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ea tee sate em nas ata ae fe eee Sirajmeeiicersu foccemea fo eer, ee cra Mtr Cee! ee se ck OM 2004-0506, OBA Tele: 1-B00-722-4726, Fox 1-814-755-5845, For Canada oer enqurie: leas contact Mire Hl yee Lit. 200 nec St Wy, Griare LIN BE, Canada Tegrane 80 430 S00, Fx: 005 490 8620 {arg rongsned asthe ithe source trot guided rng — wt ore an Filla caeas vol) werioue ~ Ta wach yourell soa Inc ever S00 ite inthe Fat of erguagas err, hots, busness computing and o@MCAEGD. ‘toh Llvay Catsbgulg in Pubcon si: a caloqus roar tr tis His snk ‘hor fi Uy Leber of Congres Caatg Cane br oi, Frat publshed in UR 2004 ty Her Amoi, 398 stn ad, Landon, A Fist pute i 24 by The Mra Ht Gomparis, ‘Ts eorton pied 2004 Tw teach youre er isa reistrad tae werk of Nader oan Li apyrignt © 200 Shula Gow 1h UK Ais reseed. Agar hom any pera ws under UK capi i, om prt ot Tha ubleaton ty be repecicnd or waren in eny teem by ay mae, ac 1 machanes, nehaing rcerdeg, oc an flamscton, tage and etre tare emouk amit i wen Tom to publher ou ence ren he (ioral Agancy Leneea. Fire daa of axl Noes Oo ropoina Nc frum copy Lcwneng Haney Limi, of 9 Tabanan i ray ba Enna WT ALP lnc: At slots recor. xceot aa permit under the hi 1976, pt ot a pute Anns, trod itm aah tha tron Typeset ty thricsent pnt i Great rita for Hodder Aen a in ot Hot eating, 28 Fusion oad, Ce 36M, Dy Cox yen i, dng, eee tre nara eum ue proc wood grows it susorabl aes The ogg 3 [ented Socnform bf eevemnmantl rept oh Impresoon nurber 10887 694 ‘war 2000 2008 2008 2007 200 frceroaea Osttand reveal sje, boa Hobrew: alphabet and pronunciation vesting Hbrow (1) wring Habre (2) hfo = no rating poor « ack pee Hoey a © saying Wore ou ae Pom, eat yur mason and what ange oo sea arp In era —nevera eo rus 1-1» ays ot he wes ero things txung a & ma + srg ip whats the Una? — Pave a counting t 18 ing tho tina = ashing ul fine tis > making an aogier # ‘sting abet cpeing oars atta hatel — yma eng Ne tea © making ching © seh ir you sous ae senda = aang tr und giving = opt r= ig fos | woul tke to change sore money ~ ‘03 fran ey uncbers i 1,000 charging money» nda In cin sp aking fre Bal 1k 4 — 23 y. mo ar ang pee ww they hao at t= lou aning wa yah a taut + cing wt yo tis ra ost vr $]U9}U09 | =] at home — naa. Cy ‘talking about your tarnily * saying weet people are ang what our Jo» eps abot cer pcre’ os ‘sorry it's 9 mistake — 8 iyo (morn) won _mathing complaimts » claiming last property = thea mesare shopping (1)~ (x) 9 ‘nding your way Wound te shops * using i much igs cost «buy pecans + ung stoping (2) —(a) nia cient id of lat «ordering fod 48 A resusurant * baying food in a supermarknt transport ~ swan asking for travel information * buying tickets * rman gat tao «king tor diols «hing car» Kinds ota « Speaking about laces * past tense ‘how do you fool? — Puen ann ye ‘eqesieg ou spon abate weer» the water dire aces» plang & ‘Holiny © asking for mevicad neip * parts of the hurman body * future tense ‘how old aro you? = Pm nnd Wa PAW AD | ‘thi caleritar » saying haw old you ace » talking, about your birthday = lnvitations « Heid In trou holidays —nwoin 163 «saying what you Ilan Going én your tree ine * srg tna at eyo de kn art ‘n sport and tiabbies « planning your Moliay Bate making wrangaments «wir tur etites ‘on the telephone ~ ji9?0 Ww ‘kg 0 spt lo smene cn pao» king anv mesg + making enptnens the phe» say whl os rob eos hues a graat tpt — rns Sie a taking about pst events eying goody # apg awn a stg tok plac « ‘epg in tach language revision taking it further key to the exercises Hetnow-Engiish vocabulary English-Hebrew vocabulary Index ‘Acknowledgements | thank the teachers and students who inspired me, Special thanks to Bo'eri Zimmerman, for everything. To the reader | would be delighted to hear from you. Piaase write to me cio Hodder Eidueatian at 338 Euston Road, London NW1 BH, UK, or via e-mail; ‘Shuta Giboa = ® S & = 2 3 > D o ® - » = a 3 3 3 c > 9. 5 = ° 5 @ 1 The Hebrew letters As in the English language, the names of the Hebrew letters are related to their vocal expressions. Most ofthe letters have parallels in English, which appear in the following table. Where there is no exact vocal parallel this is indicated with [ J, and you should listen to the recording in order to learn the correct pronunciation, hl ilk e English equivalent | G 2 Consonants and vowels All Hebrew letters function as consonants, while some of them also function as vowels, being silent letters within the word. ‘These four Hebrew letters function as vowels: 4: ‘Aleph’; 5: ‘Hey’; 6:"Vav'; 10: ‘Yoo. [As these vowels cannot lead on their own to a proper reading of the words, the Hebrew tradition has created an additional system of vowelling (or pointing} which is signed under, within and above the leters in the form of lines and dots. The following table shows these signs: name of sign | shape | sound of vowel | transliterated as of sign 1s|< |x|} > Z| Kamatz Ales in bark) Patach ‘Aas in bark) Segol E (asin hon) Al (a8in af, or EY (asin they) O (asin boy) (00 (asin room) Ulasin shoo) EE (as in been), or (as in ring) E (asin terrific), or O (as in tractor) |S ° s Hata kamatz | ‘A(as in bark) 16 y Al 7 'Peh’ PIF orPH 18 | Teaai Ty 19 ‘Kot Kor@ 20_|_ ‘Resi R 21 | “Shin! SHS. 22 lav" T ‘The serial numbers in the left-hand column are used in the next ‘wo units to help you find your way back to the information in the table. Hataf patach x Hatafsegot | ‘Alas in bark) E (asin hen) ‘You will notice that the same sounds are sometimes represented by different marks. The reasons for this have to do with ‘grammar, and need not concer you at this stage. Hebrew is not normally vowelled, as Hebrew-speaking readers can get along without it. Partial vowelling is used from time to time. In this book all Hebrew words are vowelled when they are introduced in order to help you to recognize the vowels and pronounce the words, wi ‘puw yeqeyeie :woiqoH * Notes: 4 Some Hebrew letters have no parallel in English, and the Roman forms printed here are only an indication of how cach one sounds. That is why they are put in []. Listen to the recording, and learn the pronunciation, 2 Three Hebrew letters have two pronunciations: a sounds like V. sounds like B. sounds likePH. sounds like P. sounds like SH. sounds like $. WB 5 Three Hebrew leters have been given modern versions: “x has the pronunciation of CH {as in chocolate] "y has the pronunciation of G [as in giraffe] “t has the pronunciation of J or ISIO [as in journal or television) 4 Five Hebrew letters have a special shape when placed at the end of a word, as indicated in the table above; this is called thee ‘final? form. 3 Reading and writing Hebrew As you probably know, Hebrew, like all Semitic languages, is written from right to left. There is only one set of letters im Hebrew, s¢ 2 stands for both lower-case English “B’ and *b’ The letters of the Hebrew alphabet may alsa be used as numbers. The first ten letters in the alphabet stand for the numbers 1 to 10: x (aleph) = 1, 3 (bet) = 2 ete. and > (yod) = 10. You will see these letters used throughout the book to number some of the questions in the exercises. @ 4 Words you already know Do you know that you are already familiar with many Hebrew words? Here are some of them. Notice that some of these words have a different pronunciation in Hebrew, as indicated by the transliteration in brackets. ‘wopajsunuoid pus seqeudte imasaon & toa Tel Aviv telephone television theatre Tiberias tractor Venus Volvo zebra [leh Lteka-viv) [le-te-fon} [te-e-viz-yabh) [le-at-ron} [ver-yah} [trak-tor) [ve-nus) [vokvo) [zab-rah] aoe W979 arg inoxn ane aioe ony om ar (L) Mo2i1geH BulyM In this unit you will learn * eight consonants, in print and in script © three vowels = reading and writing words you already know (1) masgoy Bun 19 i) 41.1 The 17th letter of the Hebrew alphabetis*Peh’ ( =P,9=PH). Script Print 2 ° ‘+ Write the letter ‘Peh’ several times, in seript from right to deft, ao0 © Fill in the Hebrew letter: PH= rr ——————— As seen in the table in the Hebrew alphabet section, this letter hhas a special final form: Script Print ¢ a © Write the final form of the letter 'Peh’ several times, in script from right co left. ore 4.2 The first two vowels which you are about to learn are ‘Kamatz’ and ‘Patah’ (You do not need to memorize their names.) Although they differ in shape their pronunciation is similar. Peh with these vowels will sound as follows: _ pha (like in pharmacy) = 9 © Write the letter 5 9 with the two similar vowels: 6 9 a few times, from right to left. 222 eee eee eae 1.3 The 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is "Kol? tp =k). Seript Print P ? © Write the letrer 7 a few times, from right to left. PPP 4.4 The third vowel which you are about to learn is ‘Segol’. “Kof’ with this vowel will sound as follows: Ke (like the e in Kevin) = 2 © Write the letter g with the vowel segol a few times, from right to left. (W) meager Sunem oo PPP oS = 4.5 The 20ch Hebrew letter is Resh’ ( Seript Print 2 4 © Write the leteer a few times. 799 4.54 Now, write the word ‘park’ in Hebrew Congratulations! You have just written your first Hebrew word. 4.6 The 2nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet is ‘Bet’ (a=v, = Script Print 2 a ‘© Write the letter a few times, in script from right to left. pee ape ‘= Fill in the Hebrew letter: B= — = 4.7 The Lath letter of the Hebrew alphabet is ‘Nun’ (2 = n) Seript Print J > # ‘Write the letter » few times, in script from right to left. did + Now, read the word: 3, ‘+ Write poa in seript ‘As seen in the table, the letter "Nun’ has a special final form: Script Print z 1 Write the final form of the letcer ‘Nun’ several times, in script CO) from right to left. (1) mougon Suna a tal 4.8 The Sth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is ‘Hey’ (n = h). Seript Print + Write the letter h a few times, in script from right to left. ann ‘The letter ‘Hey" can be used as a consonant but can also. be placed at the end of a word asa silent leter, For example: coffee (ka-feh) = n9 Write nop in scripts 1.9 Exercise Fill in the missing letters or vowels from the list below: a — Ri 78; P—?i—— pu R eraiplelpiala ‘The next three consonants function in two modes — as consonants and as silent lerers (like ‘Hey")- 1.10 The 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is *Yod": ‘The letter “Yod" cam be used as a consonant. ‘beautiful = (ya-feh) ng For example: ‘As a silent letter ir stands for the vowels EE (as in bee) or I (as in ring). For example: beer = (bee-rah) m* 4.41 At this point you will be introduced to one more vowel, which is Chirtk. Ghirik is put under the consonant prior to You: For example: beer = (bee-rah) my, 10.12 The 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is 'Vav" {\ = v). Script Print , ' * Write the letter 1 a few times, from right to left ret “The letter “Vav' can be used as @ consonant, ‘virus = (vee-rus) oY) For example: Asa silent letter it stands for the vowels U (asin sure) or OO (as in moon), and O (as in Volvo). For example: virus = (vee-rus) O17) Ac this point you will be intraduced to two more vowels: Shuruk, and Cholam. Shuruk is placed in the Vavs For example: virus = (vee-rus) 0 ‘Cholam is put above the Vav. ‘Volvo = (vol-vo) For example: 4.14 The Ist letter of the Hebrew alphaber is ‘Aleph [x= A] (8) meseH Sunt on (0) meager Bunun 10 ‘Script Print ke x © Write the letter wa few times, from right to left, kkk ‘The letter ‘Aleph’ can be used as a consonant: it is not pronounced, but it carries the vowel. For example: Africa s (af-riskah) ngn9. ‘As a silent letter it can be placed at the end of a word (like “Hey’) of inthe middle of a word. For example: park = (pack) px, ‘You probably remember that you learned thae the word ‘pp,’ is, written without x. You are right. Itcan be written in both ways. We son’ explain this now: bat inthis book you wil see both spellings. Exercise 1.45 Fill in the missing letters or vowels from the list below: 2p 29k jo. ipa 2 ippioe —__ of i; kde ITI dE 4.16 The 3rcl Hebrew letter is “Gimel’ () = G) Seript Print ¢ a © Write the letter 3 a few times. eee 1.17 The 4th Hebrew letter is “Dalet” (1 = Dy Seript Print 7 1 * Write the letter a few times. ver Congratulations! You have finished learning half of the Hebrew alphabet. Revision exercises 1.48 Match the Hebrew words and the English words. 4 ay coffee: 2 ont beautiful 3 age Afica 4 no7 park 5 pee banana 6 M. Europe 7 tay virus Bon beer 2 Mm. Volo 10. on bank 1.19 Circle the Hebrew words in the wordsearch. The words are taken from the list above, and each appears in the table ewice. ala}aloatatays|rfole ajolo ss) 8 etal el:|e afo}sfotlalafafajrja sfafelrtafofefalefe x ofytalels [ojo] x afatelrofele}alefala rlastolrfaft:|atx}ele (s) monger Bunun 10 (2) LM = = To} — © a © = {9 this unit you will learn * leven consonants, in print and in seript * two vowels 2.4 The 7th Hebrew letter is ‘Zayin’ (1 = Z) Script Print s r the letter ¥a few times. -h o> 2.2 The 9th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is ‘Tet’ (v = T) Script Prtat 6 8 + Write che letter v a few times. 666 2.3 The next vowel which you are about to learn is ‘Tee’ with this vowel will sound as follows: Te (as in terrific) = y 2.4 The 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet is “Tav’ {n= T) Script Print a n © Write the letter na few times, = Drea 2.5 The 12th letter of the Hebrew alphaber is ‘Lamed’ (> = L) Seript Print £ 4 Write the letter 9 a few times. — ae Exercise: 2.6 Fill in the missing letters or vowels from the list below: Z a6! 9 Jn rok » jlo ai; 310p7 alEiat€tale (2) maigey Sum © 20 2.7 The 13th Hebrew letter is ‘Mem’ (a = M) Seript Print ” a © Weite the letter # a few times. nwew As seen in the alphaber table, this letter has a special final form: Script Print > 8 ‘Weite the final form of the letter ‘Mem several times, in script from right to left, PRP 2.8 At this point we will add one more vowel, “Tsey'te’, This vowel can be placed under any consonant For examples dimension (mey-mad) 7p 2.9 The 15th Hebrew letter is 'Samech’ (0 = 8) Script Print ° ° © Write the letter v a few times. ovo 2.40 The 21st Hebrew letter is are pronounced differently; ( * Fill in the Hebrew letter: SH= Se Tt has two forms, which SH) (=) * Write the letter v a few times, eee 2.44 The 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is ‘Ayin’ (y = a) Script Print r ¥ © Write the letter »a few times. eR 2:42 The 18th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is ‘Tsadi? (y = T'S) Seript Print z x © Wiite the letter ¥ a few times, 333 As seen in the alphabet table, this letter has a special final form: Script Print © Y ‘Write the final form of the letter “Tsadli several times, in seript from right to left. vrs 2.13 The 8th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is ‘Chee’ (n= ch) Script Print D 8 + Write the letter ma few times. nnn 2.44 The 11th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is ‘Kaf’ (= K) (92 CH) ‘Script Print 2 > + Write the letter 9 a few times. lt {As seen in the alphabet table, this letter has a special final form: Script Print ? q Write the final form of the letter ‘Kaf’ several times, in script from right to left. "1 12] j i Exorcl 2.16 Fill in the missing letters or vowels from the list belows idles 4 360 — wp i —— +640; pt —__w inp a ererole:z 2.46 There are three more vowels in Hebrew, which parallel three of those we have already learnt, ‘¥ parallel to ¥ parallel to X parallel ro AAs you read the Hebrew words, remember to pronounce these vowels just as you pronounce their parallels. Congratulations! You have just finished learning the Hebrew alphabet. You are now able to fill in a crossword in Hebrew. wy it 2.47 Take the Hebrew words from the list of Words you already know’, pages xiexti above, 1 banana 2 park ‘5 music 3 America 7 dolar 4 coneart 9 guitar 6 spaghett 8 tea — (2 Test yourself 2.18 Read the following short text in English, and fill in the Hebrew words from the list below: Wo were in + in-a restaurant, We had and «with a glass of "At the end of our meal we ordered a cup af ‘and paid 1, Then we wont to the 200, and said hello’ to the ‘At tha ond of the day we went to the concert hall to liston to a. This was a piece of for a 999.09" .APoM OVP DP oAD0 VD WIM AWA ANT 2.49 For practice, fill in the table with the Hebrew words you already know, divided into subjects, Use the list of words at the beginning of this book to help you. English names can be written in Hebrew as they are pronounced. places food names other words) 8 ALI — OEY ‘mn this unit you will learn how to * greet people * ask someone's name, and say yours, * ask people how they are and say how you are * say where you are from * say what your nationality is "* say what language you speak D 3.1 Greeting people ‘You will hear some people greeting each other. 3.1.1 Listen to cach greeting a few times, and repeat it after the speaker. Hello (used as greeting (shalom) ol, | throughout the day) Good moming (boker tov) aio 9 Good evening {erev tov) ato yy Good night (layla tov) alo a7 3.4.2 Now, read the greetings above, and try saying them yourself. Tip a At the beginning make sure you read the words aloud. b eyo have the recording, listen carefully and repeat what you ear. © Cover up the English meaning of the words and see how many you can remember. d Listen again and think of what the words mean as you hear them. ¢ Cover up the Hebrew words and see if you can remember them. Bra sy it atoud You meet your friend in the street. Say hello to him. b You arrive at your workplace at 2.00 am, Greet the receptionist. ¢ Iris 2.00 pam. and you go into a shop to buy a pair of shoes. Greet the salesman. 4 Irs 8.00 pum, and you go into a restaurant. Greet the waiter before placing your order. € Say good night before you go to sleep. Grammar 1 Every verb, noun and adjective has a masculine and a feminine form. The adjective follows the form of the noun. You have 16 ousy, learned already to say ‘good morning” (aa-apra). The word for ‘morning’ (17) is masculine, so is its adjective ‘good! {ayo}. AAs you progress, you will become more familiar with the rules, and you will see i is nor that difficult. With new nouns you will find (m) ~ masculine, ot () — feminine, if this is helpful. 2 Nouns and verbs are either in the singular or in the plural form. This will be indicated by (s) ~ singular, or (p) ~ plural. 3.2 Asking someone's name and saying your name 3.2.1 Sara meets Dan, and Mr Golan meets Ms Tavor. Look at the pictures of Sara and Dan, and pay attention to the difference between masculine and feminine forms in the words they speak, nnn TK (ani dan, mi at?) {a0 sara, mi atah?) Listen to each exchange several times, paying attention to how People ask someone's name and how they reply. At this stage you will actually learn to ask: ‘Who are you?, which is easier, Later on you will learn the expression ‘What is your name?” it Hebrew. 