around you was created because someone
thought about it, someone saw the possibility and started working on it to make it happen
despite his own doubts and other peoples doubts.

So the first step to change yourself and start following your dreams is to simply think about
the possibility while completely ignoring your current circumstances. Think about the body you
want to get even if you are 100 pounds overweight and you dont see a way out of your
overeating problems. Even if you are a skinny guy, just take few minutes and really picture the
body you want to have despite all the limitations in your mind about how you are destined to
be skinny forever. Just entertain the positive thought about yourself and forget your current
circumstances for now.

At first, you will encounter cognitive dissonance. Basically, you now have two conflicting
beliefs. One is the old established belief system that you have engrained in your brain that you
are a fat guy, and the other belief is the one you just freshly introduced to your brain which is
Im a lean guy with nice muscular body.

You will resort back to the old belief thinking that its impossible to be someone else. You might
start breathing shallow every time you think about your sexy lean muscular body because
your brain is refusing this message and sticking to the established belief you have about
yourself as the fat guy or skinny guy or ugly girl.

Now, you are gonna have to continually repeat what you want to see happen to you. You have
to continually REPEAT empowering things to yourself out loud such as Im powerful, I can
become muscular and lean, and Im strong. And you have to vividly picture the type of body
you want to have or the type of person you want to become in VIVID DETAILS. You have to
FEEL the person you want to become through your thoughts and emotions. At some point, you
will get past the cognitive dissonance and a new self-image of yourself will emerge out of the
deep darkness and now all of a sudden you have a new found respect for yourself and a new
self-image that you will do whatever it takes to achieve. Im gonna give two personal examples
of things that I have done inside and outside the gym that helped me change my mindset and
reinvent myself and achieve my goals through positive affirmations and visualisation.

Inside the gym

One thing I have always had going for me in my life is athleticism. I was a wrestler in high school
and had a sick bench press and a nice body. However, I was stuck in making gains. I was stuck at
benching 2 plates and didnt move beyond that whatsoever. I thought that I hit a plateau and I
was doomed to remain where I was as far as my fitness goals were concerned. I saw myself as a
2-plate bencher. I just couldnt see myself benching more than that for whatever reason.
Maybe I didnt think I was worthy enough of getting stronger. Whatever the case might have

been I just couldnt get it past my head that I will ever bench more than 2 plates. Until one day I
was so fed up and decided fuck this, I will bench press more than two plates through raw
force. I started a ritual everyday where I would lay down on my couch for 15 minutes, plug in
some chill music, and forget about THE WHOLE WORLD and just picture myself benching 2plates and 25 on each side.

Blocking the whole world from your thoughts is key in changing your self-image because your
limits are usually affected to large extent by the world and only YOU can change that. So for
everyday for 15 minutes, I close my eyes, and picture myself vividly benching 250 pounds. I
picture myself putting the plates on each side, I picture myself taking deep breaths before and
would actually do the breathing as Im visualizing, and I picture myself going through the
motion and would actually go through the motion as Im visualizing. Basically, I embodied
exactly what I wanted to see happen and felt the EMOTION of benching 250 pounds. In my
thoughts I was so ecstatic after I benched 250 and I actually would let out a big scream even
though Im just laying on my couch visualizing. Few weeks later, I became so convinced that I
can bench 250 pounds. My brain has been rewired and I started to see myself as a 250 pound
bencher. Lo and Behold, by bench started going up dramatically and within 6 weeks or so I went
up 25 pounds in my bench press, something I have not been able to do for a LONG LONG time.

You have to visualize, feel the emotion of the visualization, and repeat it out loud every single
day and before you know it you are a different person with a different body, a new self-image,
and an empowered self-esteem.

Outside the gym

I mentioned earlier how I was always bad with women. I couldnt hold a conversation for the
life of me and would always be nervous around girls. This was something that just happened to
me and somehow I couldnt get past it. I thought I was doomed with girls, then again I started
applying the same principle that I described to reinvent myself with women and create a new
version of myself that knows how to talk and seduce women. I can go on and on about this but I
will give one example before moving on to the other 4 habits.

I visualized myself having nice conversations with girls. I visualized myself being very
comfortable around women and pictured women laughing and smiling at me. Mind you while
going through these visualisations, I was still bad but again I had to block my current
circumstances and focus on what I wanted to see happen and the kind of person I wanted to
become around women. I visualized myself saying things to women and actually started saying


these things while visualizing. Once again, I EMBODIED what I wanted to see happen. I
visualized it and embodied it by creating the emotion through my body. I began creating
scenarios where I would picture myself approaching girls at bus stops, libraries, gym, and just
about any place. It took time, but I started seeing myself as a ladies man someone who can
fearlessly talk to women anytime anywhere and be himself unapologetically.

