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RO | REPUBLICA DE MOCAMBIQUE. MINISTERIO DOS NEGOCIOS ESTRANGEIROS E COOPERACAO | . DIRECCAO PARA AS ORGANIZAGOES INTERNACIONAIS E CONFERENCIAS. ~ Exmo Senhor Chefe do Gabinete do Magnifico'* > Reitor Oe | Universidade Eduardo Mondlane MAPUTO ee IMINECMOICDETROMO 1/16 Maputo, 28 de Junho de 2016 Assunto: Bolsa de estude de curte duracdo de Commonwealth, “Emeka Anyaoku Visiting Chair”, 2016-2017 Para a devida consideracdo temos a honra de enviar @ nota cue anuncia a abertura de so para bolsas de estudo de curta duracdo da Commonwealth — equivalente e os estudos deco! Londres, no periodo de Setembro de 2016 2 ‘aba de 2017. Os candidatos Para as bolsas deverao enviar os CVs e carta de cobertura para o enderego electrénico ics@sas.acwuk até ao dia 24 de Jutho de 2016. Com os nossos melhores cumprimentos. fa tf es tina : ‘ er Cle - Universidade Pedagog: - Instituto Superior de Relagdes ciong eI VAs1y - Universidade a Politécnica Enderege: Av. 10 de Novenibro #620, 3 Piso, Tel. Geral 2 Emeka Anyaoku visiting chair ‘The Institute of Commonwealth Studies (School of Advanced Study, University of London) is now ‘ccepting applications for the Emoks a ic Chir. This Fellowship is open to distinguishes academics in the field of Commonwealth Studies who currently hold @ post at @ University {or equivalent institution) within the Commonwealth and wish to spend between three and si tutive months between Sentem ing the In ‘The Visiting Charis expected to ga: ¥ in the scholarly activity of the Institute, including Geveloping their own research and presenting it at the annual Emeka Anyaoku Visiting and other academic events within the institute ‘The Anyaoku Chair will have 24-hour access to office/research facilities within Senate House, 2s well 2s full membership of Senate House Libraries. Access can be arranged to other libraries within the 'n order to apply for the 2016-17 academic year, please send 2 CV and covering letterto The covering letter shouid inciude the outcomes that the applicant secks to gain from holding the ‘Chair, the benefits to their ‘nome’ institution, the benefits tothe Institute of Commonwealth Studies, ar research proposet thet the applicant would undertake if successful. ‘The deadline for applications is at 11:59pm UK time on Sunday 24 July 2026.

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