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An Avalon Games Product, All rights

reserved, Version 1.0, 2011
Game Geek, Issue 14, Feb 2011
All comments, suggestions and
contacts can be made at
Avalon Games,
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Avalon Games at

Game design, artwork and layout

by Robert Hemminger
Some art by Sade and Art Fantasy
Cover Art by Robert Hemminger
Musing of the Avalon Stogie ................................................................................................
Behind the Game,
Marks Musings
Junkyard Wars,
Strip #14 ......................................................................................................................
Coral Thrown,
Chapter VIII ..................................................................................................................
Raging Swan Gaming ..........................................................................................................
The Man That Only Came Out At Night ..
Avalon Pathfinder
Trem & Joloch ............................................................................................................
New Zero-G Weapons .................................................................................................
Battle Axe,
New Spell Cards ......................................................................................................
Reviews .................................................................................................................................
Whats New ...........................................................................................................................
Cool Stuff ..............................................................................................................................
The Bridge to Far Scenario .
Geek Profile .
Realm of the Dead Kings ...........................................................................................
Free Stuff ..

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There are set moments in everyones life when of your life changes, takes a different tract, a different
direction. For me one of those moments was when I first discovered Conan the Barbarian. I was around
nine or ten, and like a lot of little kids in the 70s I bought comic books. For me the comics I liked the best
were the monster comics. Werewolves and vampires being very cool. One day though I had a bit of cash on
hand and off I went to the local comer store to buy a new comic. They didn't have any monster comics
though, so I pick up one with this big barbarian on the cover. Conan the Barbarian by Marvel comics.
WOW, I was blown away. Not only did it have a monster in it after all, but this big Conan guy was beating it
up it with nothing but a sword.
I was hooked. From that day forward I would buy
all the Conan stuff I could get my hands on.
As I discovered art and began to work on my
skills drawing, I discovered Frank Frazzetta
and his version of Conan. Sure I would fall
in love with high fantasy by way of Tolkien,
and delve deep into Lovecraft and Mythos,
but time and time again I come back to
the barbarian out of the gray north.
Conan was my gateway drug into
Fantasy, and from there into gaming.
My discovery of him changed my life,
set me on the road to being an avid
fan of fantasy, sci-fi and games.
So thanks Mr. Howard for all
the fun you helped me discover.



Avalon Games premier Sci-Fi system, Infinite Futures is fully compatible with Pathfinder.
Infinite Futures is a great system for running any type of Science Fiction game,
be it Hard Sci-Fi to Manga and more.
Fully compatible with Pazios Pathfinder RPG system, if you know and love Pathfinder then
you will for sure fall in love with Infinite Futures.
The system comes complete with several classes, races, several playable aliens, including Robots and
Androids. Skills, feats and gear based the Sci-Fi genre allows you to blast off into adventures right away.
Future expansions will add more aliens, monstrous beasts, gear and goodies.
Get ready to have a laser blast of a good time; Infinite Futures is here.

There are only a hand full of fantasy adventure board games out there
and fewer still that have been popular for as long as Talisman. Talisman
first hit the scene in 1983 when Game Work Shop published the first
edition written by Robert Harris. Quickly the game underwent some
revisions, improvements on its looks and component, and with the
second edition it truly took off. This was the most popular of the
editions to be published and the most expansive, taking GWs game
fluff and applying it to Talisman.
Several expansions improved on the game and expanded its appeal.
Like most board games though, it sort of fell off the map in the 90s with
the rise of compute and consol gaming, but in recent years a new edition
has appeared, taking the old school board game to new fans.
If you have never played the game you should try to find someone with a copy,
its good fun, if a bit light hearted.
You can get the fourth edition of the game from Fantasy Flight Games

Marks Musings
by Mark L. Chance of Spes Magna Games

The Declaration of Fundependence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all

gamers are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
among these are Dice, Frivolity and the pursuit of
Fun. That to secure these rights, Game Groups
are instituted among Gamers, deriving their just
powers from the consent of the gamemastered,
That whenever any Form of Gamemastery
becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of
the Gamers to alter or to abolish it, and to institute
a new Game Group, laying its foundation on such
principles and organizing its powers in such form,
as to them shall seem most likely to effect their
Free Time and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will
dictate that Game Groups long established should
not be changed for light and transient causes; and
accordingly all experience hath shewn that
gamerkind are more disposed to suffer, while evils
are sufferable than to right themselves by
abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations,
pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a
design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it
is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such a
Game Master, and to provide new House Rules for
their future security. Such has been the patient
sufferance of these Game Groups; and such is now
the necessity which constrains them to alter their
former Systems of Gamemastery. The history of
the present Game Master is a history of repeated
injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object
the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over
these Players. To prove this, let Facts be submitted
to a candid world.

He has refused his Assent to Rules, the most

wholesome and necessary for the gaming good.
He has forbidden his Players to write
Backgrounds of interesting and useful game
hooks; and when so written, he has utterly
neglected to use them.
He has canceled Game Sessions repeatedly and
without advanced notice, for opposing with
manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice
by refusing his Assent to Rules for establishing
nonarbitrary Difficulty Classes.
He has made Players dependent on his Will alone
for the tenure of their characters, and the amount
and payment of their XP awards, causing them to
languish without advancement.
He has kept among us, in times of unnecessity,
Standing NPCs that hoggeth the glory without
the Consent of our gamers.
He has combined with others to subject us to a
jurisdiction foreign to our group, and
unacknowledged by our house rules; giving his
Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For nerfing large numbers of spells and class
features frequently used among us:
For protecting monsters, by choosing only those
invulnerable to the class features of our

When in the Course of gaming events it becomes

necessary for players to dissolve the roleplaying
bands which have connected them with another
and to assume among the powers of Oerth, the
separate and equal station to which the Rule of Fun
and of Fun's Arbiter entitle them, a decent respect
to the opinions of gamerkind requires that they
should declare the causes which impel them to the

He has constrained our fellow Player Characters

taken Captive by high Enchantments to bear Arms
against their Allies, to become the executioners of
their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by
their Hands.
In every stage of these Oppressions We have
Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms:
Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by
repeated injury. A Game Master, whose style is
thus marked by every act which may define a
Tyrant, is unfit to be the game master of a free
game group.

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our

Gaming brethren. We have appealed via Chat
Rooms and Discussion Boards to their native
justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured
them by the ties of our common kindred to
disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably
interrupt our connections and correspondence.
They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and
of consanguinity, claiming that the GM is like unto

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united

Groups of Gaming, in General Congress,
Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the
campaign world for the rectitude of our intentions,
do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good
People of these Groups, solemnly publish and
declare, That these united Groups are, and of Right
ought to be Free and Independent Groups, that they
are Absolved from all Allegiance to the Bad Game
Master, and that all gaming connection between
them and the Bad Game Master, is and ought to be
totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent
Groups, they have full Power to search for a new
Game Master and to do all other Acts and Things
which Independent Gamers may of right do.
And for the support of this Declaration, we
mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Share
of the pizza money, and our sacred Honor.