3.22 ‘Sara: Hallo, who are you? ann ow sme (Sara: shalom, mi atah?) Dan: | am Dan, who are you? 2overn ran ope (Ban: ani Dan, mi at?) Lam Mr Golan, who are you? nk mm fra vn ha ae (mar Golan: ani mar Golan, mi at?) Ms Tavor: I am Ms Tavor. Dian ny 9K ‘A A (marat Tavor: ani marat Tavor.) Read the following dialogues a few times until you feel confident with them, then play each of the parts, using your own name where appropriate, 323 ; aay Who are you? aa nw on 8H {am ... who are you? ere Jann a ‘where rei (mi atah?y FAN Jam .., who you are? ne Who are you? (m/s) (mi atah?) 2anx 9 Who are you? (ts) (emi at?) Anan Wno are you? (n/p) (¢nl aterm?) 200% *9 Who are you? (tip) (mi aten?) 7104 tam) (ant) 94 Mr (enar)>0 Ms (rnarat) no Tips + You may address a person as ‘Mr' or ‘Ms' or address them on a first name basis. + In Hebrew there is no difference between Mrs and + Remember the abbreviations in this book: (mm) = masculine, f) = feminine, (s)= singular, ip) = plural iss. 3.3 Hello Mr and Mrs Green, hello Mr Cohen David and Ruth Green are going to spend their holiday in Israel. ‘At Ben-Gurion airport they mect their guide, Shalom Cohen. a 3.3.1 Listen to the recording, focusing each time on one clement: maseuline, feminine, singular or plural, Mir Cohen: Hello, lam Mr Gohen, 207 aia who are you? (plural) (mar Kohon: shalom, ani mar Kohen, mi aterm?) yraan ox oy 2pna-an {mar Greon; shalom, ani mar Green.) pana aha MD (marat Green: ani marat Green.) Re) Mr Groen: Hello, Lam Mr ‘Mira Green: | am Mrs Green, ‘Mr Gohen: Pleased to meet you! 3.82 Read the words and expressions aloud, Concentrate on the pronunciation. 3.3.3 Cover the English teanslation and see how much you remember. Listen again and think of what the words mean as you hear them. BD 3.4 Listen to the recordings Shalom Cohen: Hello, | am. ‘Shalom, Shalom Cohen, 119 exw PY Ox OF ZAI whee (Shalom Kohen; shalom, ani Shalom, Shalom Kohen.) Ruth Groen: |am Ruth, an AN oN MANN Ruth Green, (Rut Groon: ani Rut, Rut Green.) David Green: | am David, AOATIT PT IN EAT David Green, (David Green: ani David, David Green) Tip ‘The tour-guide's name is ‘Shalom’, The word ‘shalom’ is being used as follows: + asaname + as.a word, meaning “peace! # to say ‘Hello’ and ‘Goodbye’ 33.8 44 Ata party you meet an Isracli, Ask his/her name, and say your name. Complete the sentences with words from the dialogue above: aan on —F 4A b You are introduced to an Israeli persan. Ask his/her name, say yours and say you are pleased to meet hinvher. Grammar Pronouns You, be, we ~ these are pronouns. Look at the table and learn the Hebrew pronouns, [ plural (em) We (are) sanaie (anahnu) (tim) You (are) 8x (atom) (rm) You (are) an ¢aten) (1) ‘They (are) an (hem) (rn) Thay (aro) 1 then) (f) singular (im) 1 fam) "xx (ani) (ffm) You (are) am (atan)(m) You (are) n_ (at) () ‘He (is) sun (hoo) (Mm) Sho (is we (09) () 3.3.6 Choose the cortect word to complete the sentence prea (one me / rN) x spa me (Bn / yrue/ nN) a p29 (99 / 330A) > spray yr wp (nox / on / 307) 1 pra ma (yn xan / 207) a apna (nan fn / 9} G34 Saying ‘How are you?’ How are you? (mfp) (mah shlomchem?) ?a2p¢ am David and Ruth meet Shalom, their tour guid morning. They greet each other and ask, How are you = WD 8.411 Listen to the recording. Shalom Cohen: Hello, how are oantry an jofre iyo are you? (Shalom Cotten: shalom, mah ‘shiomchiem?) 30.9 span (Ruth Green: todah, ov.) David Green: tam very well, “Pane | TxD Uo "aire 3a FT And you? (David Green: shiomi tov mood. ve atah?) ‘Shalom Cohen: Fine, thank you. uo pire aman v0 sp ove am very well Ruth Green: 'm well, thank you. tw (Shalom Gohen: toy, toda, shiomi tov meod How are you? (nis) How are you? (ts) ‘How are you? (enlp) (mah shlomeha?) 74n7y np (mah shiomech?) 2yn°ry ap {mah shiomehem?) ?o29!y an ‘How are you? (Up) (mah shlomehen?) ?ippfry an Fine, thank you. (tov, todah.) .a7in io and (v0). ‘Thank you, lam well. (todah, shlomi tov.) aio -niry agin Very welt (tov meod.) 109 aio a 242 Following the dialogue above, practise saying what a You meet your Israeli friend; ask her how she is. b You see your Israeli friends Ron and Bill, Ask them how they axe. € Ask your girlfriends how they are. You ring your friend Bob. Ask him in Hebrew how he is. Tp In the case of a mixed group of men and women, what is the rule? You use the masculine form. For example: in a group of 99 women and only one man, the masculine form prevails. BB 343 You are asked how you are. Practise saying in Hebrew: a Lam well, thank you. b Thank you, | am very well. ¢ Tam well, how are you (m/s)? Tam well, how are you (fs)? 3.5. Where are you from? (me’eifo atah?) ?anx aon Dawid and Ruth leave the airport in a taxi. WB 3.5.1 Linen to their convecsation with the vexi deiver several ‘times and try answering these questions: a What was the driver's first question? b Where do the Greens come from? © Can you guess what the Hebrew word ‘Sins’ means? (Try to ‘work it out yourself first before checking the vocabulary.) dd What are the Greens doing in Israel? Where are you from? (me'eifo atem?) 2anx asxn ‘ragrinnn nx 0370 290 {nehag taxi: atem me amerikah?) -pprinxa xt rN (mar green: fo, fo me amerikah.) ‘Tern 070 ana (nohag taxi: me kanadah?) snteaxn arogn x ra mn \(marat green: lo me kanadah, me angkah) Anew wen anN “70 3M (nehag taxi: atem tayarim be israel?) ‘news wn BAM 9 yD (marat green: ken, anahnu tayarim be israel.) (lagur be...) 3 407 (oto) sto (ken) |_ (Wo) x (1m) (israel) "ny: (tsrael) nay: ()americani) p04 (americah) ag (rm) (anata (angtiah) ara (m) (kanadi) “nz (kanadah) ane (tayarim) oy (en) (nehag) 29) Grammar Verbs in the present tense Here is the verb 3 799 (lagur be) ‘to live in’ in th cept oe nies rate opi in...” we are using the present tense, Here is the present tense in Hebrew. The > in W» (lagur be) in Hebrew is like the English to" in ‘to live in’. To create the present tense, the is taken away, Which leaves us with the root va and the endings ate added to match the pronouns in. number (singular or plu (masculine or feminine), SEES ree eae Present tense of the verb 3 39 (lagur be) ‘to live in’: verb personal verb ‘personal pronoun pronoun ‘singular plural mal, "K ning /o, ‘onan (arch) # (oar) (ani) (garot/-garim) ——_fanahnu) ive in we five in (gsr) (otah) Geimy (atemy you (rm) live in you (m) five in ma me mn. mw (garany ao Gaar0t) (sten) you( vein youth tive in (oar) (00) (arin) (hen) hr tives in they (m) five in 7, 1m ah, a (Goran) (hee) (aorcty (rem she fies in ‘they () vein [As you see, the verb "ayo" in the present tense has four endings: masculine! Feminine! masculine! Temnininel singular singular ‘plural plural See the Tip in Unit 4 about roor-letrers in Hebrew verbs. Tips ® Memorize the endings ofthe verbs, inthe masculine, feminine, singular and plural, as shown above. All the verbs you are going to learn in the first units are in the [present tense: © The singular/feminine form of the verb in the present tense usually ends with n or m. The plural/masculine form usually cends with o, The plural/ferninine form usually ends with m. ‘There are exceptions! WB 3.5.3 tisten to the recording and answer the questions: Ba] 2 Where does Bob tive? b Where does Sara live? E | © in which country does Rebecca lve? 4 Peteris from 3.5.4 Complete the sentences in Hebrew: SORTEN IN, +n pte wane 3 app ay amy ne 3 3 oN. oma + AN en, amwn a 2K x 3.8.5 Complete the phrases using one of the following words: 3PDo7D PDD mx ——erw a —_oburm a m am 7 Tip Ruth, Rachel and Dan - oa or nu? The answer is ea! Ia Hebcew when there is one male in a group — the verbs will be in the masculine form. 3.6 Do you speak Hebrew? (atah medaber ivrit?) 2n-ay yam anx WB 2664 Listen tothe conversation and answer: a Does David speak Hebrew? b Does Shalom speak English? Do you speak Hebrew? (atah medaber ivrit?) ?nmay 127m an 2poay BT ADK Tow (Shalom: David, atah madaber iit?) cone language, and who speaks two languages? SY 2 NAW BT KP AY ATT (David: fo, ani lo medaber ivit, ani medaber rak angi.) PRA RTD ADS DANY NY NTT =n (Ruth: ani medaberet ivit ve-anglit. tah medaber anglt?) -BAgY 03) 17K AID 9 ,P :OFrw (Shalom: ken, ani medaber anglit ve'gam ivr) 3.6.2 Read, or listen to, the dialogue and answer: who speaks wen BR Grammar ‘The present tense of the verb 197% (ledaber) to speak. Look back at the grammar in Section 3.5 co remind yourself about the present rense, masculine! ‘emininel ‘masculine! feminine singular ‘eogular sural plural 7 mame oo) nara medabor medaberet. | medaberim | medabaroth ‘you, he Lyou.she | we, you, they | we, you, they speaks) ‘speak(s) ‘speak Speak 3.6.3 Use the words in the box below to complete the Hebrew sentences: say roa oo. __ ome some b __ tam a ee —_2en mpriow mw on Severs ___ non yr mn ews er Pavux a a ee 3.6.4 How many of the countries listed below can you recognize? Match each country with the corresponding nationality and language. (7 [| ee mmx may renin non mann my Country _— ew mon Tip Nationality is written here in the masculine form. You change it into the feminine by adding n: msarw — sewn. | » aT =F aA a eo vs ST 68 o o {a this unit you will earn numbers 1=10 + the days of the week + order of things: first, second, thir. + how to look ata map in Hebrew + how to plan your tip 8 Mini-srael ‘The Mini-israel Park is designed in the form of a ‘Star of David, marked in the park with a wide reddish path. The park is divided into sections according to geopraphy and subject, so that each section contains the ‘ppropriate sites, representing that geographical area or theme. ‘The park tells an amazing story, part of a tong history, fram 200 BGE to. the present. Itrecreates the complex of stories that is Israa! throughout the generations. tous] ui aia © 1g g 4.1 Numbers (misparim) oq90n WB o.t-t Listes to che numbers from one to ten, once in the masculine form, and once in the feminine form. 4.2 The week WB 4.21 vou witt hear the days of the wesk on the recording. Can you guess what the word “oy” means? (hashavua) yirawn ‘Sunday (yom rishon) jlwix> alm Monday (yom sheni) sy ora Tuesday (yom shilishi) wry oF a Wednesday (yom reviee) 39 oF Thursday (yom hamishi) wn on Friday (yom shishi) we! ob 1 Sabbath habat)ng. + 4.4.3 Write in Hebrew: 7H S(m) 9 (mj 6 (m) —______ 3 (my 10(m) $6. 1-5 (m) 1-5) = 10(m) 6-104 4.2.2 The names of the weekdays indicate the order of days. nx ax new we For exemple: Sunday = woes aw = frst ay echad achat shishah shesh Complete the table: = one ane saw sien “ordinal number ‘ordinal number day of the week arora wire anime mame f pales sshioshah shalosh shmonah | _shmoneh oe = ean van wen yen ae zn me arba‘eh aba tehvah ann oe. eo eon mey, yey tied verre or ‘chamishah chamesh asarah eser fourth "= ‘fifth venn oF B aizsy itin Hebrew: 1 (m), 9(f, 2 (), 4 (m), 3 (m), 5 (0, a ow 5 (mm), 10 (6) row 4.2.3 Which day is the exception? Np ‘The first working day in Iseael is Sunday (‘the first day”). soere1 ci © BB 4.2.4 Fill in the crossword in Hebrew = days of the week, without 4.3 A trip in Israel the word ‘day’, (tiyul be’israel) ¢w' dw x re a 7 a a — | 1 Monday 1 Tuesday ‘2 Sunday 2 Wednesday ‘3 Thursday: 4 Friday 5 Sabbath Points of the compass 32 i TZAFON : wx i NORTH MA‘ARAV MIZRACH awn mm ‘WEST EAST z DAROM ent SOUTH ‘The Greens are at the ‘Min Israel’ site. They meet there with their guide Shalom, to plan their tri BB 434 tise to the conversation and find the places mentioned on the map. ?aiviaw nutty ofr0D ON corre | (Shalom: atem metaylim shloshah shavuot?) -iDM ALAA HEY OH HAMA yp EMM (Ruth: ken, veanahnu rotzim lirot harbeh mekomot.) ana maya Duy AYN OX TY (Pav ani rotzeh trot mokomot mehatanach,) dawn (b>) mt crew ne (my) —__ nm a (p>) —__murm ‘ann nx (mac) oben mr 36) _{ singularimasculine * J, you, he HAL TUN OK MIF INN OAC g cam (yachol) 3" | want(s} (rotzeh) ayn 5 singulariieminine i 1 you, she ren nx oe en ae ax L an (yecholah) nna | wants (rotzah) nary pluralimasculine wo, you, they fn ona ana on nk mx | can (yecholim) on |_want (rotzim) on pluralferinine 2g we, you, they (ng sane 17 nm sre can (yecholat) nits | want (rotzet) ne = ‘The verb "b>" (can) is used with the prefix" ‘The verb ‘nay! (want is used either with ‘ni’ (the}, or with the prefix‘. ded br oon conn me ASM Nn Srowra yo? na NIN 4.3.4 Complete the sentences in Hebrews wu 27 any aipambon mx (mad) Spe (2109) 90 Op med (mad) —_ aan aN a nen “é 4.3.5 Translate into English boob own wean, -mpipa mere oy on STAN Nav D»MOM DRON spor vy we -neen AN ARM ROT 2 4.4 Places (mekomot) ninizn BD 4.4.4 shalom gives the Greens seme information about Israel. Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentences. Look at the new words in the vocabulary below. Israel is a small country sw we snow px + ange yx now: (Israel eretz ktanah) aa07 yr ews A OAe {Shalom Cohen: Israel eretz Ktanah.) Fonn wr srt (Dovid: yest harim?) naw’ pimtw (Shalom: ken, yesh harim.) 20 w ann (Ruth: yesh yam?) oy pore (Shalom: ken, yesh yam.) ham wre (David: yesh midbar?) jon nana px! Aa we POF (Shalom: ken, yesh midbar, ve in harbeh mayim.) ( (eretz) 99 (katan) pow (gadol) rit, (mm) (har) 99 (mm) (yam) 0: (rm) (midbar) 137 (nachon) jn (lo nachon) ina x pers une & Yous a « & v0 4.4.2 Circle the correct option: right or wrong? 138 Nb / yon ToD AK KEW 99) NS / po awa Iw a 9986 / o> Sowa orm nan wr a WO9NS/ o> Rw pT 44.3 Add the word ‘v” o¢ “yw to the sentences ” games x on nina a sate mena 9 > nprana 1 - Z0ull} au Umnilée eu} S,JeyM In this unit you will learn how to * count to 100 + tell the time in Hebrew ** ask what the time is * make an appointment + ask about opening hours 15 (m) mua 40 Bi sccact,scengotemnmuciaton othe Ange Gavel ay a ng 2 an and the city where Jesus grew up, is one of the most sacred cities in {he Christian word. The Hebrew word for Christian, ‘Natzr’, comes g 34m) mx B | fromthe namo ofthe city 2(m) notre : 71m) ove & | churches in the Christian word, Itis consiructed over the house ef ng onw 120 awy awn an muy yaw Mary where the Angel Gabel announced that she would give birth to Jesus. {The Church of St Gabrie! and Mary's Well - This Greek Orthodox Church is the most ancient in Nazareth. It is built on Crusader 0 muy now Ss foundations. and within it fows a spring that was Nazareth’s major itm) wy Tnx walter source and, according te Greek Orthodox tradition, the place ree Gf the Annunciation. The spring flows underground to nearby Mary's 18 (m) : Welt 1 (m) Senraie 5.1 Numbers (misparim) on50n BB 5.1.4 numbers 20 10 30, and the tens, fom 10 to 100. WD 11 Listen co the recording of the numbers 11 to 20, in 20-100 have the same form for masculine and feminine. the masculine and feminine form. 2130 (m) 21-309) SOA (ES my nam on ws eer (f) H=15(m) [11-150 | 16-20 | te-20m donee ‘esti Veahat mnwy asarah (m) yearn | evn [wey new | ~mey ew , nwy ose ow ornwi ows oF achadasar_| achat esren_| shishah asar | shesh osrch Gaim ustnaies, | costo uateaya esrim wos | meena | wane | mev saw - oieiaes eHRIETSD, ours shneimasar | shieimesreh | shivahasar | shvaesreh dGeenuanlocan’ | ‘sein veahaiseh shloshim penne | my wre | wy ame | muy anne ——— Evie yan ‘shloshah asar | shiosh esreh_| shmonah asar | shmone esreh ehewetck ginveata: arbaim ewan | mova | sevaven | mevsen orion wenn ones vwnni onwy atbaah asar | arbaesreh | tishahasar | tsha esroh ‘eacervcacromiehch| Gata penemeals cchamishim vw aenn | mew nn onwy onus we neren aw wun ore cranictan | chamesh esrim esrim satinveshichah: | (kach omrim be'ivrit) nywa am ano (slichah, mah hasha‘ah?) rw 79x woen ae (ani mitztaer, ani lo yodea.) rar xerox reson (ani mitzaeret, anilo yoda'at) yo px (ein shoon ) B tow you say it in Hebrew... Excuse me, what is the time? ‘Sorry, I don’t know (m). Sorry, | don't know (0 | don't have a watch (f & m). 5.2.2 Ask and answer in Hebrew: (mab hasha‘ah?) ?rwwn no. ‘nit umn nn (ish: mat hagha'ah bevakashah?) (shah: mah hasha‘ah bevakashah?) 2H 9H WY aa ane S201 yaw ayer sane (att hasha'ah eser veeser dakot) (ata: hasha’ah arbah vareva,) mn eri 2 Your friend Bill is late. You say: rn 5 Your friend Rachel arrives on time. You say: —___ 9 4 You and your friend Simon hurry to the theatre. You say: nN 5 You are late, You say: aN BB 5.2.5 why doesn't the woman know the time? MWA AB ANMYO Ye (ioh: slichah, mah hasha'ah?) aw "7 (x WORD sw (ishah: mitztacret, ein i shaon.) aun on simu B & (matay?) 20 Paya ie .rno cw x visiting hours: (sheot bikur) wyr9 ny, (ish: slichah, mah hasha'ah?) praying, service (© (tflah) non {sheot hatefilah) ayona iy, 5.2.6 Complete the role plays: ‘You: Say the time is half past two. (ish: todah,) oun ous 0K & botween (bein hashact) nvy f. church (0 (knesiyah) nen, synagogue (m) (beit kneset) no, 7"_ mosque {m) (misged) 29D Jews Arvp) (yehudim) o-sin: Moslems (mip) (musiemim) o7n7910 hvstions (vp) (notarim) ory asiica of the Annunciation (knesiat habesorah) 199 m Church of the Angel Gabriel Sega pera me b You: Say excuse me and ask what time itis, ‘nia (kach omrim be'ivrit) at. (enahnu nifgashim be...) .. 2 0-397 omy 2eyni wire aver ra waDra' WOK JP boon waiting already ... 2-73 BOND BMD (Shalom: ken, efshar lehipagesh bamalon beshaah sha (anachnu mechakim Kear.) m to enter? (efshar lehikanes?) 701907 WoR avons? m7 109 ob AN aN 49> coat (ofeharhipagesh?) 