And what do you know, I became that type of person. I vividly visualized who I want to become,
I embodied it and created scenarios in my head that came true. I got through the cognitive
dissonance of me being bad with women and created a new identity for myself and manifested
that. I basically reinvented myself, and so can you.

The most successful athletes in the world would tell you that they had to visualize themselves
over and over and over as the best in the world. Thats what separates average from great, and
great from greatest.

I talk a lot more about this in my fitness/motivation channel on YouTube At the end of the book, Im gonna
share some of the books that I read about these ideas so check them out they will definitely
help you out in your journey.


2nd Habit: Meditate and Experience Music.

I have a somewhat different perception of meditation. I dont think you necessarily have to stay
still to meditate. You can use music, exercise and movement to get in a meditative state of
mind. I find it hard to stay still in silence and meditate unless Im in nature, then its easy and
peaceful. But I use music to alter my mental state of mind and get in whatever zone I want to
get into including a meditative state.

What is music anyway? Its a bunch of vibrations and frequencies that can send some powerful
emotions through you. These emotions come in wide spectrum and its hard to explain the
emotion because its naturally difficult to explain feelings and thats what music is all about.
Most people listen to music but dont actually FEEL music, they just play it in the background or
in their ears to distract them from their thoughts which are probably mostly negative thoughts
anyway. The average person has around 68,000 thoughts a day, of which 90% of them are

But if you ACTUALLY pay attention to the music and let it take you through whatever journey it
takes you on, soon you will realize the power of music and its ability to change your thoughts,
perceptions and state of mind. You have to fully listen to music and give the track you are


listening to your absolute undivided attention and laser-like focus to be able to truly experience
the beauty of music and use it to your advantage and for pleasure and meditation.

Think back to the latest few tracks you listened to. Were you actually fully immersed in the
music or were you just playing it while thinking about other things that made you stressed? Try
to listen to the next few tracks as if the music you are listening to is the only thing that exists on
the face of the planet and notice the emotion the music implants in you. You will notice a
change in your state of mind after the song depending on the music and how it made you feel.

If you flipped through my music list you will see all sorts of shit. You will see hardcore rap,
smooth trance, beautiful classical, old school country, romantic Spanish guitar, German folk
music and much more. Variety is the spice of life. By fully immersing myself in the music, Im
able to switch my state of mind depending on what Im listening to. Let me elaborate on that
using personal examples inside and outside the gym.

Inside the gym

I mostly listen to rap and trance before and during my workouts. But I dont just play them in
the background. I actually have a ritual before my workouts that ensures I go to the gym and
smash the workout. Ill wake up in the morning and completely empty my mind from all the
upcoming tasks, responsibilities and whatnot. I head to the oven and make myself a nice cup of
black Turkish coffee that wake me the fuck up. As Im making and drinking the coffee, I have my
earphones plugged in and Im usually pumping rap and trance. Here is the catch tho, I listen to
Till I Collapse every single morning and I have the words memorized by heart. But I dont just
listen to it. I rap along Eminem with every single word fully engaging my body and my heart as
Im rapping along. I say the words like I mean them, I FEEL the lyrics hitting me from the core. I
get so pumped up and emotional that by the end of the song Im full of unlimited energy and all
sorts of feel good and fear smashing drugs flowing through my body. Music becomes absolutely
powerful when you fully immerse yourself in it through both mind and body.

When Im about to hit a lift, I prefer trance. I usually wait for the beat to drop and I feel like a
Greek God as Im hitting the weights while fully immersed in the Trance. The combination of
being fully immersed in empowering music and working out is unreal. But once again you have
to have the courage to fully express yourself through the music. Some people will look at you in
the gym and think you are a maniac. Thats when you know you are expressing yourself
because most people are too scared of their own shadow and you have to be the crazy guy
doing his thing if you want to fully express yourself.


See what music gets you pumped up and start immersing yourself in it before, during and even
after the workout. I know lots of people like rock for a pump and I can see that. I once listened
to Beethoven on my leg day. That was the weirdest workout I had but hey whatever you feeling
that day is what you should be listening to. Learn how to use music to dominate the gym and
put yourself in an invincible state of mind and you will discover a lot about yourself. Make it a
habit to express yourself through music and explore new genres.