Long walk here?

Ya, quite the trip.

Dirty one I see.

Well there where a few mud
holes and dust storms.
That would be great.

You want to
clean up before
you see my
Come on then, a quick steam clean it is.

Yaaaaa, Its
freezing cold!
Now hold still.

Opps, sorry, I
have to still fix
the heater


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Coral Thrown
Chapter VIII

Sammual called out as he opened the door to their

apartment. Are you all right! He looked about for
Isadora and saw her sitting on the edge of the bed. She
was rubbing her shoulder where the creature had grabbed
her, a sour look on her face. She would carry a nasty
bruise tomorrow she thought to herself as she rubbed the
muscle and winced at the pain.
What do you care? Isadora called back, mad and upset
that he had left her alone at the reception. That thing
could have ripped my head off for all you would have
known, she stated, throwing him a mean look.
Sammual walked up to her, ignoring her anger as he
reached out to comfort his wife.
Get off, she said, turning away, the anger still hot in her
I'm sorry, he pleaded. I never thought you would be in
danger. I just stepped out to see how my mother was
You could at least have come over to tell me you were
leaving, she complained. I had to stand around like
some dumb tree stump, waiting for you to show back up.
If your brother hadn't cut that thing down I might be dead
right now.
You're right, I am sorry, Sammual apologized once
more, reaching out a hand to lay on her arm. Isadora
found that she could not remain mad and reached up to
cover his hand with her own. I'm just mad that's all, she
said in her own apology to him, leaning into him as she

did so. That thing, what ever it was, it almost had me.
I'm not used to being helpless. Sammual sat on the bed
next to her, holding her in his arms. It was a demon, a
thing of chaos and death. Few could have stood up to it
as long as you did. From what I hear, you mortally
wounded the thing with your dagger. His statement
seemed though to be more in consideration to her ego
then anything else.
It was my death was what it was, Isadora said. She
could still feel the fear that the thing brought too her, the
deep chill that had come over her soul at its touch.
How could it have gotten into the palace? She finally
asked, it but one of several questions that had been
swimming about in her head since the attack. Why
was it trying to kill me? She was shaking a bit now as
she leaned more into him, but all Sammual could do
was wrap his arms about her and hugged her tighter.
I don't know the answers to those questions, not yet at
least, he offered. The palace is warded against such
things entering. The only possible way for it to gain
access was if someone let it in or summoned it right
here in the palace itself.
You look surprised, Isadora suggested. One or more
of your siblings has already sent a magical creature to
try and kill you, why not some other nightmare?
Getting a grip on herself, Isadora stood up to fetch a
glass of wine. She was hot and tired and wanted a
strong stiff drink, all they had around here though was
watered down wine. Isadora had noticed that it seemed
that was all they drank here in Avieragon, weak wine.
What she could use right now was a good belt of her
father's potato whisky.
Sammual continued to sit on the bed thinking out loud
as his wife walked away. An elemental creation is one

thing, he told her, a demon is quite another. The power

and skills to summon such a thing are forbidden. If one of
us was to have summoned that thing, should they be
caught, it would mean their head.
What would they care, Isadora returned, angry again.
Seems murder and kin slaying is a common enough event
around here.
Well, we might go after each other from time to time, he
offered in defense of his family. None of us though has
turned to murder, at least not that I know of.
What of Jules, she offered as evidence of the murderous
ways of his family. Half the man was eaten by some
damn big fish. Did not one of you arrange for that to
No proof was found that one of us had anything to do
with that. Besides Jules had many enemies at the time, not
all of then royalty, Sammual countered. It could have
been anyone that summoned the great thing out of the
ocean's depths.
So then why me? Isadora called back, drinking down the
glass of wine. That thing got in here somehow and it
tried to kill me. I don't give a damn who, or how, but I
mean to see dead whoever sent it.
Sammual thought on it all a bit, finally asking Isadora a
question as she returned to the bed.
You said Maxis saved you. Did he say or do anything
Why? Do you think he was the one that sent it? Why
would he then save me from its claws? She pondered it
all, not even sure herself of the events that had taken place
Well he could have set it all up as an elaborate means of
making himself look good. Sammual said as he reached
out and hugged her close to him once more.
No, Isadora shook her head in disagreement, he looked
as surprised as everyone else did when that thing ripped
out of that poor man's body. She shivered at the thought
of it all again, the blood and look in the man's eyes.
Did he say anything though? Sammual quizzed her
once more.

As I was about to leave he did ask me a damn

embarrassing question. If he hadn't just saved my life I
might have belted him one, she offered. As she did so
she raised her fist in a mock assault.
What did he ask?
He asked if we had lain together today, she said,
followed by a very un-lady like sting of curses.
Sammual smiled at his wife's colorful language. She often
resorted to rough words when she was frustrated or angry.
You think it was funny? She asked, punching Sammual
in the arm, playing at being mad once more.
No, he smiled. Well, the way he asked it maybe. I
understand now why he asked. The demon was not meant
for you, but for me.
You were not even there, how could it have been meant
to kill you?
The demon smelled me on you, my seed, which I left in
you after we made love.
Isadora looked down at her belly. It smelled that in me?
Aye, it would seem so, Sammual explained. Sent to
kill me, the demon followed its nose to you. As I was not
there in person, it became confused by what I left in you
with the true me.
Isadora gave him a coy look. You will understand if I
never let you back in again.
He smiled at the joke but then apologized once more. I
am sorry, truly I am.
She kissed him and laid her hand on his shoulder. It's all
right, I'm alive and unhurt and so are you, she said in a
low whisper. Sitting up right she grew calm. I am
getting tired of someone trying to kill us though. We have
to do something about all of these attacks. I'll not let
someone kill you off after I have invested so much time in
loving you.
Sammual stood up. I'm going back down to ask some
questions and study the demon's remains, he said,
walking towards the door.