2e299) Wee (David: ken, anahnu mehakim kvar lalechet tnweana so (Shalom: iit down ow sem A sense 4 Tuesday 10.20 1¥ 23.00 S Sunday 17.45 8 Tuesday even lay evening 3 Saturday 19.00 6 Wednesday 17.30 9 Thursday 18.15 20H 4s 61eym ‘9 (church) nor ma (¢ynagogue) and na ‘rae pariament) come rom ie rot on (gatonng) They ooo G0 An adjective is a word that adds somet ing of the noun: it qualifies the noun, sae termes 5.3.3 Complete the sentences with the words below: sArona__onw x Thoma oryonD 2 san yaa. Awan OD > syn ___ noma + -—_ ann on A Paneth ioe) eal ee im] A Circle the correct alternative (feminine or masculine). jemember that the feminine usually ends with n. pry | pexy (mm) ye > arm / wwe (f) eID rena / mine (m) neon ra por /7e(m) 20m 3 5.3.5 Read the information on opening hours and complete the {n Hebrew the adjective follows the noun, while in English the J mMtences below: adjective usually stands before the noun. Big house wermarypa nye | Wrannewn maa mean wna Beautiful house orem yan oe one ‘En 07.09) sine nae nena, rasowa, anon snr 9 orm =H Hu 0 Hebrew - wen 130] chen gon Te tlebrew the endings of adjectives change according to the Mf |10,00~00.00-rents Yes 19.00] “a90 1100 rweal gular (5), plural (p), feminine () and masealine ah Rivins ores enn renaiece (o)oran man | Oe es filenaerise| patient Optran monn 7 43.0011. Testis bea (mp) 049 onan mmoaoren yam | eas qwima nes) una oman aomn| ei os ip) nena nroma maanais| epoca toner English the word ‘the’ comes before the ad "20.00-67.00 ‘90 17.90, wo nonn aan) the ‘n' comes before both the noun and the aera eee zawa wo sway 11.00 pwn. YS Mwan FOIA Asan mip tip ois, | air, 2309 |_ aio ann, o709 O° a mhvbina be pwMteNa wpab Ww ne 3. vere ova nbvon vr 23 - ivan » Snr neon ea 7 0 mea 7 orny 3 smwwn pa beenaa TNoan AMORA PI WOK 7 2 7pa? Wwox 7yBN VHA T tual — 19}0Y Su} je {In this unit you will learn how to * describe hotel facities * give your particulars whon booking into a hotel * ask for and give your address and postcode * ask for and give a telephon umber a * fil va form GB the sea of Galilee Thisis forae!'s largest fresh-water lake. Along its shores are important historical, religious and recreational sites, Tiberias Tiberias, the city on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, is one of the four Holy cities of the land of Israel. It was buit in the first century of the (Common Era by Herod Antipas and named after Emperor Tiberius. |i the third century, Tiberias became the seat of the Sanhedrin (the Jowist High Court) and the Jerusalem Talmud was codified here in 400 CE Maimonicies' Tomb ~ This is the tomb of great medieval sage Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon, who died in 1205 in Egypt The Tomb of Rabbi Meir the Miracle Workor - This isthe tomb ofthe hocond-century sage Rabbi Meir, known for his healing powers. ‘The Hamat Tiberias Synagogue —Near the Tiberias hot springs, the ‘mains of a synagogue with a colourful mosaic floor were discovered Seventeen hot springs emerge here. Famous since antiquity, the site full serves visitors to the Tiberias hol-springs spa, Gapernaum Gapamaum, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, is often mentioned lithe New Testament, since this was the region where Jesus lived fand worked miracles. The House of Peter— The Byzantine church that was discovered here |p constructed on what are: believed to be the remains of the house of Peter. The ruins can be seen through the glass floor of the chureh lubove them ‘Tho Synagogue — The fourth-century synagogue had a large prayer Fall anc! an open courtyard. The ark faced south, towards Jerusalem. ‘Sy voral carvings of geometric designs, plants and Jewish motifs were, found here, Tabgha ‘Iwo Christian places of importance can be found here: ‘The Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes - This ‘church stands on the site where, according to tradition, Jesus multiplied {Wo fish and five loaves of bread to feed a crowd of 5,000, vaou ane @ Pair ana sD ‘The Church of the Mount of Beatitudes — This church marks | (paki: kamah teyiot?) site where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 6) i. mountain's narne comes from the Latin word beats, which me aver 4 cart ‘happy’ (in Hebrew: "wx: the ‘happy ’is repeated several times in (David: arbaah leylot,) ‘Sermon. The octagonal church commemorates the eight most fama ea \verses in the Sermon on the Mount, (pakic: bevakashah.) Tero ene 6.1 Booking a room § (m) (malon) itr (lehazmin heder) 41 pare " “VP. (paki!) (m) (pkid kabalah) nyaz 77, David and Ruth want to book a room in Tiberias with a vi v7, (pkidah) (f) (Pkidat kabalah) ove m7, s of the lake. They are at the reception of a hotel in ‘Tiberias, ane pt are, O ») «f) (PI Bien talk with the receptionist, r ? (9 (ambatiah) aryan (en) (chalon) jm (9 (delet) ny BD 4.1 tisen co the recording. Which statements are {R) of wrong (W)? a There are no vacancies at the hotel - R /W (em (no 98 b The room has a bath - RW (6) (makor) o'79 € The Greens will take the small oom =R /-W Ce 4 The lake can beeen from the window of the big oom / © The Greens book a room fora week RJ W. f. wate cotn) rm ‘Aroom in the hotel (heder bamaton) ma rq " an ‘ia ya orn er sere (David: yesh makom bamalon?} eaten ee, 2007 9719 WH BFF OFAN W" (nnered (paki: yesh chaciarim gdalim veyesh chadarim kianim) (mis‘acian) avon 790 enn (chatzl pension) jror9 "x0 (Ruth: yesh nof?) (pension male) x79 {9 . a29A Ye THe AS! Qa w MBA TINA PP i (brechat s'chiyah) a:ny n2"> , \pakid: bacheder hagadol yesh nof yafeh meod shel hakinerst) roan w nny (Ruth: yesh ambatiah?) -Proanie wp arpa (pakid: ken yesh ambatiah. opa me ran vInA nw ayn nx nn = (David: Rut, at rotzah et hacheder hagadal o hakatan’ ‘AA (WAN VINA a TN aN (Ruth: anl rotzah et hacheder hagadol hevakashah,) Grammar How adjectives agree with nouns in number and gender Remember: The masculine plural usually ends—o. The feminine plural usually ends —m.. Bue there are exceptions, eiou ou we @ 6.1.3 Which entries in the table above are the exceptions? 8.1.4 Fill in the blanks in the dialogue, using the opposite words to those in the dialogue above, The hotel room (heder bamaton) jfma rm "m2 O47 ws 2907 on, porn on JTW9A en AD* Aa WH moan ropm ne oman vINA AC AM THe RI rT awipa, ana a aN on eA 2nirt ano 9D me Perr nypaa 99 sight | vacancy | sma | email Ss (mar | (mann | (moe | (mp rop 3 PB pare unin annoy Dio i= big big room) 6. son [ama |_ aman Pp migra oor oon 0.2.4 You saw this advertisement in the newspaper: 6.1.5 Ruth and David Green were asked to fill in a form. Fill in your own details in Hebrew. -eneate) 3D .. (first name) +079 0_ _(sumame) aneyn 0. sovfaddress) main, telephone number) iis?y B97 2 In the hotel room (bacheder bamalon) jm 7712. AN 20n YIM mraton 1 y ‘aaa’ tm dam 029 / ror "xn sfma. nove + pion + qwnyon aene mona + cin aa nen + Sanya nnn ie wvoaMK + ‘ng'a—nowoa + aon + / 04 48973 :070 / 04 4571 it facilities are being offered at the hotel? Write your answers Tinglish enon oun ye Here is a list of some of the facilities you might find in hotels. shower {f) (rmiklachat) moyen ‘bath, bathroom (1) {ambatyan) n:y99 Jacuzzi (mm) Gacuzal) rrp television (f) (toleviziah) arin mini ber (m) (mini bar} 93.4% ‘it () (malt) wp gym (m) (mashon kosher) »wis jon 8 6.3 Information in the hotel (modyin bamalon) ji'ma pytm David and Ruth speak with the receptionist in the hotel. They ‘want some information on tours in Tiberias. mou wa & | Boss risen roche recording and answer the questions: a What sites would David like to see? b In what is Ruth interested? € What does the receptionist suggest? In Tiberias (Betveryah) anava 2anava OsANM ONDER NinIPN WAR O°INN YAR? Nd WORX AAD NIDA. A RNY Aw ON ST -PWOAF MHOOrA AID AT .OATAL Ant WHOIS) HH UDR r~D history (historlah) nog an historical ste (makom histor 09" ip interesting (moanyen) v9 Interesting historical sites DaQUN BHNIWGD Alp fom tkover) 339, Moimonides' (harambam) 0°33 Jesus bread fishes (yeshu) 1: (lehem) o97 (dagim) oxy "Ie is possible to g 6.3.2 Read the dialogue above and find the Hebrew words for: 6.3.3 Crossword ?— () secretary 1 Jesus § ogi] ans ‘Sea of Galilee 3 Tiberias 8 telephone 4 window 9 smal 6 #94 Choose the correct word from the alternatives: (on1/ ommn) warvon (ommn Jor») pov wr yowa 3 (>9/ oman) —_ ws pb (nau /nb9) wt (nebv / 90) vmw A raou atg ye Q} Grammar 863.8 Change the sentences from ‘have! ro ‘don't have" and vie gp r ‘yorka, Follow the examples: - " z B tow to say tnave a é O20 99 WK g is yte nib & omygy wd YR 3 E | Theverb ‘to have’ in English i similar to "in Hebrew, which tr i you have already learned, nw NoMa w BY yea A Read the following sentences: sina Pond wT Thave a television, —— -Neyn nnepR on? wn You (5) have a television. oye PRY MII 3 ‘We have a telephone, noo mY we 0.3.6 Answer the questions following the examples: 3 ‘Yau (p) have a telephone, 970 ayy we Bint norm fe 12 Insnw roa Wo ‘You have already learned that ‘v»' means ‘there is...', and “py” Means ‘there is no..." Read the following sentence: ‘have no television, x ue am UE Pee a9 9m O59 Wa Paw une pw 4 1 n Paratype | 89 Patna moan 499 vy » —» Pybma won w» Possessive pronouns (2) ‘How to say ‘mine, yours’, 379 ly adding , to the words: 49 you get the words #9 19, Possessive pronouns (1) You have already learned the personal pronouns (sce Sectio 4.3.5), Read the following table, and see the connection betwee the personal pronouns and the possessive pronouns. ( boon (ee onan | isis shown in the table belo tow rw | thave | pe singular mit plural vt You (m) ann! aw | Youhave| 7 ee | my mine (shelly aw ‘our, ours _(shelany) nie yout) aw | aie | Youhave| yim jour yours (mm) _(sheicha) rw _| your, yours (pim) _{(shelachem) aave) he xin fu | Horas | inte [Ho doosnt have | ur yours (f) _(shelach) s2w | your, yours (pif) _(shelachen) srw shown | atu] Shedas | ai yx _|Shedoosnt have his (m)__(sholo) fre thelr, theirs (pm) _(sholahom) an're} we vmx [vr | We havo | ovr | We don't have J ‘| hor hers () (shelahyave | their theirs (pf) _(shelahan) rw youtm) onx| oyrwr | You have | aah px | You dont have you(f) ime | iw | You have | prix | Youdont have Miapticmt: peal nil 7 they (m)_an| aye _|Theyhavel anv px | They don'thave on = ON +e vw = nan + ws ann + ou oh = one + ow theron | ore [They hovel | Sirageone fre = nan + 7 ont = on + Ww aw =n + te jaw = je + yw 7 Complete the sentences, using the words in the box you Wish, you ean cover up the words and use this as on exercise. wp ann x pagba obs __sapn a yrabea nants yona npn a nov —___yona qu 7 phen bw neon nn A 3 ( wwf oody / onbw / wow / oy 7} 6.3.8 Complete the sentences, using the possessive pronouns: 160 998 NAVIN MH OM yy VN -_—— Pw dw don a spvnedy man oy men maw oy yan a BBr:6 500 oF Gotloois ne most Important reservoir of water for tha whole country, Measuring the water levels the ‘Israeli National Sport in winter you can hear on the news how many centimatres the te of the lake has risen each day. In summer the question is; How many. contimetres below the ‘Red Line's it? ewios ebueyo NO LIxl — AQuoW O} 941] PINOM | An this unit you will learn ‘= numbers to 1,000 ‘= how to change money ‘+ how ta give your address + how to say what you would like to eat and drink at a cotfee shop + how to ask someone what: they would like to eat and drink + how to ask for the bill 3 Baia Halfe is the third ts 03 7.4.2 Read the following numbers in Hebrew and write Hosea agest oly in Israel. The city has four diferent J them as figures: wan erwy mien 125. Alternatively, you ean use ieee: the eae a eo the largest port in Israel and ff the recording for listening practice. ee el, with the Bahai {ww onde) DY wy MINA YAW OPW) DYNAN DYNAN ,MVy ONY AND shrine and gardens, the dow eating ntown area, and the bay area with its vem Oyen Mixa yun ,oRAW MND Reuow awe _2Bu019 03 291 PINoM | WD rs ow id ce totewing mmbe our tone in language of instruction would be German, the" Hebrew: b z n, the ‘war ofthe Languages’ cee, Ostin 1913, which ended with Hebrew victorious. Today the ff 19, 539, 726, 108, 487 10 lip Notice chat at this stage we do not go into the complesi fof feminine and masculine numbers. All the numbers in the Hundreds are written in the feminine form, which is more eommon. The Maritime Research Centre — Tha centro includes in ils area of expertise the Sea of Gallies, lal, the Dead Sea and the . the Gulf of Eilat, the D ‘The Bahai Terrace Gardens and Bahai Shrine — Haifa s th = ie centre ofa Bite! {ih The gardens are designed as nine semicircular bulietan 1 the eye on the gold-domed Structure, known as ine of the Bab, BD rts tsa: 6 ae seeding of Ranh chante won wuoney at the bank, First look at the key words, then listen to 7.4 At the bank ra BM dialogue several times and, as you do so, say whether the Tn Naa i sintements below are true of false. 10 1S 1, 4 Ruth wants to change USA Ba a Be 8 Birt wats to change 30015 mx, 200 300 400 500 7 * Ruth is being asked to sign some papers. own | onan J sruxn wire | nina wae | monn won ‘Al the bank (600 f a [700 800 900 4,000 Dy Nev? WOR OH saw | ren anim mfuimw | nina wen mH wen an oped arr AA NUPAN OX ..orw IN 104 212 333 405 BS 29 ony uM a ICT AND cM THe MIN WER TAD owe nwa | osm nue vow | rien san | na wan P17 300 q/mny neyan IM aN yey over | owe wont own ‘Paewa qe mainon on 314 wire wan a aie _ _ 2n9'NA 25 oN Awe IwN7A ,"709" jeyMA aK INN ee 914 1234 OTT Ne NOY WOR "PD Be xn moray | min yen | oonKn a we | saw came | umm | aon wna nn sa a ew punwe aw va _) JATIN POL pO — oInnY APRA "HPD g Fouow ewes oF 2 PINON | $ 3 io a 7.4.5 Now read the dialogue and find the Hebrew for: 1 Td like to change ... 2 What is the rate of exchange? 3 Please sign the papers. 3 how you say it in Hebrew amaya oni > oy aio nN? / oT ODT AYN / AYN NYPD! WPAN IX 2yo!mn aww An Pw a | would likeMl want to change American dollars/pounds sterling into |nraoli shekels. What is the rate of exchange? Dank clerk (m) 72, “1 re B Frat ae 5 rate (exchange rate) ss “vr apy Bann wen (tt raw 5 wn we 7 Ain) tenren ean aieg ‘Tho rate for the dollar is 5 Israeli shekelthe rate for the pound is 8 anni (m) vapn shokel, amount (m) 0109 1 anal (mm) r91r ‘Note the use of nvm. The rate is xn -ywn —. Remember that the cash machine (m) oni ‘yond x0m also means ‘he’. cheque (qm) (aoa) ay traveller's chequo B 1.1.6 ratike to change iba ‘4\) will hear three people changing money into shekels. Fill in address jurid below with the appropriate information. --- MnaYy nePaN Ie passport (7m) 211999 9. abo 77 vavn sor ningy DN ET nen Tip: In Hebrew an address is written as follows: amnoemy pRinneva pw om yeaa 7 Changing money qo 9na’z Snr 28 sna@— ‘soy ban ain caiman ‘ure at the bank in Haifa, changing some money. Fill in the 23476 emp non en J the conversation between you and the bank clerk, using {rom the table below, ignoring decimals. You are staying oe tel Carlton, at 157 Carmeli Street. Fie speaking, the name of the country and the city are 7 2o'yw? ODA DT first. ana 7 Anno 7 wD -oyon Sw perc me ‘ayn Aine and country city streot apartment postcode xin wen sD Say you want to change two hundred dollars :anx J 7% alo -779. aaino av Ww an ink / ann 2 /want to change two hundred and twenty pounds. :nx / an niyo ania wy spo & ‘Fouow ewios 01 291 PINON | i 3 sal Fauow swos 20 cumscrom eran 8 “tnomna rw nano nm SRD friend, Simon, whom he met in David speaks with AMR Pa ARK ADK w pon ae we won 4.366 'xpnx ve 77169 anow my 4.0871 am size mK ® David gives his address (give your own). © David sks; _ 34 sume ama 92 aN 7.2 At the coffee shop ASP naa David and Ruth enter a coffee shop on Mount Carmel with a ‘3.2367 “ MOAT ‘view of the bay and the Bahai gardens. 3.9198 eng 3.4747 nww js 0.6431 an wn o.7279 ora 0.596 enw ans oz ™ a 7.2A Listen to the dialogue several times and answer the iestions: ‘Where would the Greens like to sit? Can you mention two kinds of drinks, and ewo kinds of food offered? Al the coffee shop: asp nas ‘naw? orn OMX ADIN OE IM. BB sting someon address and giving your address PAM NdINgD AD (9 HAAKL OND AK -QDA THC NUE AMA HY Naw? BAM 19ND Torn ana An nwpaa wn 27m ay srwpaa nop enn abn aan ane an ster yen ww paw Porn aNK Am san -nwARA MAW SHEE Sino mespan /N 27 © What's your address? on AD ain Omer drwy OK © I live in Israel, Jerusalem, Hertzet ‘Stno, 7, Where elo you live? Avene us a peal with her fiend Sara, whom she met in Ista © Ruth asks Sara forher address; cyan yawn sere Towa nx non 2 A725 jamor aia ABN AAA on ‘© Ruth gives hor address (give your own). orem promt ‘Fausw sue 10 stmis (hw (mm) Yano "Roy (mn) ine niny’y ae voy 10 ask to sit wet nw? (m)1aWo (emp km) 90 (rp) 90) MRI 7 a ne pam 7.2.2 Write oy een dinlopucahote” (ish) OF "839 xo" (wrong) according to the +299 apg anw nn + ———am av ananw wr a, +a terra yma nom nn 7 Grammar More verbs in the present tense Here is the present tense of the verbs ‘to eat’ ‘to drink’ and ‘ro sie’, Infinitive ms ts mip. tip to eat Yn? fr i 2 nigie | oN | itpin to drink minw’ [nny Ante oni in| tosit nav) awit paw | ow [nig 7.2.3 Right or wrong? Fill in the spaces with the correct version of ‘yy or S22 NS", Remember to match these adjectives with the noun forms, fay ane mie x ——yme navn a ain nonce 4 WB 7.246 You ace walking in rset. It very hot day and you Would like to have something cold to drink, or some ice cream. Liscen to the dialogue, Which of the following will you have chocolate, vanilla, fruit, whipped cream or mocha ice cream; ‘olfee, tea, beer, lemonade? ann am ‘per nina ae nn wpran Araenn ‘yo oy nprw mr wan am nV rip pty Pa WH sno OY PD ‘Proxy oy \fggaa mam om Jinwn ww Onrn avin av (nese pt (mm) nv (Qanin ot want ney? ay cremprem| B ‘ouow owes £0 coums i 7euow ouise ‘2Bueyo os om pinom | 3 40 ‘Grammar 7.2.6 Fill in the crossword. Use the words below, writing them in Hebrew. How to say ‘for..."...22wa { sav [arse aaw baw, ary, forme | foryou (en) | foryou() | forhim | forher erw. | ovay. raw. yay tra. for us _| for you (mip)| for you (tip) | for theme (mn) | for them (f) Tip: Remember what you learned in Section 6.32 79.» ,qov pbu. ‘This makes it easier to memorize: ...74va awa More verbs in the present tense Here is the present tense of the verbs ‘to ask’ and ‘to want’. infinitive ms ts mip tip toaskeray | wrap |" nvian | ovinn | npn towantnany | ayh ayn ayn ivi 7.2.5 The dialogue above (at 7.2.4) is written in the masculi form, Write it in the feminine plural form. WB ine isact curency isthe ‘new Israeli shekel. Its Hebrew is: ‘win 97w’ (new shekel) and itis usually abbreviated The name of the ‘shekal' originates from the Bible, and it ‘means f@ weigh. The ancient shekel was a definite weight of gold silver, containing 20 gerahs (33), meaning grain, kemel. This has gone through value changes from biblical mes until today, {s sill the tsraeli currency. For current information on the Israeli currency, go to httpviwinwbankisrael. gov. ‘Wik, vanilla, femonade, cocoa, whipped cream, bill your mealt Reuow wos ‘eBueL 64 a4 PINON | 40 JU WIXN Ul Tht — Hoy | In this unit you will earn * to.ask people what they like oF dislike in art * about colours + to say what you like or dislike: about your job * to say what you like or dislike about a tour DB sated led is known as one of the four holy cities of the Holy Land: isalem, Hebron, Tiberias and Safed. During the 16th century aled became a centre for the study of Kabalah (Jewish mysticism) lund Jewish law, The first printing press in the Middle East was set up i Safed in 1877. An earthquake destrayed most of the city In 1837, lind it was later rebuilt The Artists’ Quarter — Safed art galleries are the major tourist tiraction in Safed, Ihe Ari Synagogue - Rabbi Isaac Lurie was one of the most liwnous Kabalah sages, who lived in Safed in the 16th century. In IN synagogue that bears his name there one can see a small comer whore he used to sit, study Kabalah and pray. The Josef Caro Synagogue ~ This synagogue is named after (ho writer of the compendium of Jewish practice, known as the ‘Shulhan Aruch. Its believed that, in a small domed room beneath liv synagogue, Caro met with a heavenly messenger, and these eounters are recorded in his mystic work “Maggid Meisharim’ 8.1 Do you like it? ‘Py ya jn RYN AT JWvith and David and their guide Shalom visit an art gallery, in the artists’ quarter, and express their opinions about their likes An dislikes. Judith, the artist, shows them her work and talks lothem, BB 6.4.4 Liscento the dialogue several imes, cach dime focusing ‘Wtention ona different point. Key words here are: amd ‘to love, (olike’, ya xoen ‘to find grace in the eyes of, poms “interesting”, qvny ‘to prefer’. 