Outside the gym

You can use some nice chill music to get in the mood if you are gonna go out and chase
beautiful ladies. Enough times I dont feel romantic but as soon as I listen to some Spanish
guitar or chill out trance I find myself in the mood to go talk to girls and take them out on dates.
When Im angry about something, Ill pump some angry rap and scream and yell and usually
that puts me in a take action mode. Experiment with different music, immerse yourself in it
and see how it affects your state of mind.

I also use binaural beats to calm my mind and meditate before I go to bed. These beats are
frequencies that are supposed to affect you in a positive way and calm your brain. I lay on my
bed every day for half an hour before bed and meditate using these binaural beats and I have
no problem falling asleep

Like Bruce Lee says: empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a
cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a
teapot, it becomes a teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water my friend. Follow
Bruces advice and let yourself go with the music and see where it takes you. Make it an
everyday habit to do so.


3rd Habit: Change Your Attitude Towards Nutrition and Exercise.

You are what you eat. Food affects you more than you think it does. Things like depression,
anxiety, fear, and shitty mood can be partially attributed to the food you eat. Your hormones
and well-being respond according to what you put in your body.

When you eat healthy you look good. Its almost as if your body has a reward system for you be
giving you a nice body for eating good healthy wholesome food. Ive come to the conclusion
that nature has this robust system whereby you are rewarded generously for working hard. If
you have ever had a crazy workout where you put it all on the line, you probably felt like Goku
after the workout, your body rushes with endorphins, dopamine, and adrenaline which make
you feel good and help you overcome your fears and anxieties.

When you are eating healthy food on a regular basis, your hormones are regulated as they
should be to keep you happy, peaceful, and full of life and energy. Why is it that when you eat
fruits and vegetables you can get up and run a marathon whereas eating junk food leaves you


feeling like a fat slob for the next few hours, not to mention the fun time you are gonna have
once the troops arrive downstairs. Taking care of your body is not only beneficial to your energy
levels, but it will also keep your sex life spicy and interesting.

99% of people want to look and feel better, but only 1% are willing to make the necessary
LIFELONG adjustments to do so. With so many delicious foods everywhere, its hard to stay
lean and mean. Unfortunately, these delicious foods are causing obesity, depression, anxiety,
cancer, and a whoooole other host of problems.

The very idea of I will diet and get lean and healthy then eat whatever I want is why most
people who diet end up putting back all the weight they lost and lose their hard earned
muscles. Our health care costs would be tremendously reduced if people took care of their

Food should be perceived differently if you want to make gains and maintain them otherwise
you are only few steps away from some very bad shit. If you are young and you are reading this
right now, you probably feel invincible. Hey, Im a young guy too and I feel invincible, but I have
too many sick family members because of bad eating and training habits and I dont wanna see
that shit happen to me or anyone I know.

Healthy food should be cherished and celebrated and looked at as medicine for the body, the
mind and the soul because it really is. What happens when you eat healthy and move your
body on regular basis? Better body, better sex appeal and drive, better mood, more energy,
more alertness, rare visits to the doctor, better digestion, clear head, and feelings of
invincibility. Its that simple. If you want these things to be permanent in your life then you
have to make your peace with food and stop looking at junk food as your go-to source when
you are stressed.

Besides, if you get creative, you can make some truly delicious recipes out of healthy foods.
When you get to your fitness goals and your metabolism is reved up, you will be able to get
away with eating few bad meals every once in a while, I eat out once every week, but I have
already made my peace with healthy food as a lifelong approach. The benefits I get from eating
healthy foods are too good to let go of anyway.


Exercise on the other hand is something that I continue to experience myself through and learn
new things about myself. Exercise does not only ensure you have a lean and mean body, it will
teach you many life lessons that will stay with you forever. Through exercise, I learned
discipline, commitment, fearlessness, courage, hard work, self-respect, patience, and
appreciation for my own uniqueness. These characters stay with you for life. As Bruce Lee
would call it, exercise is the Art of Expressing Your Body. Exercise could be as simple as a
walk, or as intense as a UFC match.