You're leaving again? There's nothing to see, the things

nothing but a pile of ash, she called to him in protest.
Yes, but there might be some clue to who is behind it all,
He said opening the door. I'll not be long, he offered as
he blew a kiss to her and shut the door behind him.
Isadora sat on the bed and realized he had left her again,
alone and mad once more.
Isadora had just gotten comfortable, kicking her slippers
off when a knock came to the door. Not all that happy to
have visitors she stood up and walked barefooted to the
answer door. Looking out she met the gaze of a young
man, more a boy really, dressed in the queen's colors. The
page smiled a brief greeting and bowed deep at the waist,
straightened himself and then delivered his message.
I am to escort you to the queen's chamber my ladyship,
croaked the boy, his voice rose and lowered with puberty.
Now? She asked disturbed at the late hour of the
request. Or was it an order? What could the queen
possibly want with her at this time of night, and why now?
Did the queen know that Sammual had abandoned her
once again and thus only now sent for her? Had the queen
planned this out in some way? Meaning to meet with her
new daughter in-law for the first time without Sammual.
Isadora was not sure she was ready to meet the queen, not
after the demon and all the other things she had dealt with
Those were my orders milady. I am to escort you there
immediately, he quoted
Damn, she offered with a deep sigh. All right wait here
while I get my shoes back on. She was not happy about it
though, still the nature of the request was now settled. She
was tired and wanted nothing more then to go to bed and
sleep the rest of this night away, but she could not refuse
the queen's invitation. Returning she closed the door and
followed the young man down the hall and up several
stairs. Isadora noted that the palace guard had been
doubled and that armed men walked the halls and stood
guard at the stairways. This made her feel a bit better,
although she didn't see how more armed men could stop a
nightmare like the thing that had attacked her earlier. She
patted the dagger on her hip and was glad her father had
insisted that she take it with her when she left home for

A good bit of northern steel could never hurt around all

those wizards. Her father had said, kissing her cheek
goodbye on the docks of the small fishing village
Sammual and she had departed from. Isadora missed her
father now. He would have had something to say about all
this foolishness and political infighting.
She wondered then at what sort of woman could be mother
and queen of a brood of children that would murder each
other as these seemed bent on doing. Sammual had told
her that his mother, Katren, was at one time a vastly
powerful sorceress; able to sweep her enemies away with
magic so grand that no one in the world could match her.
She was the beauty of her day as well. Long black hair
and a figure that men would kill over had been just some
of her claims of fame. Katren had also been a cunning and
masterful political figure about the coastal realms of the
world. Those times were now fast coming to a close as
she aged and grew weak. She had accomplished much in
her time, this queen of Avieragon; Isadora had to admit
that she admire the woman for those accomplishments.
Leading Isadora up one final flight of stairs the page
escorted her down a guard filled hall to a grand set of
doors. He stood aside and held one of the doors open for
her, bowing low in respect as he did.
Isadora straightened her dress a bit and stepped within.
The chamber was huge, filled with furniture and painting,
rugs and tapestries, all expensive and rich in colors and
materials. A wonderful balcony sat to the rear, offering a
perfect view of the city and ocean below. The night sky
was a deep purple and filled with countless stars. In the
middle of the chamber sat a monster of a bed, piled high
with pillows and on that mountain of silk lay a small
woman, old and gray. Paula and Julia stood at the bedside,
both turning as Isadora entered. The younger woman
offered a smile while Julia gave a curt nod in Isadora's
direction. They both kissed the elder matron good night
and turned to leave, approaching Isadora on their way out.
Paula smiled a goodbye while Julia stopped to tell Isadora
not to stay too long. She is tired and needs sleep. Julia
then left and closed the door behind her, leaving Isadora
and Katren alone.
Come here child, the queen called in a voice strong and
full of authority. Let me have a look at my new
daughter. Isadora swallowed and stepped forward to the
side of the bed, holding her hands in front of her, folded
and fidgeting.


The queen looked Isadora over a long time and so gave

Isadora a chance to do the same. She could see that at one
time Katren had been a ravishing looking woman. Long
gray hair still held a hint of its raven black. Slim and tall,
the queen must have been a graceful woman in her youth,
no wonder so many men had desired her body and love.
Pull up a chair and sit down, the queen said. Isadora
looked about and pulled a slim chair with a high back
forward and sat down within reach of the queen.
You have good wide hips, good healthy stock I would
guess. That's a good asset, I'll expect lots of grandchildren
from you, the queen offered, a smile on her thin lips.
This put Isadora at ease a little bit and brought a smile.
Tell me how my son and you met my dear? Katren
shifted to make herself more comfortable in the mound of
pillows while Isadora breathed a slight sigh of relief.
Katren had just called her up to talk about Sammual and
how the two of them had fallen in love. Isadora thought
about it a moment herself, how the two of them had found
their love for each other after so difficult a journey.
Sammual showed up one day, just out of the blue,
Isadora started. It was just turning to the late spring, the
snows in the lower valleys having already melted. He
arrived on a horse, riding up out of the low country, asking
to speak to my father the baron. Sammual then stayed a
few days, resting and making plans for a trip into the deep
northern peaks. Seems he was looking for something,
something valuable, but he at the time would not disclose
what it was. He asked my father for aid while he rested at
our small castle and my father agreed. Sammual paid
father well for a guide and supplies, and so father asked
me to keep a safe eye on our guest. I spent a month
leading Sammual around, getting him out of all sorts of
trouble along the way. As Isadora recounted her tale she
leaned forward as if to tell Katren a secret. To be honest, I
could barley stand the man. Thought he was arrogant,
snobbish and a fool for chasing around looking for trouble.
If I've learned anything in my years, it's that you ever go
looking for trouble. It will more often then not find you
easily enough on its own.

Katren smiled. Arrogant and snobbish, that would

describe just about all my children I think. She laughed
at the comment, which turned into a wheezing cough that
lasted much too long and was too wet for Isadora's liking.
Isadora stood up and held the older woman's shoulders as
she finished, Isadora rubbing Katren's thin, bony back as
Katren leaned forward. The queen then pointed to a
pitcher of water and a small glass, Isadora then turning and
pouring out a measure of cool water. Add three drops of
the liquid in the vile beside it, Katren told her. My son
Lessiter mixed it up for me, it helps with the pain most
times. Wheezing still she leaned back into the pillows.
Taking the water, Katren sipped it slowly, some of it
leaking out and running down her chin. Handing the
empty glass back to Isadora, Katren breathed deep and let
out a simple sigh. The pain going slowly numb now with
the mild potion mixed by her alchemist son. She then
turned her attention back to Isadora. Continue please, I
want to hear more.
Isadora patted the elder woman's hand and sat back down
into her own chair, pulling it a bit closer.
After about a month we came upon some clues to a
possible location of the treasure Sammual was searching
for. He had yet to tell me what it was, but we had gotten
to be familiar enough by then to at least stand each other's
company. We tracked up into the deeper mountains; past
places where the barbarians of the northern wastes
wouldn't even go, places where I had never been before. It
was a common enough story among my people that the
gray peak called Sutter's Fall was haunted, a place of evil
Sammual would have none of me telling him to turn back
so we climbed the damn fool mountain looking for trouble.
We reached the top to find an ancient, ruined castle. A
place called Harmth, once a mighty realm of bright knights
and heroes, or so said the old tales of the mountain. Now
though it held nothing but ice, ghosts and a terror most
dire, for inside hid a foul thing of ages past. There
Sammual finally told me what we sought, a stone, some
damned rock. I yelled at him for hours, I could not believe
it; I had risked my life for a rock? I could have killed him
myself. Isadora smirked at this point in the tale,
remembering the fight Sammual and she had as they
waited out a blizzard in a small, cold cave.
Was no simple rock he was after though, but the Heart
Stone itself, Katren offered.