4 What kind of pictures does David like? Ih Which picture does Ruth prefer? + Does Shalom like sculptures? What kind of pictures does the artist dislike? Atthe gallery aniaa fy ania onyan ony ANMY OR ,oFw =A “rw onwyn 9 SveT Joanna wom 3} | wom 3! _DINOWOA NK BAK AN § The expression ‘yp xem" literally means ‘To find grace im the sen 99+ Fn re Qa wa EN W8 oes ‘ i ‘The word ‘span’ means ‘critic’ and ‘visitor’. Can you see the eee ‘connection between these two words? man nx non APH IRN TARIK NOT OOIN TH RPEOMET MoM aaMaK nee Grammar 8.1.2 Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps with words from thet box below: gallery ‘beautiful very beautiful ike it, Hind it nice 110. not like it they (tip) lke fo profer art picture painting ‘sculpture abstract figurative visitor, cxitie exhibition concert ballet opera nex —__ wpb ho More verbs in the present tense Here is the present tense of the verbs “to prefer’, to love’ and de DMD aM PT moon naMN ny ora Nm AVEO MINN 7 Dow mya mean nia bs 01,3 Youhave learned already the rule thar the feminine singular Ps visit/criticize’. infinitive ms fis mip tip topreterya? | wn | oem | oom | niowo fo love ann’ ani | mare | ona | nai onticize, visit p29 wan_| man | onwan | nbn mn ends with 0 or m. The masculine plural usually ends with ind the ferninine plural usually ends with m. Following this fill in the table of nouns: 8.4.5 Complete the sentences. (magnificent) ___-w oyu (fis) raven x nnn DY Pad PRONIDD ITH Dw (on/p) na a(lovely) rosa (Hs) maban 3 rm bu mrpnes (is) naan ugly) —— (ms) ssn Avery beautiful) Hike Grammar More adjectives You are already familiar with Hebrew adjectives (see 3.1.3). Here are some more, outstanding magnificent boring (m) "An waa (emp (@) omen (070 wo onrm en bi are icine nid hanes ee endings foment ler of the ‘i \inine. colours above a Serv beactity | es ; Ss the OUD, maatne form. For the feminine form of (oywon | (myo _| mptiep nee | en)nge lok you should add n: (iawen tam 1g et (an) (i) 900. (8 mp) man Remember: The endings of the adjective, masculine or femi match the noun or pronoun. (f) nova (f) nee (m) 2 (rm) 1 vom a 8.4.6 Find the colours, ntolalolsly]a rlelilala dal, »fe]efela]a le wil | wliw Paalie | s o[sfolslalule | vfefalels[eles sfoela[elels 8.1.7 Match the right colour from the box below to com the sentence, 1 The colour of the tree leaf is + 2 Look at the sky; it's going to rain. 3 The colours of the Israeli flag are 4 The colour of sunflowers is $ Her lipstick is very and 8.2 Do you like your work? Pyiw aTiayA NR N/anix nX/ANR ‘Ruth and David spend some time in an art gallery, which they like very much. They talk with the artist, Simon, and discuss his work, I 9:24 cisccs co tie cinerea and anamer Bl Be ‘wrong’: 4 David's work is also his hobby. by David has been working for 20 years. —__ ania hen ann ow am san -noy onwy 72 eM a INO Dye Amaya nx aA ANN ST fre anna ea en TAA RAC AAC TIND e:IENMO fre arannn den Me TAMA ST ‘Tyrw arava an ye maa Tp KET Read the conversation above and find the Hebrew words. I ike my work very much. My work is nor my hobby. BY ox one amy tind or a ro rate the thi like 80) €3 tow you say itin Hebrew see ee eee ae F ike my work. Jy arava nx nani S-sramx/amxmm © 1 don't ike my work. fhe arma ae Wa 4=namx Jame * J like my boss. fre ora ne TVanIK OX | 3-am pw * | don't like the colleagues al work. _armoya nna na n/aAUK XY 2-amew © {ar am pot leased wth the rnayn na raven arn) 1-10w * {ami am not at all pleased with = Y¥4sa mpuman awn (xn) “Mark answered the questionnaire. Study his answers, and then | "on “write down your own rating. Praga oranwe xt we praAME ON TA Tip ry 1 To the words ‘sm’ and ‘nam’ add the word %6" to say = opposite. fava Oana 2 The word ‘smx’ means ‘love’, but can be used in oan contexts, like ‘ove ice cream. mpepn ‘Bina (AW9OINOR) AIA (ano ATIVAN Aman) BANA ore als] |r o fe) aly 3Whatdo youlike? ?n/anima/nxan prefers the art galleries in Safed. David is interested in ligion and mysticism, and. prefers to go to the synagogues in fed. They both like to take long walks, but they differ in their situral tastes, They talk about their likes and dislikes. 8.2.3 Complete the following sentences: 8.3.1 Listen to the recording: sda a do you like? 2nvanie alnx an oye mevona—__npam omy a 1679x099 ear ws MONON manne 2 aN Ja el AAC IN ET maya. TR AMR YT AePwTO DT Dade IK TWA. Ta nan armayn bv myvna mn “x aunt aru at aK JoTIBe Bal BM WOON MAPA ANE ATK IK TET PHO OUD NAF AWA THD IX TAWA 7372 BHO ATK ov magn me oN saya OMAN AN MAM NY ’ ‘a Which of the following docs Ruth like? ta rsp oaa wom @ wom 8 b Which of the following does David like? 8.3.3 Six people are looking for companions, to take a long together. Read their advertisements, below. Who do you thin} make the best match? ows morn meno oma ody even moe 1 oyew SPORDP npYOID Ors mp omen mma moe >a Dope, BD 5.34 You are interviewin ‘would you ask him/her about Wve the Hebrew replies below to make up your own questions Jn Hebrew. + Ask where he/she prefers to go. prima so (AWA) YUN HE '# Ask whether he/she prefers to go by car or to walk. “ Ask what food he/she likes. neve roe iro oN (MAIN) ANNE IN a ‘Ask when he/she wants to travel Question words a potential travel partner, How isvher preferences? Jona mot (agra) gran oe a nn 7ao 07 nN A a sara InN 28 A — nae -APNDIA TNSOT MEL AYN 23. O77 We 9". VION? BANK anne xt tna. nen AW NT Ser 9.2.2 Answer the questions: 4 Who is pretty? b Who is call? © Who is blond? 4 Who has black hair? (pang (om) am tm) in, (mary (mm) ng: (m) won (mv, km)no, () ninan npn stony orgy (mmm {m) oveayn (mw ayer tres Arie tory || be has, she has: he doesn’t have; she coesn't have ououe B 0 2 a| tall i stor | prety et ries fair dark thie wy AAG RT om wa a aweare a cup we ae e aw weaTe A wawenre on oropen ne pean x im aaa qrecwe tre a ‘Pp were awww A Tawene ospun ier 9.3 What is your job? ?n27v atiayn an has just come back from work. Avner and Rina tell thee guests what thir jobs on the iibbutr are. Boch are professionals. BB 5.31 Listen to the recording and answers tue or false? ‘# Rina isa school principal. b Avner is a primary school teacher. € Assaf and Lilac are university students. 4 Nitzan and Hadar still go to school. What is your job? ?ytw mya an yw mava naan (7972 wena nian m9 Pow rrawy nx pr nnd =AA .9y enn a> nian Dye anaya ae gua =n On 290 NIA FM ax FAR Fortran err A980 12 ATH TAN fx ABEATAINA O'VITIV Jou! YP ET 9.3.2 Read the dialogue and answer the questions: 1. How does Ruth ask: “How long have you worked there?” 2 What is Rina's answer? 3 Lilac and Assaf are: ____ . Nitzan and Haddar are: ___. (Weite the words in Hebrew.) owou re & owoy re school (en) 9900" high sehoo! en 7900" primary schoo! lo: 790 3 university (A ryorean towork sia toleam any toteach wh B tow you say it in Hebrew nevaya on 72 |What is your profession? a7e yoann an {1am (my profession) (re suxgma) Where do you work? 2orply apy AD How many hours aday do you work? Analy ani ila nis np | work from ... until. YW. AYA NW OK How long is your vacation? Ihave a three-week vacation, 2 w! aegin Ye orm AND ania ning rw nwain 7 we ‘Grammar ‘The verbs ‘to learn’ and ‘to teach’ in present tense (__ infinitive ms ts. mip ip toleamn tiny rail nal orm | nimpih ‘oteach wy | m9 | nym | orm | nim Nouns: who does what? Read across the table and notice the similarity between the verbs in the infinitive and many of the corresponding nouns. As in English ‘to teach’ and ‘the teacher’, the Hebrew nouns and verbs share the same root. infinitive: mis fis. mip. tip. wor | ror. | arey. | aver. | nivay toleam pupil wr ain amin en nin foteach | teacher wy? | ornog | emg | ovmoo | niorioo toloam | student oat am nyo BNI nim | to manage|_ manager oor min | erin | nian tose | salesman 1297 en aygn ‘ongn singly to heal doctor Key words ‘at work’ ‘Tho professions nwexymTho workplace aay rimipn clerk T9977 office Tye ‘secretary AY2T8 2Mshop pee doctor ‘wh gheompany man ree cnin.n school a90 7" salesman, NWN ,Winhospital vin, saleswoman acai ‘ae teacher Mp ,A7I0 worker iis yl 9.3.3 Complete the sentences, using words for professions and workplaces you have already learned in this unit and in others. AoW HIN ITB HK on -ptnin a2 Tal xn, xin aay on (ian aK aman 3x dave sz aay wa aTp9 en - naw 290 n= OFM MNO cucu 8 94 9.3.4 What would these people say about their work? Match the drawings with the sentences below. nea RYN AOR IC 0019 9K craw yw ey nx god aa w a amy "17 9.3.5 Match the profession to the workplace. min set swoons, win 199, ona ‘won son, spun | non: Avon Boas isten to Rachel, who works in an office, and fill in her worker's card. 9.3.7 Dan and Dana (fictitious names) give their details, and the details of the partner they are looking for, to a matchmaker. Read their details, then decide whether they make a match. Consider the following: age and appearance b profession and education © interests 28m.= am 34a-7 on 1.60 anna nt yon 1.80—nma a co nay aniga wy wt Re 783 cae raw No PPTeN a Iya ww sno x? qun 7 sig nn en ue <8 nya oy TAAL AIO WP HEAD 40.1.6 Read the words and match them with their opposites in “pen mien 1 pi 199 BVA PAPA MA AN AOA IH | the box below. nun mor on ory a 40.4.4 Listen again a few times, and say whether the folle m a statements are true or false (W232 13) —sh 2 gp v9 U YIM TMOIBR PN pv PX W835 JTDAAK OPW jw ov nnn 10,2 | have lost the .. es UNTIIN has Jost her bag ata bookshop. She returns to the shop, to fe whether it has been found, 10.2.1 Listen to the recording and fill in the table. pana now | pane vain nm is my bag? tow yun WwOK sSNA .prpiofpa erpon 1 Se nna he nA NK NADY sa enn ne yan an an un nn saan —— fis) mm > yop waa eM (p) anyone + jon an san 10.2.4 Read the form and answer the questions, am na IMD aavamin yp za TAX = Aa oD10 Complaint sheet (loss) Personal details — nx oor» rar 910 ow 10.2.2 Read the dialogue and say how the following are expressed. 1 May I help you? 2 Tic Goren ‘bag in the shop. no mena 26/6 KF orwry 26 eT SIN TIN 02 875694 :ji9% Complaint details — patna 1019. apna 8 pvwa .26.6 xn OWEN VN-MD OMEONKA PWN TAN “pigs on 8 120 prrva fan pr YE a Where does Daniel live? b Where was the wallet lost? «¢ The wallet contained —. ‘Ponree (OK) (m)ar this (Omer mena | 10.2.5 Simon left something in a restaurant, What did he forget, and how does he deseribe it? Te The definite article is added to both the noun and the word ‘this’ ‘or “these”. Lovopuni 996 ,hne ey TwOMA jnbwwA My NNDW yA BH INH ‘Jowopwani 790n TK OMAN .AFUNY OHDPwDM NAVA IDEA po av9pwnAl ro0n :rwON Alan vpn, era nna Am 00, these bags this shop this Book 10.2.6 You were ina coffee house with a friend and after leaving you realized you'd forgotten something. Choosing words from the following list, tell the waiter what you have lost, and ask whether he has found ivfthem, umbvelta nn purse my) bag Pt. Passport (W277) E99. glasses BYDYD 10.2.3 Follow the example below, and use the words ribs nN B50 pefotn (ans) yD (mis) pn a Grammar Prepositions WD A preposition is a word placed in front of a noun or a pronoun, to show its relation to some other word in the sentence, It usually indicates relationship of place or time, Remember! Once you know the prepositions, you ean use them in different situations, Listen to the recording, ‘The book is near the window, | _ The glasses are on the table, ‘The bag is under the table, ‘The umbrella is behind the door, ‘The purse is in the bag. syn ey 3900 4 ynmen ty avDrenn 2 annwnno, 3 tra inn ion 4 aannyn, 5 10.2.7 Look at the sentences above, and the pictures below, Say in Hebrew where the things are, (Cover up the English translation!) 10.2.8 Complete the following sentences: pon (in) r90n anwn (on) omvan a pon (near) panaen Ppanwn noe eon (in) nepn arbwen (under) monn A 10.3 May | leave a message? Paytin VRUAT WOR B 10.3.1 Listen to the dialogue, What is the message that Jacob is leaving? ‘The message ayaa my aumin ate Ret qwoR cmEMA XY fy MND AVENE pia mm ay 737? WON Fre nn awa y'37 Bra Jaw'aD wiraM alpARer WTA aa era Np enang avo 9M sore avn san 10.3.2 How do you say in Hebrew 1 May T speak to. ? 2. You may leave a message. (Lit. A message can be lefi.) 3 Jacob asks for a meeting, Oya aun? ayn WOT wn awa, wag yaa? 105} i i Grammar Prasent tense of the verbs ‘to write’ and ‘to ask for! 0p mls tis__[ mp | infinitive) Dwi own ner vpn wn? nano [oan mane ane am) BD t0.33 Me cohen calls the bank and wants to speak with Mrs Rephacli, Her secrctary says she is not in, and takes a message, Listen to the message. Where and when will the meeting take place? awn rag were Ave ‘w'nn OMe "7KOT NIA BY AWAD WAN | Wa 10.3.4 Now read the message that the secretary took: uma JUIN AWE WY DI OT NN BY AWD wp WANA yD a Whar went wrong? WW 035 sara Cohen cals the cline of De Reuveni, and asks: for an ‘uppointment. Listen to the message she leaves and then write it down on the form: fora amc WORT OY AYA YAW NYFTAN Mx ATID AWW NAM ONY TIN 03 670932 su jDVON OM AY TAA" WHINY MPAA JW Grammar You will earn the past tense at later stage, Here you will earn only a few words in the past tense, which you need to understand the text. The words are: you found (p) nnxya J asked swat you found (s) nrcen J eg Host rare he called -wipnn in Horgot inn, B stow you say it in Hebrew nevaya enix > Making complaints have asked for ... and you have given... ... DI) ADM)... YTD ‘Tho tit doosn't work, yo 79D ‘The air conditioning doesn't work. ule roa Claiming lost property Host... ont forgot. 2, Did you find “2nwexn (OND) Pare (OHO) Passing on a message Is there a mossage for mo? ew ays vs Mr Cohen called. awipnn 19h 40.3.6 Match the columns oe oipma awe inwen 4a 0 TA NX ORV (OKT Joann pr arn vamAL Pwunnn a HO NFPA 7)rw ovpna awH wr ana wp Foun AA we Sup yr -voann oy vIn se NH _—= x — = = ” > o To — = © ~~ —" — I In this unit you will learn how to. ‘find your way around the shops «ask for things in shops ‘+ ask how much it costs * buy presents = buy clothes BB ret aviv—sarta Tol Aviv, the first Hebrew city, was founded in 1906, near the site of ancient Jaffa. Tel Aviv is the economic and cultural heart of Israel Most of Israel's books and newspapers are published here. Tel Aviv University. over 20 museums, the Israeli Philharmonic, the Israeli Opera Company and Israe!'s main dance troupes and theatres all call TelAviy their home, Tel Aviv Art Museum — The largest art museum in Israel. Contains permanent exhibits of Israel artists and artists from abroad, and hosts changing exhibits. The Golda Centre for Performing Arts — A cultural and leisure complex is the home of the Israeli Opera. Rabin Square and Tel Aviv City Hall —The square has been named after the late Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated at the conclusion of a demonstration in support of the peace process, ‘on 4 November 1995. Ruth and David intend to spend a few days in Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv is the economic and cultural centre of Israel. Israeli people call “The city that never stops’. Our tourists decided to do their shopping in Tel Aviv, as ‘well as visit ancient Jaffa, which is part of Tel Avi Shops and goods ‘shop nan broad an? shoe shop peng 109 fim (for camera) | air florist omy nag rile ain @lothing shop _| 0-73 00 ‘nuit No photographer's | afr noo | book 90 ‘ofectical nar nag goods store__| "myn medicine nisnn | greengroger’s | ni: nan store vegetables nun department. — | ayon09 store lamps non bookshop ‘nee ning ‘shoes penn supermarket | vinmy9i0 giftshop nnn nag melt woe " ai More adjectives trousers enon chemist nny adjective | mis iis mip t) Howars ‘ome ‘optician i ioe ane ane pang | nang Tar mim aim om | nig 41.1 Where is the shop? = ?nnnn non WB 14.1.1 Listen to the recording, What are Ruth and David looking for? Forno nnn wi ABE CNB Nz? AYN ON MN Any OFM non we we rang of non w obs np As aK eT 9 oat o-nae oF MIDIOA NNAP WORX "AN _apIM Ola AA AP AI 11.1.2 Find the answers to the questions in the dialogue above, 1 To the question ‘Where is the florist’s shop?” the answer is: 2. To the question ‘Where is there a photographer's?" the answer is: 3. How do you say in Hebrew: “Is it possible to buy'? ‘shops non ‘tose any, here ve ‘here, near by pay any, far away zing “ar from here pen pin where is? 201 nm 11.1.3 To which shop would you go to buy these iteras? (Weite your answer in English.) ‘nun nat nipy 20 aay aMya ora 11.1.4 What do you think they might be buying? Fill the gaps writ suitable words and then practise reading the dialogue out ? "pg? WOR Bx sa fon pina xy OBO NN wr zmaKEN ovina ote nog WOK no same sasnon mona sg wx same 2nnpt WOR ANE .o NA IAW AR A {pon 7am w case 2 wine, Sra ae apa? ang nym na wr :nanwn man nny? naw 1K? nnn ne w iataner on 9 er saarwn Revision * Remember that the plurals of masculine nouns usually end: (ora), * Remember that the plurals of feminine nouns usually end: sm (onan). + The forms of the pair, masculine and feminine (onw /omv), end: (orgzyn) * The adjective matches the noun, masculine or feminine: fo BITS, HB» IN. 1 2} 14-4.5Fill in he gaps in the cables withthe appropriate singular 10 ja-7% he Jan awa manM wona DK fry =F or plural forms. The first two words are given at an example. 2v0 “nw SAM SAMBA AMINE MIA TENT awon nen Me aM ayo AF AMD .oAWNN ANH KIA JP ZT vp ts up 380 n90 mon non awn 99.99 > ani nr um wr eT <0 45 nhs rat Prprorn ys OMT HAN EAD How to say it in Hebrew maya enn 7 pHOH NIN NIFH SE Customer Where is the s..? Fou VOR Do you have’... 7 Tote Apresent for... LL) | would lke to have n/- wan oN tneed pnw / 99K am looking for n/wone ox Tam taking the . coo a [pth oN How much does it cost? Have you anything cheaper? ‘Could you wrap tas a present, please? ?w7aa ,rannd spo won ‘Where do | pay? 2erwn oe AON own wy sno Foren ox none rn AY TRE noyra own ANN =I Feann> qeoy? YeoK Zr -orre Amin .nwraa yp sna Jira ivan sr 11.2.2 What expressions are used for: 1 Is there anything cheaper? 2 You pay at the cash desl, Patny nna Pre ann nen wr ayn cash dosk Ono sales assistant vin ‘sales assistont mln customer (Oia (m) rnin tobuy nog fo sel aon perhaps? maybe? aN Soller May |help you? ir aunt won Anything else? nw Ww 11.2 Presents nam 8 11.24 david wants to buy a present for his son. Listen v0 How od? (ea) 77021. the recording. How old? (f) Pann, ‘The boy likes. He doesn't like —__. Who is the present for? enn "ny yay WwoX FE BoM ‘birthday afro oF Tips + Hebrew possessive pronouns (see Section 6.3.7) can be written ‘as one word, oF as two, For example: My father 7w xax/ ax My mother *re nex / ne My sister *1y muna Fourie + Pronouns as two words are usually used in everyday specch. + In feminine pronouns the A changes Co: 9 AWN sRUN ‘nan ="w ran sna—wna soe — ra my fiend ‘my daughter my brother oman-"wman aw ‘mann = ere run ‘my friends (!) my son my sistors 44.2.3 You want to buy presents for your family and friends. How would you say: Tam looking for a present for sa? ss:'¥pamn (f) NeoNA! (m) wana IK. 1 My girlfriend 5. My boyfticna 2 My father 6 My sister 3. My mother 7 Myson 4 My brother 8 My daughter Tip ‘Ac the shop you may ask: ‘2... ma ws ~ Do you (p} have ...?" using the plural opal of the verb, 14.2.4 Match the questions to the answers: Bpaten PWN? nyrOIM ANNI, “ro MxH aBOA TN HIP IH Drevip Ae 90 HH 2a Nv wom poin arin nat Pn nn nn wonn Ox Pp 11.3 | buy clothes BAL Aai7 IN ‘The Greens want to buy some clothes. They ask Shalom Cohen where to-do their shopping: BB 44.3.4 Listento the recording few times. What three things does Ruth want? 019" OFFA NPY EN eC EAN ona ona o2 we Piva ONE OTD WEED OPE OTA wow anton vba np en a sae nfrowewe na9iK we RMAC WW NADH ARMY BK A EN morn na9iK aM HY foy'3 ‘enon nop? won OR HT 11.3.2 Read the dialogue above, How do you say in Hebrew... ? 