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Pooler Bible Church

Discipleship Training Program

Pooler Bible Church is excited that you have made the first step in making a lasting impact in the
lives of our church family and the greater Pooler community. We understand that this discipleship
program will be a sacrifice of your time and are grateful for your commitment.
Biblical Truths of Discipleship:
We strive to follow Jesus command to make disciples (Matt. 28: 19-20).
We believe that Christians are called to teach others and share with them the truths of
scripture (2nd Timothy 2:2).
We believe in the inerrancy of scripture as God-breathed, true, and beneficial for the
edification of the Church. (2nd Timothy 3:16).
We believe discipleship is a necessary process of the Christian walk as we move to
spiritual maturity and thus the teaching of sound scriptural doctrine should be explicitly
taught and studied (Ephesians 4: 14-16).

Pooler Bible Church Discipleship Action Plan

1: Commitment (Duration: 1 session)
1. A member of guest of Pooler Bible Church expressed a desire to be trained. The
leadership of the church will work to pair up the saved individual desiring to grow in their
knowledge and understanding of the bible with a trained discipleship mentor.
2. The mentee agrees to commit to a year long discipleship program. The individual realizes
that the training will take time and will take a commitment on the parts of both the mentor
and mentee.
3. During this time all mentors will receive training in order to prepare to be paired with a
mentee desiring to enter the discipleship program.
2: Evaluation and Connection (Duration: 1 session)
1. The individual meets with the discipleship program coordinator to gather a general
overview of individual on where they are in their faith and knowledge of the bible.
2. The mentor and mentee are assigned and make their initial contact to begin the
discipleship program.
3: Training (Duration: Weekly sessions approximately 1 year)
1. Pooler Bible Church will assign a trained discipleship mentor to each individual

2. Each mentor/mentee pair will follow the Discipleship Program (see attachment) as
established by Pooler Bible Church
3. Check and Connect with mentors and church discipleship program leaders for support as
needed during various training refresher sessions and discipleship forums throughout the
4. Provide continual feedback to the discipleship program leaders at the conclusion of each
4: Reflection (Duration: 1 session)
1. At the conclusion of the training program both individuals complete a self-evaluation and
reflection of their discipleship experience.
2. Discuss needs/desire to of disciple to take on the role of mentor with another disciple.

Mentor Training Plan:

Each one-year discipleship program will begin with a mentor training session. At the
end of the training you may or may not begin immediately in a discipleship program
with another individual. As participants show interest you will be paired up by church
The training program will consist of a two-hour group session.
Follow up sessions will take place to serve as a refresher and a guide throughout the
An opportunity to connect, reflect, and gather suggestions and resources from other
mentors will be scheduled quarterly by the discipleship coordinator.

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