Isadora nodded in agreement. Yes the Heart Stone, some

ancient relic of your people, from before their exile. That
is what Sammual told me at least. It was supposed to be a
powerful magical talisman, he boasted, a talisman that
would make him the greatest living sorcerer in the world.
Seemed foolish to me though, and I told him so, Isadora
smiled once more as she continued the tale. Well of
course once the storm broke we up and entered Shoval's
Isadora stopped there as she remembered Shoval. His
withered face, rotted holes for eyes, each filled with
worms, dried leather for flesh and bones. She shivered at
the thought of him, and the nightmares she still had of his
foul breath and his hellish home. Shoval the Undying he
called himself, some ancient lord, kept alive by the power
of the stone, forever cursed to walk the world while
remaining a corpse. He tried to stop Sammual from taking
the stone and the two entered into a magical duel. All the
while I fought off his frozen guardians, deadly things
made of ice and frost. In the end we won, Sammual
defeating the ghoul, but he lost the stone in the rubble of
the castle as it fell down about our ears. We had though
discovered that we had fallen in love during our time
together, Sammual and I. We two have been with each
other ever since, my own father marrying us.
A whirl wind romance, out of a fairy tale almost, Katren
Aye, fast and burning hot it was, is, Isadora corrected
herself. What is forged in fire will remain strong as steel.
An old saying among my folk.
What now? Asked Katren.
Isadora gave the elder woman an odd look. Children,
happy times, a full life together. She said, as if that was
all there needed to be in her life.
Katren raised an eyebrow. Really, is that all? Have
you not thought on the crown? What it would be like to be
queen, should I make Sammual heir and thus someday
king? Katren looked at Isadora with a cunning eye.
Isadora smiled in return. Is that why you called me up
here, to quiz me on my desires to be queen?

Among other things, Katren said. Don't be harsh with

me, I wanted to meet you without Sammual around, see
what sort of girl you were. I have no desire to see my son
married to some simple country mountain girl, no matter
how well endowed she is or how big her hips are. Katren
winked as Isadora's face turned a bit hard. Don't worry
though, I find now as you sit here that you are none of
those thing, are you dear, neither simple or ignorant,
Katren offered. No, I see a wise woman in those eyes of
yours. Hardness too, you would do just about anything
you set your mind to, wouldn't you.
Isadora nodded her head a bit at the complement. I come
from a hard land, was raised to be a hard warrior if the call
came to defend those lands.
Katren smiled a cunning look in her eyes. So then, what
of the crown. Would you take it, wear it beside my boy?
Are you offering it to me? Isadora asked, a bit scared at
what answer she might get.
Maybe, Katren mused. None of the others are married.
Poor Maxis lost his wife and child some years ago. The
others hold their freedom to tight I think, that or wait to
sell their marriage to the best ally, when the time is the
most right. Sammual and you did it for love though, didn't
you. Lots to be said for love.
Why don't you just make a choice and tell everyone who
the heir will be? It would stop all this foolish struggle
between them.
Katren grew a bit hard at that question. I will do so,
when the time is right, and I am sure who to give the
power to. Sammual maybe, he seems to have grown a bit
as a man since he returned. Maybe you would make a
good queen in the end, bring some fresh air to this stale
place. Katren then yawned as she finished.
Isadora stood. Time for you to go to sleep I think.
Katren smiled and yawned again. Send in the page as
you leave then. Thank you for the story, it was
refreshing. Katren offered holding her hand out for
Isadora to kiss. The younger woman then turned and left
the chamber, closing the door behind her and telling the
page to see to his queen's needs.

Isadora yawed and stretched as she entered the room. It was late; she was tired and once again upset with her husband.
Sammual was not back yet. Damn the man, she said out loud to herself, moving over to the bed and sitting down with
a tired sigh. Isadora kicked off the slippers and began to rub the sore toes and heel on one foot before switching to the
other. She swore to all the gods of the world that she would never wear those damn shoes again, not as long as she lived.
Tomorrow she would have her clothing unpacked and put away. She promised herself as she stood and stretched, no
more wearing someone else's shoes. She began to then undress. She would lay here in bed and wait for Sammual to
return she told herself, he should be showing up anytime now. A little naked surprise would be waiting for him under the
sheets. That should keep him from running off again so soon. Dropping her dress over a chair and removing her slip
Isadora winced at the sharp pain in her shoulder. She might be a warrior, skilled and trained, but she felt every little
bruise and scrape that the demon had left on her tonight. Turning her head to look at the back of her right shoulder, she
could see the deep purple bruise already forming. Tomorrow she was sure to be stiff and sore.
Moving over to the balcony, her bare feet shuffling on the rugs covering the tile floor, she stepped up to stand before the
archway leading outside. She could feel the cool night air on her as it flowed over her naked skin. She did like being
able to move about bare to the whole world; the air was still warm to her, even though it was well past midnight. To
Isadora it was like the middle of summer down here in the South Seas, she was finding that she loved it.
Walking out onto the stones of the balcony, she looked up at the clear night sky and the stars as they blinked at her from
the heavens above. She stood there in the middle of the balcony, holding her arms out, offering a prayer to the goddess
Hillitha, queen of the night and love. She sent the goddess her hopes and fears, all in a silent praise of the moon lady.
Isadora was not a religious woman, but she figured it could not hurt to offer up a prayer now and again to the gods.
Looking about once more she spied a figure standing on the balcony that sat further along the wall. Whoever it was
stood there looking at her in the dark. Isadora could not see who it was though, nothing but the outline was clear in the
dark. A current then opened behind the figure, the flare of the light showing his face clear and bright for a moment.
He looked Isadora right in the eyes, and then carried his gaze down over her body, across her breasts and hips. Isadora
stood there, transfixed almost by his gaze upon her. She then came to herself, realizing she was naked to him and that
gaze. Blushing Isadora turned and skipped back into the room behind her.
Isadora scolded herself as she entered the room. You damn fool, acting like some wood nymph standing there letting
him have a good long look. Moving over to the bed she pulled back the sheets and laid down. Isadora meant to stay
awake till Sammual retuned, but as her head hit the pillow she was fast asleep.