1 Lam looking for 2 Iwant 3 Iwant to fashion Israeli fashion European fashion TOI AYGIN, Oriental fashion PD UNIN MOIN Bedouin (Arab nomad) eT, ‘boutique imo market (en) (Na ng mene noe pie department store expensive wm cheap om ee Tay dng) ag wenn The verbs ‘to look for’, ‘to want’, “to buy’, ‘to sell’ ‘Here is the present tense in full, infinitive ims ts mip tp tolook forven’ | wenn | neon | owenp | misono towantnany | myn | nah | asin | nnn fo buy nog aye |main| oie |p ‘oselwnr | vin | novia | onan [_ninoia 14.3.3 The following sentences are related to the dialogue above. Read them and tick ‘yi (right) “W289” (wrong). yea nd / yD? sprna map? nM OY yaa nd 02 .oy ora pwa yan sy .orpon mops msn PI a yon / yD) pwampy nn an 7 ya xo / DD .orpa ye 12-1on Mua A yea nd / > _oryN ANNA ANY yay sys ROW MAN MOND Sizes for clothes and shoes [Women'sdresses, |lsraci_ | 38 | 40 | 42 | 44 | 46/48] 80 lsuts, blouses and |American| 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 1214] 16 looats patch | 8 | 10] 12 | 14 | 16 | 18| 20 Womens shoes [israot | 96 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 [ar] a2 America| 4% | 51% | 616 | 7% | 8 |a%|10% prisy | 3] 4|s5|6|7\alo Men's coats, ‘eraol | 44 | 46 | 48 | 50 | 62 [50 | 86 [jackets and sults | Americen| 34 | 36 | 28 | 40 | 42 | 44 | 46 Britsh | 34 | a6 | 38 | 40 | 42 | a4 | 46 Ron'sshoes |lsraet’ | 39 | 40 | ar | a2 [43 [aa | a5) Amarican| 7 | 8 | 9 | a0] 11/42) 13 ertsh | 6 | 7 || 9 |} 1] 2 (3 11.3.4 Ruthisin the department store, on the clothing floor. Listen to the recording. What is she looking for? oa npn, Drug? wax IM Ag! 'my nwONN Ne AM now ime smn _nauny nina! anu AM In the department store ase ner atinw oI Dov nern ame Po rm nwpaa nema 9D w sAIM Porta rime on ws 310 an rua we verra nme a srriom 44.3.8 Find in the text the Hebrew expressions for: 1 May Thelp you? 2. Tam looking for a nice dress. 3 We have all sizes. 4 Please, try it on. arn blouse, shirt ayy trousers (m)oronn (m) 07'3 9729 skit () mre90 dross (nm (om) or993 (m) 077 aga aya (hm (mp sa¥ way 1m ER How you say It in Hebrow maya anni 79 What size are you? ave / now my I tam size... oo BONY, Nits, bun ay Nidoesn’t fi. sven XY aE Do you have somthing wise? nw iawn WP AY We BB tis.6nuthistooking fora Bedouin dress onthe market stall ‘Listen to the recording. Flow much will Ruth pay for the dress? At the market ie Arran now won anihano .nmunwrsninrex crime nae 13mm Paty wen AnD aD! Ayn na ET 0 57 9mm ir peat any orw? nun ne ning =a 30 inn “Pn 47“ 3 740 nn «0 40 210 19m BB tt.327 Practise bargaining’ 75 o%w oon >In You: Say itis too expansive, Podwh AYN ANM ANd Ain You: Say you are ready to pay 40 IS. Pay 60 #na x9 In ‘You: Say you will pay 5518. 1. I in the correct words from the box below: Poy __uainon. mona nyan my x Tw Ayn 3 soy nnn 3 1 5 bau 8 pws = ronw pws nap wy) ___nivy nbpuny simi soon - —__nadwins qm | owxx (na / AMY | ANWT OwNN / HATTA / FuNrME Ui (t) In this unit you will earn * about different kinds of restaurants in tsrael * to order food in an leraell restaurant « to buy food in a supermarket o > } oS z 5 ro} S 1 12.1 Which restaurant? = ?ntyon IT'n BD 82.44 there are many kinds of restaurants in. Isracl Listen to the recording. How many international words did you recognize? SABRE FY 2H AWA. BK FT “Fogr rn Yo AAW IK OR ZY ‘ifaorn YauK “rn " Paro am “rae OOS MAIN HY IR KT ENN, Perce on ne STAR ATCT ITT Penows one ATA NN Jrhaw WON THT 42.4.2 Read the dialogue and answer the questions: a Who is hungry? 'b What are Ruth and David going to ask? Do you know the answer to their question? Grammar Read the following expressions in Hebrew, and note the similarity to the English, oo tvanm oo tan Ike (lave) to need 10 .. Want 10 se. se CRA vo ET sna like (ove) need the want the .. Tp When using the expression *.... nx Pus \ n17 \amx’ you have taadd a like ‘the’ in English. I want the book. “pA nx ny >. Tlike the food. .22w4n mms amin 72. ‘When nor using the expression with the word ‘nx’ (the), you do not add ‘n’ (the) — ova any »w (I like books) ,531% AYN) 55x (I want food). 121) Here is the present tense in full. ayn ayn yh nih 7. ra pny niony aa aaah oanik lage 12.4.3 Complete the sentences, using the words from the list below. Sona dome a x Sorew? Some mE ND pomyon a open RAND NT > peep Noam 7 ypyaNn 2WNN a) ax ari fH I FMEA | KWAY PNA 12.1.4 Match the food to the restaurant: ‘pix IK aD ane Sew" ae TON Tae 0 TON seo aRANN "10 "00 12.2 At the restaurant won Restored Jaffa isthe old city on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, part of Greater Tel Aviv. It is famous for its art galleries, theatres and nightclubs, exclusive shops and fish restaurants. David and Ruth choose a restaurant with a beautiful sea view. WB 12.21 Listen to the recording. What does David ask for? ‘At the restaurant (1) (neem javau pty mn raw’ pega sat awgra /orenA nx rap WOH FT puyaa.onsnn nan swim Pray O7I9n way? WOK TAKA. ON AT TTT naar maya omen nan za starter mrenn nan dessert mannx man soup of the day oD pp ice cream ay, falafel 792 frie salad nov9 omy bremus 0% cake my stuffed vegetables owt main course n-yy aan drinks nngren meat-W, mineral water Bvisybie BY chicken 97 juice fish on wine lass or bottle (orgs tx 015) side dishes nisom beer ny. rice iN coffee na baked potato max maps Dm. team french fries o's bread or pitta nga w ony salads or92y iekles oven 12.2.2 Read the menu and choose a meal, How to say it in Hebrew nraya nan Guests May we have the menu, please? Paws or9R TAT WOH May | have some more wateriuice? yn / nsp ~ 1iu vagy wig Is the salad fresh? 299 o400 May | have some salt, please? owsga9 snp "Rar? WOH May we have the bil, please? 2ayI ynwOR ny TT? WOK The bil, please, Awe avn Me Waiter A table for two? Pony (nH What is your order? / What wauld you like? Joonr ony ap What starter do you want? Jongh OMM AYWA AYD Oe Is everything all right? Pyyo3 "00, 124) C3 12.23 Ruth and David order the meal. Listen to the i recording a few times, and fill in the gaps. a Dawid’s first course is. and Ruth orders —— b Forthe main course David has. and Ruth prefers BS e Ruth has for dessert and David asks for z ‘At the restaurant (2) (a) nwona. Poem on anne an tm i own nw mA AM 2M nN angina rive © 12.2.5 Listen to the conversation berween the waiter and the guests. Did they like the food? At the restaurant (3) (a) rwona rv oa sen LA Yon rE AK OVO DANA |p ETT aA oa Nn OD PIMA mn Jina York ATW aN PapinA AA TT spoon 9p fork 377m. knife 490 peppertaha flowers oin39 saltnim plate nny servielle, napkin vn tablecloth nen glass of (@) Suddous Set the table 42.2.8 Fill in in the crossword in Hebrew. glass 7 cloth plate spoon Rowers napkin cup ‘teaspoon 0 salt 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 42.2.9 Are these combinations right? Tick yes or Ho (ND 1% 9). rp syn hota ata xl Yyobor nnn Sin n/p wroiaira a xp ‘nox WBE NiOM! Ob 7 rrp inn orn) |90 a rp estat 1 rrp Frm ypo rela marop a wp ast amin o rep ean + 12.3 Buying food in Israel awn FIN Nz? WB 12.3.1 David and Ruth go to the supermarket to buy some food. Listen to the recording. When are David and Ruth going to eat the food they've just bought? At the supermarket emia Poor one an =H nna an min on =n jn inn aa onpe9 inwra ANY am ST rainy aaa AN nay ato set Fiaa /AKDN .29n y9%9 xa. nINAay ,aNI9o7D TO we AN =NNONP “Papa ar want on’? ,nabe aun AAaa Jaa jnwo Wo NNN {ps cashier (ele (2) Sunddous (gag) 12.9.2 Divide the products David and Rath bought into three groups: baked goods, vegetables and dairy products, | Sra i B vegetables 12.3.8 Look at the drawings. What are these items? — UUTILE — yodsuel} 42.3.4 Match the questions and the answers: joppypioa oT FX 2am mwin oy AO _ninio OFM! AAA B Imig Dap AB A jogynrei0a 9 “win NBPAWON + Jorma om I0n Ua ommowa sway je Aniaid BFrVANBIOA MDMA 9% orp maa arm ax a+ Poewea anne mina fara the {n this unit you will learn * to ask for travel information * to buy tickets ® to read signs at the station ‘+ to-ask for directions * tohire a car ‘+ about kinds of transport + to speak about places, using the past tense or mona nin prmewa Y > 2oprmsiea wa wt om MDIOAI PVA DIP NIA TF PAEwWA oFIMOIOA Nionn wT B serusaiem 13.1.1 Listen to the dialogue. What are the two question Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, is sacred to all three monotheistic words that David is using? faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, There are se many interesting, sights to be seen in Jerusalem! We will mention only a few. ‘The bus to Jerusalem ovens oom ef wN oRIOIKA Ke IND THE ‘The old city ‘The Temple Mount ~ is considered to be Judaism's holiest site and se ees re cane Sere Islam's third holest place, The First and Second Temples slood here. 20°rwr omaoann aan inn ze The Western Wall ~The most sacred ste i the world for Jews, ater : the Temple Mount, because the Western Wall was one of the few aT OSS EINK ED OES RE ERR laments of the Second Temple complexnot destroyed by the Romans ocuown Taw Dr Tre in 70 CE. The Al Aksa Mosque ~The Far Place’, the destination of paw camer ‘Muhammad's night journey according to the Koran. The: Dome of the _ a ae Rock — This gold-domed octagonal building is arguably one of the ptr nan sre world's most beaut, tis constructed over the rock that, according to Jewish tradition, isthe site of the sacrifice of Isaac and the foundation Asche Howto yonsay i Eaten Stone of the world. Mustim tradition relates the site to Ishmael. The _ 1 The bus leaves. Dome ofthe rocks the oldest Islamic monument inthe worl. 2 The bus arrives. ‘The Via Dolorosa - The path Jesus took from Gethsemane to Golgatha, and its 13 stations. The Mount of Olives ~ This pla ‘bus eae is of groat significance both for Jews and Christians. According Jewish tradition the resurrection of the dead will begin at the foot of toket once One the mountain. Christian tradition links several events to the Mount of anaes km) or). Olives, including the Ascension of Jesus to heaven. retum ticket Ivy hp o¥). Other sites in East Jerusalem ~ The Old City Walls and Gates, the tickets B90). Jewish Quarter, the Church of Mary Magdalene, Gethsemane and the awa ‘Church of All Nations, the Souther Wal Excavations, Mount Scopus, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Augusta Vietoria, the Lutheran ‘Church of the Redeemer, the Sisters of Zion Convent, the Citadel clerk, oficial are, (David's Tower), the Rockefeller Museum, information desk wie ‘The new city — here you will find: ail 7 (hm. ‘The Patiament, the Supreme Court, the Government Offices, the ae m7 mag President's Residence, the Biblical Zoo, the Hebrew University, the pation imap Stine of the Book, Israal Museum, Yad Vashem (Holocaus! Memorial timetablo (7) on»0¢ 0 ‘and Museum), and much more, How much doos it cost? Po. aw AD sion clerk, official (mre, 13.1 Going by bus OnUINA AY'O] Ruth and David intend to go to Jerusalem, and stay there for a few days. They decide to go by bus. voanan Grammar Word patterns in questions Look at the list below. The literal translations on the left mimic the word pattern in the Hebrew on the right. When goes the bus to Jerusalem? = ?a"7wr"y oraoukn at When arrives the bus in Jerusalem? 7a*7wrv's onroren wap nn Is there a train from Tel Aviv to Foererv’s vantnn 37 OF Jerusalem? Where stands the bus? Poranorna Tam AMY 13.1.3 Where are you going to say the following sentences — at the ticker office or at the information desk? Answer in English. Jomnonn ay na Inoend ovr now m3 doer’ pawinn xP oD Prep awn pon wre bap wor 13.1.4 Ar the ticket office, how would you ask for .. 1. ‘single to Jerusalem? 4 Zretums to Tel Aviv? 2 ‘return to Haifa? 5 2 singles to Safed? 3 3retums to the airport? 6 1 retum to Jerusalem? 13.1.5 How many of the signs below can you read? es 13.2 Timetables 41.1.6 Complete the table of signs at the station ~ you already ‘know some of the words. rin nom? ~ moun i970 su? x ony ow) omy m7 @ 49.2.1 Ruth and David take 0 day trip by train, Listen 10 the dialogue and find out: a When do David and Ruth want to be in Ashdod? ‘bh When do they want to be back in Tel Aviv? © When will they be back in Jerusalem? ‘On the train Jpno!MA TM PAY |e AIAL A MOY A~IA TUR MOH WON SIT answnn oy avai AAR. YOK oF Ty eu NTS TITUR 7377, oa WOR swa -nasTa VaNANY sum? WON OINAWA MINK SPT raion ow" 13.2.2 Look at the timetable and answer the questions below. [zoso[ 7076 7015] 0850] 06.50] Trav 21,05] 18:30 10.30) 10.05] 09.05) Kfar-Habbad 21.11] 18.37 40.37] 10.11] 09.11 Lod! nap ats ee 21.16) 18.42 10.42| 10.16 | 09.16] Be'er Yaakov, 21.21| 18.47 1047 09.21] Rehovot B27 1052 08.27 Yavne| 21.38 ‘Ashdod 133) 20.15] 19.50] 76.16] 17-42] 15.60] 14.42] pier 720,30] 20.05] 48.30] 17.47) 1808] 14.47] 14.05 ma ran yen nna woK sar RD 20.37] 20.11 | 18.37| 17.52) 16.11| 14.52] 14.11, nim . 20.42] 20.16| 18.42) 18.04) 16.16] 16.04] 14.16] aime. PRA ETE DET ETT 20.47} 20211 16.47; 7621/1509 77 .AVpaa TaBNA‘e RIANA AAA AVN AD 20.52] 20.27 | 18.52) 16.27 | 15.15] an99, Annona yr enn 21,04] 20.38 | 19.04) 76.38 | 15.26] .p mepD aby ar nn nn 1017 my 200 — On New WW 450 ~ "MI mI 250— TH OF STAD Amor NAMM ONY BNDK IAM a When will David and Ruth leave Tel Aviv? Ws options, based on the dialogue and the timetable. 'b When will they leave Ashdod? train aR 19.8.2 Circle the correet option: /p Sy ODA H BOLD SPT w NYT How you say it in Hebrew maya anni w/p OOP MMOD BBW TN TT “The train leaves ... at... (De ME NAD welp SPIT YH nN “The tran arrives at... at. ryan nani 207) ROBIE NDB OBI NVM YT AL We can .. (tds possible fo.) oR Dy ‘Wis advisable ... (lit; It és worthwnvile {0 ..) ve TT (fngon We can visit the farity, -angunn x a9 WOK (m) ergot (oo) Hon Ww? Ioan (im) mary 1 (om) mea wry 13.3 Renting a car n e 13.3.1 David and Ruth plan to visit the Church of the wvity and the Tomb of Rachel (the weeping mother of biblical. dict in Bethlchem, and the Tomb of the Three Patriarchs in {0 oe Hebron. They intend to hire a car. Listen to the dialogue. How: (m) a R00 much will they pay for hiring the car? (fy eyprom ngbn (m) ning (mn) 9" (D990 NEVA napa wel, Arun WOK BY EAD. JNK BI 3/3198 9150" OR NK ET filed Araop Ande PID IA THAD avar \nggaa. nana nadD eer (mam Amonren nap sD. (mo Renting a car 13.3.3 Match the questions and the answers: rue ronire 100 r ,2nap nF aren prt Ho nTR opm 95 yt 0 2niemroana nrvann an trv wore el forms pure He 2raond pros w avaninan jp ate awe¥ aN ANN oem Amat Annona How you say it in Hebrew nmaya anmin > big 2 small jo7 fast vi slow "oH tong ane short ya fat. thin tal atay short 31m 13.3.4 Look at the drawings. Which is which? Of 13.3.5 Find the ten “transport" words in the wordsearch. Use the words below to help you, ofetxlalrfafelelo]s rlelrafteftr]rfolxfa]> a | oi) fe fa fa | ay [es tev | ole lmi apa |e fwpal of slolelefalyfofalrfa afte d}apefedr]atafeo)a taximin ——carnnin train n333 aeroplane alan ship nik platform ars taxi-on9 13.4 Where to? Qe 13.41 Ruth and David go on day trips in Jerusalem, Read the table of destinations and bus numbers, and answer: soe (OOD PRON ‘station 9. driveramy bus o1aivix news wen Peana enn |r zann | Aprwa wn | Seer now! Israel Biblical | Cental | The Old | Israel Museum Zoo Station Gity | Parliament 15 5 1 18 12 + #52000 obbidik> YORU YONIBD DYPaD HINO AVA 2rmeyon monne yan DON NON a | ne as veawin APRs npn yy yO? AIM PN > + — a bye rann nnn pe 7 BD 1.4.2 Fit in the BD ses in iarao are numbered according to ther destination. Gramm: More verbs in the present tense aps in the answers to the questions: ‘Wherein? Where inthe... Listen eo the recording, and nine ay Te mE t repeat the questions and the answers. ieoh eee eee ee Fn. nm PO fo go by wor] von | swoon | owon | muon Snipengn. NNSA) NAPA MOIS cor nporun wn Se. siamo Ss. to eat nox ‘am nye BDI HIDIK er to drink niu | anw. nie omw | mim TENE ——— 8 Ctopemm [= [= = : npc mesmo non TEP oa 13.4.5 Fill in the gaps using words from the table above: olty ary on 1M The Rose Garden oman ma xm a wall anin neyona. on amoDTWIN N98 yor 43.4.3 Use the words in the box below to answer these questions: oan bm wm n Pw wan nar 1 Formen now Grammar Aywenian way no A Fannin ra non Fraw my w nO 1 fom w aim nena a Past tense OS, AD PMSA [te TI'S 3 oh yan in OA SINS was/were | drank ale wont by car went own [owne | nix | oo | mom | on 13.4.4 Words indicating directions. an nnw_| nox nyor 2 pa Fire reescaes =e rae a ec mam | AN | ‘You will be glad to know that the past tense in Hebrew is easier than in English, There is just one form of the past tense, called i the “simple past’. This is used for the English forms ‘I drank’, ‘I have drunk’ and ‘I was drinking’ You have learned already that Ficbrew words have roots. The root of a word usually consists of three letters and the verb ‘endings are added 0 it. Notice in the table on page 139 that the root is the same as the singular masculine form of the past tense, 43.4.6 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the past tens | ee eee. ~ UMIN OYA) .W93N WHN 3 piw. On dyoNe Di Pw) OPdIN ON a je roe eee ond maa non DA 770 AISI DYNN, ~wnon Oe Nd yoann bees pROTED OPA SDI IN ma BB 19.4.7 much has written a leter tothe family, Complete the sentences with verbs in the past tense. (Go back to Unies 1 and 2 to remind yourself about Hebrew script.) ple wmownn Entoé —— (nabé) 'ykI 19 .piFein'e Hinde pod nok (riesdy tng pine v0 ion ond) lakl ening oevon® (Bioked) rinse bina rrosed nptnvn va pled (naéF) calkert no! __ (was) de S169 patkeannd mn Nil NUL ULEAg - g|003 NOA op mou In this unit you will learn * to express your opinion about the weather + what the weather is ko in different places + how to plan your holiday by the beach, and the hot ‘springs: * to ask for modical help * the parts of the human body * orbs in the future tense Hse} nok op mou & GBB the bead Sen ~ A415 motes bolow sea level, the Dead Sea is the lowest place on earth, Iti ten times saltier than the Mediterranean, ‘and fish don’t survive there. The Dead Sea region is a top tourist raction, with spas where you can enjoy the combination of sun, mud ‘and minerals known for thelr therapeutic effects, Massada — King Herod built his magnificent palace on the desert iif with a view of the Dead Sea, in the first century BCE. Besieged in this place, the Jewish rebels held out against the Romans, but finally committed suicide rather than be enslaved by them, in 2001, UNESCO placed Massada on the list of Word Heritage Sites, 14.1 The weather uina am David and Ruth had a cup of coffee at the hotel Joby. Avnet and Dalia, an Israeli couple, asked them if they could sit at thei table and they made small talk about the weather, WB 14.1.1 Listen to the dialogue and circle — right or wrong? R -Ten on oY ro on omy w ova op mano R R R R BVA TN DMN 424e44% ea The weather vine am 1a 09 ara YHA aM en oT ann? nema AN sn fon x Ona on avn MTR, pay oy on OF aA INA ET avec Vue TD RA Ova ORR ANB LT we HE 14.1.2 Look at the past and furure forms of the verb ‘to be’ in the box and complete the sentences: future past tobe willbe (ris) nin | was (mis) nin oe (will be) ania “on (was) rome 3 ow (ard) am pwn orn a Pino (oer) pix ate HON a (rnp) ane 9m snr (nerd) ann A Words for the weather and seasons 20 we 99 ron 99 ani w 09 29 sank (ron wg arp (9 aa1er909 oimeyn MOR enyrn 13102990 (Movers ninyn mri ay age (mows Mer, (nya, (m) omy re {ue} no op mou B ok > yes nok op mou wn wi RET og 79 roo spin ve 95 9p /15 on’ (literally: I have hot/cold}. 