I remember during the harsh winters of Alberta, I would still make the 20-minute walk from my
house to the gym in -30 temperature. That alone taught me much needed discipline and
commitment that I now incorporate into every aspect of my life. For me, once I got to the gym,
I would have to put in 110% of my effort into training otherwise that lack of effort will manifest
itself in all other areas of my life. Through giving your heart out and dedicating yourself to give
110% effort it whatever exercise you choose to do you will not only get a good body, you will
also improve your character as a man/woman and become more fearless in your life.

When you put all your RAW EMOTIONS into your training, you get in touch with your inner
beast, the beast waiting to be unleashed. You feel powerful and invincible. Use training as a
tool of self-improvement. Use it as a therapy and look forward to the gym with excitement and
motivation to discover your inner beast and unleash him every single workout. When you stop
focusing so much on training for looks and start training for self-empowerment, this is where
the magic begins. Besides, those looks will come anyway, but along the way you are gaining
inner self-confidence that cant be substituted for anything in the world.

Change your attitude about nutrition and training, and you will see a change from deep within
that will contribute majorly to empowering you from your very foundations.


4th Habit: Set Goals for Yourself

Humans are goal-oriented by nature. When we dont have goals and dreams in life we suffer,
and those around us all suffer. We drift aimlessly looking for something or someone to fill the
void within us. That void is not going to be filled from an external source because it can only be
cherished from within.

We must all have goals in life no matter how small or big. In fact it has been scientifically
proven that when we make a to-do-list and cross an item out, we get dopamine fueled by a
sense of accomplishment. Thats why we humans love to make those lists no matter how silly
they may seem because we get a sense of accomplishment.

All healthy habits start with small changes. Writing down short-term goals no matter how small
they are will open the door for bigger goals. The bigger the goal, the feeling of accomplishment
is magnified. Nobody ever accomplished something great in life without having the vision of
accomplishing it as clear as the sunshine. And here is the thing about goals, you may not


accomplish all of your goals, but they will open the door for other goals along the journey.
Goals are meant as a tool for you to start manifesting your greatness in life. After that, you have
to improvise along the way and constantly strive for new goals once you have achieved your
previous ones. And that cycle continues until the day you die. I call that living from your core.

The purpose of your life should be clear to you. Once you figure that out, you will never again
drift aimlessly. The purpose can be anything. A taxi driver once told me that her purpose in life
was to make people laugh. And she did make me laugh. She stayed true to her purpose. Find
your purpose in life, and set goals to accomplish and you will dominate inside and outside the
gym. Im inclined to share some personal experiences with you to motivate you to beast in the

In the gym

Me Doing a Back Lever

In March 3rd, 2015 I got a surgery on my right wrist. Knowing that shit was going down, I
wanted to do something magnificent before I got my surgery. So, I decided one month before
my surgery that I was going to do a back lever. The move seemed very difficult to do, but I
had already set my mind on it. Lo and behold, 1 day before my surgery I was able to do the
move and hold it for 10 seconds. You can see the video here

I dont think I would have been able to do the move in a relatively fast time if I didnt fully set
my mind on doing it. I was in a state of euphoria and it was the best thing I could have done for
myself as a mental boost before going into surgery. Your willpower and mind are very powerful


and if used to their full potential they can do incredible things. Bottom line: set realistic
attainable goals for yourself and take action to accomplish them as if your life depends on it.

Turn goals into prey and kill them and remember What We Do In life, Echoes In Eternity

5th Habit: Do Something That Scares You Everyday

Me Skydiving
Thats right!! Do something that scares you every day. Start living and expressing yourself. Start
with the smallest things in your life. Are you scared of dogs? Go and pet your neighbours dog.
Are you scared of being judged by people? Go out and public and do something outrageous and
make a total fool of yourself. Are you scared of talking to your crush? Go right up to her and say
whatever comes through your mind. Even if you screw up you will find yourself liberated each
time you get out of your comfort zone and eventually living outside your comfort zone becomes
a habit, and an addicting one let me tell you!