Making characters is fun, but sometimes the
minutia of mundane equipment can be boring, repetitive and take a
lot of time to sort out - time that could be spent gaming!
This article seeks to reduce the time spent equipping your character by presenting a number
of pre-selected equipment loads. Each equipment load comes with total cost and weight
listings (for both Small and Medium characters) so you can see at a glance
if your character can afford to buy (and carry) the listed weight.
None of the equipment loads includes armor or weapons, because these purchase are too
character-specific to list in generic equipment loads.
(That said, every character should carry a dagger!)


* Worn: traveller's gear, wooden holy
* Backpack (contains bedroll, trail rations
[4], waterskin, bag of caltrops, sack)
* Belt Pouch I: (contains candle, flint & steel,
whetstone, scroll case, parchment [2])
* Belt Pouch II: (tindertwig [2], sunrod,
chalk [2])
Cost 17 gp, 6 sp, 5 cp
Weight Medium 26 lbs., Small 9 lbs.
* Worn: traveller's gear, wooden holy
* Backpack (contains bedroll, trail rations
[4], waterskin, bag of caltrops, sack, piton
[5], hammer, 50 ft. hemp rope)
* Belt Pouch I: (contains candle, flint & steel,
whetstone, scroll case, parchment [2])
* Belt Pouch II: (tindertwig [2], sunrod,
small steel mirror, chalk [2])
Cost 29 gp, 6 sp, 5 cp
Weight Medium 41 lbs., Small 24 lbs.

* Light source
* Spellbook (15 gp, 3 lbs.)
* Spell component pouch (5 gp, 2 lbs.)
* Thieves' tools (30 gp, 1 lb)
For extended wilderness travels, add these
items to your equipment list.
* Explorer's outfit
* Tent
* Winter blanket
* Trail rations (7 days)
* Waterskins (2)
* Shovel
Cost 28 gp
Weight Medium 54 lbs., Small 19 lbs.


Add these items to the basic starting bundle
or augmented starting bundle.
* Cleric's vestments
* Silver holy symbol
* Holy water [2]
* Healer's kit
* Spell component pouch
Cost 135 gp; but assuming you don't buy a
wooden holy symbol for your starting bundle
you save 1 gp!
Weight Medium 12 lbs., Small 7 lbs
Add these items to the basic or augmented
starting bundle. If you're using the basic
starting bundle, add pitons, a hammer and
rope to your load).
* Thieves' tools
* Climber's kit
* Disguise kit
* Crowbar
* Magnifying glass
* 50 ft. silk rope
* Smokestick [2]
* Antitoxin [2]
Cost 412 gp; +70 gp if using masterwork
thieves' tools
Weight Medium 25 lbs., Small 15 lbs; +1 lb.
if using masterwork thieves' tools
Many adventuring groups find it useful to
bring beasts of burden with them. This might
simply be to carry their camping equipment
on long overland trips or in hopefully
anticipation of the vast piles of look they'll be
carrying away from the dungeon!

Total Cost 19 gp, 20 cp
Weight Carried 64 lbs. (plus possibly a rider);
Carrying Capacity light 75 lbs., medium 150
lbs., heavy 225 lbs., drag 1,125 lbs.

1/2 (XP 200)
N Medium animal
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5,
Sense Motive +0
Speed 40 ft.; Run
ACP 0; Acrobatics +1 (+5 jumping)
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; CMD 13 (17 vs. trip)
(+1 Dex)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +0
hp 13 (2 HD)
Space 5 ft.; Base Atk +1; CMB +2
Melee 2 hooves -3 (1d3)
Abilities Str 13,Dex 13,Con 14,Int 2,Wis 11, Cha 4
SQ docile
Feats Endurance, Run
Gear bit and bridle, pack saddle, saddlebags, feed
(4 days)

Cost 91 gp, 20 cp
Weight Carried 74 lbs. (plus possibly a rider);
Carrying Capacity light 228 lbs., medium 459
lbs., heavy 690 lbs., drag 3,450 lbs.
1 (XP 400)
N Large animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +6,
Sense Motive +1
Speed 50 ft.; Run
ACP 0; Acrobatics +2 (+10 jumping)
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 9; CMD 17 (21 vs. trip)
(-1 size, +2 Dex)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +1
hp 15 (2 HD)
Space 10 ft.; Base Atk +1; CMB +5
Melee 2 hooves -2 (1d4+1)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2,Wis 13 Cha 7
SQ docile
Feats Endurance, Run
Gear bit and bridle, riding saddle, saddlebags, feed
(4 days)


Total Cost 386 gp, 20 cp
Weight Carried 129 lbs. (plus possibly a
rider); Carrying Capacity light 399 lbs., medium 798 lbs., heavy 1,200 lbs., drag 6,000
N Large animal
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8,
Sense Motive +3
Speed 35 ft., base speed 50 ft.; Run
ACP -3; Acrobatics +1 (+5 jumping)
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15; CMD 21 (25 vs.
trip)(-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 armour [hide barding], +2
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3
hp 19 (2 HD)
Space 10 ft.; Base Atk +1; CMB +7
Melee bite +5 (1d4+5) and
Melee 2 hooves -2 (1d6+1)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 17, Cha
SQ trained for war
Feats Endurance, Run
Gear as above plus bit and bridle, military saddle,
saddlebags, feed (4 days)


Creighton is a keen gamer who passionately
believes in the Open Gaming License and is
dedicated to making his games as fun and
easy to enjoy as possible for all participants.
Reducing or removing entry barriers,
simplifying pre-game prep and easing the
GM's workload are the key underpinning
principles of the products he releases through
Raging Swan Press.
Over the last 11 years, Creighton has worked
with Expeditious Press, Paizo and Wizards of
the Coast. He now releases his own products
through Raging Swan Press. You can read his
thoughts on game design at
Creighton lives in Torquay, England where,
apparently, the palm trees are plastic and the
weather is warm. He shares a ramshackle old
mansion with his two children (Genghis
and Khan) and his patient wife. Famed for
his unending love affair with booze and pizza
he is an enduring GREYHAWK fan.


The Man Who Only Came Out at Night

Megan Robertson

In the town there was a handsome young man who

was only ever seen after dark. Needless to say this
aroused a fair bit of speculation. As young men do, he
eventually decided to find himself a young lady, and
directed his attentions towards a family in which there
were three daughters. The eldest one didn't like him
much, and the middle one was worried about his
never coming out in the day, but the youngest one
fancied him and so arrangements were made.
In due course the wedding was held, at night of
course as the young man only came out at night.
When all the festivities were over, and the happy
couple retired to their room, the young man turned to
his bride.
'I'd better explain why I only come out at night' he
said. 'You see, I am afflicted by a curse which turns
me into a tortoise during the hours of daylight. Going
about as a tortoise is rather embarrassing, not to say
inconvenient, so I don't go out in the day.
'Now there is one way to remove this curse, if you are
prepared to help me. If, on my wedding night, I set
out and travel round the world, travelling as a tortoise
by day and as a man by night; and my bride remains
true to me while I am away; then when I return I will
be able to remain a man by both day and night.' His
bride agreed to wait for him.
Dawn was already approaching, but before the young
man left he gave his bride a diamond ring. 'Use the
power of this diamond wisely' he said. 'And it will
take care of you until I return.' At that point, the sun
came up and the young man turned into a tortoise. His
bride held the door open for him, and he crawled out
to make a start on his journey around the world.
His bride, meanwhile, decided that she had better find
something to do while she waited for him, and so set
out into town. The first person she came across was a
mother with a baby, who was wailing. The bride
offered to quiet the baby, for which the mother was
extremely grateful as the baby had been wailing for
days on end. As the bride took the baby in her arms,
she whispered 'Diamond, make this baby laugh and
dance and sing'.