2 Up and down — In Hebrew we say Seam aby meraayn" (Lit: The temperatire goes up and down). We also say: “The fainfsnow comes down’ “ry svn / ows, Grammar Present tense of ‘to go up’, ‘to go down’ mis ts mip te) at ary ety aio nh aD ome nin 14.1.3 David and Ruch are travelling through Israel. Although i is a small country che weather is extremely variable. Can you. say in Hebrew what the temperature is in the following Diet Look at the chart opposite. in Safed, in the north of the country E in Tiberias, by the Sea of Galilee j in the mountains of Jerusalem E at the beach in Tel Aviv by the Dead Sea in the Negev in Eilat Naweene oma | amos | om | aman | amon | om myn | nity n'va | riya overs | oroty ovory | oror 7 26 |amm | 10 15 | ahwo 13 23 | own | 9 18 nox 2 30 | nine | 20 30 | ame 12 2B ana 1“ 22 mn 28 at noe 18 a apn 14.4.4 Look at the chart and answer the following questions: Pow MOTD AON Pow nnn me waL NN anben Oa WN nes — DVR TaN ON noe drome we ama — nino NY 4p ANN Povey myn 27 owroan w NON, 2qmmna we pA—ANY oN >nD * a 3 ” a 14.4.5 Match each weather symbol with an appropriate phrase: Se oy WO ce a & B on syn PAID Pinoy * a » * a ' grep 0K op mou Be 14.1.6 Listen to the weather forecast, and complete the sentences: + Tw rere nasa ? am ow, + mimopem ye on mipxa amp 14.2 On the beach gina Wy. BW 421 rathenjoysthe hot weather by the Dead Sea. David suffers from the heat. Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps im the sentences below. How many degrees? a degrees Celsius are reported. b For David it feels like degrees Celsius, © David will enjoy the weather when it will be degrees. Celsius. fon fon ser Paovn nivvn rma sn SO wane mean mtn 40 eT Sra mw? or oe nA con tn 0a 7 090047 On aw AWN ON 2m -bintosn myn 20 — 2.00 #9 me fom on INA wy BN 14.2.2 Rewrite the dialogue, so that Ruth complains about the weather and David enjoys it. Pay attention to the feminine and _ masculine endings. the Dead Sea (lit: the Salt Sea) to wear voy todo niwy? to feel waar fowash ying bathing suit (m) 0:73, sun glasses (mm) wow “oun ‘sun block pa oD? bath (haga ‘mud (py ‘mud baths vanivan ‘spring (mea hot springs bon cosmetics avronoin minerals (morn shade (m) 2 Grammar More verbs in the present tense English ms ‘ts mip ftp towoar | wah ee to 0 a Aiea ero ivi to fee! wan aga own iw towesh | yoh ayo | eyon | non) 14.2.3 Use the words in the box below and the verbs in the table above to complete the sentences. | 8nw ‘9pun AY WH man np wn de om. ann .gran mryna VOR RUD aa LWT _—__ nen nomen by apron rma or fay fans / tyra) J pn / [wo J ye 3 4999) NOK op mou, faq] 4-2-4 One word does not belong in each sentence. Which one? i wow -9peD MOD OF 3a JAIN ENP an bw pra 2 32 790 , ww rspEM OP na NEA MM DANO IY a 3 nop Oro NUMyo ONT .Va NPVANK w= NBA 2 mA MMOD WV .wEW On “PPA 7 14.2.5 Ruth sends a postcard to her friend in England. Arrange the sentences in the right order. = fino wide woken apts ed nbwo wif wind alia rhe JE pn ta nde pt nie aatk kf vie fol win Inanndi 19 nvéowk new monic the nine pie bine ais niternads pide 14.3 How do you feel? ?wann anx yx WB 14.3.1 David and Ruch are a the hotel beside the beach at the Dead Sea. David does nor feel well. He has a bad headache, and calls for the doctor. Listen to the recording. The doctor asks four questions: what are they? Doctor, | am ill atin a ORT SwoprT otre sere How do you feal? doctor 14.3.2 What are the main health and safety rules at the Dead Sea? The human body ‘The ending 6% is the so-called dual ending. The body pars which come in pairs have the form of the word “orm (two) in the feminine form: Bere oT ,ar9n1 araMK aay, These words are all Feminine, so that you say: niwma-7 big hand, nas py Jovy nMD OF ON ANIA nMnwh yA Naw? YAW ARK KON beautiful eye. Grammar Present tense of the verbs ‘to hear’, ‘tosee’, ‘to speak’ (__Engiish ms ts mp te tohear | yal nwa ayo! nual tosee ay yi exh nik tospeak | am ana7o Here are the same verbs in the past and future tenses. personal] past | future | past | future pronoun, ‘aK aroa_| wm. | yn ani an. | pw, | yo, a xo | wo. may | va [yn a | ayn. | vo eyo. | yp ony, ovo | wn oA wD i wa Tip In the past, present and future tenses, the plural is always in the masculine form, unless the subjects are all female or nouns of the feminine gender. 14.3.3 Fill in the Hebrew crossword — ‘the Body’ — with the translation of the words in brackets. Try to memorize the words for parts of the body in Hebrew before you start the crossword. i 3. Lam going (to heer) 2 1 Many people have (back) serie ae 5 late too much, andnow my * 2 The dentist found a hole in (stomach) aches. my (tooth), 6 Keep your (eyes) and 4 Lam terrified of dentists, Totauane but | have to keep my teeth : net. 8 Don't talk with your (mouth) ‘un i 7 whe ing, nap yar (hands) on the wheel © Twas en i ey oan, lands}on the whee. so they hurt. ‘TOWNS: Waban SoBe ot (w : sea) the new film, AicHe ceteed fis Chandi 12 She has lovely long (hair), 13 He (eats) healthy food. 14 Two ears, twa eyes, one 15 | (see)! know many new ‘mouth and one (nose) ~ to words in Hebrew. say it in Hebrew, who knows? 14.3.4 Translate the Hebrew sentences into English. aye pw spoT NX Jnbon Sv QUA AND Ona -Ttve Sy MorA ANEW DAD é 329 ~z = x o> vs y VY »p “< © < oe] I ele pjo Moy {In this unit you will lean * the calendar * to say how old you are * to talk about your birthday * about invitations * about holidays in Israel Bite negev The Negev Is Israel's South, most of it desert land. The dream of the first pioneers, which has been only partly fulfilled, was to make the desert bloom, The greatest dreamer was the first prime minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion. His small greenhouse can stil be seen, as it was in his lifetime, in Kibbutz Sde Boker. He made his. home: in this remote desert kibbutz to encourage setiement of the Negev. Ben Gurion's grave is situated at the edge of Tzin Canyon, with a spectacular view, in what is now Ein Avdat National Park. In the Negev one comes across some of nature's desert wonders: the Ramon Crater, the Avdat antiquities, Ein Avdat Canyon National Park. Beersheba — Biblical Beersheba, capital of the Negev, was a well and resting place for nomads from the days of Abraham. In Beersheba, alongside the modem university, hospital and theatre are the Bedouin Market, Abraham's Well, the School forthe Sheikts’ Children and the Great Mosque. 15.1 The date wna WF 86.61 titer ro he conversinan baiven the Giseas aid Shalom Cohen, and complete the sentences below. a Ruth was born in (month) —___ b The Greens are visiting in the —_ ama ya) aio 9 jorn ara3X corre mwa erin 9K PT Quem sore oy... 999 nin Ae ata OF AT En tayo Yen sate Aa WW na hwMMnN oNere — AWA aNd MANN AYNDA 4 w =TET tno apna, 15.1.2 Answer the questions: a How old is Ruth? 'b How do you congratulate a person on her/his birthday? ¢ Where are they going to celebrate? sno ese pe mou Fe ‘ime (m) or birtnday (en) mp9 OW wes bom ony ‘month (=) vin Apil we ‘congratulations! Good luck! aio to surprise (haynga cake (Omw special nanem (7009 year (om, party Mayon nga ol m0 arty oxen ao Grammar 45.4.3 Read the list of words in the feminine form, in singular and plural, Do you remember the rule? 8 p 8 PB 8 Pp ason non aw na funn mwa Remember that rules have exceptions: the plural of ‘r9," is ‘o's BB 15.1.4 The names of the months in Hebrew sound similar to the English names. Read them aloud: vom MP NW MON (HB) MI ANN|A WN SabyT Taps aaVPIN Tanv|D TW) Dates in Hebrew are expressed as numbers in the masculine form. For example: The third of April: (literally three ir Aprit rons nwiby, 15.1.5 What is the date? soya nny owiby + awa Tey OMY K pina Hw) A cpemien nie a sapyspa nn v oma wy wn > smopra ome > ra yaw 7 sanawa nvm OM wY oxna muy 9 sany7a nUmwT OMY ar mma new wy 1 Grammar Comparison of adjectives: ‘good’, ‘better’, ‘best” 210 19h 16 I! AIO In English we say ‘good, better, best’, ‘long, longer, longest’ or ‘beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful’, The table below shows you how t0 compare adjectives in Hebrew. most...) good ano vaio eautul aging: pion big aang | _Atraane ahr on ‘small mmonhor “alow aiiop 2 ong _enyny | Abr ne AANA short aah rane aR A fate. OMEN ayn vn nN 7 ory nowpenfoypm |_nlowpname | _nlowm on Remember! Words ean be changed from the masculine to the feminine form, by adding n or 3. Complete the following sentences: (most beautiful) wnnn 97 x cnnovna (the biggest) 7m wana mwa sme (the best} orn ean MOY a va (the shortest) winn NAW 7 wd. (the longest) avn xin va 21 7 crasnag erin —— (longer) > wm 9 -BnoK ose pio mo Be enoK ue pjo mou Ze 15.1.7 What season is it? Write the season for each group of months. (In case you have forgotten the names of the seasons, you can find them in Section 14.1.) sanos0 oe em ame aO7M ow 9x xo san vou “ owns 15.2 How old are you? ?alnx and na / ja WB 8.2.1 Liner tothe recording and fil in the numbers in the following passage: “There are ___children in the family. Dan, the oldest, is. years old. Noah, the second, is years old. Gil is and the youngest, Tom, is, ‘years old. Division of the year: numbers and months orn B90n- {ordrin nuFro) ad 929 wo % (own aww) my v0 0 % penn agen ou avi, % oreTin nya? cs % 15.2.2 Read out loud: sere my wan oy) AYA MINDY say) IOY “wy UBD BB t5.2.5 Listen tothe recording and write down the numbers: Silvia is years old. Daniel is years old. Ron has j scelebrated his birthday and Dina is going to be in a year, 05.254 Read sie numbers sions Check your version wi the recording. 82%, 38%, 22%, 55.5, 72.25, 13.75 15.3 Birthday nv ar Ruth and David are in che Negev. David wants to surprise Ruth with a special gift for her birthday. He orders for her a super inal in the desert, A caterer will serve them 2 festive dinner. ‘They will be left alone to watch the sunset. Ruth was asked to close her eyes. When she opens them she discovers the table set in the desert. BB 45.3.4 Listen tothe recording. Where are they? Happy birthday! fate ora foro rn fnymoa zr Jomx ao Par an sAN gma. wry ama Min OF Ma‘On ZT AME OME WAN TAKA AVON ITA] Ar sy 29 wy xn WW nn 310 ma eT xno sai 15.3.2 How do you say in Hebrew 1 A special party. 2 Twill always remember it. 3 Lwish you a long life. BB ihe greeting ‘10 nin Hebrew is usad on diferent occasions, such as birthdays, weddings, biths, promotions etc: It means ‘Good luck’ and “Congratulations! Another expression for ‘Good luck’ is ‘nwivana’, which means ‘wishing you success’. ‘The greeting ‘onwyr nxn ‘(literally “live to be 120) means "may you ‘enjoy a tong life’. ts origin is from the biblical story about Moses who lived to be @ hundred and twenty years old, and was hale and hearty until his dying day. spk are po mou By 18.3.3 Two words are hidden in this Hebrew crossword, down- wards. What are they? 5 special (m) 6 region in Israel 15.3.4 Match the answers with the questions: owambnop ssw» Prnw n> 2 Mena nawMeNPPp tr ?rtain op Pw no arin ov neve wn 2ntin ov non w 3 Sov raa nn nawAN ve nono nop SOmwy NY ?AyvHA ANN NN #1 15.3.5 These people are celebrating their birthdays. Match the words with the drawings. 2 1 my ye —unni wie —-minwr oa aw 15.4 Invitation Anta WB 15.441 List 10 the recording. Who is invited and who invites? re netana ov? pray Awe eT fr THO Pavthina o9 sn atin Se wa yawa moka nea OWN HtHO 2x now AN ATA ANA "DO ON ZIT annann ato 310 ato rn nnn 15.4.2 Answer the questions: 1 How do you say in Hebrew: ‘I am free on that date’? 2. How do you say in Hebrew: ‘Good luck’ (congratulations)? 3 When will the party take place? WB is.h.a ston tae seceding, Who iv inviting and whois invited? ni nya ant Mw Ia AaVON w ABN AAA TE aa'onn nn sarin man Pe nna! NH RNBOA WY AVONA WAT OF w -onowna mann we yan ora. Am ara meno aly ax MOR IK A can -Man ays AAT PK Aw maton antyna tan an tw | 40K o18 BIO MoH 415.44 Answer the questions: 1 How do you say in Hebrews ‘Tam not free on that day"? 2 How do you say in Hebrew: ‘Good Luck’ (I wish you success)? 3. How do you say: ‘Never mind; next time’? 4 When is the party going to take place? ror’ | mom (im) 99, free “1, op x Am) opi? na0R (Qa wea Inviting le and and declining an i peor! accepting s How you say it in Hebrew naga Bann 72 Would you tke to come for dinner’ pj rnnrux nat rar a to have a cup of coffee, with me! Anna nin | with us? | will be glad to come. amp NON. Sorry, can't nam ne / AMA TK hve am xb / an ya wine pre narme xo J name ran 2 yd ip> nods NSM Nd /namx mI Nap N99 INN NY / AMR NA mw? DMR xO / DAMN A 4 16.1.4 Choose five activities from the list below. ‘verb aene| ‘wo} aw} tags — suoyds)a} 94} UO In this unit you will lean to * ask to speak to someone on tthe phone + take and leave messages + make appointments on the phone + Say What you oF others are doing | 17.1 May | speak to ...? ?... BY IATY WORK David calls a businessman in Israel to arrange a meeting b he leaves the country. fo leave a message to pass on a mossage ryan) fo pass on to... connection (oye | fo connect with... = OM later 210 urgent ain ‘suaydojai ou uo B 17:14 Liven wo the dialogue several times, each focusing your attention on one of the following questions; a Why can’t Mr Hermon come to the phone? Choose the rig activity from the drawings below. 1b What does the secretary offer to do? © What does David ask her to tell her boss? 17.2 Just a moment, please ... nwp22 war Ruth calls her Israeli friend at her workplace to say ‘goodbye” before she leaves the country. WB 17.241 tiscen tothe conversation several mes and, as you do so, try filling in the gaps in these sentences: >yat ron. WORX % Atelephone message ova aya mx oo nN a fofrw yiata nx jonvn Tem 2a cnwpaa. opnon > PROPIA NV In BY AST? WR ow =H mam nn mana jan a> “WHO WOH SPOR Aa MIM IND aT MDH He YMA avin “yn yor 9 .UNT AF73 NK WANK SKU Hy ORY APIA F ann wasn? wpan ONIN awipaa 197 mon ay aT WOR ,OFY sn 383. k-VIT ANN PW ANNWA 380 ANI IAS Sy9RM Penmvawn’ or AN MN wpa wenn” ran PETA 2awpaa v7 an ay ATH WOR... 7H NA, anata vat man saan AY won x nea 2 anmn = eiaebn (apr, =e 9 vt sn painber () >990 17.4.2 Now read the dialogue and find the Hebrew for: You have got the wrong number. ‘eon mie 3/97 UE 1 Who is calling? area code (nore dialling tone (m) a0 ry Don't hang up. ‘aman tne /pnan 9 2 He can’t come to the phone right now, 3 Please tell him that ... In Hebrew the word ‘7’ means ‘a very short period of time’, while ‘np?’ means ‘one moment’, 17.3 |want to order... para? ayn 3 ‘Ruth has in her possession the details of a taxi company. mwa nen piea mipn 7107 03 7856732 11970 yog215 “17120 1970 BB 1731 Listen tothe dialogue several times and answer following questions: a Whar is the name of the taxi company? b Where does Ruth want to go to? sore nwa nean 3 AOWNA Ae NAM jATA negn ox ow xin far ve How you say it in Hebrew ‘Answering the phone Hello? ‘You have got the wrong number. The number (telephone) is busy. The line is busy, Row a? w 7a wae en AN naga one P a AgoMA NWN yw 0199 (W¥0A) rN oon 17D ‘Asking to speak to someone on the phone and responding ts Mr Gohen there? would like to speak to... Can you put me through to ...2 Who is it? (Who is speaking?) | shail put you through. He wil answer right away. Taking and leaving messages Do you want to leave a message? Please let himvher know that . Ordering things by phone | would like to onder... pizzaltaxiowers res 17 oY BT WEID I 2... meme yaMNT I: A mam yn aH Ie hm ys nya ween nyt avn sab fain? ave, NTO wa IK ong / nin | ay euoydiars) oi uo 8 ‘Making appointments on the phone I would like to: make an appointment, voy? nygan / wrap I poet BS = arrange a mecting with OW ast present [future 0 ox_| men | moihom | vonw a. youlm) | anx | mop >on en ‘The country is divided into zones, and each has an area code. 1 ee = intermational area code for Israel is 972. he xin J 0 won ‘When using a public phone you wil noed a card called a Telecard, she | wen 2292, Za dasa these can be bought at a post office or a kiosk. we omx op wi ae Important numbers: you(mip) | _anx S0209 Te id Police 100 yout) | mx | ion | nhoin | anion ‘Magen David Adom (Red Shield of David) 101 ~ emargency peocinty), iow, Hee — sence they tp) [1m nen nein | anion Fire Bigace 102 to write down owen’ past present [future Grammar 7 ne mpy) | npyniown | oie Present and imperative yeu(m) {ane | now nee In the present tense ~ The suffix n x (where ‘x’ represents any yeet_|_ow Hee leter) usually denotes a singular feminine form. The satin oe Bes | oa | tan om own usually denotes a plural masculine form, The suffix 9 x usug she |_xa_| _apwy now Bie. denotes a plural feminine form. we onx ape ony ony ‘Imperative ~ The imperative is the part of the verb we use when. youre) | am | onovs | enn | me ‘we give an order, as in “Wait!” Can you identify the rules for th oo nigh suffix of the imperative? — = a of Orr 7 is oA ayy) ong frac Present. - is s and imperative ~ What is the rule for the prefix? ine) [| ee nine | _rapie {_ to put through vaya 10 wait yrnn'e Present | imperative | present va at non mn: ayaa | son | aynon ms tis mp onan nw oynop tip nivaye | nay | nemo 47.3.2 Dan asks to speak with Lily. Circle the right sentences. Py? ovat won JPW MIO K -PO2Y WON, a PUP ANAND 9 rc Poe re 3 moun x mp > : / oe ee B 17.3.4 A tetophone call peeneialle APPT A Vicbserrsipealing person calls pace alter eadacls ace ‘Prva rw nb howd esi to one of your colleagues. Follow the guidelines below and fill in your part of the conversation. Jayyaa AID OV AT WOK Say Mr Cohan is on the phone. Ask who is calling. SRD NDTTAND SPOR WPNN MN, I aa pw sBoDN nM A> a o ganna e | 04 6277787 20m »u vovNn STOVBN NR OWN NK MP INN ipte viet | _aipte — onk at - DIP = Bt opt — cepa mciee | anion me 7 Luma 9986 atelen atvesat | &vet xeowe ape 18.4 Exercises Dy: 209ns wiat'é £10 | =kt19 n2i€o .niank ples ‘ ayia ¥isen Tee | n¥rey nolifin (EM Teles grammar is not easy, but you have alr vale wiv | ntopal caida med many verbs. Can you fill inthe table of the verb ‘ainab’ forza vipie dina Ie will be similar to the verbs above. 