How long are you gonna surrender to your fears? They are slowly killing your human expression
and not allowing you to live according to your true self. Fear can only be faced one way: HEAD


Inside and Outside the Gym

There are countless examples from my life and experiences with coming out of my comfort
zone because I was once a scared cat. So Ill finish off this section with a piece of writing I
posted previously on my website and on created a video as well right

Growing up as a kid, I was always scared of my own shadow. I lived in a constant state of selfconsciousness and as a result repressed my human expression in all its rawness and
uniqueness. I was always calculating in my mind the most appropriate thing to say in social
situations to avoid being judged and made fun of by other people. The fear of rejection by
society was eating me up from inside out leaving very little room for my true self to express
himself. The fear of failure was haunting me like a shadow in the dark. I didnt want to say the
wrong thing or make mistakes and as a result I was afraid to try anything new where I would
risk making mistakes and failing.
I knew deep down I had to overcome the fear of failure. I was so afraid of making mistakes that
I decided to make it my mission in life to become a fearless soul. From there on, I started
learning how to live outside my comfort zone and so a new chapter in my life began. I can tell
you this, the minute you decide to step out of your comfort zone is the minute you declare a
state of chaos and turmoil in your life. It is similar to throwing yourself to the wolves, and your
mission is to come back leading them. You are about to experience a never ending battle with
your own ego. You will experience failure and rejection more than most people around you
because most people dont have the courage to try new things and put themselves out there in
vulnerable situations where the odds or rejection and failure seem to be high, at least in the
You will start to question yourself in so many ways. Have I gone crazy? What drives me to take
such chances? Maybe I should just shut my mouth and get back to my little protective shell to
avoid embarrassment, failure, and rejection. Your ego will constantly try to bring you back to a
fearful state of mind. And guess what, often times you will listen to your ego and get back to
your little shell even after you tried to step outside your comfort zone. However, that little
voice of courage deep within you, the one that drove you to step outside your comfort zone in
the first place will come back and talk to you, and your job is to feed that courageous voice and
force yourself to step outside your comfort zone once again and open yourself up for failure
and rejection.
There is a certain excitement that builds up within you each time you are about to do
something new, a sweet little drug known as adrenaline which I happen to be addicted to. I like


to call adrenaline the drug of courage and liberation. Adrenaline doesnt care if you succeed or
fail, all it wants to do is protect you from a perceived physical or emotional danger, and thats
where you become in a fight or flight state of mind. The trick is to train your mind and body to
respond to adrenaline by fighting instead of flying. This means whatever scares you let that be
talking to a girl, confronting someone, jumping out of an airplane or experiencing failure in any
shape or form must be faced head on in order to train your subconscious to fight instead of
flight in dangerous situations.
The more you expose yourself to seemingly dangerous situations, the more you fail and get
rejected, the more you get out of your comfort zone, the more you realize these fears were
simply illusions in your mind set there to limit your potential and capacity and keep you timid in
a system that feeds on robotic and fearful behaviour. The adrenaline resides and eventually a
fearful thought that was once your arch enemy becomes your best friend. But before you form
that friendship with your fear, you have to go through chaos and inner turmoil, and you have to
be prepared to make a lot of mistakes along the way before you conquer your fear of rejection
and failure. Then, you will develop a love story with failure and your life will never be the same.

I wrote this mini-book, report or whatever you wanna call it mostly based on my own
experiences. I want to share these experiences with you in the hope that they can help you to
liberate yourself from the countless man-made prisons we are surrounded by.

One thing I realized about humans is that we all share the same problems and fears, but very
few are willing to talk about them in fear of being judged. But when someone reaches out and
shares their story, you will quickly find other people doing the same because you no longer feel
judged. Thats why I shared personal experiences here, because I want to hear about your
personal experiences as well. This is a no judgment zone

What is most important: MAKE THESE 5 HABITS PART OF YOU EVERYDAY LIFE. Seriously, they
are called HABITS for a reason. Stop spending so much time creeping people on social media
and get working on yourself. You might do these habits once and twice, but if you dont make a
habit out of them every single day, you just wasted your time reading this. Make these 5 habits
part of your routine and you will DOMINATE LIFE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE GYM


Its supposed to be hard, but its worth it, so I cant think of a better quote to finish this off with
Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a
very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees
and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But
it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.
How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!
Sylvester Stallone, Rocky Balboa

Check out my website for the latest posts and stay up to date
Subscribe to my fitness and motivation YouTube Channel if you have not already done so and we can
all continue supporting one another
Also like my facebook page and share any videos that you find have helped you so they can help

The following books and people helped me and continue to help me in my journey. Check them
out as Im sure they will also help you out

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The 4 hour workweek by Tim Ferris
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine
by Robert Moore
Elliott Hulse on Youtube
Alan Watts, also on Youtube

And pretty much anyone I ever met in my life or will ever meet. You can always learn something
from anybody whether they are criminal or royalty. Everyone has something to offer, you just
gotta dig deep and find it for yourself and then you gotta see the goodness in other people.

Peace and Love

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