The baby duly began to laugh and wave her arms

around; she didn't sing much then being a bit small,
but in later years she grew up to be a famous singer,
but that's another story.
The bride went on and came to a bakery. Now she
enjoyed baking, and realising that she'd need a job to
support herself until her husband returned, she went
in. 'I'm a good baker' she said. 'I can make bread and
cakes and excellent cream buns. And if you employ
me, everybody in town will shop here, especially for
the cream buns.' So she was taken on, and as she
worked she whispered to her ring 'Diamond, make
everybody come and buy their bread and cakes and
cream buns here'. And the bakery was full from
morning to night with people eager to buy cream buns
and all the rest of the baker's wares.
Now as time passed and the bride was seen to be on
her own, several young men began to fancy her. She
turned them all away... at least, until they began to
offer her money for her favours. One young man
offered her 1000 gold pieces for a night with her, and
she eventually agreed. When he turned up on the
night appointed, she told him to light the fire and then
join her in bed. Not having noticed her whispering to
the diamond as she issued her instructions, he set to
and attempted to light the fire. Dawn came and he still
hadn't managed to get a single twig to burn, and she
chased him out, saying 'If you can't even light a fire in
the hearth, you certainly won't manage to light my
Another young man, who fancied he could do better
than the first, heard of this and offered her 200 gold
pieces for her favours. Again, she set a date. When he
arrived, she was kneading some dough, and she asked
him to finish this work while she made ready in the
bedroom. Off she went, whispering to the diamond,
and the young man rolled up his sleeves and set to
with a will. As soon as he put his hands in the bowl,
they stuck fast to the dough and he found that all he
could do was knead the dough.


Dawn came, and the bride came downstairs saying 'Well, haven't you finished yet? You don't even seem to be able to knead
dough, so I doubt you need me. Be off with you!'
Undaunted, yet another young man fancied his chances; and to make sure of the matter offered the bride no less than 300
gold pieces to spend a night in her arms. When he arrived on the due date, she was already in bed and called down to him
to close and bar the door before he came up, then whispered something quietly to the diamond. The young man attempted
to close the door, but as soon as he pulled it shut it sprang open again; and so it continued all through the night. Come
morning, the bride came downstairs to find the young man still wrestling with the door. 'It's an open and shut case' she said,
'You won't do for me.'
At that point a tortoise crawled in through the door, and in a shower of sparkling light transformed itself into a man - the
husband of the bride. They fell into each other's arms, and lived happily together for a good long time.


Special Edition Avalon Character
Trem and Joloch
This month we will be offering a special Game Geek Editions of Avalon Characters.
We have so many we wanted to offer you great Game Geek Fans a special added
bonus, so here is the first of several planned Avalon Characters. The full version can
be found in the free section of this issue.


We have some great new gear for Zero-G this month so
blast your foes into dust and have a laugh...

Agony Pistol
Illegal on all civilized worlds, agony darts are
made from the toxins of the Annanna Viper,
which paralyzes its prey before devouring them.
The darts are delivered via a magnetic pistol and
cause great pain in their victim. This weapon is
most commonly used by the Star Pirates. (Cost 7
Points, Base Range of 2, Damage +1, for each
dart that hits a character, that character's rolls are
-1 to their total. A character may Rest to remove a
dart but does not gain the normal benefit of
resting when they remove the dart. This poison
does not affect battle armors or robots. Due to the
recharge time of its launcher, the pistol may only
be fired once per Activation.)
Agony Rifle
Exactly as the agony pistol, but more powerful
and with a longer range. (Cost 9 Points, Base
Range of 4, Damage +2, all other rules the same
as the agony pistol.)
Re-Animator Kit
The re-animator kit is a very expensive
cybernetic implant whose prohibitive cost and
dangerous manner of implantation make it
something seldom seen on the field of battle.
Epinephrine injectors near the heart and brain and
nano-protein packets throughout the body
activate on death, giving the bearer a second
chance at life. (Cost 15 Points, When this
character dies from his wounds, instead destroy
this gear and refill his Health to half its maximum
amount. No character may have more than one
re-animator kit.)
Psi Collector
Forces that rely heavily on their Psykers are in
for a rude surprise when facing an opponent
carrying a Psi collector. These newly-designed

devices are based on Gray Psi crystal technology.

They allow non-Psykers to occasionally nullify and
even reflect Psi abilities back onto their user. (Cost
10 Points, When a Psi Ability is used within a range
of squares from this character equal to 6-this
character's Will, then this character may spend an
Adrenal Point to activate the collector. This
character makes a Test of Will. If this character fails
their Test of Will then the Psi Ability is used as
normal. If this character is successful, then that Psi
Ability is negated, but the Psyker still spends Points
to activate it. On this character's next Activation
they may then attempt to use the same Psi Ability as
if they had a Psi Skill equal to 6-their Will, paying 1
Adrenal Point to use it. Psi Collectors only function
once, and break after the end of their bearer's next
Activation after their initial use.)
Anti-proton Cannon
This devastating heavy weapon releases a pulse of
pure anti-protons sheathed in an electromagnetic
field. When the pulse hits its target the
electromagnetic field dissipates and the target is
bombarded with anti-matter, resulting in a
catastrophic explosion. (Cost 20 Points, Range 4,
targets hit by the anti-proton cannon take 3d6
damage and characters, objects and vehicles in
squares adjacent to the target take 2d6 damage from
the resulting radiation burst. Regardless of a
character's Activations, the anti-proton cannon may
only fire once per turn. If the character bearing this
weapon or any vehicle or battle armor with this
weapon installed is destroyed, roll 1d6 and on a
result of 1 all characters, objects and vehicles in
adjacent squares take 2d6 damage.)


We thought we would add some magic to your Battle
Axe game, so here is the first of many schools of magic
you can buy for arcane base characters.
All the cards are provided in the free section.
Mystic Dart
Have the spell caster make 4 move
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Make a ranged attack up to 8 for
one hit of damage
Yellow 1
Make a ranged attack up to 12 for
one hit of damage



All the folks here at Avalon Games want to say stay warm
this winter and play a great game.