7 Soe Pnsp 5p ~Fel To write ... + ED aprown 38 ples future: resent noJ28 3p! pet personal Elev€! kesinroh pronoun _| uw { nanp /an5, “mand ox aman a You can look at the previous units to remind yourself of some mm of the words you may have forgotten. —_ ie Poderva Pn mn ya yet ABD Lt Ams PAW? TPA ASK a tana Indy rninsb wor mp > om Japon ya pla PIn IM Wy ADT rr mx Povowrya Pays PrN IN Wo Id A 28 _L ia 194) C3 0.44 Ruch writes. exer {etter and fill in the missing words from eck your answers with what's on the to her friend in Israel, Read the the box below. You can recording, Morphology Most Hebrew verbs have three root-letters, e.g. Nt, 90, 137, ym, nya. These three consonants persist through almost all forms of the verb, but you may add a suffix or prefix in past and future tenses. Consonants and vowels are added to the verbs in the present tense, as you have already seen. As you progress in your studies of the Hebrew language, you will realize that the root-letters principle makes the learning much easier. Verbs and nouns Masculine and feminine/singular and plural Every verb, noun and adjective has a masculine or a feminine form. The adjective follows the form of the noun. Nouns and verbs are either in the singular or in the plural form. hiss indicated by (s)~ singular, or (p) plural throughout the The feminine/singular verb in the present tense usually ends with 7 or 2, The masculine/plural verb usually ends with w». The feminine/plural usually ends with sn. There are exceptions! The feminine/singular noun ends with aor n (naan .noav). The masculine/plural usually ends with * (8°59) and the feminine plural usually ends with x (me). The form for a pair (dual), in both masculine and feminine (o»nw / ov), ends: @» (oaPYD). = ebenbue| 3 = uOIS' 198) Adjectives i I {in Hebrew the adjective follows the noun, while in English the adjective usually stands before the noun, Big house mn» ‘Beautiful house In Hebrew the adjective changes its endings accord whether the noun it qualifies is in the singular, plural, fem ot masculine, ‘The big house sean a The big church nyypA nwo The big houses peoynin oon The definite article is added to nouns + the words ‘this or “these! Preceding them, bx oppenn xin annn min 70m In English the word ‘the’ comes only before the noun, but not before the adlective, In Hebrew the ‘n’ comes before both the. noun and the adjective, Remember! The words can be changed from the masculine co the fetninine form, by adding 1 or n. The inflection of the adjective, feminine or masculine, matches the noun (nin nyt 07 vm). ‘The names of colours are given in the masculine form. For feminine form of colour: youshouldaddn, (ny navn anv ya) ‘The adjective matches the noun, masculine or femini (oD OTA, Mo NNND, Personal pronouns Ca) ae ti wo (are) rama (im) you faro}nn_(m) you (are).ap_{m) you (are) m _(f) you(are} mm _(f) thay (are) on (mm) ‘ho ((8) xan (om) she (is) xem (f) they (are) Ff) Possessive pronouns Hebrew possessive pronouns can be written as one word, or as two, For example: My father #re wax / ex My sistor "yw ninw f mine Ir ‘o words are usually used in daily speech. In Peale peonan a nal Fox eerie noo re et me fru nx mh nun —y min (My mother rw rent / x nan—unan oman = man Prefixes 1 The prefix is usualy used as the article the’, 2 The prefix is usually used as the conjunction ‘and’. 4 The prefix ais usually used as the preposition ‘i’ oF “by, 4 The prefix 9 is often used asthe preposition ‘to. 5. The prefix m is usually used as the preposition ‘from’. 6 The prefixes 3:0» x are usually used to indicate the furure tense. 7 The prefix w is used to indicate ‘thar’, ‘which’, ‘who*, ‘whose’ and ‘whom’ in statements in the affirmative. Avoiding ‘traps’— in translating from English to Hebrew 1. To goon vacation ~ nyany mes 2 To havea break - nposris my 3. To go for a walk/on a tour ~ (70) oyu mad 4 Totake ashawer/bath —r 05K V9 ,(nbpand) nnbpo 5 To take a taxi, bus, train... a 9037 6 To takea picture ~ nous 7 8 9 ‘wohassSendon To visit the doctor ~ naa? mab To give a party —navon mvs To do well ~ nrvuny 10 To go to Isracl ~Saxvw> wood f you have enjoyed working your way through Teach Yourself Hebrew and want to take your Hebrew further, two ways are Questions not to be asked at this stag The letters > ,, which are vowels as well as consonants, sometimes written and sometimes not, Sometimes they are doubled. Don't ask why! Leaveitto a later stage in your Hel studies. © Travelling to Israel © Using learning material and classes available where you live Travelling to Israel Visiting the countey is the best way to learn the language and the culture. You might find out that many Israelis want to practise their English, So, if you are keen on learning Hebrew, you may find yourself answering in Hebrew to English speakers. In Israel you will be exposed to the media, the radio and the television. Joyyiny pW Buyers) ‘Yo obtain more information on travelling through Israel, you can visit sites on the Internet, using Google, MSN and Alta Vista, Learning Hebrew Here are a few tips as to where you can take your Hebrew further. Hebrew newspaper ‘Sha’ar Lamathil’ ‘This isa newspaper for learners of Flebrew: Hebrew films and videos Itis a good idea to watch a film with subtitles. Ar this stage you Will probably find it hard to follow a plot in Hebrew without translation, but the subtitles will be of great help. When watchit a video itis recommended to watch it more than once, so you wi ‘catch some new words and phrases, and practise them, Hebrew books In big citics there are usually Jewish shops for Holy Scri and Hebrew books at various levels. Hebrew classes in England Jewish organizations run Hebrew classes at various levels, * London Jewish Cultural Centre -LJCC, 020 74310345. Hebrew classes in other places. ‘You may contact the Israeli embassy or consulate or the Agency for information. ‘We wish you success in your Hebrew studies ~ tnnysna 179.7 ASD.Ng.97 A.A ‘aim aprox or 7K ,APION 2U} 0} Aoy( 2) S9SIDIOXE 08 POM OAT 13 WT 97 AVS ,05"% "6390 aR‘ 2.19 Personal responses Unit 3 29 pine Aye her aR mM aH! a5 fof, bali coly, daioaqy e alway Ary ,APom ever JO 335 Jn 7M OK OPW / FANN JA In ON BIW 33.6 en a J Sa a Va aR Dom MIN ATA IID-N|NA IKK sa NIA AMD 342 4 notre nn b aanity np © 7panity ap d Pypiry ap 3.43 A agin alo ‘nt, b kp id “nity Jasin © ania ag aio oni, ? 4 yp%¢ np aie ory, 154 ‘1 Are you from America? b They come from England. ¢ Driver, d They re tourists in Israel. sesqasoxe 01g 0} Aay BS sesatore oo fo B 3.5.3 ‘2 Bob lives in England. b Sara lives in Israel. ¢ Rebecca lives i England, d Peter's from Canada. 3.54 “never a gan Tap a -9pTMKA RWW 355 sw ToMaA aA 3.64 a David does riot speak Hebrew. b Shalom speaks English, 3.6.2 Ruth and Shalom speak two languages. David speaks one 3.6.3 JAY AA.ONAT ,oMAT MAT a WAY aaa A 3.6.4 J epq — naan —avag /an — WANN = ANN AAW —_ANAW — AY — ASW — PAH HOM — MeN — AOI PIA — ATA — Unit 4 412 Jey nen jwnn sper awarK "ne wn , 44.3 Aimw ere AvEN wow Mey AwrY ;onY 4.22 ‘ordinal number ‘ordinal number day of the week = English first yen, wx oF ‘second 2e wa third were www o1 fourth van ‘yan or fit “won “enn or siith we ww or seventh wae naw 423 The exception is the Sabbath, 424 HOMO TYAN A AWW H | Rie A vemN a WORE a OU 432 13 weeks. 2 David is interested in biblical places. 3 Ruth is interested in biblical and modem places. 4 There is no time to see all the interesting places, 43.3 RIT Jaewe of on PAN a OW AKAM NIA a TA MIE AK TTR MeL TTT anvPoa MULAN | ROW ICOM THAN A Aw on onn mx BKM 43.4 ANAK APDNED a AMIR RON BNI 0% ON MON x. 390 npn ne? 43.5 1 We want to go on a tip. 2 They want to see places. 3 We goon a ‘one-week trip. 4 There is litle time, § He sees the map. 444 (en AMA FyEwA px ITA ,O ANA AWAY 442 pewaLOM AIA WA jJo2—"yeW!A TIT Wa YOR — Abr RHO 00 RF — TREAD BY PAT DAY = 443 (BY Wt AppNa 773 T [9x ADDR a.ONA |X DIINO we ROW Units 542 Brey rey pwy nay Ay ADL 543 Wey Urty MUD ne wy AWWA 18 (m) yey awan zi one 34mm) ete 2(m) oe Tim) ane 0) aw nox 120) muon a amy seafarers oxy 01 Aan BB sesjoioxe oun 03 fo, B Unit 6 70 mew yaw 1 (on) sey 7H 614 418 (m) >wy mame aW.bReWdR.ew. 1m) ane 612 524 angry Aa YPN AR! AT 10.10 74.15 2 10 o'clock 34 o'clock N- 61.3 522 air) — a'r aemipe — on Read the times out loud! 61.4 523 Tey nnx nyu nit one anwy Ww AWWA 2nIAT UNNI wy TVA’ 624 byanx wan aywn 8 niP7 enn oFwiY wiry AYER 4 Nir WOR BMW Jif, restaurant, gym, swimmi I, telovi sani one avwn 6 ni7rPAIBY ing pool, television in every room, bath or shower in every room, jacuzzi, mini-bar 524 6.3.4 _myoxn />yown 9 /oAmA-T apT® A ayo 2. sHWONR /WoNN cashes eR ihe places The Church of the Multiplication 525 of Loaves and Fishes. " — ‘She has no watch, 63.2 526 sav won 4 pe aon ax a arin Tn/PayeA nD AMO a yA oHNW A 6.3.3 [971 po% TAD A Ym anTPOK | !NBAMAUAAN TIA 53.1 6.3.4 2 Toy are gong to moc a 8.30. b They will enter the church pronaieremmaomaonms 6.3.5 5.3.2 nfm win ony pea nw nene nan, cmawa aan Mwy nnK Awa ‘why ora sent One AYU BW Bl wer sana JRE OFA A LOMwWHI wy AYA “YE DFAT Swa Yaw MD mainw Aven we ova T sani Wea "wnn OFA Bawa wre OV A (vem yan) wont Oa 6.3.6 Nona nye w pn yINa OAK DY Ye AT ROW Pw ASN Mw AP a 6.3.7 ony nosy Tawa wa nw 5.3.3 Lotfronn n nino 4.7003 .o'nkoIn 3.0 Bee aay [rvw phon a why nan vin ston a ony ona a Je van nino nonon n:2-1 pnw yw ng! Bon a THO 740 Unit7 538 12 09.00 ennwna waa awa BAYA RIAA 7T.TAON a WIE BN ding left to right: 112, 252, 723, 670, 999 -rivonn nyea wu Brat AT sesrauoxe oun 3 hoy sesqaioxo oun 01 don 8 TA Aan Ww onwy nue saw Yui OBEY TINA WMA ,TUY vem TIN we yaw! DENY IND JAN ve TAA atrue b false ¢ true TAS inn nygaa.a wen Ama NAY MeN NH anon 200, prea 150 55 ne 300 8 ano AY? Porrreh any ante nny -Byvonminnna "9 Wt arr 3 an warn Air 200 9'na? eran 4 aawnow me te Amen ame nn ans 7.7 xm m4 suviy 220 qn vt 157 #99 31m HOP Wn “Pw nA 724 a They would lke to sitnear the window. b Coffee, tea, cake, 122 joa yon ayo xa yo 723 Wood typ 13 7.24 ‘You will have chocolate and vanilla ice cream with whipp and lemonade. 725 pn nam 2e neva APH IITA orePAD DRUK Poor AN 751 ov Yrimw nwa OrEPAB BMAX — NYS ,TpIM (Tapes aN ney oy ‘2noxp oy -nepsa amin? Amun Ww rane? (oat tan nop nox EWN ‘a David likes portraits, b Ruth prefers the picture of the view of Safed, Yes, he does. d She disikes abstract pictures, JMO AAW TN A .DWN BOOS AADC TIT NHI A WE SYR wen non Naa ATMA 499 A A MA [A NDEMN TWOO"NN MMMM 1.90 corre 39, 8 masculine feminine singular plural singular plural wig peor mon nom = = ‘roinn nomn a4 15ndx3a204 81.5 ten o'9" M92 yHeTINA FIN Pw OVER a aOR Ja pA YW ADTWNA x Sypn WEA a. THEN TH Te AIG MOWAT. ATOM ABVAAAA sesjauexe ova 0 hoy B17 /OFTK farm 7 ME ND AUR AER 8.24 ‘4 wrong b wrong ¢ right 0.22 9% a. ANNA a en yw avn aye svt net AIRE THM NK aww onwy A> WN MET AE THD 8.2.3 (1. Jotw maDwNAR neWM xt? PAN! IM a..ArW OFA NR:NANIN MW. aniet a ATIAVA hy MBWAN BND [77 ATAVA Brana nx ane AMEE. BNA MH MAAN Nt PIU IM A "Pw ATTVA ie 8.3.2 €2,3,4.501,4,5,6 83.3 Personal responses 83.4 Personal responses Unit 9 944 Seven people. 942 a Three generations b Four chitdren ¢ Grandmother — at the old people's home, mother - at work, and the children at the children's: home. 94.4 "wp T nme na 6 ory ama Snby amy 4 fry 1 3 pw na 2 “rw nant sy an 10 Jw Tm Bw WAN B 945 Rina, the wife: Ruth and David, the guests; the children; grandmother 9.1.6 O47 3908 jon. non na now na pena na enna nina na eqana etna, 922 ‘@ the daughter b the older son ¢ the older son d the younger son 923 we aD Ww WE Ek WE AY we WE A ws J Aaa xem YE RI rem aw yn ww a 934 afalse bfaise ¢ tue d tue in ss Soeiavexs ay 0% fay 932 .O°'n'N WOME DY WAN WD NI7OA oka Pow TAI Ne jo AND He arrn’n ,rewrnvo) 93.3 Benn Tw A Nin T von AROMA WerTIGG x 934 413s ta2e 9.3.5 non sry — Te 3A in — 790 92 Sw = YwON jaKON = DYN Ha i099 — ADIT MIN — 93.6 etre far 00 pPtpo sR ew satan oa, 47.00 ~ 09.00 sarmaya mie pe pinripe sawsin 9.3.7 Personal responses Unit 10 10.4.4 1 are sitting in our seats. 2 four tickets for two seats, 3 They get two. ‘other seats, and extra tickets for another show, or money instead. 10.1.2 09 oa ON 2 ABI TY MIO IE. 10.4.3 ‘The ad for the Carton Hotel, 10.1.4 ova yorayo ee 10.1.5 a4aSq2et 10.1.6 7w 18H WHT ANAM a Be >I K 10.24 svbIofr =a aNBen VY Mh ANY FN UR NA 10.2.2 arn penn anna "ye pena nw enw a 799 AUN WOH K 10.2.3 hen nieriton stm neynaa nia pena a 10.2.4 '@ Danie! lives in Jerusalem. b The wallet was lost in tha bus. ¢ The wallet contained 120 1S, pictures and cheques. 10.2.5 ‘Simon left a Hebrew book and some black glasses, near the window. 10.2.6 Personal responses 10.2.7 2017 3ada5x 10.2.8 nn wy nan ZMK now a ja tw EIDODA a PIAA ION K 4ntwacnnnn wnonna.r50n qa nBzAT aks for a meeting on Wednesday, at 5 o'clock. .nw39 WAN aipy a AVTIA-YXUTY WOK 2 2... BY 7AT WON 10.3.3 ‘The meeting will take place on Thursday, at 3 o'clock. 10.3.4 The secretary made a mistake and took the following message: Tuesday, at § o'clock, 10.3.5 To: Dr Rewveni From: Ms Sara Cohen Message: Asks for an appointment with Dr. Reuveni on Monday. Please let her know at what time she can come. Her telephone number: 03 570992. 10.3.6 vn aur men .p = Pyrw OFMAIWN HAWN / WANA jn — PwANA Ho ‘yina — oan ay Tn nea ON / nyTIA w" p—Meawa rw w/oa SmrOAMIC PEA Unit 11 Wad Ruth wants to buy flowers, and David wants to buya film. WA nap woR 2.-AyNN BIEN NON a..naNP OMS NaN we WA3 Clothing shop, shoe shop, supermarket, bookshop, greengrocer's, electrical goods store, 1A np Wx Intin Ory paNM nny WOR AON PorRa NAP WON HON ro ,ASMN WAY ARE pan je? OM HUA wr .O-VA MONA ANN !men main? ns non ne w PMN M¥IAY ABLNAA ne w InngrIn Na 11.5 ms mip. is tp 280, Bn90 mon nnn mn own mvoane Hoy te one we avn yay yay 1.24 ‘The boy likes computers, music, He does not like: to read. 11.2.2 nova Own AMX a Pre Ie WN we 1.23 ore pr rere nine rw Tan a Pry nie TW Ame a re aK A ry ATAN x fu nah 124 SN yp 7A WEY WER FID IAA AVOA HE ACP IK PACIP ANNO APA oD TAL VORA ApHOIN Ani aN > Payrom anu AN .maNB wenn Sparen? 11.34 Ruth wants beautiful clothes, israeli fashion, Oriental fashion, 11.3.2 AYN Oa nih Wa BFA ABA NONI SH 13.3 07 y09 ea yon 7p Mt oa a YD. 1.3.4 Ruth is looking for @ beautiful, colourful Israeli dress, 135 nupaa 7 neon 9 w ans! Akmw nusnD ox A AY Wy TwOX x arma’ 136 Ruth will pay 40 IS for the dress, 137 10) 55 noe sox m1 40 nw nen oe apne 11.3.8 OST AWAWT DUDE PMETA AL TDFTAT TN a TOM a AMY A Unit 12 242 1 David and Ruth are hungry, b What s an Israeli dish? 124.3 DM aM NAAT ADIKA 2TH. 124146 109" a oma“ AIK "0A90—"7POrR IR MAK —"10 71M savanna = 9prnn DN 12.24 David asks for he menu in Hebrew, 12.23 1 David ~ humus, pickles and pitta. Ruth ~ soup. b David ~ chicken and fries. Ruth ~ fish and baked potato, ¢ David — ice cream, Ruth ~ fruit salad. 12.24 nuFaD HX BAB OX a PON MY IBA AB ATA MO LIOR R 12.25 David and Ruth liked the food. ate i 3 127 47. THM A PND DIK .OFTX YH AY pH 122.8 190.8] nm + m9 0990 n men FonBI 42 AWM TOD a ar Ke non ryo%o 1 12.29 JO DOPANTPENTAMTHAP AIK 123.4 They're going to eat it in the morning. 12.3.2 27m may naa xn .aainy waa 377 mya 6 yea § nyaad maw 3 abn 2 nH aly manny con’ | yraay aoo%n ‘yo 9 12.3.3 12.3.4 RAT Wotan o-t nar eae Unit 13 13.4.4 When? Where? 13.4.2 an orion aXe" OFDM 13.4.3 1 information desk 2 ticket office 8 information desk 4 ticket office 13.1.4 AWW? aiva 7A OF a.aBINY aIVI WFAN OF a .obwrV4 On Win 0109 1 -No¥ BOD AW A a‘aK-M? ale YIN OVD 27 Dens 13.1.5 1 lnformation 2 restaurant 3 toilets 4 man § woman 6 coffee 7 telephone 8 no smoking 8 police 4 13.16 ‘information desk 2 ticket office 3 platform 4 telephone 13.2.4 18 Thoy Want to ba in Ashdod in the moming, b They want to be back In Tel Aviv in the afternoon, ¢ They will be back in Jerusalem in the. ovening. 13.22 ‘a"Thoy will leave Tol Aviv at 08.50 or at 10.15, b They will eave Ashdod at 18.50 or at 18.15. 13.3.4 They will pay 250 m. 13.3.2 PAN TRPApaNK 13.3.3 Wotan in—nay aioe 13.3.4 ‘9ra 10 97 9 nna B72 7 “ON GAN 5 NK 4 1¥F 3 nInW 2AM 4 13.3.5 w | fr Te yt a fot ye fflfo taf flo ofl ela ta DI} ops Fy tH} n]a fa aiilfefotalo ee tebe | Tbe l= 8 yon onro1K 7 18 190n ONVORAA 1 I9ON OLUUIK man OKT AOU T ACW ypeTEN ATI ALYY ssemiere on on hog ‘sosrovexe oun a hey 13.43 Here are some sample answers, amp yor eANWA PAWN ADK R man ym KAA NA PRIMA NA no a, orm ama 7a we AIM area a vate ty re nan PyPw NAN ADT ATTA TARO |HeTINA PjueTINA HEMI AOMN hy 7222 ARID ATWOR w PaaID AOR w ABN T 13.4.5 DIMI A VOD T OMIx A ANY a nvOD we 13.4.6 porn ANA A ove: TDI AOI A NNW HK 13.4.7 ate doko shoe peoy aiste Unit 14 14.4.4 IW2R3W4W5R 14.1.2 anor tanea nina an 14.1.3, 19-18°C 2.20-30°C 3 13-23 °C 4 17-26 °C.$. 22-30 °C 6 12-28 Cc 728-37 °C 144.4 yan ine a ama tna oa a nea nH 144.5 1776n514x3a201 144.6 oma non-T ADIM A IMI xa a APE 14.24 240 b 50¢ 20 14.22 ona ant qinn ¥y on fon fon nN own nium ang HT SO Away 4K AN stn 40 nF fa maw? aD eT ona aan sain ay wage aK 71 Din‘oon nin 202 a1 "FN 14.2.3 ‘w yapr une ‘opun aw smn op wn Ww pa oF Ta nwa AN ayronow? 7 we .2rONA No"ynA RAMANML ya NOANK AWW XT WAC ayo nen x7. n'a on ofr Ww 14.24 srw tosta yn aaron « 142.5 moire ea AYN Ox .o'a yranAyH ya WOANx MHVs NAANC NN N'A BF BRAK fran 9 ima ov nx anne x2 rT oN jaan awa oa nnn 6% -nn nena ore 143.4 4 How can | help you? 2 Do you have a fever? 3 Were you in the sun? 4 Did you drink much water? 14.3.2 ‘The rules ara: to sit in the shade, nat to be exposed to the sun for too long, to drink a tot. 143.3 rane ar xe OAD OAD A OVD TYOI A IMU a ee T ww ar nnn oT Fos! TY ADR] an 1434 4 Ruth and David go up-to Masada. 2 They will see the view of the Dead Sea. 3 They will hear the story about Massada. Unit 15 15.4.4 April b Negev 15A2 ‘a Ruth is 35 years old. b‘s10 %1n'¢ A special place. ‘sesqosaxe 4 0 hay serroiex0 on 01 Ao 15.4.5 2 12 January b 3 February © 15 March d 7 April e 10 May #26 June. 931 July B10 August 3 September | 2 October k 29 Necorter vos December 15.1.6 ICN INK 9A A AB IA TaN 9A ATRIA A ADH ON 15.4.7 no. Y97 2K gun 45.24 4,16, 13, 10,7. 1523 35, 37, 40, 8%. 15.34 ‘They are in the desen, in ‘Kadesh Bamea’. 1532 89wy1 AND YA IDFR-VAN aTHD OF K 15.3.3 ‘we tm! an FINN AOFM 9KA IMA MINN K 15.3.4 15.3.5 1544 ‘Suzanne invites, and Daniel is invited. 15.4.2 Sawa “7 99ka Aeon OWN AD.ODA AIO Ym a aA yrMeN HO 15.4.3 Shirley invites and Hanna is invited. 15.4.4 aroma 7.AAN OVER TAT PH 2 OAM A ART OF 85 / aenD He oN Awnasa wy Aeon yy oe fanra nizana nm ad 2a nem? yoo mer fanny ma Ea anon? ma nian be 1546 ‘wor nv0n prone 25 jenn 01 awa 6: 10 yma um awe: Unit 16 16.1.1 Ruth and David will enjoy going on trips, and watching TV together. 16.1.2 mai ae rea a AI A aI 1643 Deane XY Laue we Fe NTC TNAADK A AINA TNA 16.1.4 Personal responses 161.5 bmn 7 099 pnw? anne 3x a miner? nanIK DK a YO THWLY ATM TAH. ng? nan ax A AERP NDT BAM 16.1.6 2os7 pO RaAWE MN a PAA NAIK MX a Pya'np NOM NAAN NH ‘Prune’? aneK ax #70720 pM AIK ANK A POUITO PE? AIM ANAT 16.2.1 Ruth and David will go to watch a drama film. 16.22 ‘1 dramatic 2 humorous maak sosyaaox ou oy hoy 16.24 oe nan a9 aw oF "ere oF or aya 97 wre OF ‘ine ANT sniap mney nani nM ony 29% sa wen or PoRorra Wy? NaniK IN eA AMR DN OF pune’ nanan ne ava wn oF {ma rT AANA awa wa or BATRA, 16.3.4 ‘The hotel is near to the restaurant. The nightclub is nearby. 16.3.2 co Ta 16.3.3 ‘nn e's ya npawn ax a PAE ATL NA OHA INN MANLY No'ID HH nc a9 AYN ne WAND OND NEM ANA PNW AM Nx Tw oA" jromnt ia nakin aK A Fava me oA NAC INN art TSA jomawn tnx HeAC DFA FOIA vaiKn'a prem? yin mvt Pa AT ornaya ink 4 ayy ‘enna prema m PAD AYN TNT 16.41 Skiing, theatre, museum 16.42 In the summer Hanna spends her holiday on the beach or in country, and in the winter they go skiing 16.43 Personal responses 16.4.4 nian nna 70-0 pews dro = naa -ynwn ‘a Mr Hermon is speaking on the telephone. b The secretary offers to leave a message. e Mr Green asks her to leave the following message: he will call later. He wishes to meet as soon as possible, because tomorrow he goes back to England, WAZ é sion? Awpaa ad wary AY MIN A PATH 47.24 gna yavn? a oy aT 1734 a The name of the company: ‘Hasharon’. b Ruth wants to go to the airport. 1732 nqaawaae 1733 aionn ara awa wee’ raya a arama por a yA A734 ax. t0a w Frum YRWAY ANN ARK PAT 'n 4I9702 79TH | AD “sone ‘alt was very good. b It was fantastic. ¢ David wants to go back home, Ruth would have liked to stay a litle longer. 18.1.2 yn ax a sore ma) yavann an a Jinn 7M new DRAW AWAD EN aawan me 18.24 a Nazareth, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Eilat. b One day. ¢ She remembers. the sun and the heat, 18.2.2 foam aM AA NICALAINT IW NMR HO AOIPM MAA 18.3.4 ‘a Was it good? b Ruth gives Shalom a photo to remember them by. sesjavexe uy 04404 224 2 a} (tue Present past . S nox nanpfann ‘nana ox a : Sa ane TEND a] i ‘anon ano pans Pa ad i in" ano 2m xn z anon rane nam A a am | pans/eano | mn ‘ona a Bron oanp ‘onan ‘enx ann END mano mx < ano" ‘oan ‘on on Noe: Alphabetical order in Hebrew is according to the order of consonants, Ee cama a coms tla, (al ena come ae in auainan isn ‘an Pp Pufnrmaered 16.4.2 Comentionss n Yomwn-ne onvon roe) x7onsea 12 Pron sage 3 ane = 18.43 masculine ce meat hona MwA Moma on! NW OF HA = a TPT nirmun Ya. jprea yawn qion any “ny Wor dn AIG Haws a) apc On? 7 DN TIT WO OWRD AM WY ANI x Bierce orm GF 18.44 father 39 oper not = 5 = a = “nainse The 2am 9 nntwy x sae 20% orIN aaa ay AD ‘ane oes mother “never ww MID} anEPD ax YEE AVAL JON y ANIA Naw lake ony cone/m = OR < AON MEN! MaeWM-TaM |PHY O97 BONN HMI Fn“7DX? BYE BAW = S See e aaa -_% fae ke ai ter a er ee aherearts toe jie one/f 30 a 3S ines oer spicy food gp aye which, what? Pape 5 oriental food nnyn opie thete in as eatin oye where? 2rony ¢ perhaps? “ue where from? nox at Tepe Europern ote university — ap man Oe Q ‘Aunralia neppoe woman ay Auscalian/ m,n & ad "Sopp these Tes Optician oat thousand ay fashion mye mother apy bath maR cafe rae m. Amerie ngnoy baller American Jin adj gry without England my fon. English Xlanguage) m2, cousin /m agit ah, Engish fm a ead) how old...? fa. m0, Tiam)/mst 7% tank, Aingeoon youtua-maugon [S youtere!/m 1p cash machine op), you tars /f p ‘problem re swear) fm 8c ones fhsband 9. you len) émp oD svinasing pool FEW 200, yoularel isp 39 for 530. noe eat W. sero oH daughter ty wy xe cousin mga Apel 39 cnjoy your mel SD, possible >We inside impossible wang 78. four! 93) four hundred 79939) fourm ma tall fonty tg) chaite Tong th mn puse 7D men counny “98 ig the ny soll yeseday oR jane tallery a 00. a came) camels 920) me Be ‘eal plea mec acre en Oa ay iGiiea aoe! oa light Jadj vn, boutique = pron ee imal fship set maing st a eal ay tk men Ye inca ar ae oll oe a post office a re one howpial Bm. ined syeasenve “n99 7 outh veo pepo school ye m_ drama the this morning, the morning 3y9 he (is) im “pan she (is) 7 p09 they (ar)/m,p—B0 they (are)/fp yp message rein present eense yn humour 8% today oho ronight roto this evening, the evening 390 history“ neptopD traveler's cheque B¥pD haNpD mountain > smock, many A70 mountains 99 Maimonides 0"=539 apology mem and any painted plass (vitrage) "xg F098, roses ODN) pink ' this mx this! m ny cheap 58 time yy fontime yp}. ‘ friend /m 90 sompany M30 rom 770 bathroom npogRa7ag new 20 shiry blowse nym ‘brown om ML (on) rayne humus wow beach aan haliday rp winter gy nik — 330 window 769 suit pm hot on sour 00 piles oe ive m yon fiteen/m ayy mp0 fify or%00 fiver ¥n five hundred Bill yay important 3909 clectrcity 3990 wedding nang ° Tiberias mpgy ‘good 310 Tam well dhank you agin ate ‘very good Tip 368 fom voto turquoise ‘lly wabtg/ Sey flight pe Up wn) 270 television Mo temperature mR tennis B99, tasty OW fray hand, hands op 7 jew +m Jews omy day oh birthday mmo more 7H 228) wine z n/m 3 bor gloom sat Dead Sea rg days DD right per beautiful/m gy beautiful ny expensive 37) fren ph vegeubles spy, thereis wt Jess Ww strait ow Israel Sanh Israeli mn Bead Sey hee aN, football S3yy7 bsketball Spy. dark 1, every day on} all daylong ns eparement store sa'9 (39) glass oF corona blue yin, square ay Sea ofGalilee mp how much? how many? 2p. how much? Fis ap. how much docs fit] east? tom much dest Ingo mn. vey church mp2, Knesset (israeli Parliament) 99, spoon 9. teaspoon m8, country, village 79, Mount Carmel pp, tieket ory ane) Tho 77. address nin, return ticket orange om, rorsich aH tolearm —Tiop2 to sell stand , topasson Wom) fort tofind wisp mo ox tohangup paw wrong 8) towork ray tolose Ta tohelp sine tolove amy townp 99% to belate max togoun nine “ee to dor sine tocome acd tospend time i togocnholiday ngewe ma oe totake apicture — oby7 sunderwear toget, to accept Pap} fo visi, to eriiine tomake,to fetch moo to talk tobuy og? to fish roread eng tobe on time ey tomakea complains mybp 1 0 down to onde (food) ome we to change voride 3 torcome in eos tee to putthrough (telephone) 0 dance eee towite dom ow tosit ye toswim ie ‘only pu toforget omy? tohice 9% tohear yop tohate xp verdrinle ings togive ne me te ape behind mina visit/my eciticd mv 8c ad)) 72a speak/ m 3379 what np what isthe time? roy np how are you/m Fab np hhoware you? /f— FpBy np oifice ye modern vptie museum yree seller im sellee/f ‘sic classical music vente npre jaz (music) v5 (morph Moslems prise tomorrow 799 Comparer ayno currency, coin y09p) umbrella rg who? "Pp who are you /F awn who are you? Jim aap %9 whoare you? /p ope sie mp water op np a nero pepe ‘mineral water inysticism mystic -manager, principal / m lamp map mosque DD restaurant n7ypp telephone number yep sep cout ay imeresting 19 vest aH 230) ween iene bey 30 ciaerr iaee phee,vicancy opp Mee soup ome soup ofthe day 90 Pp Mrs oop same pe ak Sep dcnks mugen Blasses — omgyD sum glasses wpy 97D ian sae Petit manP when? np agains driver am) wonderful 3303 view 9b Christians omy nice 7919 stationery Typ Tes grandson 73 granddaughter 73} shore to) ing by ear mp pleasane 07% pleased tomect you “xp o> shoes omy Nazareth m3) women ory } hi 93s £ E 4ag4ya b aeeddidad. sow W938 onabove 52 ‘with — oy clouds ony pencil 1h goodevening 340378 Arabic 33g ten e ten/m my twenty) mn oy tare ny ancient! pony ancient mpm ancicat mp orgy sesiet/ fp rip Sapa frat a pita aD Pepper 8, ‘hot pepper TIN 782. sat ep frectine 7a feeyrcrot, fullbourd 0 wer, sculpture $y, asport (yom) orp. tower, dlerk, receptionist /m Pp, Satomi st app calm om open! nom, calms Geel open df, p — ninwn, colour 99 colourful yey yellow ing Fight (not wrong) pts imperative wy painting 3 ‘photo Oty chips, french fries o's painter “yy shadow 7 plate dialling cove ao wool py toy a orth yoy tomb aR line fies, before opp cinema yp comedy mETpIP floor Aetp (eo bay mags) buy aie cocat ORE cosmetics nOWHYIP cash desk NP small rae /80 promosion orp Tescode ngiop loners ompeOP ummer ee cade Canada Canaan m,n 8 ad ‘Canadian / f, n.& adj Canadian, py 9 8 a4) ‘Canadian ff 8 a} al shopping cole short ‘whipped crm con cold oor ate here nearby ¥qR 3h tntbce Tamene addgaiaddigai dance, dancing” 997) tain 793) siding FY) noise ¥¥) noisy wy platform 935) Aaninqaacn wenbusz-moacon FR week mm, wells sa, seren/F 33 seven hundred bea 399 ‘seventeen /f —miyys9 ‘seven /m rae. seventeen /m yy nap Saturday 7 again 9 sable yp market "py eink /m mo} black mn, swimming mn chess up bill 7p, yeay nor, aie 7p. roilets gone (the house of... Suan) >, snow 33, her nh. theie/pjm ere their ip, f 2, his extension nop) hello, peace ob, three/f wi thee hundred aiKp 6” thirteen /E my o>! three mys’ thirteen m —we m9 thirty ory my 8 yoursf 9, your/m 3) your/pm 99, your/p,f We, three-quarters O99) AyD onethird wp! firstname >e 0 Surname | nogwD 2. left, ight! ma, coxht/£ ia ight hundeed nino ran cighteen /m yy nya eighteen /F ray mata! dress yp sun Up, tooth /teeth ome}! wo/m om, twelve/m ayy 52) hour my. hours my, Visiting hours syprs ny” Praying time — nipan ayy, lock, watch yp) quiet op, shhekel (Israeli money) /s 99 shkalim (sraeli money) /p omy. twolf omn,, twelve/m meyonn, theatre thos. dite poy. fan, thanks, thank you nyt side dishes magi weather Forecast) 7807399 1, station gg. wunder 79, bag pF tourist 7, complain ry pupil/m 3! Picture ro, pictures nbn) conditions ome. Bible 7"), scthibition gry snaged, busy ‘ba, (telephone line) pew we medicine gen, ine wy nine hundred iso ve nine#m ny, hineteen /f meow, nineteen /m ge nyy ‘Verbs are listed under ‘toi the section a they areal in the infinitive. am, oyna abstract OWN address 1yin, afterwards 1970 agin aw ‘against airconditioner ye all day long 9097) ‘America ngroy American mn 8 adj RBH amount omg ancient /f mem ancient (fp miprny fancient /ra pen ancient /mp | ope and) partment my) apology mean apa one anbic ma fren code 3.70 an nog atthe, near 25902 atmosphere mg Austealia —m,OpR ‘Australian ‘mje Sad) *y9pise autumn ype bag ballet” ve. bank — py basketball opp. ‘bath Pavan bathing suit o72, bathroom mpapN 779 ; bey Re ; beach in beautiful/f nay enuf ber behind ogo Keween Bike 7, bicycle “ora big oy sil 33% Binhday oP Wack” oi tne "5n, ook 9 Bas ot outique’ > 7m fread trother nh frown ain te patie thy, tohuy nog ‘buyer yi af PRDIV. cake my camel, camels 99,29) anim, Canada oie Canadian! fs 8 ad) amp Canadian fp, Sad) oy Canadian /m,s Sead SRP Canadian /m,p, ne adj oon ards ome cash yp eashdek raw cash machine op cheap ot cheese nya chemist xo030 7, cheque _nynpo e's chess oon chicken “a Christians ony sharch rR, sinema yp classical music roxy moa lock, watch, closed /m 09 tlothes mn, clouds ous coat 559 cocon oP coffee ne cold/m ip colour yy colourtal ay comedy remyip company 90 compensation hi complaint ne, computer 308 concert wis conditions congratulations, good lack! foto 58 cosmetics @eppip core net orton 7a counery county, village 79, sousin/f Typ / min), cousin /m w/t ms cup 290 eutrency, coin 399 dance, dancing’ np) dark days Dead Sea ppp 0 eparoment MeN department store 37% 09 dessert 97 dialing tone aon ey disk pyr doctor han door rey drama ney) decss nap drink mp9 deinks neapee driver ay carly ore cast note sight (my, eekt/m my ight hundred nip yi, eighteen /E yyy m0 eighteen /m “We ra, dleatriccy Son leven! mypy no eleven /m_ aya 70 end 90 England nan English fanguage) m2) English /m.n Sead} enjoy your meal yay, Earopean mpi oar evening, ths evening 3px) every day wh 94 excuseme TR ‘exhbition mary, expemine 30 extension ag, sexreme heat yen eye leyes om ay falafel Saby far from here ye@9 DIN far, faraway pm fashion map father 19) feet (foot onn/ 297 fifteen! myy ono) fifteen'm yyy ayo. fity — omeng figurative pey99 film v3y film (for camera) O79 first name 929 0 first, before Yaz. fiship ony fine #620 five?m myn five hundred nin vag flight rere Boor np flower 7D, food 3% football spr, for 7By, for,t0 fork 3y0 fom v0 fory 7 four/f 39) four /m four hundred mee 997 feeetime a, frce, vacant fresh /m 399 friend, colleague mm -30 fries (chips) ops fruit nt {ull board sep 1992, funare wallery mm fame pon gl ome sas 9} glasses met sping bycar ys golf ahin good 3 good evening aay good moming 31079 ‘granddaughter my) ‘grandfather 19 grandmother x0 grandson 73) een phy gry 78 gym sia yiap hic ap half 30 half-board yrey9730 hand bands om 7 have to... need to Pay he(s)/m sn head ow Hebrew are hallo race” BB, ber mg, bee 7K, here, nearby WAZ aNE he history” appioyen holiday pp horse, horses BRD Ore hospital on m hot 99 hot (piy) I hot pepper 9 a. hotel 373,109 hour my, hours my, how areyour?f Pape np how are you?/m Rey hhow much does .. cost? ine no. how much does iteost? ny np. c tow be bow many), hhow old? 2921 humour Wom humus pxoin hhusband —y, Tam) Fm Sf vy Tam vell, thank you ym ate Tike ic 9p93 ye ny icecream ayy 33 2 i: E ii i i octane WP Present tense min office 700 Pre np ontime Wh. problem me, on, above 7909 Promotion omy one) fap pil m 18. cone! mT pase Fn onethied v2, ‘open (fn, open /isp rian, gqurer 327 open im om, guiet 0p, open /m,p Onn, opera ma optician yagreg rabbi 2 oF radio yp range om re rin ov oriental food Soyeysie ste eceptionist, dedk/f ap, one) receptionist deck m9, red oft resaseant =py0e pm, orp return ticket 3h 189 O-. painted glas (vitrage) mop ce painter 4 siding 797 painting 33 ight Yeh Pak pm ‘ight (oot wrong) 18 passport eytepa ito room 370 pest uy Tose.r083 OTH parol gar pen oy pencil yng salad 0g pepper 52 sale n999 pethaps? oot sandwich ony Peron oy Sotunday 79. photo oom school -9p7. Pickles tog sculpture 9, Picture AND, eo pictures nina Sea of Gale mp2 0: pink 1) season 70 pitta nay sceyou! Insanity place, scancy ofp seller {ppt plate roby selec m 330 platform =) wren! OR Pleasant 0% sena/m Rip. please 1.0090, seven hundred sx99. x i please do not smoke WEI x) sevenicen /F an, ‘Areincon movcor-veytua shes) /F sen shelel (fsraeli money)/s 9p, shict, blouse noun sfokalim (Israeli money) / p 3p. shoes op shop mp shopping nig short (nat long) yp short (not call) yay side dishes mags silk yp nn, sour pa ‘soup ofthe day sour pag south ony souvenirs nga speak / m spicy food spoon 9, soning 33 square squash vn starter nyu yp Station yp. stanionery yp ay stomach np storm yy strait 3) street aie stulfed vegetables sugary suit gn summer "yp sun vp, sun block pap egg sunglasses Upp apy ‘supermarket Genpp9¥0 surname pay 0. ‘swimming npn, swimming pool “non nays, smagogue p39 m, Drop 70 sy nga mp3: fable yah ll pa, asym tern teaspoon mp, teacher/# ya teacher/m nyo telephone number television ryprigy feeiperature — mpReypE ent aey ken/m mee tennis gp shanks, thankyou ypi the an theatse howe thie! pt yap, theied pm "oop then, later 7999 there is w» there ism. Fhe these now they tare)! fp yp they (are)/ mp "op thin 999,67 thirteen "” m3py we, thirteen my yt, thirty wy, this rae this ny thousand aps thre/t wb, thiee/m ny three husdeed three-quarter Tiberias may ket omy, ime py timetable tip aw fobe lite any tobe on time pra yang tobe sorry swynp tobuy ng fochange {money} y>0e% toclimh 093 tocome —seab focome back fp focome in omy eb 99 ban we, So? met, Dip} Ob to dance py todo meyp todrink ning tote — wmoy to find siveh tofish ox two forget toy to get, to accept S372 fogive re? tog SH to go down yyy to go.onholiday —nypwiy avy fogoup nox tohang up fone to hate ng ro hear — yay tohelp —siyfy tohire 392 tojoin —930yne roleam 4 rolook for... wan tolose aN? tolove any to make a complaint any romiss oso tonced Tope to order (food) 991% ypIT to passon np wo phy pov to pray Yennip to prefer amet ‘© put chrough (elephone) a0) toread Kn? toremember yy toride am) tose tee ‘oul yee tom binee tosit nave tospendtime top fosay sayy fosmim ring totake a picture cy totake,to fetch — nog toulk wy foreach 19% to visit, to criticize pay to walk, to go.on a trip Sy ro want nye townh wp tower vate 938 eee Te toweip sot rowrite ain) to write down wy today a9 toilets rary. tomb yo tomorrow 0p ronight gyn tooo tooth /teeth omy a tourist mens town, cry 5 toy wings main 79 traveller's cheque trousers Omg turquoise 70 twele/m sy o, twelve /F ayy on, twenty fm enyy two lf np two/m om, Brype meng timbeella nye under non» ,20. underwear oyna University mpeg urgent awry vegetables nipyp very Kp very good view” 90 visit ap visit m, critie/m (w 8 adj) pap Visiting hours pany “yp ato waiter ay walk, walking ?n rep want /m nyt want to... >nyhy water mp we (are}/m& funny western (movie) Ye3¥0 what np ‘what isthe time? neyo ny when? Doe where from? 7p where to? 2 where? 2x which, what? apy whipped cream ney white 2 who are you? (f) 77 who are you? (im) ?nget7p who are you? (p) ?ona70 ‘Aveinqe2on mevcon-uentera al ay who? 0 sind om window 10) wine wince ayn with gy without *, yellow ye, nex women Ov wonderful 7799 wool wy work ying worker/ f worker m wrong yep ad ne any yesterday you (ar) ff you fae) /p ap you (ae) /m you (arc) mp op % your/f your /m your /p, your /p, re10 f oe rome re e me. oR. ‘Numbers refer to units. Refer also to the Language revision section. Verbs are fisted under to. ‘Acco 10 rome’ 9 addresses 6 “humy, tobe in a5 adjectives 5, 6,8 endings 9 Israel, map 4 comparison 15 age 15 Jerusalem 13 body, parts of 14 Caesarea 10 dates 15 ays of the wook & Dead Sea 14 ual ending 14 Eilat 16 family 9 ‘tor 6 greetings 3.15 Haifa 7 holidays 15 questions ‘to likenove' 8, 12, 15, 16 words 8 ‘olive in'3 patterns 12 “to ook for 44 ‘to lovelike'8, 42, 15, 16 Sated 8 ‘to moot 46 Sea of Galion 6 ‘toned 10 ‘seasons 15 | shekel 7 ze (clothes, shoes) 11 ‘to put through (onthe phone) 47 ‘sony. to be’ S| ‘toremembor 18 ‘to se8' 4, 14 TolAviv—Jatfa 11 ‘iosel' tt ‘the'4,5,9, 10,12 tosit’7 ‘thisthese’ 10 ‘to speak’ 3, 14 time 5 ‘to take apicture' 18 ‘to ask’ 7, 10 ‘0 ask fr’ 10 toa it biblical hebrew ‘to be’ 13,14, ‘i wa 18 ‘ta be able! 4, 10 ‘to want'7, 10, 14,12 sarah nicholson ‘wo buy tt ‘to wash’ 14 2 sore 16. owear' 14 "= Are you locking for a comprehensive introduction to Biblical ‘0 come back’ 18 “io WORK’ B Hebrew? wowe Sie ani? + Do younave some previous knowedge of Maer Hebrew? paket {8 ‘eflpoing vee 9 12 ‘= Do you want to read and enjoy the Old Testament in the original? “to eat 7,13 3 “to teot 14 verbs Biblical Hebrew is a comprehensive introduction equally suited ‘to give a messaue! 47 present tonse endings 3 ‘0 compete beginners and to those with sorne knowledge of the Yoo 13 past tense 10, 13 language. Each unit introduces new grammer, with reference to ‘to go by car'43, 18 roois 4, 13 well-known passages from the Old Testament, and the Hebrew “io go down' 14, 16 futuro 14 Seript 8 carefuly taught. Frequent exercises (with an answer key) ‘io 90 0n 2 tp" 4, 16: imperative 17 ‘consolidate and reinforce your knowledge. “10.90 up' 14, 16 “ohave' 6 weather 14 ‘tohear' 44 ‘works “iofeam' 9

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