All the folks here at Avalon Games want to say Happy New Year and
we will bringing a lot of new, great games out in 2011 .
Become Fan of Avalon Games and join
our Newsletter. In each issue we offer
insight into Avalon Games, the people
thyat make it a great little publisher and
all sorts of free stuff, special offers and
access to Fan Special Edition products.
Go to our web site at, and sign up.

Become Fan of Avalon Games and join

our Newsletter. In each issue we offer
insight into Avalon Games, the people
thyat make it a great little publisher and
all sorts of free stuff, special offers and
access to Fan Special Edition products.
Go to our web site at, and sign up.




Become Fan of Avalon Games and join

our Newsletter. In each issue we offer
insight into Avalon Games, the people
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access to Fan Special Edition products.
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By Megan Robertson
Troglodytes of the Tentacled One
Raging Swan Press

The first thing, after Raging Swan's usual

boiler-plate, is a very comprehensive - and hyperlinked - Contents page. Wish everyone was as
meticulous in setting up their PDFs. As a bonus, a
bit of leftover space is filled with a poem about
this bunch of troglodytes, naturally this has been
committed to my bardic memory forthwith!
Troglodytes are primitive folk by definition, but
this tribe are more so than most. They are held in
thrall by an aboleth who has convinced them that
he is the very embodiment of the evil deity - a
tentacled demon - that these ignorant and
superstitious troglodytes worship. They live deep
under a remote rocky island off the shore of the
Lonely Coast (or, of course, any suitable shore in
the campaign world of your choice), venturing out
on rare nights to practise strange rituals. The rest
of the time they dwell in a vast underground city
built in ancient times by, well, they certainly don't
know. They fight ferociously if you intrude there,
although as to do so you have to get through
narrow, dank and tricky passages and tunnels it's
difficult to imagine just why you would!
After the troglodyte society, customs and home
have been described in evocative detail, on to a
collection of feats, mostly combat-related, and
some cleric spells used by this tribe. Mind you, the
Cavern Stride feat would be of use to anyone who
likes going spelunking in the course of their
adventuring, troglodyte or not. The spells include
some which allow the caster to age his target
prematurely for the spell's duration, an unusual
combat tactic! Making magic items is far beyond
these sorry creatures, but they have found a few
interesting ones which are detailed next, being
used as badges of office by the tribe's leaders.

Next come some encounter ideas. You might be

unlucky enough to meet them on one of the rare
occasions that they come above ground to look for
food or sacrifices, or while you are exploring
underground. Or you might be really unlucky and
encounter their aboleth master. He's CR 9, so you'd
better be good or you will soon be dead. There is
plenty of detail on both him and his troglodyte
minions, far more than mere stat blocks alone, to
aid you in running any encounters. The work ends
with a new template, the degenerate creature,
which allows you to portray the decaying remains
of any race.
While these creatures and their home are
well-detailed and presented clearly so that they
would be easy to run, there is no real reason for
anyone to want to go and visit them... and they do
not venture far even when looking for surface
dwellers to sacrifice or eat. But if your characters
do encounter them, a memorable meeting it will












Cool Stuff
Conan the Barbarian

Few if any fantasy characters

can generate as much love and
buzz as the big barbarian
himself. Comics, books,
movies and TV shows have
been done about him; god they
even did a Saturday morning
carton show about the big lug.
Still after all these year Conan
brings out the barbarians in all
of us. Its funny though, many
folks have never read the
original Howard stories
featuring Conan. They are
quite a bit different then the
movies and other offerings.
So here you go, the coolest
fantasy character ever, Conan.
You can find the real barbarian
in these books by Howard here
at Amazon.

Iron Maiden


! They might not be able to hear you scream in

space, but that doesnt stop the Starship
Geek from making blast sounds and zap
noises when he plays. Nope, reality is not
what the Starship Geek is after; he is looking
for the excitement of a grand space battle,
the Enterprise surrounded by Klingon
warships, or a reenactment of the battle over
the Death Star. Cool looking figures of
spaceships can be found in his toolbox, all
lined up and ready to go. All day long he can
be found asking others in the game shop,
Care for a game of star fleet battles, its
easy, Ill show you how to play.







1: The Cave of Pain (Hex 8)

2: Ajuam (Hex 16)
3: Casting Platform (Hex 15)
4: The Rock of Runes (Hex 15)
5: Ruins of the Old Kings (Hex 15)
6: Ruins of Githmolk (Hex 21)
7: The Ruins of Othmor (Hex 22)
8: The Ruins of Simm-Ith (Hex 23)
9: The Ruins of Simm-Oth (Hex 23)
10: The Hole (Hex 23)
11: Eithmar Guthith (Hex 31)
12: Drirth-Kullith (Hex 39)
13: The Ruins of Givloth (Hex 40)







Mystic Dart
Have the spell caster make 4 move
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Make a ranged attack up to 8 for
one hit of damage
Yellow 1
Make a ranged attack up to 12 for
one hit of damage


Mystic Dart
Have the spell caster make 4 move
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Make a ranged attack up to 8 for
one hit of damage
Yellow 1
Make a ranged attack up to 12 for
one hit of damage


Mystic Dart
Have the spell caster make 4 move
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Make a ranged attack up to 8 for
one hit of damage
Yellow 1
Make a ranged attack up to 12 for
one hit of damage


Mystic Dart
Have the spell caster make 4 move
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Make a ranged attack up to 8 for
one hit of damage
Yellow 1
Make a ranged attack up to 12 for
one hit of damage


Have the spell caster make 4
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Remain in Play
The spell caster cannot be the
target of a spell while the shield is


Have the spell caster make 4
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Remain in Play
The spell caster cannot be the
target of a spell while the shield is


Have the spell caster make 4
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Remain in Play
The spell caster cannot be the
target of a spell while the shield is


Have the spell caster make 4
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Remain in Play
The spell caster cannot be the
target of a spell while the shield is


Have the spell caster make 4
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Remain in Play
Reduce, by -1 Category, all
attacks made against the spell


Have the spell caster make 4
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Remain in Play
Reduce, by -1 Category, all
attacks made against the spell


Have the spell caster make 4
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Remain in Play
Reduce, by -1 Category, all
attacks made against the spell


Have the spell caster make 4
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Remain in Play
Reduce, by -1 Category, all
attacks made against the spell


Mystic Bolt
Have the spell caster make 4 move
Play another War Band Card on this
spell caster
Yellow 0
Make a ranged attack up to 8 for two
hits of damage
Yellow 1
Make a ranged attack up to 12 for
two hits of damage


Mystic Bolt
Have the spell caster make 4 move
Play another War Band Card on this
spell caster
Yellow 0
Make a ranged attack up to 8 for two
hits of damage
Yellow 1
Make a ranged attack up to 12 for
two hits of damage


Mystic Bolt
Have the spell caster make 4 move
Play another War Band Card on this
spell caster
Yellow 0
Make a ranged attack up to 8 for two
hits of damage
Yellow 1
Make a ranged attack up to 12 for
two hits of damage


Mystic Push
Have the spell caster make 4
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 1
Push back, by 4 away form the
caster, all characters within the
casters front facing and who are
within 4


Mystic Push
Have the spell caster make 4
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 1
Push back, by 4 away form the
caster, all characters within the
casters front facing and who are
within 4


Mystic Push
Have the spell caster make 4
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 1
Push back, by 4 away form the
caster, all characters within the
casters front facing and who are
within 4


Mystic Blast
Have the spell caster make 4
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Place the Blast template anywhere
within 6 of the spell caster
All touched by the template take
2 hits of damage


Mystic Blast
Have the spell caster make 4
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Place the Blast template anywhere
within 6 of the spell caster
All touched by the template take
2 hits of damage


Have the spell caster make 4
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Remain in Play
Pick one character within sight of
the spell caster. Said character
cannot have move actions played
on them for the rest of the game


Have the spell caster make 4
Play another War Band Card on
this spell caster
Yellow 0
Remain in Play
Pick one character within sight of
the spell caster. Said character
cannot have move actions played
on them for the rest of the game


Have the spell caster make 4 move
Play another War Band Card on this
spell caster
Yellow 0
Place the two Blast templates
anywhere within 6 of the spell
All touched by the template take 2
hits of damage


Vol GG, Issue #3

Trem and Joloch

Originally, Trem was a low-level member of a citys
criminal underground. He was a fence: He bought
goods stolen by higher gang members and resold them
as legitimate wares. However, he wasnt satisfied with
his cut. After finding a customer willing to buy a dead
body, he began expanded into trading necromantic
components, spells, and rumors. Today, Trem has
established himself as THE source of illegal
necromantic items in the city.
Unfortunately for him, Trem has also been possessed
by a malevolent spirit that was trapped in a magical
item he tried to sell. This spirit calls itself Joloch and
used to be a necromancer in real life. Now, Joloch
wants Trem to spread necromancy through the city by
finding more powerful necromantic items and
components. Trem has no clue he is possessed: He is
only aware that he occasionally blacks out, something
he attributes to a poor diet. Joloch can take control at
any time but does so sparingly, as it does not want
Trem to suspect anything is wrong.
Suggested Uses
Trem is the main source of necromantic items in the
city. As such, he can be a great
source of information for the party.
Of course, the party might need to
convince the possessing spirit as
well. Other uses can include:

1. Speaking with Joloch: Alternatively, Joloch might

have some information useful to the party. Jolochs
possession of Trem could be an open secret--everyone
seems to know hes possessed except poor ol Trem.
2. Unexpected combat: As above, but Joloch doesnt
want Trem helping the party succeed on their quest
and attacks with powers and abilities far beyond
anything the players would expect from a two-bit
thug. Surprise!
3. Clean Up the City: Trem could be a side-quest
where the citys lord hires the party to find him and
put a stop to his trafficking. Again, Joloch would take
offense to the party trying to kill him. Can the party
convince Trem/Joloch to stop?
Information for Players
No check: There used to be a shady merchant named
Trem in the city, but no one has hear from him in a
few years.
DC 10: A human named Trem used to be a fence with
the local gang but he
found a better job. Now
he has some money and
lives in the merchants

DC15: Trem is now part of the necromantic underground in the city, using his criminal skills to procure
and trade items of dark magic. If you need a necromantic
item, Trem is your man.
DC20+: Trem can be found at the Bloody Magpie, a pub
near the center of the city. But be warned--not only is he
friends with some dark wizards, but some people have
seen him enter fits of incredible violence and strength.
Information for DMs only

Rogue 2 Wizard 2
Lawful Evil Medium Human
Inti; +1 Senses ; Perception +1 / +5
AC 11, touch 11, flatfooted 10
hp 15 (2d6+2 + 2d4)
Fort +0

Trem suspects hes possessed (hes not that stupid) but

doesnt mind as hes making more money than ever.
However, Joloch is ready to force Trem into selling
necromantic items on the cheap to spread more
necromancy through the city. The two are set for a battle
in the near future.
The citys necromancers find Trem very useful and,
should the party try to put Trem out of business, they
will intervene on Trems behalf. What might start as a
simple find the thug and arrest him mission could
easily turn into a huge battle for the soul of the city.
Joloch, when he is able to monsifest, cannot unlock all
of his power. While he was, in life, a 15th level Wizard,
he can only act within this body he has taken, at 2nd
level. Those stats and abilities shown in Red Type are
when Joloch is in control

Ref +5 Will +4 / +8

Speed 30ft
Dagger +2 (1d3+1)
Ranged Thrown Dagger +2 (1d3+1)
Str 12 Dex 12 Con 11 Int 12 / 20 Wis 13 / 16 Cha 8 / 16
Base Atk +1
Feats Alertness, Deceitful, Eschew Materials, Skill
Focus (Spellcraft)
Skills Appraise +4, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +1,
Disguise +1, Handle Animal +1, Intimidate +2,
Linguistics +6 (Draconic, Infernal, Orc,
Undercommon, Abyssal, Auran), Ride +3, Sense
Motive +3, Spellcraft +8
Equipment: Daggers x3
Special: Sneak Attack 1D6, Trapfinding, Evasion,
Trap Spotter, Arcane Bond, Arcane School,
Cantrips, Scribe Scroll
Spells per Day:
0 lvl
1st lvl

2nd lvl

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a: The

following text is the property of Wizards of
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1. Definitions:
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this
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provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
License v 1.0a Copyright 2000,
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference
Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by
E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009,
Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. The Book
of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008,
Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. Tome of
Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer
Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with
Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase,
Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale,
Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and
Bill Webb; Based on original content from
TSR. Class options Volume2: Paladins Prevail, Copyright 2009, Reality Deviant Publications, author Stefen Styrsk

All games available at

(Click on the name to visit their site)





Avalons premier game system the S&G battle system allows you to play skirmish level
engagements, and do so with a fast, easy to learn system that also allows for endless
expansions and genres. With S&G you can fight battles between fantasy based elves and
orcs, or blast off into the cold hard future with space marines and aliens.

Weapons and Armor


Warlord Grom


Damage mod


Special Abilities




As mod



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Battle Axe is a simple to play tabletop system for skirmish level

battles. Using cards instead of dice, you will find the game to be
less luck based and much more tactical in nature. The rules and
cards provide here will be enough to get you started, and new
characters and rule expansions are on the way so you can continue
to increase both the size and composition of your War Bands.

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